_xÇà PARISH STAFF Fr. Robert Merced, O.P., Pastor Fr. Cayet Mangiaracina, O.P., Associate Pastor Rev. Bro. Mauricio Salazar, O.P., Deacon Lea Smith, Parish Secretary Peggy Powell, Data Secretary Carla Richmond, Bookkeeper Trisha Labbe, Director of Religious Education Marli Freas, Youth Minister Cheryl Brothers, Music Director PARISH OFFICE 601 North Oak Street • Hammond, LA 70401 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone: 985-345-3360 • Fax: 985-542-4191 Parish Website: www.hgchurch.org HOLY GHOST SCHOOL Donna Wallette, Holy Ghost School Principal Holy Ghost School Telephone: 985-345-0977 School Website: www.hgschool.org Holy Ghost Catholic Church MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Spanish Mass: 6:00 pm Saturday Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Youth Mass: 5:00 pm Children’s Church: during 9:30 am Mass Daily: 7:00 am Monday thru Friday (in the Daily Chapel) Holy Days: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm BAPTISMS Contact Trisha Labbe at 985-345-3360 ext 28 or email at [email protected] at least 6 weeks in advance. MARRIAGES Contact the Parish Office at 985-345-3360 ext 21 to schedule a marriage at least 6 months in advance. CONFIRMATION Preparation begins in the 9th Grade. Contact Marli Freas at the beginning of the 9th Grade year at 985-345-3360 ext 26 or [email protected]. NEW PARISHIONERS If you have not yet had an opportunity to register, please call the parish office during office hours. We are very happy to have you here in our midst. February 28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent February 28, 2016 Third Sunday of Lent Holy Triduum Lenten Opportunities Lenten Evening Vespers Date: February 29, March 7, 14, 21 (Mondays during Lent) Where: Holy Ghost Catholic Church Daily Mass Chapel 5:50—Chaplet of Divine Mercy 6:00—Vespers 6:20—Guest Speaker ‐ .Mercy Presentation 6:45—Soup Supper You are welcome to join us for all or any part of the evening. Soup Schedule Holy Thursday at 6:00 p.m. February 29—Rosary Altar Society March 7—KC Ladies March 14—Marian Servants March 21—Marian Servants Good Friday Stations of the Cross at Noon Veneration and Communion at 3:00 p.m. Holy Saturday Morning Prayer in the Daily Mass Chapel Liturgy of the Hours Monday through Friday following 7:00am Mass 7:30—‐7:50 Books and assistance are provided. Stations of the Cross Date: Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 4,11,18 (Fridays during Lent) Where: Holy Ghost Catholic Church Time: 6:00pm to 6:30pm Easter Vigil at 7:30 p.m. Lenten Longings Seeing With God’s Eyes Easter Sunday People’s experiences in a small community shows that we all come from different places on the faith journey, but when we share we find we are all heading in the same direc on. Why not join us this Lent? Journey with us in a small community praying and sharing Scripture. It’s called Lenten Longings. We believe you will be richer for the experience. 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am All gatherings begin the week of Wednesday, February 17. To sign‐up, call Lea in the Church Office 345‐3360 ext 21. Penance Services Penance Services will be held at a different parish each week during Lent beginning at 6:00 pm. Wed., Feb. 17:Holy Ghost, Hammond Wed, Feb 24: Mater Dolorosa, Independence Wed, Mar 2: St. Helena, Amite Thurs, Mar 3: St. Joseph, French Settlement Wed, Mar 9: St. Joseph, Ponchatoula Wed, Mar 16: St. Margaret, Albany InandAroundtheParish Confirmation Class Schedule 2015‐2016 9th and 10th Grades 9th Grade Prepara on Class Dates 10th Grade Prepara on Class Dates February 28, 2016 2:30pm Parish Hall Annex March 6, 2016 2:30pm Parish Hall Annex April 24, 2016 Candidate & Sponsor Confirma on Prepara on End of Year Retreat *If Sponsor has not been chosen a parent MAY a end* 1:00 pm to 6:00pm Parish Hall & Mass A meal will be served at High School Youth Group following 5:00pm Mass (Except on Retreat Days). February 21, 2016 2:30pm Parish Hall Annex March 13, 2016 2:30pm Parish Hall Annex April 10, 2016 2:30pm Parish Hall Annex April 24, 2016 Candidate & Sponsor Confirma on Prepara on End of Year Retreat *If Sponsor has not been chosen a parent MAY a end* 1:00 pm to 6:00pm Parish Hall & Mass A meal will be served at High School Youth Group following 5:00pm Mass (Except on Retreat Days). Lenten Regulations During Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 10, to the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, March 24, the faithful are encouraged to examine their lives in light of their baptismal commitment: to ask forgiveness for those times they have been unfaithful and to celebrate a strengthening of their faith through frequent celebration of the Eucharist, daily pondering of Scripture, celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, participation in Lenten Devotions such as the Stations of the Cross, and performance of acts of self ‐denial, charity and works of mercy. The specific discipline of the Church in the United States regarding penitential days is as follows: Good Friday, March 25, is a Days of Fast and Abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are Days of Abstinence. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast; by this obligation the individual is permitted only one full meal in the day. Those from the age of 14 all are obliged to abstain. The law of abstinence forbids eating meat, but not eggs, milk products, or condiments of any kind even though made from animal fat. The obligation to observe the laws of fast and abstinence "substantially" or as a whole is a serious obligation. Failure to observe any penitential day in itself is not considered serious. It is the failure to observe any penitential days at all, or a substantial number of such days, which is considered serious. PSR PSR Spring 2016 Class Dates Feb 21 Session 11 Feb28 Session 12 Mar. OFF Class mes: 10:45 am to 1:00 pm unless noted otherwise. Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the many Churches that have this adoration, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance, and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day. This a great way to spend some quiet time in prayer and reflection. End your week with some time in Adoration. It is important that all time-slots be filled and committed to, as Jesus cannot be exposed without anyone present. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Friday, March 4 beginning at 7:30 am and ending with Benediction at 5:30 pm. The schedule is: Mass 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Friday Morning Prayers 7:30 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. Exposition 7:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Adoration: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Benediction 5:30 p.m. Readings for Next Week First Reading……………………......Joshua 5:9a, 10-12 Second Reading…………..…..2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Gospel Reading……………..……Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Rosary Altar Society would like to thank S & W Wholesale Foods, Frank, Rosemary, and Paul Spalitta for supplying totally delicious King Cakes. We couldn’t have done it without you! Stewardship of Finance 1st Collection.………….….……..…….…...…..$18,825.93 Online…………...……...…………...…………....$2,569.50 Total……………...……………...…..…….…....$21,395.00 Second Collection next weekend –Catholic Relief Services Flowers on the Altar We do not have flowers on the Altar during Lent. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY DAY OF REFLECTION The Rosary Altar Society Day of Reflec on will be on Thursday, March 17th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm in the church gathering area. All women and men of the parish are invited to a end. More informa on about the Day of Reflec on to follow. Flowers are needed for April 23 & 24, 30 & May 1 Book Blessings for March Deceased in the Parish clease remember in your prayers all of our Holy Ghost Parish family and f iends who mour the loss of a loved one especially, Sal Graziano Betty Thibodeaux Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen A chance encounter with a reproduc on of Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son catapulted Henri Nouwen on a long spiritual adventure. Here he shares the deeply personal and resonant medita on that led him to discover the place within where God has chosen to dwell. Opera on Rice Bowl This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where Honkham in using her love of cooking to provide for her family—and feed an en re school. How do we use our passions and gi s for the be erment of those we meet. Visit crsricebowl.org to watch videos of the people and communi es whose lives your Lenten gi s are changing. Please pick up a Rice Bowl in the gathering area. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Come join the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, an organiza on that supports the church and the community. It provides spiritual, social, and charitable ac vi es. Come to the mee ng the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm at the Hammond Knights of Columbus Hall. The LifeTouch Directories are in. If you par cipated in making the Church Directory possible , you may pick up your free directory at the Church Business Office from 8‐ 3 Monday thru Thursday or call Lea to make other arrangements. Mass Inten ons Prayers for the Sick Johnnie Rogers, Rose Dorsa, Carol Terre, Marguerite Borne, Charles Norman, Chip Norman, Karen Dubuisson, Daniel and Luke Morvant, Joey Mayeaux, Priscilla Palazzalo, Dolly Rhodes, Russell Tallo, Sr., Lisa Clague, Philip Mistretta, Jack Savage , Wesley Ridgedell, Rosalie Costanza, Henry Etten, Loretta Joiner, Catara Cage, Craig Inman, Toni Riley, Kathy Lamonica, Larry Garofalo, Joe Shimshack , June Cawvey, Frances Cicet, Emily Austin, Alvin Kirby, Charles & Laverne Baker, “Peanut” Ledet, Marcie Neumann, Caroline Toussaint, Karen Fleetwood, Virginia Pat Gunderson, Gail Stromeyer, Diane Centanni, The Cutrer Family, Kathy Lovell, Joe Gerosa, Albert Peco, Sal Yenni, Jr., Barbara Alack, Anthony Cole, Lacy Johnson, Mike Alleman, Paula Distefano, Karen Chemay, Ethan Vuskovich, Elsie Wyble, Charles Boyne, Manuel Guiteria, Liv Areno, Esther Daly, Drew Chimento, Rose Dominick, Daisy Norman, Louis Lorio, Juanita Boehm, Debbie Contorno, Jack Catalinotto, Rosie Brettillo, Charles Murdock, Anna Rodgers, Goldie Krafft, Deb Hill, Raymond Bergeron, Mike Guzzardo, Cindy Costanza, Cheryl BergeronBonie, John Ferrara, Melia Franks, Mary Ann Huebinger, Elise Angelette, Hunter Hoffman, Brentley Hoffman, Fred Trapp, Audrey Martinez, Susan Spring, Arthur Daussat, Morris Bankston, Monette Garon, Richard Seale, Emerson Bean, Audrey Nuccio, Steven Bourque, Donna Skinner, Thelma Brettillo, Beverly Basha, James Christina, Johnnie Santangelo,III, Janice Breuhl, Ken Yeomans, Brandy Estopinal, Anna Bass, Linda Freire, Ricky Lips, Alena Governale, Freddie Dubois, Elise Boyle, Anthony Prescia, Jr., Eddie Paul Bearb, Macy Gueldner, Joseph Diecidue, John Marlbrough, Lynette Edwards, Leon V. Latino, Sr., Jeanette Ernst, Bonnie Shettles, Gracie Anzalone, Daisy Arvello, Jay Burchfield, Isabella Pena, Johnny Domiano, Robert Goodwin, Dru Frederick, Frank Schiro, Thomas Bourgeois Jr, Mary Cashio, Audrey Costanza, Carlo Bentivegna, Gregg Mader, Sarah Marie Caldorera, Lillie Giacone, David Hebert, Melissa Madere, Gail Gorman, Christine McTopy, Mary Fardella, Robert Egan, Jo Ellen Marten, Albert Niquiporo, Amy Sutton, Hazel Sam, Carl and Cynthia Boucher, Mary and John Hanks, Leon V. Latino, Jr., Eva Mae Burnett. If you seek intentions for someone who is sick, please call the Holy Ghost Office so we can include them in our prayer list. Please keep in mind that we pray for all the sick in the prayers of the Gentle Hands Ministry Retreat Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you… Jeremiah 1:5 Save the Date for a half‐day retreat for those who have experienced miscarriage, s llbirth, or the loss of a child of any age. Saturday, March 12, 2016 9:00 am—12:30 pm St. Aloysius Catholic Church Online registra on will be available soon. To register via email, please contact [email protected]. This retreat is free and open to all denomina ons and faiths. Couples are encouraged to a end together. Gentle Hands is a ministry of St. Aloysius Parish. For more informa on, email [email protected] Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM FEB. 29 ‐ MAR. 6 Marcie Je e Neumann+ Dwight Richmond+ Frank J. Patanella+ Gerry & Bud Dalton+ Aaron Thibodeaux+ Sat 4:00 PM PURGATORIAL Pual Arvello+ Wife & Children David McArthur, Jr.+ Lena Bonfiglio Anthony LaMonica+ Vincent & Lena Marsiglia Anthony, Antoine e Prescia+ Prescia Family Phillip & Virginia Notariano+ Daughters & Families Barbara & Clyde Eschete+ Mary Greathouse Darien J. Greenwood+ Family Patricia A. Lee+ Sister, Gaynell Lee Sat Sun Sun 6:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM People of the Parish Frank Hervieu+ Deacon Wallace Gainey, Jr.+ Anthony LaMonica+ Cruisin' Cajuns Bon "BJ" Suarez+ Ronnie & Bridget Fugarino Ron Curet+ Holy Ghost Bereavement Anna Distefano+ Distefano Family Frank Siciliano+ Geri, Ken & Kenny Mayeaux Kathryn Magnani+ Nora Lumino Sun Sun 11:30 AM 5:00 PM Raymond Drude+ Joe & Tony Pecoraro+ Sr. Anna Mary Caronia+ Carol & Roy Ponthier John & Toni Dorsa Lore a Joiner & Family REQUESTED BY: Rita Neupert Carla & Family Jo Ellen & Tommy Marten Peggy & Paul Rita Neupert Geraldine & Children Gainey Family Young Adult Honduras Mission Trip 2016 Consider joining our group on a mission trip to Honduras from June 9‐20, 2016. This trip is young adults, ages 18 and older. The mission is sponsored by a Catholic non‐ profit organiza on, Missioners of Christ, and is open to young adults around the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Several preparatory sessions completed with our group are required before a ending the mission. For more informa on contact Steven Brooksher at 225‐773‐0374 or [email protected] or Shannon Baldridge at 225‐921‐9074 or [email protected]. You can also visit our website at brmochonduras.weebly.com. Support Those Who Support Us: Parish Bulletin Advertisers Our parish bulletin is provided to us at no cost to you through the generous support of local businesses (often, parishioners as well!). When you use their services, please be sure to thank them for their support to our parish! If you would like to advertise in our bulletin please contact Richard Dark (504-906-3110; [email protected]) or Heather Gaudet (504-261-6836; [email protected]). Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Oficina de Holy Ghost: 985-345-3360 Primera lectura Preparación para Bautizos: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Primera lectura Éxodo 3:1‐8a, 13‐15) o Exodo 17:3‐7. Preparacion para Primera Comunion: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Segunda lectura 1 Corintios 10:1‐6, 10‐12 o Romanos 5:1‐2, 5‐8. Preparación de Ministros de la Eucaristia: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Evangelio (Lucas 13:1‐9) o Juan 4:5‐42 [5‐15, 19b‐26, 39a, 40‐42]. Preparación de Lectores: Coco Sandino, teléfono 504-228-9398 Coro y Quinceañeras: Veronica Holt, teléfono 985-320-1707 Preparación religiosa y catecismo “Kindergarden” y Octavo grado Preparación de Acólitos o monaguillos: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Horario de Febrero 2016 28 de Febrero, Sesión #12 Confesiones Todos los Sábados de 3:00 p.m. a 3:45 p.m. Durante los días de semana llamar para hacer una cita con el sacerdote al 985‐345‐3360 Todas las clases se llevarán a cabo de 10:30 am 1:15 pm Clases de preparación para la confirmación (Todas las clases se llevarán a cabo en el salón de la parroquia) Normas del empo de Cuaresma En la Diócesis de Baton Rouge todos los católicos de 14 a 59 años de edad tienen la obligación de cumplir con el ayuno solemne durante el miércoles de Ceniza, el Viernes Santo y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. Ayunar significa que hay que consumir una sola comida completa al día como máximo. Sin embargo, es permitido comer cantidades pequeñas de alimentos durante las horas habituales de comidas. El abstenerse de comer carne significa no comer carne de res, ternera, cerdo, pollo o cualquier otra ave. El consumo de pescados y mariscos se permite si se desea. Además de los días obligatorios ya mencionados, también se recomienda la abstinencia de comer carne todos los viernes durante todo el año. Todos los cristianos estamos obligados a hacer penitencia de acuerdo a la ley de divina. Sólo se excusa a aquellos que no tengan buena salud u otra situación similar. Durante la cuaresma, la oración, el ayuno y el dar limosna son de suma importancia. También debemos de buscar el perdón de nuestros pecados mediante el uso del sacramento de Penitencia o confesión. Via Crucis todos los Viernes de Cuaresma a las 6:00 pm. Clases para el Noveno Grado 28 de Febrero, 2016 2:30 pm a 6:00 6 de Marzo, 2016 2:30 pm a 6:00 pm Clases para le Décimo grado 21 de Febrero, 2016 2:30 a 6:00 pm 13 de Marzo, 2016 2:30 a 6:00 10 de Abril, 2016 No habrá clases en Abril 2:30 a 6:00 pm Para el Noveno grado 24 de Abril del 2016 Retiro de fin de año para candidatos, padrinos/madrinas de 1:00 a 6:00 pm en el salon parroquial. Si no han elegido al padrino/madrina uno de los padres puede asistir. Se servirá cena despues de la misa de las 5:00 pm (excepto en los días de retiro) Únase a nuestra comunidad parroquial— y casi 14,000.00 comunidades católicas en los Estados Unidos—en una jornada de Cuaresma que cambia vidas con el Plato de Arroz de CRS. Utilicen su Plato de Arroz de carton, (disponible despues de la Misa) haga su donación y regrese el plato de carton con su donación a la iglesia. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: Holy Ghost #291050 601 N. Oak Street Hammond, LA 70401 Contact person: Peggy Powell @ 985-345-3360 Software: Win 7-SP1, MSPub 2010, Adobe Acrobat X Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 content pages + this page = 6 (6-8-JL; 1 advt) Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Day & time of transmission: Tuesday by noon Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: Special instructions (for delivery): FedEx tracking e-mail:
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