Founder_&_Board_files/Board Members

 Board Members
Marioly Torrico
President - Evolution Women,
Marioly Torrico is the angel investor and President of Evolution
Women, Marioly was born in Charagua Bolivia and she traveled the
world since 1969 living in more than eight countries in Asia, Africa, North and South
America, while raising her children and being a wife and mother. Always drawn to
art, in Japan she obtained a Ikebana certified teacher status, and mastered her
painting skills ever since.
She spent her life supporting others. Her family has always been her priority and she
is an example in making change and adaptation to new situations a form of living art.
Currently she lives in Fort Pierce and is happily married to Paul Desborough. She
spends her time painting and giving love and support to her children and
grandchildren. Recently she has won several awards for her paintings that can be
seen in Art Mundo, Ft. Pierce.
Winner of the ArtMundo Festival with “Misty River” oil on canvas piece and other
many awards.
Paul Desborough
Evolution Women Treasurer
Financial Expert/ Real Estate Broker
“After graduating with an undergraduate degree in electrical
engineering and a master's in finance I started a career with Eastman Kodak
progressing through a series of finance and management jobs including VP Finance
and Administration for Kodak's photofinishing, copier, and battery divisions. My last
job at Kodak was divesting several non core Kodak businesses and connections made
in the process led me to leave Kodak and become part of a founding team that
acquired a metal forming and plastic molding division from Tyco. That women owned
business sensitized me to both the opportunities and challenges facing women in the
workplace. After 10 years the business was sold and I bought a small real estate
company in Florida. Having sold that recently I look forward to helping Duanne with
Board Members
Ron Starkman, Miami Florida
Administrative Board Advisor
Mr. Starkman began his business career with General Electric, and
then joined its Corporate Consulting Group. He graduated cum
laude with B.S. degrees in industrial engineering and nuclear
engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1977
and received his MBA from Harvard Business School in 1982.
Ronald P. Starkman has more than twenty five years experience in finance and
executive management. Before becoming semi-retired in 2002, he served as
Senior Vice President & Treasurer of Borden, Inc.. after having served as a
director on the board of Borden Chemicals & Plastics. Prior to that, he co-founded
Claremont Capital Group, Inc., a venture capital and financial advisory firm. He
was also the Senior Vice President of Investment Banking at Lehman Brothers
Japan. From 1982 through 1993, he was with American Express Company
advancing to the position of Vice President and Assistant Treasurer and co-head of
the Corporate Treasurer's Office.
He has been active in his community throughout his life, serving as trustee of the
Columbus Symphony Orchestra, president of his NYC Coop, Treasurer of his Miami
Condominium, and as an advisor to the International Rescue Committee and
Family Counseling Service of Miami.
Paola Barragan Montes de Oca - Bogota, Colombia
Evolution Women Development Advisor
International Consultant, Expert in Reform of Judical Systems
Paola Barragan is a public manager and coach with more than 15
years of experience working in projects funded by major donor
agencies such as the UNDP, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, USAID,
and international non-governmental organizations.
She was born in La Paz-Bolivia and was raised and educated in the U.S., France and
Belgium. She specializes in providing coaching, managerial and technical assistance
in a broad range of areas including judicial reform, access to justice for vulnerable
populations, human rights, legal education, among others and has held managerial
and technical leadership positions in developing and conflict-affected countries
including South Sudan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia, Haiti,
West Bank, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Honduras.
Board Members
Claudia Jokowicz
Evolution Women Board Advisor
Visual Artist
Claudia Joskowicz was born in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia and
currently lives and works in New York and Bolivia. Her work was
included in the 10th Sharjah Biennial, the 29th Sao Paulo Biennial, and the 10th
Havana Biennial. Joskowicz has had solo exhibitions at Thierry Goldberg Projects, NY,
the Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia; Galería Kiosko, Santa Cruz, Bolivia; The
Soap Factory, Minneapolis; Lawndale Art Center, Houston; and Momenta Art, Brooklyn,
Juan Carlos Iturri - La Paz, Bolivia
Evolution Women Development Advisor
Executive Director of Fundacion Innovacion en Empresariado
Social (IES)
Juan Carlos Ituri es
Licenciado en Economía con maestría en
Gestión y Política Pública. Hoy es Director ejecutivo de la Fundación Innovación en
Empresariado Social (IES).
Como consultor ha tenido como clientes a importantes empresas e instituciones
entre las que destacan: Telecom Internationale Mobile (TIM), Ernst & Young, PNUD,
UNICEF (Bolivia), UNICEF (Colombia),
Multivisión, Banco Central de Bolivia,
Pricewaterhouse Coopers, INTERFISA (Paraguay), Madepa, Papelex, AMETEX, Grupo
Multimedia de Comunicación (ATB-La Razón), Comunidad de Productores, Fundación
Nuevo Norte, Fundación PRODEM, Minera San Cristobal, La Boliviana Ciacruz,
Cooperativa Rural de Electricidad, SAGUAPAC, Entel SA, Banco SOL, BATT, Programa
de Coordinación del TLC con los EEUU, Banco Central de Bolivia, Programa Bolivia
Competitiva en Comercio y Negocios, Programa Capital para el Crecimiento
Empresarial, AON, COSUDE.
También diseñó y fue director del Programa Ejecutivo de Alta Gerencia de Maestrías
para el Desarrollo. Ha impartido cursos en Negociaciones, Formación de Equipos,
Manejo del Cambio, Liderazgo, Estrategia, Decisiones Gerenciales, Organización y
Administración de Recursos Humanos, tanto en Bolivia como el exterior.
Fue y es miembro de varios Directorios entre los que destacan: Cámara de Industria
y Comercio, Mutual La Paz, Eco Futuro FFP, APEL, Fundación Bolivia Exporta,
IDEPRO, Irupana, Banco Sol, Multiagro, Alimenta, La Concepción, La Purita, Audax,
Palma Verde, Agricabv y Naturaleza.
Board Members
Alfie Rustom, New York, NY, USA
Evolution Women Board Advisor for Outreach
Techonology Expert Consultant
Alfie Rustom has worked for over 15 years as a technology
consultant to the Treasury and Capital Markets, his clients are
some of the worlds' leading financial institutions including HSBC, Deutsche Bank,
World Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank.
Mr Rustom gained a MSci with 1st Class Honors in Physics from the University of St.
Andrews, where he was further awarded the prestigious Nichols Scholarship in Low
Temperature Physics to pursue his PhD. After accepting, he soon realized that
academia was not for him and opted to explore a global career in financial
technology. He has worked for extended periods throughout Asia, Australia, Europe
and North America. He currently lives and works in New York as a Consulting
Manager for Misys PLC, and fills his spare time writing screenplays.
Ethel Palaci
Evolution Women Editorial Advisor
Editorial Chief of EW Bulletin
Ethel Palací Llegó hace 30 años a los Estados Unidos (1981)
desde su ciudad natal Buenos Aires, Argentina. Siempre ha
vivido en la ciudad de Miami, y durante 25 años se ha
desempeñado profesionalmente como editora, escritora,
desempeñado de manera voluntaria colaborando con organizaciones y entidades sin
ánimo de lucro.
Durante 25 años trabajó como coordinadora editorial y editora de Thomas Nelson
Publishing, editora y escritora general de la Revista BuenHogar de Televisa, Directora
de la Revista Prevention en Español también de Televisa, Editora Ejecutiva de las
Revistas Casa y Estilo y Todobebé, aportando textos para la versión online y
televisiva de esta última (Todobebé). La Señora Palací, participa en programas de
radio y televisión, como por ejemplo el segmento enfocado a la mujer del programa
“Al Rojo Vivo” con María Celeste. También acumula en su experiencia haber sido la
editora de BestSellers como el libro “Risas y Lágrimas” del legendario comediante
argentino Jorge Porcel.
Board Members
Sachari Milian – Miami, Fl USA
Evolution Women Marketing & Media Advisor
Expert Media Programming and Producer
Sachari es Directora de Programación de Eventus Live y se
caracteríza por tener un estilo de liderazgo eficiente y humano.
Desde hace más de 10 años trabaja con medios habiéndo sido parte del equipo de
Univisión y ahora de Eventus Live que se enfocan a entregar servicios al mercado
hispano en Estados Unidos. Sachari se destaca en el medio por su profesionalismo
combinado con un un sentido de valores y ética que se reflejan en su trabajo
voluntario con la fundación del hospital de niños con cancer St. Jude´s Hospital y
ahora, con Evolution Women.