PARISH SACRAMENTAL AND PRAYER 8:30 am 12:10 pm 8:30 am 12:10 pm 8:30 am 12:10 pm 8:30 am 12:10 pm 8:30 am 12:10 pm MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 Rosemary & Amelia Gelson, Ethel Crawn Maria Rosalba Quintero, Edna O'Connor, Theresa Gero TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Elizabeth Grimm, Aggie Ryan (Healing) Anthony Calinda, John & Leocadia Martin, Terese McCann WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Dr. Nicholas Christos, Carol Svezia Marie Josephine Magnier Ethel Crawn, Mabel Currivan THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 Angelo Fanton, Deborah McGraw, Special Intention Ralph A. Petrock, Anthony De Luca FRIDAY,OCTOBER 9 Patty O'Brien, Coleen Maguire Timothy J. Sullivan, Theresa Gero, Jennifer Cobb SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Tanya Robinson Francis E. Baumann, William Fitze, Philomena & Saverio Allocco, Janet Ciufo, Fred & Margaret Dalena For the people of the parish 8:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 p.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 The Michael Roberto Family, Janis Kelly, Phyllis Giannone, Theresa Jagiello, James Granato Gilda Ricca, Mary Guerriero, John E. Lantz, Margaret Langan, Anne & Ambrose Wasdyke Joseph Romano, James Mayfield, Susan & Anthony Cavazza, Eileen Callaghan, Angelina Bassolino The Rowell Family, Joseph De Marzo, Viviano Sodano, Bob Beaman, Nancy Sodano The Altar Bread and Wine For the Week of October 11 - 17, 2015 are in memory of: Joseph De Marzo Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20) We welcome into the Roman Catholic Church those who were baptized: Leah Villalobos-Moreno who was baptized September 25, 2015 Stanley John Rusher who was baptized September 26, 2015 Samuel James Hubschmitt, Liam Matthew Marques who were baptized September 27, 2015 “Is anyone among you suffering? They should pray. Is anyone among you sick? They should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:13,14) PRAY FOR THE SICK Joan Burke, Mikey Nichols, Fr. Ron Sordillo, Charlotte McVeigh, Richard Reilly, Skip Bohse, Kristen Powers, Michelle Garrubbo, Noah Stanzione, Muriel Rafter, Susan Zuzuro, Nancy Ann Roberts, Laura Walsh, Madeline "Sookie" Lepre, Faye Kruger, Francis Murphy, Jeff Burton, Kristen Curcio, Bruce Merli, Bob Donnelly, Michael Lo Bosco, Annette McVeigh, Jack Vander Meulen “Lord for your faithful people life is changed not ended. When the body of our earthly dwelling lies in death we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven.” Roman Missal, Preface of Christian Death PRAY FOR THE DEAD Crescenzo Di Lella (father of Fr. Chris Di Lella), Mary Cary, John Barry FINANCIAL BLESSINGS The weekend collection for Saturday/Sunday, September 26/27 amounted to $20,050.00. Your generosity to our Church is gratefully appreciated. CHILDREN'S COLLECTION Our children’s collection for Sammy's Friends Foundation for the weekend of Septembe26/27 amounted to $71.00. Thank you girls and boys for helping. OCTOBER 4, 2015 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME How is our Church Renovation Progressing? Church Renovation Update Sunday, October 4th - 6:30 PM - Parish Auditorium You are invited to come and share your input with us. 3-fold Goal of the Evening: See models of our new Liturgical Furnishings: Ambo, Altar and Font Hear about the good work being done by fellow parishioners on our various committees: The Liturgical, the Acoustics and the Landscape Subcommittees, as well as our Renovation Committee Receive an update on the Timeline proposed for the start of our Parish Renovation. You are invited to stop by the front of the Church (Green Village Road) to see the outline of our new addition and plaza before the meeting! Be a part of creating our worship space! FAITH U: THE LAND AND FAITH OF JESUS A Three-Part Mini Course Part I: October 15 at 7:30 PM – The Bible Trail Come experience the land that Jesus walked during the First Century. Discover the geography, the region, the flowers and fauna that Jesus witnessed each day. Visit the Holy Land without leaving Madison and experience the beauty of our Homeland! Part II: November 9 at 7:30 PM – The Climate of the Times Understand more about the political, social, economic and religious climate of the world into which Jesus was born. How did these conditions impact the First Century Jewish People? What set the stage for the coming of the Messiah? Come to better understand the Infancy Narratives and the Ministry of Jesus by learning about the socio-political climate. Part III: December 3 at 7:30 PM – The Faith of Jesus Explore the “Jewishness” of Jesus. Find out about the Blessings, Prayers, Purification Rituals, as well as other religious practices of the First Century Judeans. How do these practices impact our Catholic Faith and Catholic Liturgy? We are blessed to have Professor David Hyman, Visiting Scholar at Seton Hall University, visit us this Fall to share his insights, knowledge and love of the Holy Land. All Sessions will be held in the Parish Center Community Room. RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY Whether it lasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift. At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God's love. Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in times of suffering. An elderly man whose health is quickly deteriorating; an unborn baby girl whose diagnosis indicates she may not live very long; a little boy with Down syndrome; a mother facing terminal cancer - each may have great difficulties and need assistance, but each of their lives is a good and perfect gift. Experience suffering - or watching another suffer - is one of the hardest human experiences. But we are not alone. Christ experienced suffering more deeply than we can comprehend, and our own suffering can be meaningful when we unite it with his. Jesus is with us every step of the way, giving us the grace we need. God invites to embrace the lives we have been given, for as long as they are given. Every life is worth living. 2015 Bishop's Annual Appeal Serving Christ Amount Us Our Catholic Charities agencies continue to serve tens of thousands of people in profound need each year. These people could be your neighbors, co-workers, friends or loved ones. As Catholics, we are committed to serving Christ among us, especially those who are hurting and lost. The largest percentage of Appeal funds each year is used to help our Catholic Charities agencies do their essential work. Please make a pledge to the 2015 Appeal today. For your convenience, you can make an online gift at PRAYER RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process offered to adults who wish to discern their call to full membership in the Catholic Church. Saint Vincent Martyr will host 5 Inquiry Sessions: (October 7, October 14 October 21, October 28) to help you discern if this is right for you. Come and See if God is calling you to become Catholic. FEAST OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Blessing of Animals) In honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, we will celebrate the Blessing of Animals (English/Spanish) today at 3:00 p.m. on the back porch of the church. Saint Francis is loved by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. He patterned his extremely simple lifestyle after the life of Jesus. His beautiful prayers and songs provide a map for the way we should live our own lives while giving us a glimpse of heaven. His 'Canticle of Creation," gives praise to God for all of God's creatures, "great and small." St. Vincent Martyr Women's Cornerstone November 6 - 7, 2015 Cornerstone is a unique retreat designed to provide participants an opportunity to revitalize and deepen their spiritual lives. Cornerstone is a time to listen, reflect and share experiences and discover how Christ walks with us every step of our lives. Cornerstone is a chance to be with ordinary women who have joined together to create an extraordinary experience for you. All participants are provided sleeping accommodations at the parish which helps ensure a spiritual continuity of the experience for all. (If this presents a hardship, please speak to Jan). For more information, contact Jan at [email protected] or 973-377-4000 ext 253 HOW CAN WE PRACTICE MERCY DURING THE JUBILEE YEAR? PARISH PLANNING MEETING FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Parish Planning Meeting Oct. 11 at 7 PM in the Media Center All are welcome! STEP INTO THE FUTURE OF SVMS We have revamped our website" Check it out! To date we have been blessed with $1,712,266.26 from 207 families plus the HSA. We thank you for bringing us closer to our goal of 2 million dollars! To make a gift please make checks payable to SVMS Addition and mail to the Parish Office. FALL SCRIPTURE SERIES: THE GOSPEL OF LUKE CHRISTIANS OF THE HOLY LAND Our parish will once again be visited by the Christians of the Holy Land this weekend. This group of Bethlehemites bring the message of those Christians who live in the holy city. Besides sharing their story and plight with us, they also will bring some beautiful olive wood religious articles for you to check out and possibly purchase. The group is lead by Rami M. Qumsieh, KHS who visited us once before. The merchandise sale will take place in the school gym after all the Masses this weekend. DAILY READINGS TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Our Fall study challenges us to submerge ourselves in the richness of the Word of God. It is an opportunity to look at the Old and New Testament verses and learn more about the Faith and Times of Jesus. More than just a Bible study, it’s biblical catechesis. This course will be a nice preparation for our Sunday Readings during the Cycle C Year, the Gospel of Luke. If you have never participated in a Bible Study before, take the plunge! For our veterans, this will be our time to prepare for the Year of Mercy! Each class is offered three times each week: Sunday at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. We will begin the week of October 4th. Please bring YOUR BIBLE! To register, contact Jan at [email protected] 973377-4000 ext 253. Save the Date – Fall 2015 October 4 at 6:30 PM Parish Renovation Update: come and see where we are with the Project! October 15, November 9, December 3 at 7:30 PM Faith U.: Faith and Land of Jesus – series to learn more about First Century Life in the Holy Land. November 6-7 Women’s First SVM Cornerstone: Come to the Feast December 1, 8, 15 at 7:15 PM CONVERSION: Adult Study Program – following the Call of Christ. Sunday Gn 2:18-24; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 Monday Jon 1:1—2:2,11; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday Jon 3:1-10; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday Jon 4:1-11; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday Mal 3:13-20b; Lk 11:5-13 Friday Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday Jl 4:12-21; Lk 11:27-28 MASS BOOK FOR 2016 On Tuesday, October 13, the Mass Intention Book for 2016 will open. Between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon parishioners may come in and make arrangements for Mass intentions. The book will be located in the vestibule of the Ministry Center. Forms will be available in the church vestibule and the Parish Office. Due to the large amount of Mass intention requests we receive, we must insist that there be only one sheet per person and limiting the intentions to the space on the sheet. You must bring the sheet yourself, please do not give it to someone else to bring. If you cannot bring it, please mail it in and they will be processed the following day. Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. EDUCATION YOUTH NEWS CHRISTIAN FORMATION 1.) Antioch team day this Sunday beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Youth Center. 2.) Alpha team meeting Sunday, October 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Center for both the November and January retreats. 3.) Fantioch '15 meeting Wednesday, October 7 from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. in the Youth Center. 4.) The fall Antioch retreat, FANTIOCH, is October 9 - 11. Get your registrations in as we still have a few open spots for registering. The retreat begins Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Center. 5.) Anyone who is still interested in registering for Youth Ministry for the 2015 - 16 school year needs to contact Jody Costello at 973-377-4000, ext. 301 or email [email protected]. Religious Education (K-8th) Registrations are still being accepted for the academic year 2015-2016 for Christian Faith Formation. Please return your pre-printed form or access a new one by visiting our church's website to print and complete a blank registration form and read through our brochure to see which program fits best for your family. For further information about enrolling please contact Denise Stefanelli, Director at 973-377-4000 ext. 251 or via email at [email protected] Teachers(Catechists) and Classroom Aides Needed CCD is seeking volunteers for our Traditional Monday Program afterschool Mondays from 3:30 - 5:00pm. All training is provided as well as learning tools and resources. No experience necessary- help needed K-5th grade. Sixth Grade Installation Mass Junior High Ministry 6th graders and newly enrolled 7th and 8th graders are invited to attend, along with family and friends, to an Installation Mass on Sunday, October 4 at the noon Mass. A special blessing upon the children will be given, as well their Youth Bible. Directly following will be their first instructional session at 1:00 pm. Meeting Dates: Faith Family Sunday - Sunday, October 4 from 10:00 11:45 am in the Community Room/School Cafeteria. Traditional Monday Classroom - Monday, October 5 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm meeting in the Community Room/School Cafeteria proceeding to the Church as a large group for opening. 6th Grade Junior High Ministry Instructional Session Sunday, October 4 from 1:00 -2:30 pm in the Community Room/School Cafeteria. Pizza will be served. 8th Grade Junior High Ministry Instructional Session Sunday, October 11 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm School Gym. 7th Grade Junior High Ministry Instructional Session Sunday, October 18 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm in the Community Room/School Cafeteria. Hope Family Sunday - Sunday, October 18 from 10:00 11:45 am in the Community Room/School Cafeteria. First Sacraments (Reconciliation and Communion) Parent Orientation Meeting - Thursday, October 29 from 3:30 -4:30 pm or 7:00 -8:00 pm in the Community Room/School Cafeteria. ORGAN & TRUMPET MINI MID-DAY CONCERT SAVE THE DATE! Monday, October 19 at 1:00 p.m. (after the 12:10 p.m. Mass) featuring our own organist, Linda Loria and parishioner, Rich Gradone. The event is sponsored by the Metro NJ American Guild of Organists. MINISTRY Social Justice Outreach Committee Meeting Good and loving God, we pray that with Your help and through our work this world will be a better place. The next meeting of the Social Justice Outreach Committee will take place on: Thursday, October 8, 2015 – 7:00 PM Ministry Center - St. Christopher Room The committee provides a forum to plan and coordinate many of St. Vincent Martyr’s social justice outreach programs. At this meeting we will review upcoming Fall/Winter outreach ministries. If there are questions or you cannot attend the meeting but would like to provide your thoughts, please contact Gene Cracovia at [email protected] or 973-3019139. GRIEF RECOVERY PROGRAM SEMINARIAN SUPPORT Grieving is the most normal and natural response to a loss, but it is the most misunderstood experience. Society wants us to deal with loss as an intellectual response. That is why grief can have a lasting impact on a person’s happiness. Grief is an emotional response to a loss. After your loss, you may have wished that some things had been different, better or more. There were hopes, dreams and expectations that now will never come to pass. The intention of the Grief Recovery Method® Support Program will help you discover what was emotionally left incomplete. If you are willing to make a commitment of time and some work, you will recover and move beyond your grief. Dangler Funeral Home, Inc. offers this program free of charge. To find out more about this program, please join me: It's time for the annual collection in support of our Seminarians! Empty bags will be handed out this weekend for you to 'fill' with a list of suggested items. Filled bags are to be returned to the vestibule no later than October 17. Even if you do not have time to shop/donate, please give your most valuable gift to our Seminarians - your prayers!! Betty Dangler, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist® When: Thursday, October 8, 2015 Time: 7:30 PM Where: Burroughs, Kohr, Dangler Funeral Home 106 Main St. Madison, NJ 07940 SVMS CUB SCOUTS The Cub Scouts of St. Vincent Martyr School will be selling popcorn outside of church after all Masses this weekend. A Family Perspective In today's Gospel, Jesus encourages married couples to throw away the marriage rule book. Rules are for those with "hardened hearts." Married couples are called to be a sacramental reflection of God's faithful and selfless love - a place where people live and love beyond rules and formulas. R.S.V.P. 973-377-3232 by 10/5/15 Website: Email: [email protected] SERVICE ANNUAL CLOTHING DRIVE The Fall clothing drive to benefit those in need at St. Agnes, Paterson will take place Sunday, October 11. All seasons of clothing and shoes are accepted. In this clothing drive we are also looking to identify both at St. Agnes and St. Vincent, any specific needs for gently-used clothing. If you know of such clothing needs, please let us know and we will identify those needs ahead of time. Contact Mike Dreitlein at 973-727-5958 or email [email protected] All clothing is to be brought to the school lobby from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. Clothing is immediately taken to St. Agnes. Scripture and the 12 Steps, moderated by Fr. Paul Manning and MaryTheresa Conca each Sunday from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." (James 4:8) Do you have a situation in your life that seems to re-occur when you have sworn it off forever? It just seems to come back against your will. If so, join us who have found a design for living that works. Setting the World Ablaze: St. Catherine of Siena Study Group for Women, each Tuesday evening from 7:30 9:00 p.m. through November 17. Enrich your everyday lives and spiritual journeys with ENDOW, Education on the Nature and Dignity of women. The program gathers women to discover their God-given dignity and to understand their role in transforming society. Workbooks purchased separately, registration fee of $20.00. To register go to the website or call 973-377-1004. In The Comunity Community Soup Kitchen Hunger Walk, on Sunday, October 18 beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Soup Kitchen location, Church of the Redeemer, 36 South St., Morristown. The 5.1k (3.1m) walk is a major fundraiser for the Soup Kitchen which serves hot nutritional meals to 125 - 300 needy guests 365 days per year. In its 30 year history they have never missed a day and St. Vincent Martyr has partnered with the Soup Kitchen for the vast majority of those 30 years. For more information please call the Morristown Soup Kitchen at 973-267-0709 or the website at Morris Catholic High School, Denville will hold an Open House on Tuesday, October 6 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 18 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. All prospective students and their families are invited to attend and meet our amazing teachers, coaches, and students. For more information, please visit or contact Maureen Costello 973-627-6674, ext. 132. Madison Police Officer Captain Joe Cirella has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and has begun treatment. He has been a dedicated officer having serving our community for 26 years. Please consider making a donation during this difficult time to which was established by the Madison Police Dept. Sisters of Charity Harvest Festival, on Thursday, October 29 from 6:30 - 10:00 p.m. at the Madison Hotel. Guests will enjoy cocktails, dinner and dancing. Special honorees are Carlotta M. Budd, Esq. and Alix Ann Arlinghaus. Cost is $200. per person. Raffle tickets with a first prize of a $5,000. travel voucher are available for $50. per ticket and winner need not be present. For dinner or raffle tickets please contact the Sisters of Charity Development Office at 973-290-5409. The voice of our membership is very important to the vitality and life of our community. In order to keep our records updated - If you are not a registered parishioner and wish to become a member of our Parish Family, or if you are moving out of the parish, changing your address or wish to receive envelopes. Please take a minute to fill in the following. You may either drop the completed form into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank you for your time. ( ) New Parishioner ( ) Moving out of Parish ( ) Change of Address ( ) Send Envelopes Name: Address: Town: Zip: Phone: Follow us on Facebook San Vincente mártir “Experiencia hispana” Rev. Msgr. George F. Hundt, Parroco [email protected] x 101 Rev. Darwin Lastra, Vicario [email protected] X 102 Deacon Robert Morton, Diacono permanente [email protected] Domingo XXVII del Tiempo Ordinario X Deacon Martin Diacono transitorio [email protected] X 194 Mrs. Jan Figenshu, Asociada Pastoral [email protected] X 253 Mrs. Denise Stefanelli, X Dir. Ed. Religiosa 251 [email protected] Ms. Anne Marie Gisoldi, X Dir. Jóvenes 300 [email protected] Mrs. Kathy Simonelli, Administradora [email protected] X 105 Mrs. Diane Wallace, Secretaria [email protected] X 106 Mrs. Patricia Caccavale, X Recepcionista 100 [email protected] Mrs. Liz Vacchiano, Sec. Ed. Cristiana [email protected] X 252 Mrs. Jody Costello, Sec. Jovenes [email protected] X 301 La colecta del Pasado 26 de Septiembre fue de 402 dólares. Dios multiplique su generosidad. Lecturas del domingo XXVII del tiempo Ordinario Primera Lectura: Gn. 2, 18-24 En aquel día, dijo el Señor Dios: “No es bueno que el hombre esté solo. Voy a hacerle a alguien como él, para que lo ayude”. Entonces el Señor Dios formó de la tierra todas las bestias del campo y todos los pájaros del cielo y los llevó ante Adán para que les pusiera nombre y así todo ser viviente tuviera el nombre puesto por Adán. Así, pues, Adán les puso nombre a todos los animales domésticos, a los pájaros del cielo y a las bestias del campo; pero no hubo ningún ser semejante a Adán para ayudarlo. Entonces el Señor Dios hizo caer al hombre en un profundo sueño, y mientras dormía, le sacó una costilla y cerró la carne sobre el lugar vacío. Y de la costilla que le había sacado al hombre, Dios formó una mujer. Se la llevó al hombre y éste exclamó: “Ésta sí es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne. Ésta será llamada mujer, porque ha sido formada del hombre”. Por eso el hombre abandonará a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer y serán los dos una sola cosa. Segunda Lectura: Heb. 2, 8-11 Hermanos: Es verdad que ahora todavía no vemos el universo entero sometido al hombre; pero sí vemos ya al que por un momento Dios hizo inferior a los ángeles, a Jesús, que por haber sufrido la muerte, está coronado de gloria y honor. Así, por la gracia de Dios, la muerte que él sufrió redunda en bien de todos. En efecto, el creador y Señor de todas las cosas quiere que todos sus hijos tengan parte en su gloria. Por eso convenía que Dios consumara en la perfección, mediante el sufrimiento, a Jesucristo, autor y guía de nuestra salvación. El santificador y los santificados tienen la misma condición humana. Por eso no se avergüenza de llamar hermanos a los hombres. Evangelio San Marcos 10, 2-16 En aquel tiempo, se acercaron a Jesús unos fariseos y le preguntaron, para ponerlo a prueba: “¿Le es lícito a un hombre divorciarse de su esposa?” Él les respondió: “¿Qué les prescribió Moisés?” Ellos contestaron: “Moisés nos permitió el divorcio mediante la entrega de un acta de divorcio a la esposa”. Jesús les dijo: “Moisés prescribió esto, debido a la dureza del corazón de ustedes. Pero desde el principio, al crearlos, Dios los hizo hombre y mujer. Por eso dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre y se unirá a su esposa y serán los dos una sola cosa. De modo que ya no son dos, sino una sola cosa. Por eso, lo que Dios unió, que no lo separe el hombre”. Ya en casa, los discípulos le volvieron a preguntar sobre el asunto. Jesús les dijo: “Si uno se divorcia de su esposa y se casa con otra, comete adulterio contra la primera. Y si ella se divorcia de su marido y se casa con otro, comete adulterio”. Después de esto, la gente le llevó a Jesús unos niños para que los tocara, pero los discípulos trataban de impedirlo. Al ver aquello, Jesús se disgustó y les dijo: “Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mí y no se lo impidan, porque el Reino de Dios es de los que son como ellos. Les aseguro que el que no reciba el Reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él”. Después tomó en brazos a los niños y los bendijo imponiéndoles las manos. El 4 de Octubre tendremos la bendición de los animales. Por favor, traigan sus mascotas para que reciban la bendición. La bendición sedara a las 3 PM. UNA FRESCA PERSPECTIVA DE LAS LECTURAS DOMINICALES SU PALABRA HOY Los Sacramentos Reconciliación (Confesiones): Todos los Sábados a las 4:00 pm o haciendo una cita con uno de los sacerdotes, ya sea llamando a la oficina o hablando con ellos directamente o antes de la Misa en Español. Para tener en cuenta! Para todos aquellos que no han sido confirmados, a partir del 12 de septiembre se comenzara a dictar las clases para la preparación del sacramento de la confirmación. Esta preparación se durara 6 semanas. La administración del sacramento de la Confirmacion se dara por el excelentísimo señor obispo Arthur Serratelli en noviembre. Unción de los Enfermos: Para las personas que están gravemente enfermas, hospitalizadas o preparándose para una cirugía, al igual que las personas de edad avanzada un asilo para la tercera edad. Para administrar este Sacramento; Favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia para que uno de los sacerdotes administre la Unción de los enfermos. Recuerden que después del tiempo de Verano, la Misa en español se estará celebrando los sábados a las 7 pm. Cursillo Pre-Bautismal en español: Todos los segundos Miércoles de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m. El Domingo del Amor “Jesús de Nazaret, como siempre, nos habla de Amor. Y hoy se refiere al amor de la pareja, al matrimonio entre hombre y mujer, que proclama indisoluble. También se refiere a los niños, dentro de esa escena tan querida del evangelio cuando expresa “dejad que los niños de acerquen a mi…” Y nos pide que la infancia espiritual llene nuestras vidas. Es un domingo –el primero de octubre—para meditar con las escrituras propuestas y dar forma de amor y perfección a nuestras vidas. Se inicia además en Roma la Asamblea General del Sínodo de los Obispos que tratará de la familia”.
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