DECEMBER 6TH, 2015— 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT STEWARDSHIP/ EL DIEZMO We invite all worshipers here to register as parish members and to use the offering envelopes. Parish registration helps strengthen identification with our parish family and makes it easier to provide reference letters when needed. The offering envelopes facilitate parish bookkeeping and also provide you with a record for tax purposes. Invitamos a todos los feligreses a registrarse como miembros y usar los sobres de donacion. Registracion ayuda a fortalezer su identificacion con nuestra familia parroquial y le facilita a la parroquia a proveér cartas de referencia cuando son necesitadas. Los sobres de donacion facilita la contabilidad y le provee un record que puede ocupar al tiempo de llenar sus taxes. BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bulletin for exact dates. Parents should make arrangements at the Rectory at least one month in advance and must present child’s Birth Certificate and proof of residence within the parish. Los padres deben hacer los arreglos por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo es necessario presenter el Acta de Nacimiento y prueba de que viven dentro de la parroquia. BAPTISM SCHEDULE—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Conference 8:00pm- Institute Ceremony 2:00 pm December 23 January 20 February 24 December 27 January 24 February 28 HORARIO DE BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES DOMINGO Charla 8:00pm— Instituto Ceremonia 2:00pm 9 Diciembre 6 Enero 10 Febrero 13 Diciembre 10 Enero 14 Febrero _______ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN/ CATECISMO For information about the program, please call the Religious Education Office at (718) 278-1834, ext. 14, Monday through Friday, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Para información sobre el programa, por favor llame la Oficina de educación religiosa en (718) 278-1834, ext. 14, el martes al viernes, de 3:30 pm a 7:30 pm CATHOLIC SCHOOLS/ ESCUELAS CATOLICAS A limited amount of scholarship money is available to those parents who would like to send their children to Catholic elementary school in September. Contact Sister Barbara in the rectory for further information. Hay un limite de dinero para becas que esta disponible para aquellos padres que quicieran mandar a sus hijos a una escuela de primaria Catolica este Septiembre. Favor de contactar a la Hermana Barbara en la rectoría para mas información. MARRIAGES/ MATRIMONIOS Couples should make arrangements at least six months in advance. Los novios deben hacer los arreglos en la oficina parroquial, por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. Las parejas preparando para el sacramento se reunen cado otro martes en el centro; Salon Guadalupe. AA GROUP/ LATINO AA GROUP English AA “One Day At A Time” at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Saturdays 10:00am– 12:00pm. El Nuevo Camino en la Iglesia de el Redentor en 30-14 de la calle Crescent. Numbero: 718.520.5021. Llamar para mas informacion. BECOME A CATHOLIC Adults interested in becoming Catholic, or completing their First Communion and Confirmation, or general catechesis, may enroll in the RCIA program. Please see one of the staff. (English or Spanish) PRE-ADMISSION ANOINTING If you know you will be entering the hospital for elective surgery, it is appropriate and recommended to received the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick BEFORE entering the hospital. Simply ask one of the parish priests to give you the sacrament before admission. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK / SACRAMENTOS PARA LOS ENFERMOS Call the Rectory to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion to the homebound. In case where one’s health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the Priests to administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. DISABILITIES ADVOCATE Coordinator: Mr. Bob Koch. Please note that the north-west church door close to the parking lot is handicapped-accessible (no steps). All levels of the Parish Center are accessible by elevator. SAFE ENVIRONMENT Coordinator: Ms. Winnie Burke. Awareness education required for all volunteers who interact with minors and recommended for all. QUINCEAÑERA Please call the Rectory office at (718) 278-1834 x14 for information or make an appointment, Monday through Friday, 3:30pm to 7:30pm. By the date of the mass, the quinceañera should have received catechism and the following sacraments: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation- and be a worshipper here. Favor de llamar a la oficina al 718) 278-1834 x 14 para mas Información o para hacer una cita de lunes a viernes de 3:30pm a 7:30pm. Antes de la fecha de la misa, la quinceañera debe haber recibido catesismo y los siguientes sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera Comunion, y Confirmacion- además debe ser feligres de esta parroquia. BRIDGE TO LIFE "The Bridge to Life, Inc." is a non-sectarian organization dedicated to offering the resources needed to choose life! We do this with counseling that is informative, compassionate and honest. We welcome both volunteers and donations of clean, gently-used baby clothing and objects. Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30am to 11:30am at 23-40 Astoria Boulevard. Phone Number: (718)578-4442 Website: CATHOLIC CEMETERIES / CEMENTERIOS CATOLICOS For information and availability options, please call (718) 894-4888. Please remember that cremated remains should be interred in the same manner as bodies, out of respect for the human body, that is, in a grave or mausoleum, not kept at home or spread to the elements. OLMC MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 (Advent Weekday) 5:00pm Charlie & Connie Pascucci SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 (Second Sunday of Advent) 8:00am Marianne & Edward Carlino 9:00am San Nicola 10:00am Living & Deceased Members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Society 11:15am Dr. George Mascia 12:30pm Armando Mazzitelli 5:00pm Parish Family MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 (Saint Ambrose) 8:00am Rocco Sacramone 12:00pm Mosler Family 7:30pm Maddalena & Angelo Rappa TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 (The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary) 8:00am In Thanksgiving 12:00pm Raffaele, Adele & Francesco Iocco 7:30pm Salvatore Mignano (25th Anniversary) 9:00pm Vietnamese Mass– Lower Church WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (Saint Juan Diego Cuautlatoatzin) 8:00am Dora Guerra 12:00pm Javier Ramirez THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 (Advent Weekday) 8:00am Francesco Sette 12:00pm Salvatore & Antonia Leto FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 (Saint Damasus I) 8:00am Maria Linhares DaSilva 12:00pm Michelina Rodeschini SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 (Our Lady of Guadalupe) 8:00am Domenica Tenaglia 5:00pm Harry Higgins SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 (Third Sunday of Advent) 8:00am Johan D’Souza, Bartis D’Souza & D’Souza Family 9:00am Santa Lucia 10:00am Sabina O’Sullivan 11:15am Mary Kerrigan 12:30pm Luciano Mazzitelli 5:00pm Parish Family 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Baruch 5:1–9 The Lord reaches out to his people, who are challenged to welcome the Lord with joy and remove every barrier to his presence in their lives. PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested. Angelo Cluess Brian Wooley Ida Albanese Angela Patinella Tracy O’Donnell Mario Tamburello Sister Carmen Spayd Annette Velez Saldaña Week 1: Mary McGing Margarita Dostall Mary DePinto Kevin Wooley Victor Mayo Edwin Hernandez Week 2: Anna Bertolotti Anthony Velez Week 3: Angelo Cluess Elena Bargga Antonio Dilluvio Sister Mary Carmen Dr. Myrna A. Torres Ana Alvarez Caniglario PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Florence McAnany– Mazaria Matt Kupski Juan Bautista Ortega Sean Pierce Wanda Babbish Wanda was the assistant DRE and youth minister at St Margaret Mary in the 1970s and '80s. She died in NJ near her family after several years of declining health. She touched the lives of many people in her parish work, and we ask you to remember her in your prayers. An announced Mass for her will be offered here on Sunday, January 24 at 11:15 AM. Requiescat in pace. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES AT MOUNT CARMEL The Tree of Life: gracing the east wall of the church vestibule. Gift categories include: Silver Leaf: $ 500.00 Gold Leaf: $1,000.00 Gold Rock at Base of Tree: $2,500.00 Announced Mass: Purgatorial Society: Weekly Altar Flowers: Weekly Altar Bread and Wine: Weekly Sanctuary Lamp: Weekly Altar Candles: $15.00 $10.00 $75.00 $35.00 $25.00 $15.00 DEDICATED OFFERINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 6 The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for Pope Francis, Blessing of the Animals, Henry Jr. Morales, Joan Magliano & for World Peace This was requested by Teresa Morales Altar Bread & Wine has been offered for Our Parish Family Second Reading: Philippians 1:3–6. 8-11 When Paul calls the people of Philippi to mind and prays for them, he does so with joy. He urges them to increase in love for each other. Altar Candles are Donated In Memory of Anthony Baiamonte, Sr. & Anthony Baiamonte, Jr. This was requested by The Hasselberg Family Gospel: Luke 3:1-6 John the Baptist is firmly rooted in human history and geography as he is about to begin his ministry. Altar Flowers are Offered for Our Parish Family THIS WEEK AT OLMC The activities calendar for the entire year is viewable on the parish website. Please be aware that it is updated several times a month GREGORIAN CHANT MASS English Mass with Latin Gregorian Chant Mass every Sunday at 8 AM including the proper antiphons of the day and other occasional chants. ROSARY SOCIETY Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of each month after attending the 10:00AM Mass. We have a brief meeting followed by refreshments in the Lourdes Room. Come join us… we warmly welcome new members. Rosary Society does not meet during the summer months ITALIAN COMMUNITY Meets the 2nd. Sunday of each month after attending the 9:00 AM Italian Mass. Brief meeting fallowed with coffee and cake. Guadalupe B. New members always welcome. Italian Community does not meet in the summer months COMUNITA ITALIANA Si riuniscono ogni seconda Domenica del mese dopo che hanno partecipato alla Messa delle 9 di mattina.Dopo la riunione seguira un piccolo trattenimento con caffe e dolci. Un benvenuto ai nuovi membri CHOIR / CORO The Choir meets every Monday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church. If you are interested in joining the choir, please call the Rectory. Choir does not meet in the summer months YOUNG ADULT CHOIR 1st Sunday at 5pm. September to June with San Lorenzo Ruiz Choir STRING CONSORT MASS 3rd Sunday of every month: 5:00pm mass with instrumental consort. Coro Español: Todos los Sabado de 12pm-2pm en el Centro Parroquial, Salon Lourdes. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION On Tuesday evenings we have the communal recitation of the Divine Mercy devotion in Spanish in the lower church starting at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. DEVOCION DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Cada martes en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:00 de la noche, en espanol. Todos invitados. MOTHER’S PRAYER GROUP Every Wednesday at 10:00am in English and 4:30pm in Spanish in the Lower Church. SINGLES GATHERING 2nd Wednesday of every month. Holy Rosary 7:45pm—worship begins at 8:00pm in the Parish Center. Sponsored by the Filipino Committee. All are welcome to attend. AYMCA YOUNG ADULTS Meets every 1st Wednesday 7:30pm– 8:30pm– Fatima Room JORNADA YOUTH Meet every Friday evening at 7:30 pm in the Guadalupe A room. CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS Meet every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. in the Parish Center, Guadalupe A/B. Coffee, Cake, Bingo. New members are always welcome. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of the month from the 8am Mass to 12 Noon Mass. First Sunday of the month in Vietnamese—2:00pm—Lower Church GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICA (ESPAÑOL) “Manatiales de Gracia”: Todos los Viernes 7:30 pm en la Iglesia de abajo. ADULT FAITH FELLOWSHIP Saturday Faith Fellowship Group meets every Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00 noon in the Parish Center, Lourdes A/B. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knights of Columbus Group meet every third Friday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Parish Center, Lourdes B. THIS WEEK AT OLMC PARISH INSTITUTE We try to keep our schedule that is printed in the bulletin as accurate as possible. For the most up-to-date calendar please visit our website at Thank you. Sunday December 6 ALL DAY 9:00am– 1:00pm 10:00am– 12:30pm 10:30am– 12:30pm 11:30pm– 12:30pm 12:30pm– 3:30pm 4:00pm– 6:00pm 6:00pm– 7:00pm Fashion Show Rosary Society Spanish RCIA Cursillo Czech Community Food Sale Matrimonio Sunday Scripture Group 1 Zumba Monday December 7 7:00am– 5:00pm 11:00am– 1:00pm 5:30pm– 9:30pm TYWLS Sunday Scripture Group 2 CYO Gym Lourdes A Gym Tuesday December 8 7:00am– 5:00pm 1:00pm– 3:00pm 5:00pm– 8:00pm 5:30pm– 9:30pm 6:00pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Advent Scripture Group 3 Project Connect CYO Lions Club Marriage Encounter 7:00pm– 9:00pm Advent Scripture Group 4 Gym Lourdes A Lourdes A+B Gym Guadalupe A Guadalupe B + Fatima Assumption Wednesday December 9 7:00am– 5:00pm 4:00pm– 7:00pm 7:00pm– 10:00pm 7:30pm– 10:00pm 7:30pm– 10:30pm 8:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Religious Education CYO Filipino Singles Group Young Adult Group Baptism Instruction Gym All Rooms Gym Lourdes A/B Fatima Guadalupe A Thursday December 10 7:00am– 3:00pm 1:00pm– 4:00pm 5:30pm– 9:30pm 6:00pm– 7:30pm 6:00pm—8:00pm 7:30pm– 9:30pm TYWLS Carmel Diamond Seniors CYO Religious Education Religious Education Advent Scripture Group 5 Gym Guadalupe A/B Gym All Rooms Guadalupe A Fatima Gym Fatima Gym Guadalupe A Guadalupe B 7:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Advent Scripture Group 6 CYO Jornada Youth Practica Virgen de Guadalupe English RCIA Saturday December 12 9:00am– 5:00pm 9:00am – 12:00pm CYO AA Meeting 11:00am– 1:30pm 4:00pm– 5:30pm 6:00pm– 8:00pm Advent Scripture Group SIA Adult Spanish RCIA Gym Guadalupe A/B + Fatima Lourdes A/B Fatima Upper Room + Fatima Friday December 11 7:00am– 4:30pm 9:30am– 11:30am 4:30pm– 9:30pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm Gym Guadalupe A Fatima+ Upper Room Guadalupe B Lourdes A/B Guadalupe A/B Fatima Guadalupe A/B Lourdes A PLEASE REMEMBER ALWAYS: BEFORE MASS SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES AFTER MASS TIDY UP THE PEW FOR THE NEXT GROUP ACCOMPANY AND SUPERVISE YOUR CHILDREN WHEN THEY GO TO THE RESTROOM. THANKS! POR FAVOR, RECUERDE SIEMPRE: ANTES DE LA MISA SILENCIAR SUS TELÉFONOS CELULARES DESPUÉS DE MISA LIMPIE EL BANCO PARA EL GRUPO SIGUIENTE ACOMPAÑAR Y SUPERVISAR A SUS NIÑOS CUANDO VALLAN A LOS BAÑOS ¡ GRACIAS! ST. MARGARET MARY MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6: (Second Sunday of Advent) 10:15 am Gregorio Perdomo THIS WEEK AT ST. MARGARET MARY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6TH: 10:00 am– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9TH: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Hall + Chapel) - Santa Margarita Maria 7:30 pm– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory HORA SANTA, ADORACION Y BENEDICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Cada primer Sabado del mes en Santa Margarita María de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Todos estan Invitados. SUPPORT OUR PARISH FOOD PANTRY WITH OUR ROSARY SOCIETY: In a cooperative venture between the parish Rosary Society and our Parish Food Pantry at St Margaret Mary, we have instituted a monthly food collection on the First Sunday of the month at all Masses. Please bring only dried or canned foods (non-perishables). Please no food beyond expirations dates. Thank you for your help in carrying out the Corporal Works of Mercy in this era of need. All women of the parish are welcome to join them in their prayer, good works, and conviviality. Next Pantry is Sunday, December 6, 2015. APOYO DESPENSA DE COMIDAS Y NUESTRA SOCIEDAD DEL ROSARIO: En una iniciativa conjunta entre la Sociedad del Rosario y la Parroquia despensa de alimentos a Santa Margarita María, que se instituyo una colección mensual de alimentos en el primer domingo del mes en todas las misas. Favor de traer solamente los alimentos secos o enlatados (no perecederos). Por favor no comida expirada. Gracias por su ayuda en la realización de las Obras de Misericordia Corporales en esta época de necesidad. Todas las mujeres de la parroquia están invitados a unirse a ellos en sus oraciones, buenas obras, y la convivencia domingo projimo. Proxima vez: 6 de Diciembre 2015. INCOME TAX PREPARATION AT: AA Meeting (ENGLISH) St. Margaret Mary 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Sundays -10am -11am- Closed Discussion Meeting Wednesday– 7pm– 8pm- Step Meeting (Tradition Last Wednesday of the Month) in the Rectory Room Federal and NY State Forms You may be eligible for earned income tax credit OBTAIN TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS DEVOCION A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA El grupo devocional a la Divina Misericordia se reune cada segundo Sabado del mez a las 3pm en la capilla de Santa Margarita Maria. ST. MARGARET MARY FOOD PANTRY NEWS In the month of October, 2015 a total of 4,250 people were served. This included 2,332 children, 1,746 adults and 172 seniors. For an appointment to our food pantry, please call (718) 721-9020. Call Denise for more info: (718) 721-9020 ************************************ IMPUESTOS (INCOME TAX) SE PREPARAN AQUÍ: Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Formulario Federal y Estatal de NY Usted hasta pueda calificar para el crédito de los impuestos de salario Obtenga su número de identificación de impuestos Llame a Denise para más información al: (718) 721-9020 “DREAM ACT” DEFERRED ACTION APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE & CONSULTS RE. ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment please call at 718-721-9020. APLICACIONES PARA LA ACCION DIFERIDA ESTAN DISPONIBLES Y ASISTENCIA CON ALIVIO ADMINISTRATIVO Las aplicaciones para la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia estan disponibles. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y/o quiere hacer una cita por favor llamar al 718-721-9020. 175th Anniversary Year Calendar DECEMBER 2015 Sat. 5 7pm-10pm Advent Reflection for Evangelization – Spanish Community Tues. 8 Holy Year of Mercy Begins Sat. 12 6:30pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Sun. 13 5pm Mass -Bishop Cisneros - Opening of Holy Year of Mercy & Holy Door Sat. 19 8pm Astoria Symphony – Upper Church Thurs. 24 10:30pm Christmas Eve Choir Concert Fri. 25 Christmas Day Thurs. 31 All Night Vigil JANUARY 2016 Fri. 1 Wed. 6 Sun. 10 Sun. 17 Sun. 31 11:15am FEBRUARY 2016 Sat. 6 7pm-10pm Sun. 7 Wed. 10 Sat. 13 7:30pm Sun. 14 Mon. 15 Sat. 20 10am-5pm New Year’s Day Epiphany Tres Reyes Party Kids Arts & Crafts Mass – Father Joe Retirement Reception in Institute – 7pm Dinner at Riccardo’s Lent Reflection for Evangelization – Spanish Community Lunar New Year – Super Bowl #50 Ash Wednesday Classical Music Concert – Amuse Singers – Upper Church St. Valentine’s Day Presidents’ Day English Lenten Retreat Day – Fr. John Powers, C.P., Passionist – Lower Church MARCH 2016 Wed 9, Thurs 10 7:30pm Italian St. Joseph Mass – & Fri 11 Lower Church Sat. 12 8am-4pm Lenten Retreat Day – Spanish Community Sat. 12 7:30pm Italian St. Joseph Mass – Lower Church Sat. 12 8pm Astoria Symphony – Upper Church Sun. 13 9am-5pm Youth Retreat Day – Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Sun. 13 3pm Italian St. Joseph Mass – Upper Church Sat. 19 10am Italian St. Joseph Mass – Reception in Guadalupe A & B Sat. 19 3-4:30pm Confirmation Day Talk – Fr. Sean SukielLower Church Sun. 20 Palm Sunday Mon. 21 Reconciliation Monday throughout the Diocese & Archdiocese Thurs. 24 Holy Thursday Fri. 25 Good Friday Sat. 26 Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil Sun. 27 Easter Sunday APRIL 2016 Sat. 2 Sat. 16 10am-1pm Sun. 17 Sun. 24 MAY 2016 Sun. 1 Sun. 1 3pm Thurs. 5 Sun. 8 Sat/Sun 14/15 Sun. 22 Thurs. 26 Sun. 29 Mon. 30 JUNE 2016 Sun. 12 5pm Sun. 19 JULY 2016 Fri. 8 Sat. 9 12pm-4pm Fri. 15 Sat. 16 5pm AUGUST 2016 Sat. 6 Mon. 15 SEPTEMBER 2016 Mon. 5 – Thurs. 15 – Sun. 18 though Sun 25 Fri. 23 5pm-11pm OCTOBER 2016 Tues. 4 Sat. 8 6pm-11pm Mon. 10 Sat. 29 6am-9pm First Penance – Lower Church Deanery Pastoral Assembly Liturgical Enrichment for Lay Minister – St. Joseph Fil-Am Mega Dance Event – Gym Dia De Los Ninos Rosary Society Communion Brunch St. Joseph the Worker Mass – Upper Church Ascension Thursday Mother’s Day Pentecost – Adult Confirmation Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Procession & Benediction – Upper Church Memorial Day Classical Music Series – Amuse Singers – Upper Church Father’s Day Start of OLMC Novena – English/Spanish Picnic – Saint Margaret Mary Conclusion of OLMC Novena Mass – Bishop Chappetto – Feast Day Mass Reception in Gym Street Fair/Block Party Assumption of Blessed Mother Labor Day Bishop Chappetto – Our Lady of Sorrows Mass at Cemetery Canada St. Anne Pilgrimage Bingo – Gym (times include setup/strike) Mon. 31 St. Francis Dinner/Dance – Riccardo’s Columbus Day Diocesan Pilgrimage Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC Halloween NOVEMBER 2016 Tues. 1 Wed. 2 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 through Sat 19 Sun. 13 Sun. 20 Thurs. 24 Sun. 27 All Saints Day All Souls Day Presidential Election Day Pilgrimage to Italy Czech Party Closing Holy Year of Mercy Thanksgiving 1st Sunday in Advent DECEMBER 2016 Sat. 3 5pm Closing Mass – Bishop DiMarzio 175th Anniversary Year PARISH BULLETIN BOARD PRAYERS OF THE WEEK Second Sunday in Advent – Light the first and the second purple candle which is the candle of peace… it is called the Bethlehem Candle because it reminds of that even God prepared for the birth of His Son. The manger in Bethlehem became a cradle fit for a King. "Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life" Monday Oh God of my heart, thank you for this day. As I light this candle I am grateful for all of the people in my life who show me your love. Help me to bless my family and friends with patience and kindness this season. May I be a light in the darkness for them. Help me to open my eyes to all of those around me whose needs are so much greater than my own. Give me the courage and strength to respond to their needs as I can. Amen. * How did I respond to the grace of God's love today? Where did I shine a light? Tuesday Each morning this week, even for that brief moment at the side of our beds, we want to light a second "inner" candle. We want to let it represent "a bit more hope". Perhaps we can pause... breathe deeply... silence ourselves and say..."Lord, I place my trust in you." As we encounter times that are rushed, even crazy, we can take that deep breath and speak that profound prayer. Each time we face some darkness or some place where we feel defeated, we hear the words... "Our God will come to save us." Wednesday God of comfort, these times seem so uncertain, so scary. The world seems darker than it has in the past and I am less sure of myself. Maybe that's a good thing; maybe now I am turning to you with a realization that I need you so much more and that my life is not in my own control. Let me not forget all of those around the world who are frightened at this moment. Help those who are victims of terrorism and war. Be with those who have lost so much in the past year. Hold us all in your loving arms and let us be comforted by the strength and peace you want to much to offer us through the birth of your son, Jesus. Thank you for the many gifts you offer us. Thursday Thank you, my precious Lord... What a gift this morning from you as I watched the blazing sunrise through a cloudy winter sky. It is hard getting up these dark mornings, Lord, and yet you gift me with a sight that I miss at other times of year, when the weather is warmer and the sun rises before I get up. I stared out the window at the red and purple light, gloriously framed by the gold of the rising sun. "Be still, and know that I am God" was the only thing that came to me. I watched in silence, filled with a sense of your presence in my life. Friday My loving God... You never tire of supporting me. I constantly ask for help knowing you will always be there. From someplace deep in my soul, I hear you calling me by name. Thank you for the way you bless my life. Thank you for listening to my prayers and for planting deep in my heart the knowledge that with you... nothing is impossible. Saturday Are there burdens I can let go of? Sometimes we make other people's problems our own. What burdens that are not my own can I give to God? Remember the old phrase, "Let go and let God." But, at the same time Jesus offers comfort, He asks us to take on His yoke. To be "yoked" to Jesus means that we must walk in step with Him. If we are in step with Jesus, then we can bear any burden that comes our way. Lord, I give over all my cares to Your most Sacred Heart that I may be at rest in You. Advent Action Send a card to a friend or loved one who lost a family member during this year. Let them know you are praying for them and thinking of them this Christmas. Submitted by Elaine Rodriguez Share your favorite prayers: [email protected] PARISH BULLETIN BOARD JOIN US TO OPEN THE HOLY YEAR OF MERCY UNASE PARA COMENZAR EL AÑO SANTO DE MISERICORDIA Our Lady of Mount Carmel church has been designated as a "Jubilee Year" church for the Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. Join us with Bishop Cisneros as he blesses the "Holy Doors" on Sunday, December 13 at 5 PM Mass. You can gain the Holy Year Indulgence under the usual conditions. Únase a nosotros para abrir el Año Santo de la Misericordia... Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo ha sido designado como "Iglesia del Año Jubilar" para el año de la misericordia proclamada por el Papa Francisco. Únete a nosotros y Obispo Octavio Cisneros para bendicir las "puertas santas" el domingo, 13 de diciembre Misa de 5:00 PM. Usted puede ganar la indulgencia de Año Santo bajo las condiciones habituales. FATHER JOSEPH PHAM’S RETIREMENT DINNER As you know, our dear Fr Joseph Pham will officially retire on Sunday, January 31, 2016, while continuing in residence here and assisting in our parish. He will celebrate a Thanksgiving Mass on that date at the 11:15 am Mass followed by a public reception in the gym with light refreshments. At 7:00pm there will be a formal dinner in his honor at Riccardo's in Astoria. Tickets are $65 apiece. Reservations with rectory for any current or past parishioners and friends of Fr Joe who would like to be part of that noteworthy event. Ad multos annos, Padre Joe! Como ustedes saben, nuestro querido Padre Joseph Pham se retirará oficialmente el Domingo, 31 de enero 2016 mientras continúa en la residencia aquí y ayudar a nuestra parroquia. Se celebrará una Misa de acción de gracias en esa fecha, en la misa de las 11:15am segiuida por una recepción pública en el gimnasio con refrescos. A las 7:00pm habrá una cena de gala en su honor en Ricardo's en Astoria. Los boletos son $65 cada uno. Reservaciones en la rectoria por cualquier feligreses actuales o pasados y amigos del padre Joe quienes les gustaría ser parte de ese acontecimiento. Ad multos annos, Padre Joe! Come sapete, il nostro caro Don Joseph Pham sarà ufficialmente in pensione il Domenica 31 gennaio 2016 pur continuando in residenza qui e assistere nella nostra parrocchia. Egli celebrerà una Messa di ringraziamento a quella data (Messa 11:15am), seguita di un ricevimento pubblico nel nostro auditorio. Alle 07:00 ci sarà una cena formale in suo onore presso Riccardo in Astoria . I biglietti sono $ 65 a testa . Le prenotazioni con canonica per tutti i parrocchiani e amici di don Joe attuali o passate che vorrebbero essere parte di questo evento degno di nota. Ad multos annos, Padre Joe! CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS The Carmel Diamond Seniors will be having their Christmas Dinner Party at Riccardo’s on December 10th, 2015 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. The cost is $40.00 per person. You can leave your name and money at the Rectory. Come join us for a truly enjoyable afternoon. Of course, friends are always welcome! ZUMBA AT OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Astoria, sponsored by the Filipino Community invites you to Zumba every Sunday from 6:00pm– 7:00pm in the Mount Carmel Institute. For more information please contact: Josie: 917.822.6493 Melvin: 718.734.1897 Mark: 917.482.4080 Ven: 718.728.7963 ASSOCIAZIONE ITALO AMERICANA O.L.MT.CARMEL, ASTORIA Cordially invites you to attend a Dinner – Dance // Christmas Party to be held on Sunday December 13, 2015 At Riccardo’s Under the Bridge 24-04 24th Avenue, Astoria Cocktail hour At 1:00 pm Dinner to follow Donation $ 70.00 per person SUNDAY 8AM MASS ANTIPHONS Entrance Antiphon Populus Sion, ecce Dominus veniet ad salvandas gentes: et auditam faciet Dominus gloriam vocis suae, in Laetitia cordis vestry. O people of Sion, behold, the Lord will come to save the nations, and the Lord will make the glory of his voice heard in the joy of your heart. Offertory Antiphon Deus tu convertens vivificabis nos et plebs tua laetabitur in te: ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam, et salutare tuum da nobis. You will turn to us O God, and restore our life, and your people shall rejoice in you. Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation. Communion Antiphon Ierusalem, surge et sta in excelso, et vide iucunditatem, quae veniet tibi a Deo tuo. Jerusalem, arise and stand upon the heights, and behold the joy which comes to you from God. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY Celebrating the 175th Anniversary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 11 Days: November 9 – 19, 2016 Hosted by Msgr. Sean G. Ogle & JOE PHAM Visiting Venice, Padua, Florence, Assisi and Rome with Vatican City and A PAPAL AUDIENCE Only $2795 per person from New York (Air/Land Tour price is $2169 plus $626 gov’t taxes/airline surcharges) TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Roundtrip Air from New York, First Class/ Select Hotels, Most Meals, Services of a Professional Tour Director & Comprehensive Sightseeing, All hotel service charges, porterage, entrances fees and much more!! FOR A BROCHURE & MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Office Tel: (718) 278-1834 or Email: [email protected] SPACE IS LIMITED - BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT! Festival Guadalupano - 2015 Latinos Unidos de Monte Carmelo y Sta. Margarita María Celebrando Diecimo Septimo Aniversario en Unión y Hermandad Ya hemos comenzado la novena que se dira todo los días en la iglesia de Santa Margarita María ubicada en el 9-18 27th Ave., Astoria, 11102 a las 6:30pm hasta el 11 de Diciembre donde a las 7pm vamos a concluir rezando el rosario y continuamos con la Serenata a la Virgen. Vamos a tener sorpresas! El 12 de diciembre estará saliendo la procesión a las 5:30pm de Santa Margarita María hacia la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Monte Carmelo, en el trayecto encontraremos a la antorcha Guadalupana, continuando con la celebración Eucarística, en Monte Carmelo, y terminando con el gran festival que se realizara en el instituto de la parroquia que está ubicado en el 23-20 Newtown Ave., Astoria, 11102. Estará con nosotros Carlos, el imitador número #1 en New York del vítor animando el festival… habrá muchas sorpresas… ven y divierte… te esperamos!!! UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS SEGUNDA COLECTA Christmas Envelopes can be given anytime now through December 13th. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated. December 20, 2015– Christmas Gift to My Church– There will be a second collection after communion for “Christmas Gift to My Church”. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. Diciembre 20, 2015– Regalo de Navidad para Mi Parroquia– Habra una segunda colecta despues de la comunion para “Regalo de Navidad para Mi Iglesia”. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciadas. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT—FIRST FRIDAYS RECTORY CLOSINGS Spiritual writers speak of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as the Mass held in contemplation”. As a way of encouraging devotion to the Eucharist, we invite everyone to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament each First Friday of the month. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after the 8:00 am Mass until the 12 Noon Mass. Come join us in prayer. The rectory offices of Our Lady of Mount Carmel & Saint Margaret Mary will be closed on Friday, December 25 and Saturday, December 26, 2015 for Christmas and on Friday, January 1 and Saturday, January 2, 2015 for New Years. We wish you a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year. 2015 GIVING TREE It is time for our 8th annual Giving Tree to help those less fortunate than us. Beginning this weekend through the weekend of January 2nd. There will be 4 trees decorated with tags that will benefit BRIDGE TO LIFE and some parish members from St. Margaret Mary who need our assistance. These trees will be located in the following areas: 1) in the narthex of the upper church, 2) in the West Vestibule near the elevator and 3) in the lower church. We hope you are able to take a tag or more if possible and buy the items listed. Please do not wrap the gift. Just tape the tag to the bag or box so we can identify the item and where it is to go. Please bring the gift by the weekend of January 2 and give to an usher during Masses or bring to the Rectory for safe keeping. We all know times are tough but for those of us lucky enough, a donation will aid someone during this time of year where it is better to give than to receive. God bless you and your families for your generosity. ARBOL DE REGALOS Es el tiempo de nuestro octavo edición de árbol de regalos para ayudar a aquellos menos afortunados que nosotros. A partir del fin de semana del 28 de noviembre y hasta el fin de semana del 2 de enero, habrán 4 árboles decorado con etiquetas que beneficiarán al PUENTE A LA VIDA y algunos miembros de la parroquia de Santa Margarita María que necesitan nuestra ayuda. Estos árboles se encuentran en las siguientes áreas: 1) en el nártex de la iglesia arriba, 2) en el vestíbulo oeste cerca del ascensor y 3) en la iglesia de abajo. Esperamos que tomen una etiqueta o más si es posible y puedan comprar los artículos mencionados. Por favor, no envuelva los regalos. Simplemente pegue la etiqueta a la bolsa o caja para que podamos identificar el articulo y a donde va a ir. Vamos a colectar hasta el primer fin de semana de enero. Por favor, traiga el regalo y darlo a un ujier durante las misas o lleven a la Oficina durante las horas de trabajo. Todos sabemos que estamos en tiempos difíciles, aquellos de nosotros que podamos hacer una donación será bien recibida. Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus familias por su generosidad. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD PARISH BULLETIN BOARD FEAST OF IMACULATE CONCEPTION Tuesday, December 8 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This is a holy day of obligation. Masses will be held in the Upper Church at 8:00am, 12:00pm, 7:30pm & 9pm CHRISTMAS AT MOUNT CARMEL 2015 NAVIDAD EN MONTE CARMELO 2015 December 24th, 2015 at the 5pm Family Mass 24 Diciembre—5:00pm Misa Familiar “I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME” We need parish youngsters to help prepare for a special FAMILY-CHILDREN’S LITURGY AT 5:00 pm ON CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24th. We plan a living nativity scene. We need actors as angels, shepherds, innkeepers, kings, and a Mary and Joseph. Return to Father Peter or Nelly Gutierrez in the Rectory no later than Wednesday, December 9th, 2015. Yes, we’ll be home for Christmas. Please enter our child’s name as a volunteer for Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm. PARISH REGISTRATION/ INSCRIPCIÓN PARROQUIAL Please return this form in the collection or drop off at rectory. We will send you weekly collection envelopes every two months. Favor de volver en la colecta o en la casa curial. Les enviamos los sobres semanales cada dos meses por el correo. Family Name/ Apellido __________________________________________ Head of Household/Cabeza de familia __________________________________________ Spouse/Esposo(a) __________________________________________ Address/Dirección donde vive Child’s Name/Nombre del Nino: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Apartment_____ Zip Code/Código postal _________ School/Escuela: ________________________Grade/Clase:_______ Our Address/Direccion __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Telephone #/Telefono # __________________________________________ E-mail/Dirección del Correo electrónico __________________________________________ _____New Registration ____Moving Out of Parish E-mail address: ________________________________________ _____Change of Name/Address CIRCLE ONE Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________ ENVELOPES ELECTRONIC GIVING
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