S J G P 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnofgodparish.org Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff Rev. Freddy Lozano, Associate Pastor Rev. John Ekwoanya, in Residence Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette Dcn. René O. Alvarado Mrs. Maggie Martin, DRE Parish Center: 631-234-6535 Religious Education: 631-234-4040 Outreach Office: 631-234-1884 Cemetery Office: 631-234-8297 Parish Office Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (For Mass Cards) Emergency Sick Calls Any Time Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Chapel Sunday: 8:00 AM Church 9:30 AM Church 11:00 AM Chapel (1st Sunday Family Mass) Bilingual Special Needs Mass With Special Blessings to the sick 1st Sunday of every month: 4:00PM Chapel Weekday Masses Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM Church Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday at 9:00 AM Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center. Baptism: 1st Sunday at 2:00 PM. Parents must register at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism. Call 631-234-6535 Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center. Our Lady of Providence Regional School Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade 631-234-6324 www.olprov.org Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate/Admin. Ms. Carmen Roncal, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Mr. Jack Lafferty, Pastoral Associate Fundraising/CMA Mr. Guillermo Felix, Music Ministry Apostolado Hispano 631-234-6535 Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Rev. Freddy Lozano, Pastor Asociado Sra. Carmen Roncal, Asociado Pastoral Sra. Ana Sullivan, Ministerio Social Misas En Español Vigilia Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla er (1 Sábado Misa para Jóvenes) Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla 12:30 PM Capilla (1er Domigo Misa de Familia) Martes: 7:00 PM Capilla Adoration & Benediction 1st Friday of the Month: English 9:30 AM to Noon Church Español 7:00 PM to 8:00PM Church Sacramentos Bautizos en Español: 2do y 4to Domingo de cada mes, 2:00 PM Los padres de los niños deben solicitar una cita con 30 días de anticipación con un miembro pastoral. Llame 631-234-6535 Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM o con cita. Llame al Centro Pastoral. Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Niños de 6 hasta los 17 años deben asistir a las clases de Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 631-234-4040 Sacramentos Para los Adultos: (18 años en adelante) Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las 11:00 AM. Para más información llame 234-6535 Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Llame: 631-234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Clérigo que habla Español. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado 631-234-6324 www.olprov.org Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift FEBRUARY 7, 2016 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Intentions for the Week of February 7: Monday – 9:00AM Tuesday – 9:00AM Wednesday – 9:00AM Thursday – 9:00AM Friday – 9:00AM Saturday – 9:00AM _ 5:00PM Sunday – 8:00AM – – – – – – _ – In Honor of BVM Pauline & Joseph Katocin Mary & Joseph McDonought In Honor of Holy Family Patricia Devine Frank Pizza Rosalie Rottmann All those Enrolled in the Society of Prayer – 9:30AM – Michael & Susan Brennan – 11:00AM – The People of St. John of God FOR YOUR PRAYERFUL GIVING! Your Sunday donations have been reaching the $9,000.00 mark which is needed weekly to cover parish expenses. God’s Blessings Always!! Fr. Chris POR SU DEVOTA OFRENDA Sus donaciones Dominicales han alcanzado la marca de $9,000.00 dólares que se necesita para cubrir los gastos de la parroquia. Que Dios los Bendiga siempre! Padre Chris. Weekends of January 30 & 31 Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Sts. Jerome Emiliani & Jodephine Bakhita, Virgin Mk 6:53-56 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13 Tuesday – Weekday 1Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30 Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday – Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12-18 2Cor 5:20-6:2 Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday – Our Lady of Lourdes Dt 30:15-20 Lk 9:22-25 Friday – After Ash Wednesday Is 58:1-9a Mt 9:14-15 Saturday— After Ash Wednesday Is 58:9b-14 Lk 5:27-32 Sunday – First Sunday of Lent Dt 26:4-10 Rom 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13 Bread & Wine, Altar Candle Memorials and Announced Masses are available for 2016 & 2017. Stop at the Parish Office to reserve a special date and/or week for your Memorials or Mass. BANNS OF MARRIAGE nd 2 ANNOUNCEMENT JAVIER MARTINEZ & NORA NOEMI ROMERO SJOG Parishioners SEE WHAT’S NEW ON OUR WEB PAGE www.stjohnofgodparish.org Mass Presiders’ Schedule: February, 2016 Calendar of Events: February, 2016 Visit us at www.facebook.com/stjohnofgodci SUNDAY COLLECTION $11,000 $10,500 $10,000 11,164. $9,500 $9,000 $8,500 ATTENDANCE $8,000 $7,500 1,400 $7,000 $6,000 0 Budget Actual $9,000 $11,164 THANK YOU!!! PLEASE CONSIDER PUTTING SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH IN YOUR WILL Consider making a bequest to your Parish of St. John of God. Your gift will allow the parish to continue God’s work here in Central Islip for generations to come. PRAY FOR OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED LYNETTE OSSENFORT GERIANNE DYSON EDWARD R. MOUCHA JOSEPH T. MILLER EILEEN HOUSMAN JULIANA EKWOANYA (Fr. John’s Mother) EDWARD SAMBOLIN SPECIAL COLLECTION DATE FEBRUARY 7: Maintenance & Repairs FEBRUARY 14: Church in Need LITURGICAL MINISTRIES CORNER ESQUINA MINISTERIOS LITURGICOS St. John of God Pray for ... 9:00 AM Mass (English) Church Mary Anderson Lucille Anthony Frank Antonawich Sonia Blas Helena Balazko Sue Bond Cheryl Carlino Hilda B. Colón Anthony Cortez Angelo Cristiano Mark Dixon Theresa Edmund James Falk Patricia Falk Marco Garay Zidnia García John Garrett Chris Gómez Elizabeth Gould Mary Griffin María R. Hernández Pedro O. Hernández Helmo Jaime Mary Johnson 12:10 PM Mass (English) Church Names will be placed for a month. To add, keep or remove, please call Parish Office 631-234-6535. ____________________________________________________________ FAMILY MASS CHILDREN LECTOR REHEARSALS/PR A CT ICA PA R A LOS NIÑOS LECTORES WED. FEBRUARY/M IER . FEBRERO 3, 6:30-8:00PM ~ CHAPEL/CAPILLA & THUR. FEBRUARY/JUE. FEBR ER O 4,11,25; 5:00—7:00PM ~ CHAPEL/CA PIL L A PLEASE BE AT LEAST 15 MINUTES EARLIER/VENGA 15 MINUTOS TEMPRANO Schedule February 10th Ashes will be distributed at these Masses and Services: 7:15-8:00 AM Ashes only Church/Iglesia 2:00 PM OLOP Service (English) Chapel 5:00 PM Religious Ed. Mass (English) Chapel Emma K. Horacio Loyola Omar Maldonado Rose Marie Minerva Balesia Morales Cheryl Morse José Orellana Patricia Pratt Jorge Ramírez Carmen Ramos Ancilla Reece Doris Reynolds Gilberto Rivera Sarah Ross Edith Santos Herminia Silva Marge Schroeder Natalie Stergakos Ed. Stevens Clemencia Thompson Jeffrey Waxweiler Karen Wieman James A. Williams CELEBRATING THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY COME… JOIN US!! 6:30 PM Mass (English) Church SIX WEDNESDAY LENTEN SESSIONS ~ 7:00PM ~ CHAPEL 7:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Chapel PAT SPIEGEL SJOG parishioner and Mercy Associate 7:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Church STATIONS OF THE CROSS In Church FRIDAYS IN LENT After 9:30AM MASS (ENG) 7:30PM (SPA) FEB. 17: “What is Mercy? Mercy as the Heart of the Gospel” FEB. 24: “Mercy in the Old Testament-Psalms” MAR. 2: “Mercy in the New Testament-Parables” MAR. 9: “Mary as the Mother of Mercy” MAR. 16: “Spiritual & Corporal Works of Mercy” MAR. 23: “Mercy, Justice, Compassion” ALL ARE WELCOME!!! PARISH OUTREACH OFFICE Telephone: 234-1884 Mrs. Ana E. Sullivan, Coordinator Telephone: 234-6324 Visit us at: www.olprov.org Ms. Sharon Swift, Principal Like us on Facebook. REGISTRATION for 2016 Pre-K—8 Grades at Our Lady of Providence School is opened. We invite you to come and see our school. Call for an appointment; we’ll be glad to show you our school. Our tours are available in both Spanish and English. Come by to visit with us! Documents: Birth and Baptism Certificates, Proof of Immunization, Copy of Latest Report Card (Gr. 1-3), Copy of Lastest 3 Report Cards (Gr. 4-8). Non-refundable Registration fee of $150. For more information please visit our website: www.olprov.org or call 631-234-6324 Financial Aid for Kindergarten through 8th grade is available through “Tomorrow’s Hope FoundaƟon” – You can obtain informaƟon by visiƟng our website: www.olprov.org, click on “Admissions”, we have a link that can take you there or directly by going to the Tomorrow’s Hope FoundaƟon website: hƩp://www.tomorrowshopefoundaƟon.org. If you need more informaƟon, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 631-234-6324. Remember……We speak English & Spanish! The World’s Finest Candy Sale also continues to be successful and will end on February 12th. The highest sales in school will get $100, 2nd highest sales in school will get $50 and 3rd highest sales in school will receive a week of free lunch. This is a fundraiser to improve our school, please consider helping our students. Your help will be much appreciated. Each chocolate bar is only $1. The students have been working hard on their school work and extracurricular activities. A Technology Club has been added to our schedule and the Lego Club continues to be fun working on different themes. DATESTOREMEMBER February 15 – 20 th February 24 Winter Recess – School Closed Faculty Meeting – 11:30Dis Immigration -Presentation Catholic Charities Sponsored by SJOG Outreach Stay calm; know your rights: Recent enforcement actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have left many immigrants fearful that they will be picked up and deported. Attend to this informative presentation and learn about your rights and how to reduce your risk of being deported. Date: Sunday, February 7th Time: 1:30 p.m. Place: Large Cafeteria Free- Mortgage Modification Clinic Help to avoid foreclosure The American Deb Resources , INC.- A Non Profit HUD Approved Housing counseling Agency will facilitate a face-to-face meeting with a Housing Counselor to explore available options, complete paper work, and apply for a mortgage modification. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 1:30PM ~ LARGE CAFTERIA Employment Opportunities --CATHOLIC CHARITIES needs an On Call COOK – Bohemia, LI (Per diem/on call shifts are from 10am – 6:30pm). A re you a professional cook with experience cooking for up to 40 individuals? Would you find it rewarding to put your skills to work in a collaborative team environment supporting those in recovery? --Our Talbot House Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia, LI is seeking a local On Call Cook. On a per diem basis, you will prepare and serve midday & evening meals for our resident clients in recovery. Qualifications include HS/ GED and prior experience as a Cook. Experience cooking in a small institutional setting is a plus! Email resume & cover letter to: [email protected] or fax: 516.733.7038 Please mention “Talbot Cook”; in the subject line of your email or fax. Catholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre. “Care With Dignity…..Life With Hope” An Equal Opportunity Employer Saint John of God Religious Education Touching Hearts ~ Changing Lives Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director Telephone: 631-234-4040 Email: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am – 3:00pm Monday Evenings 4:30pm – 6:30pm RESPECT LIFE NOVENA AL DIVINO NIÑO JESUS CHILDREN FOR LIFE CHOIR / CORO NIÑOS POR LA VIDA SCHEDULE OF CLASSES: Monday, Feb. 8 Teen Team & Level 8 Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Rites of Christian Initiation for Children Regular Session: 7:00pm in Chapel Wednesday, Feb. 10 Saturday, Feb. 13 Levels 1 – 7 & Sacrament Prep. Ash Wednesday Mass dur ing class *All are welcome 4:45 – 6:00pm NO CLASSES – Winter Recess YO REINARE LOS NIÑOS VIVEN LA PRESENCIA DE CRISTO Exciting things are happening in Religious Education! YEAR OF MERCY PRAYER ORACION DEL AÑO DE JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA Lord Jesus Christ, Señor Jesucristo, tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos como el Padre del cielo, y nos has dicho que quien te ve, lo ve también a Él. you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Let the Church be your visible face in the world. Send your spirit so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. Adapted from the prayer penned by Pope Francis. Haz que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro visible de Ti. Manda tu Espíritu para que el Jubileo de la Misericordia sea un año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con renovado entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres, proclamar la libertad a los prisioneros y oprimidos y restituir la vista a los ciegos. Te lo pedimos por la intercesión de María, Madre de la Misericordia, a ti que vives y reinas con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Adaptada de la oración escrita por el Papa Francisco. SNOW REMOVAL CALL ULISES CHAVEZ 631-747-9957 IF YOU NEED SNOW REMOVAL OR YOU CAN SHOVEL PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR NAME TO MR. JACK LAFFERTY AT [email protected] or CALL AT 631-234-6535 Ext. 135 SO WE CAN PUT THE NAMES IN THE BULLETIN. CHOIR REHEARSALS SPA 9:30AM MASS: LUNES, FEB. 8,15,22,29—7:30PM MUSIC ROOM ENG. ADULT: TUESDAY, FEB. 9,16,23—8:00PM— CHURCH SPA 7:00PM (SAB) MASS: JUEVES, 2DA,3RA y 4TA SEMANAS, (FEB. 11,18,25) - 6:00PM - MUSIC ROOM CHILDREN FOR LIFE CHOIR : FRIDAYS/ VIERNES, February12,19,26 ~ 4:30PM ~ Chapel Saint John of God Parish Special Needs Mass With a special blessing of the Sick! February 7th 4:00PM In the Chapel Wheelchair Accessible All Are Invited! PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR MILITARY: TARA FORESTER TREVOR MACHIN CHRIS BENITEZ MICHAEL J. BYRNE THOMAS JACKSON THANK YOU IN DEFENDING THE FREEDOM OF OUR NATION If your loved ones or if you know of someone who is called to serve in the military, please submit their names at the Parish Center 631-234-6535. The families wish to thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to pray for the safe return of our troops. GOD BLESS YOU ALL OUR LADY OF PROVIDENCE/ ST. JOHN OF GOD SCHOOL CENTRAL ISLIP Calling all St. John of God School Graduates and Our Lady of Providence Graduates We are looking to update your contact information to form an Alumni Association. Please fill out the information below and drop in the collection basket, or send information to Jack Lafferty at: [email protected] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NAME: __________________________ Somos Un Rebaño Eucaristía Para Necesidades Especiales Con Bendición especial/Unci6n de los enfermos 7 de Febrero 4:00PM Capilla Accesible a silla de Ruedas ADRESS: ________________________ _______________________________ TELEPHONE #: ___________________ YEAR GRADUATED: ________________ EMAIL: _________________________ LENT 2016 JUBILEE OF MERCY Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The Holy Father has sent us all a Message for this Lent of the Jubilee of Mercy. I want to call your attention to it and urge you to read it. It is beautiful, concrete and opens up to us rich and inspiring ways to make this Lent a deep and wonderful journey of faith as we seek God’s merciful love and receive it during the forty days that we travel together to celebrate the Sacred Triduum of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. In his letter, Pope Francis says: Let’s not waste the season of Lent! He goes on to call Mary, the perfect icon of the Church which evangelizes and is evangelized by the Holy Spirit. We too, who make up the Church, must imitate Mary and open ourselves to the Spirit as she did at the Annunciation. Led by the Spirit this Lent we can become ourselves evangelizers of God’s mercy by our words and our actions. Pope Francis commends to us the time honored Corporal and Spiritual “Works of Mercy”. He says, God’s mercy transforms our hearts to become merciful, inspiring us to love of neighbor. Take one a day or use them to do an act of kindness. Corporal: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; welcome the stranger; care for the sick; visit the prisoners; bury the dead. The Spiritual: convert the sinner; instruct the ignorant; counsel the doubtful; comfort the sorrowful; bear wrongs patiently; forgive injuries; pray for the living and the dead. For me the most beautiful part of his message is when he speaks of God’s merciful love for His Chosen People and the faithfulness of His love as a covenant that, despite all the sins of God’s people, He will always be faithful, always forgives, and will never cease to love us. The Pope takes that and invites us to see God’s compassion for us His people as a model and an inspiration of marriage between a man and a woman and the love that brings children into the world as part of a family. God’s unceasing, faithful love (Hebrew: hesed) culminates in the Incarnation of His Son as the bridegroom who does everything to win over His bride, the Church. He even dies for her! And He does that for us now and always. Make this Lent a time when you open yourselves up to that love, experience that love through the reconciling and healing sacrament of Penance; let this love heal your hearts and renew your faith and your commitment to your spouse, your children, your parents, all the members of your family, your neighbors, your friends, all from whom you may be alienated. God offers that love to you. You who accept His love then must be givers of that love to others. May God’s words of love and reconciliation dwell in our hearts this Lent of Mercy and may God bless our Church here on Long Island and make us instruments of His merciful love to others. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • www.drvc.org CUARESMA 2016 JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: El Santo Padre ha enviado a todos un Mensaje para esta Cuaresma del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. Quiero llamar su atención e impulsarles a leerlo. Es hermoso, concreto y nos abre de forma rica e inspiradora para hacer esta Cuaresma un viaje profundo y maravilloso de fe mientras buscamos el amor misericordioso de Dios y lo recibimos durante los cuarenta días que caminamos juntos para celebrar el Sagrado Triduo de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvador. En su carta, el Papa Francisco dice: ¡No desperdiciemos el tiempo de la Cuaresma! Él sigue llamando a María, el icono perfecto de la Iglesia que evangeliza y es evangelizada por el Espíritu Santo. Nosotros también, que conformamos la Iglesia, debemos imitar a María y abrirnos al Espíritu como ella hizo en la Anunciación. Conducidos por el Espíritu, esta Cuaresma podemos hacernos evangelizadores de la misericordia de Dios por medio de nuestras palabras y nuestras acciones. El Papa Francisco nos encomienda “Las obras de la Misericordia”, Corporales y Espirituales, tan estimadas a lo largo de los siglos. Él dice, la misericordia de Dios transforma nuestros corazones haciéndolos misericordiosos, inspirándonos amar al vecino. Tomar una al día y usarla para hacer un acto de caridad. Corporales: dar de comer al hambriento; dar de beber al sediento; vestir al desnudo; acoger al forastero; cuidar de los enfermos; visitar a los presos; sepultar a los muertos. Espirituales: convertir al pecador; instruir al ignorante; aconsejar al que duda; consolar al que sufre; soportar el mal con paciencia; perdonar las injurias; orar por los vivos y los muertos. Para mí la parte más hermosa de su mensaje es cuando él habla del amor misericordioso de Dios por Su Pueblo Escogido y la fidelidad de Su amor como la promesa que, a pesar de todos los pecados del Pueblo de Dios, Él siempre será fiel, siempre perdona, y nunca dejará de amarnos. El Papa toma esto y nos invita a ver la compasión de Dios por nosotros Su pueblo como un modelo y una inspiración del matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer y el amor que trae los niños al mundo a formar parte de una familia. El amor incesante, fiel de Dios (hebreo: hesed) culmina en la Encarnación de Su Hijo como el novio que hace todo para ganarse a Su novia, la Iglesia. ¡Él hasta muere por ella! Y Él hace eso por nosotros ahora y siempre. Hagan de esta Cuaresma un tiempo en el cual se abran a ese amor. Experimenten ese amor por medio de la reconciliación y sanación del sacramento de la Penitencia; dejen que ese amor sane sus corazones y renueve su fe y su compromiso con su cónyuge, sus hijos, sus padres, todos los miembros de su familia, sus vecinos, sus amigos, con todos aquellos que ustedes puedan estar alejados. Dios les ofrece ese amor. Ustedes que aceptan Su amor deben ser donantes de ese amor a los demás. Que las palabras del Dios de amor y reconciliación habite en nuestros corazones esta Cuaresma de la Misericordia y que Dios bendiga nuestra Iglesia aquí en Long Island y nos haga instrumentos de Su amor misericordioso para con los demás. Fielmente suyos en Cristo, Obispo de Rockville Centre PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • www.drvc.org PUT GOD FIRST IN LIFE TENGA PRIMERO A DIOS EN SU VIDA **Set your priorities and ALL will fall into place in life** **Haga sus prioridades y TODO en su vida estará en su lugar** --daily personal prayer: having a friendship with our Lord…turn to him with open hearts every moment of our lives… …. oración personal diaria: tener una amistad con nuestro Señor… volvernos a Él con los corazones abiertos en todo momento de nestras vidas…. --Sunday Mass: an hour a week as a member of a community to thank God for the Goodness and Blessings in your life. …. Misa los Domingos: una hora a la semana como un miembro de la comunidad para agradecer a las Bondades y Bendiciones en nuestra vida. -- send your children to Rel. Ed or Catholic School to learn the importance of having faith and putting God first in life…. …. Enviar a su niño a la Educación Religiosa o Escuela Católica para aprender la importancia de tener fe y poner primero a Dios en su vida…. HELP YOUR CHILDREN GET A QUALITY EDUCATION AND LEARN TO PUT GOD FIRST IN LIFE: SEND THEM TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL AYUDE A SUS NIÑOS A TENER UNA EDUCACIÓN DE CALIDAD Y APRENDER A TENER A DIOS PRIMERO EN SUS VIDAS: ENVÍELOS A LA ESCUELA CATÓLICA Our Lady of Providence Catholic School 82 Carleton Ave, Central Islip, NY 11722 ~ Telephone 631-234-6324 (Pre-K to 8th Grade) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parents’ Name/Nombre de los Padres: ______________________________________ Parents telephone #/Teléfono # de los Padres: ________________________ Name of child and grade/Nombre del niño(a) y grado: ___________________________ I am interested in High School for my children/Estoy interesado en la Escuela Secundaria para mis hijos: Yes/Sí:______ (Get this slip to the parish office and someone will contact you/Entregue este formulario en la oficina parroquial y alguien se comunicará con usted) WITNESS TALK OUTLINE FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION Talk should be 3-5 minutes and in it you should touch upon the following points: ESQUEMA PARA EL TESTIMONIO SOBRE LA EDUCACION CATOLICA El testimonio debe ser de 3-5 minutos y en él debe tocar los siguientes puntos: • I send my children (I go to catholic school) because……… • Envío a mis hijos (Voy a la escuela católica), porque ......... • Why I believe in Catholic Education and why it is important to me:………… • ¿Por qué creo en la Educación Católica y por qué es importante para mí?: ............ • What I like about Our Lady of Providence School (be specific)……………….. • Lo que me gusta de la Escuela de Nuestra Señora de la Providencia (sea específico) es .................. .. • Why you should send your children / grandchildren to OLOP……………… • ¿Por qué usted debe enviar a sus hijos/ nietos a OLOP? ............... … **Please see the tear off in the bulletin. Fill it out and get it to the Parish Office or the School** ** Consulte el formulario para recortar en el boletín. Llénelo y traígalo a la Oficina Parroquial o a la Escuela ** ST. JOHN OF GOD COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Sponsored by MCAA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016 8:00AM TO 2:00PM A $25 Gift Card to FRIDAYS will be raffled off For more information call: Doreen at 516-478-5031 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA/EL IGIBIL IDA D ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Must have valid ID/Tener un ID válido No tattoos for 12 months/No tener tattoos por 1 año Minimum weight 110lbs/Peso m ínim o 60K g Between 16(with parental permission) -75 years of age/ Edad entre los 16(con permiso de los padres) a 75 años. Lectio Divina: is a form of prayer using Sacred Lectio Divina: es una forma de oración utilizando Scripture. It is a four step process, using Scripture as its las Sagradas Escrituras. Se trata de un proceso de cuatro basis to get to know our Lord in a more profound way. It is a pasos, usando las Escrituras como base para conocer a process that was developed by St. Benedict and can be used nuestro Señor en una forma más profunda. Fue un in individual prayer or in a group. proceso desarrollado por San Benedicto y se puede utilizar como oración individual o grupal. 4 STEPS: READ, MEDITATE, PRAY, CONTEMPLATE BEGIN WITH A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Come Holy Spirit, illuminate my mind, open my heart so I can encounter in your Word Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..Help me follow today, the call of Christ in a new way, according to your word. And let me be for all in the world, one who is sent by the Lord, let me be a brother/sister, let me be a friend, let me be a disciple of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 4 PASOS: LEER, MEDITAR, ORAR, CONTEMPLAR COMENZAR CON UNA ORACIÓN AL ESPÍRITU SANTO: Ven, Espíritu Santo, ilumina mi mente, abre mi corazón para que yo pueda encontrar en la Palabra a Cristo, el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida……. Ayúdame a seguir hoy, la llamada de Cristo de una manera nueva, conforme a tu palabra. Y lo digo por todos en el mundo, uno quien es enviado por el Señor, quiero ser un hermano/hermana, un amigo, ahora voy a ser un STEP 1: READ: What does the Biblical Text Say? At the most basic level: What is going on in this discípulo del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. PASO 1: LEER: ¿Qué dice el texto bíblico? En el Scriptural passage? You have to identify a WORD, nivel más básico: ¿Qué está pasando en este pasaje PHRASE, IDEA that touches your heart….that the Lord bíblico? Usted tiene que identificar una PALABRA, places in your heart….. FIRST READING: read the text out loud FRASE, IDEA que toca su corazón…..que el Señor pone en tu corazón….. slowly and intentionally. PRIMERA LECTURA: lea el texto en voz alta REFLECTION: take several minutes to lenta y deliberadamente. reflect on the reading and allow the Holy Spirit to surface REFLEXIÓN: tome varios minutos para a WORD, A PHRASE, AN IDEA/CONCEPT that is reflexionar sobre la lectura y permitir que el Espíritu central to the meaning of the text for you (What is the Santo le revele UNA PALABRA, UNA FRASE, UNA Biblical text saying?). IDEA/CONCEPTO que es el centro del significado del INTERNALIZE: repeat the word or phrase texto para usted (¿Qué le está diciendo el texto bíblico?). either out loud or in your heart. INTERNALIZAR: repetir la palabra o frase en voz alta o en su corazón. STEP 2: MEDITATE: What is Jesus saying to me personally through this Scripture Text? What does God PASO 2: MEDITAR: ¿Qué me está diciendo want me to know or see through this Scripture Text. How personalmente Jesús a través del texto de la Escritura? does this text speak to my experience in life? ¿Qué es lo que Dios quiere que conozca o vea a través del texto de la Escritura? ¿Cómo este texto me habla a mi SECOND READING: read the same experiencia en la vida? passage again. SEGUNDA LECTURA: leer el mismo pasaje. MEDITATION: take several minutes to reflect on the question: What is Jesus saying to me MEDITACIÓN: tome varios minutos para personally through this Scripture Text? reflexionar sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué me está diciendo personalmente Jesús a través de este texto de la STEP 3: PRAY: My Lord has spoken to me in the Escritura? Scriptural Text: What do I want to say back to him in PASO 3: ORAR: Mi Señor me ha hablado en el texto Prayer? Bíblico: ¿Qué es lo que le quiero decir a Dios en oración? THIRD READING: may want to re-read TERCERA LECTURA: puede volver a leer el the same passage again. mismo pasaje. REFLECTION: Jesus has spoken to me REFLEXIÓN: Jesús me ha hablado personally in this Scriptural text. What do I want to say personalmente en este texto Bíblico. ¿Qué quiero decir a to my Lord in Prayer? mi Señor en oración? PRAYER: say your prayer to our Lord ORACIÓN: diga su oración a Señor ya sea en either out loud or interiorly. voz alta o interiormente. STEP 4: CONTEMPLATE / ACT: As a result of PASO 4: CONTEMPLAR / ACTUAR: Como my prayer, what is Jesus calling me to DO (this week) as resultado de mi oración, ¿A qué Jesús me está llamando a result of this process? Finally, our prayer calls us to HACER (esta semana) como resultado de este proceso? action ultimately to be more compassionate and faithful. Por último, nuestra oración nos invita a la acción, en CONTEMPLATE: on what our Lord is calling definitiva, a ser más compasivo y fiel. you to do as a result of this process. 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