CENTRO INTERDISCIPLINARIO DE CIENCIAS MARINAS Biological studies on sharks and rays to recommend conservation or management measures in Baja California Sur Dr. Felipe Galván-Magaña 2000. What happen with Scalloped hammerhead in the Gulf of California? •What biological studies exist in Mexico to apply in shark fishing regulations or conservation ? • Fishing camps Las Barrancas Punta Belcher Punta Lobos San José del Cabo Punta Arenas El Sauzoso El Pardito Silky shark: Carcharhinus falciformis Ages: ♂ 14 : ♀ 16 years ♂142-260 cm TL; age groups: 3-14 years ♀88-230 cm TL; age groups: 2-16 years Maturity age : 8 years. Season: Only in Summer • ♀ D. gigas ♀ S.maturity at 180 cm TL; ♂ at 182 cm TL. japonicus 22.7% • Sexual22.04% rate 0.6 : 1 (M:H). •2-9 embryos. • ♂ Sperm storage C. hippurus 7.4% C. equiselis 7.8% P. planipes 28.4% Blue shark: Prionace glauca Ages 1 to 16 years with 70 to 290 cm TL. • Maturity age : ♂ 5-7 and ♁ 7-9 years. • Almost all the blue sharks are immature with size from 111-150 cm TL (4-7 years). •We found a lower growth rate in Baja California than the NE Pacific Ocean. • We foud this shark all year round. •Sexual rate: 1.6 M:1 H. •Sexual maturity: ♂ 190 /♁ 200 cm TL). •Mating and shark born during Summer. •Gestation: 12 months ( 27-33 embryos) . • Scalloped Hammerhead: Sphyrna lewini Fishing season : Juveniles in Winter (December to february). •Almost all sharks are immature (65-150 cm TL). •Bahía de la Paz is a nursery area for this shark. • D. gigas 23.3% Fish rests 25.5% Unidentified fishes 12.8% A. affinis 8.1% To know the poblational size, using the tagging method. O. banksii Calculate the time that sharks are in nursery areas (Bahia de la Paz y 11.8% Mazatlan). S. japonicus 9.4% To determine the distance and migration route. Mako Shark: Isurus oxyrinchus F 49 % Coryphaena hippur Dosidicus gigas 9 % Opisthonema libertate 10 % Fishes rests 14 % Ages from 0 to 18 years with 70 to 290 cm LT Maturity age : 7 years ♂ : 15 years ♁. Species found between 1 to 5 years with 90 to 160 cm TL Angel shark: Squatina californica Diplectrum spp. 4.1% P. margaritatus 6.2% Orgánic matter F 10.7% Fish rests Season:Winter-Spring •♀ mature at 74 cm TL; ♂ at 80cm TL •Embryos number: 4 – 6. •Mating and born: Summer • Using isotopes δ15N y δ13C indicate that principal food source is from benthic organisms in the coastal areas. 67.3% Whale shark: Rhincodon typus Las Ánimas Las Ánimas Tamaño de avistamiento IA RN FO LI CA DE Bajo ElElBajo Bahía norte Sin transectos Los Islotes BAHÍA DE L A PAZ Bahía centro Census by sea: Ruta navegación Isla Espíritu Santo SanJuan Juan San delalaCosta Costa de Isla Cerralvo Bahía sur Submarino AZ LLAAPPAZ MÉXICO O LF GO O FIC CÍ PA Censos aéreos: With transects NO ÉA OC Isla San José 1 2 3-10 107° 105° Tiburón ballena: Rhincodon typus Season of abundance: May-Jun and Sep-Nov. •They are segregated by size and sex. •Bahía de la Paz is a nursery area. •They feed on different zooplankton species considering their size •Depending the prey abundance, they use different feeding ways (sucction • or ram). •Bahia de Los Angeles (new study area) • Muestreos Zooplankton Carnívoros Herbívoros Omnívoros 13C y 15N 48 hrs a 60º White shark: Carcharodon carcharias Ongoing study •Isla Guadalupe Population structure Sexual rate Residence Sexual segregation •Genetic Population studies •Dynamic Migratory movements (short and large scale) Rap system,archival tags •Feeding behavior and C and N isotopes • SITUACION MUNDIAL Captura dirigida e incidental •Madurez tardía • Baja fecundidad • Declive poblacional • CITES (Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres) IUCN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la • PROFUNDIDAD Porcentajes Intervalos de Profundidad FISHERY ON RAYAS IN THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA Age and growth reproduction, feeding habits REPRODUCTION AGE AND GROWTH Ancho de Disco PROJECT WEB PAGE: WWW.TIBURONESYRAYASCICIMAR.COM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REPRODUCTION: Carcharhinus falciformis (Piloto): Mauricio Hoyos. Prionace glauca (Azul): Maribel Carrera. Squatina californica (Angel): Elisa Marqueda. Sphyrna lewini (Cornuda barrosa): Armando Soria, Marcela Bejarano. FEEDING HABITS: Prionace glauca (Azul): Berenice Aguilar. Squatina californica (Angel): Ofelia Escobar. Sphyrna lewini (Cornuda barrosa): Nallely Aguilar, Yassir Torres. Colombo Estupiñan, Luis Cedeño Alopias pelagicus. Carlos Polo, Marcos Calle, Liliana Rendon, Fabian Pacheco Isurus oxyrinchus (Mako): Paula Velasco. Hector Erazo Carcharhinus falciformis (Piloto): Alejandra Cabrera, Linda Barranco, Colombo Estupiñan, Luis Cede Sphyrna zygaena : Ruth Ochoa AGE AND GROWTH: Carcharhinus falciformis (Piloto): José Antonio Sánchez. Isurus oxyrinchus (Mako): Constanza Ribot. Prionace glauca (Azul): Pilar Blanco Sphyrna lewini (Cornuda barrosa): Jorge Zarate. ECOLOGY: Rhincodon typus ( Tiburón Ballena): Dení Ramirez, James Ketchum, Ana Hacohen. Carcharodon carcharias (Tiburón Blanco) Mauricio Hoyos, Mario Jaime Rivera, Pilar Blanco. Parasites: Oscar Méndez.
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