V.V. del Tranqueru V.V. Fc. Estratégico Ferrol Avilés A CORUÑA Betanzos SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA V.V. de Atxuri V.V. del Valle del Deba DONOSTIABermeo SAN SEBASTIÁN V.V. de Rioturbio V.V. de BILBAO V.V. del Pas Kadagua V.V. del Valle del Turón V.V. de Arrazola V.V. Bergara-Elorregi V.V. del Valle de Loredo V.V. Santander- V.V. MazmelaMediterráneo Eskoriatza-Aretzabaleta V.V. de Laciana (La Engaña) La Robla Villafranca del Bierzo Monforte de Lemos Marín BURGOS OURENSE Vigo Tui V.V. del Río Oja V.V. de Tierra de Campos Canfranc V.V. del Irati V.V. de El Cortijo Puigcerdà LOGROÑO V.V. Huesca-Alerre V.V. del Tarazonica GIRONA Tardienta V.V. del Carrilet II Súria Sallent Manresa SORIA LLEIDA V.V. Corredor de Valdefierro Aranda de Duero VALLADOLID V.V. del Carrilet I HUESCA Castejón Portbou Figueres V.V. del Ferro i del Carbó V.V. del Nicolau Venta de Baños V.V. del Tren Burra Núria La Pobla de Segur V.V. de Préjano V.V. de la Sierra de la Demanda PALENCIA PAMPLONA/IRUÑA V.V. del Fc Vasco-Navarro V.V. del Cidacos V.V. Santander-Mediterráneo (Burgos-Cojóbar) V.V. del Esla Spanish Vías Verdes Map V.V. del Plazaola V.V. del Mutiola-Ormaiztegui Altsasu/ Alsasua VITORIA-GASTEIZ V.V. Santander-Mediterráneo (La Bureba) Irun V.V. del Bidasoa Miranda de Ebro LEÓN V.V. Morlans Ibaeta V.V. Añorga Errekalde-San Sebastián V.V. de Arditurri V.V. del Urola SANTANDER V.V. de la Camocha V.V. de la Senda del Oso LUGO PONTEVEDRA Gijón V.V. de Fuso OVIEDO V.V. del Eo V.V. de Orkonera V.V. Montes de Hierro V.V. del Piquillo-Paseo Itsaslur V.V. Minas de Dícido V.V. de Castro-Traslaviña Terrassa ZARAGOZA Igualada Sabadell V.V. del Vallès ZAMORA BARCELONA Medina del Campo Olmedo Reus Calatayud V.V. de la Terra Alta SALAMANCA V.V. del Valle del Eresma V.V. de la Plata SEGOVIA V.V. del Val del Zafán Tortosa Los Cotos Fuentes de Oñoro ÁVILA TARRAGONA V.V. del Baix Ebre GUADALAJARA Collado Villalba V.V. de la Gasolina MADRID Móstoles V.V. del Río Guadarrama Plasencia V.V. del Tajuña II V.V. del Tajuña Talavera de la Reina TERUEL V.V. de Ojos Negros V.V. del Tren de los 40 Días V.V. del Mar CUENCA CASTELLÓN DE LA PLANA/CASTELLÓ DE LA PLANA Sóller TOLEDO V.V. de la Jara Valencia de Alcántara Llíria V.V. del Trenillo Bétera VALENCIA Alcázar de San Juan V.V. Vegas del Guadiana y las Villuercas Villanueva de Castellón ALBACETE Villanueva de la Serena MÉRIDA BADAJOZ V.V. de Poblete Puertollano Almorchón Jerez de los Caballeros V.V. de Dénia V.V. de Almodóvar del Campo V.V. del Xixarra V.V. del Carbón y la Plata V.V. de Alcoi V.V. de Ibi Mirabueno Almodóvar del Río V.V. de Torrevieja Linares Espelúy V.V. del Guadalimar V.V. GuadajozSubbética JAÉN V.V. del Aceite V.V. Campo de Cartagena Utrera Águilas V.V. Huercal-Overa V.V. del Almanzora GRANADA V.V. de la Sierra V.V. de Sierra Nevada Antequera ALMERÍA V.V. Entre Ríos Algeciras Cartagena V.V. de la Sierra de Baza Moreda V.V. de la Subbética HUELVA V.V. Puerto RealSan Fernando MURCIA CÓRDOBA SEVILLA V.V. Matagorda ALACANT/ALICANTE V.V. del Noroeste V.V. de Linares V.V. de la Campiña V.V. de Molinos del Agua V.V. de Itálica CÁDIZ Alcoy/Alcoi V.V. del Maigmó V.V. del Segura V.V. Peñarroya-Pueblonuevo V.V. de la Maquinilla V.V. de Vadollano V.V. de El Ronquillo V.V. del Litoral V.V. de la Sierra de Alcaraz Gandia V.V. de la Safor Xátiva Dénia Zafra V.V. de la Sierra Norte de Sevilla V.V. del Guadiana CIUDAD REAL Manzanares Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón MÁLAGA Fuengirola V.V. de Lucainena de las Torres Los Nietos Sa Pobla V.V. Manacor-Artà Manacor PALMA DE MALLORCA Sagunto/Sagunt V.V. de Xurra Riba-roja de Túria CÁCERES Inca Vías Verdes / Greenways Greenways under development Active railway lines Autonomous region capital Provincial capital Railway junctions and termini Autonomous region boundary National park Regional or natural park Official map viewer: www.ign.es/CartoNaturaleza/ Data updated in November 2015 What are Vías Verdes / Greenways? “Vías Verdes” are old railway lines in disuse recovered as non-motorized routes for hikers and cyclists. Of over 7,600 km of disused railway lines that existed in Spain in 1993, nearly 2,200 km have been converted into 113 Greenways running across Spain, a number that is growing every day. They make an attractive and sustainable resource for the public to enjoy our natural environment and rich railway heritage. Greenways make it easy to practice active and healthy leisure pursuits and encourage a change of mentality in favour of sustainable mobility. The Greenways network is designed to make use of the railway lines on which they run, offering maximum ease and comfort in their routes to ensure universal accessibility, including those people with disabilities. The ban on motorized traffic makes them very safe. The development of Greenways extends beyond the Spanish frontiers. In 1998 the European Greenways Association (EGWA) was created in Belgium and since 2009 the Secretariat and Executive Offices have been located in Madrid, at the Spanish Railways Foundation (FFE). Currently more than 50 member organizations from 16 countries support the EGWA. www.aevv-egwa.org “VÍA VERDE”® is a quality brand, restricted in Spain to the use of routes running over old railway lines. All the Spanish Greenways are easily identified by their distinctive logo and signposting. But the “Greenway” concept goes much further. The package also takes in the restoration of old stations which are being rehabilitated for the installation of related services and equipment. Nearly 100 old railway stations have been restored as restaurants, cafés, accommodation, bicycle hire, information centres, small museums, etc. There are a host of possibilities: from routes barely stretching for a few kilometres, to urban trails and country tracks, right up to itineraries of up to 200 kilometres. All in all, an original, varied alternative for those who want to discover Spain’s rich landscapes and cultural sites in an easy, environmentally friendly way. Among the main promoters of the Greenways Programme are the Ministry for the Environment, the principal investor in the development of infrastructures, the Spanish Railway Foundation (FFE), responsible for the national coordination and promotion of the project, and the Railway Infrastructure Manager-Adif. The active involvement of Regions and Town Councils, as well as the enthusiastic contribution of cycling associations, ecological and cultural organizations, have made it possible to set the programme in motion and give life to 2,200 km of Greenways. Visit Spain, enjoy Vías Verdes ! Before going on a Greenway it is advisable to be well documented about the route in order to fully enjoy it: detailed maps, elevation maps, surface types, natural and historic attractions, drinking fountains, accommodation and restaurant services… This information is available in English on the FFE website at www.viasverdes.com/en/ And don’t forget to visit our “Travel Guides” and watch our videos on YouTube. Further information: • “ Guía de Vías Verdes”: Spanish Greenways Guide, 3 vols. published in Spanish by FFE with Anaya Touring •O fficial road map of Spain: published by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport •O fficial map viewer (IGN, National Geographic Institute) www.ign. esCartoNaturaleza/ • Social networks: Facebook, Twitter In collaboration with: Con la colaboración del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y el Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG)
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