MARCH 1ST, 2015— SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bulletin for exact dates. Parents should make arrangements at the Rectory at least one month in advance and must present child’s Birth Certificate and proof of residence within the parish. Los padres deben hacer los arreglos por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo es necessario presenter el Acta de Nacimiento y prueba de que viven dentro de la parroquia. BAPTISM SCHEDULE-—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Conference 8:00pm- Institute Ceremony 2:00 pm March 11 March 15 April 22 April 26 ________ May 27 May 31 June 24 June 28 HORARIO DE BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES DOMINGO Charla 8:00pm— Instituto Ceremonia 2:00 pm 4 Marzo ______ _ 8 Abril 6 Mayo 10 Junio 8 Marzo 12 Abril 10 Mayo 14 Junio _______ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN/ CATECISMO For information about the program, please call the Religious Education Office at (718) 278-1834, ext. 14, Monday through Friday, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. Para información sobre el programa, por favor llame la Oficina de educación religiosa en (718) 278-1834, ext. 14, el martes al viernes, de 3:30 pm a 7:30 pm CATHOLIC SCHOOLS/ ESCUELAS CATOLICAS Scholarship applications for the neighboring Catholic elementary schools are now available. Contact Sister Barbara in the Rectory for further information. The deadline is April 22. If you need assistance in completing the application, we will be glad to help you. Aplicaciones para becas para las escuelas cercanas de primaria católica están disponible ahora. Hable con Hermana Barbara en la rectoría para mas información. El ultimo dia es Abril 22. Si necesita asistencia en completar la aplicación, con gusto les podemos ayudar. MARRIAGES/ MATRIMONIOS Couples should make arrangements at least six months in advance. Los novios deben hacer los arreglos en la oficina parroquial, por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. Las parejas preparando para el sacramento se reunen cado otro martes en el centro; Salon Guadalupe. BECOME A CATHOLIC Adults interested in becoming Catholic, or completing their First Communion and Confirmation, or general catechesis, may enroll in the RCIA program. Please see one of the staff. (English or Spanish) PRE-ADMISSION ANOINTING If you know you will be entering the hospital for elective surgery, it is appropriate and recommended to received the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick BEFORE entering the hospital. Simply ask one of the parish priests to give you the sacrament before admission. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK / SACRAMENTOS PARA LOS ENFERMOS Call the Rectory to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion to the homebound. In case where one’s health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the Priests to administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. DISABILITIES ADVOCATE Coordinator: Mr. Bob Koch. Please note that the north-west church door close to the parking lot is handicapped-accessible (no steps). All levels of the Parish Center are accessible by elevator. SAFE ENVIRONMENT Coordinator: Ms. Winnie Burke. Awareness education required for all volunteers who interact with minors and recommended for all. QUINCEAÑERA Please call the Rectory office at (718) 278-1834 x14 for information or make an appointment, Monday through Friday, 3:30pm to 7:30pm. By the date of the mass, the quinceañera should have received catechism and the following sacraments: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation- and be a worshipper here. Favor de llamar a la oficina al 718) 278-1834 x 14 para mas Información o para hacer una cita de lunes a viernes de 3:30pm a 7:30pm. Antes de la fecha de la misa, la quinceañera debe haber recibido catesismo y los siguientes sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera Comunion, y Confirmacion- además debe ser feligres de esta parroquia. BRIDGE TO LIFE "The Bridge to Life, Inc." is a non-sectarian organization dedicated to offering the resources needed to choose life! We do this with counseling that is informative, compassionate and honest. We welcome both volunteers and donations of clean, gently-used baby clothing and objects. Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9:30am to 11:30am at 23-40 Astoria Boulevard. Phone Number: (718)578-4442 Website: CATHOLIC CEMETERIES / CEMENTERIOS CATOLICOS For information and availability options, please call (718) 8944888. Please remember that cremated remains should be interred in the same manner as bodies, out of respect for the human body, that is, in a grave or mausoleum, not kept at home or spread to the elements. OLMC MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Mary Gately 5:00pm Emilia Baronci PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested. SUNDAY, MARCH 1 (Second Sunday of Lent) 8:00am Mercedes Hernandez & Aurelia Moreno 9:00am Privata 10:00am Living & Deceased Members of OLMC Rosary Society 11:15am Mary Kerrigan 12:30pm Angel Ruiz 5:00pm Parish Family Sadie Polizzi Kitty Roth Rebecca Mercado Week 1: Kay McQuillan Roberto DiBono Jenny Wai Ching Rose Manetta Week 2: John King MONDAY, MARCH 2 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Jitka Klimchok Snyder 12:00pm James F. Wooley Sandra Pagan Helen Grieco Margarita Dostall Kevin Wooley Week 3: Azalia Ortiz John Fleming Julie Mazzarese Brian Wooley TUESDAY, MARCH 3 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Marie Jirsova 12:00pm Pina & Simone Rappa WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Jessica Mennona (2nd Anniversary) 12:00pm Margaret Finucane THURSDAY, MARCH 5 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Giuseppa & Vincenzo Baretta 12:00pm Rosalia & Salvatore Arcabascio FRIDAY, MARCH 6 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Purgatorial Society 12:00pm Filippo & Margherita Sferrazza 7:30pm Parish Family– Spanish Mass– Lower Church SATURDAY, MARCH 7 (Lenten Weekday) 8:00am Luisa Bertolotti 5:00pm Deceased Nacinovich Children Bishop Thomas Daily S. Zollikofer Elsie Vignali Robert Lohman Kathleen Tilton Edward Simeone PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Gaetano “Tommy” Mazzeo Retired State Senator of Our District George Onorato MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES AT MOUNT CARMEL The Tree of Life: gracing the east wall of the church vestibule. Gift categories include: Silver Leaf: $ 500.00 Gold Leaf: $1,000.00 Gold Rock at Base of Tree: $2,500.00 Announced Mass: $ 15.00 Purgatorial Society: $10.00 Weekly Altar Flowers: $75.00 Weekly Altar Bread and Wine: $35.00 Weekly Sanctuary Lamp: $25.00 Weekly Altar Candles: $15.00 DEDICATED OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK Family Mass/ Misa Familiar Celebrated on Sundays at the 11:15am Mass on the following dates: Celebrado los Domingos en la Misa de 11:15am en los dias siguientes: March 8 March 22 Marzo 8 Marzo 22 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT TODAY’S READINGS First Reading Genesis 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 God pours blessings upon those who trust. Second Reading Romans 8:31-34 God holds nothing back in love for us. Gospel Mark 9:2-10 Jesus appears in glory to Peter, James and John. The disciples do not know what is happening, but Jesus tells them to tell nobody about this until after the resurrection. The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for Giovanni Talianozzi– Living This was requested by Talianozzi Family Altar Bread & Wine has been offered for Rosina Verrati This was requested by Stella Anna Altar Candles are Dedicated for Jessica Mennona This was requested by Mom & Dad Altar Flowers are Offered for Our Parish Family THIS WEEK AT OLMC The activities calendar for the entire year is viewable on the parish website. Please be aware that it is updated several times a month GREGORIAN CHANT MASS English Mass with Latin Gregorian Chant Mass every Sunday at 8 AM including the proper antiphons of the day and other occasional chants. ROSARY SOCIETY Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of each month after attending the 10:00AM Mass. We have a brief meeting followed by refreshments in the Lourdes Room. Come join us… we warmly welcome new members. Rosary Society does not meet during the summer months ITALIAN COMMUNITY Meets the 2nd. Sunday of each month after attending the 9:00 AM Italian Mass. Brief meeting fallowed with coffee and cake. Guadalupe B. New members always welcome. Italian Community does not meet in the summer months COMUNITA ITALIANA Si riuniscono ogni seconda Domenica del mese dopo che hanno partecipato alla Messa delle 9 di mattina.Dopo la riunione seguira un piccolo trattenimento con caffe e dolci. Un benvenuto ai nuovi membri STRING CONSORT MASS 3rd Sunday of every month: 5:00pm mass with instrumental consort. CHOIR / CORO The Choir meets every Monday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church. If you are interested in joining the choir, please call the Rectory. Choir does not meet in the summer months Coro Español: Todos los Sabado de 12pm-2pm en el centro parroquial, Salon Lourdes . DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION On Tuesday evenings we have the communal recitation of the Divine Mercy devotion in Spanish in the lower church starting at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. DEVOCION DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Cada martes en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:00 de la noche, en espanol. Todos invitados. MOTHER’S PRAYER GROUP Every Wednesday at 10:00am in English and 4:30pm in Spanish in the Lower Church. SINGLES GATHERING 2nd Wednesday of every month. Holy Rosary 7:45pm—worship begins at 8:00pm in the Parish Center. Sponsored by the Filipino Committee. All are welcome to attend. AYMCA YOUNG ADULTS Meets every 1st Wednesday 7:30pm– 8:30pm– Fatima Room JORNADA YOUTH Meet every Friday evening at 7:30 pm in the Guadalupe A room. CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS Meet every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. in the Parish Center, Guadalupe A/B. Coffee, Cake, Bingo. New members are always welcome. CATHOLIC STUDY AND SHARING GROUP Meets every other Friday night from 8:00pm to 10:00pm in Lourdes Room starting January 2015 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of the month from the 8am Mass to 12 Noon Mass. First Sunday of the month in Vietnamese—2:00pm—Lower Church GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICA (ESPAÑOL) “Manatiales de Gracia”: Todos los Viernes 7:30 pm en la Iglesia de abajo. ADULT FAITH FELLOWSHIP Saturday Faith Fellowship Group meets every Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00am in the Parish Center, Lourdes B. Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Group meet every third Friday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Parish Center, Lourdes B. This Week At OLMC Parish Institute Sunday March 1 ALL DAY 9:00am– 1:00pm 10:00am– 12:30pm 10:30am– 12:30pm 11:30am– 12:30pm 1:30pm– 4:00pm 1:30pm– 2:30pm Concluding Lunar Celebration Rosary Society Spanish RCIA Cursillo Czech Via Crusis Practice Vietnamese Rel Ed Gym Lourdes A/B Upper Room+ Fatima Guadalupe A Guadalupe B Guadalupe A/B Nazareth+ Fatima Monday March 2 7:00am– 5:00pm 6:00pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm 7:30pm– 8:30pm TYWLS CYO Talleres de Vida Young Adult Group Gym Gym Guadalupe B Fatima Tuesday March 3 7:00am– 5:00pm 5:00pm– 8:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS Cath. Char. Project Conn. CYO Marriage Encounter Gym Fatima Gym Guadalupe B+ Fatima Wednesday March 4 7:00am– 5:00pm 3:00pm– 7:30pm 5:30pm– 10:00pm 7:30pm– 10:30pm 8:00pm– 9:00pm TYWLS CCD CYO Young Adult Group Baptism Instruction Gym All Rooms Gym Fatima Guadalupe A Thursday March 5 7:00am– 5:00pm 1:00pm – 4:00pm 5:30pm– 10:00pm 6:00pm– 7:30pm TYWLS Carmel Diamond Srs. CYO Teenage CCD 7:00pm– 8:00pm English RCIA Friday March 6 7:00am– 3:30pm 5:30pm– 10:00pm 5:30pm– 9:00pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm TYWLS CYO Pre-Cana Jornada Youth Saturday March 7 9:00am – 12:00pm 10:00am– 12:00pm 12:00pm– 9:00pm 12:30pm– 2:00pm 5:30pm– 8:30pm 7:00pm– 9:00pm AA Meeting Guadalupe A/B+ Fatima Saturday Faith Fellowship Lourdes A/B CYO Gym English Lenten Retreat Lourdes A/B Deacon Ruben Upper Room+ Fatima Danza Azteca Group Guadalupe A/B Gym Guadalupe A/B Gym Fatima+ Lourdes A/B + Guadalupe B Guadalupe A Gym Gym Fatima Guadalupe A PLEASE REMEMBER ALWAYS: BEFORE MASS SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES. FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, SMALL CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO UNATTENDED TO THE REST ROOMS. NO TEXTING DURING MASS AFTER MASS TIDY UP THE PEW FOR THE NEXT GROUP THANKS! POR FAVOR, RECUERDE SIEMPRE: ANTES DE LA MISA SILENCIAR SUS TELÉFONOS CELULARES. POR SU PROPIA SEGURIDAD, NIÑOS PEQUEÑOS NO DEBERIAN IR A LOS BAÑO SIN SUPERVISION. NO TEXTEAR DURANTE LA MISA DESPUÉS DE MISA LIMPIE EL BANCO PARA EL GRUPO SIGUIENTE ¡GRACIAS! ST. MARGARET MARY ANNOUNCEMENTS MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST: (SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT) 10:15 am Gregorio Perdomo THIS WEEK AT ST. MARGARET MARY SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST: 10:00 am– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory 11:30 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4TH: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Hall + Chapel)- Sta. Margarita Maria 7:30 pm– AA Meeting (English)- Rectory HORA SANTA, ADORACION Y BENEDICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO. Cada primer Sabado del mes en Santa Margarita María de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Todos estan Invitados. AA Meeting (ENGLISH) Sundays -10am -11am- Closed Discussion Meeting Mondays– 7pm– 8pm– Step Meeting Wednesday– 7pm– 8pm- Step Meeting (Tradition Last Wednesday of the Month) in the Rectory Room DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION El grupo devocional a la Misericordia Divina se reune cada segundo Sabado del mez a las 3pm en la capilla de Santa Margarita Maria. ST. MARGARET MARY FOOD PANTRY NEWS In the month of January, 2015 a total of 1,474 people were served. This included 550 children, 795 adults and 129 seniors. For an appointment to our food pantry, please call (718) 721-9020 Administrative Immigration Relief Assistance at Saint Margaret Mary is now available. For an appointment please call 718.721.9020. Relivio Administrativo de Imigracion en Santa Margarita Maria esta disponible. Favor de llamar al 718.721.9020 por una cita. St. Margaret Mary, 9-18 27 Avenue, Astoria, NY “DREAM ACT” DEFERRED ACTION APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE & CONSULTS RE. ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment please call at 718-721-9020. Santa Margarita Maria, 9-18 27 Avenida, Astoria, NY APLICACIONES PARA LA ACCION DIFERIDA ESTAN DISPONIBLES Y ASISTENCIA CON ALIVIO ADMINISTRATIVO Las aplicaciones para la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia estan disponibles. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta y/o quiere hacer una cita por favor llamar al 718-721-9020. SUPPORT OUR PARISH FOOD PANTRY WITH OUR ROSARY SOCIETY: In a cooperative venture between the parish Rosary Society and our Parish Food Pantry at St Margaret Mary, we have instituted a monthly food collection on the First Sunday of the month at all Masses. Please bring only dried or canned foods (non-perishables). Please no food beyond expirations dates. Thank you for your help in carrying out the Corporal Works of Mercy in this era of need. All women of the parish are welcome to join them in their prayer, good works, and conviviality . Next Pantry is Sunday, March 1st, 2015. APOYO DESPENSA DE COMIDAS Y NUESTRA SOCIEDAD DEL ROSARIO: En una iniciativa conjunta entre la Sociedad del Rosario y la Parroquia despensa de alimentos a Santa Margarita María, que se instituyo una colección mensual de alimentos en el primer domingo del mes en todas las misas. Favor de traer solamente los alimentos secos o enlatados (no perecederos). Por favor no comida expirada. Gracias por su ayuda en la realización de las Obras de Misericordia Corporales en esta época de necesidad. Todas las mujeres de la parroquia están invitados a unirse a ellos en sus oraciones, buenas obras, y la convivencia domingo projimo. Proxima vez: 1 de Marzo 2015. INCOME TAX PREPARATION AT: St. Margaret Mary 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Call Denise for more info: (718) 721-9020 DONATE YOUR USED COMMUNION OUTFITS Call Saint Margaret Mary for Pick Up 718) 721-9020 Saint Margaret Mary Rummage Sale March 17, 18, 19– Doors open at 9:00am Venta en Santa Margarita Maria Marzo 17, 18, 19– Las puertas se abren a las 9:00pm ************************************ IMPUESTOS (INCOME TAX) SE PREPARAN AQUÍ: Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Llame a Denise para más información al: (718) 721-9020 DE EL PASTOR FROM THE OGLE OFFICE Queridos Hermanos, Dear Friends, On February 15 we announced at our masses that our parish is undertaking a Capital Campaign called “GENERATIONS OF FAITH” in partnership with our diocese as one of the twenty-three “Pilot Parishes”. The purpose of the Campaign is to train future generations of youth leaders, to honor our commitment to elderly priests who have served, and to help parishes with their current financial needs. At this juncture we are happy to report that we have received over $400,000 in pledges, a great achievement so far. We are preparing to reach out in the next few weeks to many of our registered parishioners and eventually to everyone who worships here. Please pray for the success of “GENERATIONS OF FAITH”. El 22 de febrero anunciamos en nuestras Misas que nuestra parroquia está llevando a cabo una campaña llamada "GENERACIONES DE FE" en colaboración con nuestra diócesis como uno de los veintitrés " parroquias pilotos". Los propósitos de la campaña son: capacitar a las futuras generaciones de líderes juveniles, honrar a nuestro compromiso a los sacerdotes ancianos que han servido, y ayudar a las parroquias con sus necesidades financieras actuales. En esta coyuntura nos complace informarles que hemos recibido sobre $400.000 en promesas, un gran logro hasta ahora. Nos estamos preparando para llegar en las próximas semanas a muchos de nuestros feligreses registrados y eventualmente a todos los que adoran aquí. Por favor recen por el éxito de "GENERACIONES DE FE". PARISH BULLETIN BOARD SAINT JOSEPH You are all invited to the Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church For a celebration in Honor of SAINT JOSEPH Thursday, March 19,2015 at 10:00am The mass will be celebrated in Italian after Mass you are invited to the Parish Center where there will be a celebration for St. Joseph with bread, olives & Cheese. ******************* SAN GIUSEPPE Tutti sieti invitati alla festa di San Giuseppe Gioverdi 19 Marzo 2015 Alle’ore 10:00 del mattino La Santa Messa sara celebrata in Italiano Dopo la Santa Messa tutti Sieti invitati al Parish Center per celebrare le festa di San Giuseppe con pane, ulive e formaggio Join us for this year's English Lent Retreat Day Our Lady of Mount Carmel 23– 25 Newtown Ave Following upon last year's wonderful retreat day with Bishop Ed Scharfenberger, another very special opportunity: Saturday, March 7 from 10am to 3pm Topic: “In Him We Live, and Move, and Have Our Being: Becoming Aware of God's Indwelling Presence in Us" Speaker:Dr. Mary Denise D'Attore (published author, university professor and trained in Thomistic philosophy and liturgical music) Including spiritual talks and visiting confessors Location: Lower church Sandwich lunch included PARISH BULLETIN BOARD PRAYERS OF THE WEEK SECOND WEEK OF LENT Lord, as you guide us through the difficult days of Lent, encourage us along the way. We pray as we move towards the darkest day, that you'll not forsake us but remind us of our Savior's ultimate gift and promise of new, abundant, eternal life for all who believe and trust in him, your precious son, Jesus. Amen Monday Forgive us Lord for our apathy, for our lack of courage to speak out. Forgive us when we walk past and don't offer help. Forgive us when we get it wrong. We confess that we are afraid - we don't want to overcome our hidden doubts and prejudices in order to be alongside those who are different from ourselves. We ask that you would lead us into action: give us strength to be a voice crying for justice and peace. Tuesday Father, help me to see this Holy Season as a time of spiritual renewal, rather than a time of deprivation. Motivate me to reach a new level of experiencing your grace. As I continue my journey toward spiritual growth, help me to look deep within myself and let go of the old and embrace the new life that comes from you. Give me a new and expanded vision of my life. Help me to live a life full of faith and teach me to find HOPE in the face of adversity. Wednesday Three hundred sixty-five days of possibilities. During His last Passover meal with His disciples, Jesus announced the beginning of the new covenant, represented by His blood that would pay for the world’s sins. Once we accept the gift of forgiveness made possible by His sacrifice, we become a new creation. But Jesus doesn’t stop there. He lives inside us, helping us become more like Him and enjoy a life of meaning and fulfillment. Thursday The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5) The light of the world is always with us, and we have to cultivate the habit of noticing good things during dark times: the kind person, the thoughtful gesture, the bits of light Christ has put in our path. The more attention we dedicate to this, the less of our souls the darkness is able to grasp. God did not eradicate Christ’s dark pain and suffering on Good Friday, but transformed it into unimaginable good. He can transform the darkness in our lives too, if we carry our cross out of love for Him. Pray for all struggling in darkness, that they may see the light of Christ and find rest in it. Friday Lord, open our eyes to the needs of others and show us how we can make a difference during Lent and all year round Help us to step into another person's shoes, or if they have no shoes then not to be afraid to take off our own. Saturday "I'm Here, God" Just commit five minutes to being alone with God. Being present. Being open. Available. Just being here. In God’s Presence. This is what prayer is. Or what it can be. Not a duty. Not achieving some holy purpose. Just being present, by yourself, with God. In that silence, you will hear HIS voice. Submitted by Elaine Rodriguez Share your favorite prayers: [email protected] CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If anyone is in need of a contribution statement for tax purposes, please contact the rectory. If possible, please have your envelope number ready. Thank you. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD PRAYERS OF THE WEEK A DIFFERENT TYPE OF FASTING I am called to fast from being strong and always trying to hold it all together, and instead embrace the profound grace that comes through my vulnerability and tenderness, to allow a great softening this season. I am called to fast from anxiety and the endless torrent of thoughts which rise up in my mind to paralyze me with fear of the future, and enter into the radical trust in the abundance at the heart of things, rather than scarcity. I am called to fast from speed and rushing through my life, causing me to miss the grace shimmering right here in this holy pause. SUNDAY 8AM MASS ANTIPHONS Entrance Antiphon Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, Domine, et miericordiae tuae, quae a saeculo sunt. Ne umquam dominentur nobis inimici nostri; libera nos, Deus Israel, ex omnibus angustiis nostris. Remember your compassion, Oh Lord, and your merciful love, for they are from the old. Let not our enemies exult over us. Redeem us, O God of Israel, from all our distress. Offertory Antiphon Meditabor in mandatis tuis, quae dilexi valde: et levabo manus meas as mandata tua, quae dilexi. I will ponder your statutes, which I have greatly loved; and I will lift my hands to your commandments, which I have loved. Communion Antiphon I am called to fast from multitasking and the destructive energy of inattentiveness to any one thing, so that I get many things done, but none of them well, and none of them nourishing to me. Instead my practice will become a beholding of each thing, each person, each moment. I am called to fast from endless list-making and too many deadlines, and enter into the quiet and listen for what is ripening and unfolding, what is ready to be born. I am called to fast from certainty and trust in the great mystery of things. And then perhaps, I will arrive at Easter and realize those things from which I have fasted I no longer need to take back on again. I will experience a different kind of rising. (Author Unknown) Submitted by Lucille Mascia Share your favorite prayers: [email protected] ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT —FIRST FRIDAYS Spiritual writers speak of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as the Mass held in contemplation.” As a way of encouraging devotion to the Eucharist, we invite everyone to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday of the month. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after the 8:00 am Mass until the 12 Noon Mass. Come join us in prayer. HOLY, HOLY HOLY: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. LAMB OF GOD: Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. (2 X) Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem. Visionem quam vidistis, nemini dixeritis, donec resurgat a mortuis Filius hominis. Tell no one of the vision you have seen, until the Son of Man shall rise from the dead. SECOND COLLECTIONS/ SEGUNDA COLECTA MONTH OF MARCH/ MES DE MARZO MARCH 22, 2015– CATHOLIC MISSIONS AMONG BLACK AND INDIAN PEOPLE. There will be a second collection after communion for our Parish Maintenance. Your donations, as always, are very much appreciated. MARZO 22, 2015– MISIONES CATOLICAS ENTRE LOS NEGROS E INDIOS– Habra una segunda colecta despues de la comunion para el Mantenimiento de la Parroquia. Sus donaciones, como siempre, son muy apreciadas. CONGRATULATIONS Our Lady of Mount Carmel would like to congratulate Jara Lee-Chianese for her academic accomplishment and achieving First Honors at Msgr. McClancy Memorial High School. PARISH BULLETIN BOARD SATURDAY FAITH FELLOWSHIP Lectio Divina With Archbishop Thomas Collins Lectio Divina is not a catechesis or a teaching; but a prayer, a divine reading, a personal encounter with God in Sacred Scripture. It provides the faithful to nourish their faith by contemplating Christ’s teachings. In each session, Archbishop Collins reads an excerpt of Scripture Passage, offers a short reflection, and invites the congregation to quietly meditate on the passage. Through Lectio Divina, we learn to read the Bible not just for information, but primarily for transformation. SERMON ON THE MOUNT: March 14Matthew 5 : 38-6:6 Matthew 6 : 7-15 March 21Matthew 6: 16 -24 Matthew 6 : 25- 34 March 28Matthew 7 : 1-12 Matthew 7 : 13-29 Retiro Cuaresmal Fecha: Sabado, 21 de Marzo Hora: 9:00 AM hasta 4 PM Animador: Padre Fernando Laverde (St. Leo, Corona) Pasion de La Virgen Fecha: Viernes, 27 de Marzo Hora: 7:00pm– 9:00pm Lugar: Iglesia de Arriba Via Crucis Fecha: Miercoles, 1ro de Abril Lugar: Iglesia de Arriba Viernes Santo- 7 Palabras Fecha: Sabado 4 de Abril Lugar y Tiempo : Iglesia de Arriba a las 6:30pm. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS Please remember to set your clocks one hour ahead on Sunday March 8 for Daylight Savings. STATIONS OF THE CROSS The stations of the cross will occur every Friday after Noon Mass. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK 2015 MEN’S CONFERENCE CALLING ALL CATHOLIC MEN! Needing a lift in your spiritual life? Wanting to be a better husband, father, son, brother, friend– a better man? Waiting to be called to something greater? You are invited to the Archdiocese of New York’s First Annual Men’s Conference Sunday March 21, 2015 Experience the beauty of the Catholic Faith. Learn to integrate your faith into your daily life. Discover why the Church needs YOU! Registration: Please visit Or call 646.794.3198 SEMINARY OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 440 West Neck Road Hunnington, NY 11743 631.423.0483 Ext. 102 Ralph Martin, president of Renewal Ministries– an organization devoted to Catholic renewal and evangelization– will speak on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at Cathedral Seminary Residence in Douglaston. The theme of Mr. Martin’s presentation is “Application of Scripture to Family Life.” His talk will begin at 3:30pm, followed by Vespers at 5:00pm. Reservations/ registration not required.
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