PENTECOST SUNDAY “Do not be surprised that I tell you must all be begotten from above…, but you do not know where it (the wind) come from or where it goes” (John 3:7-8). Although Luke places the sending forth of the Spirit on Pentecost, fifty days after the Resurrection, John places it on Easter night. Each one, then, has his own way of portraying the glorification of Jesus, For John, this glorification took place when he was raised up on the cross. For both, the Spirit is the fruit of the victory Christ won by his death and resurrection. Pentecost cannot be separated from Easter. But why must the disciples receive the Spirit? From Luke’s perspective, they must receive the Spirit to be able to speak to all in their proper language and thus inaugurate the universal mission of the Church. John does not say anything different, but he says it in a different way. The apostles are in the upper room with all the doors locked by fear of the Jews. They are afraid and their fear contagious. They are attentive to every sound outside. They fear arrest. Suddenly, Jesus is there in their midst: “Peace be with you!” Peace is what they lack most in this atmosphere of anxiety. Jesus still carries the marks of his passion. He is there, alive and stronger than death. The doors which were once locked no longer hinder his mission. The hour is no longer one self-centered fear. Now is the time to allow the Spirit to shatter all barriers and lead the Church where God wills. GLAD TIDINGS Pentecost marks the end of the Easter season. This is the one feast of the Church’s year when we focus on the third person of the Trinity, God the Holy Spirit. This is a good day to recall what Jesus said about himself, quoting the prophet Isaiah (61:1): The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, To announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God. he Holy Spirit descended on Jesus at his baptism. This same Spirit, who also came upon the disciples at Pentecost, the birthday of the church, is the Spirit who hovered over the waters of our baptism, as we were anointed with the holy oil of salvation. Glad Tidings continued The Spirit came upon us with renewed strength in confirmation, as we were anointed as followers of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who calls us anew to the challenges of each day, inspiring and strengthening us to live as disciples and friends of Jesus. That does not mean the path is made easy, or that we will always be understood, accepted, and successful. It does mean that if we trust the Spirit and its promptings deep within us, we will always speak and act with faith and truth. It is not up to us to worry about whether people receive what we offer. Our words or deeds may be just one small seed sown in someone’s soul; our job is to sow it and to entrust to the Holy Spirit the nurturing and nourishing of that seed. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon us, so share the glad tidings! Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LA BUENA NUEVA Pentecostés marca el final del tiempo de Pascua. Ésta es la única fiesta del año en que la Iglesia enfoca su celebración en la tercera persona de la Trinidad, Dios Espíritu Santo. Éste es un día perfecto para recordar lo que Jesús dijo de sí mismo citando al profeta Isaías (Isaías 61:1–2): El espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque me ha ungido y me ha enviado para anunciar la buena nueva a los pobres, a curar a los de corazón quebrantado, a proclamar el perdón a los cautivos, y la libertad a los prisioneros; a pregonar el año de gracia del Señor, el día de la venganza de nuestro Dios. El Espíritu Santo descendió sobre Jesús en su bautismo. Ese mismo Espíritu, que también descendió sobre los discípulos en Pentecostés, el nacimiento de la Iglesia, es el Espíritu que descendió a las aguas de nuestro Bautismo ungiéndonos con el santo óleo de la salvación. El Espíritu descendió sobre nosotros para darnos una fuerza renovada en nuestra Confirmación ungiéndonos como discípulos de Cristo. Es el Espíritu Santo que nos da una fuerza siempre nueva para enfrentar los retos de la vida diaria, inspirándonos y fortaleciéndonos para vivir como discípulos de Jesús y siempre en su amistad. Eso no quiere decir que el camino sea fácil o que siempre seremos comprendidos, aceptados, ni exitosos. Sí quiere decir que si confiamos en el Espíritu Santo y sus profundos susurros en nuestra conciencia siempre hablaremos y actuaremos con fe y verdad. No nos corresponde a nosotros preocuparnos de si la gente recibe lo que ofrecemos o no. Nuestras palabras o acciones pueden que sean pequeñas semillas sembradas en el alma de una persona; nuestra misión es sembrar y confiarle al Espíritu Santo cultivar y nutrir esa semilla. El Espíritu del Señor Dios está sobre nosotros. ¡Comparte la buena nueva! Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Holy Spirit, strengthen Rosa Clare Olivia Angus, Cristina Gemma Galgani Louise Baca, Alexsis Selenarae Teresa Barela, Abel Michael Marcus Espinosa, Sandra Faustina Alyze Jaramillo, Desirae Catherine Monique Lacour, Vanessa Blaise Monique Mejia, Daniella Angela Merici Montanez, Kimberly Francis Romero, Daniel Leo Douglas, Russell, Jonathan Sebastian Dominic Torres with your gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord, and serve as a disciple of Christ. Grant that they may grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Fill them with the joy of your presence. Increase in them the fruit of your Spirit. Help them to experience and trust your dwelling within, so that they can count on your guidance today and every day. Show us the way to help one another become better disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing your love with our world and with each person we meet. Come, Holy Spirit! Come The Youth Prayer and Action Delegation of the El Salvador Ministry Collections from May 17, 2015 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD. Regular Sunday Collection $6825.86 St. Vincent de Paul $ 240.00 School Support $ 53.00 Utilities $ 67.00 Building Fund $1422.12 Church Boiler $ 20.00 Prayer Garden $ 000.00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish Brenda Chavez, Ray J. de la Cruz, Ernest Sierra, Corrine Garcia, Julian Aguirre, Ron Garcia, Leo Sandoval, Jose Vernier, Fr. Christopher Crotty, Fr. Ron Carrillo, Philip Cordova, George Valley, Liberty Boettger, Melissa Escarcida, Josephine Dominguez, Rudy Archuleta, Imelda Garcia, Emma Baca, Eunique Montoya, David Lucero, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Abigail Delgado, Joe Baca, Theresa Hernandez, Anthony Cuellar, Priscilla Duran, Ermalinda Baca, Janet Lucero, Dorothy Luna, Isabel Jaramillo, Rosa De Aragon, John Brockmann, Bill Kinzy, Candice Demar, Alice Mario, Aaron Armijo, Catherine Howle, Christopher Sena, Jr., Eva P. Sanchez, Anna Mae Olona, Ernest Benavidez, Mike Guzman, Loretta Garcia, Louie & Cory Jaramillo, Virginia Sando, Marie Chavez, Grace Aragon, Mary Garcia, Orlando Rodriguez and for those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend church. Invite you to celebrate the Beatification of Monseñor Oscar Ardulfo Romero on Saturday, May 23rd. Pentecost Mass will be held at 4:30 PM at the Church Celebration which begins on the Fiesta Grounds behind Holy Family Church at 5:30. Meet the fourteen members of the Youth Prayer and Action Delegates of REMINDER: Each week names will be deleted from the current list to accommodate other parishioners who need to be added to August 2015. They are preparing Fiesta food. this list. Newmanites, please note that Frito Pie is on the I AM: menu. Proceeds will help defray travel costs of the Youth Delegates to El Salvador. El Salvador MinisMy parish is composed of people like me. try members will talk about the Importance of the BeI help make it what it is. atification of Oscar Romero. Delegates will describe It will be friendly, if I am. their efforts to raise funds for two projects, renovaIt will be holy, if I am. tion of a Child Care Center and a Youth Project that Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. promotes music and art in the impoverished commuIt will do great work, if I work. nities where APRODHENI (The Association for the It will be prayerful, if I pray. Promotion of the Human Rights of the Children of El It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am the Salvador) works, and where our Delegates will visit. giver. It will bring others into worship, if I invite them. It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I make it what it “Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers! is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK I now dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I Absolute Skylight & Construction 710-5634 want my parish to be. AMEN The catholic communicator Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM AN OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE* Sunday • May 24, 2015 Archdiocesan Pre-Cana Classes • Engaged Encounter • June 5-7 • Retreat for engaged, lodging and meals included • Albuquerque • Call to register 505-352-1177. The Offices of Family Life and Hispanic Ministry of the ASF announce a Spanish intensive course for couples who wish to strengthen their relationship and family life with guidance from Dr. Gabriel González Camargo, Instructor and Marriage Counselor. This take place over two consecutive Saturdays at Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Santa Fe, June 6 & 13, from 9am-3pm (call 505-204-3450 to register). Couples need to register in advance. Space is limited. The cost is $30/couple plus a resource book ($5 per book, optional). Institute of Formation for Christian Service • June 15-19 • Lourdes Hall, Albuquerque. Three sessions per day: 9am -noon, 1:30-4:30pm and 6-9pm • 36 courses will be offered! $50 tuition and you Our goal is to assist the parishes may take as many of the ASF in providing opporcourses as you like. tunities for theological/spiritual Partial scholarships formation and skills for ministry are available. For for all adult Catholics, especially information, call Deacon Keith 831those involved in ministry. 8187 or kdavis@ • To register, call Kathy Garcia 831-8129 or [email protected] • An on-line brochure is available at Org.asp?ID=21641. A Free Disabilities retreat will be held on June 6, at Nativity Parish, 9502 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, 87114. Come join us for a day of prayer, fellowship, food, and music on June 6 at Nativity Parish. Lunch will be provided. Please call Josephine War at the Pastoral Outreach Office (505) 831-8174 or email [email protected] for your registration form. Marriage Enrichment Evenings of Celebration will be held each month at Queen of Heaven Parish in Albuquerque from 6:30-8:30pm. Dates are June 19, July 17, August 21, September 18, October 15, November 20 and December 18. Child care is provided. Please bring a pot luck dish to share. Call 881-1772. Golf Fundraiser • The Notre Dame Club of New Mexico welcomes all ND fans and alumni to play in its annual Hugh Reilly Memorial golf tournament at 12pm on Friday, August 28, at Paa-ko Ridge Golf Course. Proceeds benefit the club’s *A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe summer service programs at Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Barrett House and St. Martin’s. The early bird cost including golf, cart, range balls, and dinner after the tournament is $120 and due August 14th. Contact Joe Carney at 505 553-3612 or [email protected]. FIESTA - June 5-7 • San Felipe de Neri Church in Old Town, Albuquerque will celebrate its annual Fiestas June 5, 6, & 7, featuring New Mexico’s best entertainment: Cuarenta y Cinco, El Gringo, Severo y Grupo Fuego, It’s fun for the entire Gonzalo, Donna Christine, Str8 family and it’s free! Shot, Los Garrapatas, Los Campiones del Desierto, Crossroads, Rhythm Divine, Black Pearl, AJ Martinez, Tara Lynn, Bad Fish, West Wind and much more! It’s fun for the entire family and it’s free. For more information, visit San Felipe de Neri Church Fiestas on Facebook or the website at sanfelipedeneri. org or call the Parish Office at 243-4628. Sangre de Cristo Catholic Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School on June 1-5 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Lunch will be served at 12noon, provided by the City of Albuquerque. $5/child. This years’ theme is SonSparks Lab. Kindergarten through 5th grade Come by the Parish Office at 8901 Candelaria Rd NE to register or call 293-2327. Catholic Charities has many volunteer opportunities. However, the greatest need for volunteers is for Senior Transportation. Please contact; Cathy Aragon-Marquez at 724-4634. St. Charles Pre-K to 8th Grade • Our mission at St. Charles Parish School is to form Catholic Christian leaders. We provide a challenging academic curriculum based on Catholic values for students from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. We still have openings fall 2015-2016. Contact the School Office at 243-5788. FIESTA - June 12-14 • Sacred Heart Fiesta • Downtown Albuquerque • 4th and Stover SW • Family fun, food, games, water slide, raffles, live music, and entertainment! Fiesta begins with Sacred Heart Mass at 5pm Friday, June 12, fiesta till 10pm; Saturday fiesta Mass 10am, fiesta till 10pm; Sunday fiesta 11am- 3pm. Call 505-242-0561. St. Therese Catholic School is building a perpetual en- dowment through planned giving; preparing the way for many generations. Anyone who is interested in making a tax-deductible gift may contact the Catholic Foundation of the ASF at 505-872-2901. Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333 Mass Intentions Pentecost Sunday Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Sir 35: 1-2; Mk 10: 28-31 8:00 AM †Valerie Cordova By: Family Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Sir 36: 1,4-5,10-17a; Mk 10: 32-45 8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz Special Intentions of Pat (Ona) Bellino (Birthday) By: Eloisa Padilla Thursday, May 28, 2015 Sir 42: 15-25; Mk 10: 46-52 8:00 AM In honor of San Cayetano By: Dennis Duran Saturday, May 23, 2015 Friday, May 29, 2015 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Jn 21: 20-25 1:00 PM 4:00 PM In honor of St. Jude By: Gloria Ruiz Wedding Sena & Paiz †Maida Sandoval By: Eloy & Marie †Anita de la Cruz (Anniversary) By: Ray & Stella de la Cruz †Albert Vallejos By: Family Special Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick Sena By: Julie Sena Sir 44: 1, 9-13; Mk 11: 11-26 Pierre Matijsen By: Father Vincent Saturday, May 30, 2015 Sir 51: 12cd-20; Mk 11: 27-33 8:00 AM †Aaron J. Cortez By: Family †Johnnie Griego Sr. (1st Anniversary) By: Helen Griego †Michael Meek By: Mom & Dad By: Gloria Ruiz FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, May 24, 2015 4:00 PM 8:00 AM Sunday, May 31, 2015 Acts 2:1-11;1Cor12:3b-7,12-13; Jn 20:19-23 †Richard Padilla By: Carlos Garcia & family †Mary Romero By: Mr. & Mrs. George Jaramillo †Lupe, Harry & Russell Sturtcman By: Caroline Alderete 10:00 AM †Frank Herrera (11th Anniversary) By: Eloisa Herrera †David S. Galbiso By: Mom †Luciano E. Lucero Jr. (Anniversary) By: Patricia Lucero Special Intention of David Milton Gutierrez for Safe return By: Grandma Gutierrez 12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Special Intentions of Life Teen Monday, May 25, 2015 Sir 17: 20-24; Mk 10: 17-27 8:00 AM Communion Services Dt 4:32-34,39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 8:00 AM †R Rolden By: Jim & Frances Meek 10:00 AM †Michael Aaron Jaramillo (Birthday) By: Mom †Dennis Martin Anaya (Birhday) By: His Loving Family †Amadeo Encinias (Birthday) By: Mom 12:00 PM †Juan Sanchez (Birthday Remembrance) By: Dolores Sanchez & family †Matilda Garcia By: Sisters Priscilla & Dolores †Adam Padilla (7th Anniversary) By: Wife & family Special Intentions of Life Teen
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