Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 9, 2015 † XIX Domingo Ordinario - 9 de Agosto del 2015 St. Ann Catholic Parish 29 De Marzo del 2015 Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana "We "Weare areone onebody body transformed transformedininChrist" Christ" St.St.Ann's Ann'sVision Vision "Somos un cuerpo transformado en Cristo" Nuestra Vision Mass Times Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. (Youth) 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Daily Mass Times Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Saturdays 8:00 a.m. Confession Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:45 a.m. Rosary Monday-Friday Following daily Mass (Chapel) Church Office Hours M-W F 8am-6pm 8am-5pm Weekends TR 8am-7pm CLOSED Contact Us Main: 972-393-5544 Fax: 972-462-1617 @StAnnCatholic @StAnnCatholic /stanncatholicparish "The most fundamental human freedom is that of practicing one's faith openly, which for human beings is their reason for living." - St. John Paul II /IglesiaCatólicadeSantaAna Mission Statement Love God Completely Love all People Unconditionally Make Disciples Intentionally. Nuestra Misión Ama a Dios completamente Ama a todos incondicionalmente Haz discípulos intencionadamente. 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Clergy Staff Fr. Henry Petter Pastor, 972-393-5544 [email protected] Fr. Paolo Capra Parochial Vicar, Ext. 1102 [email protected] Fr. Kevin Wilwert Parochial Vicar, Ext. 1103 [email protected] @FatherKW Ed Scarbrough Deacon, Ext. 1807 [email protected] Pete Markwald Deacon, Ext. 1810 [email protected] Kory Killgo Deacon, Ext. 1811 [email protected] Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time "The city of Ephesus was one of St. Paul’s major centers of operation. Although his letter to the Ephesians is not lengthy (it is about one-third the size of his letters to the Corinthians), many scholars consider it to be the most theologically sound of all his letters. One of Paul’s major purposes in writing it was to make clear to the Gentiles that they have been brought together with the Jews in the Body of Christ. Unity is important, as much now as in the early Church. Furthermore, Ephesians is one of Paul’s most encouraging letters. In the interest of Christian unity Paul includes an important piece of advice in today’s Second Reading: “All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.” The idea of forgiveness is so important to us if we truly wish to be Christians and good stewards. Most of us understand that we need to be forgiven, but that does not make it any easier for us to forgive. Yet, that is at the basis of our ability to be unified and loving in the way Paul advises. When we learn to forgive, we take a large step toward holiness, as indicated by the famous quote from Alexander Pope, “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” Copyright © 2015 WHAT'S INSIDE Calendar.................................................4 Parish & Ministry News.....................3-9 CRE.........................................................6 HSM........................................................6 Adult Religious Education.....................7 Non-Parish Based & Outside Organizations.................9-10 Sacramental Contacts/ Contactos Sacramentales..............10-11 Parish Directory...................................11 Ministries & Organizations Directory.................12-13 Childrens Section...........................14-15 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Directorio........................................11-13 Sección de Niños............................16-17 Educaión Religiosa para Adultos........18 Educaión Religiosa Bilingue................18 Ministerio de Secundaria....................19 Ministerio de Preparatoria.................19 Horario de Misas.................................20 Eventos y Avisos.............................18-20 Liturgical Assistants August 15-16 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Altar Servers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Cagle/Hart Rogers Cavalle Cook Allain/Leonard Lectors 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Suriadinata/Cannon/Pearson D. Dennis/M. Dennis/Griffin Rozas/Michalski/Gutierrez Villanueva/Florentino/Goes Armstrong/Stuart/Goldman Children's Liturgy Ushers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm Goss 8:00 am Brisco/Azmar 10:00 am Hicks/Garza/Mohler/Sanchez/ Roberts 2 Chmiel/Sikora Pena/Doyle Martinez/Wright Preston/Valstan Kitzman/Anderson Apgar, Team 1 TBD CRHP 26 Bridges We are in need of ushers, particularly for Saturday 5pm Mass. Contact Jorge: 214-458-3969 or [email protected] News & Events Mass Intentions Monday, August 10, 2015 7:00 a.m. Communion Service 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Elizabeth Hogan Golf Scramble Tournament: St. Ann 's Parish Fall Golf Scramble Tournament is scheduled for Saturday September 26 with a 7:30 am shotgun start at Bear Creek Golf Course. The tournament is open to all parishioners, friends, and neighbors. Create your own foursome, threesome, twosome, or sign up as a single. Tournament is limited to the first 132 paid players. Cost per player is $85 which covers green fees, cart, range balls, beverages, prizes, and lunch. Signup information will be made available after each mass: look for Golf Tournament sign by the courtyard (morning or noon masses) or southeast exit (evening masses). Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:00 a.m. Fr. Paolo 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Kim Morris Marie Mire Wednesday, August 12, 2015 7:00 a.m. Fr. Paolo Joan Blazek 12:00 p.m. Communion Service Or sign-up by either email to [email protected] , the St. Ann Men's Club site, or via this website https://secure. Include your name, golf handicap, email address, phone number, and where applicable team name. Thursday, August 13, 2015 7:00 a.m. Communion Service 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Molly Cassidy Friday, August 14, 2015 7:00 a.m. Communion Service 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Rebecca Moxley Saturday, August 15, 2015 8:00 a.m. Fr. Henry Childrens Novena #1 5:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Sunday, August 16, 2015 8:00 a.m. Fr. Paolo Norm Urban 10:00 a.m. Fr. Paolo Gabriel Hall 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Children's Novena #2 2:00 p.m. Fr. Henry Members of the Parish Cliff & Traci Hall 4:30 p.m. Fr. Henry 7:00 p.m. Fr. Henry Leopoldo Martinez & Luisa Guerra SUMMER LECTURE SERIES Fr. Stephen Sanchez, ODC, Superior of the Mt. Carmel Center will deliver a series of lectures this summer on Discipleship Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Join us at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church (1914 Ridgeview Dr. Allen, TX 75013) on August 10 (Gospel Challenge to Integrity) September 29 (Discipleship: Holiness and Virtue) for this first annual lecture series to be held in the Worship Center from 7:00-8:30 PM. An offering is welcome to help offset the expenses. This event is sponsored by the OLA Evangelization Team and Faith Formation. For further information, please contact Deacon Shawn P. French at 972-369-6493 or [email protected]. 3 Committed adorers needed to spend one hour a week with Jesus in the PEA chapel. It is open 24/7. Contact Rosanne Armstrong at [email protected] or (214) 543-6458. Parish Calendar Monday, August 10, 2015 6:00 p.m. CRHP Men's Meeting | 304 & 305 6:30 p.m. Rosary for Cancer Patients & Care Givers | Chapel 7:00 p.m. CRSP Hombres | 331 7:00 p.m. Men's Club | 330 7:00 p.m. Altar Servers Training Spanish | Church 7:00 p.m. Bishop Capital Campaign Mtg. | 315 7:00 p.m. Taller de Liderazgo Cristiano HYA | 114-116 7:00 p.m. Catholic Prayer Group | 313 & 314 7:00 p.m. Ushers Spanish | 311 & 312 7:00 p.m. Ministry of Consolation Mtg. | SACMO Conf. Rm. 7:00 p.m. BSA T841 Scout Meeting | Cenacle 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout T841 BoR | 341 Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:00 a.m. EWC Meeting | 323 6:00 p.m. CRHP Women's Meeting | 304 & 305 6:30 p.m. La iniciacion del Catequista | Recep. Rm. Cub Scout Adult Mtg. Pack 1011 | Life Lounge 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. CRSP Mujeres | 331 7:00 p.m. Spanish Holy Hour | Chapel 7:00 p.m. St. Ann Young Adults | Cenacle Friday, August 14, 2015 9:30 a.m. Kids Eat Free | CLW 6:30 p.m. Lectors Spanish Meeting | 341 7:00 p.m. Catholic Prayer Group Spanish | 116 Tuesday, August 11, 2015 7:00 p.m. Talleres de Oracion y Vida | 313 & 314 6:30 p.m. CCF: Ecclesiology | 330 Junta de Coord. de Ministros Extra. | 115 7:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision Group | 315 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation | Chapel 7:00 p.m. St Paula's Patrons Fun & Free | 323 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice - Spanish | CLW 7:00 p.m. Altar Servers Spanish | 315 7:00 p.m. Estudio Biblico | 323 Wednesday, August 12, 2015 6:30 p.m. Marriage Preparation Foccus | SACMO Conf. Rm. 6:30 p.m. PPC Meeting | Library 7:00 p.m. BSA T841 Committee Mtg. | 341 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal English | CLW Parish Updates Bulletin Deadlines August 17 12:00 p.m. for August 23 August 24 12:00 p.m. for August 30 [email protected] Saturday, August 15, 2015 8:45 a.m. Reconciliation | Chapel Retiro para lideres de ministerios | Life Lounge 9:00 a.m. & Cenacle 9:00 a.m. Ministry Lead Retreat | Assembly Rm. 4:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal | CLW 6:00 p.m. Matachines Practice | 304 & 305 7:00 p.m. Young Marrieds Kick Off | Cenacle Sunday, August 16, 2015 7:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal | CLW 9:00 a.m. RCIA | Cenacle 3:20 p.m. Teams of Our Lady Marriage Ministry | 330 4:00 p.m. Jovenes Adultos Cristo 24/7 | Recep. Rm. News & Events Safe Environment Are you 21 or over, working with either children or Vulnerable adults? Have you previously been SE cleared at St. Ann? (i.e., screening form, 3 references, interview) If so, it’s time to update your SE training. The 2015/2016 Updated SE training can be obtained on-line. This can be done by going to the St. Ann website – Safe Environment - 2015/2016 Safe Envir….. This year’s training is "The Unconscious Truth" Please note - this video is for mature audiences ONLY. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Case at [email protected] 44 News & Events Carnival News Carnival News Carnival News September 11 – September 1113– 13 September 11 – 13 Volunteer Sign-ups This Weekend! Volunteer Sign-ups This Weekend! We need over 1800 volunteers to make this this year’s We need over 1800 volunteers to make year’s Volunteer Sign-ups This Weekend! Carnival a success. Sign-ups begin after Mass TODAY in in Carnival a success. Sign-ups begin after Mass TODAY the courtyard. Come early to get youryour preferred slot!slot! the courtyard. Come early to get preferred We need over 1800 volunteers to make –this year’s Sign-ups willwill also be be available online Tuesdays Fridays. Sign-ups also available online Tuesdays – Fridays. Carnival a success. Sign-ups begin after Mass TODAY in Auction Needed Silent Auction Donations Needed the Silent courtyard. Come Donations early to get your preferred slot! Sign-ups will also raises be raises available online Tuesdays –off Fridays. The Silent Auction money by auctioning off your The Silent Auction money by auctioning your tax-deductible donations! WeWe stillstill need youryour helphelp to to tax-deductible donations! need donate goods or services that meet a $25 minimum donate goods or services that meet a Needed $25 minimum Silent Auction Donations retail value. WeWe askask thatthat no personal clothing, usedused retail value. no personal clothing, household items, or furniture be donated. household furniture be donated. The Silent Auctionitems, raisesor money by auctioning off your tax-deductible donations! Weyour still need your help to We would be be grateful to count on support! Please We would grateful to count on your support! Please contact Kristen Whisler at 214-529-2397 donate goods or services that a $25or minimum contact Kristen Whisler atmeet 214-529-2397 or [email protected] if you have any questions or if you [email protected] if you have any questions or you retail value. We ask that no personal clothing, ifused need to to arrange for for pickpick up of contribution. need arrange upyour of your contribution. household items, or furniture be donated. Calling all Crafters! Calling all Calling allCrafters! Crafters! The craft area at theat Carnival is completely indoorsindoors this The craft area the Carnival is completely this The air-conditioned craft area at the Carnival is completely this year,year, fully and located next to the Silent fully air-conditioned and located next toindoors the Silent Auction. We still have a few slots available, so if you or year, fullyWe air-conditioned located nextsotoifthe Auction. still have a fewand slots available, youSilent or someone you know has a craft business and would like someone you know has a craft business and would like Auction. We still have a few slots available, so if you or to participate, pleaseplease contact Ryan Simpson at to participate, contact Ryan Simpson at someone you know has a craft business and would like [email protected]. [email protected]. to participate, please contact Ryan Simpson at Sponsors Wanted! Sponsors Wanted! [email protected]. The Carnival is a great way for businesses to gainto gain The Carnival is a great way for businesses Sponsors Wanted! exposure whilewhile also giving back to the local exposure also giving back to thecommunity. local community. We are seeking businesses to serve general Wecurrently are currently seeking businesses toas serve as general sponsors for this Recognition begins begins at The Carnival isCarnival. a great way for businesses to gainat sponsors foryear’s this year’s Carnival. Recognition a $250 donation level. Forgiving more information, please a $250 donation level. Forback moreto information, please exposure while also the local community. contact SusanSusan BahryBahry at [email protected] or contact at [email protected] or We are currently seeking businesses to serve as general MarkMark Luenser at [email protected]. Luenser at [email protected]. sponsors for this year’s Carnival. Recognition begins at Raffle Tickets Raffle Tickets a $250 donation level. For more information, please contact Susan [email protected] Ready to win Mercedes? a trip? an Apple Ready tothe win theBahry Mercedes? Or aOr trip? Or an Appleor watch? Each Mark parishioner should have received 10 raffle Luenser at [email protected]. watch? Each parishioner should have received 10 raffle tickets in theinmail. You can turn the collection tickets the mail. You canthem turn in them in the collection basket starting this week. Raffle Raffle team members will basket starting thisRaffle week. team will Tickets members also be available in thein courtyard after mass. also be available the courtyard after mass. Ready to win theWomen's Mercedes?CRHP Or a trip? Or an Apple Arewatch? you looking a way to connect withreceived others in10 our Eachfor parishioner should have raffle parish community? Do you want to take your spiritual life the mail. You can turn to atickets deeperinlevel? Christ Renews Histhem in the collection basket starting this week. Raffle members will Parish, or CRHP, is an ongoing programteam put on by parishioners, foravailable parishioners. designed to provide also be in theIt’s courtyard after mass. an opportunity for your renewal and spiritual growth, both as an individual, and as part of the church community. Clear your calendar and save the date for the next church retreat weekend here at St. Ann's! Retreat Dates: Women’s next retreat: October 3 & 4, 2015. Takes place in the St. Ann Center. For more information and/or to sign up, contact Donna Glenn at [email protected], or call 850-346-7298. We would be grateful to count on your support! Please contact Kristen Whisler at 214-529-2397 or [email protected] if you have any questions or if you need to arrange for pick up of your contribution. Or register online at: St. Ann Ministry Leader Retreat led by Keith Strohm Saturday, August 15, 2015 Starting with 8 am Mass until 4:30 pm plus optional “Encounter Night” with prayer, worship and Eucharistic Adoration 7-9 pm Men's CRHP One weekend can change your life forever. Men's CRHP Weekend Retreat at St. Ann could be that weekend. Come experience why so many men at St. Ann are saying that this weekend was the pivotal moment in their spiritual life. Make lifelong relationships, have a good time, and most importantly, deepen your faith. September 19th and the 20th at St. Ann. FOR Staff, Council Leadership and volunteer ministry leaders. And anyone else who feels called to evangelize and minister to others! Contact Kurt for more information: [email protected] Altar Linen Ministry Looking for Help St. Ann's Altar Linen Ministry is in need for some volunteers to help our current members. This ministry is responsible for the laundering and ironing of all altar linens which includes corporals and purificators. We have a dedicated group of volunteers who pick and launder the linens on a rotating basis. All cleaning supplies are provided. If interested please contact Marie Murphy at [email protected] for further information. 5 For more info and registration contact Fernando Fuentes via email, phone, or text. [email protected] 214.695.3671 S.A.Y. Children's Religious Education Youth Ministry for 6th 7thSunday, 8th Grade August 9, 2015 Summer Children’s R.E. Office Hours: M—F; 8:30am—4:30pm 972-393-5544 Calendar 08/15 08/23 August Institute for all Sunday School & Children’s R.E. volunteers Please plan to attend the annual August Institute on Saturday, 8/22/15, beginning with 8:00 a.m. Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity for prayer, fellowship and preparation! FYI..SAY registrations for ’15 -’16 Online registration for the 2015-16 regular SAY Program will open this week at It is time to register your children for 2015-2016 classes! If preferred, you may print the forms and mail or bring them to our office. Register online at or come by the Children’s R.E. Office. Remember that you must register your child for C.R.E. each year in order to have them enrolled for classes. If your youth would like to receive either the sacraments of Baptism and/or First Communion you must come to the SAY office to complete the paperwork. Parents of C.R.E. students: Please be prepared to walk your child into class the first day of classes, and then head to the Assembly Room for a very important Parent meeting. St. Ann Ministry Leader Retreat led by Keith Strohm Saturday, August 15, 2015 Starting with 8 am Mass until 4:30 pm plus optional “Encounter Night” with prayer, worship and Eucharistic Adoration 7-9 pm SPECIAL NEEDS CLASSES: We have two classes available on Sundays @ 10:00 for children with Special Needs: 1st-5th grade and 6th grade – High School If you are interested in registering a child or would like to volunteer, please contact Debbie Kaluza; [email protected] or 972-393-5544 ext. 1201 FOR Staff, Council Leadership and volunteer youth leaders. And anyone else who feels called to evangelize and minister to others! THANK YOU TO ALL YOU HAVE VOLUNTEERED FOR S.S. AND/OR C.R.E.! Contact Kurt for more information: [email protected] We still are in need of volunteers for the coming year: Sunday School: Sun 8/23: Youth Leader Skills Training 8am: teen volunteers for all ages/times 10am: 3yr old class: 1 teen volunteer 5 yr old/K class: 1 catechist 12pm: 4 yr old class: 1 teen volunteer 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm This includes your annual safe environment training. Children’s Religious Education: Catechists: 1st grade: Tues @ 4:30 and Wed @ 4 2nd grade: all days/times 3rd grade: Wed @ 7 & Thu @ 6:15 4th grade: Wed @ 4 & 7, Thu @ 4 & 6:15 5th grade: Wed @ 4 & 7; Thu @ 4 & 6:15 Traffic Monitors: Tue & Wed (all times) Nursery Volunteers: Wed @ 7 You should have received an email with detailed information regarding this event. If not, please contact the SAY office Contact the C.R.E. Office; we will be happy to help! Office hours: Monday - Friday (972) 393-5544 Youth Leader Retreat SAY Youth Leader Training 8:30am - 4:30pm X 1200 6 Office is located under the clock [email protected] tower in the St. Ann [email protected] (972) 393-5544 Se habla Español (972) 393-5544 X 1300 High School Ministry Adult Religious Education - CCF 301 972-393-5544 x 1600 HSM SUMMER SCHEDULE School may be over for summer but growing in this community and in our faith never ends!! Sunday - No 242 Nights in the summer, we’ll start again on August 30 Tuesday - “Food for the Soul” - Join us for Daily Mass at 12pm followed by a free lunch and Bible study in the Life Lounge Wednesday - “Night in the Park” - Every Wednesday, come to Andy Brown East from 7-9pm for Ultimate Frisbee, Sand Volleyball, and summer fun! Ecclesiology: A Study on the Meaning of Church Tuesdays: August 11 & 18 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm SAC Room 330 ~ Cost: $10 Instructor: Paul Bechter, Seminarian on leave from studying at Rome “The Church is much more than an organization: it is the organism of the Holy Spirit, something that is alive, that takes hold of our inmost being.” Pope Benedict, 2002 Childcare available if registered by Aug 5. This CCF Course qualifies toward 5 hours of credit toward the Diocese of Dallas Master Catechist Certification. Attention College Students! Looking for great community and a way to be involved this summer? Join us for “College Life” on Wednesday nights at 8pm. Contact Kurt at [email protected] for more details and the location! Coming this Fall - Classes for All Adults Tuesday, Wed. or Thurs. Rite of R Interested in helping the High School Teens of St. Ann grow in love and knowledge of Jesus and their Catholic faith?? We are looking for adults interested in helping our youth grow as disciples. Join us for an info meeting Sunday, Aug 9 at 6pm in the St. Ann Cenacle. Rite of Christian Initiation Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults SundaRC Viniendo este otoño - ClasesRegister para todos los adultos online @ www.stannparis Lunes o Martes Register online @ RCIA Begins: Welcome & Orientation RCIA Begins: Welcome &Sunday, Orientation August 23, 2015 @ 9:15am, Cen Inquirers Sunday, August 23, 2015 @ 9:15am, Cenacle Inquirer 1-on-1 Meetings Inquirer 1-on-1Inquirers Meetingswill be contacted to schedule a datS Inquirers will be contacted to schedule a date / time Sat Sponsor Training (Choose One) Registration for a new year S Sponsor Training (Choose One) Saturday, August 29, 2015 – 9:00am Saturday, August 29, 2015 –Saturday, 9:00am September 19, 2015 – 9:00a of HSM is now available! Questions? Ca Saturday, September 19, 2015 –Saturday, 9:00am October 3, 2015 – 9:00am or sp Saturday, October 3, 2015 – 9:00am Questions? Call 972 393 5544 ext. 1895, email RC Questions? Call 972 393 5544 ext. 1895, or email [email protected] with a RCIA team member this or speak with a RCIA team memberafter this5pm, weekend 8am, 10am & noon Ma X 1600 7 after 5pm, 8am, 10am & noon Masses Ministry News SAVE THE DATE!!! SAVE THE DATE!!! FOR ANANEVENT WILLCHANGE CHANGE YOUR FOR EVENTTHAT THAT WILL YOUR LIFELIFE REBOOT! LIVE! REBOOT! LIVE! With internationally renowned speaker and author, CHRIS STEFANICK With internationally and author, CHRIStheSTEFANICK Reboot! Live! is the fun,renowned inspiring andspeaker practical experience of applying beauty and genius of the heart of the Gospel to every aspect of your life. Reboot! Live! is the inspiring and practical experience of applying themore! beauty and From prayer andfun, spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and no partofofthe yourGospel life that to willevery be leftaspect untouched! geniusThere of theis heart of your life. From prayer and spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 7:00 –parenting, 9:30PM health and more! the bulletin allbe theleft details! ThereKeep is nowatching part of your life thatfor will untouched! Ticket sales soon or register online - Ticket WEDNESDAY, – INSIGHT 9:30PM DO NOT MISS THESEPTEMBER OPPORTUNITY2, TO7:00 GAIN Keep watching theLIFE bulletin forFULLY! all the details! INTO LIVING MORE THEorLIFE GOD online HAS CREATED FOR YOU! sales soon register - If you haveTHE any questions contact Jackie Scofield: DO NOT MISS OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN INSIGHT 214.437.7111 or [email protected] INTO LIVING LIFE MORE FULLY! THE LIFE GOD HAS CREATED FOR YOU! If you have any questions contact Jackie Scofield: 214.437.7111 or [email protected] Join other Catholic married couples in a similar life stage growing in fellowship, support, and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more about our ministry by visiting: Sisters in Christ St. Ann "College Life" College Ministry will be meeting every week throughout the Summer 2015. We will meet mostly at the Klement's home in Coppell. Email Kurt at [email protected] for directions and more information. (Ad for weekends of August 8/9 and August 15/16) This is an amazing group of college age students who growing in friendship and faith througout the summer. Join us! Get Connected! All are Welcome! Tea and Dessert Kickoff! Mon Aug 31st 7 to 9 pm Rm 330 Sisters in Christ is forming new groups now! Come join us. RSVP Gina Cassidy 214-766-6878 or [email protected] New Groups- South Lewisville area Fri morning Coppell area Tues and Wed evening Flower Mound area Mon evening and Thurs am Ministry of Consolation Ministry of Consolation Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Are you working through a crisis or Are a difficult youtime? grieving the loss of a loved one? You can find support and healing in a New Day support group. Two trained facilitators You canChristian find support and healing in a New Day support group. Two trained facilitators If you are, you could benefit from a caring, from the Ministry of Consolation will lead a group beginning Tuesday, September 15. from the Ministry of Consolation will lead a group beginning Tuesday, September 15. friend who will listen, encourage, empathize, The group will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays for 8 weeks. Meetings are confidential and provide confidential support during The group willameet at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays for 8 weeks. Meetings are confidential and books are provided free of charge. Call Marilee Aguirre at 972-804-4775 or Martha time of sorrow, loneliness or despair. and books are provided free of charge. Call Marilee Aguirre at 972-804-4775 or Martha Courcey at 972-869-3591 to register for the support group or for questions. Courcey at 972-869-3591 to register for the support group or for questions. You could benefit from a God heals. . . even the pain of divorce God heals. . . even the pain of divorce Stephen Minister! Divorce Recovery is a support group designed to help those who are experiencing the Divorce Recovery is a support group designed to help those who are experiencing the pain of divorce or separation. Two trained facilitators from the Ministry of Consolation pain of divorce St. Ann’s new Stephen Ministers or separation. Two trained facilitators from the Ministry of Consolation will lead the group beginning Thursday, September 17. The group will meet are trained and commissioned to help will lead the group beginning Thursday, September 17. The group will meet Thursdays at 7 p.m. for six weeks. Call Marilee Aguirre at 972-804-4775 or Kathy Smith you, or someone you know — a friend, Thursdays at 7 p.m. for six weeks. Callfor Marilee Aguirre or Kathy Smith at 214-755-8593 to register the support group oratfor972-804-4775 questions. a neighbor or a relative carry the heavy at—214-755-8593 to register for the support group or for questions. burden of grief, sadness and discouragement Mass of Anointing of the Sick of Anointing of the Sick through a one-to-one Mass caring relationship. A Mass of Anointing will be celebrated in the Chapel on Saturday, August 29 at 10 A Mass of Anointing will be celebrated in the Chapel on Saturday, August 29 at 10 a.m. This sacrament is to comfort and strengthen the soul of the sick or elderly with Contact Maureen O’Malley (972-401-3334) a.m. This sacrament is that to comfort and strengthen the of the sick or elderly grace quiets anxiety and fear, and helps thesoul sick person embrace God's will. If with or Diane Piper (972-393-4511) for information. grace that quiets anxiety anda fear, and helps sick God's will. If you're facing grave illness, surgerythe or old age,person please joinembrace us for this special you're facing a grave illness, or old age, please join us for this special 8 celebration andsurgery the reception immediately after. Stephencelebration Ministers Care! and the reception immediately after. WIDOWS’ MINISTRY August 2015 Activities Diocese of Dallas Widows’ Ministry St. Paula’s Patrons “Branching Out” Ministry News Join us for PEA Adoration Fridays from 3 PATRONS to 4 PM ST. PAULA’S WIDOWS’ MINISTRY Faith and Finance Bible Study A 9 week small group study August 2015 Activities that teaches practical and lifeAug 1 Montserrat Saturday Day of Renewal changing financial principles for Diocese of Dallas handling money & possessions. Widows’ Ministry Join us for PEA Adoration St. Paula’s 9:00 am–12:30 pm Whether you are young or old, Fridays from 3 to 4 PM Patrons Aug 7 “Branching Out” First Friday Noon Mass/Lunch retired or working, married or 12:00-2:00 pm Restaurant TBA single, struggling financially or Aug 14 Fun & Free, St. Ann Center, Rm 323 have plenty of money, this is 7:00–9:00 pm for you! With more than 2,500 Aug 1 Montserrat Saturday Day of Renewal Aug 22 Saturday Night Dinner 6:45 pm, verses in the Bible that deal with Restaurant to be announced 9:00 am–12:30 pm money and possessions it must be important. Aug 30 Sunday Matinee, Aug 7 First Friday Noon Mass/Lunch Classes offered on Thursday evenings or Sunday; Movie and Time, TBA 12:00-2:00 pmco-leaders Restaurant TBA Orientation on September 20th at 11:30 am in SAC For additional information, please contact Helen Carson, [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, [email protected] Aug 14 Fun & Free, St. Ann Center, Rm 323 Room 315; Childcare offered for Sunday classes. 7:00–9:00 For more information contact - John Peterson jcPrayer Shawlpm Ministry For additional information, please contact [email protected] Helen Carson, Aug 22 Saturday Night Dinner 6:45 pm, or call 214-215-3776. Prayer shawls are created by a team of dedicated [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, [email protected] Restaurant to be announced volunteers who pray, knit and crochet shawls for any individual benefit from receiving a shawl. Aug 30 who may Sunday Matinee, The shawls are available at noTime, cost and can be given Movie and TBA Prayers Needed • Bailey Rose Randall • • Carlos Lara • The prayer shawl minstry will meet on Tuesday, Aug • Richard Wong • additional please contact co-leaders Helen Carson, 18For in Rm 315. Theinformation, morning group will meet at 9:30 [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, [email protected] am and the evening group will gather at 7 pm. • Clesi Tilley • Supplies and instruction are available for anyone who • Olivia Stokowski • may feel a call to the ministry. You can participate in the ministry at home, if desired. • Chris Simmons • Contact Pat at 214-616-3789. • Fabian Pantoja • • Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Novena • Joanne Jeska • Debora Whipple • Your intentions may be included in a special Children’s • Novena NancyofWylie • Your intentions may be included a special Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Masses. Spiritual Bouquet Novena of inMasses. Nine consecutive Masses will be celebrated intention those Nine consecutive Masses willfor bethe celebrated forofthe intention of those participating in the • Milagritos Veliv • Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Novena participating in the Novena. The Masses will be celebrated Novena. The Masses will be celebrated beginning August 15 (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin • Liz Uecker • beginning August (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) through August15th 23, 2015. Mary) through August 23, 2015. Your intentions may be included in a special Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Novena • of Masses. James G. Natherson • Nine consecutive Masses will the intention of tradition those participating in the applies the Masses may be offered forbe thecelebrated living orfor deceased. This of the Church • ofCarlos • Masses may be graces offered for living orAugust deceased. Thisfor the Novena.fruits The Masses will beof celebrated beginning of the Blessed Virgin special and thethe Mass by the will of15 the(Assumption priest benefit specificArizmendi persons tradition of the Church applies the special fruits and graces Mary) through August 23, 2015. and intentions. • Raul Rodriguez • of the Mass by the will of the priest for the benefit of Paulnarthex Mendoza • Masses may be offered for the living or deceased. This tradition of the Church • applies specific persons and intentions. Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Cards and Mass offering envelopes are located in thethe of the special fruits and graces of the Mass by the will of the priest for the benefit of specific persons • the Donna Stewart Church. Please fill out the offering envelope, insert your offering and place envelope in the • and intentions. Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Cards and Mass offering collection basket or bring in the parish office. The greeting card is yours to send. • Mary Kate • envelopes are located in the narthex of the Church. Please Children’s Spiritual Bouquet Cards andinsert Mass offering envelopes are of the fill out the offering envelope, your offering andlocated placein the narthex • 2015. Cherilyn Schutze • Please returnfillinthe envelopes by noon Wednesday August 12, Church. Please out the offering envelope, insert your offering and place the envelope in the the envelope the collection basket oron bring in the parish for occasions of loss, death, illness or joy. Please contact Pat at 214-616-3789 for more information. th th The listThe of names will beparish put in a to basket andcard placed the alter. collection basket or bring in the office. The greeting is yoursnear to send. office. greeting card is yours send. Elva Silva Michael Ring Leroy Case Claire Goodrich Deedee Howard Cecilia Buczkiewicz Alfredo Orjuela Bill Thompson Mrs. Lourdes Chapa Yolanda Ramirez Mrs. Faz Bruce Kearney Jeffrey Ketterer Lauren Nevil Elias Reyes Prescott Web Alison Bednarczyk Lee Vawser Manuel Cardenas Ministry to the Sick If you are sick or know someone who is unable to Please return the envelopes by noon on Wednesday August 12, 2015. attend Mass & would like to receive communion call Please return the envelopes by noon on Wednesday August 12, The listMass of names put in a basket and placed near the alter. Novena dateswill andbe times: us at (972)922-1484. 2015. Aug 15 – 8:00 am Aug 16 - 12:00 noon Aug 17 – 7:00 am The list of names will be put in a basket and placed near the Aug 18 - 12:00 noon Aug 19 - 7:00 am Aug 20 – 12:00 noon alter. Novena dates Aug 21 –Mass 7:00 amand times: Aug 22 - 5:00 pm Aug 23 - 8:00 am Ministerio Extraordinario de la Sagrada Aug 15 – 8:00 am Aug 18 - 12:00 noon Aug 21 – 7:00 am Aug 16 - 12:00 noon Aug 19 - 7:00 am Aug 22 - 5:00 pm Aug 17 – 7:00 am Aug 20 – 12:00 noon Aug 23 - 8:00 am Comunión para los Enfermos 9 Favor comunicarse con Susana Mancia para mayor información. Tel. 214-208-7161 Non-Parish Based/Outside Organizations FAMILIA- Family Life in America: Mothers of Young Children..finally..something just for you! Want an opportunity to grow in solid friendships with other moms just like you, delve more deeply into who you are as a woman, wife and mother in the light of your faith Bajo costo - $2 and equip yourself with practical tools that can be applied materiales. Bajo costo - $25 por 14 semanas. Incluye libros y right away? Then come do the study, Created to be Low Cost - $25 materiales. Woman: Called to Authentic Feminism. Call Anna materials) Cost - $25 for 14 weeks (includes and Incluye libros y Bajo costo - $25books por 14 semanas. Robicheaux at 972-467-6038 or email amrobicheaux@ Bajo costo -Low $25 por 14 semanas. Incluye libros y materiales. Proveemos ins costo materials) - $25 por 14 semanas. Incluye libros y materiales. to sign up for the Familia Family Life Teams Bajo Low Cost - $25 for 14 weeks (includes books andWork readiness Low Cost - $25 for 14 weeks (includes books and materiales. materials) starting in September and ending in May. Meeting times materials) for 14 weeks (includesde books and Proveemos instrucción preparación para el trabajo Todos los idiom will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 9:30- Low Cost- $25 provided Proveemos instrucción de preparación para el Alltrabajo languages w materials) Work readiness instruction Proveemos instrucción de preparación para el trabajo 11:00am starting September 15 or 1st and 3rd Saturdays Work readiness instruction provided Work readiness instruction provided from 8:30-10:00am starting September 19. Childcare is Proveemos un instrucción de preparación para el trabajo Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos Safe learning en available at a small cost for the Tuesday morning group. Proveemos Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos All languages welcome readiness instructionwelcome provided All languages All languages welcome Both groups will be held in room 341-St. Martha’s room. Work Contáctenos ( Proveemos un ambiente seguro para aprender 214-824-2000 Proveemos un ambiente seguro para aprender Todos los son un bienvenidos idiomas Proveemos ambiente seguro para aprender Safe learning environment provided Safe learning environment provided All languages welcome Safe learning environment provided Monsignor Leon Duesman is celebrating 50 years since Contáctenos (Contact us) [email protected] (Contact us) [email protected] his ordination as a priest. The Community of St. Elizabeth Contáctenos 214-824-2000 Classes: Martes (Tuesday) y (and) Jueves Regist 214-824-2000 Proveemos un ambiente seguro para aprender Contáctenos (Contact us) [email protected] (Thursday) Ann Seton is honoring him with a celebration on August Safe learning environment provided 6:30pm Tiempo (Time): 6:30pm-8:30pm 214-824-2000 29, 2015. We would like for you to come! Here are the Las cla Catholic Church, St. Ann Center Rm25 311 th and 27th Classes: Martes (Tuesday) y (and) Jueves St. AnnRegistro August details: Msgr. Leon will Classes: celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving th and 27(Registration): Martes (Tuesday) y (and) JuevesContáctenos 1st y te Registro (Registration): August (Contact us) [email protected] 18025 Samuel Blvd. th (Thursday) 6:30pm-8:30pm 6:30 PM on August 29,(Thursday) 2015 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Coppell, TX 75019 6:30pm-8:30pm Tiempo (Time): 6:30pm-8:30pm 214-824-2000 Tiempo (Time): 6:30pm-8:30pm 2700 W. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas 75023.yA(and) Jueves Las clases comienzanth(Classes start) Classes: Martes (Tuesday) St. Ann Catholic Church, St. Ann(Registration): Center Rm 311 (Classes start) Sept. Registro August 25 and 27thth Sept. St. Ann the Catholic Church, St. Faith Ann Center Rm 311 Las clases comienzan dessert reception will follow Mass at The For180 Samuel Blvd. th 1st y terminan (and end) Nov. 19 (Thursday) 1st y terminan (and end) Nov. 19 180 Samuel Blvd. Coppell, TX 750196:30pm-8:30pm mation Center, directions to the be available Coppell, TXCenter 75019 Tiempo (Time):will 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Church. Classes: No reservations are necessary butJueves if you Martes (Tuesday) y (and) Registro (Registration): August 25th and 27th Ann Catholic St. Ann Center Rm 311 Las clases comienzan (Classes start) Sept. (Thursday) have questions, please call St. Donnie Hawley, Church, 972-596-8250. 6:30pm-8:30pm 1st y terminan (and end) Nov. 19th 180 Samuel Blvd. (Time): 6:30pm-8:30pm Monsignor LeonTiempo has requested that no gifts be given to TX 75019 him. He has authorized anyCoppell, funds contributed be used to St. Ann Catholic Church, St. Ann Center Rm 311 Las clases comienzan (Classes start) Sept. defray the cost 180 of a Samuel Good Shepherd statue placed in our 1st y terminan (and end) Nov. 19th Blvd. columbarium and dedicated to him. A fund basket will be Coppell, TX 75019 placed at the dessert reception if you care to participate. SAVE THE DATE: University of Dallas LA FECHA: University of Dallas 3 DAYS - October 22 - 24, 2015 Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX 3 DIAS - 22 a 24 octubre, 2015 Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX Ministry Conference Conferencia Ministerio Contactos Sacramentales CATHOLIC BIBLICAL SCHOOL Are You Interested in an In-depth Bible Study? The Catholic Biblical School, offered by the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas, provides an opportunity for adults to come to know, love and live scripture through an in-depth Bible study from a Catholic perspective. If you want to enrich your life by learning more about the Bible, you are invited to join others who also hunger for God’s word in this exciting Bible study program. Classes in both English and Spanish will begin the week of September 6th at a number of parishes in the Dallas area. Online classes in English are also available. For more information, check our website: or Bautizos (Recien nacidos – Kinder) Los padres deben asistir a una clase bautismal.Favor suscribirse para la clase antes de asistir. La Oficina de Vida Familiar está ubicada debajo de la torre del reloj. Favor de comunicarse con Patricia Guzman al 972/393-5544, o [email protected] Bautizos de niños (1-5 grado) Llame a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para mas información: 972-393-5544 ext. 1205 con Ruth Bautizos de jóvenes (o si desean convertise en Católicos) (6-12 grado) RCIA para jovenes, 972-393-5544 x 1603 Primera Comunion-Jóvenes (6-12 grado) 10 RCIA 972-393-5544 x 1603 Confirmación-Jóvenes (8-12 grado) ROC 972-393-5544 x 1602 Bautizos de Adultos Preparación para adultos que necesiten los sacramentos (el Bautismo, la Confirmación y la Comunión) comuniquese con Marie Zavala (972)393-5544, Ext. 1860 o [email protected] Bodas El proceso toma de 6 meses a un año para completarse. Comunicarse con Alicia Saucedo al (972)393-5544, Ext. 1815 Anulación Comuniquese con Alicia Saucedo (972)393-5544, Ext. 1815 Sacramental Contacts Infant Baptisms (newborn through kindergarten) Complete baptism packet from Family Life Office & register for mandatory parent baptism class. Office is located underneath clock tower. Contact Patty Guzman: 972-393-5544 ext. 1802, or [email protected] Children's Baptisms (1st-5th grade) Call Children's Religious Edu. office at -972-393-5544, Ext. 1204 Baptism (for non-Catholic teens desiring to become Catholic) Youth and Teens (6-12th grade) RCIA for Youth, 972-393-5544 x 1603 First Communion – Youth and Teens (6-12th grade) Contact 972-393-5544 x 1303 Confirmation – Youth and Teens (8-12th grade) Rite of Confirmation (ROC). Contact 972-393-5544 x 1602 Baptism - Adults Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Contact Laney Sherburne at 972-393-5544, Ext. 1895 or [email protected] Baptism – Teens Rite of Confirmation (ROC). Contact the High School Ministry Office 972-393-5544, Ext. 1602 Marriage Process takes from 6 months-1 year to complete. Contact Alicia Saucedo at -972-393-5544, Ext. 1815 Annulment Contact Deacon Ed at 972-393-5544, Ext. 1807 or Deacon Pete Markwald at 214-762-8370 Scheduling/Itinerario Rachel Kollhoff.....................................................................Ext. 1111 [email protected] I.T./Tecnología Jeffrey Ketterer.....................................................................Ext. 1126 [email protected] Data Base Management/Administrador de la Base de Datos Karen Shea...........................................................................Ext. 1113 [email protected] Development Director/Director de Desarrollo Dave Lukeman ....................................................................Ext. 1110 [email protected] Nursery Coordinator/Asistente de Guardería Rita Delgado........................................................................Ext. 1907 [email protected] Information Content/Comunicación Michael Valera.....................................................................Ext. 1127 [email protected] Facilities & Property/Mantenimiento Jose Ramirez...............................................................(972)523-2837 [email protected] Family Life/Vida Familiar Director of Family Life/Directora de Vida Familiar Debbie Gonzales..................................................................Ext. 1801 [email protected] Marriage Ministry Coordinator/Coordinadora de Matrimonios Alicia Saucedo......................................................................Ext. 1815 [email protected] Family Life Coordinator/Coordinadora Patty Guzman......................................................................Ext. 1802 [email protected] Family Life Assistant/Asistente Dora Salas ...........................................................................Ext. 1803 [email protected] Music Ministry/Ministerio de Música Director/Director Curtis Stephan.....................................................................Ext. 1501 [email protected] Spanish Director/Director Oscar Palacios.............................................................(972)768-4099 [email protected] Music Assistant/Asistente Kathy McCallum...................................................................Ext. 1502 [email protected] Spanish Assistant Music & Liturgy/Español Asistente Música y Liturgia Patty Hernandez...................................................................Ext. 1503 [email protected] Parish Directory Angel Creek Pre-School/Pre-Escolar Director/Directora Karen Ruffner.......................................................................Ext. 1401 [email protected] Administration/Administracion Director of Administration/Directora Jennifer Lindsey...................................................................Ext. 1104 [email protected] Safe Environment & Funerals/Ambiente Seguro y Funerales Karen Case...........................................................................Ext. 1108 [email protected] Receptionist/Recepcionista Donna Hammer....................................................................Ext. 1105 [email protected] Receptionist/Recepcionista Jessica Hernandez................................................................Ext. 1115 [email protected] Accounting/Auxiliar Contable Anne Stromberg..................................................................Ext. 1106 [email protected] Accounting Asst./Auxiliar Contable Asistente Barb Weller..........................................................................Ext. 1123 [email protected] Children's Religious Education/Educación Religiosa para Niños CRE Director/Directora Debbie Kaluza.......................................................................Ext. 1201 [email protected] CRE Safe Environment/Ambiente Seguro Loreen Shillinglaw................................................................Ext. 1203 [email protected] CRE Bookkeeper/Asistente Mary Leonard.......................................................................Ext. 1202 [email protected] Bilingual Coordinator/Cordinadora Bilingue Ruth Rivadeneyra..................................................................Ext. 1205 [email protected] Bilingual Assistant/Asistente Bilingue Yolanda Lua.......................................................................... .Ext. 1205 [email protected] Program Assistant CLW/Asistente Kim Cesario........................................................................... Ext. 1204 [email protected] 11 Ministries & Organizations Directory Directorio de Ministerios y Organizaciones Sunday School/Escuela Dominical Nikki Scancella/Patty Hernandez........................................Ext. 1201 [email protected] Catholic Prayer Group/Grupo de Oración Católico Cheryl Denise Pumphrey....................................(469)682-6605 Marco Garcia-Spanish.........................................(972)729-0472 S.A.Y. Middle School Youth Ministry/ Ministerio para Estudiantes de Secundaria Director/Directora Mike Leminger......................................................................Ext. 1301 [email protected] Program Assistant/Asistente Mary Black............................................................................ Ext. 1302 [email protected] Program Assistant/Asistente Lu Ann Kamstra.................................................................... Ext. 1303 [email protected] Catholic Scripture Study/Estudio Bíblico Marianne Southwick..........................................(214)488-8895 Cesar Medina-Spanish........................................(214)351-9994 [email protected] CRHP(Christ Renews His Parish)/CRSP(Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia) Marie Zavala.......................................................Ext. 1860 Marie Zavala-Spanish.......................................same as above Employment Network/Red de Empleo Tony Waldschmidt..............................................(972)462-8334 High School & Young Adult Ministry/ Ministerio para Estudiantes de Preparatoria y Jóvenes Adultos Director/Director Kurt Klement.........................................................................Ext. 1601 [email protected] Catechesis/Confirmación Naomi Lehew........................................................................Ext. 1602 [email protected] Outreach Coordinator/Coordinador Joey Scancella........................................................................Ext. 1603 [email protected] High School Ministry Asst./Asistente Traci Hall...............................................................................Ext. 1605 [email protected] Young Adult/Ministro de Juventud y Jovenes Adultos Hispanos Marly Castillo....................................................................... Ext. 1606 [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers/Ministros Extraordinarios Al Reiter (Scheduler)...........................................(972)462-7176 [email protected] Dan Scofield (Training)........................................(972)800-0251 [email protected] Jackie Scofield (Training)....................................(214)437-7111 [email protected] Susana Mancia (2pm)-Spanish...........................(214)208-7161 Zenaida Perez (7pm)-Spanish.............................(214)900-6054 [email protected] Emy Serrano (7pm)-Spanish...............................(469)688-9411 Faith & Finance/Fe y Finanza John Peterson.....................................................(214)215-3776 Fernando Martinez-Spanish................................(214)864-7378 Adult Education & Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Adult RE Director/Directora Marie Zavala........................................................................ Ext. 1860 [email protected] Assistant/Asistente ............................................................................................ Ext. 1862 [email protected] Catechetical Formation/Formación Tena Allain........................................................................... Ext. 1206 [email protected] RCIA-ENG Mike & Laney Sherburne.....................................................Ext. 1895 [email protected] RICA-SPA Pedro & Carolina Angulo.....................................................Ext. 1890 [email protected] Feed the Hungry/Alimentar a los Hambrientos Jim Halepaska.....................................................(214)293-7560 Fine Arts/Bellas Artes Maureen Vanacore.............................................(972)462-8027 Good Samaritans/Buenos Samaritanos Christy MacMaster.............................................(972)742-0236 Sandy Espinoza...................................................(214)469-2272 Greeters/Saludadores Tom Samson.......................................................(972)365-4838 [email protected] Grupo Guadalupano Miguel Aguillon..................................................(972)420-0062 [email protected] Parish Based Organizations/ Organizaciones Basadas en la Parroquia Holy Hour/Hora Santa Manny Rendon-Spanish.....................................(469)232-8888 [email protected] Altar Linens/Manteles del Altar Marie Murpy......................................................(214)284-5661 Lectors/Proclamadores de Palabra (Lectores) Mike Ring...........................................................(972)730-6073 [email protected] Cecilia Garcia-Spanish.......................................(972)891-2446 [email protected] Altar Servers/Servidores del Altar Matt, Stephanie & Kathy Smith..........................(972)939-6597 [email protected] Amalia Arce-Spanish..........................................(972)219-7176 Brothers in Christ/Hermanos en Cristo Eddie Provencio.................................................(682)553-9523 Cáliz de Vocaciones (Asignaciones en las Misas) Jose Luis Trejo (2pm)-Spanish............................(214)541-7356 Leoñ Morales (7pm)-Spanish..............................(214)235-3962 Carnival/Carnaval Tim Barr......................................................(214)207-4898 [email protected] Liturgy of the Word for Children/ Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Maria Moreno-Spanish......................................(469)995-1747 [email protected] 12 12 Ministries & Organizations Directory Directorio de Ministerios y Organizaciones Magi Ministry/Ministerio de los Reyes Magos Tena Allain.........................................................(214)755-9993 [email protected] Stephen Ministry/Ministerio Stephen Maureen O'Malley.............................................(972)401-3334 Diane Piper.........................................................(972)393-4511 Matachines Caty Ramirez.....................................................(469)233-7328 [email protected] St. Paula's Patrons: Widow's Ministry/ Patronas de Santa Paula: Ministerio de Viudas Martha Shafferman............................................(972)539-5113 Helen Carson......................................................(972)466-3953 Men's Club/Grupo de Hombres Mike Spychalski....................................................(972)567-7091 [email protected] Men's Morning Ministry/ Ministerio de los Hombres de la Mañana Bill Morin...........................................................(972)523-5127 [email protected] Ministry of Consolation/Ministerio de la Consolación Deacon Pete Markwald.....................................Ext. 1810 Marilee Schmelzer Aguirre................................(972)804-4775 [email protected] Ministry of Disabled/Ministerio de Discapacitados Sarah Meyer......................................................(214)500-5501 Ministry of Loaves & Fishes/Ministerio de los Panes y Peces Tena Allain.........................................................(214) 755-9993 [email protected] Supper Club/Club de la Cena Nancy & David Krohn.........................................(972)355-4574 [email protected] Ushers/Ujieres Jorge Gomez......................................................(214)458-3969 [email protected] Roberto De Francisco-Spanish...........................(972)966-9677 [email protected] Women's Morning Ministry/ Ministerio de Mujeres de la Mañana Nicole Ameris....................................................(214)641-3938 Kris Ollom..........................................................(972)951-3294 Young Adults/ Xto 24/7 Kurt Klement........................................................Ext. 1601 Marly Castillo-Spanish........................................(469)544-6296 Ministry to the Sick/Ministerio de los Enfermos Eddy & Denise Koch..........................................(972)922-1484 Non-Parished Based Organizations/ Organizaciones No Basadas en la Parroquia Mothers of Young Children/ Madres de Niños Menores Virginia Collier...................................................(469)585-0953 [email protected] Maricela Garza-Spanish.....................................(214)926-2682 [email protected] CHRISTUS St. Joseph Village Mary Wolaver.....................................................(972)304-0300 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración Eucarística Perpetua Rosanne Armstrong...........................................(214)543-6458 [email protected] Elva Iseley-Spanish............................................(972)304-5200 [email protected] Prayer Chain/Cadena de Oración Tammy Snedeker [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry/Ministerio de Chales para Oración Pat Gruniger.......................................................(214)616-3789 Jo Claire Markham.............................................(214)-356-4890 Isela Castro-Spanish...........................................(214)-762-8620 Respect Life/ Pro-Vida Maria Whitacre..................................................(972)899-2797 Sonia Salguero- Spanish.....................................(972)621-1366 [email protected] School of Spirituality/Colegio de la Espiritualidad Barbara Sanders.................................................(817)430-4718 Sisters in Christ/Hermanas en Cristo Gina Cassidy.......................................................(214)766-6878 [email protected] Couples for Christ/Parejas Para Cristo Rona Ruiz............................................................(707)290-9189 Mercedes Piña-Spanish......................................(469)348-3949 Familia Anne Robicheaux................................................(972)467-6038 Knights of Columbus/Los Caballeros de Columbus Nick Bassi............................................................(214)586-4764 [email protected] Magnificat Ministry for Women Cheryl Denise Pumphrey....................................(469)682-6605 Natural Family Planning/Planificación Familiar Natural Tony & Marianne Abadie...................................(972)746-5142 [email protected] Ramon Martinez-Spanish...................................(214)789-8353 [email protected] Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement/Movimiento Apostólico Mariel Arellano..................................................(214)392-0710 Prayer & Life Workshops/ Talleres Oración y Vida Laura Campuzano-Spanish.................................(469)671-8049 [email protected] Teams of Our Lady/Equipos de Nuestra Señora Tom & Chusi Gehrlein........................................(972)393-3579 Worldwide Marriage Encounters/Encuentros de Matrimonio Tom & Micha Aldon...........................................(972)539-6638 [email protected] 13 13 14 15 16 17 Educación Religiosa Bilingue Educación Religiosa para Adultos FERIA DE REGISTROS DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA BILINGÜE SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS Si no ha tenido tiempo de registrar a sus hijos de 1ro a 5to grado para la 12 y 13 dethat Agosto Do CUANDO: you haveMiércoles contactsy Jueves, and resources can help?Primera We would love to hear from any una and all Comunión, tendremos 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Sta. Ana Salón de Recepción parishioners delay. specificthat needs vacation condos/travel, services, event Do you havewithout contacts andSome resources canare help? We de would love tolimousine hear from any16and feria registros el Domingo de all Instructora: Debbie Kaluza, Director CRE Agosto, en elget Salón 112 de 12 pm aAll4 tickets, children’s toys,delay. sporting goods, andneeds theme Allcondos/travel, donors a tax deduction receipt. parishioners without Some specific arebaskets. vacation limousine services, event CCF 202: La Iniciación Del Catequista Este es un curso The Silent Auction Committee is working hard to create a great Auction for all to enjoy at this pm. ¡Lo esperamos! Para cualquier high bidders that “win” an item make get something return! Thankreceipt. you to year’s all tickets, children’s toys, sporting goods,a donation and themeand baskets. All donorsgreat get aintax deduction All para ayudar a las catequistas aprender algunos conceptos duda, favor de llamar al 972-393Carnival. Do you have contacts and resources that can help? We would love to hear from any and (businesses and parishioners) generously donated itemsgreat in the past! Your high bidders that “win” item who make a donation something in return! Thankcontinued you to all all básicos para sus aulas. Ustedan aprenderá comohave planificar sus and get con Ruth o Yolanda. parishioners without delay. Some specific needs are 5544 condos/travel, limousine services, event support thiscrear year We will vacation highlight in future updates. clases, como espaciobe de greatly oración, yappreciated. también (businesses andunwould parishioners) who have recibirá generously donated donations items in the past! bulletin Your continued tickets, children’s toys, sporting goods, and theme baskets. All donors get a tax deduction receipt. All sugerencias de gestión para su aula. Ifsupport you want helpwould but need some ideas, we canWe usewill Gifthighlight Cards from all restaurants and stores.updates. thistoyear be greatly appreciated. donations in future bulletin SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS de Jóvenes Adultos curso es to bueno para todos los catequistas que trabajan IfEste you want help but need some who ideas, we can use Gift Ministerio Cards fromitems all restaurants and stores. (businesses parishioners) have generously donated in the past! Your continued con niños desde laand infancia primaria hasta la escuela y donations Finanzas Estudio Bíblico Silent Auction donations must be received by September butFesooner is better! Questions? support year would be recibir greatly highlight in future bulletinPlease updates. media. Este this curso es requerido para su appreciated. certificado de We will1st, contact Kristen Whisler 214-529-2397 orweemail at Un [email protected]. Thanks in la advance for Maestría de Catequistas. If you want to help butat need some ideas,by can use Gift Cards from allisrestaurants and stores. Silent Auction donations must be received September 1st, but de sooner better! Questions? Please estudio 9 semanas que enseña práctica y el manejo de dinero i los bienes que poses en la vida. your support! contact Kristen Whisler at 214-529-2397 email at [email protected]. Thanks in advance forSi $10 por persona incluye el material. Por favor, pagar en laor puerta. usted es joven mayor de edad, jubilado o trabajando, Inscribirse agosto 7 para cuidado niños. by September Silent Auctionpara donations must be de received 1st, obut sooner is better! Questions? your support! casado soltero, o necesita orientación con Please sus high bidders that “win” an item make a donation and get something great in return! Thank you to all finanzas esta clase es para ti. Thanks La Bibliaincuenta confor RegístreseKristen en: contact Whisler at 214-529-2397 or email at [email protected]. advance más de 2,500 versículos que tienen que ver con el o teléfono: 214-755-9993 x 1806 your support! dinero y las posesiones. El entender las finanzas de Formación Catequética Continua de Sta. Ana Eventos y Avisos un punto bíblico es importante. Las clases se ofrecen los Jueves o Domingo; Tendremos una Orientación el 20 de Septiembre a las 11:30 horas en la Sala 314; Se ofrece cuidado de niños para las clases dominicales. Para más información contactar a – Fernando Martinez [email protected] o llamar al 214-864-7378. DONACIONES PARA LA SUBASTA SILENCIOSA DONACIONES PARA LA SUBASTA SILENCIOSA SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS DONACIONES PARA LA SUBASTA SILENCIOSA El Comité de Subasta Silenciosa está trabajando duro para crear una gran subasta que todos disfruten este año. de ¿Usted tiene los contactos y recursos que pueden ayudar? Nos gustaría escuchar de El Comité Subasta Silenciosa está trabajando duro para crear una gran subasta que todos disfruten cualquier todos los feligreses lo antes posible. necesidades son (condominios/viajes) de El comité de la subasta silenciosa estáytrabajando difícilmente para crear una gran subasta para que este año. y ¿Usted tiene los contactos recursos Algunas que pueden ayudar? Nos gustaría escuchar de todos gozan en los el carnaval de lo 2014. los contactos yderecursos que puedendeportivas, ayudar? Nos vacaciones, de limusina, boletos paratiene eventos, juguetes niños, y cualquier y servicios todos feligreses antes¿Usted posible. Algunas necesidades sonmercancías (condominios/viajes) de gustaria oír de cualesquiera y todos los feligreses sin retraso. Algunas necesidades específicas son ylas canastas temáticas. Todos los donantes reciben un recibo de deducción para los impuestos federales. vacaciones, servicios de limusina, boletos para eventos, juguetes de niños, mercancías deportivas, vacaciones (condominio /viaje), servicios limousine, boletos del acontecimiento, juguetes de los ¡Todos lostemáticas. licitadores altoslos que "ganen" undel artículo hacen donación y reciben algo grande en canastas Todos donantes reciben un recibo deuna deducción para los impuestos federales. niños, mercancías deportivas, y canastas del tema. Todos los donantes consiguen un recibo de la retorno! a todos feligreses) que generosamente en años ¡Todos losGracias licitadores altos(los quenegocios "ganen" yunlosartículo hacen unahan donación y recibendonado algo grande en deducción para los impuestos federales. ¡Todos los licitadores altos que "gane" un artículo hacen una anteriores. Su continuo apoyo año sera Destacaremosdonado donaciones en retorno! Gracias a todos (los este negocios y losapreciado feligreses)grandemente. que han generosamente en años donación y consiguen algo grande en vuelta! Gracias a todos (los negocios y los feligreses) que ya las actualizaciones futurasapoyo del boletín. Si usted desea ayudar y necesita algunas ideas, contáctenos. anteriores. Su continuo este año serala apreciado Destacaremos donaciones en han donado abundante los artículos para subasta degrandemente. este año. Si usted es a más allá del donante, lassu actualizaciones futuras del boletín.grandemente. Si usted deseaDestacaremos ayudar y necesita algunasenideas, contáctenos. ayuda este año sería apreciada donaciones las actualizaciones Lasfuturas donaciones de la subasta se deben recibir antes ideas, del 1 de Septiembre, pero más del boletín. Si ustedsilenciosa desea ayudar y necesita algunas entre en contacto conentre nosotros. pronto es mejorde¿Preguntas? Por favorsecontacte Carlosantes Benavides 469-766-9647 al email Las donaciones la subasta silenciosa deben recibir del 1 dealSeptiembre, perooentre más [email protected]. ¡Gracias ayuda! Las donaciones la subasta silenciosa deben18recibir del 1 dealSeptiembre, pero omás pronto es mejor de ¿Preguntas? Por por favorsusecontacte Carlosantes Benavides 469-766-9647 al pronto email es mejor ¿Preguntas? Por¡Gracias favor entre contacto con Carlos Benavides en 469-766-9647 o email [email protected]. por en su ayuda! en [email protected]. Gracias por su ayuda! Ministerio Preparatoria Ministeriodede Preparatoria Ministeriode deSecundaria Secundaria Ministerio MINISTERIO DE JOVENES ADOLESCENTES GRADO 6 al 8 ¿Tu adolescente necesita algún Sacramento? 972-393-5544 x 1600 MINISTERIO DE JOVENES ADOLESCENTES GRADO 9 al 12 INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS BAUTISMO PRIMERA COMUNION CONFIRMACION ¿Tu adolescente necesita algún Sacramento? INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS BAUTISMO ¡SE BUSCAN! VOLUNTARIOS PRIMERA COMUNION CONFIRMACION ¡NECESITAMOS DE TU AYUDA! Buscamos personas dispuestas a acompañar a estos jovenes en su crecimiento espiritual y de preparación para recibir su Sacramento. NO TENGAS MIEDO EN DECIR “Si” ¡SE BUSCAN! VOLUNTARIOS FECHAS DE PREPARACION PARA CATEQUISTAS: Cursos de Iniciacion para Catequistas: 12 y 13 de Agosto de 6:30 a 9:00pm Salon de Recepciones Retiro Annual de Ministerios 15 de Agosto de 8:00am a 4:30pm Salon Cenaculo Entrenamiento para catequistas: 23 de Agosto de 1 a 4pm ¿Interesado en ayudar a los adolescentes de preparatoria de St. Ann a crecer en el amor y el conocimiento de Jesús y su fe católica? Estamos buscando JOVENES ADULTOS interesados en ayudar a nuestros adolescentes a crecer como discípulos. Si estas interesado a unirte al equipo de Lideres te esperamos en las reuniones informativas. PROGRAMA 2015-2016 Miércoles – 7:00 a 8:30pm Catecismo/Clases Regulares Domingos – 5:00 a 6:30pm Catecismo para Sacramento de Primera Comunión Junta Informativa: 09 de agosto a las 6 pm Salon Cenáculo DESPERTEMOS NUESTROS JOVENES NOS NECESITAN Si estas interesado favor de contactar a Marly Castillo 972-393-5544 ext. 1606 [email protected] Retiro Annual de Ministerios 15 de Agosto de 8:00am a 4:30pm Salon Cenaculo Entrenamiento para catequistas: 23 de Agosto de 1 a 4pm (972) 393-5544 X 4954 Para mas infromación contactar a [email protected] Marly Castillo 972-393-5544 ext. 1606 [email protected] Nuestras oficinas se encuentran ubicadas bajo la torre del reloj 19 Eventos y Avisos SAVE THE DATE: University of Dallas LA FECHA: University of Dallas 3 DAYS - October 22 - 24, 2015 Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX 3 DIAS - 22 a 24 octubre, 2015 Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, TX Ministry Conference Conferencia Ministerio Aprender a Orar para Aprender a Vivir Es una escuela de Oración y Vida, donde descubres la infinita ternura del Padre para sentirse amado y dejarse amar, te ayuda a mejorar tu relación con Dios, contigo mismo y con los hermanos. Aprendes a liberarte de angustias, miedos y tristezas, para avanzar a la liberación interior y recobrar la estabilidad emocional y el encanto de vivir iniciamos Viernes 07 Agosto 2015 salón 313 hora 7:00pm Son 15 sesiones gratis mas informacion Lucila Martinez 972 746 3582 Retiro para Líderes de Ministerios de Santa Ana Dirigido por Carlos Arguello Retiro para Líderes de Ministerios de Santa Ana Sábado, 15 de del 2015 Dirigido poragosto Carlos Arguello 15 de del 2015 EmpezandoSábado, con misa deagosto 8am hasta las 4:30pm Más opcional Empezando con misa de 8am hasta las 4:30pm “NocheMás de opcional Encuentro” con oración y Adoración a la Eucaristía “Noche de Encuentro” pm a la Eucaristía con oración y 7-9 Adoración 7-9 pm PARA personal, líderes de consejo y líderes voluntarios de los ministerios. PARA personal, líderes de consejo y líderes voluntarios de los ministerios. ¡Y cualquier otra persona que se sienta llamada a evangelizar y guiar a otros! ¡Y cualquier otra persona que se sienta llamada a evangelizar y guiar a otros! Contactar Marly Castillo: Contactar Marly Castillo:[email protected] [email protected] Horario de Misas Entre Semana (Inglés) Lunes-Viernes 7am y 12pm Sabado 8:00am Sacramento de Reconciliación Sabado 8:30am y Martes, 7pm Sábado (vigilia) 5:00pm 20 Domingo 8:00am 10:00pm 12:00pm 2:00pm Español 4:30pm (jóvenes) 7:00pm Español
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