St. Felicitas Catholic Church

St. Felicitas Catholic Church
1662 Manor Blvd. San Leandro
Email: [email protected]
Telephone Number (510) 351-5244 ● Fax (510) 351-5730
JUNE 21, 2015
Come to Mass early enough not to disrupt.
Leave late enough not to insult.
Worship reverently enough not to distract.
And dress proudly enough not to offend.
Mass Schedule
7:30 am - 9:00 am - 10:30 am
12:15 pm (Spanish) 4:30 pm Vietnamese)
8:15 am - 4:30 pm (Vigil)
Daily (Monday to Fr iday) 7:00 am - 8:15 am
Holy Days 7:00 am 8:15 am
7:00 pm
1st Friday Exposition — 12:30 to 4:45 pm
Reconciliation—Saturday, 3:15 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. or
by appointment.
Baptism—4th Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m.
Contact Parish Office for information
Marriage—Arrangements to be made 6 months
prior to the wedding.
Parish Staff
Rev. Thomas Khue
Rev. Eddie Castañas
Rev. Tran T. Dinh
Deacon Timothy Myers
[email protected]
Mercey Zamora Pastoral Assoc./Spanish Ministry
Sr. Bernadette Hoàng Yến Vietnamese Community
Altar Servers
Sr. Ancilla Marie Le
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
EMERGENCY NUMBER (510) 309-8097
(During non-office hours)
Pastoral Care
Sharon Clancey
Office Secretary
Judi Lema
Parish School
Meghan Jorgensen
1650 Manor Blvd.
Fax: 357-5358
Religious Education Office
Sandi Walton
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Thursday
Parochial Administrator
Ext. 286
Parochial V icar
Ext. 297
Vietnamese Ministry
In residence
Geri Lara
St. Vincent de Paul
Director of Religious Education
Fax: 510-351-5730
[email protected]
Youth Services
[email protected]
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015
Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.
— 2 Corinthians 5:17
“Quiet” and “Be still.”
To all of you Fathers – We need you! Happy Father’s Day!
There are many worries in our lives. We worry about our children, our finances, our health, our
relationships, our elderly parents—and many other things.
Like the disciples in today’s gospel, from time to time, we feel frightened and cry out in fear. In
times of trouble and worries we forget that God is always with us! God comes to our assistance in
some way through people who are near to us and says to us, “Take courage! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”
When troubles and worries come our way let us turn to Jesus and continue to trust in Him.
Remember whatever happens, we need to approach Jesus in prayer and trust in Him. God hasn’t
gone on vacation—He is always with us! He never abandons us!
Don’t let fear control or paralyze your life. Fear is the opposite of faith. Have faith in God.
Have faith in Jesus. We need to have an attitude of surrender to the presence of the unseen God!
Also, in today’s gospel, Jesus commands the storm, “Quiet! Be Still!” Jesus’ command is not
only to the storm but to the apostles in the boat: Don’t worry! Don’t be frightened! Know of my
healing and calming love—greater than any storm in life. Everything is under control! I haven’t
abandoned you! Have faith and be calm.
I would like to end this reflection with a story, perhaps familiar to most of us, to illustrate, to
assure us, that Jesus is still and always with us even when we don’t feel his presence.
One night a man had a dream. He dreamt he was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the
sand; one belonging to him and the other to the Lord. When the scenes of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand he noticed that many times along the path of his life there
was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that is happened at the very lowest and saddest times
in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I
decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why when I
needed you the most you would leave me.
The Lord replied, “My son, my precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During
your times of trials and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried
Remember you and yours are always in my prayers. Have a wonderful week.
Father Tom
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015
Children’s Liturgy Today
Events for the Week of June 22nd, 2015
6:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul
AE room
7:00 pm Spanish Juvenile &
Adult Choir
AE Room
Thurs 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus
6/25 7:00 pm Spanish Youth Group
AE Room
Soc. Hall
7:00 pm Spanish Children’s Choir Soc. Hall
7:30 pm Vietnamese Choir Practice AE Room
To all those that helped make the
Reception for our Sisters last Sunday
a success we THANK Y OU.
(See next week’s bulletin for pictures)
Genesis 12:1-9; Psalm 33:12-13, 18-20, 22;
Matthew 7:1-5
Genesis 13:2, 5-18; Psalm 15:2-4ab, 5;
Matthew7:6, 12-14
Wednesday: Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15;
Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80
Thursday: Genesis 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16];
Psalm 106:1b-5; Matthew 7:21-29
Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Psalm 128:1-5;
Matthew 8:1-4
Saturday: Genesis 18:1-15; Luke 1:46-50, 53-55;
Matthew 8:5-17
Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Psalm 30:2, 4-6,
11-13; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15;
Mark 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]
All items turned into the office will only be kept for two
weeks before being donated to the proper charity.
Our Weekly Goal
$ 11,700.00
Sunday Collection—June 7
$ 9,940.50
Amount needed to reach goal
$ 1.759.50
$ 5,677.00
Thank you for your continued generosity
Stewardship Report
Last Week’s Stewardship (6/14) of $497.03 went to Building
Futures for Women and Children—helps homeless and
battered women to build a future for themselves and their
children and much more.
This Week’s Stewardship will go to the Quinhon Missionary
Sisters in Vietnam.
Next Week’s Stewardship (6/28) will go to the Dominican
Sisters of Mary of the Eucharist, Ann Arbor—12-13 year old
congregation with many young vocations.
We need your help…
We are putting together an RCIA Team
and need practicing Catholics to help those
who are inquiring about our Faith and/or
want to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation. The meetings with these
people will begin on September 15th.
We will be answering their questions about our
Faith...what we do and why. It is an informal question
and answer program along with some instruction to
initiate a discussion.
Sharing your faith is a beautiful way to contribute to the
support of the church and to follow Christ's direction to
us to “go forth and teach ye all nations.” He was telling
this not just to his Apostles, but to all who have
received the Holy Spirit through Baptism and
Confirmation. We are commissioned to share our faith.
If you would like to participate in this ministry please
call the office at 351-5244. Thank you.
Mission Cooperative Plan
Once a year during the summer months, we invite
and encourage our parishioners to participate and support
the church beyond our country’s borders through the
Mission Cooperative Plan. By responding to the pleas of
missionaries, we can help those in need and better
appreciate our own responsibility as missionaries.
The Mission assigned to us this year is the Diocese
of Virac in the Philippines. Father Joseph Saratan from
that Diocese will be here to preach at all the Masses the
weekend of July 11th and 12th. May I thank you in
advance for your continued generosity to the missions.
Please Pray for . . .
George Pieraldi
Julie Chin
Robert Billmire
Peter & Sheryl Smith
Ed Fletcher
Connie Guaraglia
Joyce Guaraglia
Virgilio Legaspi
Mariah ‘Mia’ Vicedo
Pearle Cezair
Mary Helen
Maria Jesus Vargas
Joey Medeiros
Monica Dias
Dora Romero
John O’Keefe
Edgar Romero
Jeanette Frazee
James Balliet
Joe Zipp
Barbara Maloon
Juanita Estrellas
Nhi Nguyen
Mary Young
Peggy Miller
Dan Bautista
JoAnne Salazar
Raymond Bautisa
Anne Tran
Sara Le Fargo
Dee Darbo
Paul Prado
Mary Valladon
Rudy Griego
Manuela Agabao
Maria Beam
Nelson Baylosis
Judith Edrosolam
Marie Choury
Mel Mederious
Dorothy Feick
Joel Rivera
Joseph Fantos
Ella Pennington
Ricardo Duenas
Madeline Marks
Marie Fletcher
Olivia Camcam
Mike Silva
Maria Nguyen
Khoat Nguyen
Joseph Leo
JJ Moisa
Maria Escobar
Jesse Aguon
Joyce White
Mercedita Lara
Angelita Corral
Tu Nguyen
James Jandik
Ruth Brennan
Peter Purificacion
Nicole Coffey-Nell
Gwendolyn DeVries
Agnes Lemos
Jayla Walker
Margarita Ferreira
Aliston Goodwin
Dolly Jacoby
Ed & Rose Matty
Lida Holt
Mae Heasley
Rosemary Buell
Patrick Forde
Marianne Forde
Roseann Adam
Brandon Lee Salazar
Max Romero
Matilde Guerrero
Elsie Ulibrri
Darryl Shields
Val Mumford
Mao Pham
Carol Boles
Wyatt Norell
Tillie Gumataotao
Conceicáo Farinha
Doan Truong
Van Nguyen
Al Rocha
** If any person on this list is well and no longer in
need of prayers please inform the parish office. If
they pass away please let us know so we can pray for
the repose of his or her soul.
For the Week of
June 21st to 28th
In addition to the Mass Intentions listed below
our Father’s Day Novena begins on
Saturday, June 20th and concludes on concludes on
Sunday, June 28th.
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
7:00 am
(A) Anniversary
8:15 am
7:00 am
8:15 am
7:00 am
8:15 am
7:00 am
8:15 am
7:00 am
8:15 am
8:15 am
4:30 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
(B) Birthday
Antone & John Heasley †
Francis Medina †
Deacon Jose Prado †
Pedro Quiroga †
Virgilio & Lily Legaspi
(49th Wedding Anniversary)
Joe Monsor †
Hanh Hà †
Joseph Vũ †
All Souls
Pedro Dionisio †
Lucrecia Qui †
Julia Felarca (B)
Mateo San Buenaventura †
Doris Babik †
Anna Vũ †
Connie Meagher †
All Souls
Joseph and Maria Nguyễn †
Williams J. Machado Raga †
(L) Living
(†) Deceased
Please pray for
Alex Bradley
who is serving in the
Middle East
Being a disciple means being constantly ready to
bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen
unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city
square, during work, on a journey.
Who Entered into Eternal Life
Annie Bega Salsedo † —June 2, 2015
—Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortationi Evangelii Gaudium
(the Joy of the gospel), no. 127
Martin Than Tran † — June 4, 2015
Julia De Sousa † —June 13, 2015
Michael Babik † — June 15, 2015
(Nephew of Clare Zipp)
Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them
Pray the Rosary for World Peace
7:30 am
8:45 am
S.J. Chapel
(Tuesday through Friday)
St. Paul says we should “put on” virtue; we should
wear compassion, kindness, patience, gentleness—
colorful and obvious as our outfits. Paul wants us to wear
our allegiance to Christ—”on our sleeves” if you will—
not as a boast like a Gucci or Prada logo but as a simple,
humble sign that this woman, this man, this youngster
belongs to Christ, and you’ll know it because you can see
that she or he is dressed in love.
—Take Five for Faith; Daily renewal for Busy Catholics
At last I have found my vocation: My vocation is
— Saint Therese of Lisieux
If you are what you should be, then you will set the
world on fire.
—Saint Catherine of Siena
Vacation Bible School
Planning your vacation?
Mark your calendar for the week of July 6th ~ 10th
SonSpark Labs is the theme for this year’s
VBS at St. Felicitas
Registration forms are available in the Parish Office.
Your children will love the games, cool crafts, and the
best VBS music ever!
The children will learn about God’s love through the
truths found in John 14:6-7.
Children will have a blast at VBS ~ Discovering God’s
Plan 4U=Jesus!
If you should have any questions,
please contact Sandi at 347-1282.
Thank you for your Donations
for Vacation Bible School
Each summer our faith Formation Department provides one
week of vacation Bible school for the children of our parish.
This is a wonderful time filled with fun when the children
are taught important Bible stories. Thanks to our generous
parishioners we are able to do this ministry at no cost to the
parents. Each day the children are given a snack. If you
would like to help with the snacks here is our wish list:
Apple juice
Chips ~ individual packs
Fruit roll-ups
Fun fruit snacks
Otter pops or popsicles
Granola bars
Rice crispy squares
Animal crackers
If you would like to contribute, please call Sandi at
347-1282 to see which items are still needed. All of these
items are available at Costco.
Thank you for your generosity!
~~Sandi Walton
Cộng Đoàn Nữ Vương Hoà Bình
Chúa Nhật Tuần 12 Mùa Thường Niên năm B: Mc 4, 35-40
Biển đời và biển khơi
Cuộc ra khơi nào cũng chứa đựng những bất trắc, những hiểm nguy. Dòng đời nào cũng có biết bao cạm bẫy giăng
ngang. Biển khơi luôn làm cho con người sợ hãi. Dòng đời luôn làm cho con người lo âu. Con người luôn cảm thấy mình
quá nhỏ bé trước biển khơi và biển đời. Biển đời và biển khơi mãi mãi làm cho con người cảm thất bất lực. Sóng gió vẫn
thét gào. Sự dữ vẫn tung hoành. Con người luôn phải đối phó trước những tình huống rủi ro có thể xảy đến.
Năm xưa các tông đồ đã từng hoảng loạn, sợ hãi trước sức mạnh của thiên nhiên, của giông bão. Giông bão như muốn
nhấn chìm tất cả: con người và tài sản. Con thuyền của họ thật mong manh! Họ đâu nghĩ rằng đêm nay biển dậy sóng
trào. Họ đâu lường hết được những rủi ro có thể đến với họ đêm nay. Họ phải đối đầu với nguy nan, với bất trắc, với rủi
ro. Một chiếc thuyền nan mong manh trên biển cả biết bám víu vào đâu? Làm sao họ có thể vào bờ an toàn trước gió
biển và cuồng phong lồng lộng. Họ bất lực. Họ muốn buông xuôi cho dòng đời xô đẩy. Nhưng may thay, họ đã nhớ đến
Thầy. Thầy vẫn hiện diện bên họ. Có Thầy hiện diện tại sao không cầu cứu? Thầy có thể làm cho kẻ chết sống lại. Thầy
có thể đẩy lùi sự dữ. Thầy có thể làm mọi sự. Tại sao không chạy đến cùng Thầy? Dầu sao Thầy cũng là một cái phao
duy nhất để các ông bám víu trong lúc nguy nan của dòng đời.
Các ông đã chạy đến kêu cầu Thầy: "Thầy ơi, chúng con chết mất!". Ðó là tiếng kêu từ thẳm sâu tâm hồn cần đến sự
trợ giúp từ Thầy Chí Thánh. Ðó là tiếng cầu cứu nói lên sự bất lực của con người trước sóng gió ba đào.
Ðó cũng là tiếng kêu cứu của con người hôm nay khi đứng trước biết bao nghịch cảnh xảy đến trong đời. Biển đời vẫn
đưa đẩy những sóng gió nghi nan, những bất trắc đau thương. Thiên tai vẫn ập xuống địa cầu. Sự dữ vẫn đang tung
hoành. Có nhiều người như muốn thất vọng buông xuôi vì không tìm được lối thoát. Có nhiều người oán trời oán đất vì
quá sức chịu đựng. Có nhiều người ôm phiền muộn trong đau thương một mình vì chẳng tìm được sự an ủi, cảm thông
và tin tưởng nơi tha nhân. Dòng đời vẫn còn đó tiếng kêu van tha thiết dâng lên Ðấng tối cao. "Xin cứu chữa chúng con,
Chúa ơi!".
Vâng, cuộc đời vẫn còn đó biết bao sóng gió nổi trôi. Cuộc đời tựa như chiếc thuyền nan chòng chành trước bao cám
dỗ mời mọc, bao sự dữ bủa vây. Chúa vẫn mời gọi chúng ta hãy tín thác vào Chúa. Hãy kêu cầu Chúa. Hãy đưa tay để
Chúa dìu chúng ta đi qua những thăng trầm của dòng đời. Dòng đời đâu mấy khi bình yên. Con người mãi chơi vơi trong
bể khổ trần gian. Nhưng có Chúa vẫn đang đi trong cuộc đời chúng ta. Hãy tin tưởng phó thác vào Chúa. Hãy tin tưởng
vào tình thương quan phòng của Chúa, Ngài sẽ luôn làm những điều tốt đẹp nhất cho con cái của Ngài.
Nguyện xin Chúa Giê-su là Ðấng luôn hiện diện bên cạnh các tông đồ và bên cuộc đời chúng ta, xin thương đến những
cảnh đời đầy khó khăn thử thách của kiếp người chúng ta. Amen. (Lm.Jos Tạ Duy Tuyền)
Happy Father’s Day
Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa là Cha Nhân Lành và là nguồn mạch Tình Yêu chúc lành, ban nhiều sức khỏe, ơn không ngoan,
đạo đức và ban nhiêu hơn thánh xuống trên các người cha, người bố trong cộng đoàn trong ngày Father’s Day hôm nay.
Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios
El Evangelio de hoy dice que la invitación de pasar a una orilla
nueva y diferente la extiende Jesús. Él es quien sugiere: “Pasemos a la
otra orilla” (Marcos 4:35). Sin embargo, esa invitación llega al caer la
tarde, como sucede tan a menudo en la vida. Llega en medio de las
sombras de la vida donde la claridad de una acción raramente es
marcada o perceptible. Por tanto, entrar en la barca es decididamente un
acto de fe. ¿Quién decidiría hacer una travesía en un momento así? No
obstante, fue “al caer la tarde” que Jesús le dijo a sus discípulos:
“Pasemos a la otra orilla”. Y en ese momento se van.
Es en ese momento que ellos se llevan a Jesús en su barca, que es lo que siempre se
espera de un discípulo, esto es, que el Señor sea invitado para acompañarle en la travesía y
que esa travesía hacia el otro lado la hagan juntos. Esta historia sobre Jesús termina en
calma y sosiego, pero eso no es lo que se promete. Lo que sí se garantiza es que la fe puede
llevar a una persona a la otra orilla. Esto es también lo que se le asegura a Job desde la
tormenta, esto es, que es Dios quien hizo los nubarrones y le puso límites al mar, aun sabiendo que éste podía salir precipitadamente a borbotones. Dios es quien conoce la creación y la
controla; Jesús es el que conoce la travesía humana y nos acompaña, y la fe es la que nos
sostiene en medio de las tormentas.
—Padre Joseph J. Juknialis
Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados.
Jesús promete a sus discípulos una vida en abundancia (Juan 10:10). Él desea lo mejor
para nosotros y quiere que estemos bien en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida: familia y
amistades, trabajo, economía, salud, etcétera. Sin embargo, Jesús también nos promete la
persecución y el maltrato (Marcos 10:29; Mateo 5:11; Lucas 6:22; Juan 15:18).
La vida abundante es bella pero nunca fácil. La vida cristiana es como toda vida humana;
tiene momentos de tranquilidad y de tempestad. Así como un día nos brilla el sol, otro día nos
sacuden los vientos y nuestras pequeñas lanchas parecen inundarse.
No hay que desanimarse o asustarse cuando lleguen estas tormentas. Más bien, hay que
recordar el Evangelio (Marcos 4:35-41) donde Jesús duerme en la barca de sus discípulos. Es
interesante el detalle de Jesús quien, cansado y tranquilo, duerme mientras el mar sacude a la
barca y a los discípulos. Menos mal que se les ocurrió recurrir al Señor. Y tú, ¿qué haces
cuando el viento sopla y la vida te estremece? No temas, despierta a Cristo a quien llevas en
tu corazón.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
“Padre” es la palabra que describe uno de los sentimientos más puros en
nuestra sociedad y en nuestra Iglesia.
Padre es el que engendra la vida, el que ama, el que aconseja, el que educa,
hace sacrificios sin cuento y “contribuye” con Dios para hacer que la vida
crezca, se realice y se formen individuos idóneos dentro del gremio familiar
social y religioso. Es el que junto a la madre siembra la fe, la cultiva y educa
a sus hijos en el amor a Dios. Padre es el “ser” que más se acerca y describe
el amor de nuestro Padre Dios. Padre es éso y muchas cosas más.
Mercey Zamora
St. Felicitas Class of 2015
Norman Jay Albiento
Leon Christian Alejandro III
Giovanna Amezcua
Alexander Berger
Dawn Bosh
Gabriella Castillo
Pauline Castillo
Victoria Corral
Jennifer Cruz
Joie Daos
Alexa Domdoma
Nikolas Jose Echalas
Alejandro Gonzalez
Christopher Herrera
Mario Huelga
Ashley Lara
Teresa Le
Samantha Lenahan
Alicia Lucero
Josef Meier
Angelica Mejia
Joseph Meyer
Zoe Mueck
Michelle Nguyen
Rachel O'Neill
Melanie Salas
Matthew Stuber
Michael Stuber
Alexis Thompson
Madison Weiland
Anthony Wolf