1 CURRICULUM VITAE Idupulapati M. Rao Present Address: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Plant Nutrition/Physiology Apartado Aereo 6713 Cali, COLOMBIA South America Tel.: 57‐2‐4450‐000; Fax: 57‐2‐4450‐073 E‐mail: [email protected] PERSONAL Date and Place of Birth: Mailing address in USA: CIAT 7343 N.W. 79 Terrace Medley, FL 33166, USA Tel.: 305‐863‐9126 Fax: 305‐863‐9127 July 1, 1951 Mandadam, Andhra Pradesh INDIA Indian Permanent Resident of USA since 1987 Married, two children English‐fluent Spanish‐conversant Telugu ‐native Hindi‐conversant Nationality: Visa Status: Marital Status: Languages: FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION Abiotic Stress Physiology of Tropical Crops and Forages PRESENT POSITION Principal Researcher, Plant Nutrition/Physiology, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) EDUCATION Ph.D. Plant Physiology (1978), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India. Dissertation Title: Carbon metabolism and water relations of six woody weeds and their modification by paraquat and 2,4,5‐T. M.S., Botany, Plant Physiology (1973), Bhopal University, Bhopal, India B.S., Botany, Chemistry, Zoology (1971), V.S.R. College, Tenali (Andhra University‐Waltair), India INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia (1989‐present) Plant Nutritionist/Physiologist, Common Bean and Tropical Forages Programs Responsible for identifying adaptive attributes of tropical crop and forage species to major abiotic stress factors such as low fertility acid soils, drought, waterlogging and high temperature; developing reliable 2 screening indices for plant evaluation and plant improvement; investigating plant‐soil‐animal relationships with respect to sustainable intensification of climate‐smart crop‐livestock systems in tropical savannas and hillsides agroecosystems. University of California, Berkeley, California, USA (1984‐89). Assistant Specialist, Dept. of Plant and Soil Biology Responsible for research on mechanisms of plant adaptation to low nutrient supply in sugar beet and soybean; use of light scattering and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques for mineral deficiency diagnosis; role of phosphorus in photosynthesis, carbon partitioning and carbon export; limiting factors in photosynthesis. University of Illinois, Urbana‐Champaign, Illinois, USA (1982‐83) Research Associate, Dept. of Plant Biology Responsible for research on mechanisms of plant adaptation to water stress in sunflower; leaf nutrient status (particularly magnesium and potassium) and photosynthetic response to low leaf water potentials. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA (April‐May, 1982) Visiting Scientist, Environmental Biology, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research Responsible for research on effects of sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollution on photosynthesis, leaf conductance and stomatal metabolism of peas. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1981‐82). Research Associate, Dept. of Biological Sciences Responsible for research on the role of light modulation of enzymes in the mechanisms of stomatal movement; effects of sulfite and arsenite on stomatal metabolism. International Crops Research Institute for Semi‐Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India (1979‐81). Plant Physiologist, Pulse Physiology Responsible for research on development of field screening techniques to evaluate pigeonpea genotypes for their tolerance to abiotic stresses, particularly salinity and waterlogging; growth analysis of pigeonpea hybrids and their parents; response of pigeonpea to environment and cultural practices such as spacing, plant population, irrigation and nutrients. SUPERVISORY EXPERIENCE Project Manager of Latin American Soils Research Team of 5 senior scientists of the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT (2004‐2007). Supervision of research associates (1), research assistants (8), technicians (6) and several workers. Supervision of Ph.D. (16), masters (8) and undergraduate degree (14) thesis projects for students registered in the Universities from Germany, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Spain, Australia and Colombia. GRANTS 1991‐1993 BMZ‐GTZ, Germany, grant on “Rhizosphere phosphorus dynamics” (US$131,471 for 3 years)‐ Principal Investigator (PI) 1993‐1997 Austrian Academy of Sciences grant on “Acid soil adaptation mechanisms of Brachiaria” (US $52,884) (Co‐PI) 1998‐2001 SDC‐Switzerland grant on “Use of isotope techniques to quantify phosphorus cycling in systems” (Co‐PI) 1999‐2000 DFID‐UK grant on “Mycorrhizal association in Tithonia diversifolia” (Co‐PI) 3 1999‐2002 ACIAR‐Australia grant on “Simulation modeling and integrated nutrient management” (Co‐PI) 2001‐2004 BMZ‐GTZ, Germany grant on “Improving aluminum resistance in crops” (Euros 690,244 for 3 years) (Co‐PI) 2001‐2004 EC‐Belgium grant on “Optimizing light use and abiotic stress adaptation in common bean” (Euros 831,261 for 4 years) (Co‐PI) 2002‐2005 Belgian grant on “Integration of biofertilisation in bean cultivation by optimizing the use of the Rhizobium‐bean symbiosis” (Belgian Francs 14, 000, 000 for 4 years) (Co‐PI) 2003‐2006 BMZ‐GTZ, Germany grant on “Bean genomics for improved drought tolerance in Central America” (Euros 740,000 for 3 years) (Co‐PI) 2003‐2006 SDC‐Switzerland grant on “Adaptation of Brachiaria grasses to low P soils” (Swiss Francs 346,300 for 3 years) (PI) 2004‐2007 Water and Food Challenge Program (CP) of CGIAR on “Quesungual agroforestry system” (US$754,800 for 3 years) (PI) 2004‐2005 Generation Challenge Program (CP) of CGIAR grant on “Drought adaptation in common bean” (Co‐PI) 2003‐2005 ACIAR‐Australia grant on “Integrated nutrient management in tropical cropping systems: improved capabilities in modeling and recommendations” (A$59,800 for 2 years) (Co‐PI) 2005‐2006 Generation CP grant on “Evaluation and deployment of transgenic drought‐tolerant varieties” (US$300,000 for 2 years) (PI) 2006‐2009 BMZ‐GTZ, Germany grant on “Fighting drought and aluminum toxicity” (Euros 1, 100, 000 for 3 years) (PI) 2007‐2009 SDC‐Switzerland grant on “Realizing the benefits of cover crop legumes in smallholder crop‐ livestock systems in the hillsides of Central America” (Swiss Francs 340,000 for 3 years) (co‐ PI) 2007‐2008 SLP‐CGIAR grant on “Trade‐off analysis of using legumes for soil enhancing or as an animal feed resource” (US$ 200,000 for 2 years) (PI) 2007‐2010 ANR‐France grant on “Biodiversity and environmental services at landscape level in the Amazon” (Euros 843,180 for 3 years) (co‐PI) 2007‐2010 MADR‐Colombia grant on “Implementation and transfer of technologies for restoration of degraded pastures for beef production systems Córdoba, Sucre and Atlantic departments” (US$630,000 for 3 years) (co‐PI) 2007‐2010 CYTED grant on “Development and evaluation of common bean and maize tolerant to drought” (US$999,180 for 3 years) (co‐PI) 2007‐2008 Red‐SICTA‐COSUDE‐SDC grant on “Bean varieties tolerant to abiotic stress factors of low soil fertility and drought for sustainable production and food security in Central America” (US$246,100 for 16 months) (co‐PI) 2007‐2010 BMGF grant to Generation Challenge Program on “Improving tropical legume productivity for marginal environments in sub‐Saharan Africa” (US$10,798,826 for 3 years) (co‐PI) 2007‐2010 BMGF grant to CGIAR on “Enhancing grain legumes productivity, production and income of poor farmers in drought‐prone areas of sub‐Saharan Africa and South Asia” (US$20,600,000 for 3 years) (co‐PI) 2009‐2012 Basal root architecture and drought tolerance in common bean. Generation Challenge Program. GCP project on basal root architecture. (US$345,000 for 3 years) (with M. Blair and S. Beebe). co‐PI. 2009‐2011 Desarrollo de genotipos de Brachiaria spp. Adaptados a suelos con drenaje deficiente para 4 aumentar producción bovina y adaptar sistemas de pastoreo al cambio climático en América Latina. FONTAGRO. US$448,301 for 3 years. PI and Coordinator. 2009‐2013 Development of a gene‐based ecophysiology model. NSF‐USA. US$2,248,358 for 4 years. Collaborator. 2009‐2014 Eco‐efficient crop and livestock production for the poor farmers in the sub‐humid hillside areas of Nicaragua. Austrian Development Agency. Euros 499,700 for 3 years. Co‐PI. 2010‐2012 Identification of aluminum resistance genes in Brachiaria and phenotypic characterization of grass and legume germplasm for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. EMBRAPA, Brazil. US$ 300,000 for 2 years (PI) 2010‐2014 Improvement of Chitti bean in Iran. Government of Iran. US$ 287,960 for 4 years. (co‐PI). 2011‐2015 Quantifying the BNI‐residual effect from B. humidicola on subsequent annual crops. JIRCAS. US$ 25,000 per year over 4 years. 2011‐2015 Development of technologies for improving productivity and sustainability of crop‐livestock systems in the Altillanura region of Colombia. MADR‐Corpoica‐CIAT partnership, Govt. of Colombia, Colombia. US$1,600,000 per year (co‐PI). 2012‐2015 Climate‐smart crop‐livestock systems for smallholders in the tropics: Integration of new forage hybrids to intensify agriculture and to mitigate climate change through regulation of nitrification in soil. BMZ‐GIZ, Germany. Euros 1,200,000 for 3 years (PI). 20010‐2014 BMGF grant to Generation Challenge Program on “Improving tropical legume productivity for marginal environments in sub‐Saharan Africa” (US$12,118,970 for 4 years) (co‐PI). 2011‐2014 BMGF grant to CGIAR on “Enhancing grain legumes productivity, production and income of poor farmers in drought‐prone areas of sub‐Saharan Africa and South Asia” (US$21,420,000 for 3 years) (co‐PI). 2012‐2015 Sida (Sweden) grant to BecA‐ILRI on “Innovative programmatic approach to climate change in support of BecA’s mission: Climate‐smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa” (US$6,000,000 for 3 years) (co‐PI). 2012‐2016 Restoration and conservation of biodiversity in El Salvador through the adaptation and dissemination of a slash and mulch agroforestry system. USAID, USA. US$2,000,000 (Project Staff). 2013‐2015 Addressing the challenges of smallholder farming communities: Restoring degraded agroecosystems. BMZ‐GIZ, Germany. Euros 1,200,000 for 3 years (Project Staff). 2013‐2015 Climate change impacts and adaptation measures in the agriculture sector. IDB, USA. US$615,000 (Project Staff). 2013‐2018 An integrated program to accelerate breeding of resilient, more productive beans for smallholder farmers. USAID, USA. US$5,000,000 for 5 years (co‐PI). 2014‐2019 Development of a productive and profitable cropping system using the BNI function of tropical forage grass. MAFF, Japan. US$75,000 per year for 5 years (co‐PI). 2015‐2018 LivestockPlus: Supporting low emissions development planning in the Latin American cattle sector. CCAFS‐CGIAR Research Program. $546,972 per year for 4 years for CIAT (PI). AWARDS 1999 Outstanding research publication award from CIAT I. M. Rao, V. Borrero, J. Ricaurte, and R. Garcia. 1999. Adaptive attributes of tropical forage species to acid soils. V. Differences in phosphorus acquisition from inorganic and organic phosphorus sources. Journal of Plant Nutrition 22 (7): 1175‐1196 5 2000 Outstanding principal staff award from CIAT Achievement based on a long record of high quality research in the following areas related to CIAT’s mission: (a) defining adaptive attributes of tropical forage grasses and legumes to infertile acid soils; (b) developing a screening procedure to identify aluminum resistant Brachiaria hybrids; (c) identifying phosphorus efficient, aluminum and drought resistant common bean genotypes; and (d) defining rooting strategies of tropical crop and forage cultivars and their impact on phosphorus acquisition and cycling in crop‐forage‐fallow systems. In addition to research achievements, recognition for significant contributions to training young scientists, collaborative research with specialized research organizations and national programs, and representing CIAT in international fora. 2001 Excellence in Science Award from CGIAR for Outstanding Partnership Award presented for excellent soils research of CIAT with its partners in Brazil, Germany, France and Colombia for sustainable land management of acid soil savvanas. 2003 Outstanding research publication award from CIAT P. Wenzl, A. L. Chaves, G. M. Patiño, J. E. Mayer and I. M. Rao. 2002. Aluminum stress stimulates the accumulation of aluminum‐detoxifying organic acids in root apices of Brachiaria species. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 165: 582‐588. 2007 Best science for social benefits‐award from CIAT on a poster presentation Quesungual slash mulch agroforestry system (QSMAS): Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub‐humid tropics A. Castro, M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavón, D. Valladares, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, L.A. Welchez, and I. Rao 2007 Best science for economic benefits‐award from CIAT on a poster presentation Identification of aluminum resistant common bean genotypes using a hydroponic screening method G. Manrique‐Carpintero, I. Rao, and S. Beebe 2008 The 2008 CIAT Scientific Poster Award‐Second Place Physiological evaluation of drought resistance in elite lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under field conditions. J. A. Polanía, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, R. García, J. Ricaurte, S. Beebe and I. M. Rao 2008 Annual Conference of Plant Nutrition Society of Germany‐Scientific Poster Award‐Second Place The interaction between aluminum toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Z. B. Yang, D. Eticha, I. M. Rao and W. Horst nd 2008 2 International Forum on Water and Food‐CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food‐ Scientific Poster Award‐Second Place Quesungual Slash & Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS): Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub‐humid tropics. A. Castro, M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavón, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Wélchez, N. Johnson, J. Rubiano, S. Cook and I. M. Rao 2009 The 2009 CIAT Scientific Poster Award‐First Place Dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in Quesungual slash and mulch agroforestry system. A. Castro, N. asakawa, G. Borrero, I. M. Rao, J. C. Menjivar, E. barrios, E. Amézquita, E. García and M. Ayarza 6 2009 The 2009 CIAT Scientific Poster Award‐Third Place Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI): a dual benefit for agriculture and the environment. D. E. Moreta, M. P. Hurtado, A. F. Salcedo, L. Chavez, M. Rondon, M. C. Duque, G. V. Subbarao, O. Ito, J. Miles, C. E. Lascano, I. M. Rao and M. Ishitani 2009 The best poster award at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden Improving the efficiency of rain water use on hillsides in the sub‐humid tropics: agricultural & environmental benefits of Quesungual system. A. Castro, M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavón, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Wélchez, S. Cook, J. Rubiano, N. Johnson and I. Rao. 2009 Outstanding research publication award from CIAT G. V. Subbarao, K. Nakahara, M. P. Hurtado, H. Ono, D. E. Moreta, A. F. Salcedo, A. T. Yoshihashi, T. Ishikawa, M. Ishitani, M. Ohnishi‐Kameyama, M. Yoshida, M. Rondon, I. M. Rao, C. E. Lascano, W. L. Berry and O. Ito. 2009. Evidence for biological nitrification inhibition in Brachiaria pastures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 106: 17302‐17307. 2011 Joint annual congress of the German Society of Plant Nutrition and German Society of Agronomy ‐Scientific Poster Award‐First Place Spatial and temporal expression of a citrate permease and aluminum‐induced citrate exudation in common bean. D. Eticha, A. F. Rangel, I. M. Rao and W. J. Horst 2011 Outstanding research publication award from CIAT Z. Yang, D. Eticha, I. M. Rao, B. Rotter and W. J. Horst. 2011. Physiological and molecular analysis of polyethylene glycol‐induced reduction of aluminium accumulation in root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The New Phytologist 192: 99‐113. 2013 Best poster award from ISPA Jiménez, J. C., J. A. Cardoso, G. Fischer and I. M. Rao. 2013. Leaf antioxidant activity and changes in leaf pigments in two contrasting Brachiaria grasses in response to waterlogging. Paper (poster) presented at the 11th Conference of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis (ISPA). Oct 6 – 11. IRRI, Los baños, Laguna, Philippines. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP 2000‐2002 Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Quality 2006‐2013 Editor, Agronomía Colombiana 2013‐2015 Editor, Journal of Plant Biology Research RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Published over 150 refereed journal articles, 58 book chapters, 63 articles in conference proceedings and 222 oral or poster summaries. Co‐edited 3 books (List attached). SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP American Society of Plant Biology; American Society of Agronomy; Crop Science Society of America; Soil Science Society of America; New York Academy of Sciences;International Union of Soil Sciences 7 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journal Articles 158. Mutimura, M., C. Ebong, I. M. Rao and I. V. Nsahlai. 2015. Nutritional values of available ruminant feed resources in smallholder dairy farms in Rwanda. Tropical Animal Health and Production (in press). 157. Jiménez, J. C., J. A. Cardoso, D. Arango, G. Fischer and I. Rao. 2015. Influence of soil fertility on waterlogging tolerance of two Brachiaria grasses. Agronomia Colombiana (in press). 156. Jiménez, J. C., J. Cardoso, M. Dominguez, G. Fischer and I. Rao. 2015. Morpho‐anatomical traits of root and non‐enzymatic antioxidant system of leaf tissue contribute to waterlogging tolerance in Brachiaria grasses. Grassland Science (in press). 155. Rudel, T. K., B. Paul, D. White, I. M. Rao, R. van der Hoek, A. Castro, M. Boval, A. Lerner, L. Schneider and M. Peters. 2015. LivestockPlus: Forages, sustainable intensification, and food security in the tropics. Ambio (in press). 154. Shahadat Hossain Khan, M., T. Wagatsuma, A. Akhter and and I. M. Rao. 2014. Differences among rice cultivars in their adaptation to low ionic strength solution with toxic level of aluminum that mimics tropical acid soil conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition (in press). 153. Nesper, M., E. K. Bünemann, S. J. Fonte, I. M. Rao, J. E. Velásquez, B. Ramirez, D. Hegglin, E. Frossard and A. Oberson. 2015. Pasture degradation affects forms and distribution of phosphorus in aggregates of tropical soils. Geoderma 257‐258: 123‐133. 152. Assefa, T., J. Wu, S. Beebe, I. M. Rao, D. Marcomin and J. C. Rubyogo. 2015. Improving adaptation to drought stress in small red common bean: Phenotypic differences and predicted genotypic effects on grain yield, yield components and harvest index. Euphytica 203: 477‐489. 151. Gaur, P. M., S Samineni, L Krishnamurthy, S. Kumar, M. E Ghanem, S. Beebe, I. Rao, S. K Chaturvedi, P. S. Basu, H. Nayyar, V. Jayalakshmi, A. Babbar and R. K. Varshney. 2015. High temperature tolerance in grain legumes. Legume Perspectives 7: 23‐24. 150. Rao I. M., M. Peters, A. Castro, R. Schultze‐Kraft, D. White, M. Fisher, J. Miles, C. Lascano, M. Blümmel, D. Bungenstab, J. Tapasco, G. Hyman, A. Bolliger, B. Paul, R. van der Hoek, B. Maass, T. Tiemann, M. Cuchillo, S. Douxchamps, C. Villanueva, A. Rincón, M. Ayarza, T. Rosenstock, G. Subbarao, J. Arango, J. Cardoso, M. Worthington, N. Chirinda, A. Notenbaert, A. Jenet, A. Schmidt, N. Vivas, R. Lefroy, K. Fahrney, E. Guimarães, J. Tohme, S. Cook, M. Herrero, M. Chacón, T. Searchinger and T. Rudel. 2015. LivestockPlus – The sustainable intensification of forage‐ based systems to improve livelihoods and ecosystem services in the tropics. Tropical Grasslands–Forrajes Tropicales 3: 59‐82. 149. Subbarao, G. V., T. Yoshihashi, M. Worthington, K. Nakahara, Y. Ando, K. L. Sahrawat, I. M. Rao, J. C. Lata, M. Kishii and H. J. Braun. 2015. Suppression of soil nitrification by plants. Plant Science 233: 155‐164. 8 148. Araújo, S. S., S. Beebe, M. Crespi, B. Delbreil, E. M. González, V. Gruber, I. Lejeune‐Henaut, W. Link, M. J. Monteros, E. Prats, I. Rao, V. Vadez and M. C. Vaz Patto. 2015. Abiotic stress responses in legumes: Strategies used to cope with environmental challenges. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 34: 237‐280. 147. Rao, I. M., M. Peters, R. van der Hoek, A. Castro, G. V. Subbarao, G. Cadisch and A. Rincón. 2014. Tropical forage‐based systems for climate‐smart livestock production in Latin America. Rural21 4: 12‐15. 146. Fenta, B. A., S. E. Beebe, I. M. Rao and K. J. Kunert. 2014. Association of nodule performance traits with shoot performance traits of common bean under drought stress. Journal of Crop Improvement 28: 418‐435. 145. Cardoso, J. A., J. C. Jimenez and I. M. Rao. 2014. Waterlogging‐induced changes in root architecture of germplasm accessions of the tropical forage grass, Brachiaria humidicola. AoB PLANTS 6: 1‐13 plu017. 144. Beebe, S. E., I. M. Rao, M. J. Devi and J. Polania. 2014. Common beans, biodiversity and multiple stress: Challenges of drought resistance in tropical soils. Crop and Pasture Science 65: 667‐675. 143. Cardoso, J. A., J. Jiménez, J. Rincón and I. Rao. 2014. Adaptive responses of Brachiaria grasses to hypoxia stress. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 2: 21‐23. 142. Djikeng, A., I. M Rao, D. Njarui, M. Mutimura, J. Caradus, S. R. Ghimire, L. Johnson, J. A. Cardoso, MK. Ahonsi and S. Kelemu. 2014. Climate‐smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 2: 38‐39. 141. Arango, J., D. Moreta, J. Nuñez, K. Hartmann, M. Dominguez, M. Ishitani, J. Miles, G. Subbarao, M. Peters and I. Rao. 2014. Developing methods to evaluate phenotypic variability in Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) capacity of Brachiaria grasses. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 2: 6‐8. 140. Rao, I., M. Ishitani, J. Miles, M. Peters, J. Tohme, J. Arango, D. E. Moreta, H. Lopez, A. Castro, R. van der Hoek, S. Martens, G. Hyman, J. Tapasco, J. Duitama, H. Suarez, G. Borrero, J. Núñez, K. Hartmann, M. Dominguez, M. Sotelo, D. Vergara, P. Lavelle, G. V. Subbarao, A. Rincon, C. Plazas, R. Mendoza, L. Rathjen, H. Karwat and G. Cadisch. 2014. Climate‐smart crop‐livestock systems for smallholders in the tropics: Integration of new forage hybrids to intensify agriculture and to mitigate climate change through regulation of nitrification in soil. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 2: 130‐132. 139. Moreta, D. E., J. Arango, M. Sotelo, D. Vergara, A. Rincón, M. Ishitani, A. Castro, J. Miles, M. Peters, J. Tohme, G. V. Subbarao and I. M. Rao. 2014. Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) in Brachiaria pastures: A novel strategy to improve eco‐efficiency of crop‐livestock systems and to mitigate climate change. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 2: 88‐91. 138. Douxchamps, S., I. M. Rao, M. Peters, R. van der Hoek, A. Schmidt, S. Martens, J. Polania, M. Mena, C. Binder, R. Scholl, A. Mosimann, F. Holman, M. Quintero, M. Kreuzer, E. Frossard and A. Oberson. 2014. Farm‐scale trade‐offs between legume use as forage vs. green manure: The case of Canavalia brasiliensis. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38: 25‐45. 137. Subbarao, G. V., I.M. Rao, K. Nakahara, Y. Ando, K.L. Sahrawat, T. Tsehaye, J.C. Lata, S. Boudsocq, J.W. Miles, M. Ishitani and M. Peters. 2013. Nitrogen management in grasslands and forage‐ 9 based production systems – Role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 1: 168‐174. 136. Cardoso, J. A., J. Jiménez, J. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, A. Jarvis, M. Peters, J. Miles, M. Ayarza, S. Cajas, A. Rincón, H. Mateus, J. Quiceno, W. Barragán, C. Lascano, P. Argel, M. Mena, L. Hertentains and I. Rao. 2013. Advances in improving tolerance to waterlogging in Brachiaria grasses. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 1: 197‐201. 135. Peters, M., Herrero, M., Fisher, M., Erb, K.‐H., Rao, I., Subbarao, G. V, Castro, A., Arango, J., Chara, J., Murgueitio, E., van der Hoek, R., Laderach, P., Hyman, G., Tapasco, J., Strassburg, B., Paul, B.K., Rincon, A., Schultze‐Kraft, R., Fonte, S., Searchinger, T. 2013. Challenges and opportunities for improving eco‐efficiency of tropical forage‐based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales 1: 156‐167. 134. Yang, Z‐B., D. Eticha, H. Führs, D. Heintz, B. Schlingmann, I. M. Rao, H‐P. Braun and W. J. Horst. 2013. Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of polyethylene glycol‐induced osmotic stress in root tips of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Exp. Bot. 64: 5569‐5586. 133. Fonte, S., M. Nesper, D. Hegglin, J. E. Velasquez, B. Ramirez, I. M. Rao, S. Bernasconi, E. K. Bunemann, E. Frossard and A. Oberson. 2014. Pasture degradation impacts soil phosphorus dynamics via changes to aggregate‐associated soil organic matter in highly weathered tropical soils of Caquetá, Colombia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68: 150‐157. 132. Cardoso, J. A., J. C. Jimenez, J. Rincon, D. Noguera, I. M. Rao. 2013. Morpho‐anatomical adaptations to waterlogging by germplasm accessions in a tropical forage grass. AoB PLANTS 5:1‐14 plt047; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plt047. 131. Rao, I., S. Beebe, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte, C. Cajiao, R. García and M. Rivera. 2013. Can tepary bean be a model for improvement of drought resistance in common bean? African Crop Science Journal 21: 265‐281. 130. Assefa, T., S. E. Beebe, I. M. Rao, J. B. Cuasquer, M. C. Duque, M. Rivera, A. Battisti, M. Lucchin. 2013. Pod harvest index as a selection criterion to improve drought resistance in white pea bean. Field Crops Research 148: 24‐33. 129. Ghanbari, A. A., S. H. Mousavi, A. M. Gorji and I. Rao. 2013. Effects of water stress on leaves and seeds of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18: 73‐77. 128. Subbarao G. V., I. M. Rao, K. Nakahara, K. L. Sahrawat, C. T. Hash, Y. Ando and T. Kawashima. 2013. Potential for biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) to reduce nitrification and N2O emissions from pasture‐crop‐livestock systems. Animal 7s2: 322‐332. 127. Beebe, S., I. Rao, M. Blair and J. Acosta. 2013. Phenotyping common beans for adaptation to drought. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 4, 35 (1‐20). 126. Yang, Z., I. M. Rao and W. J. Horst. 2013. Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth and crop yield on acid soils. Plant Soil 372: 3‐25. 125. Subbarao, G. V., K. L. Sahrawat, K. Nakahara, I. M. Rao, M. Ishitani, C. T. Hash, M. Kishi, D. Bonnett, W. Berry and J. C. Lata. 2013. A paradigm shift towards low‐nitrifying agricultural systems – Role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Ann. Bot. 112: 297‐316. 10 124. Devi, J. M., T. R. Sinclair, S. E. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2013. Comparison of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for nitrogen fixation tolerance to soil drying. Plant Soil 364: 29‐37. 123. Yang, Z., D. Eticha, I. M. Rao, T. Roitsch, W. J. Horst. 2012. Physiological and molecular analysis of the interaction between aluminum toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 3109‐3125. 122. Douxchamps, S., E. Frossard, N. Uehlinger, I. Rao, R. van der Hoek, M. Mena, A. Schmidt and A. Oberson. 2012. Biomass production of Canavalia brasiliensis in the Nicaraguan hillsides. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 150: 675‐690. 121. Fonte, S., S. J. vanek, P. Oyarzun, S. Parsa, D. C. Quintero, I. M. Rao and P. Lavelle. 2012. Pathways to agricultural intensification of soil management by smallholders farmers in the Andean hillsides. Advances in Agronomy 116: 125‐184. 120. Butare, L., I. Rao, P. Lepoivre, C. Cajiao, J. Polania, J. Cuasquer and S. Beebe. 2012. Phenotypic evaluation of interspecific Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) of Phaseolus species for aluminum resistance and shoot and root growth response to aluminum‐toxic acid soil. 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Taylor and Francis Group, USA (in press). 58. Rao, I. M. 2014. Advances in improving adaptation of common bean and Brachiaria forage grasses to abiotic stresses in the tropics. In: M. Pessarakli (ed). Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Third Edition. pp. 847‐889. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA. 57. M. Rivera, E. Amézquita, J. H. Bernal and I. M. Rao. 2013. La investigación que logro los productos de desarrollo de las actividades del CIAT y de sus socios colaboradores en los Llanos de Colombia. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 269‐275. 56. Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, M. A. Rondón, M. A. Ayarza, P. Hoyos, D. L. Molina and I. I. Corrales. 2013. Mejoramiento de Oxisoles de baja fertilidad para sistemas agropastoriles de alta productividad en sabanas tropicales de Colombia. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 198‐218. 55. Basamba, T. A., E. Barrios, E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao and B. R. Singh. 2013. Efecto de sistemas de labranza en el rendimiento de maíz en un Oxisol de la sabana colombiana: Fraccionamiento de materia orgánica y fósforo del suelo. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 166‐188. 54. Borrero, G., D. Friesen, A. Oberson, M. Rodríguez and I. M. Rao. 2013. Destinos del fósforo aplicado como fertilizante en Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia: Fraccionamiento scuencial. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 159‐165. 53. Rivera, M., E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, I. I. Corrales and L. F. Chávez. 2013. Establecimiento de sistemas agropastoriles y su efecto en el rendimiento de cultivos en suelos ácidos de sabanas. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 119‐146. 52. Rivera, M., E. Amézquita, J. H. Bernal and I. M. Rao. 2013. Las sabanas de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia: Caracterización biofísica e importancia para la producción agropecuaria. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 3‐13. 51. Friesen, D., E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao and J. H. Bernal and I. M. Rao. 2013. Culticore, ensayo de largo 20 plazo para el desrrollo de sistemas de producción sostenibles en suelos ácidos de sabanas. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 52‐66. 50. Beebe, S., I. Rao, C. Mukankusi and R. Buruchara. 2013. Improving resource use efficiency and reducing risk of common bean production in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. In: C. Hershey and P. Neate (Eds.) Eco‐Efficiency: From Vision to Reality. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 117‐134. 49. Peters, M., I. Rao, M. Fisher, G. Subbarao, S. Martens, M. Herrero, R. van der Hoek, R. Schultze‐Kraft, J. Miles, A. Castro, S. Graefe, T. Tiemann, M. Ayarza and G. Hyman. 2013. Tropical forage‐based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In: C. H. Hershey and P. Neate (Eds.) Eco‐ Efficiency: From Vision to Reality. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 171‐190. 48. Friesen, D. K., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, A. Oberson and J. I. Sanz. 2013. Adquisición y reciclaje de fósforo en sistemas de cultivos y pasturas en suelos tropicales de baja fertilidad. In: E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds), Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical), Cali, Colombia. pp. 147‐158. 47. Ishitani, M., J. Rane, S. Beebe, M. Sankaran, M. Blair and I. M. Rao. 2011. Molecular breeding approach in managing abiotic stresses. Pp. 276‐295. In: A. Pratap and J. Kumar (Eds.) Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes. CAB Internation, Wallingford, UK. 46. Lunze, L., R. Buruchara, M. A. Ugen, L. Nabahungu, G. O. Rachier, M. Ngongo, I. Rao and M. M. Abang. 2011. Integrated soil fertility management in bean‐based cropping systems of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Pp. 239‐272. In: J. Whalen (Ed.) Soil Fertility. INTECH Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. 45. Watanabe, T., M. S. H. Khan, I. M. Rao, J. Wasaki, T. Shinano, M. Ishitani, H. Koyoma, S. Ishikawa, K. Tawaraya, M. Nanamori, N. Ueki and T. Wagatsuma. 2011. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of plant adaptation to low‐fertility acid soils of the tropics: The case of brachiariagrasses. In: Burcu E. Ozkaraova Gungor (Ed.) Principles, Application and Assessment in Soil Science. INTECH Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia., pp. 87‐116. 44. Jansa, J., A.Bationo, E. Frossard, I. M. Rao. 2011. Improving production of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) through integrated N and P management in southern and eastern Africa. In: A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J. M. Okeyo, F. Maina, J. Kihara and U. Mokwunye (Eds.) Fighting Poverty in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Multiple Roles of Legumes in Integrated Soil Fertility Management, Springer‐Verlag, New York, pp. 201‐240. 43. Nandwa, S. M., A. Bationo, S. N. Obanyi, I. M. Rao, N. Sanginga and B. Vanlauwe. 2011. Inter and intra‐specific variation of legumes and mechanisms to access and adapt to less available soil phosphorus and rock phosphate. In: A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J. M. Okeyo, F. Maina, J. Kihara and U. Mokwunye (Eds.) Fighting Poverty in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Multiple Roles of Legumes in Integrated Soil Fertility Management, Springer‐Verlag, New York, pp. 47‐66. 42. Khan, M. S. H., A. Akhter, T. Wagatsuma, H. Egashira, I. M. Rao and S. Ishikawa. 2011. Tolerance to aluminum and nutrient stress in sorghum grown under simulated conditions of tropical acid 21 soils. T. D. Pereira (ed). In: Sorghum: Cultivation, varieties and uses. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA (in press). 41. Beebe, S., J. Ramirez, A. Jarvis, I. M. Rao, G. Mosquera, J. M. Bueno and M. Blair. 2011. Genetic improvement of common beans and the challenges of climate change. In: S. S. Yadav, R. J. Redden, J. L. Hatfield, H. Lotze‐Campen and A. E. Hall (eds.) Crop Adaptation to Climate Change. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 356‐369. 40. Subbarao, G. V., K. Nakahara, T. Ishikawa, M. Kishii, N. Kudo, I. M. Rao, M. Ishitani, K. L. Sahrawat, C. T. Hash, T. S. George, W. Berry, J. C. Lata and O. Ito. 2010. Nitrification – is it a strategic point of intervention for limiting nitrogen losses from agricultural systems? The concept of biological nitrification inhibition. Invited chapter printed as a Bulletin at 5th International Nitrogen Conference. December 3‐7, 2010, New Delhi, India. 39. Louw‐Gaume, A., I. Rao, E. Frossard and A. Gaume. 2010. Adaptive strategies of tropical forage grasses to low phosphorus stress: The case of brachiariagrasses. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress. Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 1111‐1144. 38. Rane, J., M. Ishitani and I. Rao. 2010. Response of crop plants to nitrogen stress: Opportunities to increase nitrogen use efficiency. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress. Third Edition. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 339‐359. 37. Castro, A., Poveda, O., García, E., Pavón, J., Ayarza M. and I. Rao. 2010. Farmer‐to‐farmer dissemination of alternative to Slash and Burn Agriculture. In: de Leon, C., Douthwaite, B., and Alvarez. S. Most Significant Change Stories from the Challenge Program on Water and Food. CPWF Working Paper 03, The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 93pp. 36. Beebe, S. E., I. M. Rao, M. W. Blair and J. A. Acosta‐Gallegos. 2010. Phenotyping common beans for adaptation to drought. In: J. M. Ribaut and P. Monneveux (eds.) Drought phenotyping in crops: from theory to practice. Generation Challenge Program Special Issue on Phenotyping, pp. 311‐ 334. 35. Welchez, L. A., M. Ayarza, E. Amézquita, E. Barrios, M. rondon, A. castro, M. Rivera, I. Rao, J. Pavon, O. Ferreira, D. Valaldares and N. Sanchez. 2008. No‐burn agricultural zones on Honduran hillsides: Better harvests, air quality, and water availability by way of improved land management. In: Agriculture and rural development: Sustainable land management source book, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 78‐82. 34. Amezquita, E., I. M. Rao, P. Hoyos, D. Molina, L. F. Chavez and J. H. Bernal. 2007. Development of an arable layer: A key concept for better management of infertile tropical savanna soils. In: A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J. Kihara and J. Kimetu (Eds). Advances in integrated soil fertility research in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. Springer, the Netherlands, p. 96‐101. 33. Ayarza, M., E. Barrios, I. M. Rao, E. Amézquita and M. Rondon. 2007. Advances in improving agricultural profitability and overcoming land degradation in savanna and hillside agroecosystems of tropical America. In: A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J. Kihara and J. Kimetu (Eds). Advances in integrated soil fertility research in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities. Springer, the Netherlands, p. 209‐229. 32. 22 Rondón, M., D. Acevedo, R. M. Hernández, Y. Rubiano, M. Rivera, E. Amézquita, M. Romero, L. Sarmiento, M. A. Ayarza, E. Barrios and I. M. Rao. 2006. Carbon sequestration potential of the neotropical savannas (Llanos) of Colombia and Venezuela. In: R. Lal and J. Kimble (eds) Carbon sequestration in soils of Latin America. The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghampton, USA, pp. 213‐ 243. 31. Oberson, A., E. K. Bunemann, D. K. Friesen, I. M. Rao, P. C. Smithson, B. L. Turner and E. Frossard. 2006. Improving phosphorus fertility through biological interventions. In: N. Uphoff, A. S. Ball, E. Fernandes, H. Herren, O. Husson, M. Laing, C. Palm, J. Pretty, P. Sanchez, N. Sanginga and J. Thies (eds.) Biological Approaches to Improving the Fertility and Sustainability of Soil Systems, pp. 531‐546. Marcel Dekker, New York, USA. 30. Rychter, A. M. and I. M. Rao. 2005. Role of phosphorus in photosynthetic carbon metabolism. In: M. Pessarakli (ed). Handbook of Photosynthesis, pp. 123‐148. 2nd Edition. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 29. Singh, B.R., I. M. Rao, E. Barrios and E. Amézquita. 2004. Potential of tillage, Agropastoral, and Planted Fallow Systems in Low‐Fertility Tropical Soils in Latin America. In: R. Lal, P. R. Hobbs, N. Uphoff and D. O. Hansen (Eds.) Sustainable Agriculture and the International Rice‐Wheat System. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 311‐336. 28. Kelemu, S., Miles, J. W. and Rao, I. M. 2004. Biotic and abiotic constraints to Stylosanthes production. In: S. Chakraborty (ed.) High yielding anthracnose resistant Stylosanthes for Agricultural systems. ACIAR Monograph No. 111, pp. 97‐111. Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia. 27. Miles, J. W., C. B. do Valle, I. M. Rao and V. P. B. Euclides. 2004. Brachiariagrasses. In: L. Moser, B. Burson and L. E. Sollenberger, (eds) Warm‐season (C4) grasses. ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA, Madison, WI, USA, pp.745‐783. 26. Guimaráes, E. P., J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao and E. Amézquita. 2004. Research on agropastoral systems: What we have learned and what we should do. In: E.P. Guimaráes, J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao, M. C. Amézquita, E. Amézquita and R. Thomas (eds.). Agropastoral systems for the tropical savannas of Latin America. CIAT, Cali, Colombia and EMBRAPA, Brazil, pp. 326‐336. 25. Rao, I. M., E. Barrios, E. Amezquita, D. K. Friesen, R. Thomas, A. Oberson and B. R. Singh. 2004. Soil phosphorus dynamics, acquisition and cycling in crop‐pasture‐fallow systems in low fertility tropical soils of Latin America. In: R. J. Delve and M. E. Probert (eds) Modelling nutrient management in tropical cropping systems. ACIAR Proceedings No. 114: 126‐134. Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia. 24. CIAT‐TSBFI Working Group on BNF (Amede, T., E. Amézquita, J. Ashby, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, A. Bationo, S. Beebe, A. Bellotti, M. Blair, R. delve, S. Fujisaka, R. Howeler, N. Johnson, S. Kaaria, S. Kelemu, P. Kerridge, R. Kirkby, C. Lascano, R. Lefroy, G. Mahuku, H. Murwira, T. Obertur, D. Pachico, M. Peters, J. Ramisch, I. M. Rao, M. Rondon, P. Sanginga, M. Swift and B. Vanlauwe). 2004. Biological nitrogen fixation: A key input to integrated soil fertility management in the tropics. In: R. Serraj (ed) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: Prospects for enhanced application in tropical agriculture. Raju Primlani for Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pp. 113‐143. 23. 23 Rao, I. M. and G. Cramer 2003. Plant nutrition and crop improvement in adverse soil conditions. In: M. Chrispeels and D. Sadava (eds). Plants, Genes, and Crop Biotechnology. Published in partnership with the American Society of Plant Biologists and ASPB Education Foundation. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA, pp 270‐303. 22. Rao, I. M. 2001. Role of physiology in improving crop adaptation to abiotic stresses in the tropics: The case of common bean and tropical forages. In: M. Pessarakli (ed). Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA pp. 583‐613. 21. Rao, I. M., G. Rippstein, G. Escobar and J. Ricaurte. 2001. Producción de biomasa vegetal epígea e hipógea en las sabanas natives. In: G. Rippstein, G. Escobar and F. Motta (eds.) Agroecología y biodiversidad de las sabanas en los llanos orientales de Colombia. pp. 198‐222. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. 20. Kelemu, S., J. F. White and I. M. Rao 2001. The role of endophytic fungi in Brachiaria, a tropical forage grass. In: J. A. Gomide, W. R. S. Mattos and S. C. da Silva (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazilian Society of Animal Husbandry, Piracicaba, Brazil. pp. 605‐607. 19. Rao, I. M. 2001. Adapting tropical forages to low‐fertility soils. In: J. A. Gomide, W. R. S. Mattos and S. C. da Silva (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazilian Society of Animal Husbandry, Piracicaba, Brazil. pp. 247‐254. 18. Rao, I.M., and N. Terry. 2000. Photosynthetic adaptation to nutrient stress. In: M. Yunus, U. Pathre and P. Mohanty (eds.), Probing Photosynthesis: Mechanism, Regulation and Adaptation. Taylor & Francis, U.K. pp. 379‐397. 17. Rao, I.M., D. K. Friesen and M. Osaki. 1999. Plant adaptation to phosphorus‐limited tropical soils. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 61‐96. 16. Guimaráes, E. P., J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao and E. Amézquita. 1999. Investigaciones en sistemas Agropastoriles: Qué hemos aprendido y qué debemos hacer en el futuro. In: E.P. Guimaráes, J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao, M. C. Amézquita and E. Amézquita (eds.). Sistemas Agropastoriles en Sabanas Tropicales de America Latina. CIAT, Cali, Colombia and EMBRAPA, Brazil, pp. 301‐312. 15. Thung, M. and I. M. Rao. 1999. Integrated management of abiotic stresses. In: S. P. Singh (ed.), Common Bean Improvement in the Twenty‐First Century. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 331‐370. 14. Rao, I. M. 1998. Root distribution and production in native and introduced pastures in the south American savannas. In: J. E. Box Jr. (Ed.) Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands, and Forest Ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 19‐42. 13. Amézquita, E., J. Ashby, E. K. Knapp, R. Thomas, K. Muller‐Samann, H. Ravnborg, J. Beltran, J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao and E. Barrios.0 1998. CIAT’s strategic research for sustainable land management on the steep hillsides of Latin America. In: F. W. T. Penning de Vries, F. Agus and J. Kerr (eds.) Soil Erosion at Multiple Scales: Principles and Methods for Assessing Causes and Impacts. CABI/IBSRAM, Wallingford, UK, pp. 121‐132. 12. 24 Friesen, D. K., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, A. Oberson and J. I.Sanz. 1997. Phosphorus acquisition and cycling in crop and pasture systems in low fertility tropical soils. In: T. Ando, K. Fujita, T. Mae, H. Matsumoto, S. Mori, J. Sekiya (eds.). Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and Environment. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed in Japan. pp. 493‐498. 11. Fisher, M. J., R. J. Thomas and I. M. Rao 1997. Management of tropical pastures in acid‐soil savannas of south America for carbon sequestration. In: R. Lal, J. M. Kimble, R. F. Follett and B. A. Stewart (eds.) Management of Carbon Sequestration in Soil. pp. 405‐420. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 405‐420. 10. Rao, I. M. 1996. The role of phosphorus in photosynthesis. In: M. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Photosynthesis. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 173‐194. 9. Rao, I. M., P. C. Kerridge and M. Macedo 1996. Nutritional requirements of Brachiaria and adaptation to acid soils. In: J. W. Miles, B. L. Maass and C. B. do Valle (eds.). The Biology, Agronomy, and Improvement of Brachiaria. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 53‐71. 8. Boddey, R. M., I. M. Rao and R. J. Thomas 1996. Nutrient cycling and environmental impact of Brachiaria pastures. In: J. W. Miles, B. L. Maass and C. B. do Valle (eds.). The Biology, Agronomy, and Improvement of Brachiaria. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 72‐86. 7. Fisher, M. J., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas and C. E. Lascano 1996. Grasslands in the well‐watered tropical lowlands. In: J. Hodgson and A. W. Illius (eds.). The Ecology and Management of Grazing Systems. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 393‐425 6. Rao, I. M. and P. C. Kerridge 1993. Mineral nutrition of forage Arachis. In: P. C. Kerridge and W. Hardy (eds.). Biology and Agronomy of Forage Arachis. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 71‐83. 5. Ayarza, M. A., I. M. Rao and R. J. Thomas 1994. Reciclaje de nutrimentos en pastizales tropicales de suelos ácidos. In: Ganadería y recursos naturales en America Central: estrategias para la sostenibilidad. Memorias de un simposio/taller realizado en San José, Costa Rica. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, San Jose, Costa Rica, pp. 163‐173. 4. Rao, I.M., M.A. Ayarza, R.J. Thomas, M.J. Fisher, J.I. Sanz, J.M. Spain and C.E. Lascano 1992. Soil‐ plant factors and processes affecting productivity in ley farming. In: Pastures for the tropical lowlands: CIAT's contribution. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp. 145‐175. 3. Terry, N. and I.M. Rao 1991. Nutrients and photosynthesis: iron and phosphorus as case studies. In: J.R. Porter and D.W. Lawlor (eds), Plant Growth: Interactions with Nutrition and Environment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, pp. 55‐79. 2. Boyer, J.S. and I.M. Rao 1987. Magnesium and the acclimation of photosynthesis to low leaf water potentials. In: J. Biggins (ed.) Progress in Photosynthesis Research. Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. Junk, Publ., Vol. 4, pp. 147‐151. 1. Das, V.S.R. and I.M. Rao. 1980. C4 Photosynthesis: An adaptation to tropical environments. In: Proceedings of the Goldern Jubilee Commemoration Volume of the National Academy of Sciences of India, pp. 322‐332. 25 Papers Published in Conference Proceedings 66. Rao, I., J. Arango, M. Ishitani, M. Peters, J. Miles, J. Tohme, A. Castro, J. A. Cardoso, M. Worthington, M. Selvaraj, R. van der Hoek, R. Schultze‐Kraft, A. Rincón, C. Plazas, R. Mendoza, M. Cuchillo, J. Tapasco, J. Martínez, G. Hyman, D. Moreta, M. Mena, H. Karwat, J. Núñez, G. Subbarao and G. Cadisch. 2015. Strategic management for forage production and mitigation of environmental effects: Development of Brachiaria grasses to inhibit nitrification in soil. Proceedings of the Ist International Symposium on Forages in Warm Climates. Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil. 1‐3 June, 2015 (invited). 65. Maass, B. L., C. A. O. Midega, M. Mutimura, V. B. Rahetlah, P. Salgado, J. M. Kibirizi, Z. R. Khan, S. R. Ghimire and I. M. Rao. 2014. Homecoming of Brachiaria: Improved hybrids prove useful for African animal agriculture. Proceedings of 6th All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture held in Nairobi, Kenya, 27‐30 October, 2014 (invited). 64. Schultze‐Kraft, R., I. Rao and M. Peters. 2014. Tropical forage legumes and the environment. Proceedings of the IISIMPRUPASTO held at Universidade Federal do Maranháo, Chapadinha, MA, Brazil, 30 October to 01 November, 2014 (invited). 63. Borrero, G., A. Castro, J. E. Baquero, N. Asakawa, O, Arguello, J. Bernal, N, Rodriguez, O. Gallo, N. Marín and I. M. Rao. 2014. Disponibilidad de fosforo bajo diferentes usos y manejos de Oxisoles en la altillanura Colombiana. Paper presented at the XX Colombian Congress of Soil Science at Popayan, Cauca, Colombia. 62. Borrero, G., N. Asakawa, A. Castro, J.E. Baquero, O. Arguello, O. Gallo, I.M. Rao, N. Marin. 2014. Fracciones de fósforo y materia orgánica en Oxisol Colombiano bajo diferentes cultivos. Proceedings of the XX Congreso Latinoamericano y XVI Congreso Peruano de la Ciencia del Suelo. 9‐15 November 2014. Cusco, Peru. 61. Rivera, M., J. Polania, G. Borrero, S. E. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2014. Efecto de la compactación de suelo en características morfo‐fisiológicas de frijol comun. Proceedins of the XX Congreso Latinoamericano y XVI Congreso Peruano de la Ciencia del Suelo. 9‐15 November 2014. Cusco, Peru. 60. Subbarao, G. V., I.M. Rao, K. Nakahara, Y. Ando, K.L. Sahrawat, T. Tsehaye, J.C. Lata, S. Boudsocq, J.W. Miles, M. Ishitani and M. Peters. 2013. Nitrogen management in grasslands and forage‐ based production systems – Role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 1468‐1472 (Keynote paper). 59. Peters, M., Herrero, M., Fisher, M., Erb, K.‐H., Rao, I., Subbarao, G. V, Castro, A., Arango, J., Chara, J., Murgueitio, E., van der Hoek, R., Laderach, P., Hyman, G., Tapasco, J., Strassburg, B., Paul, B.K., Rincon, A., Schultze‐Kraft, R., Fonte, S., Searchinger, T. 2013. Challenges and opportunities for improving eco‐efficiency of tropical forage‐based systems to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 1251‐1260 (Keynote paper). 59. Djikeng, A., I. M Rao, D. Njarui, M. Mutimura, J. Caradus, S. R. Ghimire, L. Johnson, J. A. Cardoso, MK. Ahonsi and S. Kelemu. 2013. Climate‐smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 1333‐1334. 58. Arango, J., D. Moreta, J. Nuñez, K. Hartmann, M. Dominguez, M. Ishitani, J. Miles, G. Subbarao, M. Peters and I. Rao. 2013. Developing methods to evaluate phenotypic variability in Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) capacity of Brachiaria grasses. In Proceedings of the 22nd 26 International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 1517‐1519. 57. Rao, I., M. Ishitani, J. Miles, M. Peters, J. Tohme, J. Arango, D. E. Moreta, H. Lopez, A. Castro, R. van der Hoek, S. Martens, G. Hyman, J. Tapasco, J. Duitama, H. Suarez, G. Borrero, J. Núñez, K. Hartmann, M. Dominguez, M. Sotelo, D. Vergara, P. Lavelle, G. V. Subbarao, A. Rincon, C. Plazas, R. Mendoza, L. Rathjen and G. Cadisch. 2013. Climate‐smart crop‐livestock systems for smallholders in the tropics: Integration of new forage hybrids to intensify agriculture and to mitigate climate change through regulation of nitrification in soil. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 1331‐1332. 56. Moreta, D. E., J. Arango, M. Sotelo, D. Vergara, A. Rincón, M. Ishitani, A. Castro, J. Miles, M. Peters, J. Tohme, G. V. Subbarao and I. M. Rao. 2013. Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) in Brachiaria pastures: A novel strategy to improve eco‐efficiency of crop‐livestock systems and to mitigate climate change. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 980‐981. 55. Cardoso, J. A., J. Jiménez, J. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, A. Jarvis, M. Peters, J. Miles, M. Ayarza, S. Cajas, A. Rincón, H. Mateus, J. Quiceno, W. Barragán, C. Lascano, P. Argel, M. Mena, L. Hertentains and I. Rao. 2013. Advances in improving tolerance to waterlogging in Brachiaria grasses. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 118‐121. 54. Cardoso, J. A., J. Jiménez, J. Rincón and I. Rao. 2013. Adaptive responses of Brachiaria grasses to hypoxia stress. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Grasslands Congress. Sydney, Australia, pp. 137‐138. 53. Kahle, R., I. Rao and G. Cadisch. 2012. Response of different tropical forage legumes under stress factors of acid soil and drought. Proceedings of the Deutsche Tropentag, Gottingen, Germany. 52. van der Hoek, R., B. Mendoza, M. Mena, G. Bonilla, J. Pavón, O. Téllez, L. Rousseau, S. Fonte, P. Lavelle, A. Castro and I. Rao. 2012. Advances in integration of agroforestry based crop‐livestock systems in the hillsides of Nicaragua. Proceedings of the II International Symposium on Integrated Crop‐livestock Systems. October 8 to 12, 2012. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 51. van der Hoek, R., B. Mendoza, M. Mena, G. Bonilla, J. Pavón, O. Téllez, L. Rousseau, S. Fonte, P. Lavelle, A. Castro and I. Rao. 2012. Advances in integration of agroforestry based crop‐livestock systems in the hillsides of Nicaragua. Proceedings of the II International Symposium on Integrated Crop‐livestock Systems. October 8 to 12, 2012. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 50. Rao, I., E. Amézquita, J. H. Bernal, M. Rivera, A. Rincón, M. Ayarza, A. Castro, J. E. Baquero, M. Peters and E. Guimaraes. 2012. Advances in integration of crop‐livestock systems in tropical savannas of Colombia. Proceedings of the II International Symposium on Integrated Crop‐livestock Systems. October 8 to 12, 2012. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 49. van der Hoek, R., M. Peters, M. Mena, R. Schultze‐Kraft, A. Schmidt and I. Rao. 2012. Tropical forages to enhance sustainable intensification of mixed systems in Central America and the Caribbean. Proceedings of the 66th Southern Pastures and Forage Crop Improvement Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 6‐9, 2012, p. 34 (invited paper). 48. Subbarao, G. V., T. Ishikawa, K. Nakahara, M. Ishitani and I. M. Rao. 2011. BNI (Biological Nitrification Inhibition) function in tropical Brachiaria pastures. Plenary paper presented at the III International Symposium on Forage Breeding held at Bonito, MS, Brazil, 7 to 11 November 2011. Published as CDROM (pp. 401‐414). 47. Rao, I., J. Miles, P. Wenzl, A. Louw‐Gaume, J. A. Cardoso, J. Ricaurte, J. Polania, J. Rincon, V. Hoyos, E. Frossard, T. Wagatsuma and W. Horst. 2011. Mechanisms of adaptation of brachiariagrasses to 27 abiotic stress factors in the tropics. Plenary paper presented at the III International Symposium on Forage Breeding held at Bonito, MS, Brazil, 7 to 11 November 2011. Published as CDROM (pp. 361‐ 383). 46. Rivera, M., O. Ferreira, E. Amézquita, A. Castro and I. M. Rao. 2010. Potential of Quesungual agroforestry system as a land use management strategy to generate multiple ecosystem services from sub‐humid tropical hillsides. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, Brisbane, Australia. 1‐6 August, 2010. Published on CDROM. 45. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, C. Cajiao, M. A. Grajales and L. Butare. 2010. Yield potential from interspecific crosses of common bean and runner bean. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report 53: 26‐ 27. 44. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Ferreira, O., Pavón, J., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Pauli, N., Baltodano, M.E., Mendoza, B., Wélchez, L.A., Cook, S., Rubiano, J., Johnson N. and I. Rao. 2009. Quesungual slash and mulch agroforestry system improves crop water productivity in hillside agroecosystems of the sub‐humid tropics. In: Increasing the productivity & sustainability of rainfed cropping systems of poor smallholder farmers. Proceedings of the CGIAR challenge program on water and food international workshop on rainfed cropping systems. E. Humphreys & R. S. Bayot (eds). A publication of CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, pp. 89‐97. 43. Eticha, D, Marc Zahn, Idupulapati M. Rao, and Walter J. Horst (2009): Transcriptomic analysis reveals differential gene expression in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for aluminum resistance. The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Paper1150. http://repositories.cdlib.org/ipnc/xvi/1150. 42. Beebe, S., I. Rao, M. Blair and L. Butare. 2009. Breeding for abiotic stress tolerance in common bean: present and future challenges. Proceedings of the 14th Australian Plant Breeding & 11th SABRAO Conference, 10 to 14 August, 2009, Brisbane, Australia (invited paper). 41. Horst, W. J., A. F. Rangel, D. Eticha, M. Ishitani and I. M. Rao. 2009. Aluminum toxicity and resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris – physiology drives molecular biology. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH, May 17‐21, 2009, Guangzhou, China (invited paper). 40. Wélchez, L.A., Ayarza, M., Amézquita, E., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Castro, A., Rivera, M., Pavón, J., Ferreira, O., Valladares, D., Sánchez, N. and I. Rao. 2008. No‐burn agricultural zones in Honduran hillsides: better harvests, air quality, and water availability by way of improved land management. Investment Note for the Managing Land and Landscapes Sourcebook, World Bank, Agriculture and Rural Development Department. Web Edition, January 2008. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTARD/927371‐ 1113808366186/21649410/January2008WebEdition.pdf (pp 97‐103). 39. Subbarao, G. V., O. Ito, T. Ishikawa, T. Watanabe, K. Nakahara, I. M. Rao, M. P. Hurtado, M. Rondon, B. Tomohiro, K. Masahiro and C. T. Hash. 2008. Is there a genetic strategy to control nitrification and N2O emissions from agricultural systems? – Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy, and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008) at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, July 2‐6, 2008. 38. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, J. Polania, M. Grajales and C. Cajiao. 2008. Improved harvest index in drought resistant common beans and possible effects on combining ability. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report, pp. 8‐9. 37. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, H. Terán and C. Cajiao. 2006. Breeding concepts and approaches in food 28 legumes: The example of common bean. In: K. Ali, G. Keneni, S. Ahmaed, R. Malhotra, S. Beniwal, K. Mekkouk and M. H. Halila (Eds.), Food and forage legumes of Ethiopia: Progress and prospects. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. Proceedings of the workshop on food and forage legumes. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22‐26 September, 2003. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, pp. 23‐29. Molina, O. I., E. Barrios, I. M. Rao y M. Sanchez de Prager. 2006. Efecto de fertilización organica sobre el micelio externo de HMA en rotación maíz‐frijol. Proceedings of the Colombian Society of Soil Science, Bogota, Colombia. Rao, I. M., J. Miles, R. García y J. Ricaurte. 2005. Selección de hibridos de Brachiaria con resistencia a aluminio. Proceedings of the III Seminario Regional Agrociencia y Tecnologia, Siglo XXI Orinoquia, Colombia. November 22‐25, 2005, Meta, Colombia (CD). Singh, B. P., I. M. Rao and S. Beebe. 2005. Prospects of improving drought tolerance in common bean. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Crop Production in Stress Environments: Management and Genetic Options. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.), India. Claassen, N., N. Castañeda‐Ortiz, G. Neumann, J. P.Gweyi‐Onyango and I. M. Rao. 2005. Root exudation of organic acids and/or acid phosphatase cannot explain phosphorus mobilization by Arachis pintoi. In: Plant Nutrition for Food and Security, Human Health and Environment Protection. XV IPNC 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 460‐461. Li, C.J., Zhang, F.S., Dobermann, A., Lambers, H., Li, X.L., Marschner, P., Maene, L., McGrath, S., Oenema, O., Peng, S.B., Rengel, Z., Shen, Q.R., Welch, R., von Wiren, N., Yan, X.L., and Zhu, Y.G., Eds., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. Wagatsuma, T., I. M. Rao, P. Wenzl, M. S. H. Khan, K. Tawaraya, K. Igarashi, T. Murayama, T. Kawamura, S. Ishikawa and M. Uemura. 2005. Plasma membrane lipid layer play a key role in high level of aluminum resistance in signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens): A new aspect on aluminum resistance. In: Plant Nutrition for Food and Security, Human Health and Environment Protection. XV IPNC 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 650‐651. Li, C.J., Zhang, F.S., Dobermann, A., Lambers, H., Li, X.L., Marschner, P., Maene, L., McGrath, S., Oenema, O., Peng, S.B., Rengel, Z., Shen, Q.R., Welch, R., von Wiren, N., Yan, X.L., and Zhu, Y.G., Eds., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. Subbarao, G. V., O. Ito, H.Y. Wang, K. Nakahara, K. Suenaga, M. Rondon, I.M. Rao, C. Lascano, and M. Ishitani. 2005. Root exudates of Brachiaria humidicola inhibit nitrification – Characterization and quantification of this unique biological phenomenon. In: Plant Nutrition for Food and Security, Human Health and Environment Protection. XV IPNC 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 444‐445. Li, C.J., Zhang, F.S., Dobermann, A., Lambers, H., Li, X.L., Marschner, P., Maene, L., McGrath, S., Oenema, O., Peng, S.B., Rengel, Z., Shen, Q.R., Welch, R., von Wiren, N., Yan, X.L., and Zhu, Y.G., Eds., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. Rao, I. M., D. K. Friesen, A. Oberson, E. Amézquita, G. Borrero and M. Rodríguez. 2004. Phosphorus cycling in crop‐pasture systems in low fertility tropical soils of the Llanos of Colombia. Proceedings of the XVIth Latin American Soils Congress, Cartagena de Indias, September 27 to October 1, 2004 (Invited presentation). Borrero, G., D. K. Friesen, A. Oberson, M. Rodríguez and I. M. Rao. 2004. Comparación del método de oxalato de amonio para determinar disponabilidad de fósforo en Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Proceedings of the XVIth Latin American Soils Congress, Cartagena de Indias, September 27 to October 1, 2004. Borrero, G., D. K. Friesen, A. Oberson, M. Rodríguez and I. M. Rao. 2004. Destinos de fósforo aplicado como fertilizante en Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Fraccionamento secuencial. Proceedings of the XVIth Latin American Soils Congress, Cartagena de Indias, September 27 to 29 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. October 1, 2004. Rangel, A. F., M. Mobin, I. M. Rao and W. Horst. 2004. Aluminum‐induced callose formation is not a suitable parameter for assessing genotypic differences in aluminum resistance in Phaseolus vulgaris. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH (PSILPH) held in Sendai, Japan from 31 July to 5 August, 2004. Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Sendai, Japan, pp. 264‐265. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Teran and S. Singh. 2004. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes tolerant to aluminum‐toxic soils in the tropics. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH (PSILPH) held in Sendai, Japan from 31 July to 5 August, 2004. Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Sendai, Japan, pp. 272‐273. Wenzl, P., A. L. Chaves and I. M. Rao. 2004. Aluminum resistance coincides with differential resistance to trivalent lanthanide cations in Brachiaria. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH (PSILPH) held in Sendai, Japan from 31 July to 5 August, 2004. Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Sendai, Japan, pp. 262‐263. Rao, I. M., P. Wenzl, A. Chavez, A. Arango, G. Manrique, M. Buitrago, J. Miles, S. Beebe, P. Kimani, P. Argel, A. Schmidt, M. Peters, J. Tohme, M. Ishitani, A. Rangel, M. Mobin and W. Horst. 2004. Advances in improving acid soil adaptation of tropical crops and forages: The case of common bean and Brachiaria. Proceedings of the 20th RIB Symposium on “International Symposium on Frontier Research to Improve Crop productivity on Acid Soils” held at Kurashiki, Japan, pp. 30‐32. Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Japan (Invited paper). Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, H. Terán and C. Cajiao. 2003. Breeding concepts and approaches in food legumes: The example of common bean. Invited paper presented at the “Second National Workshop on Food and Forage Legumes”. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22‐27 September, 2003. Rao, I. M., M. A. Ayarza, P. Herrera and J. Ricaurte. 2003. El papel de las raíces de especies forrajeras en la adquisición, reciclje y almacenamiento de nutrientes en el suelo. Memorias de Curso Internacional "Investigación y Desarrollo de Systemas de Producción Forrajera en el Tropico". CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Amézquita, E., M. Rivera, D. Friesen, R. Thomas, I. M. Rao, E. Barrios and J. Jimenez. 2002. Sustainable crop rotation and ley farming systems for the acid‐soil savannas of South America. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand, 14‐21 August, 2002. Rao, I. M. 2001. Limitaciones edaficas climáticas para la producción de frijol común. Proceedings of the conference on “Manejo productivo de suelos para cultivos de alto rendimiento. Palmira, September 27‐28, 2001. pp. 95‐107. Rao, I. M., C. Plazas and J. Ricaurte. 2001. Root turnover and nutrient cycling in native and introduced pastures in tropical savannas. pp. 976‐977. In: W. J. Horst, M. K. Schenk, A. Burkert, N. Claassen, H. Flessa, W. B. Frommer, H. Goldbach, H. –W. Olfs, V. Romheld, B. Sattelmacher, U. Schmidhalter, S. Schubert, N. v. Wiren and L. Wittenmayer (eds.) Plant Nutrition: Food security and sustainability of agro‐ecosystems through basic and applied research. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Rao, I. M. 2001. Adapting tropical forages to low‐fertility soils. In: J. A. Gomide, W. R. S. Mattos and S. C. da Silva (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazilian Society of Animal Husbandry, Piracicaba, Brazil. pp. 247‐254. Kelemu, S., J. F. White and I. M. Rao 2001. The role of endophytic fungi in Brachiaria, a tropical forage grass. In: J. A. Gomide, W. R. S. Mattos and S. C. da Silva (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIX International Grassland Congress. Brazilian Society of Animal Husbandry, Piracicaba, Brazil. pp. 605‐ 30 607. Rao, I. M. 1998. Root distribution and production in native and introduced pastures in the south American savannas. In: J. E. Box Jr. (Ed.) Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands, and Forest Ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 19‐42. 15. Zhiping, Q., I. M. Rao, J. Ricaurte, E. Amézquita, J. Sanz and P. Kerridge. 1998. Root distribution effects on nutrient uptake and soil erosion in crop‐forage systems on Andean hillsides. In: Proceedings of the International Soil Science Congress, Montpellier, France. 14. Friesen, D. K., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, A. Oberson and J. I. Sanz 1997. Phosphorus acquisition and cycling in crop and pasture systems in low fertility tropical soils. In: Proc. of the XIII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. pp. 493‐498. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 13. Schmidt, Axel; Maass, Brigitte L.; Rao, Idupulapati Madhusudana; Lascano, Carlos E. 1997. Efecto de suelos diferentes en los niveles de taninos en dos genotipos de Desmodium ovalifolium (Effect of different soils on the levels of tannins in two genotypes of Desmodium ovalifolium). Pp. 68‐70. In: A. Schmidt and R. Schultze‐Kraft (eds.). Taller de Trabajo del Proyecto : La Interaccion Genotipo con el Medio Ambiente en una Coleccion Seleccionada de la Leguminosa Forrajera Tropical Desmodium ovalifolium, Cali (Colombia), 19 Mar 1996. CIAT, Cali, Colombia; Universidad de Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany; Documento de trabajo: no. 171 (CIAT). 12. Rao, I. M., V. Borrero, M. A. Ayarza and R. Garcia 1995. Adaptation of tropical forage species to acid soils: the influence of varying phosphorus supply and soil type on plant growth. In: R. A. Date, N. J. Grundon, G. E. Rayment and M. E. Probert (Eds.), Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH: Principles and Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 235‐241. 11. Rao, I. M., V. Borrero, M. A. Ayarza and R. Garcia 1993. Adaptation of tropical forage species to acid soils: The influence of varying phosphorus supply and soil type on phosphorus uptake and use. In: Barrow, N. J. (ed.). Plant Nutrition ‐ from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice. pp. 345‐348. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 10. Fisher, M.J., C.E. Lascano, R.J. Thomas, M.A. Ayarza, I.M. Rao, G. Rippstein and J.H.M. Thornley 1993. An integrated approach to understand soil‐plant‐animal interactions on grazed legume‐based pastures on tropical acid soils. Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, New Zealand & Queensland, Australia. pp. 1903‐1904. 9. Rao, I. M., M. A. Ayarza, R. J. Thomas, M. J. Fisher, C.E. Lascano and V. Borrero 1993. Adaptation responses of tropical grass‐legume associations to acid soils. Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, New Zealand & Queensland, Australia. pp. 1559‐1560. 8. Thomas, R.J., M. Fisher, C. Lascano, I.M. Rao, M. Ayarza and N. Asakawa 1993. Nutrient cycling via forage litter in tropical grass/legume pastures. Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, New Zealand & Queensland, Australia. pp. 508‐509. 7. Ayarza, M.A., I.M. Rao, R.J. Thomas, M.J. Fisher, C.E. Lascano and P. Herrera 1993. Standing root biomass and root distribution in Brachiaria decumbens/Arachis pintoi pastures. Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, New Zealand & Queensland, Australia. p. 1921. 6. Rao, I.M., J. Abadia and N. Terry 1987. Leaf phosphate status and its effects on photosynthetic carbon partitioning and export in sugar beet. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research, J. Biggins (ed.), Vol. 3:751‐754, Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk, Publ. 5. Abadia, J., I.M. Rao and N. Terry 1987. Thylakoid structure and function in relation to leaf phosphate status in sugar beet. In: J. Biggins (ed.) Progress in Photosynthesis Research, Vol.3:755‐758, 16. 31 4. 3. 2. 1. Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. W. Junk, Publ. Abadia, J. and I.M. Rao 1986. Is it possible for the foliar diagnosis through in vivo techniques? p. 275‐ 277. In: L. Montenas and L. Heras (ed.) Current problems in fertilizer use. ITEA publication, AP. 727, Zaragoza, Spain. In Spanish. Rao, I.M., N. Venkataratnam and A.R. Sheldrake 1980. Response to row torow and plant to plant spacing in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.). Proc. of the Intl. Wkshp. on Pigeonpeas, Vol.2, pp. 249 255. Rao, I.M., N. Venkataratnam and A.R. Sheldrake 1980. Pigeonpea Physiology Pogress Report (1979‐ 80). Intl. Crops Res. Inst. for the Semi arid Tropics, Patancheru, India. pp. 61. Rao, I.M., P.M. Swamy and V.S.R. Das. 1978 Photosynthetic 14Carbon fixation in leaves and isolated chloroplasts of some shrub species under the influence of paraquat and 2,4,5 T. Proc. of DAE Symp. on Nuclear Techniques in Studies of Metabolism, Effects and Degradation of Pesticides. Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India. pp. 233‐247. Papers Published in Newsletters 3. Ventataratnam, N., I.M. Rao and A.R. Sheldrake 1984. Effects of plant population on postrainy season pigeonpea yields. Intl. Pigeonpea News Lett. 3:20‐22. 2. Rao, I.M., N. Venkataratnam, D. G. Faris and A.R. Sheldrake 1982. Response to irrigation in rabi pigeonpeas. Intl. Pigeonpea News Lett. 2:35‐36. 1. Rao, I.M., N. Venkataratnam and A.R. Sheldrake 1981. Field screening for tolerance to soil salinity in pigeonpeas. Intl. Pigeonpea News Lett. 1:23. Books Edited 3. Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales, J. H. Bernal (eds). 2013. Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical ), Cali, Colombia. pp. 288. 2. Guimaráes, E. P., J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao, M. C. Amézquita, E. Amézquita and R. J. Thomas (eds). 2004. Agropastoral Systems for the Tropical Savannas of Latin America. CIAT, Cali, Colombia and EMBRAPA, Brazil. pp. 342. 1. Guimaráes, E. P., J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao, M. C. Amézquita and E. Amézquita. (eds). 1999. Sistemas Agropastoriles en Sabanas Tropicales de America Latina. CIAT, Cali, Colombia and EMBRAPA, Brazil. pp. 313. Working Documents 2. Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, I. I. Corrales and J. H. Bernal (eds). 2013. Sistemas Agropastoriles: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Manejo Sostenible de Oxisoles de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. pp. 288. 1. Rao, I. M. 2009. Essential plant nutrients and their functions. Working Document No. 209, CIAT, Cali, Colombia pp. 37. Bulletins 1. Subbarao, G. V., K. L. Sahrawat, K. Nakahara, T. Ishikawa, M. Kishii, I. M. Rao, C. T. Hash, T. S. 32 George, W. Berry, J‐C. Lata and O. Ito. 2010. Nitrification – Is it a strategic intervention point in nitrogen cycle to limit nitrogen losses from agricultural systems? ING Bulletin for Nitrogen 2010 5th International Nitrogen Conference. 3‐5 December, 2010. Delhi, India. Catalogues 1. Garcia, C., M. A. Franco, J. Quintero and I. M. Rao. 2001. Catálogo de cepas de micorrizas arbusculares. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. pp. 78. Contributions to books 1. Sanginga, N. and Woomer, P.L. (eds.). 2009. Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: Principles, Practices and Developmental Process. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture. Nairobi. 263 pp. Papers Presented at the Conferences 222. Clavijo Michelangeli, J.A., K. J. Boote, M. Bhakta, S. Gezan, J. Jones, M. Correll, L. Zhang, J. Osorno, I. M. Rao, S. Beebe, E. Roman‐Paoli, A. Gonzalez, J. Beaver, J. Ricaurte, R. W. Colbert and C. E. Vallejos. 2014. Modeling Genetic Traits of Five Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Genotypes in Multi‐Location Trials. American Society of Agronomy Meeting, Long Beach, California. Poster Presentation. 221. Stevenel, P., E. Frossard, S. Abiven, I. M. Rao and A. Oberson. 2014. Phosphorus availability and its interaction with plant belowground carbón, nitrogen and phosphorus input to soil. Poster paper presented at the PhD Symposium. 9‐10 October 2014. Schweizer Jugend‐ und Bildungszentrum in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. 220. Oberson, A., M. Nesper, E. K. Bünemann, S. J. Fonte, I. M. Rao, J. E. Velásquez, B. Ramirez, D. J. Hegglin, E. Frossard. 2014. Pasture degradation affects forms and distribution of phosphorus in aggregates of tropical soils. Paper presented at the 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants ‐ Facing Phosphorus Scarcity ‐ 26‐29 August 2014, Le Corum – Montpellier. 219. Egenolf, K., H. Karwat, F. Rasche, G. Cadisch, D. Moreta, J. Arango and I. Rao. 2014. Impact of “Biological Nitrification Inhibition” on N recovery, efficiency, N leaching and green house gas emission using the example of Brachiaria hunidicola. Poster presentation of a paper at Tropentag, September 17‐19, 2014. Prague, Czech Republic. 218. Arango, J., J. Nuñez, D. Moreta, H. Karwat, A. Arevalo, M. Ishitani, L. Chavez, J. Miles, G. Subbarao, M. Peters and I. Rao. 2014. Phenotyping of a bi‐parental Brachiaria humidicola population for its biological nitrification inhibition potential. Oral presentation of a paper at Tropentag, September 17‐19, 2014. Prague, Czech Republic. 217. Beebe, S. and I. Rao. 2014. Breeding for tolerance to low soil phosphorus: the example of common bean. Invited paper presented at the 6th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC VI) and 7th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG VII). July 7‐11, 2014. Saskatoon, Canada. 216. Gaur, P. M., S. Samineni, L. Krishnamurthy, R. K. Varshney, S. Kumar, M. E. Ghanem, S. Beebe, I. Rao, S. K. Chaturvedi, P. S. Basu, H. Nayyar, V. Jayalakshmi and A. Babbar. 2014. Breeding for tolerance to low soil phosphorus: the example of common bean. Invited paper presented at the 6th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC VI) and 7th International 33 Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG VII). July 7‐11, 2014. Saskatoon, Canada. 215. Bonilla, G., R. B. Mendoza, O. Tellez, M. Mena, R. van der Hoek, A. Castro, I. M. Rao, J. Pavón, P. Siles and D. Valbuena. 2014. Secuestro de carbono en diferentes sistemas agroforestales y de cultivos en dos sitios del tropico sub‐humedo de Nicaragua. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p. 104. 214. Tellez, O., A. Avilés, R. B. Mendoza, M. Mena, R. van der Hoek, A. Castro, I. M. Rao, J. Pavón and P. Siles. 2014. Productividad de Maíz y fríjol bajo diferentes sistemas de producción en laderas sub‐ húmedas de Nicaragua. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p. 14. 213. van der Hoek, R., O. Tellez, G. Bonilla, A. Avilés, R. B. Mendoza, M. Mena, A. Castro, I. Rao, J. Pavón, P. Siles and D. Valbuena. 2014. Sistemas productivos mas eco‐eficientes: Sistemas agroforestales mejorados en regiones sub‐humedas en Nicaragua. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p. 114. 212. Gracia, E., A. Neuwenhuyse, M. Ibrahim, S. Fonte, I. Rao and A. Castro. 2014. Diversidad del componente arbóreo y almacenamiento de carbono en el sistema agroforestal Quesungual con ganado y sin ganado en el sur de Lempira, Honduras. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p. 163. 211. Polania, J., N. Chaves, C. Cajiao, S. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2014. Evaluación e identificación de líneas de frijol común Phaseolus vulgaris L. tolerantes a altas temperaturas. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p.43. 210. Cardoso, J. A., J. Rincón, J. C. Jiménez, J. W. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2014. Evaluación de genotipos de Brachiaria por su tolerancia a encharcamiento y capacidad de recuperación. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p.190. 209. Jiménez, J. C., J. Cardoso, M. Dominguez and I. Rao. 2014. Evaluación de la actividad antioxidante y su relación con tolerancia a inundacion en Brachiaria spp. Paper presented at the 59 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 28 April to 3 May, Managua, Nicaragua, p.189. 208. Rao, I. M., J. A. Cardoso, J. C. Jiménez, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte and J. Miles. 2013. Mecanismos de adaptación con pastos de Brachiaria hacia estresses abióticos en los trópicos. Invited presentation at the IV Seminario Nacional de Nutrición y Alimentación Animal. November 28‐29, 2013. Univ. of Cordoba, Colombia. 207. Fenta, B. A., S. E. Beebe, I. M. Rao and K. J. Kunert. 2013. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation ability as prominent trait for adaptation of common bean under drought stress. Oral presentation at the 6th International Nitrogen Conference, November 18‐22, 2013, Kampala, Uganda. 206. Moreta, D. E., J. Arango, M. Sotelo, D. Vergara, A. Rincón, M. Ishitani, A. Castro, J. Miles, M. Peters, J. Tohme, G. V. Subbarao, G. Cadisch and I. M. Rao. 2013. Using Biological Nitrification Inhibition as a Strategy to Improve Nitrogen Recovery and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Agricultural Systems 34 and to Mitigate Climate Change. Oral presentation at the 6 International Nitrogen Conference, November 18‐22, 2013, Kampala, Uganda. 205. Peters, M., R. Wachholtz, A. Castro, G. Hyman, I. Rao, J. Arango, D. Moreta, A. Rincón, E. Guimaraes and J. E. Vaquero. 2013. Sustainable intesification (Forage)LivestockPlus. Paper presented at the Global Soils Week, Berlin, Germany. 204. Peters, M., I. Rao, A. Castro, G. Hyman, John Miles, Jacobo Arango, Danilo Moreta, Álvaro Rincón, José E. Baquero, Elcio Guimaraes. 2013. Potencial de los forrajes tropicales para la mitigación de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Invited paper presented at Taller Internacional: Hacia una Política Nacional de Ganadería Agroclimáticamente Sostenible. 23 al 25 de Octubre de 2013, Bogotá, Colombia. 203. Clavijo Michelangeli, J. A., K. J. Boote, M. Bhakta, S. Gezan, J. W. Jones, M. Correll, L. Zhang, J. M. Osorno, I. M. Rao, S. Beebe, E. Roman‐Paoli, A. Gonzalez, J. Beaver, J. Ricaurte, R. Colbert, M. Carvalho and C. Vallejos. 2013. Scaling of leaf área and mass in a recombinant inbred population of the common vean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meetings. November 3‐6, 2013. Tampa, Florida, USA. 202. Bhakta, M., L. Zhang, R. Wesly, M. Correll, K. J. Boote, J. W. Jones, S. Gezan, J. Beaver, J. Osorno, S. Beebe, E. Roman‐Paoli, I. M. Rao, A. Gonzalez, J. Ricaurte, M. Otero and C. Vallejos. 2013. A SNP‐based linkage map of Phaseolus vulgaris constructed via the genotyping‐by‐sequencing approach. Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meetings. November 3‐6, 2013. Tampa, Florida, USA. 201. Jiménez, J. C., J. A. Cardoso, G. Fischer and I. M. Rao. 2013. Increased aerenchyma formation and exodermal suberin deposition in nodal roots of Brachiaria humidicola contribute to high level of waterlogging tolerance. Paper (poster) presented at the 11th Conference of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis. Oct 6 – 11. IRRI, Los baños, Laguna, Philippines. 200. Jiménez, J. C., J. A. Cardoso, G. Fischer and I. M. Rao. 2013. Leaf antioxidant activity and changes in leaf pigments in two contrasting Brachiaria grasses in response to waterlogging. Paper (poster) presented at the 11th Conference of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis. Oct 6 – 11. IRRI, Los baños, Laguna, Philippines.(Received Best poster paper award). 199. Cardoso, J. A., J. C. Jiménez, J. Rincon, J. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2013. Advances in identification of morpho‐physiological traits associated with waterlogging tolerance in Brachiaria genotypes. Paper (oral) presented at the 11th Conference of the International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis. Oct 6 – 11. IRRI, Los baños, Laguna, Philippines. 198. Polanía, J. A., I. M. Rao, S. Mejía, S. E. Beebe and C. Cajiao. 2013. Caracteristicas morfo‐fisiológicas de frijol común Phaseolus vulgaris L. relacionadas con la adaptación a sequía. XLIII Congreso Nacional COMALFI. Septiembre 25‐27, Cartagena – Colombia. 197. I. Rao, S. Beebe, B. Raatz, J. Polania. 2013. Las oportunidades de investigación para diseccionar el rasgo de la movilización de fotoasimilados a grano de frijol común. Oral presentation at the Workshop with INIFAF, Mexico. CIAT, 26‐28 Agust 2013. 196. J. Polanía, J. Ricaurte, M. Rivera, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, G. Borrero, B. Raatz, S. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2013. Características que contribuyen a tolerancia a la sequía y estrés edáfico en frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Oral presentation at the Workshop with INIFAF, Mexico. CIAT, 26‐28 Agust 2013. 195. I. M. Rao, N. Asakawa, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte, M. Rivera, H. Buendia, V. Manuel, G. Borrero, B. Raatz and S. Beebe. 2013. Climbing beans and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Climbing Beans Workshop. CIAT, Cali, ColombiaAugust 19‐21, 2013. th 35 194. I. M. Rao, J. Polanía, J. Ricaurte, M. Rivera, C. Cajiao, M. Grajales, V. Manuel, G. Borrero, B. Raatz and S. Beebe. 2013. Improving genetic adaptation of common bean to abiotic stress in the tropics. Climbing Beans Workshop. CIAT, Cali, ColombiaAugust 19‐21, 2013. 193. J. A. Cardoso, J. C. Jiménez, J. Rincón, E. Guevara, M. Mena, R. van der Hoek, A. Jarvis, M. Peters, J. Miles, I.M. Rao, M. Ayarza, Y. S. Cajas, A. Rincón, H. Mateus, J. Quiceno, W. Barragán, C. Lascano, P. Argel, M. Varela, L. Hertentains and M. de Gracía. 2013. Genotipos de Brachiaria tolerantes a suelos inundados para adaptar sistemas de pastoreo a cambio climático. Oral presentation at VIII Taller de seguimiento proyectos Fontagro, Montevideo‐Uruguay, July 23‐25, 2013. 192. I. Rao, M. Peters, A. Castro, M. Fisher, J. Miles, R. Schultze‐Kraft, J. Tapasco, G. Hyman, A. Bolliger, B.K. Paul, R. van der Hoek, B.L. Maass, T. Tiemann, M. Cuchillo, J. Arango, S. Cook, D. White, E. Guimaraes, J. Tohme, M. Blummel, S. Douxchamps, S. Douxchamps, A. Rincón, D. J. Bungenstab, C. Villanueva, G.V. Subbarao, T. Rudel and T. Searchinger. 2013. LivestockPlus: Sustainable intensification of tropical forage‐based systems for improving livelihood and environmental benefits. Invited paper presented at the International Workshop on Pastures, Climate Change and Sustainable Intensification. 28‐29 May 2013, CIAT, Colombia 191. Jiménez, J. C., J. A. Cardoso, J. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2013. Evaluación de híbridos de Brachiaria humidicola para su tolerancia a suelos inundados. 58 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 22 to 26 April, Jutiapa, Atlántida, Honduras. 190. Polania, J. A., C. Cajiao, M. Grajales, F. Navarrete, V. Vadez, S. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2013. Movilización de fotoasimilados, uso de agua y enraizamiento profundo como características asociadas con tolerancia a sequia en frijol común Phaseolus vulgaris L. 58 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 22 to 26 April, Jutiapa, Atlántida, Honduras. 189. Cajiao, C., A. Castro, I. Rao and S. Beebe. 2013. Lineas de frijol con tolerancia a bajo fósforo y su evaluación en Centroamerica. 58 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 22 to 26 April, Jutiapa, Atlántida, Honduras. 188. Cajiao, C., M. A. Grajales, I. Rao and S. Beebe. 2013. Desarrollo de lineas de frijol con alto hierro y tolerancia a la sequía en CIAT, Colombia. 58 Reunión Anual del Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 22 to 26 April, Jutiapa, Atlántida, Honduras. 187. Nesper, M., E. K. Bünemann, S. J. Fonte, I. M. Rao, J. E. Velásquez, E. Frossard and A. Oberson. 2013. Distribution and hydrolyzability of organic phosphorus in aggregates of highly weathered tropical soils. Paper presented at Organic Phosphorus 2013. Integration across ecosystems. Feb. 2 to 7,2013. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama. 186. Rivera, M., E. Amézquita, I. Rao and E. Garcia. 2012. Perdida de suelo y susceptibilidad a la erosion en el sistems agroforestal Quesungual. Paper presented at XVI Cogreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo. 2‐5 October, 2012. Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia. 185. Rivera, M., E. Amézquita, I. Rao, I. Corrales and L. Chavez. 2012. Efecto de establecimiento de sistemas agropastoriles en rendimiento de cultivos y características de suelo bajo siembra directa y labranza minima en suelos acidos de sabanas. Paper presented at XVI Cogreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo. 2‐5 October, 2012. Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia. 184. Vadez, V., O. Halilou, N. Belko, J. Polania, I. M. Rao, T. R. Sinclair, A. Soltani, P. Ratnakumar, F. 36 Hamidou. 2012. An integrated framework combining crop physiology, genetics, and crop simulation modelling to improve drought resistance across legumes in the semi‐arid tropics. Paper presented at the ICLGG Conference. 2‐7 October, Hyderabad, India. 183. Kahle, R., I. Rao and G. Cadisch. 2012. Response of different tropical forage legumes under stress factors of acid soil and drought. Paper presented at the Deutsche Tropentag, 19‐21 September 2012, Gottingen, Germany. 182. Castro, A., M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavon, E. Garcia, E. Amezquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondon, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Welchez, J. Rubiano, S. Cook and I. M. Rao. 2012. Ecosystem services in smallholder agriculture through slash‐and‐mulch based agroforestry on hillsides of Central America Paper presented at the Deutsche Tropentag, 19‐21 September 2012, Gottingen, Germany. 181. van der Hoek, R., B. Mendoza, M. Mena, G. Bonilla, O. Tellez, J. Pavon, B. Freyer, D. Kurzweg, L. Rousseau, S. Fonte, P. Lavelle, A. Castro and I. Rao. 2012. Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry System: improving livelihoods of smallholders in the sub‐humid hillside areas of Central America. Paper presented at the Deutsche Tropentag, 19‐21 September 2012, Gottingen, Germany. 180. Rao, I. M., J. Miles, A. Jarvis, J. A. cardoso, J. D. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, M. Ayarza, A. Rincon, H. Mateus, S. Cajas, M. Mena and L. Hertentains. 2011. Desarrollo de genotipos de Brachiaria spp. Adaptados a suelos con drenaje deficiente para aumentar producción bovina y adaptar sistemas de pastoreo al cambio climático en América Latina. Paper presented at VII Taller de Seguimiento Técnico de Proyectos FONTAGRO 2012, 10‐12 July, 2012. Monteria, Colombia. 179. Polania, J., M. Rivera, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, G. Borrero, S. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2012. Identificacion de características fenotípicas asociadas con tolerancia a sequia en frijol común Phaseolus vulgaris L. Paper presented at the LVII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Panama City, Panama. 23‐27 April, 2012. 178. Cardoso, J., J. Rincon, J. Cruz Jimenez, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, M. Peters, A. Jarvis, J. Miles, S. Cajas, W. Barragan, H. Mateus, J. Quincero, A. Rincon, P. Argel, C. Lascano, M. Ayarza, M. Urbina, L. A. Hertentains and I. M. Rao. 2012. Genotipos de Brachiaria tolerantes a suelos anegados para adaptar sistemas de pastoreo a cambio climatico. Paper presented at the LVII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Panama City, Panama. 23‐27 April, 2012. 177. Rao, I.M., J. Polania, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, J. Ricaurte, G. Borrero, M. Rivera and S. Beebe. 2012. Advances in phenotypic characterization of root traits of common bean under drought stress. Invited paper presented at an International Workshop on “Roots under drought ‐‐‐ Model systems to the field” held by the Interdisciplinary Plant Group at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (2 to 4 April, 2012). 176. Rao, I.M., J. Polania, M. Rivera, J. Ricaurte, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, F. Monserrate, G. Borrero, M. Blair and S. Beebe. 2012. Improving genetic adaptation of common bean to drought stress in the tropics. Invited paper presented at an International Workshop on “Roots under drought ‐‐‐ Model systems to the field” held by the Interdisciplinary Plant Group at the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (2 to 4 April, 2012). 175. Beebe, S., I. Rao, C. Cajiao and L. Butare. 2011. Developing common beans with tolerance to aluminum and acid soil complex. Paper presented at the Bean Improvement Cooperative 37 Biennial meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 30 to November 1, 2011) (invited). 174. Beebe, S., I. Rao, C. Cajiao and M. Grajales. 2011. Mining the Phaseolus genus: How many species can you get into a cross? Poster paper presented at the Bean Improvement Cooperative Biennial meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 30 to November 1, 2011). 173. Castro, A., S. Fonte, J. Rubiano, I. Gómez, S. Kandel, N. Cuéllar, R. Quintanilla, F. Casares, C. Maravilla, S.E. Cook, M.T. Trejo and I.M. Rao. 2011. QSMAS‐into‐USE: Scaling up and out an eco‐ efficient option to improve resilience & food security in the Lempa River basin in El Salvador. Poster paper presented at the 3rd International Forum on Water and Food of the Challenge Program on Water and Food, Tshwane, South Africa. 14‐17 Nov, 2011. 172. Oberson, A., D. J. Hegglin, M. Nesper, I. M. Rao, S. Fonte, B. Ramirez, J. Velasquez, F. Tumburini, E. K. Bunemann and E. Frossard. 2011. Phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen interactions in pastures. Poster paper presented at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, California, USA (5‐9 December, 2011). 171. Rao, I., J. Polania, M. Rivera, J. Ricaurte, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, F. Monserrate, G. Borrero, J. Ramirez, A. Jarvis, M. Blair and S. Beebe. 2011. Phenotypic evaluation of common bean genotypes for tolerance to abiotic stresses of drought, high temperature and low soil fertility. Invited Seminar presented at CNPAF, Goiania, Brazil (11 November 2011). 170. Ryan, J., R. Buresh, K. Shepherd, I. Monsterio‐Orrtiz, B. Govaerts, R. Howeler, I. Rao, K. Sahrawat, G. Tian, B. Vanlauwe and R. Sommer. 2011. Impact of soil science at CGIAR centers on world food production and the environment. Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 16‐19, 2011. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 169. Rao, I., J. Polania, M. Rivera, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, G. Borrero and S. Beebe. 2011. Drought resistance in elite lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is associated with higher values of pod harvest index. Paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 16‐19, 2011. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 168 Cardoso, A., J. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, M. Peters, A. Jarvis, J. Miles, A. Rincón, S. Cajas, H. Mateus, P. Argel, C. Lascano, M. Ayarza, M. Mena, L. Herentains and I. Rao. 2011. Development of waterlogging‐tolerant Brachiaria genotypes for humid areas of Latin America to increase cattle production and to adapt grazing systems to climate variability and change. Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 16‐19, 2011. San Antonio, Texas, USA. 167. Eticha, D., A. F. Rangel, I. M. Rao and W. J. Horst. 2011. Spatial and temporal expression of a citrate permease and aluminum‐induced citrate exudation in common bean. Poster presented at the Joint Annual Congress of the German Society of Plant Nutrition and German Society of Agronomy. 166. Hegglin, D., I. M. Rao, B. Ramirez, E. Frossard and A. Oberson. 2011. Does phosphorus deficiency aggravate pasture degradation in the forest margins. Poster paper presented at Tropentag 2011. Development on the margin. University of Bonn, Bonn, October 5‐7, 20011. 165. Rao, I. M., J. Miles, A. Jarvis, J. A. cardoso, J. D. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, M. Ayarza, A. Rincon, H. Mateus, S. Cajas, M. Mena and L. Hertentains. 2011. Desarrollo de genotipos de Brachiaria spp. Adaptados a suelos con drenaje deficiente para aumentar producción bovina y adaptar sistemas de pastoreo al cambio climático en América Latina. Paper presented at VI Taller de Seguimiento Técnico de Proyectos FONTAGRO 2011, 15 to 17 June, 2011. Cochabamba, Bolivia. 164. Rao, I., J. Polania, M. Rivera, J. Ricaurte, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, F. Monserrate, G. Borrero, J. 38 Ramirez, A. Jarvis and S. Beebe. 2011. Improving genetic adaptation of common bean to climate change. Paper presented at the First RCM on “Climate proofing of food crops: genetic improvement for adaptation to high temperatures in drought prone areas and beyond” held at IAEA‐Vienna, Austria. 2 to 6 May, 2011. 163. Castro, A., M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavón, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Wélchez, N. Johnson, J. Rubiano, S. Cook and I. M. Rao. 2011. Agricultura eco‐eficiente para productores de pequeña escala en laderas del trópico sub‐húmedo: El sistema agroforestal Quesungual. Poster paper presented at the LVI Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), San Salvador, El Salvador. 25‐29 April, 2011. 162. Beebe, S., I. Rao, C. Cajiao and M. A. Grajales. 2011. Progreso en desarrolloar líneas de frijol con tolerancia a sequía y baja fertilidad. Paper presented at the LVI Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), San Salvador, El Salvador. 25‐29 April, 2011. 161. Castro, A., I. M. Rao, E. Barrios, J. C. Menjívar, N. Asakawa and E. García. 2010. Evaluation of nitrogen dynamics in Quesungual slash and much agroforestry system. Paper presented at 5th International Nitrogen Conference. December 3‐7, 2010, New Delhi, India. 160. Douxchamps, S., E. Frossard, S. M. Bernasconi, R. van der Hoek, A. Schmidt, I. M. Rao and A. Oberson. 2010. Estimation of nitrogen recovery by maize from organic sources using isotopic techniques under tropical field conditions. Paper presented at 5th International Nitrogen Conference. December 3‐7, 2010, New Delhi, India. 159. Rane, J., I. Rao, M. Ishitani and J. Tohme. 2010. A field phenotyping platform at CIAT: Vision and initiatives to facilitate high throughput screening of food and feed crops for tolerance to abiotic stress factors in the tropics. Invited paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA. 31 October‐3 November, 2010. 158. Castro, A., R. van der Hoek, B. Freyer, M. Peters, P. Lavelle and I. Rao. 2010. Agricultura eco‐ eficiente para productores de pequeña escala en Nicaragua. Poster paper presented at the VI Congreso Internacional de Agroforestería para la Producción Pecuaria Sostenible. 28‐30 September, 2010. Panama City, Panama. 157. Subbarao, G. V., K. Nakahara, T. Ishikawa, M. P. Hurtado, D. E. Moreta, M. Ishitani, I.M. Rao, M. Rondon, H. Ono, M. Ohnishi‐Kameyama, M. Yoshida and O. Ito. 2010. New evidence for biological Nitrification Inhibition in tropical pastures. Paper presented at Nitrogen 2010, the 1st International Symposium on Nitrogen Nutrition in Plants. July 26‐30, 2010. Aichi, Japan. 156. Rao, I. M., J. Miles, A. Jarvis, J. A. cardoso, J. D. Rincón, E. Guevara, R. van der Hoek, M. Ayarza, A. Rincon, H. Mateus, S. Cajas, M. Mena and L. Hertentains. 2010. Desarrollo de genotipos de Brachiaria spp. Adaptados a suelos con drenaje deficiente para aumentar producción bovina y adaptar sistemas de pastoreo al cambio climático en América Latina. Paper presented at V Taller de Seguimiento Técnico de Proyectos FONTAGRO 2010, 2‐4 June, 2010. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. 155. Beebe, S., I. Rao, M. Blair and L. Butare. 2009. Mejoramiento para tolerancia al Estrés Abiótico en Frijol Común: desafios actuales y futuros. Paper presented at I National course on resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors organized by the Colombian Association of Breeding and crop production. 2‐4 June, 2010. CIAT, Cali, Colombia (Invited). 154. Rao, I. M., J. Rincón, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte, V. H. Villegas, R. García, G. Borrero, J. A. Cardoso and J. Miles. 2010. Evaluación y selección de gramíneas tropicales con adaptación a suelos ácidos, sequía y exceso de agua. Paper presented at I National course on resistance to biotic and abiotic 39 stress factors organized by the Colombian Association of Breeding and crop production. 2‐4 June, 2010. CIAT, Cali, Colombia (Invited). 153. Rao, I. M., S. E. Beebe, J. Polania, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, J. Ricaurte, G. Borrero and M. Rivera. 2010. Avances en caracterización fenotípica en adaptación a sequía en frijol común. Paper presented at I National course on resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors organized by the Colombian Association of Breeding and crop production. 2‐4 June, 2010. CIAT, Cali, Colombia (Invited). 152. Rao, I. M., S. E. Beebe, J. Polania, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, J. Ricaurte, G. Borrero and M. Rivera. 2010. Phenotypic evaluation of crop adaptation to abiotic stress factors in the tropics: Common bean as a case study. Paper presented at the Consultants Meeting on “Development of Mutant Germplasm for Enhancing Crop Productivity with better Adaptation to Climate Change”held from 10‐14 May, 2010 at IAEA, Vienna, Austria (Invited). 151. Rao, I. M. 2010. Role of agricultural research in mitigation of climate change in LAC region. Paper presented on behalf of CIAT and its partners at the International Workshop on “climate change and mitigation in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: Investments and actions. 19‐20 April, 2010. FAO, Rome, Italy (invited). 150. Douxchamps, S., E. Frossard, C. Binder, M. Kreuzer, M. Mena, A. Mosimann, I. M. Rao, A. Schmidt, R. Scholl, R. van der Hoek and A. Oberson. 2010. Realizing the benefits of cover crop legumes in smallholder crop‐livestock systems in the hillsides of Central America – a case study with Canavalia brasiliensis. Poster paper presented at ISDA conference, Monpellier, France. 149. Ricaurte, J., J. Rincón, J. Polania, V. H. Villegas, G. Borrero, J. A. Cardoso, J. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2010. Evaluación y selección de gramíneas tropicales con adaptación a suelos ácidos, sequía y exceso de agua. Paper presented at IAEA Training Course on Methods of Evaluation of Mutants. February 1‐5, 2010, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. 148. Polania, J., M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, J. Ricaurte, M. Rivera, M. Blair, S. E. Beebe and I. M. Rao. 2010. Avances en caracterización fenotípica en adaptación a sequía en frijol común. Paper presented at IAEA Training Course on Methods of Evaluation of Mutants. February 1‐5, 2010, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. 147. Eticha D, Rangel AF, Heinze H, Zahn M, Rao IM, and Horst WJ (2009) Transcriptomic analysis reveals differential gene expression in common bean for aluminum resistance. A poster presented on the 16th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), Sacramento CA, USA. 26 – 30 Aug. 2009. 146. Eticha D, Braun H‐P, Rao IM, and Horst WJ (2009) Proteomic changes in root tips of Aluminium stressed common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A poster presented on Annual Meeting of the German Plant Nutrition Society (DGP), Osnabrück, Germany. 11 – 12 June 2009. 145. Yang, ZB, D Eticha, IM Rao, WJ Horst (2009) Osmotic stress improves aluminium‐resistance in Phaseolus Vulgaris L. by changing cell wall porosity. Abstract and Poster in Annual Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition. pp71 144. Beebe, S., I. Rao, M. Blair and L. Butare. 2009. Mejoramiento para tolerancia al Estrés Abiótico en Frijol Común: desafios actuales y futuros. Invited paper presented at the 2do Congreso Internacional de Frijol. Zacatecas, Mexico. August, 2009 (Invited). 143. Moreta, D. E., M. P. Hurtado, A. F. Salcedo, L. Chávez, M. Rondón, M. C. Duque, G. Subbarao, O. Ito, J. Miles, C. Lascano, I. Rao and M. Ishitani. 2009. Biological Nitrification Inhibition as a novel approach for Enhancing Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crops. Poster paper presented at 7th ISRR Symposium ‘Root Research and Applications’(RootRAP), September 2‐4, Vienna, Austria. 40 142. Lynch, J., K. Brown, S. Beebe, M. Blair, I. Rao, M. Miguel, C. Jochua, R. Chirwa, J. Burridge and K. Barlow. 2009. Basal root architecture traits for drought and low phosphorus tolerance in common bean. Poster paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Generation Challenge Program, 20‐23 September 2009, Bamako, Mali. 141. Subbarao, G. V., T. Ishikawa, K. Nakahara, T. Watanabe, I.M. Rao, M. P. Hurtado, M. Rondon, D. Moreta, M. Ishitani and O. Ito. 2009. Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) – A New Approach to Control Nitrification and N2O emissions from Agricultural Systems? Paper presented at the conference on the “Environmental Impacts of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems in East Asia", September 7‐11, 2009, Nanjing, China. 140. Wagatsuma, T., A. Ishikawa, N. Ueki, M. S. H. Khan, I. M. Rao, P. Wenzl, M. Ishitani, H. Koyama, T. Toyomasu, M. Yamaguchi, S. Ishikawa and K. Tawaraya. 2009. Making aluminum tolerant‐plants by modifying plasma membrane lipid layer of root‐tip cells. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. September 15‐17, 2009. Kyoto University, Japan. 139. Castro, A., M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavón, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Wélchez, S. Cook, J. Rubiano, N. Johnson and I. Rao. 2009. Improving the efficiency of rain water use on hillsides in the sub‐humid tropics: agricultural & environmental benefits of Quesungual system. Poster presented at World Water Week in Stockholm: Responding to Global Change: Accessing Water for the Common Good with Special Emphasis on Transboundary Waters, 16 to 22 August, 2009, Stockhom, Sweden. Abstract Volume, pp. 101‐102. 138. Rane, J., I. Rao, M. Ishitani and J. Tohme. 2009. Phenotyping platform at CIAT: Improving abiotic stress tolerance of crops and forages in the tropics. Paper presented at Interdrought III: The 3rd International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production Under Drought‐ Prone Environments, October 11‐16, 2009, Shanghai, China. 137. Rao, I. M., S. E. Beebe, J. Polanía, M. Grajales, C. Cajiao, R. García, J. Ricaurte and M. Rivera. 2009. Physiological basis of improved drought resistance in common bean: the contribution of photosynthate mobilization to grain. Paper presented at Interdrought III: The 3rd International Conference on Integrated Approaches to Improve Crop Production Under Drought‐Prone Environments, October 11‐16, 2009, Shanghai, China. 136. Rincón, J., J. Polania, V. Hoyos, J. Ricaurte, R, García, J. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2009. Evaluación y selección de gramíneas tropicales con adaptación a sequía y exceso de agua. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Climate Change and Livestock Systems. March 24‐25, 2009, CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia. 135. Kimani, P.M., S. Beebe, M. Blair, R. Chirwa and I. Rao. 2008. Improving productivity of common bean and incomes for the poor in marginal environments of sub‐Saharan Africa: Overview of TL I and II projects. Drought phenotyping workshop, 4‐17 May 2008 Lilongwe, Malawi. 134. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Ferreira, O., Pavón, J., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Pauli, N., Baltodano, M.E., Mendoza, B., Wélchez, L.A., Johnson, N., Rubiano, J., Cook, S. and I. M. Rao. 2008. Quesungual Slash & Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS): Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub‐humid tropics. Poster paper presented at the 2nd International Forum on Water and Food of the Challenge Program on Water and Food, November 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 133. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Ferreira, O., Pavón, J., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Pauli, N., Baltodano, M.E., Mendoza, B., Wélchez, L.A., Cook, S., Rubiano, J., 41 Johnson N. and I. Rao. 2008. Is the Quesungual System an option for smallholders in dry hillsides agroecosystems? Paper presented at the 2nd International Forum on Water and Food of the Challenge Program on Water and Food, November 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 132. Ayarza, M., E. Amézquita, A. Castro, M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavon, E. García, E. Barrios, M. Rondón, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Welchez y I. Rao. 2008. El Quesungual como una opción para los pequeños productores en el trópico sub‐húmedo. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (invited presentation). 131. Rivera, M., E. Amézquita e I. Rao. 2008. Determinación de la dinámica del agua en el sistema agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ) e identificación de factores suelo‐planta para el mejoramiento de la productividad del agua en los cultivos. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (oral presentation). 130. Ferreira, O., M. P. Hurtado, C. R. Bonilla, R. Malagón, E. García, M. Rondón e I. Rao. 2008. Flujos de gases de efecto invernadero y potencial de calentamiento global y la evaluación de emergía del sistema agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ) en el sur de Lempira, Honduras. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (oral presentation). 129. Galvis, J. H., E. Amézquita, E. Madero e I. M. Rao. 2008. Evaluación del efecto de la intensidad de labranza en la formación de costra superficial de un oxisol de sabana en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Caracterización micromorfologica en superficie. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (oral presentation). 128. Hurtado, M. P., M. Rondón, I. M. Rao, M. Ishitani, D. Moreta, J. Miles, C. E. Lascano, G. V. Subbarao, T. Ishikawa, T. Watanabe e O. Ito. 2008. El fenómino de la inhibición de la nitrificación biológica (INB) en Brachiaria humidicola: una strategía benéfica para la productividad agrícola y la disminución de las emisiones de oxido nitroso (N2O) causantes del calentamiento global. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (oral presentation). 127. Ricaurte, J., I. M. Rao y J. C. Menjivar. Enraizamiento de cultivares e híbridos de Brachiaria en épocas lluviosas y secas y su impacto en calidad del suelo en los Llanos Orientales de Colombia. Paper presented at the XIV Colombian Congreso of Soil Science at Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 28 to 31 October, 2008. (poster presentation). 126. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Ferreira, O., Pavón, J., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Pauli, N., Baltodano, M.E., Mendoza, B., Wélchez, L.A., Cook, S., Rubiano, J., Johnson N. and I. Rao. 2008. Quesungual Slash & Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS): Improving crop water productivity, food security and resource quality in the sub‐humid tropics. Paper presented at the Workshop on Increasing Water Productivity of Rainfed Cropping Systems, September 22‐25, Tamale, Ghana. 125. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Ferreira, O., Pavón, J., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Pauli, N., Baltodano, M.E., Mendoza, B., Wélchez, L.A., Johnson, N., Cook, S. and I. Rao. 2008. Adaptation to Climate Change: is the Quesungual system an option for smallholders in dry hillside agroecosystems? Poster presented at the 3rd Internal Scientific Poster Competition of CIAT, March 7‐30, Palmira, Colombia. 2008. 124. Yang, Z. B., D. Eticha, I. M. Rao and W. Horst. 2008. The interaction between aluminum toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Poster paper presented on the 42 Annual Meeting of the German Society of Plant Nutrition – 23‐24 September in Limbergerhof/Speyer, Germany. 123. Humbert F.L.; S. Douxchamps, R. van der Hoek, A. Benavidez, M. Mena, I. Rao, A. Schmidt, S., E. Frossard, A. Oberson. 2008. Impact of Canavalia brasiliensis on nitrogen budgets in smallholder crop‐livestock farms of the Nicaraguan hillsides. Paper submitted at the Deutsche Tropentag, 7‐ 9 October 2008, Hohenheim, Germany. 122. Van der Hoek R.; S. Douxchamps, A. Benavidez, M. Mena, I. Rao, A. Schmidt, A. Oberson, E. Frossard, M. Peters. 2008. Potential of Canavalia brasiliensis as a dry season supplement in Central American mixed crop‐livestock systems. Paper presented at the Deutsche Tropentag, 7‐ 9 October 2008, Hohenheim, Germany. 121. Douxchamps, S., R. van der Hoek, A. Benavidez, F. Humbert, M. Mena, A. Oberson, I. M. Rao, A. Schmidt and E. Frossard. 2008. Realizing the benefits of cover crop legumes in smallholder crop‐ livestock farms of Central America. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North‐ South Centre of the ETH Zurich and EAWAG on: Water for development : Prospects for integrated water resources management, June 4, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. 120. Castro, A., M. Rivera, O. Ferreira, J. Pavon, E. García, E. Amézquita, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, M. Rondon, N. Pauli, M. E. Baltodano, B. Mendoza, L. A. Welchez, N. Johnson, S. Cook and I. M. Rao. 2008. Improving the efficiency of rain water use in smallholder farms in sub‐humid tropics : agricultural and environmental benefits of Quesungual agroforestry system. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North‐South Centre of the ETH Zurich and EAWAG on: Water for development : Prospects for integrated water resources management, June 4, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. 119. Rivera, M., Castro, A., Pavón, J., Ferreira, O., Pauli, N., Valladares, D., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Wélchez, L.A. and I. Rao. 2008. Descubriendo los Misterios del Sistema Quesungual. Poster presented at the Foro Andino del Agua y la Alimentación, January 29‐31, 2008, Bogotá, Colombia. 118. Castro, A., Rivera, M., Pavón, J., Ferreira, O., Pauli, N., Valladares, D., García, E., Amézquita, E., Ayarza, M., Barrios, E., Rondón, M., Wélchez, L.A. and I. Rao. 2008. Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ): mejorando la productividad del agua, la seguridad alimentaria y la calidad de los recursos en el trópico sub‐húmedo. Paper presented at the Foro Andino del Agua y la Alimentación, January 29‐31, 2008, Bogotá, Colombia. 117. Eticha D., I. M. Rao and W. J. Horst. 2007. Interaction between aluminium toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. Poster presented on the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Plant Nutrition – DGP in Berlin, Germany. 116. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, C. Cajiao, J. Polania and R. Garcia. 2007. Phenotypic evaluation of drought resistance in advanced lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. 4‐8 November, 2007. 115. Rao, I. M., J. Rincon, R. Garcia, J. Ricaurte and J. Miles. 2007. Screening for tolerance to waterlogging in Brachiaria hybrids. Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. 4‐8 November, 2007. 114. Spain, J., E. Amezquita, I. M. Rao, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios and M. Rondon. 2007. Improving productivity and sustainability of crop‐livestock systems in tropical savannas of South America. Poster paper presented at ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. 4‐8 November, 2007. 113. Rangel, A. F., I. M. Rao and W. J. Horst. 2007. Spatial aluminum sensitivity of root apices of two 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. 107. 106. 105. 104. 43 common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes with contrasting aluminum resistance. In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, Berlin, Humbolt‐Universität zu Berlin, 57. Moreta, D., P. Hurtado, A. F. Salcedo, L. Chávez, M. Rondón, G. V. Subbarao, M. Duque, J. Miles, C. Lascano, I. M. Rao, O. Ito, and M. Ishitani. 2007. Chemical, biochemical, and molecular studies of Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) in crops. Oral presentation at the workshop on practical application of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) for crop and grass improvement to mitigate climate change and increasing the nitrogen use efficiency. Sept 19, 2007 Kihara Institute, Yokohama City University, Japan. Moreta‐Mejía, D., P. Hurtado, A. F. Salcedo, L.Chávez, M. Rondón, M. Ishitani, M. Duque, J. Miles, C. Lascano, I. M. Rao, G. V. Subbarao and I. Ito. 2007. Chemical, biochemical, and molecular studies for the biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) in crops. An integrated approach to study BNI phenomenon. Oral paper presented at the VI The Latin America and the Caribbean Meetings on Agricultural Biotechnology (REDBIO), Viña del mar ‐Valparaiso, Chile, October 22‐ 26, 2007. Moreta‐Mejía, D., P. Hurtado, A. F. Salcedo, L.Chávez, M. Rondón, M. Duque, G. V. Subbarao, I. Ito, J. Miles, C. Lascano, I.M. Rao and M. Ishitani. 2007. Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) ‐A novel phenomenon. Poster paper presented at the VI The Latin America and the Caribbean Meetings on Agricultural Biotechnology (REDBIO), Viña del mar ‐Valparaiso, Chile, October 22‐ 26, 2007. Louw‐Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao and E. Frossard. 2007. Morphological and physiological markers for enhanced phosphorus (P) acquisition in Brachiaria species provide mechanistic insights into P uptake and P use in these tropical grasses. Poster paper presented at the annual conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG), October 9‐11, 2007. Witzenhausen, Germany. Douxchamps, S., E. Frossard, I. M. Rao, A. Schmidt, R. Van der Hoek, M. Mena and A. Oberson. 2007. Effects of Canavalia brasiliensis on nitrogen dynamics in crop‐livestock systems of the Nicaraguan hillsides. Paper presented at NITROGEN 2007 International Conference, Lancaster, UK. 27‐31 July 2007. Subbarao, G. V., O. Ito, T. Watanabe, K. Nakahara, S. Pearse, A. K. M. Zakir Hussain, S. Gopalakrishnan, M. Rondon, I. M. Rao, C. Lascano, J. Miles, M. Ishitani, M. P. Hurtado, M. Kishii, T. Ban, T. Hash, K. L. Sahrawat and H. D. Upadhyaya. 2007. Seeking a genetic strategy to control nitrification and N2O emissions from agricultural systems – Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI). Paper presented at NITROGEN 2007 International Conference, Lancaster, UK. 27‐31 July 2007. Khan, M. S. H., T. Wagatsuma, K. Tawaraya, M. Kambayashi, M. Chuba, S. Ishikawa, A. Akhter, P. Wenzl and I. M. Rao. 2007. Aluminum tolerance is not always the primary strategy for better growth of rice in long‐term under low ionic strength conditions. Paper presented at RHIZOSPHERE 2 International Conference, Montpellier, France. 26‐31 August 2007. Louw‐Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao and E. Frossard. 2007. The response specificity of oxalic acid exudation and acid phosphatase secretion with the internal plant P status in Brachiaria grasses. Poster paper presented at RHIZOSPHERE 2 International Conference, Montpellier, France. 26‐31 August 2007. Subbarao, G. V., O. Ito, T. Watanabe, M. Rondon, I. M. Rao, S. Pearse, Z. Hussain, S. Gopalakrishnan and K. Nakahara. 2007. Natural nitrification inhibition by plants – A novel 103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 44 genetic strategy to combat nitrification and N2O emissions from agricultural systems. Paper presented at RHIZOSPHERE 2 International Conference, Montpellier, France. 26‐31 August 2007. Rao, I. M., J. Polania, R. García and S. Beebe. 2007. Desarrollo de un método en invernadero usando tubos con suelo para cuantificar diferencias fenotípicas en desarrollo y distribución de raíces en líneas avanzadas de fríjol común bajo condiciones de estrés por sequía. Paper presented at the LIII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. 23‐27 April, 2007. Louw‐Gaume, A., A. Gaume, E. Frossard, S. M. Kerguelén and I. M. Rao. 2007. Adaptación de especies de Brachiaria a suelos bajos en disponibilidad de fosforo. Paper presented at the LIII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. 23‐27 April, 2007. Rao, I. M., J. Rincón, R. García and J. Miles. 2007. Desarrollo de un método para cuantificar variación genotipica en tolerancia a la inundación en hibridos de Brachiaria. Paper presented at the LIII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. 23‐27 April, 2007. Polania, J., I. M. Rao, S. Beebe and R. García. 2007. Evaluación del desarrollo y distribución de raíces bajo estrés por sequía en 16 genotipos de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) usando cilindros plasticos en condiciones de invernadero. Paper presented at the XXXVII Congreso Anual de COMALFI (Sociedad Colombiana de Control de Malezas y Fisiologia Vegetal), Santa Marta, Colombia. 2‐4 May, 2007. Rincón, J., I. M. Rao, R. García and J. Miles. 2007. Variación genotipica en la tolerancia a la inundación de 121 genotipos de Brachiaria. Paper presented at the XXXVII Congreso Anual de COMALFI (Sociedad Colombiana de Control de Malezas y Fisiologia Vegetal), Santa Marta, Colombia. 2‐4 May, 2007. Rincón, J., J. A. Polania, I. M. Rao, J. Miles and R. García. 2007. Variación genotipica por tolerancia a sequía en Brachiaria bajo condiciones de invernadero usando un sistema de cilindros plásticos transparentes. Paper presented at the XXXVII Congreso Anual de COMALFI (Sociedad Colombiana de Control de Malezas y Fisiologia Vegetal), Santa Marta, Colombia. 2‐4 May, 2007. Rao, I.M. 2006. Best bet root traits of common bean for impact in a breeding program. Presentation in the Bean Breeding Strategy Workshop. CIAT, Cali, CO, 22‐25 August 2006. Rao, I.M. 2006. Progress in physiology of drought resistance in common bean. Presentation in the Bean Breeding Strategy Workshop. CIAT, Cali, CO, 22‐25 August, 2006. Rao, I.M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, G. Manrique, J. Polania and R. García. 2006. Progress in identifying shoot and root traits of common bean that contribute to improved adaptation to abiotic stress factors. [presentation] [CD‐ROM]. In: Bean Workshop on Cultivation of Common Bean in Low Input Systems: Bridging Expectations, Accomplishments and Further Needs (BEAN) (2006, Cali, Colombia). 2006. Presentations [CD‐ROM] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. Ribet, J., Beebe, S., Rao, I.M., Acosta, J., Chaveco, O., Tovar, E., Duque, M.C., Jones, P. and Meneses, R. 2006. QTL Analysis of the population DOR 364 x BAT 477 [presentation] [CD‐ROM]. In: Bean Workshop Cultivation of Common Bean in Low Input Systems: Bridging Expectations, Accomplishments and Further Needs (BEAN) (2006, Cali, Colombia). 2006. Presentations [CD‐ ROM] . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Miles, P. Wenzl, A. Rangel and W. Horst. 2006. Advances in physiological aspects of abiotic stress adaptation in Beans and Brachiaria. Presentation in the Kick‐off 92. 91. 90. 89. 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. 83. 45 workshop of the BMZ‐GTZ funded drought and aluminum toxicity project. Kigali, Rwanda, 26‐28 June, 2006. Rao, I. M. 2006. Overview of the BMZ‐GTZ Project. Fighting drought and aluminum toxicity: Integrating functional genomics, phenotypic screening and participatory research with women and small‐scale farmers to develop stress‐resistant common bean and Brachiaria for the tropics. Presentation in the Kick‐off workshop of the BMZ‐GTZ funded drought and aluminum toxicity project. Kigali, Rwanda, 26‐28 June, 2006. Blair, M.W., L.M. Rodriguez, L. Galindo, M. Ishitani, S.E. Beebe, I.M. Rao. 2006. Characterization of DREB genes as drought tolerance candidates in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annual General Meeting of Generation Challenge Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12‐16 September, 2006. Louw‐Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao and E. Frossard. 2006. Phosphorus utilization in Brachiaria grass species with contrasting growth response to low P supply. Paper presented at an International Frontis Workshop on GENE‐PLANT‐CROP Relations: Scale and Complexitiy in Plant Systems Research. 23‐26 April 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Paper published as an abstract for the Session: Diversity in plant and cropping systems (S4‐2: page 66). Louw‐Gaume, A., A. Gaume, I. M. Rao and E. Frossard. 2006. Improved selection criteria for assessment of genotypic diversity and adaptation in tropical pasture grasses. Poster paper presented at 14th Jahrestagung der Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Planzenbauwissenschaften (SGPW) under the theme of " Beitrag des Pflanzenbaus zur Diversitat und Anpassungsfahigkeit der Landwirtschaft" (In english: The contribution of plant diversity to the flexibility of agricultural practices) at the Institute for Plant Science in Bern on 14 March 2006. Poster P‐9 on page 27. Rangel, A.F., I.M. Rao, W.J. Horst. 2006. Short and long term root‐growth responses to aluminium in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Poster presented at “Plant Nutrition meets Plant Breeding”, first joint conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition – DGP and the Research Centre for Biotechnology and Plant Breeding Uni. Hohenheim – FSP, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Polania, J. Ricaurte, C. Cajiao y R. García. 2006. Evaluación de resistencia a sequía en lineas recombinante (RILs) de la cruza MD 23‐24 X SEA 5. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24‐28 April, 2006. Kelemu, S., P. A. Fory, I. M. Rao and C. E. Lascano. 2006. Endophytic bacteria promote plant growth in tropical forage brachariagrass [abstract]. Phytopathology 96 (6):S59. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, M. Blair, E. Tovar, M. A. Grajales y C. Cajiao. 2006. Identificación de QTL para resistencia a sequía en lineas recombinante (RILs) de la cruza MD 23‐24 X SEA 5. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24‐28 April, 2006. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, M. A. Grajales y C. Cajiao. 2006. Evaluación de lineas desarrolladas para resistencia a sequía en condiciones de bajo fósforo en Darién, Colombia. Paper presented at the LII Reunión Anual de PCCMCA (Program Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales), Montelimar, Nicaragua. 24‐28 April, 2006. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Teran, C. Cajiao, G. Manrique, J. Polania, Y. L. Lopez y M. Blair. 2006. Limitaciones edaficas y climaticas para la producción de frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Paper presented at the Seminario de Bioteconologia y ciencias agrarias. Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Colombia. 31 October‐I November, 2006. 82. 81. 80. 79. 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 46 Rao, I. M., J. Miles, P. Wenzl, J. Ricaurte, C. Plazas and R. Garcia. 2006. Avances en el desarollo de hibridos de Brachiaria con adaptación a suelos ácidos. Paper presented at the Seminario de Bioteconologia y Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Colombia. 31 October‐I November, 2006. Castro, A., Barrios, E., Rao, I. M., Menjivar, J.C., Amézquita, E. Ayarza, M., Asakawa, N., Borrero, G. 2006. Avances en la comprensión del balance de nutrientes en el Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual (Honduras). Oral presentation at ‘XIII Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo’, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2006. Ferreira, O., M. Rondón, M. P.Hurtado y I. M. Rao. 2006. Flujos de gases de efecto invernadero en el Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual en Lempira, Honduras, Oral presentation at ‘’IV Encuentro RUPSUR”, Cali, Colombia. Voss, J., I. M. Rao, C. Lascano, E. Amezquita and L. Rivas. 2006. Strategies and opportunities for intensification and diversification of livestock‐based systems in neotropical savannas of Colombia. Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Transforming Tropical Agriculture: An Assessment of Major Technological, Institutional, and Policy Innovations” held at Brasilia, Brazil. July 17‐19, 2006. Ayarza, M., E. Amézquita, E. Barrios, M. Rondon and I. M. Rao. 2006. Decision support tools and Technologies to assess and reverse land degradation in tropical savanna and hillside agroecosystems of Latin America. Invited paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA. July 9‐15, 2006. Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, M. Rondon, E. Barrios, M. Ayarza, P. Hoyos and D. Molina. 2006. Improvement of low fertility soils (Oxisols) for high productivity and sustainability of crop‐ livestock systems in tropical savannas of Colombia. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA. July 9‐15, 2006 (Poster paper). Welchez, L. A., M. Ayarza, E. Amezquita, E. Barrios, M. Rondon, I. M. Rao, M. Rivera, J. Pavon, O. Ferreira, D. Valladares, N. Sanchez and A. Castro. 2006. Unravelling the mysteries of the Quesungual flash and mulch agroforestry. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA. July 9‐15, 2006 (Poster paper). Manrique, G., I. M. Rao and S. Beebe. 2006. Identification of aluminum resistant common bean genotypes using a hydroponic screening method. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA. July 9‐15, 2006 (Oral and poster paper). Wenzl, P., A. Chaves, M. Buitrago, G. Patino, J. Miles and I. M. Rao. 2006. Development and validation of a hydroponic screening method to identify acid soil adapted genotypes of the tropical forage grass Brachiaria. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, USA. July 9‐15, 2006 (Oral and poster paper). Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, J. Bernal, E. Barrios, M. Rondon and M. Ayarza. 2005. Management of acid soils in the Llanos of Colombia. Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Advances in improving acid soil adaptation of tropical crops and forages, and management of acid soils” held at Brasilia, Brazil. October 18 to 21, 2005. Rao, I. M., P. Wenzl, A. Arango, J. Miles, T. Watanabe, T. Shinano, M. Osaki, T. Wagatsuma, G. Manrique, S. Beebe, J. Tohme, M. Ishitani, A. Rangel and W. Horst. 2005. Advances in developing screening methods and improving aluminum resistance in common bean and Brachiaria. Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Advances in improving acid soil adaptation of tropical crops and forages, and management of acid soils” held at Brasilia, Brazil. October 18 to 21, 2005. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. 47 Gallego, G., A. Arango, M. E. Buitrago, C. Rosero, P. Wenzl, M. Ishitani, I. M. Rao and J. Tohme. 2005. Progress in gene identification for high level of aluminum resistance in signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens). Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Advances in improving acid soil adaptation of tropical crops and forages, and management of acid soils” held at Brasilia, Brazil. October 18 to 21, 2005. Rao, I. M., P. Wenzl, J. Miles, S. Beebe1, P. Kimani, J. Tohme, M. Ishitani and W. Horst. 2005. Acid soil adaptation of tropical crops and forages: Advances in improving common bean and Brachiaria. Paper presented at IAEA Consultant’s Meeting on “Selection and Development of Germplasm Tolerant to Nutritional Stress in Tropical Crops” held at Vienna International Centre, 25‐27 July, 2005. Vienna, Austria. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, C. Cajiao, J. Polanía and R. García. 2005. Evaluación de la resistencia a sequia en lineas avanzadas de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Paper presented in the XLX Meeting of the PCCMCA, Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano de Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales. Panama City, Panama. Beebe, S., I. M. Rao, C. Cajiao and G. Manrique. 2005. Identificación de tolerancia en Phaseolus coccineus a la toxicidad causada por aluminio. Paper presented in the XLX Meeting of the PCCMCA, Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano de Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales. Panama City, Panama. Arango, A., P. Wenzl, D. Cortés, G. Gallego, M. Ishitani, I. M. Rao and J. Tohme 2004. Identification of candidate genes for aluminum resistance in Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk. Paper presented at V Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Biotecnología Agricola, 21 to 25 June 2004, Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. Wenzl, P., M. E. Buitrago, A. Arango, G. Gallego, A. L. Chaves, M. Ishitani, J. Tohme and I. M. Rao. 2004. Elucidating aluminum resistance mechanisms in signalgrass. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium in Kurashiki on “Al Stress Research in Plants: Present Status and New Directions for Future”. Satellite Symposium of the 6th PSILPH in Sendai. Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan. 7 August, 2004. Barrios E., J. G. Cobo, M. T. Trejo, L. Welchez, M. Ayarza, E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rondón, G. Flores and N. Sanginga. 2004. Towards an understanding of soil processes behind the success of the Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS) in Western Honduras. ASA‐SSSA‐ CSSA meeting, Seattle, USA. Rao, I. M., J. Miles, P. Wenzl, J. Ricaurte, C. Plazas and R. Garcia. 2004. Screening for aluminum resistance and field evaluation for acid soil adaptation in Brachiaria. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium in Kurashiki on “Al Stress Research in Plants: Present Status and New Directions for Future”. Satellite Symposium of the 6th PSILPH in Sendai. Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan. 7 August, 2004. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, H. Ceballos, A. Alves, J. Miles, C. Martinez, M. Chatel, G. Trouche, M. Lorieux, M. Blair and M. Ishitani. 2004. Phenotypic evaluation for improving adaptation to drought in common bean, cassava, rice and Brachiaria. Abstract of the invited paper presented at the Generation Challenge Program Workshop on Phenotyping and Water Deficit held at Agropolis, Montpellier, France (5‐9 July, 2004), p 45. Barrios E., J. G. Cobo, M. T. Trejo, M. Ayarza, E. Amézquita, I. M. Rao, M. Rondón and N. Sanginga. 2004. Towards an understanding of the ecological processes behind the success of the Quesungual Slash and Mulch Agroforestry System (QSMAS) in Western Honduras. Book of Abstracts. 1st World Congress of Agroforestry: Working together for sustainable land use 48 61. 60. 59. 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. systems. 27 June‐2 July 2004. Orlando, Florida, USA, p 107. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Terán, C. Cajiao and M. Blair. 2004. Variación genotípica en frijol común para adaptación de baja fertilidad del suelo. Paper presented (20 April 2004) at the Workshop on Mineral Nutrition in Common bean organized with the XLIX PCCMCA meeting held at San Salvador, El Salvador. April 19‐23, 2004. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, M. Ayarza, G. Trouche, H. Ceballos, A. Alves, J. Miles, P. Argel, A. Schmidt, M. Peters, F. Holman, M. Lundy, C. Quiros, M. Rondon and H. Córdova. 2004. Strategies for improving crop and forage adaptation to dry conditions of Central America. Invited paper presented at the “International Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods and Biological Diversity” held at Turrialba, Costa Rica. March 16‐18, 2004. Rao, I. M. 2003. Dinámica del fósforo en el suelo, adquisición y ciclaje en sistemas agropastoriles en los Llanos Orientales. Invited paper presented at “Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Labranza de Conservación”, held at Villavicencio, 29 October‐1 November, 2003. Tohme, J., I. M. Rao, P. wenzl, S. Beebe and M. Ishitani. 2003. Functional genomics applied to abiotic stress using Al tolerance a simple case and drought as a complex case. Invited paper presented at the Annual Meetings of ASA‐CSSA‐SSSA, Denver, CO, USA. Beebe, S., Rao, I. M., Terán, H., Cajiao, C., Ricaurte, J., and Beltran, J. 2003. Progreso en Aumentar Tolerancia a Estrés Abiótico en Frijol Común. Paper presented in the XLIX Meeting of the PCCMCA, Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano de Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales. La Ceiba, Honduras.April 27‐May 3, 2003. Amede, T., E. Amézquita, J. Ashby, M. Ayarza, E. Barrios, A. Bationo, S. Beebe, A. Bellotti, M. Blair, R. delve, S. Fujisaka, R. Howeler, N. Johnson, S. Kaaria, S. Kelemu, P. Kerridge, R. Kirkby, C. Lascano, R. Lefroy, G. Mahuku, H. Murwira, T. Obertur, D. Pachico, M. Peters, J. Ramisch, I. M. Rao, M. Rondon, P. Sanginga, M. Swift and B. Vanlauwe. 2002. Biological nitrogen fixation: A key input to integrated soil fertility management in the tropics. Position paper presented by I. Rao on behalf of CIAT‐TSBF Working Group on BNF‐CP for “ International Workshop on Biological Nitrogen Fixation for Increased Crop Productivity, Enhanced Human Health and Sustained Soil Fertility”. ENSA‐INRA, Montpellier, France (10‐14 June, 2002). Phiri, S., E. Barrios, I. M. Rao and B. R. Singh. 2002. Changes in soil organic matter and phosphorus fractions under planted fallows and a crop rotation system on a Colombian volcanic‐ash soil. Poster presentation at the ASA, CSSA. SSSA 2002 Annual Meeting “Uniting Sciences: Solutions for the Global Community”. Indianapolis, USA (November, 2002). Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Téran and G. Mahuku. 2002. Identificación de los caracteres asociados con la resistencia a la sequía en frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Paper presented at XLVIII Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. Beebe, S., H. Téran and I. M. Rao. 2002. Evaluación de poblaciones para combinar tolerancia a sequía con resistencia a BGMV en frijol de grano rojo y negro en CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Paper presented at XLVIII Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, Boca Chica, Dominican Republic. Gomez‐Carabali, A. and I. M. Rao. 2002. Respuestas de adaptación de especies forrajeras a suelos ácidos en zonas de ladera de Colombia. Paper presented at XI Colombian Soil Science Congress, Cali, Colombia. Rao, I. M., S. Beebe, J. Ricaurte, H. Téran and S. P. Singh. 2001. Frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) con mejor adaptación a toxicidad de aluminio. Paper presented at XLVII Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Beebe, S., H. Téran and I. M. Rao. 2001. Progreso en el desarrollo de líneas de frijol resistentes a 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 49 sequía con grano rojo y negro en CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Paper presented at XLVII Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Araya, R. and I. M. Rao. 2001. Evaluación de fuentes de resistencia baja fertilidad en frijol común. Paper presented at XLVII Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, San Jose, Costa Rica. Barrios, E., J. G. Cobo, I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, E. Amézquita and J. J. Jiménez. 2000. Fallow management for soil fertility recovery in tropical Andean agroecosystems in Colombia. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, USA. I. M. Rao, P. Troy, S. Beebe and J. Ricaurte. 2000. Identificación de genotipos de fríjol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) con mejor adaptación a sequía. Paper presented at XLVI Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ricaurte, J., H. Terán, I. M. Rao and S. Beebe. 2000. Evaluación de genotipos de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) bajo estrés moderado de sequía. Paper presented at XLVI Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oberson, A., D. K. Friesen, I. M. Rao, S. Buehler and E. Frossard. 2000. Phosphorus transformations in an oxisol under contrasting agricultural systems: The role of the microbial biomass. Paper presented at the International Symposium on “Soil functioning under pastures in intertropical areas. October 16 to 20, 2000. Brasilia, Brazil. Buehler, S., A. Oberson, I. M. Rao and E. Frossard. 2000. Sequential phosphorus extraction of a 33P labelled soil. Paper presented at the International Symposium on “Soil functioning under pastures in intertropical areas. October 16 to 20, 2000. Brasilia, Brazil. Amézquita, E., I. M. Rao, D. L. Molina, S. Phiri, R. Lal and R. Thomas. 2000. Constructing an arable layer: Key issues for sustainable agriculture in tropical savannas. Poster paper presented at ISTRO conference, USA. Amézquita, E., R. J. Thomas, I. M. Rao, D. L. Molina and P. Hoyos. 2000. The influence of pastures on soil physical characteristics of an oxisol in the eastern plains (Llanos Orientales) of Colombia. Paper presented at the International Symposium on “Soil functioning under pastures in intertropical areas. October 16 to 20, 2000. Brasilia, Brazil. Rao, I. M., S. Singh, J. Ricaurte and H. Teran. 1999. Genotipos de fríjol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) adaptados a suelos tropicales y eficientes en el uso de nutrientes. Invited paper presented at XLV Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Ayarza, M. A., I. M. Rao and E. Barrios. 1999. Potencial de los mecanismos suelos‐planta y de los sistemas integrados en el uso eficiente de los nutrimentos disponibles en suelos tropicales. Invited paper presented at XLV Annual Meeting of PCCMCA, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Wenzl, P., I. M. Rao, J. E. Mayer and W. Roca. 1999. Aluminum tolerance and other traits contributing to acid soil adaptation in a tropical forage grass, Brachiaria decumbens. Invited paper presented at an international workshop on “Genetic Analysis and Engineering of Aluminum Tolerance in Plants”, Campinas, Brazil. Fisher, M. J., I. M. Rao and R. J. Thomas 1998. Nutrient cycling in tropical pastures, with special reference to neotropical savannas. In: Proc. of the XVIII International Grassland Congress held during June 8‐19 in Winnipeg and Saskatoon, Canada. Ricaurte, J., Q. Zhiping, D. Filipe, I. M. Rao and E. Amézquita 1998. Distribución radicular, absorción de nutrientes y erosión edáfica en sistemas de cultivos y forrajeros en laderas del Cauca, Colombia. Poster paper presentation at “IX Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo”, Paipa, Colombia (21‐23 October, 1998). Rao, I. M., J. Ribet, S. Beebe and J. Ricaurte 1998. Diferencias genotipicas en la adaptación del 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 50 frijol a la baja oferta de fósforo en el suelo. Oral presentation at “XLIV Annual Meeting of PCCMCA”, Managua, Nicaragua (20‐23 April, 1998). Castañeda, N. and I. M. Rao 1998. Identificación de genotipos de Arachis pintoi con eficiencia nutricional y su potencialidad para multipropósitos en suelos ácidos (Ultisoles y Oxisoles). Paper presented in a seminar on “Globolización y uso sostenido de los recursos naturales en la Agricultura”, Caracas, Venezuela (15‐21 March, 1998). Rao, I. M. 1998. Distribution and function of roots. Oral paper presented at “III Escuela Latinoamericana de Física de Suelos (ELAFIS) meeting”, CIAT and National University of Palmira, Palmira, Colombia (16‐28 March, 1998). Wenzl, P., L. I. Mancilla, J. E. Mayer and I. M. Rao 1997. Simulated acid soil stress and its influence on root growth and H+ ‐ ATPase of root plasma membranes in a tropical forage grass, Brachiaria. Paper presented at “Radical Biology: An International Symposium in Root Biology”, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (May 22‐24, 1997). Friesen, D.K., R. J. Thomas, I. M. Rao, E. Amézquita, T. Decaens and J. I. Sanz 1997. Processes of soil degradation and recuperation under rotational production systems on savanna Oxisols. Poster paper presented at International Workshop on “Green Manure – Cover Crop Systems for Small Holders in Tropical and Subtropical Regions”, Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil (April 6‐12, 1997). Friesen, D.K., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, A. Oberson and J. A. Cepeda 1997. Phosphorus acquisition and cycling in low fertility tropical soils. Oral presentation at the workshop on “Assessing and Improving the Sustainability of Land Use in the Cerrado Region in Brazil”, Bayreuth University, Bayreuth, Germany (June 23‐26, 1997). Wenzl, P., C. A. Pineda, I. M. Rao and J. E. Mayer 1997. Aluminum‐induced phosphate accumulation in the meristematic zone of root apices of a tropical forage grass, Brachiaria decumbens. Oral paper presented at the International Symposium on “Plant Responses to Ionic Stress: Aluminum and Other Ions”, Kurashiki, Japan (September 19‐20, 1997). Friesen, D.K., R. J. Thomas, J. I. Sanz, I. M. Rao, E. Amézquita, T. Decaens, G. Rippstein and R. R. Vera. 1996. Productive, soil conserving/improving systems for the tropical american savannas. Poster paper presented at the “2nd International Crop Science Congress”, New Delhi, India (17‐ 24 November, 1996). Sanz, J. I., E. Amézquita, D. K. Friesen, R. Thomas, I. M. Rao, R. R. Vera and E. B. Knapp 1996. Integrated management of production and conservation in prototype production systems for the Andean hillsides. Poster paper presented at the “2nd International Crop Science Congress”, New Delhi, India (17‐24 November, 1996). Rao, I. M., J. W. Miles and J. C. Granobles 1996. Field evaluation for tolerance to low soil fertility, acid soil among germplasm accessions and genetic recombinants of the tropical forage grass genus, Brachiaria. Paper presented at “IV International Symposium on Plant‐Soil Interactions at Low pH”, Bel Horizonte, Brazil (March 17‐24, 1996). Haussler, K., A. Milz, I. M. Rao, B. Dinkelaker and H. Marschner 1995. Growth and phosphorus uptake of tropical forage legumes grown with or without mycorrhizal fungi in two acid‐infertile oxisols. Paper presented at a conference on "Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Sustainable Soil‐Plant Systems" at Hannover, Germany. COST ACTION 821: European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (23‐24 June, 1995). Rao, I. M., V. Borrero and R. Garcia 1994. Phosphorus acquisition from different sources of phosphate in acid soils by a tropical forage legume, Arachis pintoi. Poster presented at an 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 51 international conference on "Genetics and molecular biology of plant nutrition" at Davis, USA (17‐24 July, 1994). Thomas, R. J., I. M. Rao, M. A. Ayarza, J. I. Sanz, T. Decaens, G. Rippstein, A. J. Gijsman and P. Lavelle 1994. Forage legumes ‐ the means to reverse tropical soil degradation with low inputs? Transactions of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science Vol. 5b: 79‐80. Fisher, M. J., I. M. Rao, R. J. Thomas, M. A. Ayarza, C. E. Lascano, J. I. Sanz and R. Vera 1994. The sequestration of carbon by introduced pastures in the neotropical savannas. Poster presented at the 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico. Rao, I.M., M.A. Ayarza, R.J. Thomas, M. Fisher, J.I. Sanz, J. Spain and C. Lascano 1992. Soil‐plant factors and processes affecting sustainable production in acid soils of lowland tropics. Poster presented at the “International Crop Science Congress”, Ames, Iowa, USA (14‐22 July, 1992). Thomas, R.J., I.M. Rao, M.A. Ayarza, J.I. Sanz, M. Fisher and C. Lascano 1992. How much pasture legume is needed to avoid depletion of soil reserves? Poster presented at the “International Crop Science Congress”, Ames, Iowa, USA (14‐22 July, 1992). Herrera, P., M.A. Ayarza, I.M. Rao and E. Amézquita 1991. Efecto de las pasturas mejoradas en rotación con el arroz sobre algunas de las propiedades físicas de un suelo de la altillanura colombiana. VI Congreso Colombiano de la Ciencia del Suelo. Manizales, Agosto 1991. Rao, I.M., W.M. Roca, M.A. Ayarza, E. Tabares and R. Garcia. 1991. Somaclonal variation in plant adaptation to acid soil in a tropical forage legume, Stylosanthes guianensis. Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on “Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition”, Canberra, Australia (September 30 ‐ October 4, 1991). Rao, I.M., W.M. Roca, M.A. Ayarza and R. Garcia. 1991. Dry matter partitioning and nutrient efficiency of C3 legumes and C4 grasses adapted to acid soils of tropical America. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 96: 23. Arulanantham, A.R., I.M. Rao and N. Terry. 1990. Regeneration of ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate limits photosynthesis at low photochemical capacity. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 93:9. Ayarza,M.A., and I.M. Rao. 1990. Phosphorus management for pasture production in acid soils: Plant adaptation strategies. Second International Symposium on "Plant‐soil interactions at low pH", Beckley, WV, USA. Terry, N. and I.M. Rao. 1989. Role of phosphate in the carbon fixation, partitioning and export in Beta vulgaris. J. Sugar Beet Res. 26:A25. Rao, I.M. and N. Terry. 1988. Influence of leaf phosphate status and shortened day length on growth, photosynthesis and carbon partitioning in sugar beet. Agronomy Abstr. pp. 116. Rao, I.M., A.R. Arulanantham and N. Terry. 1988. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic carbon metabolism in relation to leaf phosphate status in sugar beet. C.S. French Symposium on Photosynthesis, Stanford University, Stanford. Arulanantham, A.R., I.M. Rao and N. Terry. 1988. Regulation of photosynthesis in vivo by photosynthetic electron transport is not mediated via the levels of leaf ATP and NADPH. C.S. French Symposium on Photosynthesis, Stanford University, Stanford. Rao, I.M., A.L. Fredeen, A.R. Arulanantham and N. Terry 1988. Diurnal changes in photosynthesis and carbon partitioning in relation to leaf phosphate status in sugar beet. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 86:S‐37. Rao, I.M., A.R. Arulanantham and N. Terry 1988. Diurnal changes in adenylates and nicotinamide nucleotides in sugar beet leaves. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 86:S‐38. Fredeen, A.L., I.M. Rao and N. Terry 1988. Photosynthesis, C‐metabolism, and growth responses 52 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. in soybean to phosphate deprivation. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 86:S‐38. Rao, I.M. and J.S. Boyer 1984. Leaf potassium content and photosynthetic response to low water potentials in sunflower. Agronomy Abstr. pp. 114. Rao, I.M. and J.S. Boyer 1984. Leaf magnesium content and photosynthetic response to low water potentials in sunflower. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 75:S‐174. Rao, I.M. and L.E. Anderson 1983. Effects of DCMU on stomatal opening and light modulation in enzymes in pea leaf epidermis. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 72:S‐295. Rao, I.M. and L.E. Anderson 1982. Effects of sulfite and arsenite on stomatal opening and light modulation of enzymes in epidermis. Paper presented at the Gordon Res. Conf. on “CO2 Fixation by Green Plants”, Proctor Academy, New Hampshire (June 1982). Mohammed, A.H., I.M. Rao and L.E. Anderson 1982. The effect of SO2 on the light effect mediator (LEM) system in green plants. Paper presented at the “DOE/OHER Terrestrial Ecology Meeting”, Gaithersburg, Maryland (March 1982). Rao, I.M. and L.E. Anderson 1982. Light modulation of enzymes in epidermis: possible involvement of light activation of enzymes in stomatal opening. Plant Physiol. (Suppl.) 69:S‐128. Rao, I.M., G. Rajendrudu and V.S.R. Das 1978. Photosynthetic 14Carbon fixation in isolated leaf cells and mesophyll protoplasts of C3, C4 and CAM plants. Paper presented at the International Symposium on “Biological Applications of Solar Energy”. Madurai University, Madurai, India. Rao, I.M., P.M. Swamy and V.S.R. Das 1977. CAM‐syndrome in some nonsucculents and its suppression by paraquat. Paper presented at the “IV Intl. Cong. on Photosyn. Research”, Reading, England.
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