MANUEL RICARDO IBARRA GARCÍA Born in Baza (Granada, Spain), January 5th 1955 Address: - Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza (C/. Pedro Cerbuna, 12, 50.0009 Zaragoza –Spain) I T. +34 976 761 230 Web: :// - Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón. C/. Mariano Esquillor, s/n, Edificio I+D, 50.018 Zaragoza –Spain I T. +34 976 762 891 email: @unizar. PRESENT POSITION Full Professor at the Condensed Matter Physics Department in the University of Zaragoza since 1995. Director of the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon since 2003. Director of the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) since 2007. Managing partner and scientific consultant of NanoScale Biomagnetics, Spin off of the University of Zaragoza, since 2008, and Nanoimmunotech, Spin off of the University of Zaragoza and University of Vigo since 2009. Head of the Magnetism Section of the European Physical Society since 2000. EDUCATION: Physics Degree. University of Granada. 1979. PhD in Physics. University of Zaragoza. 1983. Doctor Honoris Causa. AGH University. Krakow (Poland). 2008. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Along the past few years his research activity is focused on the magnetic properties of nanostructured materials and the application of nanotechnology in biomedicine. Most relevant contributions: Magnetic anisotropy in rare earth intermetallics Colossal magnetoresistance in mixed valent magnetic oxides Giant magnetocaloric effect alloys Magnetic thin films and magnetic nanoparticles Applications of nanoparticles in biomedicine and magnetoresistive sensors PUBLICATIONS (most relevant of the 5 past years) First author or co-author of more than 400 publications, 407 papers belonging to the Science Citation Index (17 of them cited more than 100 times). In general, his papers have been cited in 6.440 articles and a total of 9.404 times. He has an H-index of 48 according to the ISI Web of Knowledge database on 17th October 2014. - Selection of the most relevant publications in the area of nanobiomedicine: Cifuentes, Z.; Custardoy, L.; de la Fuente, J. M.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; Rubiales, D.; Pérez de Luque, A. “Absortion and translocation to the aerial part of magnetic carbon-coated nanoparticles through the root of different crop plants” Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 8 (26), 470-485. 2010. Asín, L.; Ibarra, M. R.; Tres, A.; Goya, G. F. “Controlled Cell Death by Magnetic Hyperthermia: Effects of Exposure Time, Field Amplitude, and Nanoparticle Concentration” Pharmaceutical Research, 29, 1319-1327. 2012. Serrate, D.; De Teresa, J. M.; Marquina, C.; Marzo, J.; Saurel, D.; Cardoso, F. A.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P.; Ibarra, M. R. “Quantitative biomolecular sensing station based on magnetoresistive patterned arrays” Biosensors and bioelectronics, 35, 206-212. 2012. Sanz, V.; Conde. J.; Hernández, Y.; Baptista, P. V.; Ibarra, M. R.; de la Fuente, J. M. “Effect of PEG Biofunctional spacers and TAT peptide on dsRNA loading on gold nanoparticles” Journal of nanoparticle research, 14, 917. 2012. Escribano, E.; Fernandez-Pacheco, R.; Gabriel Valdivia, J.; Ibarra, M. R; Marquina, C.; Queralt, J. “Effect of Magnet Implant on Iron Biodistribution of Fe@C Nanoparticles in the Mouse” Archives of Pharmacal Research, 35 (1), 93-100. 2012. Riggio, C.; Calatayud, M. P.; Hosking, C.; Pinkernelle, J.; Sanz, B.; Torres, T. E.; Ibarra, M. R.; Wang, L.; Keilhoff, G.; Goya, G. F.; Raffa, V.; Cuschieri, A. “Poly-l-lysine-coated magnetic nanoparticles as intracellular actuators for neural guidance” International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7, 3155-3166. 2012. Grazú, V.; Silber, A. M.; Moros, M.; Asín, L.; Torres, T. E.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; Goya, G. F. “Application of magnetically induced hyperthermia in the model protozoan Crithidia fasciculata as a potencial therapy against parasitic infections” International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7, 5351-5360. 2012. Conde, J.; Tian, F. R.; Hernandez, Y.; Bao, C. C.; Cui, C. X.; Janssen, K. P.; Ibarra, M. R.; Baptista, P. V.; Stoeger, T.; de la Fuente, J. M. “In vivo tumor targeting via nanoparticle-mediated therapeutic siRNA coupled to inflammatory response in lung cancer mouse models” Biomaterials, 34 (31), 7744-7753. 2013. Goya, G. F.; Asín, L.; Ibarra, M. R. “Cell death induced by AC magnetic fields and magnetic nanoparticles: Current state and perspectives” International Journal of Hyperthermia, 29 (8), 810-818. 2013. Calatayud, M. P.; Riggio, C.; Raffa, V.; Sanz, B.; Torres, T. E.; Ibarra, M. R.; Hoskins, C.; Cuschieri, A.; Wang, L.; Pinkernelle, J.; Keihofff, G.; Goya, G. F. “Neuronal cells loaded with PEI-coated nanoparticles for magnetically guided nerve regeneration” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1 (29), 3607-3616. 2013. Conde, J.; Ambrosone, A.; Hernandez Y.; Marchesano, V.; Tian, F.; Ibarra, M. R.; Baptista, P. V.; Tortiglione, C.; de la Fuente, J. M. “Designing Gold Nanoparticles for in vivo Gene Silencing as a New Therapeutic Tool” Human Gene Therapy, 24, A24-A24. 2013. Rispail, N.; De Matteis, L.; Santos, R.; Miguel, A. S.; Custardoy, L.; Testillano, P. S.; Risueño, M. C.; Pérez-de-Luque, A.; Maycock, C.; Fevereiro, P.; Oliva, A.; Fernández-Pacheco, R.; Ibarra, M. R.; M. de la Fuente, J.; Marquina, C.; Rubiales, D.; Prats, E. “Quantum Dot and Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle Interaction with Pathogenic Fungi: Internalization and Toxicity Profile” ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 6, 9100-9110. 2014. Calatayud, P.; Sanz, B.; Raffa, V.; Riggio, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; Goya, G. F. “The effect of surface charge of functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles on protein adsorption and cell uptake” Biomaterials, 35 (24), 6389-6399. 2014. - Most relevant publications in area of physical phenomena at the nanoscale: Fernandez-Pacheco, A.; Serrano-Ramon, L. E.; Tyliszczak, T.; Chou, K. W.; Cordoba, R.; Szkudlarek, A.; O’ Brien, L.; Kapusta, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; De Teresa, J. M. “Correlation between the magnetic imaging of cobalt nanoconstrictions and their magnetoresistance response” Nanotechnology, 23, 105703. 2012. Córdoba, R.; Lavrijsen, R.; Fernandez-Pacheco, A.; Ibarra, M. R.; Schoenaker, F.; Ellis, T.; BarconesCampo, B.; Kohlhepp, J. T.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Koopmans, B.; Mulders, J. J. L.; De Teresa, J. M. “Giant anomalous Hall effect in Fe-based microwires grown by focused-electron-beam-induced deposition” Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 45, 035001. 2012. De Matteis, L.; Custardoy, L.; Fernandez-Pacheco, R.; Magen, C.; De La Fuente, J. M.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R. “Ultrathin MgO Coating of Superparamagnetic MagnetiteNanoparticles by Combined Coprecipitation and Sol−Gel Synthesis” Chemistry of Materials, 24, 451-456. 2012. Sangiao, S.; Michalik, J. M.; Casado, L.; Martínez-Velarte, M. C.; Morellón, L.; Ibarra, M. R.; De Teresa, J. M. “Conductance steps in electromigrated Bi nanoconstrictions” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (14), 5132-5139. 2013. Ramos, R.; Kikkawa, T.; Uchida, K.; Adachi, H.; Lucas, I.; Aguirre, M. H.; Algarabel, P.; Morellón, L.; Maekawa, S.; Saitoh, E.; Ibarra, M. R. “Observation of the spin Seebeck effect in epitaxial thin films” Applied Physics Letters, 102 (7). 2013. Lima, E. Jr.; Torres, T. E.; Rossi, L. M.; Rechenberg, H. R.; Berquo, T. S.; Ibarra, A.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; Goya, G. F. “Size dependence of the magnetic relaxation and specific power absorption in iron oxide nanoparticles” Journal Of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (5). 2013. Rodríguez, L. A.; Magén, C.; Snoeck, E.; Gatel, C.; Marín, L.; Serrano-Ramón, L.; Prieto, J. L.; Muñoz, M.; Algarabel, P. A.; Morellón, L.; de Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R. “Quantitative in situ magnetization reversal studies in Lorentz microscopy and electronholography” Ultramicroscopy, 134, 144-154. 2013. Serrano-Ramón, L.; Fernández-Pacheco, A.; Córdoba, R.; Magén, C.; Rodríguez, L. A.; Petit, D.; Cowburn, R. P.; Ibarra, M. R.; de Teresa, M. J. “Improvement of domain wall conduit properties in cobalt nanowires by global gallium irradiation” Nanotechnology, 24 (34). 2013. De Matteis, L.; Fernández-Pacheco, R.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R.; de la Fuente, J. M. “Nanostructural Characterization of Biomagnetic Cobalt Ferrite–Alginate Nanospheres” Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 30, 1018-1023. 2013. Marcano, N.; Algarabel, P. A.; Rodríguez Fernández, J.; Magén, C.; Morellón, L.; Singh, K. N.; Gschneidner, K. A.; Pecharsky, V. K.; Ibarra, M. R. “Effects of pressure on the magnetic-structural and Griffiths-like transitions in ” Physical Review B, 88, 214429. 2013. Serrate, D.; Moro-Lagares, M.; Piantek, M.; Pascual, J. I; Ibarra, M. R. “Enhanced Hydrogen Dissociation by Individual Co Atoms Supported on Ag(111)” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (11), 5827 – 5832. 2014. Badía–Romano, L.; Rubín, J.; Magén, C.; Bartolomé, F.; Sesé, J.; Ibarra, M. R.; Bartolomé, J.; HierroRodríguez, A.; Martín, J. I.; Alameda, J. M.; Bürgler, D. E.; Varnakov, S. N.; Komogortsev, S. V.; Ovchinnikov, S. G. “Thermomagnetic behaviour and compositional irreversibility on (Fe/Si) 3 multilayer films” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 364, 24-33. 2014. De Matteis, L.; Fernandez-Pacheco, R.; Custardoy, L.; García-Martín, M. L.; de la Fuente, J. M.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R. “Influence of a Silica Interlayer on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Sol-Gel TiO2-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles” Langmuir, 30 (18), 5238-5247. 2014. Piantek, M.; Serrate, D.; Moro-Lagares, M.; Algarabel, P.; Pascual, J. I.; Ibarra, M. R. “Mn-Phthalocyaninies Derivatives Synthesized by On-Surface Cyclo-Tetramerization” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2014. Fernandes, C.; Pereira, C.; Fernández-García, M. P.; Pereira, A. M.; Guedes, A.; FernándezPacheco, R.; Ibarra, A.; Ibarra, M. R.; Arújo, J. P.; Freire, C. “Tailored design of CoxMn1−xFe2O4 nanoferrites: a new route for dual control of size and magnetic properties” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2, 5818-5828. 2014. Rodríguez, L. A.; Magén, C.; Snoeck, E.; Gatel, C.; Castán-Guerrero, C.; Sesé, J.; García, L. M.; Herrero-Albillos, J.; Bartolomé, J.; Bartolomé, F.; Ibarra, M. R. “High-resolution imaging of remanent state and magnetization reversal of superdomain structures in high-density cobalt antidote arrays” Nanotechnology, 25, 385703. 2014. Pires, A. L.; Belo, J. H.; Lima Lopes, A. M.; Gomes, I. T.; Morellón, L.; Magén, C.; Algarabel, P. A.; Ibarra, M. R.; Pereira, A. M.; Araujo, J. P. “Phase Competitions behind the Giant Magnetic Entropy Variation: Gd5Si2Ge2 and Tb5Si2Ge2 Case Studies” Entropy, 7 (16), 9100-9110. 2014. Guillamón, I.; Suderow, H.; Kulkarni, P.; Vieira, S.; Córdoba, R.; Sesé, J.; De Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R.; Shaw, G.; Bannerjee, S. S. “Nanostructuring superconducting vortex matter with focused ion beams” Physica C-Superconductivity and its applications, 503, 70-74. 2014. Ramos, R.; Aguirre, M. H.; Anadón, A.; Blasco, J.; Lucas, I.; Uchida, K.; Algarabel, P. A.; Morellón, L.; Saitoh, E.; Ibarra, M. R. “Anomalous Nernst effect of Fe3O4 single crystal” Physical Review B, 90, 054422. 2014. 10 MOST RELEVANT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Ibarra, M. R.; Algarabel, P. A.; Marquina, C.; Blasco, J.; Garcia, J. “Large Magnetovolume Effect in Yttrium Doped La-Ca-Mn-O Perovskite” Physical Review Letters, 75 (19), 3541-3544. 1995 De Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R.; Algarabel, P. A.; Ritter, C.; Marquina, C.; Blasco, J.; Garcia, J.; de Moral, A.; Arnold, Z. “Evidence for magnetic polarons in the magnetoresistive perovskites” Nature, 386 (6622), 256-259. 1997. Morellón, L.; Arnold, Z.; Magen, C.; Ritter, C.; Prokhnenko, O.; Skorokhod, Y.; Algarabel, P. A.; Ibarra, M. R.; Kamarad, J. “Pressure Enhancement of the Giant Magnetocaloric Effect in ” Physical Review Letters, 93 (15). 2004. Arruebo, M.; Fernandez-Pacheco, R.; Ibarra, M. R.; Santamaría, J. “Magnetic nanoparticles for drug delivery” Nano Today, 2 (3), 22-32. 2007. Guillamón, I.; Suderow, H.; Fernandez-Pacheco, A.; Sese, J.; Cordoba, R.; De Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R.; Vieira, S. “Direct observation of melting in a two-dimensional superconducting vortex lattice” Nature Physics, 5 (9), 651-655. 2009. Conde, J.; Ambrosone, A.; Sanz, V.; Hernández, Y.; Marchesano, V.; Tian, F. R.; Child, H.; Berry, C. C.; Ibarra, M. R.; Baptista, P. V.; Tortiglione, C.; De la Fuente, J. M. “Design of Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles for In Vitro and In Vivo Gene Silencing” ACS Nano, 6 (9), 8316-8324. 2012. Fernández-Pacheco, A.; Serrano-Ramón, L.; Michalik, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R.; De Teresa, J. M.; O’Brien, L.; Petit, D.; Lee, J.; Cowburn, R. P. “Three dimensional magnetic nanowires grown by focused electron-beam induced deposition” Scientific Reports (npg), 3. 2013. Córdoba, R.; Baturina, T. I.; Sesé, J.; Yuminorov, A. Y.; De Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R.; Nasimov, D. A.; Gutakovskii, A. K.; Latyshev, A. V.; Guillamón, I.; Suderow, H.; Vieira, S.; Baklanov, M. R.; Palacios, J. J.; Vinokur, V. M. “Magnetic field-induced dissipation-free state in superconducting nanostructures” Nature Communications, 4, 1437. 2013. Arenal, R.; De Matteis, L.; Custardoy, L.; Mayoral, A.; Tence, M.; Grazu, V.; De La Fuente, J. M.; Marquina, C.; Ibarra, M. R. “Spatially-Resolved EELS Analysis of Antibody Distribution on Bio-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles” ACS Nano, 7 (5), 4006-4013. 2013. Marín, L.; Morellón, L.; Algarabel, P. A.; Rodríguez, L. A.; Magén, C.; de Teresa, J. M.; Ibarra, M. R. “Enhanced Magnetotransport in Nanopatterned Manganite Nanowires” Nano Letters, 14, 423-428. 2014. CONFERENCES & LECTURES (ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS IN CONGRESSES, WORKSHOPS…) In the 5 past years he has been invited to give conferences in 25 congresses, symposia, and workshops, both national and international. The most relevant ones are: The EMN (Energy Materials Nanotechnology) East Meeting 2013 in Beijing (China); Inter-American Microscopy Congress (CIASEM 2013) in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia); The Spintronics Workshop, organized by the Foundation Advanced Technology Institute in Tokyo (Japan) in 2014; Annual Meeting of the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO 2014) in Torino (Italy); and 14th International onference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions (ERMR 2014) in Granada (Spain). Furthermore, he has given lectures at the summer courses of the University of Zaragoza and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, and seminars in several international centres such as the Tohoku University (Sendai) and the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (Tokai) –both in Japan-, or The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, as well as in different Spanish Universities (Autonomous of Madrid, Cantabria, Granada, Lleida, and Public of Navarre). RESEARCH PROJECTS AS MAIN RESEARCHER (most relevant of the 5 past years) Title: ‘Nanotecnología en Biomedicina (NANOBIOMED)’. Funded by the MEC, Consolider Program. CSD2006-00012. Duration: 2006 – 2011. Budget: 4.500.000€. Title: ‘Integrated Lab-On-Chip Platforms for Medical Diagnostics’. Funded by the MICINN, National R&D Internationalisation Programme, Subprogramme EUROINVESTIGACIÓN. EUI2008-00120. Duration: 2009 – 2011. Budget: 108.600 € Title: ‘ Trans-Pyrenees Action on Advanced Infrastructures for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies’. Funded by the European Union, Interreg IV B SUDOE. TRAIN2-SOE2/P1/E-280. Duration: 2011 – 2012. Budget: 2.342.558€ Title: ‘Nanociencia y nuevos materiales para desafíos medioambientales’. Funded by the MINECO, National R&D Internationalisation Programme, International Projects Subprogramme, Spain-Japan International Bilateral Project. PRI-PIBJP-2011-0794. Duration: 2011 – 2014. Budget: 158.000 € Title: ‘Thermo-Spintronic: High performance energy by the interplay between thermoelectricity and spin Seebeck effect’. Funded by the European Commission. PUI/2012-053. Duration: 2012 – 2016. Budget: 100.000 € Title: ‘ESTEEM2. Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy’. Funded by the European Union, FP7 on Research Infrastructures. Duration: 2012 – 2016. Budget: 7.486.016€ TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER - - Managing partner and scientific consultant of two companies: NanoScale Biomagnetics, spin off of the University of Zaragoza. Nanoimmunotech, spin off of the University of Zaragoza and University of Vigo. He has the copyright of 10 patents. PhD THESIS ADVISOR (5 past years) - Title: Electrical conduction and magnetic properties of nanoconstrictions and nanowires created by focused electron/ion beam and of thin films PhD Student: Amalio Fernández-Pacheco Chicón University: Zaragoza Faculty: Sciences Year: 2009 - Title: Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles: magnetic hyperthermia in dendritic cells and magnetofection on brain cells PhD Student: Laura Asín Pardo University: Zaragoza Faculty: Sciences Year: 2012 - Title: Cobalt nanostructures grown by focused electron beam induced deposition for spintronic applications PhD Student: Luis Enrique Serrano Ramón University: Zaragoza Faculty: Sciences Year: 2014 PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES (5 past years) Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Conference on Magnetism. Karlsruhe (Germany) in 2009 and Busan (Korea) in 2012. Member of the Program Committee of the Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society. Warsaw (Poland) in 2010 and Paris (France) in 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 11th National Congresson Materials. Zaragoza (Spain). 2010. Member of the Scientific Committee of the XIV Congress of the Spanish Society for Cell Biology. Málaga (Spain). 2011. Member of the Programme Committee of JEMS 2012 Joint European Magnetic Symposia. Parma (Italy). 2012. Member of the CMD/CMMP Committee on ‘Magnetism / Spintronics / Inter-Metallic Phases’ of the Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division (CMD-24). Edinburgh (UK). 2012. Organizer of the Symposium ‘Medical, biomedical, biomagnetic and biotechnology applications’. JEMS 2013 European Magnetic Symposia. Rhodes (Greece). 2013. Organizer of the Symposium ‘Biological Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles’. EUROMAT 2013 European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes. Seville (Spain). 2013. Member of the Program Committee ‘Condensed Matter in Paris’. Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC14) and The Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS (CMD25). Paris (France). 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop on Oxide Materials: Novel Multifunctional Properties. Santiago de Cali (Colombia). 2014. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop NanoMath 2014. Zaragoza (Spain). 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2014. Toulouse (France). 2014. Member of the Programme Committee of The International Conference on Magnetism. Coordinator of Topic 5: “Magnetic Materials and Technologies for: energy, information & life”. Barcelona (Spain). 2015. AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS (5 past years) Runner-up in the Boehringer-Ingelheim Prize of Journalism in Medicine. 2009. Nanoimmunotech company: Prize of Technology-Based Firm in the IX Innovative Business Projects Contest promoted by the University of Santiago de Compostela. 2009. Nanoimmunotech company: Award in the IV Concurso Uniemprendia 2009. Program to promote technology-based firms in the Spanish universities, CSIC and INTA. Award ‘Aragón Investiga’ 2009 for Research Excellence. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) tribute to the researchers who were awarded during the 2009-2010 academic year for their outstanding work in research and for their scientific excellence. Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon: Award ‘Aragoneses del Año’ in the Science and Technology category, grated by El Periódico de Aragón. 2014.
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