Germanna Community College - Part A of the Syllabus Semester: Spring 2015 Class Info: SPA 202 Location/Room: Online Class Name: Intermediate Spanish II Class Days/Times: online Class Credits: 3 Instructor: Dr. Ashley Bevilacqua Anglin Phone: 540-834-1038 (please note, I am only at this location a few hours a week – the MW SP1/FAC office hours listed below. I can check voicemail remotely, but you will usually get a quicker answer by sending an email.) Office Location: MW SP1/FAC1 316F; TuTh OR1/LGC 407H. Days at Location: MW at FAC; TuTh at LGC; online M-F Office Hours: MW at FAC, 1:30 – 12:30; TuTh at LGC, 11:00 – 2:00 Office Hour Notes: If you need to meet or talk at a different time than those listed, please email to set up an appointment. Instructor E-mail: [email protected] Course Description: Continues development of skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of Spanish. Class conducted in Spanish. Lecture - 3 hours per week (online equivalent). Additional Course Description: This course is specifically intended for those students who have three semesters of previous experience (or equivalent) with the Spanish language. It is the fourth course of four, which lead to fulfillment of the general education requirement for a major in Liberal Arts. In addition to acquiring skills in using Spanish, students will gain knowledge about how the Spanish language, and by comparison, the English language, are structured. Learning Outcomes: Listening: Able to sustain understanding over longer stretches of connected discourse, on a number of topics pertaining to different times and places. Speaking: Able to handle most uncomplicated tasks and social situations. Beginning ability to speak in connected discourse in present, past or future tenses. Reading: Able to read consistently with full understanding of simple connected texts dealing with basic personal and social needs about which the reader has personal interest and/or knowledge. Able to get main ideas and information from texts featuring description and narration. Writing: Able to meet many practical writing needs. Able to take notes on familiar topics and respond in writing to personal questions. Able to write letters, synopses and summaries. Able to express time and tense. Textbook and Supplies: Rusch et al. Fuentes: Conversación y Gramática. iLrn Online Learning Center access (includes e-book, online workbook, online media, tutorials etc.) is required. Book code is available from GCC bookstore or directly from . Note: The same book/account will be used for SPA 201-202. iLrn Course ID: XADGNG648. Additional Attendance/Withdrawal Policy for this course: Online attendance is verified by ensuring the student has logged into Blackboard at least once a week. Academic Dishonesty – Course Specific (must be consistent with College’s policy statement; see Part B of this document) The penalty for academic dishonesty in this course is: You will receive a zero on any assignment for which it is determined you have plagiarized or cheated. This includes compositions run through a translation program without thought or revision. If there is more than one instance of academic dishonesty by a student, the matter will be reported to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Course Plan for College Closing (optional): When the college closes, this course continues on its regular schedule because it is an online course. Any modifications made to the course schedule will be noted in Blackboard and updated in iLrn as necessary. Electronics (e.g. Cell Phones) /Food Classroom Policy (optional): As an online course there are no cell phone or food classroom policies. Grading Policy and Grading Scale: iLrn homework: 20%. Speaking grades: 15% (iLrn voice recording activities, Bb voice board, midterm interview). Reading/writing: 20% (Follow-up to reading assignments (3) plus formal writing assignments with opportunities to revise (2)) Exams (3) 45% (15% each) SPA 202-W01 Tentative Course Activities & Assignments – subject to change with notice Semana Fechas Conceptos que vamos a estudiar en iLrn 1 12-19 enero This week, you will need to set up your iLrn account and get used to using the materials contained there (your e-book, online homework, tutorials, etc.) Find the Fuentes iLrn content area in Blackboard to get started. The topics below are assigned in iLrn. Tareas/trabajos para hacer en Blackboard; Otras fechas importantes If you have any problems or questions about getting started, please post in the Discussion Board or send me an email ([email protected])! The best way to use iLrn is to go through the ebook and read the grammar/vocabulary presentations where noted, then do activities marked with a computer mouse icon. (Other activities and materials are available using the menu buttons on the right side of the ebook page.) 2 20-26 enero 3 27 enero-2 febrero 4 3-9 febrero Cap. 6 Podcast – ebook pp. 165-167 Politics (vocabulary) – ebook pp. 177-180 Cap. 6 Present subunctive (3 parts) – ebook pp. 173-176, 181-184 Que and quien – ebook p. 185-7 Por vs para – pp. 188-192 Más allá – Videofuentes – ebook pp. 193-5 Cap. 7 Podcast – ebook pp. 198-200 Vocabulary: Travel, sports, environment – ebook pp. 201205 Readings: 2 short articles online (links posted in Blackboard – Trabajos) Voice board response to articles (above) – in Blackboard Reading: “Literatura” (3 short pieces) Write a short poem in Spanish (for 5 10-16 febrero 6 17-23 febrero 7 24 febrero – 2 marzo 8 3-9 marzo 9 10-16 marzo 10 16-22 marzo 24-30 marzo 11 31 marzo – 6 abril 12 7-13 abril Affirming and negating – 206209 Subjunctive and adjective clauses – 210 - 215 Subjunctive and adverb clauses – 216-219 Double object pronouns – 220223 Más allá – Videofuentes – 226-228 Cap. 8 Podcast – 231-233 Vocabulary – Work – 234-238 Subjunctive in adverbial clauses – 239-242 Reported speech – 243-246 Negating and options – 247249 Reciprocal verbs – 250-252 participation/culture points) Optional Power Points to view in Blackboard for a different perspective on the subjunctive Examen 1 (Cap. 6 y 7) in Bb this week Writing 1: Redacción – CV y carta de solicitud Cap. 9 podcast – 259-261 Vocabulary – Art – 262-267 Imperfect subjunctive – 268274 Spring Break Reading – La continuidad de los parques Passive voice – 276-7 Uses of infinitive (summary) – 278-9 Transitional phrases with Por – 280-281 Más allá – Videofuentes – 282-4 Discussion board response to Continuidad de los Parques Cap. 10 Podcast – 287-9 Future tense – 290-292 Conditional – 293-5 Future + conditional – 296-7 Any time there are two new verb tenses in one chapter, you are going to find it challenging! I recommend the website Writing 2: Proyecto – Comentar un cuadro (via Blackboard or MediaShare – TBA) Examen 2 (Cap. 8 y 9) available in Blackboard this week to help you get more practice conjugating them. (Go to the section “Spanish Verbs” from the left menu bar, then choose the tense you want to practice.) 13 14-20 abril Vocabulary – relaciones humanas – 298-304 Si clauses – 305-309 Reading: “El sexismo y el lenguaje”; Discussion board 14 21-26 abril Optional activities in Blackboard using Spanish Language and Culture web page 15 27 abril – 6 mayo Cap. 11 Podcast – 314-6 Vocabulary – La justicia – 317323 Future perfect and conditional perfect – 324-8 Si clauses part 2 – 328-331 Pluperfect subjunctive – 332-3 Linking ideas – 334-7 Más allá – cortometraje – 338341 Examen 3, Cap. 10 y 11 (Bb) Exámenes 7 – 13 mayo Final interviews in office or via Skype/FaceTime Syllabus Subject to Change PED and courses which include off-campus participation (e.g., clinicals) as well as courses that include a laboratory component which results in potential risk to students (e.g., accident in the lab, field trip) must require a completed Assumption of Risk form prior to student participation in the course/ activity. Instructor must complete form with specific details relative to the course or activity. Words bracketed by parentheses indicate need for course specific information. Completed, signed forms are required for all off-campus activities. Originals are submitted to Campus Security and copies to Dean’s Office. Faculty should retain a copy as well. No student can participate in the course or course activity without submitting a signed form prior to participating.
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