Saint Brendan Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Lent Shallotte

Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Stations of the Cross will be recited
every Friday during the Lenten Season
after the 9am Mass. No stations on
Good Friday.
Reflections on the Readings
We applaud the successes of the strong and
accomplishments of the fit, but how do we react to the
failures of the weak and unfit? Today’s readings reveal
a God who chooses to identify with the weak-- a God
who refuses to make success the ultimate criterion for
The first reading paints a dismal picture of the events
surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
and the subsequent exile. God’s people rejected the
prophets in spite of God’s divine compassion.
Destruction, however, is not the final word. The return
to Jerusalem is an example of God’s relentless
relationship with the people of Israel.
The author of Ephesians begins this chapter by
mentioning sinfulness, which he regards as a form of
death. In the face of these weaknesses, the author
notes God’s reaction is mercy. He refers to
participation in the mystery of Christ. Christ brings
people to live together, raises them up together, and
enthrones them together. Such compassion is God’s
The gospel passage is part of Jesus’ conversation with
Nicodemus (John 3:1-21). Jesus’ words point out that
for us to be begotten of the Spirit we depend on Jesus’
passion/ death/resurrection experience. John’s gospel
also accentuates compassion. Just as Abraham did,
God too was willing to sacrifice his only son. Such
giving makes eternal life possible for the believer.
It’s easy for us to refer those less fortunate to some
government or charitable organization. The gospel
suggests that we give of ourselves and share the
problems of the poor. Such giving links us to the
Trinity. Be compassionate -- it’s a family trait.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Most parishioners realize
that their Bishop’s Annual Appeal gifts support the
hungry, the homeless, the frail and the sick. But your
help goes beyond that. Every parishioner benefits
from the BAA. Every Catholic school and parish faith
formation program, like the one here in our parish, is
helped by your gift. Marriage preparation programs,
seminarian and deacon formation as well as a host of
other spiritual and educational activities exist through
God’s grace and your generosity. If you have not
participated thus far, BAA pledge envelopes are
available in the church or you can donate online at Thank you for your
Confirmation Practice and
Ceremony The Confirmation Class
will have their practice session for
their confirmation ceremony on
Sunday, March 15th at 4pm here
at St. Brendan. The students and
sponsors must attend. If their
sponsor is not available or out-of-town, a parent must
attend in their place for the practice. Our Confirmation
class will receive their sacrament of Confirmation on
Saturday, March 21st. Bishop Burbidge will celebrate
Mass at the 11am. The students are required to be at
St. Brendan on Saturday March 21st by 9:45am to
meet with the Bishop prior to the Mass.
The Ladies Scholarship Tea was a big success!
Scholarship Forms will be available soon for our
young ladies who will be graduating high school and
going on to college.
Amount Saved due to early payments on
the mortgage: $1,119,479.64
If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital,
nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your
family must contact the nearest church.
Brunswick – St. Brendan
New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office
Dosher – Sacred Heart
Grand Strand – St. Andrew
Loris – St. James
Sea Coast - Star of the Sea
Building Loan as of this month our total
debt is $1,001,321.22
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Masses for the Week
† Thomas S. DiLieto
† Emma Scannella
Please pray for Our Family and Friends
St. Brendan Parishioners
11:15am † Gilbert Hahn
Eucharist Service
† Patricia McLaughlin
† Doris Dursee
† Joe Reid
† Janet Kosak
† Sophie Fey
† Charlie Taylor
St. Brendan Parishioners
† Rosalie Wheeler
Next Week’s Readings
March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hebrews 5:7-9
John 12:20-33
Communion for the Sick & Homebound
contact Ann McGahran ext. 28 or Deacon Bob
ext. 28 if you know someone who would like to
receive Communion at home.
Attention New Parishioners!
Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you
are new to the area, we would like you to choose
St. Brendan as your Parish Family.
Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk
in the Gathering Space. Please complete the
form and place in the collection basket or mail:
St. Brendan Catholic Church
P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459
Ayisha Marawi Hohl
Joe Konen
Carmen Barros
Glenn Petrucci
Dan Stennett
Annie Labagh
Richard Riley
Rod Fagert
Brenda Noll
Christopher Hylton
Mary Shickert
Laurie Van Riper
Johnny Johnson
Max Veech
Julia Mueller
Ray Galovich
Mary Claire Kasunic
Ed Muller Family
Ruth Tromblay
Shawn Martin
Baby-Owen Bell
Phyllis Buskirik
Sean Neumann
The Sullivan Family
Daniel Mulcahy
Meg Willmann`
Colleen Puntello
Linda O’Neill
Debbie Wamsley
Emma Broughton
Delores Kozel
Joan Auray
Adele Hordan
Vera M. Powell
Kim Barros
Betty Hess
Cira Cole
Fr. William Lascelles
Krystal Churchwell
Mary Carmody
Mary Ann Molini
Amanda Plumner
Lisa Ober
Melissa Zobel
Tammy Street
Rose Davignon
Pat Wagner
Jennifer McMillan
Lindsay Wilharm
Didia Brady
Olivia Dunn
Marie Tyler
Carolena Nickles
Bette Hofmann
Dom Di Maio
Chris Oliver
Paul Whitehouse
Stella Kielb
Jason Del Pezzo
Michael Maggiore
Solomon Goulet
David Brenan
Patricia Fontana
Lillian Ober
Barbara Couture
Dorothy Hendricks
Agnes Ardeeser
Maggie Kaintz
Nancy Spencer
Deborah Ritchie
Raymond Normandy
Margaret Sakash
Joy Jordan
Brandon Snyder
Jane Krieger
Jean Mulcahy
Mary McManus
Karen De Bernardis
Gary Gingeresky
Jack Morrison
Larry Poitras
Louise Norton
Tommy Pephel
Caz Zukowski
Gina Sullivan
Aaron Alonso
Doris Holiday
Maria Cistulli
Tom Hutchin
Crystal Basil
Mary Elizabeth Zink
Diane Ovadek
George Carpenter
Marie Tyler
Hazel Zacofsky
Clement McDonald
Lois Norris
Judy Unterberger
Vicky Lewis
Jennifer Bryant
Joan Gilbert
Bonnie Bryan
Alice Minneci
LCPL Brendan Churchwell
Gina De Cotiis
Andrew Taylor
Lynn Maglione Gregor
Liam Orlando
Louise Troy
Carmel Kealy
Joseph Leslie
The Malone Family
Deidre Oates
Caroline Lescenski
Helen Raymond
Angela Davidson
Molly Cox
Devin Lumzer
Betty Kaintz
Julie Mills
Bridget McGuire
Frank DiBello
Kara McCormack Larson
Christine Miles
Ray Delotell
Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton
Keira Rose Flynn
Carolyn Arney
Steve Martin
Pat Dailey
Lauren Dunipace
Ron Sarko
Frank Massa
Stanley Zukowski
Tip Heffner
Donna Maria Kaminskas
Elwin Reed
Bernice Fox
Helen Fairman
Keri Chavez
Karen Long
Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs.
Carol & Lauren Caldera
Dianne Fentress
Paul Lixon
Vicky Lewis
Dee Goodrich
JoAnn Behr
Ronald Young
Constance (Pat) Evans
Mary Pouliot
Dianne Fentress
Please pray for our Parishioners
Gary LaRouech
Cathleen Newman
Mary Lou Matthews
Luis Salas
George Salchert
Barbara Napfel
Debbie Chase
Adele Treible
Mike Bishko
Raymond Kidd
Jennifer Seeley
Elizabeth Walsh
Chris Stephens
Jackie Fennel
Theresa Whaley
Jim Cech
Ed Manz
Pat Pragel
Peggy Tinnell
Jennifer Cole
Althea Grace
Page 2
Dolores Wenstrup
Mary Jane Brust
Pat Thatcher
Philip & Annice Granville
Robert Santoro
Robert Manfred
Donna Leonard
Windy Herring
Lynn Olenchalk
Katlyne Thompson
Gerald Lutz
Jean Rosen
Gloria Hillenburg
Josephine Chebat
Bill Cawthra
Roz Forsey
Ed Kobierowski
Carl Shirdon
Sue Yudysky
Rich Harding
Connie Woodard
Adrianne Ferrier
John A. Murphy
Mariam Johnson
Kathy Semanko
Joe and Betty Zegan
Donald Hammond
Alma McClune
Deborah Lessner
George & Dorthy Mulcahy
Adrienne Lemmons Josephine Paterson
Charles Witzel
Tom Wanat
David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods
Joe Lowry
Jackie Fennel
Deborah Lessner
Carol Galovich
Mary Malkin
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Parish Community
Our Second
Annual Mexican
Save the Date
Saturday, May 2
K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155.
Check their web site:
 03/09 Business Meeting
 03/16 4th Degree
KofC Red Cross Blood Drive on March 24th from
10am till 2:30pm in Brendan Hall. To schedule an
appointment go to and
search by sponsor code KofC #9039 or call 284-4483.
The Columbiettes meet the second
Thursday of each month. The next meeting
will be April 9th. Call Karen McCann 2874175.
Lenten Lunch Series The Greater Shallotte
Ministerial Association has scheduled the
annual Lenten Lunches. The Noon lunch
and worship service is held each
Wednesday of Lent at various churches. This
year’s theme is PRAYING OUR WAY
5th Wednesday 3/18 - St. Luke Lutheran
Praying for Sight - Rev. Stefanie Riley
6th Wednesday 3/25 - Calvary Baptist
Praying as a Disciple - Rev. John Causey
Mobile Mammography is coming to St. Brendan,
Thursday, March 26, 2015, 9am till 4pm. This service
is provided to us by Novant Health. Take action against
breast cancer. Get your annual mammogram. The
mobile unit has state-of-the-art digital equipment,
expert team of female technologists, and on-site
convenience with the luxury & privacy of a traditional
imaging center. Pre-registration is recommended. To
schedule you 15 minute appointment, call 910-7211485.
Elk’s Lodge # 2854 is holding a St.
Patrick’s Day Dinner on March 17 at
791 Bricklanding Road. Cost is $12
per person at 6pm. Corned Beef,
Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots and
Desserts. Deadline to RSVp is
March 10. RSVP to Carol Desmond 233-6408, Carol
Gentile 755-7516 or Sue Janovic 755-5898.
the Mexican
Festival: The Mexican
Festival is the ONLY fund raiser at St. Brendan. Your
donation of $100 for the 50/50 raffle will help to make it
a successful “Fiesta”. You have a 1 in five hundred
chance to win the first prize money of $20,000.00 or
the second place money of $5,000.00. It could be a
lot of fun! Share the ticket price with a friend and share
the prize money. Tickets are on sale now in the
Gathering Space. If all 500 tickets do not sell then the
50/50 prizes will be reduced to the number of tickets
sold. Thank you for your generosity. We greatly
appreciate it.
Columbiette’s Card Party Tuesday, May 5th,
11am -3pm at Ryan’s 3607 Highway 17 in
North Myrtle Beach. Cost is $15 which
includes all you can eat. For more information
or to buy tickets call Ginny at 910-287-1870 . All
proceeds help fund our local charitable donations.
The Calabash Elks Ladies Auxiliary is
sponsoring a Game Day! Cards and
Games Event at Ryan’s Restaurant 3607
Highway 17 in North Myrtle Beach. The
date is Tuesday May 12 am 11am to
3pm. Cost is $15 and includes an all-you-can-eat buffet
luncheon. Invite your friends to complete your own
table playing games of your choice. The Elks Ladies
Auxiliary is a non-profit organization and all proceeds
will help local charities. Call Agnes Norcia at 910-5791162 for tickets and more information.
Project Rachel Retreat Weekend June 5-7. If you are
suffering from an abortion, experience the love of
Jesus Christ. The confidential retreat is for women and
men dealing issues. For more information call 919-8521021 for more information. Register by May 29yh.
Special Thanks to our
Sponsor or the week
Rusty Russ - Allstate Insurance
Bobbi Lott - Parishioner
Support the businesses that support
our bulletin!
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Choir 11:15am
Choir 8 am
Falling Upward
Chapter 12
Ensemble 8am
Palm Sunday
Choir 11:15am
St Brendan the Navigator
Activities Calendar
March 2015
Choir 5 pm
Centering Prayer
KofC Rosary of the
Unborn 8:10am
Creative Spirit
World Day of Prayer
Confirmation Practice March 15 at 4pm
Wednesday Lenten Lunches 3/18 St. Luke Lutheran, 3/25 Calvary Baptist
Lunch starts at Noon followed prayer and reflection.
Questions? Call 754-8544 or email
[email protected]
4 Bereavement 9:30
Searchers of Scripture
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Lenten Lunch
Ensemble 5pm
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer
Columbiettes 7pm
18 Searchers of
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Lenten Lunch
Creative Spirit
11 Searchers of Script
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Lenten Lunch
Healing Prayer 9:30
K of C 4th Deg.
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
St. Patricks Day
Centering Prayer
Healing Prayer 9:30
K of C Bus. Mtg.
Singles Group
Healing Prayer 9:30
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
25 Searchers of
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Lenten Lunch
Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers
Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Wed. Mission Ensemble 4-5:30 p.m. in church. Call Tom: 253-4573 4th Wed. Pain Support. Call
Katherine 755-6670 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call
Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library.
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Boletin Hispano
Durante la cuaresma no hay
bautizos. El próximo bautismo
es el día 25 de Abril y la plática
será el día 12 de Abril.
FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco
Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209)
El Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma, pertenecen al
diálogo de Jesús con Nicodemo.
Nicodemo era un fariseo que, atraído por los milagros
de Jesús y reconociendo que Él había venido de parte
de Dios, buscó a Jesús y se entrevistó con Él, aunque
en la oscuridad de la noche y de su fe insuficiente.
Nicodemo era un maestro de Israel, y sin embargo
llamó “Maestro” a Jesús y se dejó enseñar por Él.
Jesús, respondiendo a sus preguntas, le dijo a
Nicodemo que para entrar al reino de Dios es
necesario un nuevo nacimiento. Y para respaldar con
autoridad lo que le estaba diciendo, Jesús afirmó que
Él hablaba y daba testimonio de lo que había visto.
Jesús ante Nicodemo hablaba y daba testimonio de lo
que había visto porque: “Nadie ha subido al cielo, sino
el que descendió del cielo, el Hijo del Hombre que está
en el cielo”. La iniciación que está dando Jesús a
Nicodemo le remonta hasta el seno mismo de Dios, al
misterio de la Trinidad Santísima. Lo que el Hijo del
Hombre vio, Él, que sin dejar de permanecer siempre
junto al Padre, al encarnarse “bajó del cielo”, lo revela
y manifiesta, da testimonio de lo que ha visto en el
Continuando la Iglesia la misión de Jesús, quien salió
del Padre y fue enviado por el Padre, el discípulo
también debe dar testimonio y anunciar lo que de la
Palabra de Vida oyó y vio.
Continúa el evangelio según san Juan: “De la misma
manera que Moisés levantó en alto la serpiente en el
desierto, también es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre
sea levantado en alto, para que todos los que creen en
él tengan Vida eterna” (Jn. 3, 14-15).
La serpiente de bronce sobre el mástil no era un ídolo
ni un amuleto sino un signo que debía recordarle al
pueblo la Palabra la Ley de Dios. Mirar la serpiente de
bronce expresaba la obediencia a la Palabra de Dios,
la sumisión a los mandamientos de Dios. Por Dios y su
Palabra eran curados y salvados quienes
contemplaban la serpiente levantada en alto. La
serpiente de bronce era signo de salvación.
Ésa era la voluntad del Padre. El amor de Dios que
quiere que todos los hombres sean salvados. Lo que
Jesús vio en el Padre y manifiesta, de lo que da
testimonio es del Amor del Padre.
Para saber acerca de preguntas
sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre
Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105.
La Madre atiende todos los domingos
después de la misa de las 9:30 de la
mañana en las oficinas del Centro
El jueves, Marzo 26, de 9 a 4 de la tarde el móvil de
mamografía de NOVANT HOSPITAL estará en San
Brendan para hacer mamografías GRATIS a todas las
mujeres de la parroquia que quieren participar. La
registración es recomendable y para registrarse llamen
al teléfono 910-721-1485.
A todas las personas que participaron en el Kermes
del domingo 8 de Mayo, les damos las gracias de todo
corazón. Muchas personas ayudaron a que el Kermes
fuera un exito. A los cocineros y ayudantes otra vez les
decimos que estamos muy agradecidos.
Las aplicaciones para las becas están preparadas Por
favor pidan a la Madre Teresa. Las jóvenes deben de
ser de San Brendan y asistir a la Iglesia.
El Obispo Michael Burbidge confirmara a 20 jóvenes
de San Brendan, el día 21 de Marzo a las 11 de la
Otras parroquias participaran en este
evento. Todos están invitados.
Se necesitan voluntarios para la fiesta Mexicana que
se celebrara el dia 2 de Mayo. Sera un dia lleno de
cultura mexicana, con comida autentica, bailes
regionales y el baile final de todos los asistentes. Por
favor den su nombre a la Madre Teresa
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