ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH—December 6, 2015 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731— Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español; Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español Weekday Liturgy: Monday 8am Spanish — Tuesday—Saturday 8am in English; Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am in English; 7:00pm en Español Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172) Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar Deacon Heath Hampton Deacon Celestino Perez Deacon Dan Seiler Mr. Martin Garza, School Principal Mary Kay Wallace, DRE Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish) Chris Rubio, Director of Parish Social Ministry Alice Layton, Business Manager In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only). St. Pius V Catholic Church San Pio V Iglesia Catolica Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebración de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe SATURDAY, December 12th—10am to 5pm Sábado, Diciembre 12—10am-5pm Food Booths, Prizes, Live Entertainment & more! Comida, Premios, Música en Vivo y Mas! Tickets available this weekend. Boletos disponibles este fin de semana. PRIZES 1st—$1000 Visa Card 2nd—Surface Pro 3rd—Xbox 1 4th—PlayStation 4 Many toy prizes to follow 2nd Sunday of Advent Christmas Season Schedule 2015 Sunday, December 6– 2nd Sunday of Advent Regular Mass Times 9am to 1pm – Breakfast with Santa – Cafeteria & Gym 3:30pm—Guadalupe Choir practice—church Monday, December 7 – Vigil--Immaculate Conception 7:00p.m. – Mass English Tuesday, December 8– Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation) 8:00am – Mass English 7:00pm – Misa Espanol Horario para la Temporada Navideña 2015 Domingo, 6 de diciembre, 2º Domingo de Adviento Horario regular de misas 9:00am - 1pm Desayuno con Santa Claus – en la cafetería y gimnasio 3:30pm Última práctica para el Coro Guadalupano Lunes, 7 de diciembre – Vigilia para la Inmaculada Concepción 7:00pm Misa en ingles Martes, 8 de diciembre Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción (Día de Obligación) 8:00am—Misas en ingles 7:00pm – Misa en español Wednesday, December 9 – Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. – Mass English 7:00 p.m. – Advent Penance Service Miércoles, 9 de diciembre 8:00am – Misa en ingles 7:00pm – Ceremonia de Penitencia de Adviento Friday, December 11 - Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. – Mass—English 10:00p.m.—Matachines 11:00p.m. – Mass—in Spanish Saturday, December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe 12:00 a.m. – Fellowship 8:00 a.m.—Mass English—Chapel (note change) 9:00 a.m. – Mass Spanish—church 10:00 a.m. – Mini Festival begins (10am to 5pm) 5:30 p.m.—Mass English 7:00 p.m.—Mass Spanish Viernes, 11 de diciembre 8:00am – Misa en ingles 10:00pm—Matachines 11:00pm – Mañanitas y Misa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Sábado, 12 de diciembre – Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 12:00am – Compartimiento después de Misa de Gallo 8:00am—Misa en ingles en la capilla 9:00am – Misa en español 10:00am – Comienzo del mini-festival (10am – 5pm) 5:30pm—Misa en ingles 7:00pm—Misa en español Sunday, Dec. 13 – 3rd Sunday of Advent Regular Mass Times Monday, Dec, 14—Clean the church for Christmas— 6-9pm...Calling all volunteers to help please Tuesday, December 15- Advent Weekday 9:00am—begin setting up Christmas trees & lights (volunteers needed please) 6:30 p.m. – St. Pius V School Christmas Program (cafeteria) Wednesday, December 16 – Beginning of Las Posadas in the Gym – Las Posadas will be held every evening at 6pm through Dec 24th Cardinals' Christmas party for Priests – no 7pm Mass 7:00pm—Christmas Choir practice in the church Friday, Dec 18 – Late Advent Weekday 8:00a.m. – Mass in the church Saturday, December 19 – Late Advent Weekday Regular Mass times—bring an ornament to place on the Memorial tree Sunday, December 20 – 4th Sunday of Advent Regular Mass times—bring an ornament to place on Memorial tree. Monday, Dec. 21 – Advent Weekday 11am – School early dismissal & closed until January 5, 2016 Tuesday, Dec. 22 – Late Advent Weekday 7:00pm – Rehearsal for instrumentalists - Church Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Late Advent Weekday 6pm – Last Day of Posadas (in the gym—moves to Church) 7pm—Christmas Choir Practice—church Thursday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve (offices close at noon) 5:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Family Mass – English 7:00 p.m. – Christmas Eve Family Misa – Spanish 11:00 p.m. – Carols 12 Midnight – Christmas Mass – Bilingual Friday, December 25—Nativity of the Lord — Christmas Day 10:00 am Mass—English 12:00 pm Mass—Spanish Domingo, 13 de diciembre 3 Domingo de Adviento Horario regular de misas Lunes, 14 de diciembre—6pm—Limpieza de la Iglesia para Navidad (se necesitan todos los voluntarios que puedan ayudar) Martes, 15 de diciembre 9:00am—Ya empezamos con los arr4glos de los arboles de Navidad y luces—se necesitan voluntarios. 6:30pm – Programa Navideño del Colegio de San Pio V (en el templo) Miércoles. 16 de diciembre - Las posadas en el gimnasio. Habrá Posadas cada día a las 6pm hasta el 24 de diciembre. No hay misa de 7:00pm – Fiesta Navideña para los sacerdotes de la Diócesis. 7:00pm – Práctica del Coro Parroquial Navideño Viernes, 18 de diciembre 8:00am—Misa en la Iglesia Sábado, 19 de diciembre Horario Regular para las Misas—Favor de traier una decoración para árbol navideño Domingo, 20 de diciembre, 4º Domingo de Adviento Horario Regular para las Misas—Favor de traier una decoración para árbol navideño Lunes, 21 de diciembre 11:00am – Salida Temprano para los alumnos del Colegio. Es tarán de vacación hasta el 5 de Enero. Martes, 22 de diciembre 7:00pm – Práctica para los instrumentalistas musicales Miércoles, 23 de diciembre 7:00pm – Práctica para el Coro Parroquial Navideño Jueves, 24 de diciembre (Noche Buena) (Las oficinas sierran a medio día) 5:00pm Misa de Vigilia para las Familias (Ingles) 7:00pm Misa de Vigilia (español) 11:00pm Cantos y música navideña 12:00am Misa de gallo Bilingüe Viernes, 25 de diciembre – La Natividad del Señor – Día de Navidad 10:00am Misa en Ingles 12:00pm Misa en español St. Pius V Catholic Church December 6, 2015 Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) – 713-473-9484 – Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –[email protected]; Felícitas Palacios(x 304) – [email protected]; Martin Rodriguez (x 318) – [email protected] Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Thurs.; Sun. – Thurs. while classes are in session Congratulations to the 68 young people confirmed this past Monday – may you be strong and faithful witnesses to Jesus and to our faith! – And MANY THANKS to all who assisted with the liturgy and reception: musicians, deacons, Frs. Joe & Ricardo, catechists, Youth Group members, moms of Confirmation I & II students, and Confirmation students! ¡Felicitaciones a los 68 jóvenes que fueron confirmados el Lunes pasado – que sean testigos fuertes y fieles a Jesús y a nuestra fe! ¡Y MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS a todos los que ayudaron con la liturgia y la recepción después: músicos, diáconos, P. J & Ricardo, catequistas, miembros del Youth Group, madres de los estudiantes de Niveles I & I de Confirmación, y otros estudiantes de Grados 9-10! Over 140 of our parish children celebrated 1 st Confession this Sat. 12/5 – congratulations to you, your parents and your catechists!! We pray that you will know Jesus’ loving mercy often in the coming years. ¡Felicitaciones a los niños de nuestra parroquia (más que 145) que celebraron su 1ª Confesión este Sáb. 12/5, y a sus padres y catequistas! Oramos que experimentará la misericordia amorosa de Jesús con frecuencia en los próximos años. First round of 1st Communion preparation in English: ONLY 9 DAYS to the HARD DEADLINE! LAST day to sign up: Wed. Dec. 15 – come to the Faith Formation Office during office hours. The Second Sunday of Advent – Advent calendars to help observe Advent, to prepare spiritually for the coming of Jesus at the end of time and at Christmas are available at the Prayer resource page under Faith Formation on the parish website has calendars for children and for families, and prayers with daily reflections for each week of the season. Have a blessed Advent! El segundo domingo del Adviento – ¿Quieres ayuda para celebrar este tiempo, y para prepararse espiritualmente para la venida de Jesús al fin de los tiempos y a la Navidad? En el sitio web de la parroquia, la página “Recursos de Oración” (Formación de Fe) tiene calendarios de Adviento para los niños y para las familias, y oraciones con reflexiones diarias para cada semana de Adviento. ¡Que Su Adviento sea bendito! ADVENT EVENTS EVENTOS DEL ADVIENTO Tues./Martes 12/8/15 * Mary’s Immaculate Conception * La Concepción Inmaculada de Maria Beginning of Jubilee Year of Mercy Comienza del Jubileo de Misericordia Sat./Sab. 12/12/15 * Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe * Our Lady of Guadalupe Mini-Festival The Jubilee Year of Mercy begins this Tues. 12/8. Our parish Faith Formation will reflect the theme of "Merciful Like the Father" through its end on November 20, 2016. Leaders for small group meetings and Bible studies in English on this theme are Wed./Mier. 12/9/2015, 7 pm NEEDED. If you teach/train adults (at work?), or are willing to be trained as leader/ co-leader of a group, please contact Mary Kay. Parish Advent Penance Service Go to – “Advent Moments Servicio Penitencial de Adviento of Mercy”– for daily Advent e-mail reflections. * Liturgy schedule elsewhere in bulletin FREE 365 Days to Mercy app at iTunes and Google app stores (from Our Sun. Visitor) * Vea otra lugar por el horario de Misas for daily inspiration, news of Jubilee Year events, an explanation of the Year of Mercy, daily Pope tweets, and more. El Año Jubileo de la Misericordia comienza este Martes 12/8. Nuestro programa de la Formación de Fe parroquial reflejará su tema, "Misericordioso Como el Padre " a través de su fin, el 20 de noviembre 2016. Puede recibir reflecciones diarias (en Inglés) en correo electronico, “Advent Moments of Mercy” (Momentos de misericordia en Adviento), va Obtiene gratis (a iTunes, o la tienda de Google Apps) el app (en Iglés) “365 Days to Mercy” (Caminando a la Misericordia a través de 365 Días) – inspiración diaria, las Escrituras del día, “tweets” del Papa, y mucho más. Archdiocesan celebration—Come and celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 13th at George R Brown Convention Ctr. beginning at 12noon with a procession with Matachines and singing. Holy Mass celebrated at 5pm presided by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel Cardinal DiNardo. For more info call Pablo Guzman 713-294-1022. Celebración Arquidiocesana—Venga y festeje a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el domingo 13 de diciembre en el Centro de Convenciones George R Brown del centro de Houston. Inicia a las 12 del Medio día con una procesión desde 1700 San Jacinto hasta el Centro de Convenciones, con Cantos y danzas de los matachines. Para mas información llama a Pablo Guzmán 713-294-1022. Remember in your prayers: Charles Simecek, Fr. Michael Amesse, Leah Eckenrode, Jose Luis Sanchez, Christopher A Wiggins For repose of the soul of Raymond Garivey, Sr., and Rev. Richard M. Patrick, O P 2nd Sunday of Advent St. Pius V Catholic Church December 6, 2015 Women’s Club 2015-2016 Calendar Friday, December 11—Women’s Club Mtg and Christmas Party at Golden Corral, 10:30am (Note: Date and time change!!!) Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support For weekend—Nov 22, 2015 2016 Mass time Thursday, Jan 14—Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel 10am Thursday, Feb 11—Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel 10am Sunday, February 21—Corporate Communion Mass 8:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 1:30pm 7:00pm Thursday, March 10—Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel 10am *Thursday, March 17— Bus trip: Tour Stone Chapel in North Houston. More details later. *There are usually openings on our bus trips if anyone wishes to join us. Call Irma Morales @ 713-944-4624. Prayer blankets available. Call Grace@ 713-645-2987. Queridos hermanos: De Parte de su Nuevo vicario Parroquial: Rev. Ricardo Lazo, haciéndoles una cordial invitación a asistir a una Hora Santa, todos los jueves a las 7pm en Parroquia. ~~~~~~~~ Brothers & Sisters: Fr Ricardo invites you to Holy Hour every Thursday at 7pm in the church. Mass Intentions, Schedule for this Week Saturday, December 5—Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Stella Stewart † 5:30 p.m. — Fredrick Earl Smith † 7:00 p.m. — Gregoria Morales † Sunday, December 6—2nd Sunday of Advent 8:00a.m. — Frank Konieczny † 10:00a.m.— Alfred Horelka † 12:00p.m.— Ma. Luisa Dorado † 1:30p.m.— Mireya Garza † 7:00p.m.— For the People of the Parish Monday, December 7—St. Ambrose, Bishop 8:00 a.m. — Angeles Medina † 7:00 p.m. — Rev. Richard M. Patrick Tuesday, December 8—Immaculate Conception (HO) 8:00 a.m. — Lois Cross † 7:00 p.m. — Erika Reyna Gray † Wednesday, December 9—Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Maria Adela Vela † 7:00 p.m. — Advent Penance Service Thursday, December 10—Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Brenda Alcala † Friday, December 11—Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. — James John † Saturday, December 12—Advent Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Rev Joseph K Kalladan † 5:30 p.m. — Dorothy Dinda † 7:00 p.m. — Rosa Elia Ledezma † Total Collection 2nd Coll—PSM $ 861.00 $ 702.00 $1,644.00 $ 2,038.00 $ 2,454.00 $ 1,510.00 $ 661.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,870.00 $2,404.00 Food Pantry Christmas Flowers Thanksgiving Day Youth Food Sales $ Grand total $11,516.00 387.00 161.00 334.00 370.00 539.00 346.00 267.00 25.00 214.00 447.00 480.00 Budgeted 1st Collection: $12,000.00 Upcoming 2nd Collections: December 6—Property Fund December 13—Retirement for Religious (Sisters) December 20—DSF December 27—DSF The St. Pius V Youth Group — Join the St. Pius V Youth Group this Friday December 11, 2015 for a praise & worship night. This week’s topic will focus on the season of Advent and the importance of Mary. Students will learn and focus on these topics through Praise & Worship. Join us as we gather in the St. Pius V cafeteria from 7-9 p.m. Come make new friendships through faith, all while having fun. We hope to see you there YoUTH GROUP Readings for the week of 12/6 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Advent Is 35: 1-10; Lk 5: 17-26 Gn 3: 9-15, 20; Eph 1: 3-6, 11-12; Lk 1: 26-38 Is 50: 25-31; Mt 11: 28-30 Is 41: 13-20; Mt 11: 11-15 Is 48: 17-19; Mt 11: 16-19 Zec 2: 14-17 Zep 3: 14-18a; Phil 4: 4-7; Lk 3: 10-18 Bulletin Sponsor of the Week Las Hadas Mexican Food (See back of bulletin) Thank you for your support. Scripture Study in English—meets on THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7pm in the Parish Life Center Living room...Join us any time. St. Pius V Catholic Church December 6, 2015 Matt 25 Parish Highlights During the month of November, the Office of Social Ministry provided food, rent/eviction, and utility assistance to 224 Households. Many donations of food, funds, and gift cards were received from individuals and parish families, ministries, and local grocery stores.. These donations went a long way in providing supplemental support to 837 individuals and 519 returns. Joseph Mendoza’s, Eagle Scout Project, collected close to 500 lbs of food, Bella (granddaughter of Diana Trevino) only asked for nonperishable and canned goods for her birthday and donated it all to the food bank, James and Terry Hickman continue with their monthly donation, St. Clare’ social ministry adopted us again this year and donated sixty boxes of food, and the Martinez, Trevino, Solley, and Theriot families helped fill the thanksgiving boxes with Turkey’s and all the extras. In addition, another word of appreciation and thanks to Luis & Alma Gonzales, Roberta & Yadira Rodriguez, and Rodolfo and Alejandra Pacheco for donating more than 600 pounds of chicken to the food pantry. A big word of thanks to Christian Sanchez and the confirmation youth for assisting with the Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution, the Social Ministry Core Team for being the best ever, and Patrice St. PE for her valuable assistance. Thank you so much for supporting the Office of Social Ministry in November. Truly, we couldn’t do it without YOU God is Good!!! Christmas Assistance 30 Christmas Dinners are being sponsored to needy families in our parish commuNovember/Annual figures: nity. If you would like to help sponsor a family with a $20.00 gift card to Target/ 224 Families as of November 1,998 Walmart/Kroger/HEB/Randall’s, we would be grateful. Please place your gift card(s) 837 Individuals 6,945 donation in the collection basket in an envelope addressed to the Office of Parish So519 Returns 3,798 cial Ministry, or bring them to the Social Ministry Office in the PLC. Thank you!!! If you would like to sponsor a family for Christmas, please drop Chris Rubio an email and he’ll be glad to send a list of Christmas food items needed for each family. [email protected] Food/Clothing Requests: Dry Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly (Grape, Strawberry), Tuna Fish, Canned Fruit Dry Mash Potato Mix, Gravy Mix, New or Slightly Used Jackets (must be clean) New Blankets Help Wanted: A Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, and Food Pantry Core Members. Please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry (713) 473-9484 and ask to speak to Chris Rubio Preguntas de la Semana Questions of the Week 2o domingo de adviento Second Sunday of Advent Theme: We are getting ready to welcome Christ into our hearts. Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear this reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: What things do you do to get ready for a big event or celebration? Question for Youth: How do you share the Good News of Jesus with others? Question for Adults: Name one thing you can do to help “prepare the way of the Lord?” Tema: Nos estamos preparando para recibir a Cristo en nuestros corazones. Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra Al escuchar esta lectura, ¿qué palabras o frases los impactó? ¿Qué parte de esta lectura tocó sus corazones? ¿Qué se quedó en sus memorias? Paso dos: Examinar su vida Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué hacen para prepararse para un gran evento o celebración? Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Cómo compartes la Buena Nueva de Jesús con los demás? Pregunta para los adultos: Nombren algo que puedan hacer para ayudar a “preparar el camino del Señor.” Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones Nick Soto and Isabel Soto and family, Joe Rabel, Rosalinda Perez, Katerin Castillo, Christian McKenzie, Raquel Mendoza, Steve Kasmiersky, Roberta Simms, Aldo Montemayor, Manuela Munoz, Gracie Garcia Family, Rachel Herreth, Deana Edwards Herreth, Sherry Ross, Aldo Montemayor, Maria T Rodriguez, Jose Arispe, Herminia Perez, Merida Maciel, Manuela Munoz, Raymond Romero, Leonardo V Adler, Amanda Bramlet, Barbara Brown, Victor Capuchino, Alfred Bustamante, Shirley Guilliams, Stella Stewart, M L Syma, David Flores, Raquel Mendoza, Christine McKenzie, Maria de la Paz Anaya, Maria Esperanza Anaya, Jon Fineo, Donald Turner, Robert Broughton, Al Harrison, Nancy McElroy, Mary Livadas, Barbara Livadas-Fript, Dina Contreras, Aldo Montemayor, Camilla Labue, The Mendez family, Mary Edge, Angel Joe Rodriguez, Noemi Sanchez, Marlene Armstrong, Adriana Salazar, Graciela Salazar, Jose Alvarado, Donald Broach, Bonifacia Salas, Kirsten Garcia, Alexys Martinez, Al Clausen, Jr., Henry Harrison, Basilio Cabrales, Guadalupe Esquival. The names that are no longer here have been placed in the book of names needing prayers behind the Tabernacle. 2nd Sunday of Advent St. Pius V Catholic Church December 6, 2015 Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/ We Pray in Song a Partir de 150 First Reading Bar 5:1-9 Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: wrapped in the cloak of justice from God, bear on your head the mitre that displays the glory of the eternal name. For God will show all the earth your splendor: you will be named by God forever the peace of justice, the glory of God’s worship. Up, Jerusalem! stand upon the heights; look to the east and see your children gathered from the east and the west at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing that they are remembered by God. Led away on foot by their enemies they left you: but God will bring them back to you borne aloft in glory as on royal thrones. For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low, and that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, that Israel may advance secure in the glory of God. The forests and every fragrant kind of tree have overshadowed Israel at God’s command; for God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory, with his mercy and justice for company. Primera lectura Bar 5, 1-9 Jerusalén, despójate de tus vestidos de luto y aflicción, y vístete para siempre con el esplendor de la gloria que Dios te da; envuélvete en el manto de la justicia de Dios y adorna tu cabeza con la diadema de la gloria del Eterno, porque Dios mostrará tu grandeza a cuantos viven bajo el cielo. Dios te dará un nombre para siempre: “Paz en la justicia y gloria en la piedad”. Ponte de pie, Jerusalén, sube a la altura, levanta los ojos y contempla a tus hijos, reunidos de oriente y de occidente, a la voz del espíritu, gozosos porque Dios se acordó de ellos. Salieron a pie, llevados por los enemigos; pero Dios te los devuelve llenos de gloria, como príncipes reales. Dios ha ordenado que se abajen todas las montañas y todas las colinas, que se rellenen todos los valles hasta aplanar la tierra, para que Israel camine seguro bajo la gloria de Dios. Los bosques y los árboles fragantes le darán sombra por orden de Dios. Porque el Señor guiará a Israel en medio de la alegría y a la luz de su gloria, escoltándolo con su misericordia y su justicia. Responsorial Psalm Ps 126 R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 125 R. Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor. Second Reading Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 Brothers and sisters: I pray always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Segunda lectura Flp 1, 4-6. 8-11 Hermanos: Cada vez que me acuerdo de ustedes, le doy gracias a mi Dios y siempre que pido por ustedes, lo hago con gran alegría, porque han colaborado conmigo en la propagación del Evangelio, desde el primer día hasta ahora. Estoy convencido de que aquel que comenzó en ustedes esta obra, la irá perfeccionando siempre hasta el día de la venida de Cristo Jesús. Dios es testigo de cuánto los amo a todos ustedes con el amor entrañable con que los ama Cristo Jesús. Y ésta es mi oración por ustedes: Que su amor siga creciendo más y más y se traduzca en un mayor conocimiento y sensibilidad espiritual. Así podrán escoger siempre lo mejor y llegarán limpios e irreprochables al día de la venida de Cristo, llenos de los frutos de la justicia, que nos viene de Cristo Jesús, para gloria y alabanza de Dios. Gospel Lk 3:1-6 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the desert. John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: A voice of one crying out in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” Evangelio Lc 3, 1-6 En el año décimo quinto del reinado del César Tiberio, siendo Poncio Pilato procurador de Judea; Herodes, tetrarca de Galilea; su hermano Filipo, tetrarca de las regiones de Iturea y Traconítide; y Lisanias, tetrarca de Abilene; bajo el pontificado de los sumos sacerdotes Anás y Caifás, vino la palabra de Dios en el desierto sobre Juan, hijo de Zacarías. Entonces comenzó a recorrer toda la comarca del Jordán, predicando un bautismo de penitencia para el perdón de los pecados, como está escrito en el libro de las predicciones del profeta Isaías: Ha resonado una voz en el desierto: Preparen el camino del Señor, hagan rectos sus senderos. Todo valle será rellenado, toda montaña y colina, rebajada; lo tortuoso se hará derecho, los caminos ásperos serán allanados y todos los hombres verán la salvación de Dios. 2nd Sunday of Advent
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