SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874 E-mail: [email protected] Student Chapter Annual Report Form This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to document the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggested below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate for publishing on our website. Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to: [email protected] 10 / 2014 09 / 2015 Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) – To _______________________(mm/yyyy) Society of Economic Geologist - Universidad Industrial de Santander Student Chapter Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Carrera 27 con calle 9 - ciudad universitaria, Bucaramanga -Colombia Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ [email protected] Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled): President: Arlin Brighith Fonseca Martínez __________________________________________ Name Jonathan Alberto Peñaranda Paez Vice President: __________________________________________ Name Secretary: [email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail Maria Alejandra Suarez Garcia __________________________________________ Name Treasurer: [email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail [email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail Gustavo Adolfo Ramírez Salamanca __________________________________________ Name [email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing): Luis Carlos Mantilla Figueroa [email protected] 3158894422 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone crarrera 27 con calle 9- ciudad universitaria, Bucaramanga - Colombia _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution): Julian Andrés Lopez Izasa [email protected] 3216068395 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone Carrra 27 No 36-14 of 601 _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax ECO ORO MINERAL CORP. Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________ Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member). 2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1. On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities: 1. Regular meetings, lectures 2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, number of participants, sponsors, benefits for students). Note: this is not the place for a detailed field trip report that is required from a chapter who has received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund. 3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used. 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefits for students) 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from the chapter, benefits for students) 6. Fund-raising programs 7. Other programs 8. Future plans Aug2015VS SEG STUDENT CHAPTER ANNUAL REPORT SEG STUDENT CHAPTER UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER October 2014- September 2015 STUDENT CHAPTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTE (2014-2015) PRESIDENT: VICE- PRESIDENT SECRETARY: TREASURE: Arlin Brighith Fonseca Martínez Jonathan Alberto Peñaranda Paez Maria Alejandra Suarez Garcia Gustavo Adolfo Ramírez Salamanca STUDENT CHAPTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTE (2015-2016) PRESIDENT: Juan David Acevedo Peña E-mail: [email protected] VICE- PRESIDENT: Daniela Pinilla E-mail: [email protected] TREASURE: Liley Andrea Bueno Silva E-mail: [email protected] SECRETARY: Antony Hernández Sánchez E-mail: [email protected] STUDENT CHAPTER MEMBERS Daniela M. Pinilla ** Juan David Acevedo Peña** Liley Andrea Silva Bueno ** Anthony Hernandez Sanchez** Gustavo Adolfo Ramírez Salamaca * Arlin Brighith Fonseca Martínez * Jonathan Alberto Peñaranda * Maria Alejandra Suarez * SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS Daniel E. Bejarano Valenzuela* Milton Andrés Galvis Gómez* Dayanna S. Grimaldos* Anggy Ochoa Pinto* Alvaro Alejandro Villar* Jessika L. Otero Ramirez* Luis Fernando Paez Sinuco* * SEG Student member UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS 1. REGULAR MEETING, LECTURES. Regular Meeting. The student chapter committee meets every two weeks, to keep track and discuss chapter activities and arrange future activities. Likewise the academic fellow and industry sponsor advice the student chapter, about the activities that we are developing and the future ones that we are planning. At the beginning of the academic period, the chapter did some introduction for students in first level, and in the next two weeks, the student chapter organize a meeting for all the students of the geology department at Universidad industrial de Santander that want to join in the SEG-UIS student chapter. Lectures. In October 21th 2014, we had the participation of PhD. Richards Spikings with the lecture “THE GEOLOGY OF THE NORTHERN ANDES. NEW DATA AND A GEODYNAMIC MODEL FOR THE PHANEROZOIC”. It included the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students. This conference was attended around seventy students. The main object was to show the geochronological data for the northern portion of the Andes, and the interpretation of this in order to explain the geodynamic evolution of the Venezuelan, Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes. Figure 1. PhD Richard Spikings with the assistants to the lecture SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS In May 26th 2015, we had the participation of Ph.D. Karen D. Kelly as the “Thayer Lindsley visiting Lecture” of SEG with the lecture “ THE GIANT CONCELED PEBBLE Cu-Au-Mo PORPHYRY DEPOSITS, SOUTHWEST ALASKA: EVOLUTION AND EXPLORATION IMPLICATIONS” which was attended seventy five people included students, professors and graduated students of the college. The lecture focused in how use geochemical data in an exploration minning project in which the geomorphology didn´t show many outcorps. Figure 3. Ph. D. Karen Kelly with the assistants to the lecture In Agust 29th 2015, we had the participation of Geological Engeneer Jackson Vilchez Torres with the lecture “GEOLOGIA DEL YACIMIENTO EPITERMAL DE ALTA SULFURACIÓN CERRO YANACOCHA” which was attended fivety peoples included students and professors and postgraduated students of the college. The lecture focused in the geological settings of the deposit and the new techniques that were used to keep improved the mine. UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS Figure 4. Geological Engeneer Jackson Vilchez with the assistants to the lecture 2. WORKSHOPS & SHORT COURSES. WORKSHOPS This year the SEG-UIS student chapter accomplish the workshop of bases in hydrothermal alteration: Hand samples and their interpretation, this workshop consisted in how student can describe a hand sample with different kinds of hydrothermal alteration in differents deposits how they look different stuctures like veins, textures and how identify some sulphures and alteration minerals in handscale . Four members of the SEG-UIS student chapter led this workshop and we had the assistance of fiveteen persons between students and members of the student chapter. The workshop done two hours one day a week and had the advice of PhD. Luis Carlos Mantilla and Msc. Julian Andres López. UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS Figure 12. Asistents to the worksop and the member SEG-UIS student chapter SHORT COURSE “TALLER DE MINERALIZACIÓN Y ALTERACIONES HIDROTERMALES” 27-29, MARCH, 2014 M. Sc. Julian Lopez Isaza, geologist at Universidad de Caldas and Msc., share a short course at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota with Msc. Juan Carlos Molano and with the members of SEG student chapter Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogota, who offered us a short course of “Taller de mineralización y alteraciones hidrotermales” in laboratory at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The course assistants were 16 students from Universidad Industrial de Santander that are members of SEG or SGA, students can use reflected microscopes and noticed different mineral assemblages of the opaque minerals. UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST STUDENT CHAPTER - UIS Figure 6. M. Sc. Julian Lopez with the assistants to the Short Course 4. FUND-RAISING PROGRAMS In this year the student chapter activities have been sponsored by Universidad Industrial de Santander and the members of SEG-UIS student chapter. 5. FUTURE PLANS The next committee of the student chapter is planning to keep doing the workshop, this year for the students and members of third and fourth year, to introduce them to the study of mineral deposits, and complement with the subject, which is seen in fourth year. This workshop could be complemented with the study of a collection of samples of different mineral deposits, and possibly with a fieldtrip. Also, the next committee is planning to organize the first international metallogenic field trip, to the Yanacocha minning district, in Cajamarca, Peru. For the realization of this fieldtrip, the committee is planning to participate in the “Stewart R. Wallace Student Chapter Funding Application” program, along with other fund-raising activities. UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER
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