November 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Page 2 1st Sunday of Advent Dear sisters and brothers, Advent is about paying attention to the reality that the Word became flesh and lives in us. Our hearts are our Bethlehem. It is truly in the messiness of the moment that God is present. In the manger, on the cross and everything in between. In recent years television has conceived a new genre of prime-time called “reality shows.” On these shows someone is always being eliminated based on fleeting human criteria for worthiness such as appearance, popularity or power. We stay in the game by excluding others or getting ahead at their expense. The birth of Jesus changes the rules of the game. God’s kingdom makes room for everyone, especially the least among us. Advent is a good time to reflect on this reality and let it become flesh in our lives. I cherish reminders that God joined us in real life and is with us. Years ago the parish I celebrated Christmas Eve Mass was to begin at 7:30 pm. One year it was 7:40 pm, and the entrance procession still hadn’t begun. People were restless, the church was packed, the children were wound up with Christmas Eve excitement. A baby was crying hard, with the kind of crescendo that usually makes parents bolt for the parking lot. An elderly woman in a red velvet dress said loudly. “That sounds like a very small child. Why would they bring one out at night?” Suddenly the crying stopped, and the music began. Children costumed as shepherds, angels, wise men, Mary, and Joseph led the entrance procession. Mary cradled a real baby, his face scarlet from the exertion of crying, a bottle stuck in his mouth. “W hy, all that crying was for Jesus!” the woman in the red dress said. Mary lifted him to her shoulder before putting him in the manger, and he let out a loud burp. Everyone burst out laughing. This was Jesus, crying and needing to be burped, experiencing firsthand what life is like for us. May we all be able to pause long enough this season to acknowledge the reality of this celebration. That before Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again – we need to remember Christ was born and is with us now. Not just in ideal, holy, neat times but in the messiness of our lives. Jesus, during this season of your birth as we celebrate your coming to us as a child, I long for a child’s heart again. I have grown up in the wrong directions. I pray this Christmas for a heart that is quickly delighted with simple things, a heart that is easily wrapped in wonder. I pray for the gift of becoming once again little enough to trust, to cry when I’m hurt or when I’m sad. Give me the inhibition of a child this Christmas so that I can sing out loud for no reason at all, ask lots of questions and always have time to play. Give me a child’s heart for Christmas. Take my tired old over-grown heart. Put me in the manger once again. Invite the angels to sing me to sleep and I will rise with joy on Christmas morning. Amen. We are pausing this Christmas to acknowledge the reality show of our lives with you as director, O Lord. We wait for the next episode to unfold in our hearts, where your Bethlehem this time… there is room. Fr. Rich, SS.CC. November 29, 2015 Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Adviento es el tiempo para poner atención a la realidad de que el Verbo se hizo carne y que vive entre nosotros. Nuestros corazones son nuestro Belén. Es realmente en el desorden del momento que Dios está presente. En el pesebre, en la Cruz y en todo lo demás. En los últimos años la televisión ha concebido un nuevo género de programas llamados "reality shows." En estos espectáculos siempre hay alguien que se está eliminando según las fugaces criterios humanos para la dignidad como la apariencia, la popularidad o el poder. Nos quedamos en el juego mediante la exclusión de otros o adelantando a sus expensas. El nacimiento de Jesús cambia las reglas del juego. El Reino de Dios deja espacio para todos, especialmente para los más pequeños de entre nosotros. El Adviento es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre esta realidad y dejar que se haga carne en nuestras vidas. Aprecio tanto los recuerdos de que Dios nos acompaña en la vida real y está con nosotros. Hace años en la parroquia que celbraba la misa de Nochebuena comenzaba a las 7:30 pm. Un año eran las 7:40pn, y la procesión de entrada aún no había comenzado. La gente estaba inquieta, la iglesia estaba llena, los niños terminando con las emociónes de la tarde de Navidad. Un bebé lloraba mucho, con un volume de, que por lo general, hace que el los padres se salgan a el estacionamiento. Una anciana con un vestido de terciopelo rojo, dijo en voz alta. "Eso se oye como un niño muy pequeño. ¿Por qué lo habran cacarlo por la noche? "De repente, el llanto se detuvo y comenzó la música. Niños disfrazados de pastores, ángeles, reyes magos, María y José guiaban la procesión de entrada. María cargaba un bebé de verdad, con el rostro escarlata por el esfuerzo de llorar, un biberon en su boca. "¿Por qué, todo ese llanto era por Jesús!", Dijo la mujer del vestido rojo. María lo levantó sobre su hombro antes de ponerlo en el pesebre, y el niño dejó escapar un sonoro eructo. Todo el mundo se echó a reír. Este era Jesús, llorando y con necesidad de eructar, experimentando de primera mano cómo es la vida entre nosotros. Quizás todos seamos capaces parar lo suficiente en esta temporada para reconocer la realidad de esta celebración. Que antes de que Cristo ha muerto, Cristo ha resucitado, Cristo vendrá de nuevo - debemos recordar que Cristo nació y está con nosotros ahora. No sólo en ideales, en los tiempos sagrados, en los buenos tiempos, sino en el desorden de nuestras vidas. Jesús, durante este tiempo de tu nacimiento, al celebrar tu venida a nosotros como un niño, anhelo el corazón de un niño otra vez. He crecido en la dirección equivocada. Rezo en esta Navidad por un corazón que sea rápidamente encantado con las cosas simples, un corazón que se envuelva fácilmente en lo maravilloso. Rezo por el regalo de convertirme una vez más lo suficiente pequeño, como para confiar, llorar cuando estoy herido o cuando estoy triste. Dame la inhibición de un niño en esta Navidad para que pueda cantar en voz alta sin ninguna razón en absoluto, hacer muchas preguntas y siempre tener tiempo para jugar. Dame el corazón de un niño para la Navidad. Toma mi corazón Viejo, cansado sobre-crecido. Ponme en el pesebre, una vez más. Invita a los ángeles para que me cantan, para dormirme y asi me levantaré con alegría en la mañana de la Navidad. Amén. Estamos haciendo una pausa en esta Navidad para reconocer la demostración de la realidad de nuestras vidas con ustedes como directores, Oh Señor. Te esperamos en el próximo episodio para abrir nuestros corazones, donde tsu Belén esta vez ... tendrá un lugar. Fr. Rich, SS.CC. November 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 5:00 PM WM Virginia Denney, Paul Marquez, Benjamin Fiero, Angela Olivas SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 8:00 AM D 10:00 AM C 12:30 PM 5:00 PM Benjamin Fiero, Angela Olivas, Manuel & Josephine Garcia Ernest Spirito, Joand & Charles Monhollen, Eugene Mahoney, Int. Yolanda Brancato (102nd Birthday) D Tom Triska, Eusebio Zerrato, Tomas Manuel Iraheta, Rosa Mata, Jose Ayala C Lily Garcia, Int. Mary Sauceda & Family Page 3 Saturday 5 PM, and 1st Saturday 8:30 AM (English) Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM (English); Sunday 12:30 PM (Español) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Friday 8:30 AM (English) 1st Wednesday 6:30 PM (Español) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 PM (English) 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM (Español) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday until 6:00 PM Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 AM— 8:30 AM Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the Church. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 8:30 AM VP Tom Triska, Rafael & Baby Ramos, Benjamin Fiero, Angela Olivas, Aine Madigan TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 8:30 AM VP Benjamin Fiero, Angela Olivas, Eddie Kosaceff WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 8:30 AM VP Benjamin Fiero, Manny Hernandez III, Angela Olivas 6:30 PM D Liturgy of the Hours Monday – Saturday after Adoration Exposition In Memoriam BETTY GROSO g TERESA GRAY SIGFRED MORA g TONY BROCATO EUGENE TALLEY g AINE MADIGAN People of the Parish Please Pray for the sick and the suffering: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 Hillary Paul, Int. Ava Galleno, Benjamin Fiero, 8:30 AM M Angela Olivas FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 Melitona Veloso, May Magsino, Mario Zñiga, 8:30 AM D Umanah, Pete Kuzmickas, Salvatore Vastas, Mary Mendoza, Benjamin Fiero, Angela Olivas Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 8:30– D, 5:00—C, Sun. 8—WM, 10—D, 12:30—VP, 5:00—D Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy VP=Visiting Priest *Schedule subject to change Helen Calderon, Jerry Sterewalt, Lauren Paine, Tony Quintero, Jim Guest, Kathy Stevens, Jarrett Jara, Violeta Hernandez, Melinda Zamora, Nina Landaverri, Joan Ingram, Joe Rosales, Carole & Bill Durban, Amelia Ventura, Louis Benavidas, Margie Sanchez, Rick Garrett, Raymond Ruiz, Damacio Marquez, Gloria Marquez, Berna Vigil, Terri Montez, Fr. Richard Hoynes, Ramela Clutario, Jeff Faulkner, Julio & MaryLou Escobedo, Gina Marshall , Debbie Musser, Joann Baur, John David Gutierrez, Donald Cook, Lorraine Cook, Annie Marie Hein, E.R. Hall, Gary Hourahan, Josefina Villanueva, Arnoldo Pedrego, Bob, Charles, Nardina Disteffano. Holy Name of Mary Parish is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please do not leave your purses or valuables unattended. Page 4 1st Sunday of Advent Holy Name of Mary School presents 029,(1,*+7$77+( 6$&5('+($576+$// November 29, 2015 7KLV\HDU6W9LQFHQWGH3DXOLVDVNLQJIRU\RXUKHOSWR EULQJMR\LQWRWKHOLIHRIDFKLOGLQQHHG<RXUJLIWFDQ EULQJKRSHLQWRWKHLU&KULVWPDVVHDVRQ ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRSDUWLFLSDWHVLPSO\WDNHDWDJIURP WKH-HVVH7UHHLQWKH1DUWKH[DQGSXUFKDVHWKHLWHP VSHFLILHG<RXPD\UHWXUQWKHJLIW81:5$33(':,7+ 7+(7$*$77$&+('DQGSODFHXQGHUWKHWUHH %<681'$<'(&(0%(57+ SUGGESTED DONATION is $5/ticket Friday, December 4th, 2015 Doors open @ 6 pm Movie starts promptly @ 6:30 pm Concession food will be available for purchase. There will be hotdogs, nachos, popcorn, candy, drinks. Everyone is invited so tell your neighbors, ask your friends, bring your family and join us in a fun-filled movie screening at our Church Hall featuring Disney’s INSIDE OUT. Although there will be chairs provided, you may bring your blankets or beach chairs if you’d like. This is a fundraising to benefit the Winter Shelter Program for the Homeless hosted by Holy Name of Mary Parish this winter season. Enjoy the night at our beautiful Hall with your family and friends while helping a good cause! During this Holiday Season HNM’s CONFERENCE OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL are planning to give Holiday Food Baskets to the needy in our community. We invite you to help us fill the baskets by donating nonperishable food items. Instant potatoes, beans 1 lb. packages, canned fruit, canned cranberry sauce, stuffing mixes, rice, cake, brownie or pudding mixes, Jell-O mixes, canned yams, canned soups, spaghetti sauce, pasta, powdered milk, canned meats, tuna, peanut butter, cereals, crackers and any other items with easy-open-pop-up lids. Cash donations are always appreciated to purchase turkeys. The collection boxes will be in the narthex. 3OHDVHSXUFKDVH WKHLWHPVSHFLILHG RQWKHWDJ,I\RX ZRXOGOLNHWRPDNH DPRQHWDU\GRQD WLRQZHZLOOGRWKH VKRSSLQJIRU\RX 6LPSO\PDNHWKH FKHFNRXWWR´+RO\ 1DPHRI0DU\µDQG 1RWH69'37R\ 'ULYH 7KDQN\RXIRUEHLQJWKHOLJKWRI&KULVW2XU+10IDPLO\ DOZD\V UHVSRQGV VR ZHOO WR VXSSRUW RXU HQGHDYRUV RI UHDFKLQJRXWWRRXUEURWKHUVDQGVLVWHUV0D\*RGEOHVV \RX ZLWK MR\ DQG SHDFH WKLV KRO\ VHDVRQ RI RXU /RUG·V ELUWK,I\RXKDYHTXHVWLRQV\RXPD\GLUHFWWKHPWR &RULQQHDWVHUDSKLP07#URDGUXQQHUFRP Advent Candle Lighting Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. Please consider being part of these beautiful liturgies during Advent. The St Vincent de Paul Conference will be supplying Christmas food baskets and toys to those in need within our community. If you are in need or know of a family who can use some help this holy season please be encouraged to come to the parish office and fill out a form for a Christmas basket. Or you may call St. Vincent de Paul at (909) 599-1243 x138 if you have any questions. May Christ’s peace be with you. To submit an article for the parish bulletin email it to [email protected] The article must be a word or publisher file. Due to holiday deadlines, please submit articles 2 weeks in advance. November 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent Page 5 From the Director of Administration… Prayer of Thanksgiving Sociedad Guadalupana Este año honraremos a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en su día, 12 de diciembre con su misa a las 7:00 p.m. Todos estan invitados, no olviden poner la fecha en su calendario. No se pierdan este magnífico evento. All are welcomed to join us as we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe on her day, Saturday, Dec. 12th, with mass at 7:00 p.m. This mass will be bilingual. Refreshments to follow. SHOE DRIVE ST NOVEMBER 1 - NOVEMBER 30 TH The cold months are approaching and the need for shoes that protect is great. Please consider clearing out your closets and donating your GENTLY used shoes, particularly tennis shoes to our Shoe Drive. DBL Ministry will collect new and gently used shoes for men, women, and children. A bin in the church Narthex is available for your donation drop off. The San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speaker Teri Thompson on Saturday, December 5, 2015, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Registration @ 9:30) at Mountain Meadows Golf Course, 1875 Fairplex Dr., Pomona, CA. (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE) Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help foster growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $25 by November 24th, $29 after. Registration forms will be in the entrance and office of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532. O Lord, It is right to give You thanks for this day. For it is from You that all good things come. It is from You that we receive so many abundant blessings. We give You thanks for Your grace, for Your love, and for Your care for us and our families. We praise You for the gift of faith, of repentance, and for forgiveness. We give You thanks for Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior Thank You, Lord, for so many gifts You have given us, for so many favors You grant us, for so many wonders You have shown us. For so much, thank You, Lord. Always help our hearts be grateful and turned toward You. We pray this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! November 21st & 22nd Weekly Fiscal YTD YTD vs. 2014/2015 *DUE TO THE EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE, THESE FIGURES ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR Offertory THIS WEEK. WE WILL POST THEM IN THE FOLLOWING BULLETIN. Preparing and Sharing the Sunday Readings Online Reading next Sunday's readings during the week ahead prepares us to absorb the Word of God into our lives. There are no meetings because we prepare and share online via email. You will receive the readings on Monday and you can share your responses to the reflection questions with the rest of the group. This is a wonderful way to pray with the scriptures. If you are interested in joining this email discussion, please email Tom Nolan at [email protected] or call (818) 298-1360. Page 6 1st Sunday of Advent November 29, 2015 84ª Procesión y misa en honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Madre de Misericordia Domingo, 6 de diciembre 2015 11am | Procesión esquina de Cesar Chávez y Autopista 710 1:30pm | Santa Misa Estadio del Colegio del Este Los Ángeles Celebrante Arzobispo José H. Gomez 84th Procession and Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother of Mercy Sunday, December 6, 2015 11AM | Procession Corner of Cesar Chavez & 710 FWY 1:30pm | Holy Mass East Los Angeles College Stadium Presided by Archbishop José H. Gomez 1301 Avenida Cesar Chávez Monterey Park, CA 91754 For more information/ Para más información: (323)268-1141 Did you miss last year’s OneLife LA? You won’t want to miss this year! On January 23, 2016, join Archbishop Gomez and tens of thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the second annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Beginning at 12:00pm at La Placita/Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a family-friendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. ¿Se perdió el evento UnaVida LA el año pasado? ¡No puede perdérselo este año! El 23 de enero 2016, únete al Arzobispo Gómez y decenas de miles de personas en el centro de Los Ángeles para el segundo evento anual UnaVida LA, un evento que celebra la belleza y la dignidad de cada ser humano desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Comenzando al mediodía en La Placita/ Olvera St., caminaremos hacia Grand Park para un día familiar donde habrán conferencistas, música en vivo, entretenimiento, camiones de comida, y puestos de organizaciones comunitarias que sirven a personas necesitadas. Concluiremos con la Misa de “Réquiem para los No Nacidos” en la catedral a las 5PM. Please email Ministry if you wish to attend event. The ministry would like to reserve a bus for a group of individuals. [email protected] Limited seating and a fee of approximately $20.00 for each rider on the bus. November 29, 2015 1st Sunday of Advent Winter Shelter February 1st through 15th 2016 This February 2016 Holy Name of Mary will be hosting a winter shelter for the homeless. Items we are collecting now: New or slightly used bath towels and new travel sized shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, women's personal hygiene items, shaving cream and disposable razors. All items can be brought to the parish office attention Winter Shelter. There will be many ways to help and get involved. Volunteers and donations will be needed to make this a success! Please check the bulletin during the next several months for much more information. Questions? Please contact David Luna [email protected] Wantmoreenergyinyourday? Joinusforaspecialpresentationon “EnergyforPerformance” SCIENCE-BASED TRAINING FOR MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS —AND YOUR LIFE PresentedBy:DanReamsfromJanusFunds Sponsoredby:TomNolan Date: Thursday December 10, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Holy Name of Mary (New Hall) After years of studying elite athletes including sixteen, #1 ranked performers - sports scientist at the Human Performance Institute (HPI) understand what makes the best the best. Now, HPI and Janus Labs have translated this wisdom into actionable tools you can use to achieve greater success – in work and in life. And, it’s simpler than you think. See for yourself at this informational seminar. Raffle prizes include 2-$100, mystery gift(s) by Under Armor and Nike Please RSVP by Tuesday December 8, 2015 to Kristine Mendez at 909.394.0409 or email [email protected] DE Colores!! Have you heard of Cursillo? Would you like to know more? We have a monthly meeting called Ultreya where you can find out. Ultreya is held every fourth (4th) Friday of the month. Please join us in the St. Frances Room (ff 201) in the Sacred Hearts Hall. We meet from 7:00 to 9:00pm. Hope to see you there. For more information, contact: Rita Austin at 909-593-9403. Page 7 This is an invitation for all children 3rd grade and above to be a part of a Children’s Choir for the children’s mass every third Sunday of the month at 10 AM. Rehearsals will be held in the church on Thursday afternoons from 3:15 pm until 4:00 pm. A recording device is required at all rehearsals. The children’s choir will be singing for the December 20th mass at 10:00 am and the Christmas Eve mass on December 24th at 4pm. We will be preparing for those two masses starting Thursday December 2nd. Suzanne Gutierrez will be directing the Children’s Choir. She has sung for Holy Name of Mary Church for 10 years, and has been taught to lead the mass by Dolores Gomez. For more information please email [email protected] A Christmas Religious Articles Gift Show will be at: Holy Name of Mary Church in the Courtyard Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 5th & 6th (Times: Sat: 4pm - 7pm Vigil Mass) (Sunday: 7am - 7pm ALL Masses) Mark your Calendars! Buy your most important Christmas Gifts early this year! All Major Credit Cards accepted. Your Sales Tax included on all sales. Discounted Catholic Leather Bibles, Gifts from Rome, France, Ireland, & more, Family + Faith + Prayer + Coloring, + Children's Books, Music CD's/ Movie DVD's, Rosaries, Statues, Holy Cards, Jewelry, Key chains, Rosaries, Canvas Photos of Pope Francis, Necklaces, Icons, Jewelry, Visor Clips, and lot's more. For the person who has everything… This year give that special someone a lasting gift of honor and acknowledgement, a Holy Name of Mary Commencement Brick. Pick up an order form in the narthex and submit it to the Parish Office or contact Michele Cote (909)599-1243 x199. 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599–1243 • FAX: (909) 599–4230 Website: • Email: [email protected] Pastor Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Ext. 114 [email protected] Director of Pastoral Ministry Charlie Martinez Ext. 140 [email protected] Director of Administration Pat Joyce Ext. 112 [email protected] Grief Support Minister, Liturgy & Weddings Brenda Luna Ext. 137 [email protected] Director of Music Dolores Gomez Ext. 135 [email protected] Parish Secretary Deborah Lamborghini Ext. 110 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Michele Cote Ext. 199 [email protected] Communications Coordinator Gabby Ulloa Ext. 136 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Conf. Ext. 138 Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 542–0449 • Principal, Holy Name of Mary School Deborah Marquez Ext. 226 [email protected] Deacons Marv Estey Ext. 177 Al & Rita Austin (RCIA) Ext. 110 Jose & Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Mario & Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Melanie Bailey Ext. 232 [email protected] Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Candice Brown Ext. 234 [email protected] Religious Education Administrative Assistant Erika Montenegro Ext. 280 [email protected] Serving Senior Living Communities: Brookdale, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement & Atria Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey This Week’s Events at Holy Name of Mary Adoration: Monday—Saturday at 6am in the Church Centering Prayer: Monday—Friday at 8am in the Chapel Rosary Group: Monday-Friday 9am Chapel Please refer to your Faith Formation Calendar for your child’s class schedule. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 8:30 AM MASS CHURCH 9:15 AM English Advent Retreat CHURCH 5:45 PM Miracle Monday rosary LIBRARY 7:00 PM Advent Retreat CHURCH 7:00 PM English Marriage Ministry HALL 7:00 PM Alcoholic Anonymous Faculty Room TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 8:30 AM MASS CHURCH 9:15 AM English Advent Retreat CHURCH 9:30 AM School Board Executive Board Meeting OL of Mt. Carmel 10:00 AM Tuesday Rosary Group Chapel 3:00 PM Liturgical Training (School) CHURCH 3:00 PM Tiger cubs meeting FF 201 3:15 PM Daisy Troop 1494 meeting FF 203 5:00 PM Family Advent Wreath making HALL 6:00 PM Spanish Lector Practice CHURCH 6:00 PM Men's Shield Steering Meeting OL of Mt. Carmel 6:30 PM PTG Board Meeting Faculty Room 6:45 PM Life Teen monthly Core Meeting FF 208 7:00 PM Advent Retreat CHURCH 7:00 PM Men's Shield Weekly meeting FF 206 & 207 7:00 PM Spanish Adult Faith Formation FF 209 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 - Office closes at 12:30pm 8:30 AM MASS CHURCH 9:15 AM English Advent Retreat CHURCH 1:30 PM Staff Advent Retreat Chapel 3:00 PM Wolf meeting FF 201 3:15 PM Girl Scout Troop 104 Meeting Science 5:00 PM Bear Meeting LIBRARY 5:30 PM Spanish CCD Parent Formation Damien Room 6:30 PM MASS CHURCH 6:30 PM Boy Scouts Court of Honor HALL 7:00 PM Advent Retreat CHURCH 7:00 PM R.C.I.A Damien Room 7:00 PM Meeting 7:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry 7:00 PM Centering Prayer 7:15 PM Boy Scout Weekly meeting 7:15 PM Troop weekly meeting THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 8:30 AM MASS 3:00 PM Webelos Meeting 3:00 PM Webelos 2 meeting 3:15 PM Children's Choir Practice 3:15 PM Brownie Troop 5:00 PM Spanish Children's Choir 6:15 PM SSCC Healing Mass and Formation 6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack Meeting 6:15 PM Spanish Bible Institute 7:00 PM English Evening Bible Study 7:00 PM Spanish Study Group 7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Shawl Ministry FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:30 AM 1st Friday Adoration 8:30 AM MASS 6:30 PM Movie Night 7:00 PM Maravillas De Jesus Meeting SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:00 AM Spanish Advent Retreat 8:30 AM MASS 9:00 AM Barbara's Blankets meeting 9:15 AM Grief Support monthly meeting 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting 3:30 PM RECONCILIATION 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 8:00 AM MASS 10:00 AM MASS 12:30 PM MASS 1:30 PM English Baptism class 5:00 PM MASS FF 205 FF 206 & 207 Workroom FF 201 FF 202 CHURCH FF 204 FF 206 CHURCH LIBRARY Music Office CHURCH HALL FF 208 FF 201 FF 203 OLG OL of Mt. Carmel Chapel CHURCH HALL FF 203 & 204 CHPL. HALL CHURCH OLG Damien Room OL of Mt. Carmel CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH HALL CHURCH For Wedding and Marriage Information please contact Brenda Luna at 909-599-1243 ext. 137. For Annulment Information please contact Charlie Martinez at 909-599-1243 ext. 140. Parish Office Closes at 12 noon Wednesday, December 2, 2015 for a Staff Advent Retreat. MATTHEW KELLY IS COMING TO RANCHO CUCAMONGA! Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for a deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life? March 5, 2016 9:00am – 1:30pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rancho Cucamonga GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! This will sell out quickly, so please don’t wait! Cost? $39 Contact: Tom Nolan, cell (818) 298-1360 [email protected] Queen of Peace Rosary Group The pictures of your loved ones from November are available to pick up in the parish office. If you had a banner hanging of a family member or friend, they are also available to pick up. We will have them available to you for the next few weeks. Thank you. December 3rd with Fr. Mike Barry, SS.CC, 6:15 pm for prayers, 7:00 for SHSB Formation/ teachings followed by 7:30 pm Mass at Holy Name of Mary Church December 10th with Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC HNM MARRIAGE MINISTRY PRESENTS: SIX DATES For Catholic Couples Caring for your marriage begins with making me for each other Grow in love guided by your faith. Have a date with your spouse View a short video Take a handout to guide your discussion during your date Meet other couples Relax and enjoy your time together Cost: $15 per couple (includes book) Dates: Nov. 30, Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Feb. 22, Mar. 14, Apr.11 Time: 7-9pm Where: HNM Church, in the new Hall For inquiries: Carlos and Agnes Salazar (951)313-7458 Dave and Giselle Smith (909)229-0889 or email [email protected]
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