B k Shelf THE Summer Summer 2015 2015 NorthlakePublic PublicLibrary LibraryDistrict DistrictNewsletter Newsletter Northlake NPLD 231 N. WolfPublic Rd, Northlake, IL 60164 Northlake Library District 231 N. Wolf Rd. Northlake, IL 60164 (708) 562-2301 [email protected] www.northlakelibrary.org Like Us! - Get updates @ facebook.com/northlakelibrary Inside this Issue Summer Reading Programs Youth Programs Adult Programs En Español Teen Programs 1 2 3 3 4 Lib Library Closings Friday & Saturday, July 3 & 4 Monday, September 7 Sundays: Closed for summer Children’s Summer Reading Club Pick up reading logs at our parking lot kickoff on Saturday, June 6, 12-2 p.m. • Children who read over the summer are better prepared for the following school year. Plus it’s a fun way to stay busy during the break. • All children from babies through grade 8 are encouraged to join our summer reading club. • All participants who complete 10 hours of reading will receive a summer reading T-shirt and an invitation to a pizza party at the end of the program. Turn in finished reading logs at the Youth Desk. • Reading may take place anywhere, not just at the library. Children who don’t yet read may be read to. • You must register separately from the Reading Club for all other classes and special events such as Storytime or Reading Buddies. Register online or at the library starting Monday, June 1, at 9:00 a.m. • The last day to turn in completed reading logs is Friday, July 24. Adult & Teen Summer Reading Challenge Teens and Adults who read 6 books and turn in their punch card by July 25th will receive a special T-shirt and an invitation to a wrap up party at the end of the program. PLUS other weekly prizes. Pick up a reading punch card at the Adult Reference desk and spread the word. Our Library Serves Northlake, Stone Park and unincorporated Leyden Township Library Hours M-Th 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. F-Sat 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun Closed 24-hour Bookdrop Located on the northeast corner of the building. Library Board Meetings Every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Public is welcome. Board Members Amanda Efta Aracely Gutierrez Orlando Rivera Barb Salo Maureen Sydor Renee Wright Celebrate the beginning of our Summer Reading Program with: Hot dogs, snow cones, and cotton candy. Raffle baskets, games, and face painting. AND MORE! Kids • Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise stated Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers Itsy Bitsy Storytime For ages 6 months to 2 years with a parent or adult caregiver. Itsy Bitsy Storytime features stories, songs, and action rhymes. Wednesdays, 9:30-10 a.m. June 17 and 24; July 1, 8, 15 and 22 OR Thursdays, 6:30-7 p.m., June 18 and 25; July 2, 9, 16 and 23. Limit 12 pairs. Cuéntame un Cuento Clase en español para niños entre 3 y 5 años. Disfruta de historias dichas en español, practica habilidades de alfabetización temprana y diviértete haciendo simples manualidades. Lunes, 11-11:40 a.m., Junio 15, 22 y 29; Julio 6, 13, y 20. Limite 20. Preschool Storytime For ages 3-5. Storytime is an excellent way to introduce your preschooler to books and early literacy skills while having fun in a small group. Children will enjoy stories, fingerplays, and simple crafts. Choose one session: Tuesdays, 10:30-11:10 a.m. OR Tuesdays 2-2:40 p.m., June 16, 23 and 30; July 7, 14 and 21. Limit 20. SpecialSchoolers Events Middle Comix Crew For grades 6-8. If you love comic books, then this is the program for you! Read one of two graphic novels each week, then join us for some book-related fun and a snack. Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m., June 16 and 30; July 14. Limit 12. Wee Sing For grades 6-8. Come make a mess at the library this summer, and pick up some facts to impress your friends at the same time. We will be making tie-dye, breaking eggs, and building our own batteries all in the name of science. Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m. June 23; July 7 and 21. Limit 24. Youth (YAB) For families with children ages 0-5. Storytime set to music that will include lots of singing and movement. Advisory Board For grades 6-8. Want a say in what happens at your library? Then come to Youth Advisory Board (YAB) to help us plan future library programs and prepare for the Summer Reading finale party. Mondays, 10:00-10:30 a.m., June 15, 22 and 29; July 6, 13 and 20. Limit 30. Preschool Art Thursdays, 2-3 p.m., June 18 and 25; July 2, 9, 16 and 23. No limit. For ages 3-5. Fun, process-driven art just for preschoolers. Mondays, 2-2:30 p.m., June 15, 22 and 29; July 6, 13 and 20. Limit 20. Geek Camp Special Events Primary and Intermediate Grades Book Bites For grades 4 and up. We will be reading The Fourteenth Goldfish, by Jennifer Holm, recreating experiments from the book and enjoying easy-tomake snacks. Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., June 15, 22 and 29; July 6, 13 and 20. Limit 20. DIY Board Game Design For grades 4 and up. Plan, design and make your own board game. We will end with a tournament and party. Reading Buddies For grades 1-3 AND middle school volunteers. This program pairs primary grade students with middle school volunteers who will practice reading and do group activities together. Readers of all levels are welcome. Volunteers must complete an orientation session at 2 p.m. on Monday, June 15, before sessions begin. Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m., June 17 and 24; July 1, 8, 15 and 22. Limit 20 each group. Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., June 17 and 24; July 1, 8, 15 and 22. Limit 20. Drop-in Legos Science Explorers Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., June 18 and 25; July 2, 9, 16 and 23. No limit. For grades K-2. Hands-on, simple experiments and games that make science fun. For ages 6 and up. Bring your imagination and build something with our collection of Legos. Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., June 18 and 25; July 2, 9, 16 and 23. Limit 24. Mad Scientists Make & Take Crafts Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., June 17 and 24, July 1, 8, 15 and 22. Limit 24. Fridays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., June 19 and 26; July 17 and 24. For grades 3-6. Explore slightly challenging science concepts with fun, hands-on activities. 2 For ages 6 and up. We will feature a different craft each week along with an opportunity to create with Perler Beads™. This summer, the Northlake Library will once again be a Kids Café site. Kids Café is a summer food program sponsored by the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Meals are funded by the Summer Food Service Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the program is administered by the Illinois State Board of Education. Lunch will be provided at no cost to all children up to age 18 on Mondays–Fridays, 12–1 p.m., from June 8–August 7. Este verano, la biblioteca pública de Northlake va a proveer un Kids Café/Café para Niños, un programa de comida del Greater Chicago Food Depository. Las comidas son financiadas por el United States Department of Agriculture y administrado por el Illinois State Board of Education. Almuerzos gratis van a estar disponibles para todos los niños 18 años o menos de lunes a viernes, 12–1 p.m., 8 junio–7 agosto. Field Trip to Lincoln Park Zoo For grades 1-8. Home to about 1,100 animals from 200 species, Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo is an animal adventure in the heart of the city. Transportation to and from the zoo will be provided by First Student Bus Company. Limit 40. In-person only registration begins Monday, June 29. A parent or legal guardian must sign a permission slip and submit a $5 refundable deposit for each child attending. Friday, July 10, 9:15-3:30 p.m. Adults • Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise stated Community Book Club The Community Book Club meets the third Tuesday of each month. Pick up your copy at the reference desk. Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. June 16 and July 21 Spanish Month Book of the ¿Hablas español? Are you trying to improve your Spanish skills, or simply keep in practice? Pick up the Spanish book of the month from the reference desk. June-August Cookbook Book Club We’ll pick a cookbook, you’ll select and make a recipe, and then we’ll all get together to share and enjoy our creations! Pick up your copy of the book and claim your recipe at the reference desk. Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. June 11 and July 9 Resume Builder Adult Literacy Program comes to Northlake Literacy Volunteers of Western Cook County (lvwcc.org) are looking to expand their personal tutoring program at Northlake. If you would like to volunteer as a tutor, or you would like to improve your reading, math, or English skills, please contact the library at 708-562-2301. The Friends of the Library Make our community a better place. Volunteer your time and talents to support the library with exciting fundraising projects. Thursdays, 7-8 p.m. June 25 and July 23 Red Cross Blood Drive Be a superhero for a day. Schedule your blood donation appointment at the Adult Reference Desk throughout the month of June. Thursday, July 2, 3-7 p.m. Bring a copy of your most recent resume, or start from scratch. Either way we will help you build the best possible resume to land that job. Thursdays, 10-11 a.m. June 4, July 2, and August 6 One Job at a Time: FREE Job Skills Training Class The Walmart Foundation and SER Jobs for Progress can help you prepare to take the NRF-Customer Service and NWRC certification exams. Participants attend weekly classes and the instructor provides a one-on-one evaluation of their resume and makes personalized recommendations for the job-hunting process. Exams only offered in English. Must have basic English proficiency. Seniors Looking for some healthier snacking alternatives? Join us to learn how to make healthy snacks as well as taste some samples. Tuesday, June 16, 2-3 p.m. DIY Candle Lamps Create fun and easy decorative candle lamps using a variety of techniques and applications including using wine glasses and scrapbook paper. These lamps can be used as part of a table setting or anywhere in your home! Computer Classes All of our computer classes will be offered 1 on 1 over the summer. Classes are 1 hour long and daytime, evening, and weekend hours are available. Call 708-562-2301 to schedule your class today! Available Classes Basic Classes: Computer Basics, Internet, Word, and PowerPoint. Intermediate Classes: Excel, Pinterest, Pixlr, Publisher, and Resumes. Drop in eReader Help Make a half-hour appointment any time to discover how to use your Kindle or iPad to download library ebooks. Clases de Conversación Disfrute un café o té y practique su inglés cada jueves. Conversa con estudiantes de inglés y hablantes nativos. Los temas cambian cada semana para aprender vocabulario. Clases de Computación Beer Tasting The Midwest is famous for its local craft brews. Come taste a sample of what the area has to offer. 21+ Tuesday, July 14, 7-8 p.m. Jewelry Making Choose from an assortment of beads and findings to create your own style of earrings, bracelets or necklaces. Discover how easy it is to design and make your own jewelry. No experience is necessary. All materials are provided. Tuesday, July 28, 7-8 p.m. Summer Tea Come cool off and get together for a relaxing afternoon of iced tea along with a variety of refreshing desserts and fresh fruits. Friday, July 17, 2-3 p.m. iPads & Apps Whether you are new to iPads or want to learn more about their features and capabilities, this is your chance! Space is limited. Tuesday, June 30, 2-3 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, 2-3 p.m. All about Scanning Learn the various components and capabilities of our scanner including how to scan, fax and email documents with this hands-on class. Space is limited. Friday, August 21, 2-3 p.m. En Español/ Bilingüe Martes, 6-7 p.m., junio-agosto Wednesday, 7-8 p.m., June 10-July 22 Healthy Snacks Tech Skills Todas nuestras clases serán ofrecidas de uno a uno (estudiante y maestro) durante todo el verano. La clase durara una hora en la mañana, tarde o fin de semana dependiendo a su disponibilidad. Por favor llame 708562-2301 para reservar su cita hoy. Clases Disponibles Computación Básica, Internet Básico, Word Básico, y PowerPoint Básico. DAPA Taller Este taller tendrá abogados que ayudarán a llenar las formas de Acción Diferida paso por paso. Después del taller, si los participantes quieren que revisen sus aplicaciones, pueden entregarlas por el honorario de $100. Esto no es requerido. Por favor traigan documentos necesarios al taller para realizar la aplicación de Acción Diferida. Se requiere inscribirse. Martes, el 23 de junio, 7 p.m. Club de Libro ¿Le gustaría leer un buen libro? ¿Le gusta la literatura española? No se le olvide de recoger el libro del mes en español. Pídalo lo en el escritorio de referencia. Aprender el Ingles Si le interesa mejorar su íngles, tenemos tutores para ayudarle. Los tutores de Literacy Volunteers of Western Cook County pueden reunirse en la biblioteca para ayudarle con su íngles. Por favor llame al escritorio de los servicios para adultos para más información. Hi! One Job at a Time: Una clase GRATIS de Habilidades de Trabajo Walmart Foundation y SER Jobs for Progress le ayudarán a prepararse para realizar los exámenes de certificación NRF y NWRC. Los participantes asisten a clases semanales y el instructor ofrecerá una evaluación de su resumen y hará recomendaciones personalizadas para el proceso de búsqueda de empleo. Sólo se ofrece los exámenes en Inglés. Debe tener competencia básica de Inglés. Miercoles, 7-8 p.m., junio 10-julio 22 Campaña de Donación de Sangre ¡Sea un superhéroe por un día! Apunténse para donar sangre durante el mes de junio en el segundo piso. Jueves, el 2 de julio, 3-7 p.m. Junio-augusto Friday, August 7, 2-3 p.m. 3 NPLD Northlake Public Library District 231 Northlake, IL IL 60164 60164 231 N. N. Wolf Wolf Rd., Rd, Northlake, RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER Teens • Grades 9-12 Teen Nights are moving to Thursday!!! We’ll have something fun to do EVERY Thursday from 6:30-8 p.m. Open Mic Night The stage is yours every first Thursday of the month. Come and share poetry, songs, rap battle or comedy skits. Or just come and be a spectator. Refreshments will be served. Space is limited, so sign soon to show off your talent. DID YOU KNOW? Laptops are available for use at the library Now offering free notary services, please call ahead Thursdays, June 4, July 2 and August 6 Gaming, gaming and more gaming, that’s what you get when you come to the Gamers Batcave aka the lower level of the library over the summer. Mondays, June 8-August 10, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Superhero Gadgets Create, relax and enjoy fresh coffee and treats in our new Artist’s Cafe. Bring in your own art project to work on or start a new one with our craft supplies. Let your creative juices flow! Make a mini version of Hawkeye’s Crossbow, a bionic ear that will give you super hearing abilities or even a ninja throwing star. You can make all of these items and more with things found around your house. Check out our program so you can figure out how to make your own gadgets. Open Gaming Comic Junkies Artists Cafe Thursdays, June 11, July 9 and August 13 Thursdays, June 18 and August 20 Retro Gaming Come in and get all of the free gaming you can handle, play the WiiU or the Xbox. Have a 3DS match-up with your friends. You can even go retro and play some old-fashioned board games. The night is yours! Thursday, July 16 We offer 3D printing services (.10 a gram) YuGiOh!!! Free printer cartridge recycling Saturday, 2-4 p.m., June 6 and August 1 Banner printing services are now available, ask upstairs. Gamers Batcave YuGiOh card tournaments are for all ages. No registration is required. Thursday, June 25 Discuss all things fanboy or fangirl and come to our Comic Junkie program. Bring your own comics and graphic novels or check out some here at the library. Come prepared to discuss exciting topics, such as who would win in battle: Iron Man or Batman? Superman or Captain America? Wonder Woman or Ms. Marvel? Also get info on the latest graphic novel releases and comic titles. Thursday, July 23 Teen Iron Chef Show off your cooking skills and battle for greatness! Compete with other teens to see who will wow the judges. Do you have what it takes to be the Teenage Iron Chef of Northlake? Thursday, July 30
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