2015.2016 TMECHS BELL SCHEDULE MONDAY 8:45 8:50 TUESDAY First Bell Tardv Bell 8:50 to 9:56 Pledge/Annou ncements 1't period LO:00 - 10:56 ^ ^d penoo 2"" 9'n lunch 11:00 - 11:57 8:15 8:20 8:20 - 9:56 L0:00 - 11:26 L1,:30 - I2:I2 rorh / 1,fh / 1.2th 1't period \2:00 - 12:57 1:00 2:OO - 1-:56 2:56 3:00 - 3:56 9th 1't period 10:00 - 10:56 L1":00 - 11:57 t2:57 1,2:1,5 L:00 - 2:26 2:30 - 4:00 First Bell Tardy Bell Pledge/Announcements Lsr period 2nd period 9th lunch 9th 2nd tzth 2nd u 4th period Pledge/An nouncements period 2no period 1-'t 9th lunch l.orh /'J.rth 3:00 - 3:56 I u nch / 1.2th 7th pe riod period lorh/Lth/L2th Lunch 3'd period 4th period Sth period 9tn 7th First Bell Pledge/Annou ncements oeriod period 10:00 - 1,1:26 6th 1-t:30 - 12:12 9tn lunch 'J.oth - 12:57 gth /'J.fh / rzth 6th period 6th period l,oth/1,{h/12th lunch nch 3'd period First Bell 1:00 - 1:56 period Tardy Bell 5th 12:1,5 I 4th period Tardy Bell 8:15 8:20 8:20 - 9:56 period period 8:50 8:50 - 9:56 2:OO - 2:56 9th 5th THURSDAY 8:45 t2:OO - 1,2:57 - 1,2:57 7'n period 8th period FRIDAY 10:00 - 10:56 11:00 - 1-1:57 roth / 1,th / L2th 5th period 3'd period 4th period 3'o period toth /'J.rth / 12th 1:00 - 1:56 2:00 - 2:56 3:00 - 3:56 9th lunch r)th / rlth /'J.2th 3.oth /'J.Lth / 12:OO - Tardy Bell Pledge/Announcements 5th period -+h penoo b'" :'orh / 1.Ith /'J.2th I u nch WEDNESDAY 8:45 8:50 8:50 - 9:56 First Bell 1,:OO - 2:26 2:30 - 4:00 7th period 8th period 2015-2016 BELL SCHEDULE-2 Hour Delay Opening (#5) Tuesday Monday Teacher Report Time First Bell 10:00 10:00 - 10:05 - 11:00 12:00 10:56 2nd 11:57 period/An nou ncements 1" period - All Grades t2:57 Lunch L0:00 10:00 10:05 LL:3O - 11:26 3'd period - 2:00 - 2:56 4th period 2:30 3:00 - 3:56 period/Afternoon Announcements 4:00 3'd - 6th period/An nou ncements 5th period - All Grades Lunch - All Grades 7th period 12:L2 I2:I5 - 12:57 I:OO -2:26 All grades 1:56 L:00 Teacher Report Time First Bell period/Afternoon Announcements 8th 4:OO Teachers Dismissed Teachers Dismissed 4:00 Thursday Wednesday L0:00 L0:00 Teacher Report Time 6th Period Teacher Report Time First Bell 10:00 10:00 10:05 - 11:26 Period/Announcements - All Grades Lunch - All Grades 'J.1.:30 - \2:12 1,:00 4th period 2:30 period/Afternoon Announcements 4:00 Announcements 10:05 - 10:56 2nd 11:00 - 11:57 2no Period I2:OO t2:57 2:00 - 1":56 - 2:56 3'o Period 3:00 - 4th 1:00 3:56 Teachers Dismissed 4:00 Friday Teacher Report Time First Bell 10:00 10:00 10:05 - 10:56 2rd 11:00 - 11:57 12:OO - t2:57 period - All Grades/ Announcements Lunch - All Grades 3'd period 4'n period Period/Annou ncements L:00 - 1:56 2:00 - 2:56 3:56 3:00 7th 8th period/Afternoon Announcements 4:00 Teachers Dismissed 12:15 12:57 -2:26 - 4:00 6th Period/Annou ncements 6th Period - All Grades Lunch - All Grades 7tn Period 8th Period/Afternoon Announcements Teachers Dismissed 2015-2016 BELL SCHEDULE-Delayed Opening (#3) Monday 8:00 Tuesday Teacher Report Time L2:00 - L2:55 Lunch - All Grades 8:00 12:15 l-:00 - 1:56 3'd Period 1,:OO * 2:00 -2:56 4th Period 2:30 - 3:00 - 3'd Period/Afternoon 4:00 3:56 - 12:55 2:26 4:00 Teacher Report Time Lunch - All Grades 7th Period Period/Afternoon Announcements 8th Teachers Dismissed Announcements 4:00 Teachers Dismissed Wednesday 8:00 Thursdav Teacher Report Time 12:00 - 12:55 Lunch - All Grades 8:00 Teacher Report Time - 1:56 3'o Period 1:OO 2:00 -2:56 4th Period 2:30 3:00 - period/Afternoon Announcements 4:00 - - All Grades - 12:55 2:26 7tn Period - 4:00 8th Period/Afternoon 12:1,5 1:00 Lunch Announcements 3:56 4:00 8th Teachers Dismissed Friday 8:00 Teacher Reoort Time L2:00 - L2:55 Lunch - All Grades - L:56 3'd Period 3:00 - 2:56 3:56 4th Period 1:00 2:00 8th period/Afternoon Announcements 4:00 Teachers Dismissed Teachers Dismissed i3r7 Vl 7ll El Paso Independent Schobt District" NOTHING LESS THAN SUCCESSJ Tronsmounloin Eorly College High School August 10,2015 Dear Parents/Students : The El Paso Independent School District and this campus, as part of its cornpliance with laws and procedures as enforced by the office of Civil Rights and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) requirements, has provided for employees, students, applicants or parents procedures which preserve the rights and responsibilities of those individuals regarding nondiscrimination, harassment, and grievances. These policies and procedures are available to you on the EPISD website, or by visiting the campus' administrative office. For vour convenience. the followins summarizes the basic information: Nondiscrimination: The El Paso Independent School District does not discriminate in its educational programs or employment practices on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, ancestry, citizenship, military status, mental or physical disability, gender stereotyping and perceived sexuality, or on any other basis prohibited by law. InqLriries concerningthe application of Titles VI, VII, or IX, and Section 504 may be referred to the District compliance officer, Patricia Cortez,at230-2033; Section 504 inquiries regarding students may be referred to Verna Ball at 230-2829. flarassment: Procedures are outlined in District policies DH, DIA, FFH, and FNC. District administrators are required adhere to the requirements as outlined in the aforementioned policies in order to provide a timely, thorough, and complete resolution of incidents involving harassment as identified by policy. to Grievance: Procedures are outlined in District policies DGBA, FNC, and GF and have been codified for the convenience of employees, students, applicants and parents. District administrators are required to adhere to the requirements as outlined in the aforementioned policies in order to provide a timely, thorough, and complete resolution of concerns, complaints, and grievances as identified by policy. Please call the school ifyou have any questions. Dr. Blanca E. Garcia, Principal Transmountain Early College High School rl9......|l El Paso VI 7tl Indepentlent Schobl District" NOTHING LESS THATV SUCCESS/ l0 Esti mados Padres/Estudiantes de Agosto de 2015 : El Distrito Escolar lndependiente de El Paso, como parte de su cumplimiento con leyes y procedimientos enforsado por la Oficina de los Derechos Civiles y por los requisitos de la Agencia de la Educaci6n de Tejas, ha proporcionado a empleados, estudiantes, solicitantes o padres procedimientos que preservan los derechos y las responsabilidades de esos individuos a respecto sin discriminar, acosar, y agraviar. Estas p6lizas y procedirnientos est6n disponibles para usted en el internet de EPISD, o visitando la oficina administrativa de la escuela. Para su conveniencia, lo siguiente resume la informaci6n bdsica: Declaraci6n Sin Discriminaci6n: El Distrito Escolar Independiente de El Paso no discrimina en los programas de educaci6n o en pr6cticas de empleo usando el criterio de raza, color, credo, edad, sexo, religi6n, origen nacional, estado civil, ascendencia, ciudadania, estado rnilitar, discapacidad f(sica o mental, estereotipo sexual o sexualidad percibida, u otra pr5ctica prohibida por la ley. Preguntas acerca de la aplicaci6n del tftulo VI, VII, IX, y la Secci6n 504 pueden ser referidas al oficial del distrito, Patricia Cortez al 230-2033; preguntas sobre 504 tocante a estudiantes pueden ser referidas a Verna Ball al 230-2829. Declaraci6n De Aqravio: El Distrito Escolar Independiente de El Paso, como parte de su cumplimiento con leyes y procedimientos esforzado por la Oficina de los Derechos Civiles y por los requisitos de la Agencia de la Educaci6n de Tejas, ha proporcionado a empleados, estudiantes, solicitantes o padres procedimientos que preservan los derechos y las responsabilidades de esos individuos con respecto a incidentes de acoso segfn lo especificado en las p6lizas DH, DIA, FFH, y FNC. Se requiere que los administradores del distrito tengan que adherir a los requisitos escritos en las p6lizas ya mencionadas para proporcionar una resoluci6n oportuna, cuidadosa, y completa de preocupaciones, de quejas, y de agravios segfn lo identificado por lapoliza. Declaraci6n De Acoso: procedimientos esforzado por la Oficina de los Derechos Civiles y de los requisitos por la Agencia de la Educaci6n de Tejas, ha proporcionado a los estudiantes, padres o empleados, los procedimientos que preservan los derechos y las responsabilidades de esos individuos que registran preocupaciones con respecto a procedimientos y acciones del distrito. Estos procedimientos est6n escritos en la p6lizas DGBA, FNG, y GF del distrito y se han cifrado para la conveniencia de los empleados, estudiantes, solicitantes y padres. Se requiere que los administradores del distrito tengan que adherir a los requisitos escritos en las p6lizas ya mencionadas para proporcionar una resoluci6n oportuna, cuidadosa, y completa de preocupaciones. quejas. y de agravios segrin identificado por la p6liza. Por favor llame a la escuela si usted tiene preguntas. Dr. Blanca E,. Garcia, Principal Transmountain Early College High School f!9.;lnl Paso Vl Independent 7tl Schobl Distriet, NOTHING LESS IHAN SUCCESS' Transmountain Early College High School August 10, 201 5 Dear Parents/Students: The El Paso Independent School District, and this campus, complies with accessibility laws as enforced by the Office of Civil Rights and the Texas EdLrcation Agency (TEA) requirements. We have provided for employees, students, applicants or parents, procedures which preserve the rights and responsibilities of those individuals regarding accessibility to curriculum, programs and services. These policies and procedures are available to you on the EPISD website, or by visiting the campus' administrative office. For your convenience, the following summarizes the accessibility information. Accessibilitv: Your child's campus has a written accessibility plan and identified pathway of accessibility to ensure that students, parents and employees with disabilities have access to and an opportunity to participate in the general education curriculum, including the school's programs and services. Procedures are outlined in district bulletins. The written accessibility plan and accessible pathway is provided to affected parents and students at the beginning of each year with enrollment materials. If you have any questions, please call the school at 832-4270. - 1 JTUJTJ Dr. Blanca E. Garcia, Principal TMECHS Ciivil Rights Page I ol l Revised: 7 ll612015 Ig/ V.l 7ta El Paso Independent Sehobl District" NOTHING IESS THA'V SUCCESS' Transmountain Early College High School 1 Estirnados padresiestud iantes 0 de agosto de 20 I5 : El Distrito Escolar Independiente de El Paso, y esta escuela, como parte de su cumplimiento con leyes y procedimientos enforzados por la Oficina de los Derechos Civiles y por los requisitos de la Agencia de Educaci6n de Texas, ha proporcionado a empleados, estudiantes, solicitantes o padres procedimientos que preservan los derechos y las responsabilidades de esos individuos a respecto sin accesibilidad de plan de estudios, programas y servicios. Estas p6lizas y procedimientos estiin disponibles para usted en el internet de EPISD, o visitando la oficina administrativa de la escuela. Para su conveniencia, lo siguiente resume la inforrnaci6n b6sica: Accesibilidad: Cada escuela tierre escrito un plan para la accesibilidad e identificar el camino de accesibilidad para asegurarse que los estudiantes, padres y empleados con desabilidades tengan acceso y una oportunidad de participar en el plan de estudios de la educaci6n general, incluyendo programas y los servicios escolares. Los procedimientos estan incluidos en el boletin de el distrito. El plan de accesibilidad y camino de accessibilidad se los dan a los padres y estudiantes al comienzo de cada afro escolar con materials de inclusi6n. Por favor llame a la escuela si usted tiene preguntas al 832-4270. Atentamente, f[orr. Ifi*, Dr. Blanca E. Garcia, Directora Transmountain ECHS Civil Rights Page 1 of 1 Revisecl: 7 /76/2015 l State and District-0wned Textbooks Student. Parent / Guardian Responsibility The student, parent or guardian is responsible for the student's textbooks once the book has been issued to the student. This includes return of the textbook to the school district at the end of the term or year, or when the student withdraws from the district. In addition, the student is responsible of keeping the textbook in good condition. Writing in, or marking on, nonconsumable textbooks are not allowed. Any misuse of the textbook due to carelessness or neglect may be considered caused to charge the student a fine for that textbook. . . '. o Reimbursing the school for any damage to or loss of textbook issued to the student. Returning all textbooks at year end or at the end of the first semester for all classes that do not continue, or when the student withdraws from school. Keepinq textbooks covered Entering their name inside the textbook Proper use and care of the textbook. When receivinq your books, please write the followinq information inside the books: . r Your First and Last Name The School Year Check vour books immediately for damaqes, such as: . . r . Damaged cover Loose binding Stains, writing, marking lf any of the above damages are found, write them on the first page of the book, unless they have already been noted. Your notes must be signed by your teacher. Cover vour book. Free book covers will be qiven out bv vour teacher. and in the bookroom, Keepinq vour books covered at all times is required, and will help keep them in good condition. Durinq a book check students mav be fined .50 cents per book, if books are found without a book cover. MINIMUM SCHEDULE OF FINES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Torn/Marked Pages Missing/Damaged Bar Code Label.. Graffiti/DirtyA/Vrinkled/Damages.., ".... Broken or bent cover.......... Damage-Unit for Use/Reissue.......,... ...................$1.00 ..........,....$2.00 ............$2.00 .......$4.00 ..........FULL PRICE
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