St. Andrew Catholic Church Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Pastor Rev. James L. LeBlanc Parochial Vicar Rev. Norbert Mendonça Hispanic Priest Rev. José Orlando Cheverría Jiménez Deacons Deacon Robert Barlow Deacon George Ferland Deacon Robert Jones Pastoral Associate Mr. Gregory S. Allen, MA School Principal Mrs. Mary M. Halasz Parish Business Manager Mrs. Madeleine Elswick Parish Administrative Assistant Mrs. Denise Reardon Parish Accounting Clerk Mrs. Patricia Carbonaro Religious Education Catechists Mrs. Jennifer Diaz Mrs. Barbara Bowers Mrs. June Tarangelo, M.Ed. Music Director Mrs. Francesca Schaeffer Homebound Coordinator Mrs. Susan Underwood Maintenance Coordinator Mr. William Powell ST. ANDREW CHURCH WEBSITE: Corner of 37th Avenue North and North Kings Hwy Parish Office and Mailing Address 3501 North Kings Highway • Suite 102 • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am—4:00 pm PHONE: 843-448-5930 • Fax: 843-448-3947 Evenings and Weekends: 843-626-4119 E-MAIL: [email protected] MASSES: Saturday: 4:30 & 6:15 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am and 5:00 & 7:00 pm Spanish Monday - Friday: 9:00 am Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00 pm ST. ANDREW SCHOOL WEBSITE: 3601 North Kings Highway • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 PHONE: 843-448-6062 • Fax: 843-626-8644 E-MAIL: [email protected] Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON WORD OF LIFE “Our culture...has become hardened to many who cry out. We idolize the strong and beautiful and tend to disregard the weak and imperfect. In our own lives, have we been programed not to call for help ourselves or to look past those who do?” ~Learning to Cry, Life Issues Forum, December 19,2014, Tom Grenchik USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities WELCOME ORDER OF WORSHIP The parishioners of St. Andrew Catholic Church are happy to extend a warm welcome to the many visitors who join us for worship today. March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Introit Antiphon Liturgy of the Word St. Andrew Parish, a Roman Catholic community, seeks to nurture the faith and serve the needs of parishioners and visitors by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through active stewardship, ministries of word and sacrament, programs of Christian formation, and works of charity and justice. Readings (Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18, & Romans 8:31b-34)…..887 Psalmody.....................................................Psalm 116 I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNION As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Mass when we receive Holy Communion, the true Body and Blood of the Lord. Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy Communion only when we are living in communion with the Catholic Church and in the state of sanctifying grace and have made the appropriate fast from food and drink. Because of the connection we draw between being in full communion with the Catholic Church and receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of the Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will one day draw us closer “…that all may be one.” (John 17:22) 2 Gospel (Mark 9:2-10)…………..…..…………….......887 Homily Profession of Faith……………………………….….148 General Intercessions: Today’s first collection supports the mission and ministries of St. Andrew Parish. Today’s second collection benefits the Black and Indian Mission Collection. New pledges and donations to our Parish Property Development Fund are gratefully accepted at any time. Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory………………………………………...….....360 Beyond The Days Eucharistic Prayer Holy, Holy! Great ‘Amen’ The Mystery of Faith: Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Communion Song……………………………………785 Behold The Lamb Recessional….…………………..……..…………….352 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days THIS WEEK’S MASSES Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 9:00 am Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm 8:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Feb 28 Ken Remington Special Intention Pro Populo March 1 Second Sunday of Lent Kevin Grealish † Katie Nicholson † Rose Seiler † Mark Lanese † Spanish Mass March 2 Sr. Mary Madeline O’Sullivan † March 3 Richard Downs † March 4 Marie Ambrose † March 5 Richard Downs † March 6 Santo Croce † Eucharistic Adoration Benediction March 7 George Hausmann † Patricia Vonasek † Vietnamese Mass March 8 Third Sunday of Lent Pro Populo John Keane † John Zigman † Curtis Arditi † Spanish Mass Sunday Mass The Lackey Chapel at Coastal Carolina Univ. at 5:30 pm THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES AT ST. ANDREW Sat-2/28 Sun-3/1 Mon 3/2 Tues-3/3 Wed-3/4 Thurs 3/5 Fri- 3/6 Sat-3/7 Sun-3/8 WEEKDAY LITURGIES IN AREA PARISHES Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB…... 8:00 am ...249-2356 St. Michael, Garden City…………………….…..651-3737 Monday 8 am, Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8 am & 12:05 pm, Wednesday 8 am & 6:30 pm St. James, Conway. Tues. & Thurs. 12:00 noon, please call St. James for other days and times………..347-5168 DEVOTIONS Rosary: Saturday 3:50 pm & Sunday 8:40 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 8:25 am Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after 9:00 am Mass St. Theresa Novena: Tuesday after 9:00 am Mass Perpetual Adoration at St. Michael’s Church CONFESSIONS St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach.…..…..…....3:00 pm Saturdays Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB….......3:30 pm Saturdays St. Michael, Garden City….7:30 am. Monday - Saturdays 11:30 am on Tues., Thurs., Fri., & 5 pm on Wed. St. James, Conway 7:00 pm Tues. & 3:15 pm Saturday 10:00 am—Natural Family Planning— School 1:00 pm—Wedding Velasquez-Soto Cuevas—Church 2:45 pm—Bible Study Make up Class— CLC 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church 12:00 pm—RCIA—REC 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 6:00 pm—Teens—Gym No Men’s Basketball in the gym. 7:00 pm—Knights of Columbus—CLC 7:00 pm—Reunion Pastoral—CLC 1:30 pm—Lenten Program—CLC 2:45 pm—Youth Choir—School 7:00 pm—Contemporary Choir—Church 7:00 pm—Bereavement—School 5:30 pm—Spiritual Book Club—REC 5:30 & 6:45 pm Religious Education —School 7:30 pm—Basketball—Gym St. Andrew School Closed 10:30 am—Bible Study—CLC 3:00 pm—Girl Scouts—CLC 6:00 pm—Traditional Choir—Church 6:30 pm—Bible Study—CLC St. Andrew School Closed 5:00 - 7:00 pm—Knights of Columbus Fish Fry—CLC 7:00 pm—Stations of the Cross English—Church 8:00 pm—Stations of the Cross Spanish—Church 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church Daylight Savings Time Begins 12:00 pm—RCIA—REC 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 6:00 pm—Teens—Gym No Men’s Basketball in the gym. A special Thank You to Father Filip Wodecki for all of his ministry at St. Andrew Catholic Church. A warm welcome to Father Norbert Menconça, our new Parochial Vicar. STEWARDSHIP FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 Sunday Collection 2-15-15 $ 22,716.00 Sunday Collection 2-22-15 $ 22,760.00 Weekly Budget Needs $ 21,000.00 Year To Date Totals $ 693,442.00 Year To Date Budget Needs $ 715,300.00 Shortfall to Date $ 21,858.00 St. Andrew’s is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all that you do, THANK YOU. 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Bishop’s Annual Appeal Video: You may view the Bishop’s Annual Appeal video at Thank you for your generous support last year to the Bishop's Annual Appeal. Our parish raised $85,437 and we have received a rebate check in the amount of $10,938, because we exceeded our goal in 2014. Our Diocese and our Parish will benefit due to your generosity. Our parish goal is 100% participation; each and every person's gift is important and truly makes a difference. If you have already made your pledge for 2015 thank you, and if you have not please complete a pledge envelope located in the back of the church, and place it in the offertory basket or drop it in the mail. May God bless you always and strengthen you in faith. Sincere Sympathy is offered to the family of Harold Alfred Lorme. May perpetual light shine upon him and all of the faithful departed. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Today’s gospel tells of the Transfiguration of Christ; make the time to renew and transform your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in SC is Oct. 9-11th, 2015 in Myrtle Beach. Please apply early. For more information, go to or call 803-8109602. The March Senior Luncheon will be held at Martin’s Restaurant at the Long Bay Resort, 7200 N. Ocean Blvd. on Tuesday, March 10th at 12:30 PM. Menu choices include Filet Mignon, Chicken Capri and Salmon Parisienne. All luncheons include soup, salad, rolls & butter, coffee, tea or soft drink. Dessert will be a Chef Martin cake. The cost of $19.00 includes tax and gratuity. Sign up at the church office, 3500 N. Kings Hwy Suite 102 no later than 11:00 am Monday, March 9th. Any questions call Carlette at 449-0250 or Rita at 8392207. I am a Student of St Andrew Catholic (Check One): _____Grade School ____Religious Ed in Grade _____. _________________________________ Student’s Signature Being a Good Steward of God’s Gift of Time to Me I am attending Church on the Lord’s Day on ________________ at ___________________________________Church Pastor: Please mail slip to Fr. James LeBlanc, Pastor, St. Andrew Catholic Church, 3501 North Kings Hwy, Suite 102 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Women's Club Meeting will be held on Monday, March 9th at 7:00 P.M. in the CLC. Gift Shop: Stop in and see our merchandise. We have lovely Charm Bracelets depicting different aspect of our Religion, Sport Medals on a chain, with St. Sebastian on one side and different sports on the reverse side, Rosaries, Statutes of various saints, a large selection of Holy Cards, Crucifixes, and logo baseball caps with St. Andrew Catholic Church on the front and Myrtle Beach, SC on the back. The St. Michael Respect Life Committee will be holding it's Annual Pancake Dinner at Garden City Pancake House on Saturday, March 7 from 5 to 7 PM. We will be serving juice, pancakes, bacon or sausage and coffee or tea. The cost is $7.50 and tickets will be sold in St. Michael’s church office. Walk ins are welcome also. There will be door prizes to be won! Come join us! Any questions, call Terry Borkes @ 6508828. Help4Kids Help us collect 2500 pairs of old shoes! Do you have some old shoes you would like to donate? The shoes will be recycled, and Help4Kids will receive payment for every 2500 pairs that are collected. This money will be used to purchase food for the Backpack Buddies program in Horry County. Drop off any pair of old shoes (child or adult) in the Help Kids box in the church lobby, by March 14. Please join us for Villa Romana's Benefit Luncheon for Help4Kids Friday March 6, 2015 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tickets are $10.00 per person. For tickets, information or orders contact us at 843-651-4310 or email us at [email protected]. Tickets will be available until Mar. 6. Please submit your take-out orders by March 4. Bring a can of ravioli and get an extra door prize ticket. Sponsor: Villa Romana Italian Restaurant, 707 South Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach 29577 Spaghetti w/Meat sauce or Tomato sauce; Salad & Tea included. Help4Kids - (843) 651-4310 12053B Hwy 17 Bypass S - Garden City, SC 29576 email: [email protected] - Vietnamese Mass - March 7 – Tháng 3 Vietnamese Mass at St. Andrew Church @ 8 pm Saturday March 7th. The Vietnamese Masses will be the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 pm Thánh Lễ VN vào mỗi thứ Bảy đầu tháng tại giáo xứ St. Andrew ở Myrtle Beach lúc 8g tối ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew Catholic Church Knights of Columbus Lenten Program Challenge yourself to conversion as we are all called to become Saints, NOW, THIS YEAR! Prayer, Fasting,Charity (almsgiving) All Sessions Tuesday at 1:30 pm March 3, 10, 17, 24 Each Friday of Lent, February 20 to March 27 Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Fish Fry in the Community Life Center Get to know and love our Lord in a deeper way. Dinner includes Fish, Fries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw, Dessert, and beverage. Beer and wine will be available for purchase. Seating will be 5 to 7 PM. Registration: June Tarangelo [email protected] or call 843-626-4685 or text 602-1245 Advanced Sale Tickets will be available at the back of the Church after weekend Masses or weekdays in the Church Office at 3501 Kings Hwy Suite #102. Trinity Church presents The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra Chamber Players with the Hood Memorial Organ Sunday, March 22nd, 4pm Tickets are $12 for Adults, $5 for children under 10, $14 at the door on Friday. The North Carolina Baroque Orchestra Chamber players will perform Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater on their period instruments with Trinity’s Hood Memorial portative organ with Soprano Leila Lazenby, Alto Tamsin Simmill, and organist Daniel Pyle. The program will also include works by Georg Muffat and Dieterich Buxtehude. Tickets: $15 Adults, $12 Students and Seniors, Children under 12 free. Childcare will be provided and a reception will follow in Gravely Hall. This event is held at Trinity Church, 3000 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC. We meet on Wednesday evening at 5:30 for approximately 1.5 hours. This month, March 4, we will be discussing, The Screwtape Letters. Please join us even if you have not, as yet, read this book. Come see what is planned and discuss future choices. For further information call Mary Emery at 843-4499112 or email at [email protected] Guiding Children of Promise is a program at St. Michael’s that ministers to children who have an incarcerated parent(s) through group activities, spiritual formation, mentoring, scouting/camping, and special activities. There will be an information/training session offered on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 10 am – 1 pm in the Parish Activity Center (PAC) Hall, St. Michael Catholic Church, 542 Cypress Avenue, Murrells Inlet, SC. Please call or e-mail Lauren to register - 216-5266272; [email protected]. For more information, contact Ashley Sosis, music director of Trinity Church, (843)-448-8426 or [email protected]. Lenten Mission Living as Christians/Catholics in Today’s Secularized World: Do You Text God? Presenter: Singer and Lay Franciscan, Al Barbarino Where: St. James Catholic Church 1071 Academy Dr., Conway Sunday, March 1, 4:00 PM Monday, March 2, 10:30 AM and 6:30 PM (repeat of morning session) His musical CDs will be available for purchase to help the poor and homeless. 5 6 WELCOME FATHER NORBERT MENDONÇA NEW PAROCHIAL VICAR FOR ST. ANDREW Getting to know Father Norbert Clement Mendonça: Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ϯ Ordained Priest December 8, 1989 From the Archdiocese of Karachi After celebrating 25 years of Priesthood on December 8, 2014 he decided to move to North America He has a mother and 3 married siblings in Toronto, Canada He has a brother that is a priest - Fr. Johnny Mendonça in Rockville Center Diocese Long Island, New York Fr. Johnny introduced Fr. Norbert to Bishop Robert Guglielmone, who decided to accept Fr. Norbert to serve in the Diocese of Charleston He has been appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Andrew Parish, Myrtle Beach on February 23, 2015 We wish Father Norbert Mendonça good luck and God’s Blessing in his Ministry of God’s people at St. Andrew Parish. 7 SOUTH CAROLINA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN CONVENTION MARCH 20-22 South Carolina Council of Catholic Women 85th Annual Convention March 20-22, 2015 The South Carolina Council of Catholic Women 85th Annual Convention The theme of this year’s Convention is, “And She Said YES! Source of our salvation, Blessed Mother Mary heard your Word in love and kept it in faith. Make us humble servants of Your saving work!” We invite and encourage all Catholic women from around the state to join the members of the South Carolina Council of Catholic Women at the Embassy Suites Golf Resort and Convention Center, 650 Verdae Boulevard, Greenville, SC 29607, on March 20-22, 2015 for this spiritual and educational journey. Friday’s Opening Session begins at 7:00 P.M. and includes a speaker from the Convention Project, St. Clare’s Home of Joyful Hope, a home for unwed mothers who wish to keep their babies (visit for more information, the Convention Dedication to Monica Szymanski, Past President and devoted member, and a variety of other speakers and information. The evening will continue with a live basket auction, dessert, and entertainment by Father Patrick Tuttle, the Pastor from St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church of Greenville. Saturday will begin with a recitation of the Rosary at 8:30 A.M. The Business Session will begin at 9:00 A.M. and includes two Workshops. The Most Rev. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone will be our Celebrant for the 5:00 P.M. Mass at the Embassy Suites, and he will join us at 7:30 P.M. for the Banquet where Rev. Timothy Gahan, the Pastor from St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church of Spartanburg, will be our Guest Speaker. The South Carolina Catholic Woman of the Year will be announced along with acknowledgment to the 2015 Woman Religious. Sunday’s Closing Session will begin at 9:00 A.M. and will include a guest speaker, to be announced. The Session will end between 11:00-11:30 A.M. Visit and click on ‘Activities and Events’ for the Convention Registration Form. The deadline for Convention Registration is March 6th. The Convention Registration cost of $100 includes the 3-day Convention, workshops in Spirituality, Leadership and Service, and the Banquet. Each year, one of the five South Carolina Deaneries takes a turn hosting the Convention. This year it is the Piedmont Deanery’s turn, which encompasses Councils of Catholic Women from the Upstate South Carolina area. The members of the Piedmont Deanery have been extremely busy in organizing this event. Lastly, we are in need of advertisements for our Convention Program. If you would like to place an ad in the program, please contact Mary Sue Barnum, SCCCW Treasurer, at [email protected] for details. The deadline for ads is February 28th. Please contact Marlene Grover, SCCCW President, at 843-283-4445 for any other questions. We look forward to you joining us for this spiritual weekend with the Bishop and Catholic women from all over our state! 8 Dear St. Andrew Friends, I will be retiring at the end of this academic year. It has been an honor and a joy to serve as Principal of this fine school for the past 19 years. I have been inspired and encouraged by your warm and continuous support. We are currently conducting a search for a new Principal. Please pray for our school and for the success of our search. With grateful appreciation, Molly Halasz SEEKING A NEW PRINCIPAL FOR ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL St. Andrew Catholic School is a Kindergarten through Eighth Grade School located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. A nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, St. Andrew School enrolls 216 students, with a professional staff of 17, and is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), through AdvancED. The Candidate for Principal must be willing to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the school as well as to assist in developing the long range goals of the school. Excellent communication skills and an enthusiasm for developing and maintaining a top grade academic and religiously Catholic school are a must. The Candidate must be a practicing Catholic, in good standing, have a strong sense of Catholic identity, prepared to provide Catholic spiritual leadership for the School’s staff, faculty, students, and parents, committed to actively participating in the faith life of St. Andrew Church and School, and ready to provide for the development of the faith life of the school and the parish community. The Candidate must see that the mission of the School includes both the intellectual and the spiritual development of our students, all according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. In accordance with that mission, all teachers and administrators employed by the School, regardless of whether they are members of the Catholic Church, are also ministers, by virtue of their employment by the School, and they are actively engaged in the pastoral ministry of the formation of God’s people by their personal witness. Because their employment by the School includes being ministers of the faith, teachers and school administrators have a fundamental responsibility to speak and to act at all times in accordance with the mission and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church -- to be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Candidate must hold a Master’s Degree in educational administration, and a current SC Principal Certification, and must have a minimum of five years of teaching experience. Salary will be based on qualifications and experience. This position is available for the 2015-2016 school year. Please send a letter of interest and resume to: [email protected] by March 4th. 9 ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL WALKS TO STAMP OUT HUNGER On a cold, but sunny January day, the students, teachers, parents and friends of our school took a long walk on the beach to raise money to combat hunger in our area. The funds will be donated to the Community Kitchen and Helping Hand, two organizations that do so much to fight hunger and poverty in Horry County. Older students helped the younger ones, and a sense of community and purpose were generated during this school wide service project. After all the money was tallied, this event raised almost $10,000! 10 ST. ANDREW SCHOOL WIDE SERVICE PROJECT RAISES ALMOST $10,000 FOR HUNGER 11 PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR MARCH 2015 12 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Big News: the Catechism of the Catholic Church is back in the Pews! 5683 went home already! One of the greatest achievements of Pope John Paul II was the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This Catechism will serve as the standard for all future catechisms. “A sure norm for teaching the Faith”, as the Pope said. Please take and study this Catechism in your own home. This Catechism costs $5.00 each. Inside the front cover of each book you will find an ENVELOPE as follows: Dear Sister or Brother in Christ: This Catechism of the Catholic Church is a most handy summary of the Faith that we profess as Christians. We hope you will take it to your home and read it. We would thank you for helping out with the costs of this ministry - at $5.00 for each copy of this Catechism if you are able to donate that amount (or more, or less) by placing your donation in this envelope and then into the collection basket. Be blessed in the study of your Catechism. PARKING CHURCH PARKING: See the green NO PARKING: See the red. No parking is allowed on either side of the 37th Street from the REC to Oak Street. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS Contact phone numbers are for parish use only. Prayer and Worship Altar Servers….……......David & Kathy Mikolajczyk…….…......357-6228 Church Upkeep ....................Mary Zigman ............................. 839-4993 Extraordinary Ministers ..... Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932 Gift Bearers ........................ Priscilla Melton ............................ 685-2828 Greeters ............................ Eleanore Burzon .......................... 903-6173 Lectors ............................. Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932 Marriage Prep ..................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Musicians & Vocalists ..... Francesca Schaeffer ....................... 236-3772 Prayer Chain ................... Elizabeth Calamari ......................... 236-9552 Sick & Homebound…. ..... Susan Underwood ......................... 903-1341 Ushers.................................... Art Roehrl................................ 903-0461 Wedding Coordinator ........... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Christian Formation Adult Education .................. June Tarangelo............................ 626-4685 Adult Initiation / RCIA .......... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Baptism Prep ....................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Youth - Primary .................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Youth - Middle ................... Barbara Bowers ........................... 626-6353 Youth - Secondary ............... Jennifer Diaz. ............................. 626-6353 Youth Ministry ...................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Community Building Adult Seniors .................... Carlette Reynolds.......................... 449-0250 Byzantine Community ............ Jean Wirth ............................... 249-9502 Catholic Medical Association.……..Dr. Peter Bleyer.……...…...492-5094 Columbiettes .................... Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932 Communications. ................. Gregory Allen ............. ..448-5930, ext. 116 Community Kitchen..........…Deacon Peter Casamento……. ...444-9383 Gift Shop ............................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847 Girl Scout Troop 703..….....Donna Ferretti….....………..…...….251-1729 Hibernians ............................ Harry Walker ............................. 249-5355 Hibernians– Ladies ............... Betsy Farley .............................. 215-3993 Hispanic Community……..…..Candida Vasquez……………..….385-1058 Hospitality .......................... Marlene Grover ........................... 283-4445 Knights of Columbus, 3rd Degree…. Bruce Miller ................... 602-3074 Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree…. Dennis Wyckoff .............. 390-1433 Knitting/Crocheting ............... Mabel Osso .............................. 448-0268 Rosary Makers ................... Harriet Parrotta ........................... 236-3550 SC Council of Catholic Women……..Marlene Grover..………...283-4445 Social Events ..............John & Caroline Paulhus .................... 692-9932 Volunteers ......................... June Tarangelo. ........................... 626-4685 Website Committee……...….Gregory Allen…..…….....448-5930, ext 116 Women's Club ....................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847 Pastoral Services Annulment ........................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Bereavement Support ........ Elizabeth Calley ........................... 448-5396 Catholic Charities ..........Diocese of Charleston .............. 855-377-1357 Funerals .............................. Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Helping Hand….....……..…...Tina Shupey……...……….……...448-8451 Mobile Meals ....................... Helene Fawks ............................ 997-0988 Natural Family Planning……Dr. Susanna Bleyer…………….….492-5094 Pregnancy Counseling ...... Catholic Charities .......................... 234-1999 Prison Ministry ...................... Paula Loehr .............................. 347-5168 Respect Life ........................... John Kost ................................ 626-8684 Virtus ................................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Parish Consultative Councils Pastoral Council .................... Pat Roehrl ............................... 903-0461 Finance Council..................... Jack Moran .............................. 222-2769 Outreach ......................... Madeleine Elswick ........... 448-5930, ext. 106 School Board .................... David Mikolajczyk.......................... 357-6228 13 LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN ANDRÉS INFORMACIÓN: Si alguien desea comunicarse con el Padre Orlando para solicitar algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica se puede comunicar a su numero telefónico: 1-803-351-9784. ESCUELA DE LA FE Y ESTUDIO DE LA BIBLIA El 2do y el 4to lunes de cada mes Aprende a defender tu fe, estudiando Teología y Sagrada Escritura. Hay clases el segundo Lunes y el cuarto Lunes de cada mes. Desde las seis y treinta de la tarde, hasta las ocho y treinta de la noche (6:30 P.M hasta las 8:30 P.M.) Quien dirige este Curso de Formación Académica e Intelectual es: Ana Cecilia Hidalgo. Especialista y Doctora en Teología y Sagrada Escritura. Cordialmente Invitados. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: La preparación para el Sacramento del Bautismo se realizara los Domingos a las 5:00 pm. en el gimnasio. Los padres y los padrinos de los niños que van a ser bautizados, deben asistir. Los encargados son René Reyes 843-315-4869 y Francisco Rodríguez 1-843-270-7659. Los Bautismos se realizan el segundo Sábado de cada mes, a las 10:00 am. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas interesadas en contraer matrimonio, deben contactar a Cristina Aldridge al 843-650-5577. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO: El Santísimo está expuesto el primer Viernes de cada mes, de 9:30 am a 12:00 M. La Hora Santa y Bendición con el Santísimo también se realizan el primer Viernes de cada mes, a las 7:30 pm. El día Lunes 23 de Marzo, a las 6:00 de la tarde, hay servicio Penitencial para toda la comunidad. Todos están cordialmente invitados. Gran Retiro Espiritual para Parejas. Predicador: Gustavo Valdez. Director del Ministerio Hispano en Carolina del Sur y Doctor en Ministerios. Fecha: Sábado 07 de Marzo: Desde las 8:00 A.M. Hasta las 5:00 P.M. (Desde las ocho de la mañana hasta las cinco de la tarde). Domingo 08 de Marzo: Desde las 8:00 A.M. - Hasta la 1. P.M. (Desde las ocho de la mañana hasta la una de la tarde). Nota Importante: El Retiro termina con la Santa Misa a la 1:30 P.M. (Una y treinta de la tarde). Lugar: Parroquia Nuestra Señora Estrella del Mar. (Our Lady Star of the Sea).Dirección: 1100 8th Ave North. North Myrtle Beach SC, 29582. Cordialmente invitados. DERECHO A LA VIDA Cuando el gobierno ve a un ecologista jugarse la vida por un huevo de halcón, ve en él un héroe, y cuando ve a un pro-vida en la puerta de una clínica abortista, ve en él a un fanático. Jesús Poveda 14 Por favor, ver el video de la Campaña Anual del Obispo en LA TRANSFIGURACION DEL SEÑOR (Evangelio de San Marcos 9, 2‐10) Queridos Hermanos: La Liturgia de este Domingo nos presenta la Fiesta de la Transfiguración del Señor. Jesús les da a entender a sus Apóstoles, que es indispensable experimentar el sufrimiento para llegar a la gloria de la resurrección. En esta gran fiesta religiosa podemos meditar y reflexionar varios aspectos: 1-Jesús, a quien tildan de "conflictivo, incomprendido, blasfemo, loco, borracho, endemoniado; es reconocido en la Liturgia de este Domingo, como El Hijo de Dios. "Este es mi Hijo muy amado escúchenlo". Jesús predica un Reino de Dios lleno de amor, rompiendo muchos intereses políticos, religiosos y personales. Jesús se da a conocer como el Mesías, pero no un mesías como el que piensa Pedro: "un mesías triunfalista". Sino un Mesías que padece y que sufre, y que luego muere en una cruz. 2-Es una manifestación de Dios. Es una revelación divina en Jesús y para los Apóstoles. La identidad de Jesús y su camino como Mesías, no es una simple revelación de conociemiento, sino que se convierte en norma de vida: "Este es mi Hijo muy Amado, escúchenlo". Por lo tanto, toda revelación cristiana tiene incidencia en la vida, de lo contrario, no es revelación liberadora. 3-Para Israel; La montaña, en su soledad e inmensidad, es el lugar donde se revela Dios; donde los ojos ven algo nuevo y diferente, donde uno recibe el don de ver las cosas y la historia, a través de la mirada de Dios. 4-En el centro de esta fiesta religiosa, está Jesús como el verdadero Mesías a quien debemos seguir. 5-Al lado de Jesús; aparecen Moisés y Elías, conversando con El. Es decir; Moisés y Elias, en representación de la Ley y los Profetas, dan testimonio, de que Jesús es el Mesías, el Señor. 6-Este episodio sobrenatural y divino; se cubre a través de una nube resplandeciente; expresión de la Divinidad de Dios. Del interior y profundidad de esa nube, sale aquella voz majestuosa y divina: "Este es mi Hijo, mi Amado, mi Elegido, Escúchenlo". Es decir; el Padre Celestial, confirma a Jesús ante los Apóstoles, como el Mesías y Redentor, dándoles a entender, que Jesús está por encima de Moisés, Elías y demás profetas. 7-No es extraño, que los Apóstoles se quiera quedar allí en aquel monte santo: "Maestro qué bueno es estar aquí, hagamos tres chozas..." El querer quedarse allí experimentando solamente la felicidad, es la manera de no entender a Jesús muriendo en la cruz. Tenemos que bajar del monte, para seguir nuestro rumbo, nuestro camino, nuestra vida diaria, aceptando el sufrimiento, el dolor y las adversidades de la vida. Es importante aceptar y vivir el sufrimiento para llegar a la felicidad. Pidámosle a la Virgen María, para que Ella, nos ayude a vivir con paciencia las adversidades de nuestra vida, y así un día, Jesús nos lleve al Reino de los Cielos, donde experiemtaremos la felicidad eterna. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando.
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