St. Andrew Catholic Church Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Pastor Rev. James L. LeBlanc Parochial Vicar Rev. Norbert Mendonça Hispanic Priest Rev. José Orlando Cheverría Jiménez Deacons Deacon Robert Barlow Deacon George Ferland Deacon Robert Jones Pastoral Associate Mr. Gregory S. Allen, MA School Principal Mrs. Deborah B. Wilfong Parish Business Manager Mrs. Madeleine C. Elswick Parish Administrative Assistant Mrs. Denise R. Reardon Parish Accounting Clerk Mrs. Patricia Carbonaro Religious Education Catechists Mrs. Jennifer Diaz Mrs. Barbara Bowers Mrs. June Tarangelo, M.Ed. Music Director Mrs. Francesca Schaeffer Homebound Coordinator Mrs. Susan K. Underwood Maintenance Coordinator Mr. William F. Powell ST. ANDREW CHURCH WEBSITE: Corner of 37th Avenue North and North Kings Hwy Parish Office and Mailing Address 3501 North Kings Highway • Suite 102 • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am—4:00 pm PHONE: 843-448-5930 • Fax: 843-448-3947 Evenings and Weekends: 843-626-4119 E-MAIL: [email protected] MASSES: Saturday: 4:30 & 6:15 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 am and 5:00 & 7:00 pm Spanish Monday - Friday: 9:00 am Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00 pm ST. ANDREW SCHOOL WEBSITE: 3601 North Kings Highway • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 PHONE: 843-448-6062 • Fax: 843-626-8644 E-MAIL: [email protected] Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON WELCOME ORDER OF WORSHIP The parishioners of St. Andrew Catholic Church are happy to extend a warm welcome to the many visitors who join us for worship today. August 23, 2015 The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Introit Antiphon Liturgy of the Word St. Andrew Parish, a Roman Catholic community, seeks to nurture the faith and serve the needs of parishioners and visitors by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through active stewardship, ministries of word and sacrament, programs of Christian formation, and works of charity and justice. GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNION As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Mass when we receive Holy Communion, the true Body and Blood of the Lord. Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy Communion only when we are living in communion with the Catholic Church and in the state of sanctifying grace and have made the appropriate fast from food and drink. Because of the connection we draw between being in full communion with the Catholic Church and receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of the Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will one day draw us closer “…that all may be one.” (John 17:22) 2 Readings (Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b & Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a,25-32)……………………………..…..989 Psalmody…...................................................Psalm 34 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Gospel (John 6:60-69)......……..……………...……....989 Homily Profession of Faith…………………….………….….148 General Intercessions: Today’s first collection supports the mission and ministries of St. Andrew Parish. Today’s second collection benefits our St. Andrew School Scholarship Fund. New pledges and donations to our Parish Property Development Fund are gratefully accepted at any time. Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory………………………………………...….....721 In Perfect Charity Eucharistic Prayer Holy, Holy! Great ‘Amen’ The Mystery of Faith: Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Communion Songs………………………………..…761 Table of Plenty Recessional….…………………..……..…………….407 At the Lamb’s High Feast THIS WEEK’S MASSES Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 9:00 am Wednesday 9:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 4:30 pm 6:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm August 22 John Herzog † Mary Mac Say † Aug 23 21st Sunday Ordinary Time Rose Ann Barone † Michael J. Sullivan † Pro Populo John Schaeffer † Spanish Mass August 24 Rosa Nguyen † August 25 Doris Murphy † August 26 Gino Sorce † August 27 Sister Patricia Przybylski † August 28 Lenore Walkey † August 29 Amanda O’Connor † John & Jayne Walker Special Intention Aug 30 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time John Lightfoot † Laura Beekman † Bruce Russell † Pro Populo Spanish Mass WEEKDAY LITURGIES IN AREA PARISHES Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB…... 8:00 am ...249-2356 St. Michael, Garden City…………………….…..651-3737 Monday 8 am, Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8 am & 12:05 pm, Wednesday 8 am & 6:30 pm St. James, Conway. Tues. & Thurs. 12:00 noon, please call St. James for other days and times………..347-5168 THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES AT ST. ANDREW Sat-8/22 Sun-8/23 Mon 8/24 Tues-8/25 Wed-8/26 Thurs 8/27 Fri- 8/28 Sat-8/29 Sun-8/30 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 7:00 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym 7:00 pm—Columbiettes—CLC 7:00 pm—Escuela De La Fe—Gym 2:45 pm—Youth Choir—School 6:15 pm & 7:00 pm—Religious Ed. Parent Meetings—CLC 7:00 pm—Contemporary Choir—Church 9:00 am—First School Mass—Church 7:30 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym 6:30 pm—Religious Ed. Catechist Meet ing—CLC 10:00 am—Knights of Columbus 4th Degree—Gym 3:00 pm—Confessions—Church 11:00 am—Father Norbert Mendonça’s 25th Celebration of Priesthood Mass— Church 12:15 pm—Father Norbert Mendonça’s Reception following Mass—CLC 5:00 pm—Hispanic Ministries—CLC 7:00 pm—Men’s Basketball—Gym STEWARDSHIP FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 Sunday Collection 8-9-15 $21,592.00 Sunday Collection 8-16-15 $20,327.00 Weekly Budget Needs $21,000.00 Year To Date Totals $147,491.00 Year To Date Budget Needs $147,000.00 Surplus to Date $491.00 St. Andrew is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all that you do, THANK YOU. REGISTRATION REQUEST FORM DEVOTIONS Rosary: Saturday 3:50 pm & Sunday 8:40 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 8:25 am Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after 9:00 am Mass St. Theresa Novena: Tuesday after 9:00 am Mass Perpetual Adoration at St. Michael’s Church CONFESSIONS St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach.…..…..…....3:00 pm Saturdays Our Lady Star of the Sea, NMB….......3:30 pm Saturdays St. Michael, Garden City….7:30 am. Monday - Saturdays 11:30 am on Tues., Thurs., Fri., & 5 pm on Wed. St. James, Conway 7:00 pm Tues. & 3:15 pm Saturday Welcome! It is a great joy to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed registration form or you may access a form on our website: Thank you. Name: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City & Zip: __________________________________ 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Remembering Sister Patricia Przybylski OSF 8-281940 - 8-27-2013. Eternal rest, grant unto her. May she rest in peace. Amen. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Chicken Cordon Bleu Supper Monday evening September 21 5 to 7 PM St Andrew Church CLC Senior Luncheons are scheduled for January, February and March 2016. If anyone would be interested in being the Chairperson the months of September to December 2015 and April and May 2016 please call the church office at 448-5930. If no one comes forward for those months there will be no Senior Luncheon except for the months of January, February and March. Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment; where women and men can express their post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration and healing. Our next retreat in SC is October 9-11, 2015 in Greenville. For more information, please contact Christy at 803 554 6088 or Kathy at 803 546 6010 or [email protected] Now is the time. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: In the second reading today St. Paul talks about the special kind of love between a husband and a wife. Through the sacrament of Matrimony we are called to live in love as Christ loved us. Does our marriage relationship reflect the love of Christ for all to see? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in SC is Oct. 9-11th, 2015 in Myrtle Beach. Please apply early. For more information, go to or call 803-810-9602. Religious Education Registration 2015-2016: Began - April 29 Ends - August 30. For more information call 843-626-6353 or Email: [email protected]. I am a Student of St Andrew Catholic (Check One): _____Grade School ____Religious Ed in Grade _____. _________________________________ Student’s Signature Being a Good Steward of God’s Gift of Time to Me I am attending Church on the Lord’s Day on ________________ at ___________________________________Church Pastor: Please mail slip to Fr. James LeBlanc, Pastor, St. Andrew Catholic Church, 3501 North Kings Hwy, Suite 102 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 4 Presented by Knights of Columbus Council 5086 Includes Dinner, Sides, Dessert and beverage $10 Adults, Children under 10 years $5 Tickets Available: at the Church Office Mon-Friday 9-3 PM or in the CLC Lobby after weekend Masses. Knights of Columbus Night at CCU Support Seton H.S. Scholarship Fund Join the Knights of Columbus at Coastal Carolina University on September 19 for a tailgate party and the game between the Chanticleers vs. Western Illinois Leathernecks . The tailgate will start at 3 pm followed by the game at 6pm. Tickets for the game and tailgate must be bought in advance. The tailgate will include Brats and Hamburgers, Sides and Soft Drinks. Tickets must be ordered BY SEPTEMBER 1. Bring your own chairs. Proceeds will go to the St Elizabeth Ann Seton Scholarship Fund CONTACT: Jim O’Connor [email protected] Game tickets and Tailgate $20 per person Tailgate only $ 10 per person How many? _______ Hamburger _________ Brat _________ WORD OF LIFE “As persons with disabilities share their gifts and needs, they bring out the best in our mutual humanity. They challenge us to live the Gospel precepts of charity in the real world, to sacrifice some of our comfort for others, to take the time to enable them to be full members of society. They need to feel our solidarity with them, and to know their true dignity and worth as fellow sisters and brothers in Christ.” ~ Excerpt from Life Matters: Persons with Disabilities 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION OF FR. NOBERT MENDONÇA The people of St Andrew Catholic Church honor Rev. Fr. Norbert Mendonça at the 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. Sunday August 30, 2015 We will gather with Bishop Robert Guglielmone for Mass at 11AM. After Mass at 12:15 Father Norbert Mendonça will receive all parishioners prior to the banquet in the CLC. Unfortunately, no banquet tickets remain. ST. ANDREW SCHOLARSHIP - 2ND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND AUGUST 23 Dear St. Andrew Friends and Family, This weekend our second collection will benefit the Scholarship Fund at St. Andrew Catholic School. Our mission at St. Andrew is to nurture the Catholic faith, inspire academic excellence and lead our students in a life of service to the Catholic Church and the greater community within a safe environment where every child is known and loved. Last year the parishioners at St. Andrew generously donated $18,440 to our scholarship fund. Our families at school worked diligently to raise scholarship funds through our annual Derby Days event and this year an auction of items created by the school children. Through these combined efforts, over $74,000 was awarded to families in need for the 2015-2016 school year. Through your generosity and our diligence in fundraising, we were able to provide tuition assistance to 29 students, aiding 17 families in our school. We hope you prayerfully consider contributing to our Scholarship Fund, or even sponsoring a child for a Catholic education, so that we can continue to educate children in light of our mission and the Gospel values of Jesus Christ. God Bless, Debbie Wilfong, Principal 5 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - PARENT MEETINGS Who should attend Date Time Place Parents of first time students. August 25, 2015 6:15pm Community Life Center Parents of students enrolled in: Eucharist Prep Level 2 Confirmation Prep Level 1 and Level 2 August 25, 2015 7:00pm Community Life Center Parent and Youth enrolled in: High School Sacrament Prep September 9, 2015 7:00pm St. Andrew School In the Spanish Classroom Parents of students enrolled in: RCIC Level 1 and 2 October 14, 2015 6:45pm St. Andrew School In the Cafeteria Parents of students enrolled in: Eucharist Prep Level 2 RCIC Level 2 November 18, 2015 5:30 PM OR 6:45 PM St. Andrew School In the Library RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - REGISTRATION Registration Forms are available at all Church entrances. Carefully complete the forms and attach your payment. Make all checks payable to St. Andrew Catholic Church. Return the form with payment to: The Religious Education Center Mail Box located outside the YOUTH side entrance. OR St. Andrew Catholic Church Attention: Religious Education - Youth 3501 North Kings Highway, Suite 102 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 CONFIRMATION RETREAT - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 AT 3:30 PM CONFIRMATION RETREAT Sunday, September 13, 2015 Who: When: Where: For all youth who will be receiving Confirmation on NOVEMBER 7, 2015 Sunday, September 13, 2015 3:30pm to 8:30pm Community Life Center Dinner will be provided and the youth will attend the 5 pm Mass. Remember to bring the following paperwork: Confirmation Sponsor Certificate Hand written letter to the Bishop Saint Report Documentation of Ministry Hours Please contact Barbara Bowers for questions/concerns: 6 843-626-6353 [email protected]. ANNUAL TASTE OF THE TOWN IS OCTOBER 6, 2015 32nd Annual Taste of the Town only 6 weeks away! Save the Date: 32nd Annual Taste of the Town will be held Tuesday, October 6th 2015 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. St. Andrew Catholic School proudly presents…The 32nd Annual Taste of the Town Come and enjoy the Grand Strand’s premier culinary social event of the year, and delight your palate with samplings of specialty menu items from 50+ area restaurants! In its 32nd year, this annual event is Myrtle Beach’s largest food festival and what a celebration we have planned!! Please join us on Tuesday, October 6th at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center from 4pm – 10pm. Price: $5 Advanced tickets/$6 at the door. Children 12 and under free with an adult. Tickets will be available closer to the event date at all HTC locations, and St. Andrew Catholic School. Volunteers are Needed! - : Taste of the Town is our schools largest fundraiser and is a huge undertaking that requires many volunteers. Without the help of Saint Andrew parents, parishioners, and students, we would not be able to have such an amazing event. Last year, it took over 500 volunteers to make Taste of the Town a success! If you can help, please email: Chris or Tina Carbonne [email protected] or fill out the Volunteer Sign Up Sheet and return it to the school office. Promote your Business!! What a better way to showcase a business for thousands of people to see at the 2015 Taste of the Town or in our TOT Program!! If you own a business or know of a business that you frequent, it’s a great opportunity to get your name out there! Just fill out the Advertising Contract in the bulletin today. Now accepting Restaurant Applications TOT 2015 - A limited number of restaurants will be accepted for the largest culinary/social event of the year. For restaurant applications, deadlines, and event information, visit our website at or check us out on 7 8 9 10 BIBLE STUDY - THURSDAYS, SEPTEMBER 10 - NOVEMBER 19 IN THE CLC “The Prophets, Messengers of God’s Mercy” September 10—November 19, 2015 (10 weeks) TIME TO JOIN OUR NEWEST BIBLE STUDY Who were the Prophets? What was their message? Why they are important to us? Learn the answer to these questions as God is calling you to a deeper relationship with Him. ALL ARE WELCOME / PREVIOUS BIBLE KNOWLEDGE UNNECESSARY Register early as space is limited Prophets study set book is essential as it includes engaging lessons, summaries, talk outlines, questions, charts/diagrams and more. NAME__________________________PREFERRED PHONE ___________________ EMAIL__________________________OTHER PHONE_______________________ THURSDAY MORNING 10:30-12______OR THURSDAY EVENING 6:30-8 ________ Contact June Tarangelo for additional info: email [email protected] or call 626-4685 OPTIONS: Deposit this form, with check, in basket in white envelope marked Bible Study or mail w/check to 3501 N. Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Late fee additional $5.00 will be applied. Total fee $37. Make checks payable to St. Andrew Church Bible Study. 11 CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Big News: the Catechism of the Catholic Church is back in the Pews! 6,144 went home already! One of the greatest achievements of Pope John Paul II was the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This Catechism will serve as the standard for all future catechisms. “A sure norm for teaching the Faith”, as the Pope said. Please take and study this Catechism in your own home. This Catechism costs $5.00 each. Inside the front cover of each book you will find an ENVELOPE as follows: Dear Sister or Brother in Christ: This Catechism of the Catholic Church is a most handy summary of the Faith that we profess as Christians. We hope you will take it to your home and read it. We would thank you for helping out with the costs of this ministry - at $5.00 for each copy of this Catechism if you are able to donate that amount (or more, or less) by placing your donation in this envelope and then into the collection basket. Be blessed in the study of your Catechism. PARKING CHURCH PARKING: See the green NO PARKING: See the red. No parking is allowed on either side of the 37th Street from the REC to Oak Street. PARISH MINISTRY CONTACTS Contact phone numbers are for parish use only. Prayer and Worship Altar Servers….……......David & Kathy Mikolajczyk…….…......357-6228 Church Upkeep ....................Mary Zigman ............................. 839-4993 Extraordinary Ministers ..... Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932 Gift Bearers ........................ Priscilla Melton ............................ 685-2828 Greeters ............................ Eleanore Burzon .......................... 903-6173 Lectors ............................. Caroline Paulhus .......................... 692-9932 Marriage Prep ..................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Musicians & Vocalists ..... Francesca Schaeffer ....................... 236-3772 Prayer Chain ................... Elizabeth Calamari ......................... 236-9552 Sick & Homebound…. ..... Susan Underwood ......................... 903-1341 Ushers.................................... Bill Thiele ................................ 222-6648 Wedding Coordinator ........... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Christian Formation Adult Education .................. June Tarangelo............................ 626-4685 Adult Initiation / RCIA .......... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Baptism Prep ....................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Youth - Primary .................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Youth - Middle ................... Barbara Bowers ........................... 626-6353 Youth - Secondary ............... Jennifer Diaz. ............................. 626-6353 Youth Ministry ...................... Jennifer Diaz ............................. 626-6353 Community Building Adult Seniors .................... Carlette Reynolds.......................... 449-0250 Byzantine Community ............ Jean Wirth ............................... 249-9502 Catholic Medical Association.……Dr. Peter Bleyer.…..…...…...492-5094 Columbiettes .................... Edie Van Demark .......................... 626-9644 Communications. ................. Gregory Allen ............. ..448-5930, ext. 116 Community Kitchen..........…Deacon Peter Casamento……. ...444-9383 Gift Shop ............................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847 Girl Scout Troop 703..….....Donna Ferretti….....………..…...….251-1729 Hibernians ............................ Harry Walker ............................. 249-5355 Hibernians– Ladies ............... Betsy Farley .............................. 215-3993 Hispanic Community……..…..Candida Vasquez……………..….385-1058 Hospitality .......................... Marlene Grover ........................... 283-4445 Knights of Columbus, 3rd Degree…. Bruce Miller ................... 602-3074 Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree…. Dennis Wyckoff .............. 390-1433 Knitting/Crocheting .................. Pat Vera ................................. 236-7587 Rosary Makers ................... Harriet Parrotta ........................... 236-3550 SC Council of Catholic Women……..Marlene Grover..………...283-4445 Social Events ..............John & Caroline Paulhus .................... 692-9932 Volunteers ......................... June Tarangelo. ........................... 626-4685 Website Committee……...….Gregory Allen…..…….....448-5930, ext 116 Women's Club ....................... Mary Mann ............................... 903-4847 Pastoral Services Annulment ........................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Bereavement Support ........ Elizabeth Calley ........................... 448-5396 Catholic Charities ..........Diocese of Charleston .............. 855-377-1357 Funerals .............................. Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Helping Hand….....……..…...Tina Shupey……...……….……...448-8451 Mobile Meals ....................... Helene Fawks ............................ 997-0988 Natural Family Planning……Dr. Susanna Bleyer…………….….492-5094 Pregnancy Counseling ...... Catholic Charities .......................... 234-1999 Prison Ministry ...................... Paula Loehr .............................. 347-5168 Respect Life ........................... John Kost ................................ 626-8684 Virtus ................................... Gregory Allen ............... 448-5930, ext. 116 Parish Consultative Councils Pastoral Council .................... Pat Roehrl ............................... 903-0461 Finance Council..................... Jack Moran .............................. 222-2769 Outreach ......................... Madeleine Elswick ........... 448-5930, ext. 106 School Board .................... David Mikolajczyk.......................... 357-6228 12 LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN ANDRÉS Peregrinación a Tierra Santa; con el Reverendo Padre José Orlando Cheverría Jiménez, como Capellán de la Peregrinación y el Diácono Gabriel Cuervo. Lugares de Peregrinación: Jerusalén, Belén, El Nacimiento de Jesús, Nazareth, Galilea, El Santo Viacrucis, La Ultima Cena, Getsemaní, El Santo Sepulcro, y Cafarnaún. Fecha: Noviembre 04 hasta Noviembre 14 del 2015. Costo: $3999.00 Dolares. Todo Incluído. Telefonos de Contacto: 855-842-8001; 508-340-9370. También se puede registrar online: El Departamento de Educación Religiosa esta buscando un voluntario bilingüe que sea capaz de recibir llamadas telefónicas y asistir a reuniones como traductor. A ésta persona se le pedirá reunirse con el Departamento de Educación Religiosa, para aprender acerca de los programas que ofrecemos y además estar dispuesto a que su nombre y número de teléfono estén impresos en el boletín semanal de la Iglesia. Gracias. Coordinadores de Educación Religiosa: Barbara Bowers and Jennifer Diaz Teléfono: 843-626-6353 E-mail: [email protected] DERECHO A LA VIDA El aborto es un "crimen horrendo", como lo calificó el Concilio Vaticano II, porque consiste en quitar la vida a una criatura inocente, que no ha cometido ningún delito. Conferencia Episcopal Peruana. Para ayuda en caso de un embarazo no planeado: 1-800-395-4357 ESCUELA DE LA FE "CRISTO MAESTRO" St Andrew 2° y 4° Lunes 7:009:00pm Coordinador Local Juan Carlos Pinto 843-742-9472 Para todo Hispano mayor de 18 años y las ofrecen instructores de conocimiento teológico Conoce y fortalece tu fe cristiano-católica a través de estudios teológicos. Más información: ·Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. ·Visite la página web: – 13 LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN ANDRÉS INFORMACIÓN: Si alguien desea comunicarse con el Padre Orlando para solicitar algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica se puede comunicar a su numero telefónico: 1-843-226-6958. REUNIÓN PASTORAL: Hay Reunión Pastoral con cada uno de los Ministerios el primer Lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 pm en el gimnasio. CURSO BÍBLICO: hay reflexión y meditación de la Sagrada Escritura, el 3°y 5° Lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 pm en el gimnasio. El encargado es René Reyes 843-315-4869. ESCUELA DE LA FE “ CRISTO MAESTRO” St Andrew 2° y 4° Lunes 7:00-9:00pm Para mas información, vea la página 13. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO: El Santísimo está expuesto el primer Viernes de cada mes, de 9:30 am a 12:00 M. La Hora Santa y Bendición con el Santísimo también se realizan el primer Viernes de cada mes, a las 7:30 pm. SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: La preparación para el Sacramento del Bautismo se realizará en el gimnasio, el primer Domingo de cada mes, a las 5:00 pm. Los padres y padrinos de los niños que van a ser bautizados, deben asistir a la clase. Los encargados son René Reyes 843-315-4869 y Francisco Rodríguez 1-843-2707659. Los Bautismos se realizan el segundo Sábado de cada mes, a las 10:00 am. SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFESIÓN: Los invitamos a recibir el Sacramento de la Confesión todos los Domingos a las 6:30 pm y a continuación, a celebrar la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas interesadas en contraer matrimonio, deben hacer una cita con el Asociado Pastoral, señor Greg Allen, llamando a Cristina Aldridge al 843-650-5577. QUINCEAÑERA: Las personas interesadas en una Misa para Quinceañera, deben contactar a Blanca Jenkins al teléfono 843-655-1269. CORO: Hay ensayo de Coro los Domingos a las 5:00 pm, en el gimnasio. CENTRO de EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA - JUVENTUD y RCIA: Coordinadores de Educación Religiosa: Barbara Bowers and Jennifer Diaz Teléfono: 843-626-6353 E-mail: [email protected] Las Coordinadoras de Educación Religiosa no hablan Español. Traductores voluntarios para Español, están disponibles solo con cita previa. Por favor envíenos un email o déjenos un mensaje telefónico avisando si va a necesitar un traductor al devolverle su llamada, o si necesita ayuda para una reunión. 14 "SEÑOR TU TIENES PALABRAS DE VIDA ETERNA" (Evangelio de San Juan 6,60-69) Queridos Hermanos: Jesús por varios Domingos nos ha venido hablando acerca de la Sagrada Eucaristía. Y el Evangelio de este Domingo, nos narra la última parte de este gran discurso de Jesús sobre la Sagrada Eucaristía o Santa Misa. Aquella multitud de personas que se entusiasmaron por Jesús, porque El les había dado de comer a través de la multiplicación de los panes y pescados, ahora no quieren dar el paso decisive de la fe: Creer en Jesús. No pueden concebir y aceptar esa verdad de Jesucristo: "Mi Carne es verdadera Comida y mi Sangre es verdadera Bebida". Cuando la multitud escuchó estas palabras de labios de Jesús, se escandalizaron y se fueron. Solamente quedó Jesús con sus doce Apóstoles. Ellos representan la Iglesia que Cristo fundó, cuyo líder o cabeza es Pedro. Por eso la pregunta que Jesús le hace a los doce: "Ustedes también se quieren ir?... Y la respuesta de Pedro como cabeza y jefe del grupo de los Apóstoles: "Señor, a quién vamos a ir...Nosotros sabemos que Tú tienes palabras de Vida Eterna...Nosotros sabemos que Tú eres eres el Santo de Dios. (Jesús es Dios). Es importante resaltar también, la diferencia que Jesús nos hace entre "carne" y "espíritu", es decir; entre las dos concepciones de la persona, y en consecuencia, de Jesús y su mision. A estas dos concepciones de la persona, corresponden dos visiones de Jesús: El Mesías según la "carne", es el rey que ellos han querido hacer, un rey dominante que impone su gobierno, un Mesías politico, triunfante y guerrero. El Mesías según el "espíritu", es el que se hace servidor de todos y muere por todos. Hoy, Jesús nos invita a tomar una decision radical: O bien pongo a Cristo, en el mismo nivel que otras grandes figuras de la humanidad; o bien me decido, a experimentar personalmente, que Jesús es Unico en su Persona y en su mensaje. Estamos invitados a vivir aquellas palabras de Pedro: "Señor a quien vamos a ir, Tú tienes palabras de Vida Eterna". Pidámosle a la Virgen María, para que Ella, nos ayude a seguir a Jesús, con nuestras palabras, obras y acciones, creyendo siempre que El está presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando. NOTA: Para mas información, vea la página 13 .
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