Maestra Becky López Paquete suplementario 2009-10 LISTA DE VERBOS REFLEXIVOS bañarse (to bathe oneself) yo tú Usted él ella me baño nosotros nos bañamos te bañas vosotros os bañáis se baña Ustedes ellos ellas se emociones bañan aburrirse (to get bored) rutina personal/higiene acostarse (o->ue) (to lie down, go to bed) asustarse (to be scared) afeitarse caerse (to fall down) arreglarse cansarse (to get tired) bañarse darse cuenta de divertirse (e->ie) emocionarse enojarse molestarse (to realize) (to enjoy oneself) (to get excited) (to get angry) (to get bothered) despertarse (e->ie) (to brush one's hair) (to brush one's teeth) (to wake up) dormirse (o>ue) (to go to sleep) ducharse (to take a shower) preocuparse maquillarse (to feel) (to take a bath) cepillarse los dientes levantarse sentirse (e->ie) (to get ready) cepillarse el pelo/cabello portarse bien/mal (to behave well/badly) (to worry) (to shave onself) peinarse vestirse (e->i) secarse (to "actually"get up out of bed) (to put on makeup) (to comb one's hair) (to get dressed) (to dry oneself) la ropa... cambiarse la ropa (to change clothes) ponerse la ropa (to put on one's clothes) quitarse la ropa (to take off one's clothes)
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