COMET CHRONICLES Volume I, Issue II Comet Chronicles Our Mission … YOU! Inside this issue About our paper 2 Winter Concert 3 Extended Day 4-5 Student Essay 6-7 Pi Day Celebration 8-9 Candid Student Pics 10-11 Spirit Week 12-13 Student Spirit 14 Art Show Participants 15 16-17 Spotlight:Charley Gips Girls Varsity Basketball 18-19 Poetry 20 Environmental Club 21 Artist Works 22-23 April Calendar 24 Website Info 25 The Comet Chronicles hopes you enjoy the latest edition we have put together for you. These pages are dedicated to our students. It was our intent from our first edition, to make this a very student center school paper. We like to focus on the interests and talents of the many diverse students that make up our Jr./Sr. High School. Take a look at the article in this edition highlighting the many artistic achievements of Charley Gips. She is truly a talented artist. We would love to hear from you about what you would like to see in your paper! You can get in touch with any Chronicles student staff member listed below or by emailing the paper’s advisor: [email protected]. If you attend a school event and take pictures, why not send them to us to review for publication? Want us to cover an upcoming dance, fundraiser, or other event? Just let us know! Thank you for supporting the Fallsburg Jr./Sr. High School’s paper, the Comet Chronicles! Comet Chronicles Team Johnni Brown Brendon Sapolsky Dawn Ruhren Alyssa Sacadura Olivia Vales Natalie Pazona Lamera Palmer Lesvi Fuentes Hernandez Advisor-L. Moriarty Back Cover Artist: Brenda Granados Special Thanks to Winnie Fortsch and Larry Schafman for letting us use some of their great photos! Page 2 Front Cover Artists: Mark Stubble, Dawn Ruhren, Shawn Leszczynski, Angelina Gennaro, Alyssa Sacadura Effort = Excellence! Students perform at the winter concert for family, friends, and members of the community. Page 3 What’s happ ening in Extended D ay! MOVE A ROUND ! Page 4 Extended Day Involve Yourself! Page 5 Page 5 The Patrol by Katherine Mendez In the 1980’s, much of Central America was entrenched in civil war. El Salvador was no exception. The military-led government and a coalition of guerilla groups who called themselves the FMLN fought each other in a brutal war over economic equality and human rights. Many innocent lives were lost -roughly two percent of the population at the time- in this devastatingly unfortunate period in history. People you may know were there to experience the terror of this war. In the following piece, Katherine Mendez, 11th Grade, gives us a glimpse of the world her own mother knew as a youth in El Salvador in the 1980’s.. (Introduction by Ms. Meaker) During the day the women cooked, washed and cleaned while their husbands and children slept. The smell of beans and the roosters crowing rose. These brave men had spent the whole night awake. This group of men had the name "The Patrol". My greatgrandfather, Candelario, and his sons started the group to take care of his family fervently. Other neighboring males joined the group. At night the Patrolmen did not sleep, making sure that the guerrillas did not kidnap the women of the family. When they saw the guerrillas come, they awakened the women and sent them to sleep at the bank of the river so they would not be found. The darkness and the dark shadows of the trees hid them while the noisy waters drowned their silent whispers. During the night, all the families came to sleep at the house of my great-grandfather. They felt so secure there that they wanted to sleep there until the war ended. At this time my mother was 6 years old and went to school. Very near her school, the guerilla used to fight with the soldiers. The guerilla threw bombs in the soccer field while students were still in the classroom. The helicopters picked up the wounded soldiers. These wounded guerrillas kidnapped women to take care of them and feed them. Sadly the patrol could not avoid this kind of kidnapping. But these men became heroes, respected throughout the colony. Now all that remains are memories of the Patrolmen, they who patrolled at night. Page 6 Page 6 Los Patrulleros by Katherine Mendez En los años ochentas, mucho de America Central estaba sometido en la guerra civil. El Salvador no fue una excepción. El gobierno militar y una coalición de grupos guerrillas (quién se llamaba el FMLN) peleaban el uno contra el otro una guerra brutal sobre la igualdad económica y los derechos humanos. Se perdieron muchas vidas inocentes -aproximadamente dos por ciento de la población en aquel entonces- en este tremendamente desafortunado período de historia. Probablemente conozca a gente que estuvo allí para experimentar el terror de esa guerra. En el trabajo siguiente, Katherine Mendes, del decimo grado, nos da un atisbo del mundo que su propia madre conocía como una joven en El Salvador en los años ochentas. (Introducción por srta. Meaker) Durante el día las mujeres cocinaban, lavaban, y limpiaban mientras sus esposos y hijos dormian. El olor de los frijoles y el canto de los gallos los levantaban. Estos valientes hombres habían pasado la noche entera en vela. Este grupo de hombres tenía por nombre “Los Patrulleros”. Mi vis-abuelo, Candelario, y sus hijos empezaron el grupo al cuidar fervorosamente de su familia. Otros vecinos varones se unieron al grupo. Por las noches los Patrulleros no dormían cuidando que los guerilleros no fueran a secuestrar a las mujeres de la familia. Cuando ellas veian venir a los guerilleros, ellos despertaban a las mujeres y las mandaban a dormir a la orilla del río para que no las encontraran. La oscuridad y las sombras oscuras de los arboles las escondian mientras las aguas ruidosas ahogaban sus callados susuros. Durante la noche, todas las familias llegaban a dormir a la casa de mi vis-abuelo. Ellos se sentían tan suguros allí que hasta cuando terminó la guerra querían dormir allá. En aquella época mi mamá tenia 6 anos y iba a la escuela. Muy cerca de su escuela, la guerilla peleaba con los soldados. La guerilla tiraba bombas en la camcha de futbol de la escuela mientras los estudiantes todavía estaban en las aulas. Los helicópteros recogían a los soldados heridos. Estos guerilleros heridos secuestraban a las mujeres para que ellas cuidaran de ellos y los alimentaran. Tristemente los patrulleros no podían evitar este tipo de secuestro. Pero estos hombres llegaron a ser heroes, respetados por toda la colonía. Ahora todo lo que queda son recuerdos de los patrulleros, Page 7 Page 7 Congratu la Reciting the tions! most number of decimal places of pi (154!) Angelica Mejia 10th 3-way tie for best decorated pi symbol: Julia Batista- 9th Ms. Colavito’s Annual PI DAY! Ciana Patterson DaCosta - 10th Abigail Langeland 10th Thanks to Candhace Forrest for the Pi Day pics! Page 8 ! W OW Page 9 Students at work... Page 10 Students a Page 11 t work... SPI WE RIT EK ! Page 12 GO COMETS! Page 13 Superhero Day! fl a u nt Students SPIRIT! L O O H C S Color Day! Page 14 Congratu la tions! These students were selected to have their works of art on display at the Catskill Art Sociey for the 2015 County-Wide High School Art Show. Page 15 9th Grade Kaitlyn Simms Julia Batista Victoria Langeland Ayanna Princival Isaiah Rodriguez 10th Grade Analise Mojica Daisy Thomas Rebecca Budrock Aliza Santos Abby Langeland Melanie Dalman Jose Fuentes 11th Grade Kaitlyn Price Johnni Brown Jessica Russell Brian Brown Christian Rosales Juver Argueta Momodou Gai 12th Grade Aaron Cohen Rasheem Armstead Naomi Moody Shane Luczyski Ajani Vernon-Desmangles Brieanna Simms Joseph Aitken Karryn Smith Kali Seastrand Charley Gips Dakota Moody Wendy Mendez Natalie Tejada s Art by Charley Gip Page 16 SSTUDENT TUDENT S SPOTLIGHT POTLIGHT CHARLEY GIPS B y C o m e t C h r o n i c l e r e p o t e r N a ta l i e P a z o n a Charley Gips, now a senior, has a love of art that started when she was 4 years old. From then on, she could create almost anything. Her portfolio can be seen by many colleges. An on-line slide room shows her artwork, where it can be accessed by many colleges. She credits Ms.Magnetico, who was very helpful with lighting the artwork for her online portfolio. Gips’ recently attended Portfolio Day at SUNY Purchase. This is a day where many colleges come to look at student work. So far, Charley Gips has three colleges where she has applied and been accepted! Her first choice is SVA, School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. Her other choices are PRATT MWP of Utica/Brooklyn where she also got a scholarship. Go Charley! SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design, in Savannah, Georgia is also another possibility. We wish her the best of luck and hope to see her artwork in the future! Page 17 Girls Varsity Basketball Senior Recognition Family, friends, faculty, and members of the community come out to show support for our girls Varsity Basketball team. Page 18 Girls Varsity Basketball Senior Recognition CO Page 19 GO ME TS! Poetry Spotlight The Horror The blackness slowly creeping up her throat. Closing in, taking over her body. A cold skeletal hand dragging across her throat The more and more it squeezed, the harder and harder it was to breath The once bright light of the day, started becoming duller and duller. The small beacon of light growing dimmer and dimmer. Until the smallest speck of hope or the so called light, closed for good. Dragging her into eternal darkness. -Rachel Collura Concert Walking out to crowds Flashing lights Blaring music Time of my life! -Rachel Collura This space could Showcase Your talents! Send us your Poetry and Short stories! -Comet Chronicles Page 20 Recycle-It makes a difference! Reduce your environmental footprint. Every Thursday student volunteers go room to room and collect all paper recyclables. Remind your fellow classmates to use the PAPER ONLY receptacles when discarding anything paper. Thanks to all the student Long Live the EARTH! Viva la TIERRA! Page 21 Amazing Artists! Artist - Kaitlyn Simms es M c Rey t - Eri Artis arillo Artist - Ajani Desma ngles Artist - Artist - Page 22 Jalen H Naomi Moody ulligan Taylor C Artist arvey en Ornam ts made ents in by stud wing and Dra Design Artist - Johnni Brown Artist - Cullen Feagin Amazing Artists! ren t - Ka Artis Camp os Artis t- J ohn own thia t - Cin Artis Artist - Jason Sanchez 7th grade Abstract Design Ink and Pencil Page 23 ni Br ia Garc Pavon Feel free to use this calendar to organize your assignments, appointments, sports schedules, or other important dates! Page 24 Did you know… The District website has calendars available that give you all sorts of great information? It’s all there, everything from fundraisers, to concerts, to sporting events! Check out what the website has to offer! Ch e Page 25 ck ou to ur Ap p! Feel free to use this calendar to organize your assignments, appointments, sports schedules, or other important dates! Page 26 Feel free to use this calendar to organize your assignments, appointments, sports schedules, or other important dates! Page 27 A rti st -B ren da G r an ad os
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