16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Louis Catholic Community
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
[email protected][email protected]
Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia
Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara
Vicar Emeritus (Retired)
Rev. Fr. Michael Kish
Administrator of the Mission of
St. Augusitine of Hippo
Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo
Rev. Dr. James Dugard
Rev. Mr. John Green
Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon
Rev. Mr. George Labelle
Rev. Mr. Alex Lam
Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney
Rev. Mr. John Peremenis
Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes
Rev. Mr. José Villena
Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias Sunday:(English)
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
6:30 AM Monday - Friday English
8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English
7:30 PM Miércoles – Español
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los miercoles - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español el último
domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM.
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
son of Jose & Jacqueline Barba
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday
Director of Religious Education
son of Omar Y Joanna Isamil
when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call
Mrs. Jeannie Modroño
the Office TWO months in advance.
son of Humberto & Adrana Hallancia
Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Mark Witkowski
son of Sergio & Adriana Valido
Director of Music
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Mr. Juan Salazar
Remember the Departed
School Principal
Mr. Edward Garcia
Coordinator of Ministries & Music
Ms. Cecelia Columbro
Pray for the Sick
Conchita Acosta
Aloma Ahkin
Pablo Arevalo
Mary Arnold
Isabel Avila
Alejandro Baldelomar
Marcio Baltodano
Tom Becker
Nora Bendheim
Verónica Bermúdez
Jeannette Bernard
Maria Eugenia Bolaños
Giana Brendeke
Joyce Bryan
Jerry Byrne
Joanne Calfo
Margaret Caruso
Keith Chin
Sandra Chung
Michael Connor
Cici Culverhouse
Mary Frances Degen
Luis DeVarona
Sal DiFede
Alba Diaz
Xioriliz Diaz
Lorraine Ditzel
Iris Echevarria
Vincent Evans
Eddie Fung
Bertina Garcia
Ralphy Garcia
Bill Gerrard
Mary Glynn
Daisy Guerrero
Dorothy Haiduven
Robert Hall
Alyse Hernández
Salvador Hernández
Andrés Hidalgo
Norman Hinton
Lidia Hoadleg
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Carole Howard
Aida Jackson
Irene Johnson
Matthew Joseph
Oliver & Mary Ann Kerr
Jim Kern
Mary Kilcoyne
Gerry Knowlan
Paul Kolodziejczak
Robert Kopp
Pat Krupczak
Joseph Kuethe
Helen Labime
Gene LaNeve
Evelyn López
Manolito López
Isabel Luperón
Adelaida Maldonado
Dan Millott
Adelina Muzaurieta
Harrison Margulies
Matthew Martin
William Martinez
William Mayer
Jane McKeon
Luis Magallanes
Vivian Malave
Wendy McLendon
Reinaldo Meléndez
Angela Mitchell
Isabella Morales
Francisco Morejon
Leonardo Moreno
James Morris
Michael Mulsford
Luis Munilla
Dana Munsey
Patricia Murphy
Rodney Oziemski
Jim Petee
Javier Piñeda
David Pritchard
Betty Quinn
Shawn Rice
Bryce Richardson
Remberto Rodríguez
Rolando Rodríguez
Clara Romero
Dr. Sergio Bonilla
Tanya Valdes
Graciela Rosas
Josephine Sánchez
Joseph Santella
Jesse Santera
Jimmy Sarandis
Sylvia Sharpe
John Shubeck
Eleanor Simons
Colin Smith Pita
James Smith
Ernest Steinhilber,III
Isah Marie Tomas
Zoraida Torres
Aurora Van de Water
Pedro Verastegui
Concepción Villaborres
Aisha Wade
Peter White
Elizabeth Woods
Giancarlo Zamora
Nick Zwatney
Please remember to
contact the Parish Office
when it is appropriate to
remove a name from this
list or they will be removed
after two months. To provide the Eucharist
at home for ill parish
members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at
305-251-7335 or the
parish office at
Si estas enfermo o
impedido de asistir a la
Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa,
puedes comunicarte con
Adriana Morales,
Ministry to
The Sick
The One Church One Family
Capital Campaign
Message from Capital Campaign Director, Angelica Bertot Santibanez
Dear Saint Louis families:
I wanted to share with you that I will be soon be transitioning to a new chapter in my professional life as the
Development Director for St. John Vianney College Seminary with the Archdiocese of Miami. The past two and
a half years here at Saint Louis Catholic Community have been joyful and rewarding and I really came to love
this very special place.
I am truly grateful to have served alongside such great leaders, parents, parishioners, and friends. I came to
St. Louis Church & Covenant School as the Capital Campaign Director because I truly believe in this project
and how it will serve the needs of the Saint Louis Catholic Community for years to come- from our school
children to the various ministry members we have. As a mentor and friend once told me, a well executed capital
campaign invites everyone to offer the gifts they have, sort of like a covenant. Share what YOU can share so that
we ALL benefit. I am so humbled by the amount of people that answered the call to share their time, talents and
treasures as part of this important capital campaign and I am grateful to have been a small part of this journey
with you. The journey is not over, however, so as I transition out I invite you to continue praying on how you will
also be a part of the journey if you haven't done so already.
The next phase of my journey starts on July 27th, when I join the Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation,
leading the development efforts in helping secure financial resources in support of the important mission and
objectives of St John Vianney College Seminary.
Again, thank you for your support and your friendship. Know of my prayers for the St Louis Catholic Community
and please continue praying for me as we continue advancing the mission of the Church here in the Archdiocese
of Miami.
Angelica Bertot Santibanez
If you need to reach the campaign office,
please call 305.238.7562, ext. 7033 or email at [email protected]
Don’t Forget
Please use your envelopes or write your envelope number on your check to
ensure proper crediting of your donation. Please notify our parish office of any
changes to your phone number, e-mail address or physical address.
To set up online donations please e-mail us at [email protected] or call 305-2387562 X7027 and speak to Pat.
When he was 15 years old in 2009, fellow parishioner Justin Menendez lost his 13 year-old brother, Jason
Anthony Menendez, to suicide. It was in the wake of that tragedy that Justin founded The J.A.M. Foundation, a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The mission of The J.A.M. Foundation is to educate the youth of today, as
well as parents, educators and the general public, to Stand Up and Speak about the often-taboo topic of
Registration Now Open For Religious Education Classes
On Saturday, August 15th 2015 The J.A.M.
Inc. willuntil
be hosting
2nd annual Jason’s Wish
Discount Tuition
1, 2015
Scholarships & Awards Gala. The Jason’s
is awarded
in memory
of Jason Anthony
for All New
Menendez to a limited number of graduating high school seniors who will exemplify qualities in leadership,
character and community service. In 2013,
The J.A.M.
was able
to offer
For Schedule
of Classes,
scholarships to two students.We offer these
please check our website at www.stlcatholic.org or contact us at:
losing a loved one to suicide, and despite their tragedy, are still aiming for success. We hope to see you there!
Office of Religious Education
305-238-7562, Ext 7017
The Menendez Family
[email protected]
1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received
to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s Grace”
Purchase tickets at: www.standupnspeak.com
Questions? E-mail [email protected]
One Church One Family
School supplies needed for the “Backpack
On Saturday, August 8th, 2015
The Humanities Ministry is currently collecting school supply donations to
help children at St. Ann’s Mission, St. Monica, St. Michael Archangel, etc. Due
to the current economic trends they find themselves unable to provide for the
needs of the children. If you would like to help, here are some suggestions:
Pencil sharpeners, Erasers, Folders, Three ring binders, Pocket dividers,
Rulers, Highlighters, Color Pencils, Scissors (safety blunt), Lined paper to
refill notebook, Erasable pens, Pencil Pouch,Composition Journals, Glue
Sticks, Glue.
Boxes will be placed outside the Church in the vestibule area for the
collection of all supplies. We will be accepting donations until August
2, 2015.
One Church One Family
St. Louis Book & Gift
Store NEWS
Baptist Hospital Visitation
We have a new book by Archbishop Robert
Rivas by the name of “How Beatiful the Valley”.
The fotography is awesome. Stop by and look
at the book, also browse around and see all
the good things we have.
The St. Louis Team of Eucharisitic Ministers goes
to Baptist Hospital every Wednesday morning
and the First Sunday morning of each month to
give Communion to the Catholic patients in the
hospital. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and would
like to join our team to do Wednesdays and/or First
Sundays or just need more information please call:
Alice Hacker: 305-665-0250
or Cell: 305-299-6733
Magnificat Broward County Chapter Presents:
“Restoring the Spirit”
Guest Speaker: Father John Fink
Help others in need to help feed those in
need. We ask that families take advantage of the
BOGO (buy one get one) offers at the local
supermarkets, and donate the second item to
the St. Louis Food Pantry. They can be dropped
off in the bins located in the vestibule of the
church. We will then collect them and store them
for others that come to the parish office in need
of food. What a great way to help our neighbors
and set an example to those around us to do the
We can also collect the perishable items that
are offered; all we ask for those items is that
arrangements be made in advance
by contacting Bob Friedlander
786-554-3420. Come join the St.
Louis BOGO ministry “Buy one
give one.”
Saturday, July 25th, 2015
8:00 am (Mass) — 3:00 pm
St. Malachy Catholic Church
Pre-Register by July 17th, 2015
(By phone only)
6200 N University Dr, Tamarac, FL 33321
A Continental Breakfast will be provided.
Confirm with Joyce Schiel — 954-514-7193
Clearly leave a message, your name, phone number and
number of women attending. Men are welcome!
DOORS will Open at 8:30 am following the Mass
*Come and enjoy the morning with talks, a skit,
prayer, praise & worship, and gathering together
with the Magnificat Service Team.
*Prayer teams will be available!
*Come and see what Jesus has in store for you!
—Since the day is designed to speak to the hearts of women, free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.
Stay Connected With Us!
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jul. 18th
Jer 23: 1-6; Eph 2: 13-18; Mk 6: 30-34
7:00 am
+Recently Deceased/St. Louis Parish Family
+Rose Estoque/La Ricci Family
8:15 am
+Ligia Lugo/Loving Family
+Nereida Faya/Elsie Galindes
9:30 am
+Lilia Lyden/Mary Pat Berg
+Shaun Diaz/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
12:30 pm
+John Montenegro/Parish Staff
5:30 pm
+Rose Estoque/Parish Friends
+Clara Taboada/Aleida Gutierrez
7:15 pm
+Souls in Purgatory
St. Bridget, religious
Jul. 23rd
Ex 19: 1-2, 9-11, 16-20; Mt 13: 10-17
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
+ Edgar & Dorothy Murphy/Monique Troncome
Friday/viernes St. Sharbel Makhluf, priest
Jul. 24th
Ex 20: 1-17; Mt 13: 18-23
6:30 am
+ Raul & Clarita Rodriguez/Loving Family
8:30 am
Ira & Betty Blank - In Thanksgiving
+ Gonzalo & Teresa Rodriguez/Loving Family
St. James, apostle
Jul. 25th
2 Cor 4: 7-15; Mt 20: 20-28
8:30 am
+ Irene Culmo/Duggard Family
+ Edgar & Dorothy Murphy/Monique Troncome
5:30 pm
+ Mabel Garnica/Tomas Garnica
+ Carlton Proulx/Loving Family
St. Apollinaris, bishop-martyr
Jul. 20th
Ex 14: 5-18; Mt 12:38-42
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory/Caludia Lancheros
8:30 am
+ Rosaura Diaz/Miriam Columbro
+ Edgar & Dorothy Murphy/Monique Troncome
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Lawrence of Brindisi, priest-doctor Jul. 26th
2 Kgs 4: 42-44; Eph 4: 1-6; Jn 6: 1-15
Jul. 21st
Ex 14: 21 15: 1; Mt 12: 46-50
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/St. Louis Parish Family
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory/Claudia Lancheros
8:15 am
+ Miguel Antonio Monteverde/Cecilia Monteverde
8:30 am
+ Edgar & Dorothy Murphy/Monique Troncome + Ligia Lugo/Loving Family
+ Souls in Purgatory/Monique Troncome
9:30 am
+ James Barrock/Karen Dunn
+ Ann Keys/James Keys
Wednesday/miércoles St. Mary Magadalene
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
Jul. 22nd
Ex 16: 1-5, 9-15; Jn 20: 1-2, 11-19
+ Amalia Cabrera/Loving Family
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
12:30 pm
+ Estela Conde/Dinorah Rangel
8:30 am
+ Edgar & Dorothy Murphy/Monique Troncome + Herman & Haydee Carmichael/Loving Daughters
+ Souls in Purgatory/Monique Troncome
5:30 pm
+ Souls in Purgatroy
7:30 pm
+ Regino Gonzalez/Teresa Citronelle
7:15 pm
+ Gilberto Zaldivar/Estella Zaldivar
+ Justo Centeno/Loving Daughters
+ Manuel & Lucia Maya/Estella Zaldivar
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-562-8961)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them.
Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche
Gospel Values to Live and to Die For
Pope Francis made a brief stop last week on July
8, 2015, during his Apostolic Journey to South America.
He visited the place where a fellow Jesuit, Father Luis
Espinal, was murdered in Bolivia on March 22, 1980,
two days before Bishop Oscar Romero was shot while
saying Mass in El Salvador on March 24, 1980. Both of
them died because their preaching upset too much of
the status quo.
The Pope said of Father Luis: “I have stopped
here to remember a brother, your brother, the victim of
those who did not want him to struggle for the freedom
of Bolivia. Father Espinal preached the gospel, and that
gospel bothered those people, and for that he eliminated
him… May the Lord hold in his glory Father Luis Espinal
who preached the gospel, that gospel which brings us
liberty, which makes us free, as children of God. Jesus
brought us that freedom; he preached that gospel. May
Jesus hold Father Luis close to himself.”
Father Luis came from Barcelona in the early
1970’s, and he used his skills as a poet, journalist and film
maker to expose the abuses of the military government
in power at that time. After his abduction he was tortured
for hours with kicks, blows and burns, until12 bullets
ended his life in a cattle slaughterhouse. Peasants found
his bound and gagged body the next day on the road to
Chacaltaya, where the Pope stopped to pray. Espinal
was preparing to publicize the cocaine trafficking carried
on by military personnel. 7,000 people attended his
funeral as a demonstration against the military regime.
Throughout his Apostolic Journey millions of
people welcomed the Pope. Some of the poorest find
in him and his messages a reason for hope. The Pope
makes it clear that religion involves more than what we
do in the church building or in the bedroom. Christian
living must address wider social issues, as the Pope
makes it clear in his writings and preaching about social
justice, care for the poor, respect for the environment,
assistance for immigrants, war, peace, etc. Some would
claim those are just political issues about which the Pope
should not speak. He makes it clear
that gospel values must permeate all
areas of human life. That’s why he
stopped and prayed where Fr. Luis’
body was discovered. That’s why
he beatified Bishop Oscar Romero
as a martyr who gave his live not
merely for a political issue but for
the sake ofYours in Christ, t h e
gospel itself.
Vivir y Morir por los Valores del
La semana pasada, día 8
de julio de 2015, el Papa Francisco
hizo una breve parada en su Jornada
Apostólica por América del Sur. El
visitó el lugar donde un compañero
Jesuita, el Padre Luis Espinal fue
encontrado asesinado el 22 de marzo
de 1980, en Bolivia, dos día antes del asesinato del Obispo
Oscar Romero mientras daba la Misa en El Salvador el 24
de marzo de 1980. Ambos murieron porque su prédica
perturbaba demasiado el “estatus quo”.
El Papa dice del Padre Luis: “Me detengo aquí
para recordar a un hermano, hermano de ustedes,
víctima de aquellos que no querían que él luchara por la
paz en Bolivia. El Padre Espinal predicaba el evangelio,
ese evangelio que nos brinda libertad, que nos hace libres,
como hijos de Dios. Jesús nos trajo esa libertad; el predicó
ese evangelio. ¡Que Jesús mantenga al Padre Luis muy
cerca de él”!
El Padre Luis salió de Barcelona a principio de los
años ‘70, haciendo uso de sus habilidades como poeta,
periodista y cineasta para exponer los abusos del gobierno
militar que estaba en el poder en ese entonces. Después
que lo secuestraron fue torturado por horas dándole
patadas, golpes y quemaduras, hasta que 12 balas
pusieron fin a su vida en un matadero. Unos labriegos
encontraron su destrozado cuerpo a la orilla del camino
a Chacaltaya, donde el Papa se detuvo a orar. Espinal
estaba listo para hacer público el tráfico de cocaína que
conducían los militares. Unas 7,000 personas asistieron a
su funeral demostrando así su repudio al regimen militar.
A través de su Jornada Apostólica millones de
personas le dieron la bienvenida al Papa. Los más pobres
de los pobre encontraron en su mensaje razones para
tener esperanza. El Papa lo dijo bien claro que la religión
envuelve mucho más que lo que hacemos en el edificio
de la iglesia o en la habitación. El vivir Cristianamente
es afrontar un amplio aspecto de temas sociales, como
lo dice el Papa en sus escritos y en su prédica sobre la
justicia social, el cuidado de los pobres, el respeto al
medio ambiente, ayuda a los inmigrantes, guerras, paz,
etc. Muchos reclamarán que esos son temas políticos en
los que el Papa no debe involucrarse. El lo dice bien claro
que los valores del evangelio deben permear todas áreas
de la vida humana. Por eso él se detuvo y oró donde
se descubrió el cadaver del Padre Luis. Por esa razón él
beatificó al Obispo Oscar Romero como martir que dió
su vida no sólo por temas políticos sino por el evangelio
Suyos en Cristo,