June 7, 2015 | The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

June 7, 2015 | The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
120 St. Norbert teens were confirmed by Bishop Kevin W. Vann on Friday, April 24, 2015.
Congratula ons to our graduates, the
St. Norbert Catholic School Class of 2015!
300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865
Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311
Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor
Rev. Agus n Escobar, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence
Deacon Dave Blake
Deacon Joseph Esparza
Deacon Juan Espinoza
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.,
12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m.
and 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
(Sunday Vigil)
Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced
Ahl Agus n, Chris an Service
Irene Ahedo, Office Manager
Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert
Catholic School
Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on
John Erhard, Music Ministry
Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry
Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries
Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on &
Confirma on
Maria Mar nez, Business Manager
Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.
First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m.
and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with
Benedic on.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on
and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on.
Programs are available in English or in Spanish.
Please call the Parish Office for informa on.
Six months advance no ce is required.
Marriage Prepara on is available in English or
in Spanish.
Kindly call the Parish Office to make
At the me of death, kindly call the Parish
Office for assistance in making arrangements.
St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving
to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service.
Reflecting on God’s Word
The Most Body & Blood of Christ
Going to movies these days can be an
immersion in blood. I go to movies fairly
regularly and friends in the parish will ask
me my reac ons now and again. O en
over the years, I have found myself
responding, “It’s well made, but . . . it’s
pre y bloody.” Or “I’m not sure if you
want to see all this bloodshed.”
It might be surprising to listen to the
three readings that all have to do not just
with shedding blood, but sprinkling it on
people, as Moses did out in the desert,
and presen ng Jesus as the great high
priest who goes into the sanctuary
bearing his own blood, which will
“cleanse our consciences from dead
works” (Hebrews 9:14) so we can worship
the living God.
And then there is the more familiar
reading of Mark’s account of the Last
Supper, when Jesus tells his disciples to
drink his blood. Perhaps we have go en
used to hearing these words since they
are spoken at every Mass. But if you stop
and think about it they are rather
In the biblical world blood is sacred, blood
is life. From the beginning animals were
offered in sacrifice. But with the offering
of the body and blood of Christ, a new
rela onship has been entered into with
our God. Through Jesus’ gi of his body
and blood, salva on was won for us and is
present to us when we gather in his name
to praise the Father.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
All rights reserved.
A en on High School Seniors!
Three $1000 Scholarships will be awarded to
St. Norbert Parish Youth!
The St. Norbert Guadalupana Scholarships provide financial assistance
to high school seniors planning on con nuing their studies full- me at
a community college, university or voca onal/trade school. The
requirements for all scholarships include a minimum GPA of 2.5 and
community service involvement in St. Norbert parish ac vi es.
 Scholarship A - Awarded for academic excellence and extracurricular ac vi es.
 Scholarship B - Awarded to a student who is a first-genera on college student.
 Scholarship C - Awarded with considera on given to financial need.
Applica ons are available in the Ministry Center or may be downloaded from the parish
website: www.stnorbertchurch.org/scholarship_eng The applica on deadline is
Wednesday, July 15. The Guadalupana Scholarships will be awarded on Sunday, August
2, at the 5:30 p.m. Mass. For more informa on or to contribute to our scholarship fund,
please contact Pat Robles-Friebert at [email protected] or (714) 813-8477.
Pope Francis Prayer Intention & a Pentecostal Presence
with Immigrants
The Holy Father’s universal prayer inten on for June is: “That immigrants and refugees
may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come.”
Read more about the work of the Diocese of Orange alongside out immigrant sisters and
brothers. “All in one place together: Pentecost and Immigrant Lives” at
www.lifejus cepeace.org/pentecost-immigrants
Choir Fire
I have always loved to sing, especially my favorite hymns at Mass. I
joined my church choir because I wanted to be able to sing out
more freely. The choir experience is very gratifying and enables me
to work with others and to express myself more fully. Choir is about teamwork, community, and
developing a stronger understanding of music. It is a way for people to connect with one
another and to participate in a highly rewarding activity. Choir is a safe, warm, and accepting
Alan Garcia
Music has always been a large part of my life, but it was only after I joined the choir that I felt
God’s call truly fulfilled. I was drawn to the St. Norbert choir because I enjoyed the music they
sang and the harmonies that blended so beautifully. The wonderful people in the choir and the
music that we sing keep me coming back week after week. If you are looking for a great ministry
to be part of, I wholeheartedly recommend joining the parish choir.
Katherine Meland
Weekly Parish Offering
Thank you for your con nuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1,
2014, to June 30, 2015, our parish budget calls for $27,900 to be donated weekly at the
Sunday collec on. The collec on for Sunday, May 31, was $21,439.79. These collec ons
are not only for opera ng expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work,
upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular dona ons are needed for the good of St.
Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel.
Parish Life
Vacation Bible School
Liturgy Schedule during Priests’ Retreat
VBS registra on has now closed.
Campers who have registered will
should have received a confirma on
le er in the mail.
 If you commi ed to dona ng an
item from our Wish List, please
drop it off to the Ministry Center Office ASAP. Thank you for
your support!
 Student Volunteers will meet this Sunday, June 7, from 1 to 4 p.m.
 We’d love some help painting, making decorations and
organizing supplies every Saturday. We meet from 9 a.m. to 12
p.m. in the school courtyard area next to the Family and Youth
Center. Volunteers age 12 & up, please!
Please contact Amy Glenane at [email protected] or (714)
974-8781 for more informa on.
June 8 - June 12
Workshop for Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy
A workshop for all who serve as Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion (church and
homebound) and those who are interested in
serving will take place on Monday, June 8 at 7
p.m. OR on Wednesday, June 10 at 11a.m., in
the church. Please plan to a end EITHER session. Current EMs
who a ended the workshop in November are excused; all who
missed the November sessions must a end in order to be recommissioned. Candidates for this ministry should be fully
ini ated Catholics (Bap sm, Confirma on, Eucharist) and if
married, are married in the Church.
Linen People Needed
Calling all parishioners who can
wash & iron!
Do you have two hours a week (for one
month during the year) to dedicate to St.
Norbert Church? If so, the Altar Care
Ministry is looking for you! Three ladies
(or men) are needed to wash and iron the weekly purificators
(white cloths used during Communion). One person is needed
during the month of September, another is needed during the
month of December, and a third is needed for the month of
May. If you would be willing to give a total of eight hours of
your me back to your parish community, please contact
Denise Bi el at the Ministry Center office at (714) 637-4360
x130.My gra tude for your prayerful considera on to assist
the Altar Care Ministry.
This week Frs. Pat, Agus n, John and Antonio will be away on the
annual Diocesan Priests’ Retreat. We will observe our regular
weekday Mass schedule on Monday, June 8. On Tuesday, June 9
through Thursday, June 11, we will have Communion Services at
6:15 and 8:30 a.m. (and 7 p.m. in Spanish on Wednesday) in place
of the regular weekday Masses.
Please pray for our priests, and all the priests of the Diocese of
Orange, during their week of retreat.
Pancake Breakfast
Meet ‘N Greet
Youth Ministry & the Knights of Columbus
will be hos ng our first of three monthly
summer Pancake Breakfasts this Sunday,
June 7, a er the 7:30 and 9 a.m. morning Masses. Bring the
family a er Mass for a yummy breakfast and me of fellowship
with our Knights and teens!
Next Week is Taco Sunday
Be sure to stop by the Ministry Center
next Sunday, June 14, for Taco Sunday.
Chris an Service will be serving
delicious homemade tacos, tamales,
burritos, taquitos, tostadas and
quesadillas. Food will be served from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. In addi on, Chris an Service will hold a Super
Bou que with more collec bles at marked-down prices, opening
a er the 7:30 a.m. Mass un l 2 p.m. Coffee & Doughnuts will be
available during Bou que hours. Have a great summer!
National Survey of Asian &
Pacific Island Catholics
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites input
from Asian and Pacific Island Catholics and those who serve in
ministry to them. Your responses will help shape a na onal
Pastoral Plan. You may take the survey online at h p://bit.ly/
NSAPICUS The ques onnaire should only take about 15 minutes
to complete, and your responses are anonymous. Thank you for
your par cipa on!
Congratulations! ¡Felicidades!
Ian Cabrera & Jessica Villegas
Married on May 16, 2015
Youth & Teen Ministries
School of Religious Education
Registration for 2015-16
SRE Early Bird Registration has begun and runs until July 31. The
deadline for SRE registration is August 31. Registration forms are
available in the Ministry Office or can be downloaded from the St
Norbert Parish website: www.stnorbertchurch.org Completed
registra on forms may be le in the Ministry Office to be placed
in the SRE box. Confirma on of your registra on and
appointments to meet with the Director will be forthcoming.
First Communion Photos
If you purchased a package from the
photographer your Communion photos will be
mailed to you directly. If you did not purchase
a package, your child’s photograph (receiving
Communion) will be available in the SRE Office
this week. You must physically come to the SRE Office to iden fy
your child in the photograph. Please call the SRE Office at (714)
998-1070 to drop by and claim your picture.
Catechists Needed
Catechists are needed for the SRE English Faith Forma on classes.
Please consider giving one hour of your me once a week for
about 6-1/2 months, beginning in the fall. (October 2015 through
May 2016, Mondays OR Tuesdays, 4 to 5 p.m. OR 6:30 to 7:30
p.m.) This is a wonderful ministry to share your faith with the
children of our parish. You do not need to be a professional
teacher. Training will be offered over the summer. You simply
need to love Jesus and help the children on their faith forma on
journey. Together in Jesus we can make a difference! Please call
Robin Mayes at (714) 998-1070 for more informa on.
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Serving Junior High through College-Age Young Adults
Registration for Confirmation Year 2015-16
A en on all incoming Junior High (7th-8th) and High School teens!
Time to register for the new school year! Register in June and take
advantage of the Early Bird special. Get it done right away and
check it off your summer “To Do List”!
Re-Registration Open House Dates
Tuesday, June 23: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Early Bird Registra on discount!
Wednesday, July 22: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 16: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
These dates above are reserved for re-registra ons only. All teens
and junior high students already in the program must re-register
at one of these three open houses.
Registration for Brand New Applicants
(Junior High & Confirma on)
Youth Ministry is now accep ng any NEW registra ons. All new
applicants must come to YOUTH MINISTRY during regular business
hours to turn in completed applica ons. Applica ons are available
online, in the Ministry Center, or at YM Office. Copies of Bap sm
& First Communion cer ficates are required, even if you received
these sacraments at St. Norbert Parish. Registra on forms for
NEW applicants are available in the Ministry Center and on the
parish website: www.stnorbertchurch.org.
Junior High Ministry
 See above informa on for Registra on for 2015-16.
 Don’t be a stranger this summer! Come by Youth Ministry any
me. Watch for Summer Socials info in future bulle ns.
St. Norbert Catholic School
Non-Discriminatory Policy as to
Students & Personnel
St. Norbert Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange, mindful of its
mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students
of any race, color, and na onal origin to all the rights, privileges,
programs and ac vi es generally accorded or made available to
students at the school.
St. Norbert Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange, does not
discriminate on the basis of race, handicap, color, and na onal
origin in administra on of educa onal policies, admissions
policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athle c and other
school-administered programs.
Likewise, St. Norbert Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange
does not discriminate against any applicant for employment on
the basis of sex, handicap, race, color and na onal origin.
Vision Ministry
 Stay connected to His Vine! All teens who are Confirmed, be
sure to join us for our next Vision Social this Wednesday, June
10, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Leadership Team
Mark your calendars!
 Leadership Retreat for all Confirma on teachers, co-teachers
& Vision: June 27-28.
Service Opportunities
All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance with Helen via e-mail
at [email protected]
 Chris an Service Food Distribu on: Saturdays
Two shi s are available from 8 to 11 a.m. OR 10:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. Help us prepare and distribute food and clothing to
families in need.
Faith Formation & Enrichment
Our growing group of Inquirers will con nue to meet at 7:30 on
Thursday evenings in the Library to become familiar with the
Scripture readings, learn basic principles of our faith, and discuss
any ques ons or subjects that interest them.
Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the
Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. In order to be
received into the Catholic Church by Easter 2016, it is necessary to
begin the process during the Easter Season this year.
Summer Faith Formation: Church History
Beginning July 1, we will offer a series on Church History covering
the 2,000 years of Chris anity. We will use a combina on of DVD
presenta ons, and discussion. The history of our Church is very
rich and filled with fascina ng events and personali es. If you are
finding the ar cles about Church History on these pages
interes ng, join us on Wednesday evenings for a more in depth
study of the various centuries, ideas, and prac ces that have
brought the church from a confused and frightened group of 12
disciples to the largest religion in the world with more than 33% of
the world’s popula on affiliated with some tradi on or
denomina on of Chris an Faith. We will meet in the Ministry
Center Library from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Monday Bible Study
On Monday, June 9, we will conclude the 8-part series on the
Biblical texts regarding Mary. We will meet in the Ministry Center
Library from 9:15 to 11 a.m. For more informa on contact Mary
Prather at (714) 709-3768.
Prayer & Meditation with Scripture
We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, June 16, when
we will reflect on the upcoming Sunday Scripture readings in the
Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer
me u lizes varying prayer forms each week, including Lec o
Divina, centering prayer, prayer of remembrance, Taizé prayer
and Igna an medita on. It is a me to meet with others in quiet
and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. You
are all most welcome!
What was Happening in the First Century?
A er Paul’s conversion he went to Arabia, and did not seek out
the Apostles in Jerusalem for about three years. When he did, the
apostles did not trust him because of his history of persecu ng
the Church. In this early stage, Paul was overzealous in his style of
preaching and created a great deal of animosity from both the
Jews, and even from believers in Jesus. Eventually he had to
escape a mob who were planning to hang him, and he went back
to his hometown of Tarsus in Syria, where he con nued his trade
as a tentmaker.
A er about 10 years, an associate of the Apostles, Barnabas,
sought Paul in Tarsus and asked him to come on a trip to visit a
church of believers in An och, Syria. It was in An och that
believers were called “Chris ans” for the first me. This trip was
the beginning of three extensive journeys that Paul would take
with a variety of companions including not only Barnabas, but also
John Mark, Timothy, Silas, Priscilla, Aquila, and others. The
Kerygma (preaching about Jesus) was beginning to spread through
the Greek speaking world outside of Pales ne.
Because of these new Gen le converts, a problem arose within
the Church. Since Jesus and all his original apostles were Jews,
was it necessary to become a Jew before one could be bap zed as
a Chris an? Since becoming a Jew involved keeping the many
Jewish religious laws, including many food restric ons, and
circumcision for men, this was a stumbling block for many. Paul
believed that those who were not born into Judaism could come
directly to Christ without taking upon themselves the burden of
the Jewish laws. Most of the other Apostles disagreed. In the mid50s, the Apostles along with Paul and his companions met
together in Jerusalem to seek a resolu on to this issue. The issue
was hotly debated, but eventually a decision was reached that the
Gen le converts did not have to be circumcised, and did not have
to follow all the food rules, but they did s ll have to abstain from
meat sacrificed to pagan gods, and to obey the Jewish regula ons
concerning marriage. A le er was wri en by James from the
Church in Jerusalem to this effect and Paul, somewhat sa sfied
with the result, returned to his evangelis c travels with the
document in hand.
This did not en rely resolve the issue, however, as throughout
Paul’s ministry, he encounters groups of Jewish Chris ans who
s ll wanted to impose the Jewish laws on Gen les. Paul refers to
these groups as Judaisers and is some mes very angry with them
for interfering with what he considered the “freedom of the
children of God.” We can easily recognize his frustra on with such
people in his le er to the Gala ans.
As Paul traveled through Asia Minor and Greece he established
many Chris an communi es and stayed with them for a few
months to a couple years, un l he was able to appoint leadership
from within their own community to guide them. Some mes
these young communi es would encounter difficul es in ma ers
of faith, morals, or prac ces and send messages to Paul asking for
his counsel. Paul would write back to these communi es, sending
them via other travelers to the new Chris an communi es.
Because Paul’s le ers contained such profound theology and
moral guidance, the various churches began to share his le ers
between them and to read them aloud at the gatherings where
they celebrated Eucharist together. And, while cultures and
society may change, the human experience does not, and Paul’s
le ers from the First Century are s ll relevant to the Church
today, and are s ll read aloud at our Eucharis c assemblies.
And the story of the Church con nues . . .
Ministerio Hispano
Reflexionemos sobre la
Palabra de Dios
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Ir al cine en estos empos puede ser una
experiencia de inmersión en sangre. Yo
voy al cine con bastante regularidad y mis
amigos en la parroquia me piden de vez
en cuando mi opinión. A menudo en el
transcurso de los años he respondido:
“Está bien hecha, pero . . . es muy
sangrienta”. O si no: “No estoy seguro
que quieras ver todo este derramamiento
de sangre”.
Pudiera sorprender que las tres lecturas
que escucharemos hoy enen que ver no
sólo con la efusión de sangre, sino
también con rociarla sobre la gente, como
hizo Moisés en el desierto; y después se
nos presenta a Jesús como el sumo
sacerdote que entra en el santuario
dando su propia sangre, que “purificará
nuestra conciencia de las obras que
conducen a la muerte” (Hebreos 9:14)
para que podamos dar culto al Dios vivo y
Y además tenemos la lectura más familiar
de la narración de la Úl ma Cena por
Marcos en donde Jesús les dice a sus
discípulos que beban su sangre. Quizás
nos hemos acostumbrado a oír estas
palabras, ya que se pronuncian en cada
Misa. Pero si les prestamos una cuidadosa
atención veremos que son bien
En el mundo bíblico la sangre es sagrada,
la sangre es vida. Desde los meros
comienzos los animales eran ofrecidos en
sacrificio. Pero con el ofrecimiento del
cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo ha
comenzado una nueva relación con
nuestro Dios. Por medio del don que
Jesús nos ha dado con su cuerpo y sangre
la salvación fue ganada para nosotros y la
tenemos presente cuando nos reunimos
en su nombre para alabar al Padre.
—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Atención Jóvenes en High School!
¡Becas disponibles para
los Jóvenes de San Norberto!
El fondo de Becas Guadalupanas de San Norberto ofrece becas a
jóvenes de la parroquia que estén cursando su úl mo año de escuela
preparatoria (high school) y que estén planeando inscribirse como
estudiantes de empo completo en un colegio comunitario,
universidad o escuela vocacional/comercial. Los requisitos incluyen un
promedio mínimo (GPA) de 2.5 y la par cipación en las ac vidades parroquiales.
 Beca A – otorgada a la excelencia académica y ac vidades extracurriculares.
 Beca B – otorgada a un estudiante que sea el primero de su familia (primera
generación) en graduarse de la universidad.
 Beca C – otorgada a un estudiante considerando la situación financiera de la familia.
Las solicitudes están disponibles en el Centro de Ministerios o pueden bajarlas del si o en
Internet de la parroquia: www.stnorbertchurch.org/scholarship_esp La fecha límite de
entrega es el miércoles 15 de julio. Las becas serán otorgadas el domingo 2 de agosto,
durante la misa de las 5:30 p.m. Para más información sobre las becas o para hacer
dona vos al fondo de becas, favor de ponerse en contacto con Pat Robles-Friebert al
[email protected] o (714) 813-8477.
Entrenamiento para Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión
¿Es bilingüe y desea dar su servicio como ministro de la sagrada comunión en Misas en
inglés? Habrá un entrenamiento en la iglesia el lunes 8 de junio, a las 7 p.m., o el
miércoles 10 de junio, a las 11 a.m. Le invitamos a par cipar cualquier día que se ajuste
a su calendario, recuerde que necesita haber asis do a la formación básica diocesana y
tener los sacramentos de Iniciación: Bau smo, Eucaris a y Confirmación. Las personas
casadas necesitan estar casadas por la iglesia Católica Romana. Para más información
favor de comunicarse con Janine Kilgore al (714) 637-4360 x110.
Inscripciones 2015-2016 el Programa del R.I.C.A.
El Rito de Iniciación Cris ana invita a personas mayores de 18 años que no hayan
celebrado sus sacramentos de iniciación. ¿Conoces a familiares, amigos o vecinos que
deseen asis r? Vengan, vean, escuchen y descubran como el sacramento nos une más y
más a nuestro Creador. El equipo comparte el Evangelio cada martes, de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m.,
en el salón Madre Teresa, ubicado en el segundo piso del Centro de Ministerios. Para más
información pueden comunicarse con Gilma Tenorio al (714) 597-1318.
Escuela de Verano en la Diócesis de Orange 2015
A todas las personas que necesitan recer ficarse y necesitan saber qué clases pueden
ayudarles en su currículo, ya tenemos los folletos en la oficina del Centro de Ministerios.
Favor de comunicarse con Shyn a o Carmen para obtener una copia. Recuerden
inscribirse a empo para no pagar sobrecargo. También necesitan hablar con Blandina
Rosas o Rita Mejía para obtener la beca de inscripción. Pueden llamar al (714) 6374360 x105 o 106.
Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial
Agradecemos su apoyo con nuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2014 a junio
30, 2015. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia
necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $27,900. La colecta del
domingo pasado 31 de mayo, fue $21,439.79. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el
bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio.
Ministerio Hispano
Inscripciones para
Formación en la Fe 2015-2016
¿No pudo inscribir a su niño/a en el programa de Formación en la
Fe los dos sábados pasados? Durante dos semanas del mes de
junio estaremos tomando inscripciones de lunes a viernes. Puede
recoger su paquete de inscripción en las oficinas del Centro de
Ministerios, llenarlo y llamar para hacer cita para regresarlo. Si
ene preguntas sobre el paquete de inscripción, favor de
comunicarse al (714) 637-4360 x105 o 106 con Carmen o Shyn a,
con gusto le atenderemos y contestaremos sus preguntas.
Recuerde que el espacio por salón es limitado. No deje para
mañana lo que puede hacer hoy.
R.I.C.A. para Niños
A los padres de familia que tengan en casa niños mayores de 7
años, que no estén bau zados, o que fueron bau zados en otra
denominación que no sea bajo la Iglesia Católica Romana. Ya
comenzaron las inscripciones para la preparación para el
sacramento, les invitamos a que pasen a las oficinas del Centro de
Ministerios y pregunten por Carmen Estrada o Shyn a, para
asegurarse que su niño/a se inscriba en el programa que le
corresponda. Para más información también pueden comunicarse
al (714) 637-4360 y preguntar por la Sra. Charlene.
Sacramento del Matrimonio
y Bodas Comunitarias
Ya sea que deseen celebrar una boda individual o comunitaria,
invitamos cordialmente a los novios que deseen casarse por la
Iglesia y también a aquellas parejas que tengan más de dos años
viviendo juntos, o que sólo estén casados por lo civil, a que
bendigan su unión; el grupo de preparación matrimonial puede
ayudarles en la preparación de ese hermoso día, no dejen para
mañana lo que puedan hacer hoy. La preparación toma empo, ya
que hay que preparar la documentación, asis r a clases y ensayos
antes del gran día. Para más información pueden comunicarse con
con Arnulfo Soto al (714) 478-3026. Las próximas charlas
prematrimoniales serán el 26, 27 y 28 de junio.
La Intención de Oración del Papa
Francisco y una Presencia de Pentecostés
con los Inmigrantes
La intención universal del apostolado de la oración del Santo
Padre para el mes de junio es: ''Para que los inmigrantes y los
refugiados encuentren acogida y respeto en los países a donde
Parish Calendar
June 7, 2015 ~ June 13, 2015
Sunday, June 7
8:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word
1:00 p.m. VBS Student Volunteer Retreat
3:15 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
Monday, June 8
9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group
7:00 p.m. Eucharis c Minister Workshop
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración
Tuesday, June 9
7:30 p.m. RICA
7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture
Wednesday, June 10
11:00 a.m. Eucharis c Minister Workshop
6:00 p.m. Vision Ministry Social
7:00 p.m. Sewing Circle
7:30 p.m. Bible Study: Gospel of John
7:45 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia
7:45 p.m. Jóvenes Para Cristo Formación de Discípulos
Thursday, June 11
7:00 p.m. St. Norber est Core Team Mee ng
7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración
7:30 p.m. RCIA & Inquiry
Friday, June 12
7:00 a.m. Men’s Group of Faith
7:00 p.m. Mother’s Group Movie Night (off-site)
7:00 p.m. Journey of Hope Support Group (Divorced & Separated)
7:00 p.m. Jóvenes para Cristo
7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Niños
7:00 p.m. Adolescentes
Saturday, June 13
9:00 a.m. Comité Hispano Clases de Módulos
9:00 a.m. VBS Prep
10:00 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL)
10:00 am. Preparación para la Ciudadanía
12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on
3:30 p.m. Confessions
Community Life & Groups
A en on all couples of the parish
Couples Retreat
A Couples Retreat is being held June 26-28, at Mater Dolorosa
Retreat Center. This is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your
spiritual life together as a couple. It will be led by Fr. Pat Brennen.
For further informa on, call the Retreat center at (626) 355-7188.
Thank you
from Christian Service Ministry
Chris an Service Ministry would like to thank all who supported
our Chris an Service Bou que and Taco Sunday in May. We
earned $957.25 from Taco Sunday and $1,602.50 from the
Chris an Service Bou que. Thank you very much!
We are s ll invi ng volunteers to join us during Taco and Bou que
Sunday. If you are interested please visit or contact Ahl Agus n at
the Chris an Service Ministry office, (714) 637 4360 x113.
Lastly, we would like to thank also those who supported the Unique
Boutique (Sewing Circle) last Sunday May, 24. Thank you all!
Christian Service Food
During the month of June we are collec ng 12–
ounce cans of chicken. Kindly leave your
dona ons in the bins in the ves bule on Taco Sunday, June 14, or
in the Ministry Center any me during the month. Thank you for
your con nued assistance in helping us feed those who are
St. Norbert Mothers Group
Come connect with other Catholic moms! We
are a diverse group of women gathering
together for mutual support, fellowship,
service and love. We welcome you to join in
our upcoming events and become a part of this great group of
moms. Look what we have planned for the month of June:
 Saturday, June 12: Movie Night
 Sunday, June 28: Singing at Kirkwood at 10:15 a.m.
Contact Barbara Brule at (714) 287-9780 or [email protected]
for more information.
Save the Date!
Young at Heart Casino Trip
The Young at Heart is once again sponsoring
a bus trip to Pala Casino on Thursday, August
27. The bus will depart from the church
parking lot at 9 a.m. and return around 4
p.m. All adult parishioners are welcome! The cost is only $20 per
person. Checks are to be made out to the Young at Heart Club. For
more informa on, or to make a reserva on, call Elizabeth at (714)
538 -6602 or Jeanne at (714) 637-1248.
Pray for the sick . . .
Alicia Alvarez
Tim Basalone
Be y Bick
Beverly Busse
Jorge Cortés
Baby Autumn Jiricek DeCleene
Fernando Rojas Martin del Campo
Magdaleno Gu errez
Carrie Hahn
The Hall Family
Baby Emma Herrold
Patricia Hul n
Faraj Joubran
Susan McCloskey
Eusevio Meza
Pa Moore
Ryan Na vidad
John Nieblas
Brenda Oswald
Thomas Poynter
Fran Riebold
Agus n Robles
Mary Jean Ropel
Aurora Sánchez
Chris ne Stevens
Gilma Tenorio
Sheila Utrup
Ma hew Vega
Richard Williams
Mary Zahnziner
. . . and for those who have died.
Virginia Dye
Guillermo Lefranc Segura
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 6, 2015
5:00 p.m. + Edward Felix
Sunday, June 7, 2015
7:30 a.m.
Fr. John Duy Nguyen
9:00 a.m. + Janet O’Shaunessy
10:30 a.m. + Augus n Byron
12:00 p.m. + George Marilao
2:00 p.m.
Familia Bartolo Or z
5:30 p.m. + Lorenzo Mora
7:00 p.m.
St. Norbert Parishioners
Monday, June 8, 2015
6:15 a.m. + Anthony & Henry Maldonado
8:30 a.m. + Allison Crews
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Communion Service
8:30 a.m.
Communion Service
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Communion Service
8:30 a.m.
Communion Service
7:00 p.m.
Servicio de Comunión
Thursday, June 11, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Communion Service
8:30 a.m.
Communion Service
Friday, June 12, 2015
6:15 a.m.
Priests on Retreat
8:30 a.m.
Yolanda Meza
Saturday, June 13, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Meyer Family
Our Parish & Beyond
Where are you going with your
Posi on open
L’Arche Wavecrest
Are you looking to do something
meaningful and challenging in your life?
 L’Arche Wavecrest is a community of
persons with and without intellectual
disabili es sharing life together and growing in loving, mutual
rela onships. L’Arche is the interna onal organiza on founded
by Jean Vanier. The local community is in Orange.
 We are looking for a dedicated person (preferably male) who
has a generous heart, a loving a tude and dedicated toward
making a change in society.
 This work involves being a live-in assistant and working with
persons with intellectual disabili es. It is a paid posi on with
If you are interested, please contact Jeni Baird at 714-923-1221 or
by e-mail at [email protected]
Summer School and Youth
Camps at Mater Dei
Mater Dei High School is hos ng summer
school for all high school students and a
variety of youth camps in its state-of-theart facili es. Credit Recovery and Advancement classes available
to all high school students. The youth camps will provide
compe ve skill development in a posi ve and fun environment.
Camps being offered such as: Band & Drum Line, Color Guard,
Baseball, Basketball, Cheer and Song, Cross Country, Dance,
Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Robo cs, Soccer, So ball, Swim, Tennis,
Theatre Arts, Track and Field, Volleyball, Water polo and
Wrestling. Mater Dei youth camps are open to boys and girls who
are entering K through eighth grades. Visit www.materdei.org/
summerschool or www.materdei.org/camps to register today!
Film & Speaker Series
Dig Deeper
About Climate Change
Thursday, June 11
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
St. Joseph Center, Mother Louis Room
480 S. Batavia Street in Orange
Climate change is affec ng our communi es now. Hear what is
happening and what you can do about it. Presented by Professor
Alejandro E. Comacho, Director of the UCI Law Center for Land,
Environment and Natural Resources.
Please RSVP to (714) 633-8121 x7716, or [email protected]
We are living in a different world today. Everything
is changing and something new is always in front of
us to learn about. Our experiences are always
different. Technology is at its highest level ever and we are seeing
new things happen all the me.
One of the blessings of our faith is the consistency we have in
doctrine through the centuries. While non-doctrinal tradi ons can
and do change, the basics of our Catholic Chris an beliefs remain.
It is a great comfort and security to Catholics to know that the
faith handed down through the apostles is s ll ours today,
although emphasis and methods of teaching the faith may differ
with the needs of the people. Some people think that Catholicism
should change its teachings in order to be more in sync with
today’s culture; however throughout the ages the Church has
always been counter-cultural and our beliefs rest on God’s Divine
revela on in scripture and tradi on, not in popular opinion or
cultural trends.
If you want to deepen your own faith life, I invite you to look into
Cursillo. It will make changes in your life and in how you
understand Catholicism and live your faith. Thousands of Catholics
have gone through Cursillo and have come away excited and
proud of their Catholic faith. This is your opportunity to look into
Cursillo and discover a revitaliza on of your faith.
Please contact Ron Accornero, St Norbert Parish Rep for Cursillo
with any ques ons and for an applica on form. Call today at (714)
Catholic Night
at Angel Stadium
Saturday, June 27
Angels vs. Mariners
Game me 4:15 p.m.
Enjoy America’s pas me with your loved ones. Join
us for Catholic Night at Angel Stadium. Root for the
Angels with Bishop Vann and your congrega on, then enjoy the
summer night with a family-friendly movie. This night is sure to hit
one out of the ballpark!
Go to angels.com/catholicnight, or purchase ckets online
through angels.mlb.com using discount code: CATHOLIC. Tickets
are $18 apiece. Offer is only available online, not at the cket
windows. Anyone age 3 & older requires a cket.
Filing Deadline:
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Scholarship Awards:
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Applica ons:
Applica ons are available in the
Ministry Center or may be
downloaded from the parish
Three $1000 Scholarships
will be awarded to St. Norbert Parish Youth!
The St. Norbert Guadalupana Scholarships provide financial assistance to high
school seniors planning on con nuing their studies full- me at a community
college, university or voca onal/trade school. The requirements for all
scholarships include a minimum GPA of 2.5 and community service
involvement in St. Norbert parish ac vi es.
 Scholarship A - Awarded for academic excellence and extracurricular
ac vi es.
 Scholarship B - Awarded to a student who is a first-genera on college
 Scholarship C - Awarded with considera on given to financial need.
For more informa on or to contribute to our scholarship fund, please contact
Pat Robles-Friebert at [email protected] or (714) 813-8477.
¡Becas disponibles para los Jóvenes de San Norberto!
Fecha Límite:
Miercoles 15 de julio, 2015
Premiación de Becas:
Domingo 2 de agosto, 2015
Las solicitudes estarán disponibles
en la oficina del Centro de
Ministerios. También pueden bajar
la solicitud y ver más información
en el si o en Internet de la
El fondo de Becas Guadalupanas de San Norberto ofrece becas a jóvenes de la
parroquia que estén cursando su úl mo año de escuela preparatoria (high
school) y que estén planeando inscribirse como estudiantes de empo
completo en un colegio comunitario, universidad o escuela vocacional/
comercial. Los requisitos incluyen un promedio mínimo (GPA) de 2.5 y la
par cipación en las ac vidades parroquiales.
 Beca A – otorgada a la excelencia académica y ac vidades
 Beca B – otorgada a un estudiante que sea el primero de su familia (first
genera on) en graduarse de la universidad.
 Beca C – otorgada a un estudiante considerando la situación financiera de
la familia.
Para más información sobre las becas o para hacer dona vos al fondo de
becas, favor de ponerse en contacto con Pat Robles-Friebert al
[email protected] o (714) 813-8477.
Thanks to all who are suppor ng the
Family & Youth Center
through the Pastoral Services Appeal
or gi s directed to the Building Fund.
PSA 2015 Donors
as of May 26, 2015
Gracias a todos los que han apoyado al
Centro Familiar y Juvenil, a través de la Campaña para
los Servicios Pastorales, o mediante donaciones directas
a la cuenta del inmueble.
Irene Abarca
Corazon Abitan
Ronald & Deborah Accornero
Marlene Acevedo
Barry & Jane Acton
Fernando & Magdalena Aguero
Antonio Aguilar & Maclovia Garcia
Claudio & Margaret Aguilar
Javier Aguirre
Gerardo & Martha Akli Serpa
Paul & Claire Alarcon
William & Maria Albright
Jose & Maricela Alcala
Mary Ale
Gregory & Corrine Allen
Mar n Almazan & María Jimenez
Frances Alvarado
Connie Alvarez
Dolores Alvarez
Judith Amezquita
Roberto & Ruth Anaya
Hazel Anderson
Glenn Androsko & Donna Oldham
Victor Araujo
Joseph Archival
Zenaida Arcos
Eduardo & Reyna Arellano
MaryMAría Armstrong
Robert & Carolyn Arnold
Rene Avalos
Rene & Emma Avalos
Rod & Le cia Ayala
Anthony Azzopardi
Charles & Judith Azzopardi
Greg & Carmeleene Baguio
Roy & Jodi Bahner
William & Paige Baker
Efren & Victoria Balbas
Gary & Kathleen Barbee
Michael & Cindy Barne
Gilberto & María de la Luz Barron
Terrance & Elizabeth Barry
Robert & Carmen Bartle
Nicola & Gloria Bartoloni
Wilbert & Marie Baumann
Allen & Vernice Bauzon
Jose & Laura Becerra
Len Beckman
David & Devi Bellows
Alfredo & María Beltran
Ellen Benefield
Jon & Divia Benne
Robert & Violet Berg
Luciano & Alexandra Bermudez
Jaymy Bernardo
Edwin & Be y Bick
Colin & Ann Bilash
Bre & Denise Bi el
John & Ann -Eda Blache
Marc & Deanna Bolton
Jose & Rachel Bonilla
James & Carol Booth
Andrew & Patricia Bornhop
Rodney & Mary Therese Bornhop
Edmond & Jeane e Boy
Edward & Flory Boykin
Ricardo & Erika Brambila
Tom & Sara Brand
James & Rosalie Bray
Kevin Breen & Laura Jimenez
Helen Breitenbach
James Brennan
David & Donna Brooks
John & Jean Broussard
Chris & Shannon Brown
Aida Bucago
Emily Bucago
Cheryl Bugg
Steve & Sheena Bui
Thuan & Pauline Bui
Bill & Jeanne Bullington
Reynaldo & Eileen Cabero
Juan José & María de Jesús Calderón
Peter & Joyce Camacho
James & Karrin Cameron
William & Mary Campbell
Larina Canaya
Eulalia Candela
Miguel & Carmen Carbajal
Timothy & Mary Carey
Chris an Carrera
Eusebio & Imelda Carrera
Raymond & Colleen Casciari
Nemesio & Soledad Casino, Jr.
Anthony & Yvonne Castellana
Brian Cebula
Robert & Carol Cebula
Raymond & Adelina Ceja
Noé Cervantes & Martha Jaimes
Ray & Debbi Chao
Michael & Kathleen Chauvin
Arturo & Sofia Chavez
Javier Chávez & Clara Gu érrez
Juan & Aurora Chávez
Geraldine Cibellis
Guadalupe Cisneros
Deborah Clapp
Lee Cleary
Terence & Gloria Clingan
Sean & Kellie Colbert
Shawn & Debra Cole
Fidencio Conde
Walter & Mary Constant
Juan Contreras
Arthur & Lina Cooper
Patrick & Michelle Corcoran
Barbara & Robert Corrothers
Juan & María Guadalupe Cortez
Peter & Lois Cor
Joseph Costanza
Anthony Costello
Joel Cos llo
Roger & Maureen Co on
Michael & Mary Jo Cretney
Tom & Cathi Croal
Ana Cruz
Carmen Cruz
Larry & Linda Cucovatz
Monte & Yolanda D'Asta
Paul Daly
Joseph & na Darlington
Lorena Davila
Alejandro de la Cruz
Erlinda De La Cruz
Flor De Rosas
Irma De Rosas
Sally Debevec
Eduardo & Cecilia Deduyo
Eduardo & Hind Del Pilar
Sam DeLeon
Rosabel Delgadillo
Mark & Eileen Deluca
Thomas & Rita Dembrosky
James & Susan Dempsey
William & Colleen Derham
Gary & Mary Des Rochers
Bruce & Patricia De erich
Gregory & Tonya Dhuyve er
Thomas & Mary Jean Dial
Alicia Diaz
Apolinaria Diaz
Demetrio Diaz
John & Joan Dieball
Robert Diederich
Thomas & Lisa Dobyns
Irene Dore
Michael & Joan Doyle
Robert & Joan Dubrish
Nhon & Elli Vu Duong
James & Charmaine Duquesnel
Alejandro Duran
Allan & Diane Durdella
Seth & Cecy Easley, Jr.
Sudie Easley
Tom & Pa Eccles
Gertrude Eckart
Yolanda Egidi
Joan Eichinger
Angelo & Jan Emanuele
Joan Emge
Domingo & Vinluan Empalmado
Stephen & Grace Engler
John & Marian Erhard
Fr. Agus n Escobar
Juan & María Espinoza
Margot Espinoza
Alberto Estrada
Jaime & Carmen Estrada
Jean Ewing
Jorge Farias
William Favreau
Kathleen Felix
Irma Fernández
Pablo & Alicia Fernández
Sabino Fernández
Vanessa Fernández
Jose & Marilu Ferreyra
William & Maureen Fe er
Cala na Figueroa
Filipino Community
Elizabeth Finamore
Rita Finnerty
James & Jane Fitz
Kenneth & Joan Fitz
Juan Manuel & Salud Forstall
Donald & Barbara Foss
Teodoro & Cristy Francisco
Jesús & Martha Franco
Joseph & Chris ne Franco
Terry & Constance Frederick
Casiano & Jovita Frez
Ernes na Frias
Michael & Marcia Fris
Rock & Sheryl Galuppo
Juan & Yesenia García
María García
Sophia García
Janet Gardner
Michael & Anita Gaston
Elizabeth Gates
Felix & Emeline Gaw
Michael Giannini
Thomas & Bonnie Gilmore
Joseph & Joann Glasman
Peter & Amy Glenane
Daphne González
Gustavo González
Hortencia González
María Guadalupe González
Víctor & Lucina González
Eileen Grabowski
Luis & Denise Gracia
Chris & Deborah Gray
Patrick & Bridget Greaney
Gerald & Dorothy Grimaldi
Irma Guerrero
José Guerrero
Yane Guerrero
Abel & María Urbina Guevara
Silvia Gu érrez
Carmen Guzmán
Emerio & Rosa Guzmán
Robert & Patricia Hamilton
Terry Hanna
Virginia Harris
Steven & Patricia Hauerwaas
Elvie Hawk
Philip & Greason Haworth
John & Susan Hayes
Stephen & Juliane Hayward
Donald & Rosemary Heilbrun
Joe Heim
John & Teresa Heim
Lawrence Heim
Mark Hendrickson
Robert & Lucille Hengstebeck
Steven & Maria Hepps
Michael & Alisandra Herman
Ana Hernández
Juan & Rosalba Hernández
Rafael Hernández
Arturo & Le cia Herrera
Jorge Herrera
Thomas & Helen Hill
Marilyn Hoffman
Maurice Hoffmann
Sco & Kathleen Hogate
Clark & Marilyn Hollingsworth
Kirk & Sandra Hollingsworth
Robert & Catherine Hollis
Lawrence & Jeanne Honikel
Therese Houston
Dale & Diane Hovinga
Glen & Kathleen Howard
Donald & Catherine Hunsberger
Greg & Mary Hunter
James & Laura Hunter
Kathy Hyland
Jack & Theresa Ibbeson
Maureen Jamir
Michael & Michele Jerry
Ángel & Sara Patricia Jiménez
Berta Jiménez
Duane & Mary Jorth
Romeo & Maria Theresa Joson
Lucille Jus niani
Victoria Keany
Patricia & Patricia Kelly
Craig Kelsey
Carmella Kenneth
Zachary & Kirsten King
Richard & Victoria Kisow
Thomas & Dorothy Kleinbauer
Linda Kodis
Frank & Anne e Kohlbeck
Albert & Norma Koob
Tom & Jane Kornely
William & Kay Kroman
John Kupfer & Marie Todd
Fe y Kuswanto
Daniel & Linda Kveen
Robert & Cameron LaFont
Pauline Landeros
Leonardo & Cynthia Lanza
Gaspare & Josephine LaRosa
Stephen & Beth Lavelle
Maria Lawmaster
Les Le
Dino & Hermine Leiva
Rodrigo León & Adriana Valencia
Edward & Joanne Leukanech
Gerald & Ami Lim
Russell & Mary Lou Lindenmuth
Jeane e Lisak-Phillips
Lawrence & Stephanie Li le
Jorge López
María López
Miguel López
Raúl & Ana Zamora López
Richard & Yolanda López
Mario & Alice Losi
Terrence & Debbie Loughran
Efrain & Marisela Luna
Beatrice Macias
Juan Macias
Ken & Phuong Ninh MacKay
Sidney & Laurel Mackin
Chloe Maestrejuan
Veronica Magdaleno
Victor Mahony
Michael & Carroll Maie a
Edward Majcher
Mary Malk
Jorge & Marisa Manligas, Jr.
Brian & Staci Manson
Catherine Maresca
John & Lynda Maresca
LaVerne Maresh
Michael & Mary Markus
Roberto & Isabel Márquez
Rosauro Marroquin
Robert & Lisa Marrujo
Sean & Shana Mar n
A lia Mar nez
Evelyn Mar nez
Gerardo Mar nez & María Ramos
Jeronimo Mar nez
Ma hew & Michelle Mar nez
Ramon Mar nez
Samuel & Dianne Mar nez
Ruth Marusin
Lope & Cynthia Mayola
Robert & Susan McCormick
Jimmy & Patricia McDaniel
Cecil & Margarita McFarland, Jr.
Gary & Patricia McKimmey
Marion McLaughlin
Michael & Marilyn McNulty
Pat & Tommie McSherry
Maria Mehegan
Rigoberto & Rita Mejia
Rolando Mendez
George & Chevon Mendoza, Jr.
Pedro Mendoza
Raymond & Cecilia Mendoza
Raymond & Rosemary Mendrella
James & Nell Meng
Arturo Mier
Glenn & Mary Beth Miller
Ken & Mary Miller
Jaime & Juana Miranda
Ronald & Judy Mitchell
Merle Mitra
Carolyn Mojica
Chester & Regina Mojica
Chris na Mojica
Kahe Mojica
Pablo & Evangeline Mojica
Paul Mojica
Gerald Monnig
Sergio Montejano
Ofelia Montes
John & Luella Montesanto
Carol Montgomery
Brendon & Leyda Moore
Margarita Morales
David & Theresa Moran
Raymundo & María Morante
Michael & Jeanne e Morcos
Juan Gabriel & Fidencia Moreno
David & Rosa Mo s
Lindsay Mouzakis
Shaun Kevin Mouzakis
Shaun Mouzakis
Carlos & Ana María Muñoz
Juan & Laura Muñoz
Laura Muñoz
Sarai Muñoz
Robert & Janine Murdock
Russell & Mary Murphy
John & Peggy Musico
Alberto & Erika Navarro
Jorge & Estela Navarro
Fran & Sharon Kay Needham
John & Renee Neglia
Joseph & Maureen Neglia
Patrick Neild & Monica Fernández-Neild
Irma Nery
Margaret Nevarez
Giao & Lan Ngo
Timothy & Bich Chris na Ngo
Andrew & Elizabeth Nguyen
Ann Nguyen
Hai Anh Nguyen
Hai & Naomi Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Vinh & Diana Nguyen
Hans & Elizabeth Niederberger
Michael & Tara Nielsen
William & Jean O'Connell
Daniel & Karen O'Keefe
Aida Ocampo
Guillermo & Emma Ocampo
Norela Ocampo
Anneliese Odeh
Thomas Ohta
Thomas & Delores Oldham
Gabriela Onofre
Michael & Kathleen Packer
Teofilo & Remedios Pagaduan
Madeleine Pahl
Min Ung & Hwa Sook Pak
Marvin Palacios & Yoana Cisneros
Michael & Rosa Pallas
Anthony & Kathleen Pauks s
Ricardo & Dolores Penaloza
Stephen & Elena Pereira
Isaias & Claudia Perez
Jeane e Perez
Providencia Perez
Sergio & Araceli Perez
Robert & Alice Pernell
Thuan & Chi Pham
Guy & Barbara Pine e
Fernando & Sandra Po
Thomas & Kathy Polson
Carolyn Polston
Manuel & Elizabeth Porto
Mark & Mary Prather
Sisters Presenta on & Sr. Breda Christopher
Anthony & Mary Provost
Louis & Therese Purpura
Richard & Karen Purpura
Gustavo & Sonia Quezada
Victor & Pamela Quiros
Kevin & Patricia Rafferty
Eric & Rachel Ragadio
Ernest & Sharon Rahm
Armando & Lourdes Ramirez
Osvaldo & Margarita Ramirez
Ronald & Elizabeth Rangel
Vince Rangle
Jay & Kathleen Rapport
Francisco & Theresa Nelin Raymundo, Jr.
Arlyne Reccia
Henrie e Renaud
Gladys Rennebu
Nemesia Reyes
Vicente & María Araceli Reyes
Carmen Reyna
Estefanee Rhodes
Mary Richardson
Peter & Valerie Ricks
Armando & Elizabeth Ricohermoso
John Rink & A. Pezina
Francisco & Carla Rivas
Carlos & Mary Ellen Rivera
Jason & Reyna Rivera
Dan & Sahra Roberts
Jose Rocha
Liliana Rodríguez
Hortencia Rodríguez
Joseph & Mary Jean Ropel
Roel Moises & Cecilia Rosales
Kenneth & Elizabeth Rosol
Ronald Rotunda
Ron & Edwina Royse
Robert & Victoria Rubino
Fr. Patrick Rudolph
William & Mary Ruegger
F.C. & Remy Ruiz
Francisco Ruiz
José & María Ruiz
Linda Ruth
Martha Saavedra
Corey & Maureen Saenz
Don & Carol Safarik
Gus & Anita Sagen
William Sagey
José & Ma. Isabel Salcedo
Helen Salmond
Baltazar & Manuela Sanchez
Carmel Sanchez
George & Tomasa Sanchez
Ofelia Sanchez
Thomas & Ma. Teresa Sanders
Roberto Sandoval
Mar n & Lori San llana
Ray Alexius & Mary Hazel Sa na
María Saucedo
Rebekah Schloeder
Barbara Schlo
Margaret Scholz
Thomas & Mary Schulte
Donald & Joyce Seleska
Richard & Rosario Sells
Terry & Gail Senizaiz
Agus n Serrano
Carlos & Mireya Serrano
Guadalupe Serrato
Gregory & Rose Se en
Ron & Elizabeth Severin
Edward & Joyce Seyler
Aus n & Brenda Sharp
Robert & Susan Sheppard
Lawrence & Mary Ellen Signaigo, Jr.
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Rogaciano & María Silvestre
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Chris ne Solis
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Jorge & Evelin Solo
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Aline Stapp
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Theodore & Doris State
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Norma Stuetzel
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Cuahutemoc & Dora Yvonne Tapia
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Ruben & Gilma Tenorio
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Jose & Guadalupe Torres
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Kevin & Stephanie Trefzger
Richard & Lesta Trollinger
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Frank & Lan Truong
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Gianpier Yanez
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Roginelli Yu
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