St. Joseph Old Cathedral 307 NW Fourth Street z Post Office Box 408 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Phone: 235-4565 z Fax: 815-6644 E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Web site: Facebook: Saint Josephs Old Cathedral Twitter@TheOldCathedral Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday 4:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am En Español 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Weekdays 12:00 pm Holy Days Vigil: 6:30 pm 12 noon & 5:15 pm Confessions Saturdays Weekdays 3:15 pm 11:15 am Pastoral Staff Pastor Reverend M. Price Oswalt, KCHS In Residence Reverend George Parackal Deacons Deacon Edward Duclos Deacon Herbert Vance Pastoral Associate Sister Susan Clark, C.S.T. Sister Soledad Arellano, C.M.S.T. Secretary Mrs. Sonia Estrada Parish Organist Mrs. Julie Hagen Parish Choir Director Mr. Aaron Kellert Youth Director Mr. Joel de Loera The Ministry to the Homebound Mrs. Rita Knight The Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Lydia Foote Hispanic Ministries Liaison Sra. Julia Onofre de Cardenas Weddings Ms. Delores Barajas 6 months advance notice Baptisms By Appointment ~Open Wide The Doors To Christ~ ST. JOSEPH OLD CATHEDRAL ¬ 307 N.W. FOURTH STREET ¬ OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 Masses Sat. Vigil-4 pm z Sun.-8 am - 10 am - 12 pm (Spanish) - 4 pm Weekdays: 12 pm Confessions Weekdays: 11:15 am Saturdays: 3:15 pm Parish Events 09/19-Saturday: Vigil of the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30-11:00 AM-Spanish Baptismal Class-Hall 09/20 Sunday:25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM-Religious Education 5:15 PM-RCIA starts-upstairs in office building 09/22– Tuesday 5:15 PM-Spanish Religious Education 09/23-Wednesday 5:15 PM-Spanish Confirmation Class 6-7 PM-Middle School Youth Group 7-9 PM-High School Youth Group 09/24-Thursday 5:15 PM-Divine Mercy Adoration 09/26-Saturday: Vigil of the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12:00 PM-Spanish Baptisms 09/27-Sunday:26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM-Religious Education Classes 11:00 A.M.-Social & Charitable Club- Kitchen 5:15 PM-RCIA classes -upstairs in office building Sacrificial Giving September 12-13th Total:$8015.30 Need Weekly:$10,040.00 Short: $3103.30 178 Envelopes:$6542.30 Loose:$1473.00 The Insurance Premium 2015-2016 $31,084.00 Insurance: $249.00 Received: $4879.00 Balance: $26,205.00 Bldg. Fund: $24.00 Parish Improvements: $1.00 Hispanic Comm. Festival:$932.00 Hispanic (blue candles)$89.00 Spanish Religious Education: $20.00 Mass Intentions: $80.00 Wedding: $500.00 Announcements ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO... Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter Season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. Classes started September 13th at 5:15 p.m. For information please contact Joanne Duke at 405 235-4565 or e-mail. [email protected] * The Social & Charitable Club The Social & Charitable Club is asking the parish for pastas and mac & cheese for the month of September to be placed in the wooden box located at the back of the Church. Please remember our parishioners in Afghanistan who are defending freedom. Donate items they would want! Please help us, also, to assist our veterans with toiletry items which will be distributed at the V.A. Hospital. Thank you for your generosity. * New Parish Ministry St. Joseph Old Cathedral is looking for health professionals interested in starting a new parish ministry. The parish health ministry works to provide assistance, support, and education for members of the parish addressing health needs for themselves or for a loved one. If you are interested in being part of this new ministry, please call the parish office. Thank you. * Beginning Experience There is help for the heartache of separation, divorce and widowhood at a Beginning Experience Weekend. The program helps with the natural grief process and offers an opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into an experience of positive growth. Trained team members who have suffered the loss of a loved one share their experience as they lead participants through presentations, private reflections and small group sharing. The next Beginning Experience Weekend will be Oct. 2325 at the Catholic Pastoral Center. To register, contact the Office of Family Life at (405) 721-8944. To download the registration form, go online to * Pope Francis Live The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will provide live streaming coverage of all events of the Holy Father's visit this month, and video on demand for most events where he will be speaking. For a full schedule of events and catechetical resources, go online to * Full-time, part-time cooks Experienced full-time and part-time cooks needed. Willing to work flexible days and hours. Send resume to Gerald Duke, Catholic Pastoral Center, P.O. Box 32180, OKC 73123-0380. September 19-20-2015 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses for the Week 09/19 Saturday 4:00 PM † Stanley Koelsch Virgil & Linda Koelsch 09/20 Sunday 8:00 AM † Vickie Woods Carolyn Woods 10 AM Pro Popolo Español 12 PM † Simon Fuentes † Maria Estanislao de Fuentes † Maria Gonzalez Velazquez † Eligio Fuentes † Eligio Fuentes Jr. Familia Arellano Fuentes 4 PM Mike Kerwin & His Family His Nine Darrow Cousins 09/21 Monday 12 PM 09/22 Tuesday 09/23 Wednesday 12 PM 12 PM † 09/25 Friday 12 PM 09/26 Saturday 09/27 Sunday 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. El Club de Beneficencia Social y Caritativo 12 PM 09/24 Thursday 1. Los Avisos de La Parroquia en Español Requisitos para Bautizar Pertenecer y estar registrados en esta Catedral Presentar acta de nacimiento de su niño/a Padrinos deben de estar casados por la Iglesia Registrarse para las platicas y asistir a Misa por lo menos 6 meses Niños mayores de 6 años sin bautizar, deben asistir a Catecismo Papas y padrinos deben comprometerse a participar en esta Catedral y comunidad. Comuníquese con la Sra. Julia al 405-9748922 J.B. Foote Lydia Foote Jonnie Hughley Duke Family 8 AM Clifford Armour Duke Family 10 AM Pro Popolo 12 PM † Laura Campos Familia Campos 4 PM † Concepcion Taylor Reyes Family 4 PM Prayer Concerns For the Sick and Homebound of the Parish Sebastian Dawson * Jim Snyder * Louis & Novaline Korhuniak * Irene Sykora *Chris Bianco *Janet Mahfouz Rick Scott * Stephanie Merenda * Antonia Harrison Paula Kluding * Jeremy Sonnier * Dub Wheeler Antonio & Lupita Barajas * David Richard * Julie Vickers * Connor Davey Tomasita Cazares * Alex E. Leo Bodine * Ana Quezada * Naomi Alvarez Carmen Meza * Ariamna Alvarez Eliza Preciado * Debi Mosely * Mary P. West * Dr. Thomas Baglio * Laura Baker * Poochie Rotzinger * Lina Sotomayor * Sandy Trudgeon Agimus Vobis Gratias We thank all who generously donate sacramental wine and hosts for the Sacred Liturgy throughout the year. This week we thank those who gave: Michael & Kathryn McNutt * Sam Savoie Ann & Llyen Nguyen El Club Social y Caritativo está pidiendo a la parroquia pastas y macarrón con queso en el mes de Septiembre. Pueden colocar estos artículos en la caja de madera situada en la parte de atrás de la Iglesia. Por favor, recuerde a nuestros feligreses en Afganistán que están defendiendo la libertad. Por favor ayúdenos, también, para ayudar a nuestros veteranos con artículos de aseo que se distribuirán en el Hospital de los Veteranos. Gracias por tu bondad. Misa celebrando los Aniversarios El Arzobispo Coakley invita a las parejas casadas que estén celebrando su aniversario especial (25, 40, 50+) el presente año 2015 para que asistan a una Misa Especial de Aniversario el domingo 8 de noviembre, a las 3 p.m. en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, 3214 N. Lake Ave., OKC. Después de la Misa habrá una recepción. Contacte a la Oficina de Vida Familiar al (405) 721-8944. El Arzobispo le dará su bendición y la comunidad local se alegrará en su ejemplo y compromiso al Sacramento de Matrimonio. Aparten la fecha El 31 de octobre se celebrara una Misa Roja en el horario regular de la Misa de las 5 p.m. en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, de Oklahoma City. El Arzobispo Coakley estará presidiendo la celebración. El Reverendísimo Anthony Taylor, Obispo de Little Rock, estará dando la homilía. Habrá una recepción después en el Centro Connor. En los Estados Unidos, una Misa Roja para jueces, abogados y funcionarios del gobierno es tradicionalmente celebrada coincidiendo con la celebración de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos en el primer lunes de octubre. (La Misa Roja toma su nombre de los ornamentos rojos utilizados en la Misa, símbolo de las lenguas de fuego que descendieron sobre los Apóstoles en Pentecostés.) La Misa estará dedicada a la búsqueda de la guía del Espíritu Santo para todos aquellos que buscan la justicia y ofrece la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre lo que los Católicos creen que es la responsabilidad de todos en la profesión legal. Funeral Homes and Crematory “Oklahoma City’s Oldest Family Owned & Operated Since 1939” 1401 N.W. 23rd • 528-7542 14624 N. May • 302-0021 Max Baker Martinez Chiropractic Clinic AMERICAN TRANSMISSIONS 10% off with this coupon All Types Transmission Repair All Work Guaranteed 2424 S. Walker • 631-1386 KATHY J. McKENZIE, O.D. Philip R. Martinez, D.C. Optometrist 1000 S. W. 44th, Suite 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 (405) 634-2471 Headaches • Whiplash Numbness • Back Pain 7709 S Pennsylvania Ave • 686-1309 GORMAN Christ the King Catholic School PAVING AND SEALING “Where everybody is somebody and all live for God” 1905 Elmhust Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405) 843-3909 | Mrs. Karen Carter, Principal FACTORY APPROVED APPLICATORS OVERLAYS & REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Brent D. Jones - Owner/Director 405-230-1310 • Hablamos Espanol Quality Catholic Education Pre-K–8th Grade Call 204-1130 2415 N. Walnut Avenue Pirates Alley PICTURE FRAMES Y Custom Picture Framing Y Photo Frames Y Ready Made Frames Tiffany Phuong Phan, Enrolled Agent 3515 S. Pennsylvania Ave 1700 NW 23rd • 525-0091 2733 W. Britton Rd • 751-4394 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 [email protected] VONDEL L. SMITH & SON 604-2939 HERITAGE BURIAL PARK|MORTUARIES •CREMATORIUMS 2900 N. Classen Blvd. Ste. G Steven V. Fuller, Advance Funeral Planning, Parishioner (S. OKC/Tri-City Location) Family Owned and Operated Since 1957 • North OKC/Bethany 720-1439 Yukon/Mustang 354-2533 Vietnamese Noodle Soup South OKC 634-1439 S. OKC/Tri-City 692-5503 Full Ser Service vice Florist & Arrangements 405-602-5929 7904!"#$%&!'()!*+, -./(�(!12%)3!-4!73120 56789!:6;<==>>!?!@@@A1BCDEFGHIJFGKGCLMAHEK 1633 West Main St. ww Downtown Goodyear Auto Repair LW Insurance Services, Inc. Liz Wolf ...Because your car shouldn’t be something you have to pray about (405) 232-6185 1010 N. W. 45th 322 N Walker, Oklahoma City 601-4682 7501 W. Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Tele: (405) 721-0747 Fax (405) 721-0492 A Ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City 4367 NW 10th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73127 [email protected] (405) 990-3497 CONTAMOS CON DOS SALONES! Mark E. Wolf Career Agent Life, Long Term Weddings... Parties... Interior & Exterior Delights Contact Kyle Eubanks to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 678-4574 x2648 Care Disability, 6700 N. Broadway Extension Oklahoma City, OK 73116 (405) 848-3338 Property & Casualty 800 S. Mustang Rd. 57 577-5021 (Ce (Cell) 615-8339 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU Steven E. Clark Attorney ey at Law Pray for Vocations 101 E. Park Ave. Ste 210 Oklahoma City, Ok 73102 Phone: 405-235-8488 [email protected] Fax: 405-253-7979 Toll Free: 1-888-725-9056 F OR A D I NFO C ALL K YLE E UBANKS AT 1-800-678-4574 • WWW .4LPi. COM S T J OSEPH –O KLAHOMA C ITY A 2C 05-0282 06-15-2015 11:35:19
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