01-25-16 WSNC Board Mtg Agenda

Nelson A. Castillo, Esq.
Michael R. Barnes
Michael R. Barnes, CBO Stakeholder
Nelson A. Castillo, Business Stakeholder
Gustavo Flores, Resident Stakeholder
Manuel “Manny” Flores, Jr., Resident Stakeholder
Jorge A. Garcia, Business Stakeholder
Kenneth Goodlett, Resident Stakeholder
Laura V. Herrera, At-Large Stakeholder
Philip Laventure, CBO Stakeholder
Shahin Parsi, Business Stakeholder
Jonathan Schaeffer, Resident Stakeholder
Anthony Tucker, CBO Stakeholder
Raymond “Randy” Waller, At-Large Stakeholder
Manuel “Manny” Flores, Jr.
Gustavo Flores
P.O. Box 57134
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel. (213) 537-8472
Monday/Lunes 01/25/2016
6:30 p.m.
Royal Palms Recovery Home
360 S. Westlake Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90057
1. Welcoming remarks / Bienvenida. (1 minute)
2. Call to order and roll call / Llamada al orden y pasar lista. (1 minute)
3. Pledge of Allegiance (I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all).
/ Juramento de Lealtad (Yo prometo lealtad a la bandera de los Estados Unidos de América, y a la
República que representa, una Nación bajo Dios, entera, con Libertad y Justicia para todos). (1
4. Review of the Westlake South Neighborhood Council (WSNC) Bylaws Article II (Mission and
Policy) / Revisión del Artículo II (Misión y Política) de los Estatutos del Concejo Vecinal de Westlake
Sur (WSNC). (2 minutes)
5. Public Comments/Announcements on Non-Agenda Items within the Board’s jurisdiction
(remarks limited to up to 3 minutes per speaker). / Comentarios del público/Anuncios sobre
asuntos que no están en la agenda y los cuales están dentro de la jurisdicción de la junta
(comentarios se limitan a un máximo de 3 minutos por orador). (15 minutes)
01/25/2016 WSNC Board Meeting Agenda / Agenda de la Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del WSNC
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6. Reports by Representatives of local Agency and Elected Officials. / Informes de los representantes
de agencias locales y oficiales electos. (15 minutes)
7. Review and possible approval of the WSNC Board meeting minutes held on December 28, 2015.
/ Revisión y posible aprobación de las actas de las reuniones del WSNC celebrada el 28 de diciembre
del 2015. (5 minutes)
8. WSNC Treasurer’s Report and discussion and possible action regarding the 2015-2016 WSNC
Budget, and approval of the December 2015 and January 2016 Monthly Expenditure Reports. /
Reporte del Tesorero del WSNC y discusión y posible acción acerca el presupuesto del WSNC del
2015-2016 y aprobación de los Reportes de Gastos Mensuales de diciembre del 2015 y enero del
2016. (10 minutes)
9. Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the following January 2016 expenditures. /
Discusión y posible acción sobre aprobación de los siguientes gastos de enero del 2016. (5 minutes):
9.1. Jive.com - $41.08 (01/21/2016 - WSNC Hosted VoIP Service for January 2016); AppleOne $144.38 (Minute taker for 12/28/15 WSNC Board Meeting); and CopySpace - $19.62 (01/25/16 printing of WSNC documents, including minutes and agendas).
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the appointment of a new WSNC Elections Committee
Chair for the 2016 WSNC Elections and hiring of a paid consultant to help with the elections. /
Discusión y posible acción acerca el nombramiento de un nuevo Presidente del Comite de Elecciones
del para las elecciones del WSNC del 2016 y contratación de un consultor pagado para que ayude
con las elecciones. (10 minutes)
11. Discussion and possible action regarding the adoption and implementation of a marketing plan
for 2016 WSNC Elections. The WSNC previously authorized expenditures up to $12,000 for
2016 WSNC Elections. / Discusión y posible acción acerca la adopción e implementación de un
plan de mercadeo para las elecciones del WSNC del 2016. El WSNC previamente autorizó fondos
para cubrir gastos relacionados a las elecciones del WSNC del 2016 hasta un máximo de $12.000.
(10 minutes)
12. Discussion and possible action on whether the WSNC Board should reconsider its decision to
postpone discussion of renting office space and purchasing office equipment until April 2016,
which was heard at the December 28, 2015 Board Meeting. / Discusión y posible acción para
determinar si la Junta del WSNC deberia reconsiderar su decisión de posponer la consideración de
alquilar una oficina y comprar equipo para la oficina hasta en abril del 2016, la cual fue escuchada
durante la reunión de la Junta del 28 de diciembre del 2015. (10 minutes).
13. Discussion and possible action regarding the rental of office space for the WSNC at the Curacao
Business Center or another suitable office space within the boundaries of the WSNC, and
allocating up to $1,200 for monthly rental expenses. / Discusión y posible acción acerca el alquiler
de una oficina para el WSNC en el Curacao Business Center u otro lugar de oficina dentro de los
lindares del WSNC, y asignar hasta $1.200 en gastos relacionados al alquiler de la oficina. (5
14. Discussion and possible action regarding the purchase of office equipment and supplies for the
future office of the WSNC, including, but not limited to, desktops and/or laptops, monitors,
digital camera, HD video camera, office chairs, desks, file cabinets and office safe, and to rent
01/25/2016 WSNC Board Meeting Agenda / Agenda de la Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del WSNC
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storage space for storing these items while we secure office space, and allocating up to $7,500 for
this purpose. / Discusión y posible acción acerca la compra de equipo y abastos para la futura
oficina del WSNC, incluyendo, pero no se limita a, computadora de mesa y/o computadora portátil,
monitores, cámara digital, video camera HD, sillas de oficina, muebles de archivo y caja fuerte de
oficina, y alquiler de un lugar para guardar las compras mientras conseguimos una oficina, y asignar
hasta $7.500 en gastos para este propósito. (5 minutes)
15. Update and possible action regarding the creation and hosting of the WSNC website using
Nationbuilder.com. The WSNC previously authorized expenditures up to $5,000 for the project.
/ Informe y posible acción sobre la creación y alojamiento del sitio web del WSNC por medio de
Nationbuilder.com. El WSNC previamente autorizó fondos para cubrir gastos hasta un máximo de
$5.000 para el proyecto. (5 minutes)
16. Discussion and possible action regarding future agenda items and location and dates of WSNC
monthly meetings. / Discusión y posible acción acerca asuntos futuros para la agenda y lugares y
fechas de las reuniones mensuales del WSNC. (5 minutes)
17. Adjournment / Cierre
01/25/2016 WSNC Board Meeting Agenda / Agenda de la Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del WSNC
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MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 AT 10:00 PM
The Westlake South Neighborhood Council Agenda is posted for public review at the following locations:
• City of Los Angeles Early Notification System (ENS)
• Westlake Plumbing & Hardware - 1818 James Wood Blvd.
• 7 & 8 Market - 747 South Westlake Avenue
• Immaculate Conception Church - 1483 James Wood Blvd.
• Esperanza Elementary School - 680 Little Street
• Curacao Business Center - 1605 West Olympic Blvd.
PUBLIC INPUT AT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETINGS -- The public is requested to fill out a
"Speaker Card" to address the Board on any item on the Agenda PRIOR to the Board taking action on an
item. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being
considered. Comments on other matters, not appearing on the Agenda that are within the Board's subject
matter jurisdiction, will be heard during the Public Comment On Non-Agenda Items period. Time allocations
for agenda items are approximate and may be shortened or lengthened at the discretion of the Board.
THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT -- As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.
Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided
upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least three (3) business days (72
hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting WSNC President Nelson A. Castillo via e-mail at
[email protected] or telephone 213-537-8472.
RECONSIDERATION PROCESS -- Board member(s) that voted on the prevailing side of the decision may
call Reconsideration of a vote by the Board as a motion.
GRIEVANCE PROCESS -- A stakeholder, or a group of stakeholders, may present a grievance concerning
the legality of actions by the Board during public comment. A panel set by the Board will examine
substantive grievances, and the decisions may be appealed to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.
PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS -- In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-exempt
writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board in advance of a meeting, may be reviewed at a
scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the Agenda,
please contact WSNC President Nelson A. Castillo at [email protected] or telephone NC Support at 213978-1551 or via e-mail at: [email protected].
WSNC BYLAWS -- Please be advised that the Bylaws of the Westlake South Neighborhood Council provide
a process for reconsideration of actions as well as a grievance procedure. For your convenience, the WSNC
Bylaws are available during every meeting.
RECORDING MEETINGS -- Note that Board meetings may be sound and/or video recorded for backup to
We look forward to seeing you!
01/25/2016 WSNC Board Meeting Agenda / Agenda de la Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del WSNC
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