Forest Hill News Visit us on the web @ Volume 4, Issue 6 March/April 2015 Charter Amendments, Mayor and two Council seats on May 9 ballot A general and special election will be held by the City of Forest Hill conducted by Tarrant County on Saturday, May 9 at the Civic & Convention Center, 6901 Wichita. The election will include two charter amendments, election for Mayor and two City Council slots. Council Places to be filled are City Council Places 4, 5 and 6. However, Clara Faulkner in Place 5 is unopposed. Early voting will be held April 27 to May 5 also at the Civic & Convention Center. Details listed by candidates when filing for office include: Mayor Gerald Joubert (Incumbent), 7329 Falmouth, age: 55, resident for 25 years, occupation: Security Guard James L. Gosey, 3839 Lon Stephenson Road, age 52, resident for 25 years, occupation: Retired Military Officer Place 4 Ozell Birks, (Incumbent) 3300 Railfence, age 64, resident for 40 years, occupation: Self Employed Silas Robinson, 6607 Nauert Road, age 52, resident for 20 years, occupation: Teacher Place 5 (Unopposed) Clara Faulkner (Incumbent), 4712 Leonard, age 72, resident for 37 years, occupation: Retired Place 6 Carlie Jones, 3521 Chimney Rock Drive, age 44, resident for 18 years, occupation: Administrator Malinda Miller (Incumbent), 4205 Burly, age 69, resident for 30 years, occupation: Nurse PROPOSALS FOR CHARTER AMENDMENTS WHICH REQUIRE A FOR OR AGAINST VOTE INCLUDE: Proposition 1: Proposition 1 ballot language shall read: Shall Sec. 3.01 of the Charter be amended to provide for three-year terms for the office of mayor and six (6) council members? □ For □ Against In the event that Proposition 1 is approved by the voters on May 9, 2015, the current Sections 3.01 and 3.04 shall be repealed and new Sections 3.01 and 3.04 shall be added that shall read as follows: Section 3.01. - Number, Selection, Term. The governing and policy making body of the City of Forest Hill shall consist of the mayor and six (6) council members, elected at large for three-year terms, in places designated as one (1) through six (6), and shall be known as the City Council of the City of Forest Hill. At the regular municipal election to be held in May of 2015 Council members for places 4, 5 and 6 and for the office of mayor shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and in May of every third year thereafter shall be elected for a term of three years. At the regular municipal election to be held in May of 2016 Council members for places 1, 2 and 3 shall be elected for a term of three (3) years and in May of every third year thereafter shall be elected for a term of three years. Section 3.04. - Vacancy. Any vacancy or vacancies occurring on the City Council, including the Mayor shall be filled by majority vote of the qualified voters at a special election called for such purpose at the next available uniform election date provided by law, except that for a vacancy occurring for an unexpired term of 12 months or less, a majority of the remaining members of the City Council may appoint a person who shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Proposition 2 ballot language shall read: Shall Sec. 3.03 of the Charter be amended to provide for reimbursement to the mayor and council members up to the amount of $375 per month, with the possibility of raises after twelve (12) months of consecutive service, with said raises to be approved by council in the form of an ordinance or resolution? □ For □ Against In the event that Proposition 3 is approved by the voters on May 9, 2015, the current Section 3.03 shall be repealed and a new Section 3.03 shall be added that shall read as follows: Council members and the mayor may receive compensation of no more than $375.00 per month. Council members and the mayor may elect to not receive this compensation. Should a council member or the mayor opt out of this compensation provision, that council member or mayor may opt back in after waiting six months. A council member or mayor who opts back in shall not receive back pay for the time he or she opted out of this compensation provision. The city manager may recommend a pay increase for any council member who has served twelve (12) (Continued on Page 3) Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to the “My Brother’s Keeper” Committee for 2015. Honored were Johnnie Turner, Roosevelt Collins, Yolonde Rocio, Ernestine Sims, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Malinda Miller, Mayor Gerald Joubert, Chairman Council Member Brigette Mathis, Jacquelyn Allen and City Manager Sheyi Ipaye. A Message from the Mayor: Spring is finally here! And with it comes an abundance of activities and events, including an exciting opportunity to improve our community. I encourage you and your families to participate in the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt (Saturday, March 28th) and CityWide Clean-Up/Texas Trash-Off. Our Parks, Recreation and Clean City Commission is currently seeking volunteers for the Saturday, April 11th event where we not only accept your trash at Super 1 Foods but where city staff and volunteers drive through the city picking up garbage along the streets and curbs. Look for more information about these events in this newsletter or call City Hall at 817-568-3000. Taking part in events like these helps you show your Community Driven spirit and the pride you have living in our great city. It’s also a great chance for you to meet your neighbors… and maybe even make a few new friends too! Have a great day! Mayor Gerald Joubert [email protected] From the City Council... Regular City Council Meeting - February 17, 2015 The Forest Hill City Council met on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 7 p.m. with all members present. • The Consent Agenda was approved including (1) Approval of Minutes of the February 3, 2015 City Council Meeting, (2) Approval of a Resolution calling for a General Election on May 9, 2015, (3) Approval of a Resolution calling for a Joint Election Agreement with the Library District, (4) Approval of funds for panels to be installed at the Forest Hill Memorial Park. • The Council approved an Ordinance calling for a Special Election to consider Charter Amendments to be held May 9, 2015 with the regular election. There was considerable discussion on this item and the final vote included all Ayes except Mayor Joubert who Great Texas Warrant Roundup underway statewide Representatives of law enforcement agencies and courts from more than 300 jurisdictions across Texas announced recently combined efforts to host the 2015 Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Reach the Forest Hill Municipal Court at (817) 568-3046, at City Hall, 3219 California Parkway or pay your warrant in full at (800) 444-1187. Volunteers are needed to serve on boards and committees. Call 817-568-3040 for info! voted No. • The City Manager reported on appointments to the Planning and Zoning Board and street improvement projects. A brief executive session was held. Regular City Council Meeting March 3, 2015 The Forest Hill City Council met on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7 p.m. with all members present. • The Mayor’s Report included a review of “My Brothers Keeper” by Council Member Brigette Mathis. (See picture on front.) • The Consent Agenda was approved including (1) Approval of Minutes of the February 17, 2015 City Council Meeting. • A Public Hearing was held on a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Recreational Vehicle Park at 2908 Mansfield Highway. This was unanimously approved later in the meeting. • A minor plat approval for property in the 3500 block of West Lane was unanimously approved. • City Manager Sheyi Ipaye and Police Chief Dan Dennis reported on racial profiling revealing no substantial change from last year. Had a leak repaired? your monthly En Espanol: If you had a leak repaired in December, January or February, bring the receipt to the Water Department for evaluation. You could be entitled to an adjustment on sewer charge to be recalculated in April. Info: 817-568-3030. Si usted tuviera una fuga reparado en Diciembre, enero o Febrero, que debe llevar el recibo al Departamento de Agua para su evaluación. Usted podría tener derecho a un ajuste en su cargo por alcantarillado mensual durante todo el año. Para más información: 817-568-3030. Election Information - continued from front page consecutive months. Should the city manager decide a pay increase is warranted, he or she shall prepare an ordinance or resolution stating the pay increase and present same to the council for approval. Council members and the mayor may also be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. In the event that a council member or mayor is suspended from his or her duties, he or she shall not receive any compensation for the term of the suspension. In the event a council member or mayor vacates his or her office, he or she shall receive no compensation for his or her remaining term. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to grant any other city or state employment benefit to the mayor or council members, including but not limited to: leave benefits; retirement benefits; or, pay increases. El lenguaje de la Proposición 1 de la boleta será la siguiente: Deberá Sec. 3.01 de la Carta ser enmendada para proveer períodos de tres años para el cargo de alcalde y seis (6) miembros del consejo? □ A Favor □ En contra En el evento que la Proposición 1 sea aprobada por los votantes el 9 de mayo del 2015, las Secciones actuales 3.01 y 3.04 quedan derogados y nuevas Secciones 3.01 y 3.04 añadirán y serán lo siguiente: Sección 3.01. - Número, Selección, Términos. El cuerpo de gobierno y de la formulación de políticas de la Ciudad de Forest Hill estará integrado por el alcalde y seis (6) miembros del Concejo, elegidos en general por períodos de tres años, en los lugares designados como uno (1) a seis (6), y deberá ser conocido como el Concejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Forest Hill. En la elección municipal regular que se dará a cabo en mayo de 2015 los miembros del Concejo de lugares 4, 5 y 6 y el cargo de alcalde será elegido por un período de tres (3) años y en mayo de cada tres años a partir de entonces será elegido por un término de tres años. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION MCL COLIFORM VIOLATION (TCR 22) The City of Forest Hill/2200011 water system collected two (2) water samples during October 2014 that contained coliform bacteria. This water system is required to submit a minimum of fifteen (15) routine water samples each month for bacteriological analysis. Two (2) routine samples were coliform-found and six (6) repeat samples were non coliform-found for the month and year indicated above. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) sets drinking water standards in Texas and has determined that the presence of total coliform is a possible health concern. Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially-harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems. For water systems analyzing at least forty 40 samples per month, no more than five (5) percent of the monthly samples may be positive for total coliform. For systems analyzing fewer than forty (40) samples per month, no more than one (1) sample per month may be positive for total coliform. If you have questions regarding this matter, you may contact Roberto Duenes, Public Works Superintendent, at 817531-5700. En la elección municipal regular que se dará a cabo en mayo de 2016 los miembros del Consejo para los puestos 1, 2 y 3 serán elegidos por un período de tres (3) años y en mayo de cada tres años a partir de entonces será elegido para un término de tres años. • Sección 3.04. - Vacante. • En caso de vacante o vacantes que se produzcan en el consejo municipal, incluyendo el alcalde, se llenarán por el voto mayoritario de los votantes calificados en una elección especial convocada al efecto en la siguiente fecha de elección uniforme disponible proporcionada por la ley, en caso que un puesto vacante para un término no vencido de 12 meses o menos, la mayoría de los restantes miembros del Concejo de la Ciudad podrá designar a una persona que cumpla el resto de la parte restante del mandato. El lenguaje de la Proposición 2 de la boleta será el siguiente: Deberá Sec. 3.03 de la Carta modificarse para proveer el reembolso al alcalde y los concejales hasta la cantidad de $ 375 por mes, con la posibilidad de aumento después de doce (12) meses de servicio consecutivo, con dicho aumentos serán aprobado por el Concejo en el forma de una ordenanza o resolución? □ A Favor □ En contra En el caso de que la Proposición 3 es aprobada por los votantes el 9 de mayo de 2015, la actual Sección 3.03 quedar derogada y una nueva Sección 3.03 se añadirá que queda redactado como sigue: Miembros del Concejo y el alcalde pueden recibir una compensación de no más de $ 375.00 por mes. Miembros del Concejo y el alcalde pueden optar por no recibir esta compensación. Si un miembro del Concejo o el Alcalde escoge no recibir compensación, el miembro del consejo o el alcalde pueden optar de nuevo después de esperar seis meses. Un miembro del consejo o alcalde que opta de nuevo no recibirán el pago retroactivo por el tiempo que él o ella optó por salirse de esta compensación. El administrador de la ciudad puede recomendar un aumento de sueldo para cualquier miembro del consejo que ha servido a doce (12) meses consecutivos. Si el administrador de la ciudad decide en un aumento salarial es justificado, él o ella deberá preparar y ordenanza o resolución declarando el aumento salarial y presentar así mismo al Concejo para su aprobación. Miembros del Concejo y el alcalde también pueden ser reembolsados por los gastos directos de su bolsillo incurridos en el desempeño de sus funciones oficiales. En el caso de que un miembro del concejo o alcalde está suspendido de sus funciones, él o ella no recibirán ninguna compensación por el término de la suspensión. En el caso de que un miembro del concejo o alcalde desocupe su oficina, él o ella no recibirán ninguna compensación por su tiempo restante. Nada en esta sección se interpretará a conceder cualquier otra ciudad o beneficio estatal de empleo para los miembros de alcalde o concejales, incluyendo pero no limitado a: beneficios de licencia; las prestaciones de jubilación; o, aumentos de sueldo. Community Calendar All meetings are subject to change. City info: March 17 - Celebrating Women’s History Month at the South Tarrant Chamber of Commerce - 11:30 a.m. - Civic & Convention Center, 6901 Wichita, Lunch $15. Info: 817-586-9092; City Council Meeting - 7 p.m. - City Hall. March 18 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. March 23 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center - 9:30 a.m. March 25 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. March 28 - Annual Easter Egg Hunt, 12 noon at Heritage Park/ Fire Administration, 6800 Forest Hill Drive, ages 10 and under! March 30 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center - 9:30 a.m. April 1 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. April 2 - Neighborhood Watch Meeting - 7 p.m. - Civic & Convention Center, 6901 Wichita. Info: 817-905-9494. April 3 - Good Friday Holiday. City offices closed. Emergency personnel on duty - CALL 9-1-1 for assistance. April 5 - HAPPY EASTER! April 6 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center 9:30 a.m.; Planning & Zoning Commission, 6 p.m. - City Hall. April 7 - City Council Meeting - 7 p.m. - City Hall. April 8 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. April 9 - South Tarrant Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet, 5:30 p.m..- at Civic & Convention Center, Information and Reservations: 817-568-3009. April 10 - Food Bank Day - Senior Center - for regulars. April 11 - City-wide Cleanup - 8 a.m. to noon - Volunteers needed! Info: 817-806-4701. (See details on page 3.) April 13 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center 9:30 a.m.; Parks & Clean City Commission Meeting - 6 p.m. - City Hall; Police Alumni Association Meeting at Civic & Convention Center, 6901 Wichita - 6:30 p.m.; Friends of the Library Meeting - 7 p.m. - Library. Info: 817-551-5354. April 15 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. April 20 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center 9:30 a.m.; Library Board Meeting, 6 p.m., at Library. Community Development Corporation, 6 p.m., - City Hall. April 21 - City Council Meeting - 7 p.m. - City Hall. April 22 - Lions Club, 7 a.m. - Presbyterian Church. Visitors eat free. April 27 - Blood pressure checks & BINGO - Senior Center 9:30 a.m. NOTICE OF FORT WORTH DRINKING WATER TREATMENT TECHNIQUE VIOLATION The City of Fort Worth’s Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant failed to meet the minimum treatment technique requirements on February 16-17, 2015. Specifically, the water system failed to properly disinfect the drinking water for a period of more than four (4) hours. Because the City of Fort Worth distribution system is supplied by multiple water treatment plants not all of the customers were affected. The City of Forest Hill receives water from the Rolling Hills and Westside water treatment plants. Water treated at these locations was not in violation of the standards. Additional information is available on the City of Fort Worth website www.FortWorthTexas,gov/water. FROM THE FOREST HILL LIBRARY Library Info: 817-551-5354 or www.foresthillpubliclibrary LIBRARY HOURS: Tuesday -Thursday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Closed Friday, Sunday & Monday February 19 - 4-5 p.m. Family Pathfinders Overview of Financial Coaching. April 8, 2015 Tarrant County Bar Association, Overview on Wills/Probates- 4-5 p.m. April 18, 2015 TCC Mobile Go Center at the Library for Career Day 4-12th Grades and Adults (Career Coaching) 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Family Game Days Saturdays 3-4 p.m. Free board games. Storytime: Tuesdays - 11 a.m.; Saturdays - 1 p.m. Celebrating Women’s History Month The South Tarrant Chamber of Commerce is celebrating Women’s History Month in March. “Come help us to make history with a special guest speaker. We look forward to having all our members and their friends help us celebrate this occasion,” stated a representative of the Chamber. The cost for lunch is $15.00 per person. Please reply with your RSVP at 817-586-9092. Note: Emergency warning sirens are tested the first Wednesday of The Forest Hill Senior Center needs a treadmill in good condition and purple and gold yarn. Donate at 817-293-8319! FREE for everyone in communit y
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