Roman Catholic Church of Saint Sebastian 58-02 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, New York 11377 Rectory 39-63 57 Street 718-429-4442 / 3 Fax 718-429-7581 Like us on Facebook REV. KEVIN P. ABELS, PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Carlos C. Velásquez Rev. Rodnev Lapommeray Rev. Thaddeus J. Abraham, SIOL DEACONS Deacon Stephen T. Damato Deacon Jorge E. Castillo SCHOOL Ms. JoAnn Dolan, Principal 39-76 58 Street 718-429-1982 Fax 718-446-7225 Tuition Office 718-429-5502 St. Sebastian School is a Catholic School of Excellence serving the parishes of St. Mary (Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians), Queen of Angels & St. Sebastian PARISH CENTER Mr. Harry Connor, Director Parish Center, Building and Grounds 39-60 57th Street 718-672-8989 FAITH FORMATION Ms. Sonia Casanova, Director 39-66 58 Street 718-899-3341 Ext. 145 MUSIC MINISTRY Scott A. Battaglia Director of Music PASTORAL OUTREACH LANDINGS Ms. Sally Steg Williams, Director 39-66 58 Street 718-899-3341 Ext. 143 MISSION STATEMENT “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest” Mt 11:28 We, the parish community of St. Sebastian, for over 100 years have celebrated our common faith and ethnic diversity and have lived the Gospel in Woodside. United in the Holy Spirit, in prayer, and nourished by the Eucharist, we serve others as we foster the love and truth which Jesus Christ teaches. Building on what has gone before, through Word and Sacrament, we are committed to Evangelization, Stewardship, and Welcome. In the spirit of Jesus, we seek to put our love into action as we challenge others to join us on our journey of faith. St. Sebastian is part of the Queens North 2 Deanery that includes Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians (St. Mary’s), Corpus Christi, Queen of Angels, St. Raphael, and St. Teresa. • SUNDAY MASS Saturday 5:00 P.M.; 6:30 P.M. Spanish Sunday 8:00, 9:00, 10:30 A.M., 1:15 and 6:00 P.M. 12 Noon in Spanish Interpreter for the Deaf Community at the 10:30 Mass. • HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE Vigil at 7:00 P.M. Holy Day 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12 Noon and 7:00 P.M. English & Spanish • WEEKDAY MASS Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M.; 12 Noon; 7:00 P.M. (Thursday Spanish) • SATURDAY MASS Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside 9:00 A.M.; 12 Noon in Spanish SACRAMENT OF PENANCE - CONFESIONES Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45 P.M., or any time by appointment. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Our Lady of Woodside Chapel is open daily from 7:30 PM—6:45 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Closed 12noon - 2P.M. Re-Open 2:00 to 9:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Sunday: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. BAPTISM - BAUTISMOS English: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. Instruction - 2nd Monday, at 7:15 P.M. in the Parish Center. Registration, Monday - Friday (See office hours) Español: 2 y 4 Domingo de cada mes a las 2:00 P.M. Instruccion - Segundo Lunes del mes a las 7:15 P.M., en el Centro Parroquial. Inscripción, Lunes - Viernes (Ver horario de oficina) MARRIAGE - MATRIMONIOS Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months prior to the wedding. is for Marriage Preparation information. Hablar con el sacerdote seis meses antes. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION and BENEDICTION Every Wednesday ( In Church) & First Friday, in the Chapel, until 7:00 P.M. Sundays from 2:15 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Benediction & Novena to St. Peregrine, Church ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday of the month during the 9 A.M. Mass. HOLY HOUR First Friday at 7:30 P.M. - Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside. (October—June) NOVENAS After the 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Mass Monday - Miraculous Medal; Tuesday - St. Anthony; Wednesday - St. Jude; Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. - Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Thursday - St. Anne; Friday - Sacred Heart; Saturday, after 9 AM Mass - St. Sebastian. Catholic Cemeteries Information & Availability 718-894-4888 The Rectory is the home of our Parish Priests. Thank you for respecting their home by observing the office hours. Please call in advance if possible for an appointment with a Priest. Solemnity of Christ the King ~ November 23, 2014 Daily Scripture Readings November 24 / 30 and Mysteries of the Rosary MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12 Noon 7 :00 PM November 24 Charles Glinski Joan M. Normile James Kregler John and Teresa Higgins TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12 Noon 7:00 PM November 25 Douglas O’Dell John Kane Dorothy Knutsen Intentions of Eric Brayerman and family WEDNESDAY, November 26 7:00 AM Rev. Jose Maria Catapang 9:00 AM James A. Heaney Rolando Domingo (Collective) 12 Noon 7:00 PM Dec. Mbrs. Of Walter family O.L.P.H. Novena / Mass Please pray daily for the safety of our service women and men throughout the world. Monday St. Andrew Dung-Lac, priest, martyr and his Companions .................................................................Rv 14:1-3, Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday - Sorrowful Mysteries St. Catherine of Alexandria, virgin, martyr ...........................................................Rv 14:14-19, Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday - Glorious Mysteries .............................................................Rv 15:1-4, Lk 21:12-19 Thursday - Mysteries of Light ...............................Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a Lk 21:20-28 Friday - Sorrowful Mysteries .................................................Rv 20:1–4, 11 21:2, Lk 21:2933 Saturday - Joyful Mysteries .............................................................Rv 22:1-7, Lk 21:34-36 Sunday - Glorious Mysteries ..................................Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7, Mk 13:33-37 Liturgical Schedule for November 29-30, 2014 Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5 pm THURSDAY, November 27 9:00 AM People of St. Sebastian FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM November 28 Maurice Estiler Steven J. Wieczorek Maura Boyle Luis Humberto Bustamante SATURDAY, November 29 9:00 AM Ivan Frlic 12 Noon Gerardo Vera and Maria Aceneth Cobo Joaquin Rios and Maria Licinia Marin (Collective) 5:00 PM 6:30 PM James Joseph Corbett Franklin Velasquez SUNDAY 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12 Noon November 30 Mr. Balasubuamanian Clare Menezes Michael Mangru Luis H. Mosquera and Elba Mosquera de Andrade Rosemary Mulvihill Thomas and Michael Burns 1:15 PM 6:00 PM 8 am 9 am 1. Antonio Kayas 2. Marjorie McGreggor 3. Paulina Gonzalez 4. Virginia De La Rosa 5. Raymond Regner 6. Florencia Sikorski 5 pm 1. Carol Woods 2. Nancy Piso 8 am 1. Benilda Beth Guillena 2. Sani Guillena 1. Maria Ko 2. Raquel Yango 3. Rodrigo Babiano 4. Teresita Espirirtu 9 am 1. Jose G. Mercado 2. Beth Edejer 10:30 am 1. Mary T. Waters 2. Susan Harts 1. Patricia McDonnell 2. Maureen Fusco 1:15 pm 3. Dorothy Carroll 4. Rosendo Pili 5. Francisco Añonuevo, JR. 6 pm 6. Adeline Canasa 1. Rosemary C. Khan 2. Michael Gilheany 1. Cynthia A. Armada 2. Catherine McAvey 10:30 am 1. Dora Ortuno 2. Sr. Nellie Dacquel 3. Betty Knapp 4. Marie Sardinha 5. Diane Wieda 6. Elizabeth Wieda 1:15 pm 6 pm 1. Anthony Chiarel 2. Linda Chiarel 3. Gregorio Joves 4. Malee Chaisuwan 5. Erlinda Tremblay 6. Generoso Cid 1. Ernesto Sebastian 2.Belinda Sebastian 3. Kathy Feeley 4. Jerry Lomonte Thank you for your service to our Parish! PASTOR’S COLUMN Today our Church's year comes to a close with the Solemnity of Christ the King. Today is an opportunity to reflect on what the kingship of Christ means for us as Christians. Simply put, Christ's kingship is one of service to others. His kingship is not one of violence, force or intimidation. Christ comes to serve and not be served by others. Christ invites us all to serve one another as a way of sharing in the kingship of Christ. I think we do this so very well at St Sebastian! I continue to be inspired by the way all of you are servants of Christ to others in our community and in our diocese. We serve Christ in our serving of others. One way I wish to personally thank you is by the contribution you made to our Thanksgiving collection. The monies that we collected from you allows us to feed those less fortunate than ourselves. How so important this is in our time today. So many people are homeless or have lost their jobs and have nothing for themselves or for their family. Thanksgiving is a time to recognize how fortunate we are and how much God blesses us and our family. I encourage you this weekend to make one final contribution to our Thanksgiving collection by making a donation in the boxes in the rear of the church or by dropping off your donation to the rectory. Thank you for your generosity. Another way we here have served the needs of others in Woodside is through your generosity in the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. I am very happy to report that we have reached our goal! Congratulations and Thank You!! The money will help the Bishop to continue its many programs that assist our children in our Catholic schools, our immigrants, seminarians, retired priests and social service programs, only to name a few! The Bishop cannot do this without the support of generous people like you here in Woodside. I am inspired by your generosity! I know that we all are struggling to meet the many responsibilities and needs we have for ourselves and our family. And to see you respond so generously to the needs of others is really helping to build God's Kingdom in this world. Now that we have met our goal and have helped the Bishop to meet the needs of the Diocese may I now ask you to continue to pay up any remaining pledges so that our parish may benefit from the appeal.. As you know any monies that go over the goal comes back to the parish. Here is the report as of this week: Our goal is: $146,724. As I said we met the goal. We have pledged a total of: $176,068. We now need to meet our pledged goal so that the parish can get back about $30,000 which is $17,000 more than last year. I have full confidence that we can do this together!! As we look forward to Thanksgiving let me just say "thank you" to each and every one of you for the support that you give to our wonderful parish of St Sebastian. We have a lot to be thankful for! This is a very special parish because of the contribution and support you give to it. I love being here and I love being your pastor. Be assured that when I sit at table with my family on Thanksgiving Day you and your family will be remembered in a very special way. A Blessed Thanksgiving!!!!! Rev. Kevin P. Abels Looking Ahead Nov. 23: Hospitality Sunday 3 - pm Adult Faith Formation Class. Nov. 26: 7PM - Family Thanksgiving Mass & Blessing of Food Nov. 27: 9 AM - Mass of Thanksgiving Nov. 30: 1st Sunday of Advent 5 PM - Advent Vespers Beginning of 9 day novena to the Immaculate Conception Rectory Office Closed November 27th and 28th, 2014 in observance of Thanksgiving Day. SPECIAL COLLECTION Next week the second collection is to help in our outreach to the young people of our parish. To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. —Ecclesiastes 3:1 “...a time to be born…” Kion Russeell Bigayan Bungalso, Mia Marie Garcia, John Patrick Romano. “...a time to be married…” Christopher Colleran and Cara Condon. “...a time to welcome…” “...a time to be healed…” Gail McNellis, Dianne Pond, Devorah Moeen, Pat and Beau . “...a time to die…” Carlos E. Guzman, Rosina Quinn. My Christmas Gift to St. Sebastian St. Sebastian Parish has been blessed by the generosity of its parish family in so many ways over the years, including the financial support that you so generously provide for all of our parish ministries and programs. I am writing now to ask you and all our parishioners to be especially generous this year as you consider your Christmas Gift to St. Sebastian. The “My Christmas Gift to My Parish” second collection will be taken up on the weekend of December 14, 2014. It is my hope that you prayerfully consider making a Christmas Gift of at least $50 to St. Sebastian this year. You already received an envelope in the mail and others are available at the doors of the Church for this purpose. Please remember St. Sebastian and include our vibrant parish on your gift list this Christmas! Thank you and God bless! Rev. Kevin P. Abels St. Sebastian Rosary Society Christmas Party Sunday, December 7, 2014 12 Noon Parish Center 39-60 57th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Donation : $25 Tickets can be purchased at the Rectory! Catholic Migration Service Citizenship Application Assistance Workshop Saturday, December 6, 2014 11:30 AM - 5:30 pm Our Lady of the Angelus 63-63 98th Street Rego Park, NY 11374 Please call 646-597-8797 Memorialize Advent Candles in Chapel Sunday, November 30th, is the First Sunday of Advent the four week period until Christmas. Once again this year we will light the four candles of the Advent wreaths in the Church and in the Chapel. If anyone would like to memorialize the candles in the name of a loved one the cost of four is $200 or $50 each. Please contact the Rectory office: 718/429-4442. THE ALTAR GUILD About Seventeen (17) hundred years ago St. Jerome before he gave us the Latin Vulgate –Holy Bible, spent a year of prayer alone in the cave of Bethlehem and was deeply enriched by this experience. As we prepare for the feast of the Word made Flesh this Christmas. We the St. Sebastian Charismatic Prayer Community and the Spirit of the Lord Prayer Group, are happy to invite you to join us for – “Meditations in the cave of Bethlehem”. May the Word made Flesh become alive in our hearts once again as we prepare for Christmas. EDWARD FOWLEY MEMORIAL BELLEVUE HOSPITAL CHILDREN’S PARTIES Once again Mr. Michael Moore and his son, Christopher. (both St. Sebastian’s graduates), along with teens from St. Sebastian Kostka Parish in Maspeth, gave of their time and talents to provide these emotionally troubled kids with a few hours of games, refreshments and Halloween fun. Any parish teens(8th grade and up) who would like to help at the upcoming Christmas (our 35th annual) and Easter parties can call Kevin Sullivan at 718-458-2219 and leave their name and telephone number. The Bread and Wine used at all the Masses this week are in loving memory of Josephine Scotti requested by husband Andrew and son. The Candles burning at the Altar this week are in loving memory of Gerard McGrath requested by McGrath family. The Flowers in the sanctuary this week are for the intentions of our Service Women and Men, serving throughout the world. Sanctuary Lamps burning this week are in loving memory of Purificacion Tumasis requested by Merle de Leon. St. Sebastian School A Catholic School of Excellence The children will participate in our annual Bread and Blessings Prayer Service on Wednesday, November 26th in the school auditorium. The Junior Lectors will lead us in prayer directed by Sister Theresa Ryan, SC. Dismissal on Wednesday, November 26th is at 12 noon. There is no Extended Day service on that day. Looking ahead- Report Card distribution is scheduled for Thursday, December 4th from 3:15 PM until 5 PM and again from 6 PM until 7:45 PM. We hope to see everyone to discuss your child’s progress during the 1st trimester. A Dress Down Day is scheduled for Thursday, December 4th to benefit the Hour Children Organization. Dismissal on Friday, December 5th is scheduled for 12 noon. There is no Extended Day service on that day. On behalf of the faculty and staff, we wish you and your family blessings on Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy the long weekend. Classes resume on Monday, December 1st. St. Sebastian Parents Association The St. Sebastian Parents Association has participated in the Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education Program for many year s. The cash retur ns have been wonder ful for the school. If you are interested in participating, just drop your Box tops off at the school office during regular school hours. Box Tops are located on hundreds of products and each Box Top is worth 10 cents! You can visit the website at We are also collecting LABELS FOR EDUCATION. You can lear n more about Labels for Education directly from their website Thank you so much for your continued support of our school. Faith Formation I. Religious Education Sonia Casanova, Director Dear Parents and Guardians: I am very fortunate to be at St. Sebastian Parish. I thank God for every Catechist and Assistant, Parents, Grandparents and children that I have met during the 8 years of service in this wonderful parish. Each and everyone of you makes possible the education of your children and young people in the faith of the church. They have a permanent commitment to follow Jesus throughout life. They also are involved in sharing when and how Jesus Christ is encountered so others might come to know, love and serve him too. For many years St. Sebastian Parish has given to the children, the Religious Education classes. Today we have 22 catechists in our program with children; also we have two more catechists in the Parents Catechism on Sunday. This year we have received 432 students. We also have 14 assistant to the catechists and this year we began the Parent Catechism on Sunday. Queridos Padres and Guardianes: Soy muy afortunada de estar en la Parroquia de San Sebastián. Doy gracias a Dios por cada Catequista y Asistente de Catequista, Padre/Madre, Abuelos y niños que he conocido durante estos 8 años de servicio en esta maravillosa parroquia. Cada uno de usted hace posible la educación de sus niños y jóvenes en la fe de la Iglesia. Cada una(o) tiene un compromiso permanente de seguir a Jesús a través de su vida. Ellos se han envuelto también en compartir cuando y como Jesucristo se encuentra con otras personas, así otros lo conocen y crecen en su amor y servicio por El. Por muchos años la parroquia de San Sebastián ha dado educación religiosa a los niños y adultos. Este ano tenemos en nuestro programa 22 catequistas y dos catequistas más en el Catecismo para padres en domingo. Este año también hemos recibido a 432 estudiantes en el programa. También tenemos 14 asistentes (highschool y colegio) que asisten a las catequistas y este ano comenzamos con el Catecismo para Padres. Pastoral Outreach ANNUAL TOY DRIVE BEGINS NEXT WEEKEND PLEASE BRING IN YOUR UNWRAPPED TOY BY SUN. DEC. 14TH Our 2014 Christmas Toy Drive for the children of less fortunate families will begin on Saturday Nov. 29th at 5 pm. Please pick up a child’s card from the vestibule of the Church and buy him/her a toy that costs between $15 and $20. If your toy requires batteries, please make sure that you include them with your gift. You can drop off your unwrapped toy either at the Parish Center (7 days a week) or in the Church before or after weekend Masses. Please note that you will have two weeks from the time you pick up your child’s card to the deadline to return toys on Sunday December 14th. Our children are depending on you to be on time! Gifts received after the deadline will be given out next year. LANDINGS Welcome Returning Catholics We extend a warm invitation to all inactive Catholics to take another look at the Catholic Church through a process called “LANDINGS.” It is designed to hear your story discuss your concerns, provide information on Catholic teaching and help you explore the possibility of returning to the practice of your Faith. For further information, call the LANDINGS Program at 718/899-3341 ext. 143 or complete this form and drop it in the collection basket. LANDINGS Welcome Returning Catholics! Name:________________________________________ Address: ______________________ Apt. #:_________ City: _____________________ Zip Code:___________ Phone: (day)_________________ Eve.______________ E-Mail:_______________________________________ Today’s date:__________________________________ Church of St. Sebastian - 39-63 57th Street Woodside, NY 11377 718/899-3341 ext. 143 LET ADVENT BE THE START OF SOMETHING WONDERFULIN YOUR HEART……….. JOIN FR. FRED PELLEGRINI SJ FOR HIS INSIGHTS ON ADVENT TUESDAY DECEMBER 2ND, AT 7 PM IN THE PARISH CENTER. We are happy to announce that Fr. Pellegrini will be back to share his thoughts and reflections on the wonderful but often spiritually challenging season of Advent. Although the content of the evening is still evolving, Fr. Fred has shared the following with me: “The Blessed Mother will be around for a bit. Ignatius and Francis may stop by. A familiar Church song, a little activity and reflection, and a little prayer and direction forward that's what we'll be doing (of course I'm not going to tell you anymore!!)” …….Let’s make the most out of Advent this year and have our hearts open to the miracle of Christmas. And don’t forget to wear your Advent purple. Why? You will find out on December 2nd. Please RSVP no later than Tuesday Nov. 25th by calling 718-899-3341 ext. 143. More information will follow as it becomes available ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE This is the final weekend to donate money to our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the less fortunate families in our parish. In these hard economic times, our collection is down from last year. If you have not already made an offering to the food drive, please do so today in one of our collection boxes in the front or rear of the Church. Our families depend upon your generosity for their Thanksgiving meal. Thank you and God bless you. Companions on the Journey will meet on Tuesday Dec. 9, 2014 at 7 pm for an evening of prayer, faith-sharing and Advent themed Discussion. Our next meeting is on Tuesday Feb. 3rd, 2015. Please note that there is no January meeting. Call Pastoral Outreach with any questions at 718-899-3341 ext. 143. SAVE THESE DATES (Mor e infor mation to follow.) Feast of St Sebastian Mass and Reception - Tuesday January 20, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Church; Msgr. Sean Ogle Homilist. Reception in the Parish Center following the Liturgy. First Spiritual Exercise Experience; Tuesday February 10, 2015 at 7 pm; Location/Givers: TBA Lenten Retreat with Fr. Joseph Koterski SJ, Saturday Feb. 21, 2015 9:30 am to 2 pm. School Auditorium Parish Lenten Day of Recollection with Fr. Thomas Marciniak SJ, Sunday March 15, 2015, Pope John Paul II House of Discernment/Brooklyn; Liturgy in the Carmelite Monastery in Brooklyn St. Sebastian Parish Center $10,000 RAFFLE First Prize: $8,000 Second Prize: $2,000 *Based On All Tickets Sold Call Harry Connor at 718/672-8989 Tickets will go fast!!! ONLY 200 TICKETS SOLD Donation: $100.00 DRAWING: Sat. January 24th, 2015 11:30 PM At the Parish Center During Sports Council Dance MAKES A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! Seller of 1st Prize ticket receives $500.00 Comunidad Latinoamericana CATEQUESIS DEL PAPA FRANCISCO No escondamos nuestra fe y pertenencia a Cristo, alienta el Papa Francisco VATICANO, 16 Nov. 14 / 06:59 am.- El Papa Francisco recordó hoy, en sus palabras previas al rezo del Ángelus, la parábola de los talentos, y alentó a los fieles a no esconder nuestra fe y pertenencia a Cristo. Francisco subrayó que “esta parábola nos empuja a no esconder nuestra fe y nuestra pertenencia a Cristo, a no sepultar la Palabra del Evangelio, sino a hacerla circular en nuestra vida, en las relaciones, en las situaciones concretas, como fuerza que pone en crisis, que purifica, que renueva”. El Santo Padre señaló, citado por Radio Vaticano, que “el Evangelio de este domingo es la parábola de los talentos, tomada de san Mateo. Narra de un hombre que, antes de partir para un viaje, convoca a sus servidores y les confía su patrimonio en talentos, monedas antiguas de un gran valor”. “El hombre de la parábola representa a Jesús, los siervos son los discípulos y los talentos son el patrimonio que el Señor les confía: su Palabra, la Eucaristía, la fe en el Padre celeste, su perdón… en resumen, sus más preciosos bienes”. Francisco destacó que “mientras en el lenguaje común el término ‘talento’ indica una resaltante calidad individual – por ejemplo en la música, en el deporte, etcétera –, en la parábola los talentos representan los bienes del Señor, que Él nos confía para que los hagamos fructificar”. “El pozo cavado en el terreno por el ‘servidor malo y perezoso’ indica el temor del riesgo que bloquea la creatividad y la fecundidad del amor”. El Papa señaló que “Jesús no nos pide que conservemos su gracia en una caja fuerte, sino que quiere que la usemos para provecho de los demás”. REGALO DE NAVIDAD A NUESTRA IGLESIA En el fin de semana del domingo 13/14 de Diciembre, la segunda colecta será destinada para “El Regado A Nuestra Iglesia.” Cada año nuestra parroquia depende de la generosidad de nuestros feligreses, lo cual ayuda a la parroquia a enfrentarse con todos los gastos. Gracias por su generosidad. Solemnidad de Cristo Rey, Ciclo A El amor abre las puertas del Reino Ezequiel 34:11 -12, 15-17: El profeta anuncia la salvación de Dios a un pueblo que está experimentando la dureza del destierro. Como a un pastor, Dios irá en busca de las ovejas perdidas, hará volver a las descarriadas, curará las heridas y conducirá a todas las Fuentes de la vida. I Corintios 15:20-26a,28: Así como por Adán nos ha venido la muerte, por Cristo resucitado nos viene la vida. Esta vida llegará a su perfección al final de los tiempos, en la culminación del Reino de Dios, cuando Cristo, como Rey glorioso, se reúna con todos los que han creído en Él. Mateo 25:31-46: Es clara la sentencia que Cristo dará en el juicio final: quienes se hayan puesto al lado del pobre, del oprimido, del necesitado, se salvarán; quienes les hayan vuelto la espalda, se perderán. Y la razón es sencilla: eso mismo hicieron o dejaron de hacer con Jesús. NOTICIAS Para celebrar el día de la virgen de Guadalupe, el jueves 11 de diciembre tendremos el Rosario a las 11:00 pm. seguido de la misa acompañada del Coro Mexicano. El 12 de diciembre se rezará el Rosario a las 7:00 pm seguido de la misa acompañada de mariachis. Toda la comunidad está invitada. La misa y la Novena de Aguinaldos comenzarán el 15 de diciembre a las seis de la mañana. Esperamos su participación. El sábado 20 de diciembre se llevará a cabo una Reflexión sobre el Tiempo de Adviento en un salón del Centro Parroquial. Comenzará a las 2pm y terminará a las 4pm. Toda la comunidad está invitada. Filipino Community Looking Ahead December 15-23: Simbang Gabi at 7PM (Church) January 9 - 17: Señor Santo Nino de Cebu Mass 7 PM/Novena at 7:30 Señor Santo Nino de Cebu Mass 3PM January 18: The Santo Nino Devotion Group wishes to thank all of you who came to support our Fund Raising Dinner Dance for the 25th Anniversary of Santo Nino de Cebu at ST. Sebastian Parish Woodside. We thank most especially our Pastor Fr. Kevin Abels and Staff for their support. Woodside Family Dental 59-03 Roosevelt Ave. Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 651-7700 OPEN 7 DAYS New Patient Special $45 PIZZA BOY II RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 (Cleaning, X-rays & Examination) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. SPECIALISTS On-Site FREE Cosmetic Consultation For further information, please call the Parish Office. We Specialize in Pizza, Pasta & Italian Dishes Open 7 Days from 10:00 AM to 12 Midnight 58-19 Roosevelt Ave. Free Delivery by Car Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 426-5023 THE LAW OFFICES OF PATRICK A. 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Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 886600 St Sebastian Church (B) 800-566-6150 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 STOP INN RESTAURANT Traditional Irish Breakfast CATHOLIC WAR VETERAN When understanding is needed most... Post 870 39-46 61 St., Woodside 718-476-8539 Hall for Rent for Meetings & Parties Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 60-22 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside (718) 779-0290 DAN RINALDO SPORTING GOODS Athletic Uniforms & Equipment Plaques & Trophies 56-27 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside A.B.C. Roofing & Water Proofing KENNEDY-ROTH Funeral Home Established 1922 41-45 58th Street Woodside, New York 11377 (718) 429-0552 Parking Available (718) 424-5430 Tel: 457-4475 Fax: 446-1985 Funeral Director ~ James J. Dimiceli THOMAS J. RYAN Certified Public Accountant INCOME TAXES - BUSINESS IRS PROBLEMS FINANCIAL PLANNING 33-47 60th Street 205-1030 “The Place to Eat” Breakfast Lunch Dinner Weekend Brunch Specials DR. RICHARD BELLI FOOT SPECIALIST Acceptamos Planes de Seguros 672-3421 59-26 Woodside Avenue (718) 478-5502 Hablamos Español C&J PRIME MEATS POULTRY & PROVISIONS 59-07 ROOSEVELT AVE. IL7-7343 Since 1997 Noel Hayes • John Wynne 278-6445 McGLYNN & McGLYNN ATTORNEYS The Kennedy-Roth Funeral Home is owned by a Subsidiary of Service Corporation International 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019. Phone 713-522-5141 Open 24/7 (718) 937-2220 We Accept Most Medical Plans 50-10 Skillman Avenue 3914 Queens Blvd. Sunnyside EMERALD ISLE IMMIGRATION CENTER Free Estimates/Fully Insured SE HABLA ESPAÑOL WOODSIDE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER DR. SKEIVYS STACY SHANAHAN 718-639-3600 57-18 Woodside Avenue MARIO L. BEJASA, Jr. 62-07 Woodside Avenue (2nd Floor) 718-446-1313 Estates, Wills, Closings, Divorce & General Legal Matters Attorney-at-Law GET RID OF YOUR PAIN NOW! • Legal Services for Immigrants • Working Visas • Work Permits • Visa Petitions for Relatives or Employees • Real Estate • PERM Labor Certification Week-end / Evening Appts. Available • BACK AND NECK PAIN • HEADACHES/MIGRAINES • KNEE, FOOT AND SHOULDER PAIN • SCIATICA AND MANY MORE All Insurances Accepted / Work Injury / Workers-Comp Car Accident / No Fault NYC (212) 244-3375 Queens (718) 575-3688 Donovan's Pub 57-24 Roosevelt Ave. Corner of 58th St. Woodside, NY (718) 429-9339 Lunch Dinner Sunday Brunch opposite the School entrance appointments & emergencies Monday to Saturday Dr. KRIS RUSEK NY Board Cert. Chiropractor l ! Total Body Healthcare Españo Habla 718-358-5500 61-27 Woodside Ave, Woodside $20 FIRST EXAM AND CONSULTATION EAMONN CARR is The King of Queens Real Estate 646-761-8220 [email protected] Keller Williams Realty 32-55 Francis Lewis Blvd., Flushing $100 donation to St. Sebastian's for every deal a parishioner closes with me! I Live in Queens Because I Love It... I Sell Queens Because I Believe In It! St. Charles Monuments Memorials For All Cemeteries 1280 N. Wellwood Ave. West Babylon, New York Authorized Catholic Cemetery Dealer Ponticello Ristorante Open 7 Days Fi n e No r t h e r n It a l i a n Cu i s i n e SINCE 1982 718-278-4514 3 Party Rooms • Capacities: 60, 50, and 40 46-11 Broadway, Astoria (Bet. 46 and 47 Sts.) Specialist in Irish Coffee Independently Owned and Operated PRESENT THIS AD: $75 OFF A MONUMENT $20 OFF AN INSCRIPTION Open 7 Days A Week We Will Match Any Competitors Price (631) 694-0943 A Family Tradition Since 1931 Edward D. Lynch Funeral Home, Inc. 43-07 Queens Boulevard, Sunnyside, NY 11104 Edward Lynch • Maureen A. Lynch • Gerald F. Lynch (718) 784-1525 PHYSICAL THERAPY Rafael Dela Cruz, PT “We will take you there” • Shuttle to Woodbury Outlets from Woodside • Airline Tickets International/Domestic 646.595.6439 6521 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside, NY 646.361.9599 886600 St Sebastian Church (A) 62-07 Woodside Ave. 2 Flr 718 749-6838 Body Pain • Wellness • Balance • Home Visits Quality Service Inpatient Short Term Rehab 24 Hr Skilled Nursing Care Outpatient Physical, Reginald Tiu, PT Occupational & Speech Therapy Restore Plus Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Adult Day Health Care 3310 Queens Blvd., Suite 301, Long Island City 61-11 Queens Blvd., Woodside (800) 905-0513 718.205.0287 Most Insurances Accepted Hablamos Español WWW.QBECF.COM A Saint Sebastian Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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