Roman Catholic Church of Saint Sebastian 58-02 Roosevelt Avenue Woodside, New York 11377 Rectory 39-63 57 Street 718-429-4442 / 3 Fax 718-429-7581 Like us on Facebook REV. KEVIN P. ABELS, PASTOR SCHOOL Ms. JoAnn Dolan, Principal 39-76 58 Street 718-429-1982 Fax 718-446-7225 Tuition Office 718-429-5502 PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Carlos C. Velásquez Rev. Rodnev Lapommeray Rev. Thaddeus J. Abraham, SIOL DEACONS Deacon Stephen T. Damato Deacon Jorge E. Castillo St. Sebastian School is a Catholic School of Excellence serving the parishes of St. Mary (Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians), Queen of Angels & St. Sebastian PARISH CENTER Mr. Harry Connor, Director Parish Center, Building and Grounds 39-60 57th Street 718-672-8989 FAITH FORMATION Ms. Sonia Casanova, Director 39-66 58 Street 718-899-3341 Ext. 145 MUSIC MINISTRY Scott A. Battaglia Director of Music PASTORAL OUTREACH LANDINGS Ms. Sally Steg Williams, Director 39-66 58 Street 718-899-3341 Ext. 143 MISSION STATEMENT “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest” Mt 11:28 We, the parish community of St. Sebastian, for over 100 years have celebrated our common faith and ethnic diversity and have lived the Gospel in Woodside. United in the Holy Spirit, in prayer, and nourished by the Eucharist, we serve others as we foster the love and truth which Jesus Christ teaches. Building on what has gone before, through Word and Sacrament, we are committed to Evangelization, Stewardship, and Welcome. In the spirit of Jesus, we seek to put our love into action as we challenge others to join us on our journey of faith. St. Sebastian is part of the Queens North 2 Deanery that includes Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians (St. Mary’s), Corpus Christi, Queen of Angels, St. Raphael, and St. Teresa. • SUNDAY MASS Saturday 5:00 P.M.; 6:30 P.M. Spanish Sunday 8:00, 9:00, 10:30 A.M., 1:15 and 6:00 P.M. 12 Noon in Spanish Interpreter for the Deaf Community at the 10:30 Mass. • HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE Vigil at 7:00 P.M. Holy Day 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12 Noon and 7:00 P.M. English & Spanish • WEEKDAY MASS Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M.; 12 Noon; 7:00 P.M. (Thursday Spanish) • SATURDAY MASS Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside 9:00 A.M.; 12 Noon in Spanish SACRAMENT OF PENANCE - CONFESIONES Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45 P.M., or any time by appointment. The Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside is open daily from 7:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. for visits to the Blessed Sacrament. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Closed 12noon - 2P.M. Re-Open 2:00 to 9:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Sunday: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. BAPTISM - BAUTISMOS English: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. Instruction - 2nd Monday, at 7:15 P.M. in the Parish Center. Registration, Monday - Friday (See office hours) Español: 2 y 4 Domingo de cada mes a las 2:00 P.M. Instruccion - Segundo Lunes del mes a las 7:15 P.M., en el Centro Parroquial. Inscripción, Lunes - Viernes (Ver horario de oficina) MARRIAGE - MATRIMONIOS Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months prior to the wedding. is for Marriage Preparation information. Hablar con el sacerdote seis meses antes. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION and BENEDICTION Every Wednesday ( In Church) & First Friday, in the Chapel, until 7:00 P.M. Sundays from 2:15 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Benediction & Novena to St. Peregrine, Church ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday of the month during the 9 A.M. Mass. HOLY HOUR First Friday at 7:30 P.M. - Chapel of Our Lady of Woodside. (October—June) NOVENAS After the 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Mass Monday - Miraculous Medal; Tuesday - St. Anthony; Wednesday - St. Jude; Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. - Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Thursday - St. Anne; Friday - Sacred Heart; Saturday, after 9 AM Mass - St. Sebastian. Catholic Cemeteries Information & Availability 718-894-4888 The Rectory is the home of our Parish Priests. Thank you for respecting their home by observing the office hours. Please call in advance if possible for an appointment with a Priest. Thirty - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ November 16, 2014 Daily Scripture Readings November 17 / 23 and Mysteries of the Rosary MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12 Noon 7 :00 PM TUESDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12 Noon 7:00 PM November 17 Intentions of Lorraine Rensch Bernard McElroy Maria Leone and Vincenza Angelino Asuncion P. Jocson November 18 Intentions of Chris and Wesley Carlton and family Donald C. Cilia Pat and Jean Nunziato Jimmy Catenaccio WEDNESDAY, November 19 7:00 AM Intentions of Mike Griffin 9:00 AM Tecla Alvarado Dec. Mbrs. of Ortiz family (Collective) 12 Noon 7:00 PM Jennie and Joseph Napolitano O.L.P.H. Novena / Mass THURSDAY, November 20 7:00 AM William T, Eugene and Ellen Walter 9:00 AM Nora McCormick 12:00 Noon James Joseph Corbett 7:00 PM Tecla Alvarado FRIDAY, 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM November 21 Victor Jose Cabrera, JR. Rose Gambino Louis J. De Donno Jimmy Austin SATURDAY, November 22 9:00 AM John Swolfs 12 Noon William and Luis Iñigo Alonzo Valencia (Collective) 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Petra Perez and Edgardo Velasco En Acción de Gracias a La Virgen de Guadalupe SUNDAY 8:00 AM 9:00 AM November 23 Damon Knight Liv. & Dec. Mbrs. Catholic Daughters Firefighter Charles P. Horak Cristina Yarza Joe Curran and Allen Roles Gerard McGrath 10:30 AM 12 Noon 1:15 PM 6:00 PM Please pray daily for the safety of our service women and men throughout the world. Monday St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious ....................................................Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5, Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday - Sorrowful Mysteries The dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and Paul, apostles; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin .....................................................Rv 3:1-6, 14-22, Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday - Glorious Mysteries .............................................................Rv 4:1-11, Lk 19:11-28 Thursday - Mysteries of Light .............................................................Rv 5:1-10, Lk 19:41-44 Friday - Sorrowful Mysteries The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary .........................................................Rv 10:8 –11, Lk 19:45-48 Saturday - Joyful Mysteries St. Cecilia, virgin, martyr ...........................................................Rv 11:4-12, Lk 20:27-40 Sunday - Glorious Mysteries ..............................................Ez 34:11-12, 15-17, Mt 25:31-46 Liturgical Schedule for November 22-23, 2014 Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 5 pm 8 am 9 am 1. Maureen Kane 2. Ernesto Sebastian 3. Belinda Sebastian 4. Malee Chaisuwan 5. Generoso Cid 6. 1.Doreen Armada-Santos 2. Rodrigo Babiano 3. Concetta Caruso 4. Betty Knapp 1. Relinda Forbes 2. Myrna Catriz 3. Marina Gregorio 4. Joan Maggio 5. Marie Sardinha 6. Amelia Dioso 5 pm 1. Michael Gilheany 2. Rosemary C. Khan 8 am 1. Brendan Dolan 2. Juliet Sibug 9 am 1. Anamarie Canavari 2. Remedios De La Rosa 10:30 am 1. Telvy Reboyras 2. Emie Bolamos 1:15 pm 1. Catherine McAvey 2. Lourdes Marquez 6 pm 1. Benedict Joson 2. Daisy Torres 10:30 am 1. Elizabeth Horak 2. Kathleen M. Sherlock 3. Catherine Thornton 4. Heather Calia 5. Kevin Calia 6. Patricia Calia 1:15 pm 6 pm 1. Carmen Rances 2. Rosemary Sullivan 3. Maureen Fusco 4. Arlena D. Cano 5. Dora Ortuno 6. Anthony Chiarel 1. Kathy Feeley 2.Jerry Lomonte 3. Norma Lomonte 4. Jean Bilgera Thank you for your service to our Parish! PASTOR’S COLUMN This coming Monday, November 17th, we will begin adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the week from 7:30 AM to 6:45 PM (ending with Benediction) Please make every effort to stop in if you are near the Chapel and to spend some time, even if its 5 minutes, before the Lord in prayer. I promise it will be 5 minutes well spent. Please pass this along to your friends and loved ones as well. Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I want to draw your attention to 2 parish celebrations of Thanksgiving that I need you to be present at. First, is the special Mass on Wednesday, November 26 at 7PM in the Church. Some of our families from our school and Religious Education Program will take part at the Mass in different ways. The homily will be geared for children so please make every effort to bring your children and grandchildren as we give thanks to God for the many blessings bestowed on our family and country. On Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, we will have only 1 Parish Mass at 9AM. All are welcome. Please continue to make a contribution to our Thanksgiving Collection for those who are less fortunate. We rely on your generosity in helping others to make their Thanksgiving Day special! Thanks for your generosity! We would like to purchase new music hymnals for our parish, but we need your help. Please consider purchasing a hymnal(s) by having one in memory of a loved one (living or deceased). We would like to purchase 600 as a start but won’t do so until we get as many people as possible to purchase them for us. Please consider doing so! It will add to our parish’s worship of God! Thanks for your support! Rev. Kevin P. Abels Looking Ahead Nov. 11: Veterans Day Office Closed Nov. 16: 10:30 AM - Children’s Sharing of Word Nov. 20: Adult Faith Formation Class 7 PM – 9 PM Nov. 23: Hospitality Sunday 3 - pm Adult Faith Formation Class. Nov. 26: 7PM - Family Thanksgiving Mass & Blessing of Food Nov. 27: 9 AM - Mass of Thanksgiving Nov. 30: 1st Sunday of Advent 5 PM - Advent Vespers Beginning of 9 day novena to the Immaculate Conception ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Next week, there will be a collection to help the poor of St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for your generosity. To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. —Ecclesiastes 3:1 “...a time to be born…” Jackson Jose De La Cruz, Mayte Barrera Montiel, Andy Omar Cain, Angel Gustavo Cain “...a time to be married…” Christopher Colleran and Cara Condon “...a time to welcome…” “...a time to be healed…” SPECIAL COLLECTION Next weekend there will be a second collection to addresses the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community controlled, self-help organizations, and transformative education. Grants are awarded by the Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development with the approval of local bishops. Gail McNellis, Dianne Pond, Devorah Moeen, Pat and Beau . “...a time to die…” Carlos E. Guzman, Teresa Kane (nee-colon), Kelen Behamo, Luke Adams. The staff of the Kennedy-Roth Funeral Home Cordially invites you to attend our Annual Memorial Mass. At which the souls of all of our Dearly Departed will be remembered. This Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered on Saturday November 22nd, 2014 at 10:30 A.M. at Saint Sebastian Church. Following the Mass refreshments will be served at the Saint Sebastian Parish Center. Please RSVP to 718-429-0552 on or before November 1st, 2012. We would be honored to have you your family and friends attend our Annual Memorial Mass. Please join our staff and families for this special celebration. James J. Dimiceli, Magda Lopez, Anna Michaelides, Johanna Estrella and Amanda Boudreau. Latin Women in Action, Inc., also known as (LWA) is a non-profit organization that serves the community through our immigration and counseling services while helping victims of human trafficking, citizenship classes parenting, anger management , and child day care classes among many more. Our objective is to welcome and hear the voices of our community and help those in need. As our approach is to make changes and protect our community’s security, rights and well-being, we are directing the attention to our biggest concern today, that is, human trafficking. For more information please contact Latin Women in Action Inc. 103-06 39th Ave. Corona, NY 11368 718-478-2872 718-478-1384 Catholic Daughters of America—Court 1922 will be holding it’s monthly meeting on Monday November 24th in the backrooms of the Parish Center beginning at 6:30 PM (new start time of meeting). Anyone interested in seeing what our ministry is all about, please feel free to join us. Thank you Pat Jamieson—Regent St. Sebastian Rosary Society Christmas Party Sunday, December 7, 2014 12 Noon Parish Center 39-60 57th Street, Woodside, NY 11377 Donation : $25 THE ALTAR GUILD The Bread and Wine used at all the Masses this week are in loving memory of Amelia Guglielmetti requested by Angela Foppiano. The Candles burning at the Altar this week are for Hernan Chico requested by Myrna Chico. The Flowers in the sanctuary this week are in loving memory of Vincenza Caruso requested by Concetta Caruso. Sanctuary Lamps burning this week are for Hernan Chico requested by Myrna Chico. St. Sebastian School A Catholic School of Excellence Congratulations to Olivia Vieco grade 8-2! Olivia was awarded the Robert J. Cunningham Academic/Service Scholarship on Friday, November 7th based on her 7th grade performance. The scholarship, in the amount of $500.00, will be applied to her tuition for the current school year. We are proud to announce the winners of the Patriots Penn Essay Contest for 2014. 1st Place Christine Marie Tan 8-1 nd 2 Place Genesis Contreras 7-1 rd 3 Place Marie Antoinette Fernandez 8-2 Many thanks to our friend Marvin Jeffcoat SFC, USA (RET) for including our students in the contest sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars The John V. Daniels Jr. VFW Post No. 2813. The award ceremony will take place in the school auditorium on Friday, December 12th following morning assembly. As is our tradition, we will be collecting items for the Little Sisters of the Poor for this Thanksgiving season. Sister Theresa Ryan, SC along with the teachers and students of the 7th grade coordinate and box the goods on November 20th. If you care to help, you may drop items off at the school during regular school hours. Looking ahead- the children will attend a Thanksgiving Prayer Service on Wednesday, November 26th in the school auditorium. Dismissal is at 12 noon on that day. Extended Day is not available. Thank you so much for your continued and generous support of the school. Ms. J. Dolan, Principal St. Sebastian Parents Association The St. Sebastian Parents Association has participated in the Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education Program for many year s. The cash retur ns have been wonder ful for the school. If you are interested in participating, just drop your Box tops off at the school office during regular school hours. Box Tops are located on hundreds of products and each Box Top is worth 10 cents! You can visit the website at We are also collecting LABELS FOR EDUCATION. You can learn more about Labels for Education directly from their website Thank you so much for your continued support of our school. I. Religious Education Faith Formation Sonia Casanova, Director Dear Parents and Guardians: I am very fortunate to be at St. Sebastian Parish. I thank God for every Catechist and Assistant, Parents, Grandparents and children that I have met during the 8 years of service in this wonderful parish. Each and everyone of your makes possible the education of your children and young people in the faith of the church. For this reason I invite you and your family to; Sunday, November 9 at 10:30am Mass we will celebrate the National Parish Religious Education Week with an Appreciation of each Catechist in the Religious Education Program for Children and Adults. They have a per manent commitment to follow J esus thr oughout life. They also are involved in sharing when and how Jesus Christ is encountered so others might come to know, love and serve him too. For many years St. Sebastian Parish has given to the children, the Religious Education classes. Today we have 22 catechists in our program with children; also we have two more catechists in the Parents Catechism on Sunday. This year we have received 432 students. We also have 14 assistant to the catechists and this year we began the Parent Catechism on Sunday. November Calendar: Thursday, Nov. 13 – Sacramental Meeting for parents-English at 7pm in the School Auditor ium. For Par ents of childr en receiving sacraments (First Holy Communion, Confirmation and First Penance) this year. The meeting is a requirement for First Holy Communion, Confirmation and First Penance). Sunday, Nov. 16-- We will have the Enrollment Ceremony for the Confirmation Class 2016 at 10:30 am Mass. Student must be at 10am at the church. Please, invite your parents, sponsors and relatives. Tuesday, Nov. 18—Sacramental Meeting for Parents in Spanish, at 7pm in the School Auditorium. For Parents of children receiving sacraments (First Holy Communion, Confirmation and First Penance) on this year. The meeting is a requirement for First Holy Communion, Confirmation and First Penance. Sunday, Nov. 23—Rite of Acceptance at 10:390am Mass. Students (RCIA3, FCC2) and Parents of children receiving the sacraments of First H. Communion, Confirmation and First Penance. Queridos Padres and Guardianes: Soy muy afortunada de estar en la Parroquia de San Sebastián. Doy gracias a Dios por cada Catequista y Asistente de Catequista, Padre/Madre, Abuelos y niños que he conocido durante estos 8 años de servicio en esta maravillosa parroquia. Cada uno de usted hace posible la educación de sus niños y jóvenes en la fe de la Iglesia. Por esta razón, yo quiero invitarles a usted y toda su familia a; Domingo 9 de noviembre a la Misa de 10:30am celebraremos y la Semana Nacional Parroquial de la Educación Religiosa con un Reconocimiento de Apreciación a cada Catequista en el programa de educación religiosa para niños y adultos. Cada una(o) tiene un compromiso permanente de seguir a Jesús a través de su vida. Ellos se han envuelto también en compartir cuando y como Jesucristo se encuentra con otras personas, así otros lo conocen y crecen en su amor y servicio por El. Por muchos años la parroquia de San Sebastián ha dado educación religiosa a los niños y adultos. Este ano tenemos en nuestro programa 22 catequistas y dos catequistas más en el Catecismo para padres en domingo. Este ano también hemos recibido a 432 estudiantes en el programa. También tenemos 14 asistentes (highschool y colegio) que asisten a las catequistas y este ano comenzamos con el Catecismo para Padres. Calendario de Noviembre: Jueves, 13 de noviembre—Reunión Sobre los Sacramentos Para Padres-ingles a las 7pm en el Auditorio de la Escuela de St. Sebastián. Padres de los niños que recibirán los sacramentos (Primera Comunión, Confirmación o Primera Penitencia –Confesión) en este ano. La reunión es un requisito para que su hijo/hija pueda hacer los sacramentos. Domingo, 16 de noviembre—Tendremos la Ceremonia de Iniciación para la Clase de Confirmación 2016, en la Misa de 10:30am. Por favor, invite a su padrino o madrina, y familiares. Domingo 18 de noviembre—Reunión Sobre Los Sacramentos Para Padres-en español. A las 7pm en el Auditorio de la Escuela. Padres de los niños que recibirán los sacramentos (Primera Comunión, Confirmación o Primera Penitencia –Confesión) en este ano. La reunión es un requisito para que su hijo/hija pueda hacer los sacramentos. Domingo, 23 de noviembre—Rito de Aceptación en la Misa de 10:30am. Los estudiantes y Padres y Padrino o madrina de los niños que recibirán los sacramentos (Primera Comunión, Confirmación y Primera Penitencia-Confesión) en la Vigilia Pascual. II. RCIA Looking Ahead.... Are you ready for MORE? You‘ve faithfully attended our “Come and See” Sunday afternoon inquiry sessions and have seen what lies ahead for one who wants to be fully initiated as a Catholic. As much as you could, you’ve clarified misunderstandings about the Catholic Church. And now your desire for the NEW LIFE offered you by our loving God who created and saved you out of love and—for love — has grown and intensified.... So, now you are ready to take the next step and move on into a deeper level of faith formation! As you set out on the road to the sacraments you seek, committing yourselves to serious work and study, WELCOME to RCIA [Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults]. You and the family of God at Saint Sebastian will participate in 2 rituals joyfully welcoming you during the 10:30 A.M. Sunday Mass on November 23, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King: The Rite of Acceptance for Catechumens preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist and The Rite of Welcoming Candidates already baptized and preparing for Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. At that Holy Mass, although you cannot yet participate fully at the Lord’s Table, you may stay with us and listen to the Lord as He speaks. With expectant faith we’ll pray that you may persevere in your preparation and in due time rejoice in having your hope fulfilled. Pastoral Outreach LOOKING AHEAD: Nov. 29, 2014 Dec. 2, 2014 Dec. 9, 2014 Dec. 14, 2014 Jan. 20 2015 Feb. 3, 2015 Feb. 21, 2015 Feb.TBA 2015 Mar. 2, 2015 Mar. 15, 2015 Mar. 23, 2015 Toy Drive Cards Available in Church Vestibule Advent Talk/Fr. Fred Pellegrini, SJ Companions on the Journey Toy Drive Gift Drop Off Deadline Feast of St. Sebastian Mass and Reception Msgr. Sean Ogle Celebrant Companions on the Journey In-Parish Lenten Day of Prayer/ Fr. Jos. Koterski SJ First Spiritual Exercises Guided Prayer Experience Inner Peace in Divine Love Retreat (5 sessions) Companions on the Journey Parish Lenten Day of Recollection; JP II House of Discernment and Carmelite Monastery, Bklyn Landings (To May 11th, 2015) LET ADVENT BE THE START OF SOMETHING WONDERFULIN YOUR HEART……….. JOIN FR. FRED PELLEGRINI SJ FOR HIS INSIGHTS ON ADVENT TUESDAY DECEMBER 2ND, AT 7 PM IN THE PARISH CENTER. We are happy to announce that Fr. Pellegrini will be back to share his thoughts and reflections on the wonderful but often spiritually challenging season of Advent. Although the content of the evening is still evolving, Fr. Fred has shared the following with me: “The Blessed Mother will be around for a bit. Ignatius and Francis may stop by. A familiar Church song, a little activity and reflection, and a little prayer and direction forward that's what we'll be doing (of course I'm not going to tell you anymore!!)” …….Let’s make the most out of Advent this year and have our hearts open to the miracle of Christmas. And don’t forget to wear your Advent purple. Why? You will find out on December 2nd. Please RSVP no later than Tuesday Nov. 25th by calling 718-899-3341 ext. 143. More information will follow as it becomes available ANNUAL THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE LANDINGS Welcome Returning Catholics We extend a warm invitation to all inactive Catholics to take another look at the Catholic Church through a process called “LANDINGS.” It is designed to hear your story discuss your concerns, provide information on Catholic teaching and help you explore the possibility of returning to the practice of your Faith. For further information, call the LANDINGS Program at 718/899-3341 ext. 143 or complete this form and drop it in the collection basket. LANDINGS Welcome Returning Catholics! Name:________________________________________ Address: ______________________ Apt. #:_________ City: _____________________ Zip Code:___________ Phone: (day)_________________ Eve.______________ E-Mail:_______________________________________ Today’s date:__________________________________ Church of St. Sebastian - 39-63 57th Street Woodside, NY 11377 718/899-3341 ext. 143 We have started collecting money for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the needy. Our families depend on your generosity for their Thanksgiving meal. Kindly leave your cash donation in one of the clearly marked collection boxes in the rear of the Church. Please note that we are no longer collecting any food. Thank you for your generosity. NEXT BOOK CLUB MEETING: The next meeting of the St. Sebastian’s book club will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 from 7-8:30pm in the Elizabeth Anne Seton Room in the lower level of the Convent at 39-66 58th St. Every-day heroes are hard to find in these chaotic times. Father James Martin’s book, “My Life with the Saints”, gives us a look at how God’s heroes can reflect and influence our own lives. The book may be reserved through the Queens Library system or purchased new or used from or Barnes & Noble. There are copies available for purchase at the rectory. Questions for discussion: 1.Which section of the book touched your spirit? 2. Who are your heroes? 3. What insights will you bring with you on your further journey with God? RSVP by Friday, November 14, 2014 to: [email protected] or leave a message at: 718-8993341 ext. 143. Please join us for an enlightening and faithsharing conversation. St. Sebastian Parish Center I would like to invite everyone to please take the time to stop over and take a tour of our Parish Center & Health Club. For those who have never been there I think you would be very impressed by what we have and what we offer. Besides being the home to over 30 groups and organizations we also have a swimming pool, sauna, basketball courts, and weight & exercise rooms. Most of the parish groups meet here and we are also the host for our two senior citizen groups. The St. Sebastian after school program is run here and in addition we are the home to one of the biggest and best C.Y.O. sports programs in all of Brooklyn and Queens. As you can imagine the cost to run this facility is very high. We look to the generosity of our parishioners to subsidize these costs through parish funds. Our main revenue comes from our health club memberships and that is why I invite all our parishioners to consider joining the Parish Center. We offer all kinds of membership packages and there are discounts for those who use the Church envelope system and to those who attend our school. We also offer discounts if your child is part of our C.Y.O. or Religious Education programs. So please stop over and take a look around and see what we have to offer, and consider joining as a health club member. A center membership makes a great Christmas or birthday gift and as we approach 2015 it's a great place to start those New Year resolutions. Thank you, Harry Connor Director Comunidad Latinoamericana CATEQUESIS DEL PAPA FRANCISCO VATICANO, 10 Sep. 14 / 09:47 am.- A través de los santos y santas la Iglesia enseña a dar de comer y beber a los más necesitados, recordó el Papa Francisco este miércoles durante la Audiencia General. Sin embargo, dijo que esto también lo hacen “tantísimos papás y mamás” que educan a sus niños en la misericordia, como le contó una mamá y cuyo ejemplo “a mí me ha ayudado tanto”. “Una vez, una mamá me contaba, en la otra diócesis, que quería enseñar esto a sus hijos y les decía que hay que ayudar y dar de comer a quien tiene hambre. Tenía tres hijos. Y un día en el almuerzo – el papá estaba afuera, en el trabajo – ella estaba con los tres hijos, chiquitos: siete, cinco y cuatro años, más o menos. Y llaman a la puerta y estaba un señor que pedía de comer”. “Y la mamá le dijo: ‘espera un momento’. Entró y les dijo a los hijos: ‘hay un señor allí que pide de comer ¿qué hacemos?’ ‘¡Le damos mamá, le damos!’ Cada uno tenía en el plato un bife con papas fritas. Y ‘le damos, le damos’… ‘Muy bien. Tomemos la mitad de cada uno de ustedes y le damos la mitad del bife de cada uno de ustedes’. ‘¡Ah, no mamá, así no va!’ ‘Es así, tú debes dar de lo tuyo’. Y así, esta mamá, enseñó a los hijos a dar de comer de lo propio. Éste es un hermoso ejemplo que a mí me ha ayudado tanto”. “‘Pero, no me sobra nada…’ Pero ¡da de lo tuyo! Así nos enseña la Madre Iglesia. Y ustedes, tantas mamás que está aquí: saben qué es lo que tienen que hacer para enseñar a sus hijos para que ellos compartan sus cosas con el que tiene necesidad”, afirmó el Papa. PASTORAL MATRIMONIAL Amor Continuación…... El amor es una energía que devora las distancias que se abren entre un ser humano y otro y los unifica, superando así el vacío afectivo y la soledad existencial. El amor auténtico se fija en la persona misma y no en su envoltorio. Si se ama a una persona por su posición social o su apellido, es un amor adulterado. Un amor que se originó al impulso de una anatomía espléndida o de una seductora mirada puede congelarse al primer golpe del cierzo. Más aún, podemos asegurar que el verdadero amor no deja de tener aún carácter irracional, esto es, no tiene razones para amar. El amor nace espontáneamente, sin un por qué. Así como una joya no se estima por el precioso estuche que la contiene sino por su belleza intrínseca, así en el verdadero amor, la persona es amada por ser quien es. Un cónyuge no puede exigir que el otro ame de ésta manera, con la intensidad, con tal ritmo, a la manera como lo hace él. Cada cónyuge es uno y único, y cada uno debe dar, sentir, amar y responder al amor de una manera única. Cada día matrimonial debería ser dulce jornada de descubrimiento de las peculiaridades del otro cónyuge en sus ritmos y modos de amar. Continuará en el próximo boletín… Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, El Padre Kevin Abels, nuestro párroco, me ha pedido que empiece a comunicarme con ustedes, nuestra comunidad hispana, a través de una columna semanal en nuestro boletín parroquial. El Padre Kevin nos escribe cada semana en Ingles, pero quiere también que la feligresía hispana de nuestra parroquia este bien informada sobre todo lo que esta pasando, ya que esta es también su parroquia y su casa. Como ya saben, en San Sebastian, celebramos la Santa Misa en Español cuatros veces a la semana: los Jueves a las 7pm; los Sábados a los 12pm; los Sábados a las 6:30pm (Vigilia de la Misa Dominical); y los Domingos a las 12pm. Por favor inviten a sus familiares y sus vecinos para que vengan y sean nutridos de la Palabra del Señor y de la Sagrada Eucaristía. Si tiene cualquier pregunta o si necesita nuestra asistencia por cualquier motivo, por favor llame la rectoría para hacer una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Por favor vea el horario abajo. Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Carlos Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo A Proverbios 31:10 -13, 19-20, 39-31: Los sabios exponen las características que han de acompañar a una esposa perfecta. Su honestidad es más valiosa que las perlas. Su preocupación por el hogar y por los necesitados y su temor a Dios se ganan la confianza de su esposo y el aprecio de todos. I Tesalonicenses 5:1-6: El Señor vendrá a nosotros de una manera sorpresiva, como el ladrón en medio de la noche. Y serán sorprendidos todos aquellos que estén dormidos y vivan como hijos de las tinieblas. Nosotros, como hijos de la luz, debemos vivir despiertos y vigilantes esperando con alegría el día del Señor. Mateo 25:14-30: Dios nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros unos talentos, y un día nos pedirá cuentas de ellos. No se trata de devolver a Dios lo que Él nos ha dado; espera más de nosotros: que hagamos producir cada uno de esos talentos de acuerdo con los planes que Dios tiene sobre nosotros. INFORMATIVO El próximo domingo 23 de noviembre, después de la misa de 12:00 pm llevaremos a cabo el taller “La Familia y los Valores” organizado por la Pastoral Familiar. Compartiremos café, pan, galletas etc…; todos están invitados. La “Misa de Familia” será el próximo domingo. Esperamos que traigan a sus niños para que reciban una explicación del evangelio al nivel de su edad. Para celebrar el día de la virgen de Guadalupe, el jueves 11 de diciembre tendremos el Rosario a las 11:00 pm. seguido de la misa acompañada del Coro Mexicano. El 12 de diciembre tendremos el Rosario a las 7:00 pm seguido de la misa acompañada de mariachis. Toda la comunidad está invitada. El grupo de oración se reúne los miércoles a las 7:30 pm en el sótano de la escuela de San Sebastián. Filipino Community Line Dancing Ministry Looking Ahead December 15-23: January 9 - 17: January 18: Simbang Gabi at 7PM (Church) Señor Santo Nino de Cebu Mass 7 PM/Novena at 7:30 Señor Santo Nino de Cebu Mass 3PM Come and join us! Regular Line Dance and Zumba every Saturday in the school auditorium. 7:00pm - 7:30pm: Warm-up/ line dance 7:30pm - 8:30pm: Zumba 8:30pm - 11:00pm: Line dance Donation at the door: $5.00/ adults; $3.00/ children. All proceeds go to the Church/school. Woodside Family Dental 59-03 Roosevelt Ave. Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 651-7700 OPEN 7 DAYS New Patient Special $45 PIZZA BOY II RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 (Cleaning, X-rays & Examination) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. SPECIALISTS On-Site FREE Cosmetic Consultation For further information, please call the Parish Office. We Specialize in Pizza, Pasta & Italian Dishes Open 7 Days from 10:00 AM to 12 Midnight 58-19 Roosevelt Ave. Free Delivery by Car Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 426-5023 THE LAW OFFICES OF PATRICK A. O'BRIEN PERSONAL INJURY WILLS AND ESTATES REAL ESTATE BUSINESS MATTERS - Auto Accidents - Slips And Falls - Construction Site Accidents - Wills and Trusts - Buying/Selling/ - Estate Planning Leasing/Financing - Probate - Houses/Coops/Condos/ - Financial Planning Commercial - Buying/Selling - Corporations/LLCs Partnerships - Contracts SERVING WOODSIDE AND THE ENTIRE NEW YORK CITY METROPOLITAN AREA FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Ave., Suite 4510, NY, NY 10118 212-967-8433 *Regularly $500. With this ad. Restrictions Apply *W/Ad.Restrictions Apply We speak Tagalog, Bisaya, and Bahasa Indonesia IMMIGRATION § FAMILY LAW BANKRUPTCY § BUSINESS FORMATION *W/Ad.Restrictions Apply Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm • Saturday: By Appt. 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Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 886600 St Sebastian Church (B) 800-566-6150 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 STOP INN RESTAURANT Traditional Irish Breakfast CATHOLIC WAR VETERAN When understanding is needed most... Post 870 39-46 61 St., Woodside 718-476-8539 Hall for Rent for Meetings & Parties Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 60-22 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside (718) 779-0290 DAN RINALDO SPORTING GOODS Athletic Uniforms & Equipment Plaques & Trophies 56-27 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside A.B.C. Roofing & Water Proofing KENNEDY-ROTH Funeral Home Established 1922 41-45 58th Street Woodside, New York 11377 (718) 429-0552 Parking Available (718) 424-5430 Tel: 457-4475 Fax: 446-1985 Funeral Director ~ James J. Dimiceli THOMAS J. RYAN Certified Public Accountant INCOME TAXES - BUSINESS IRS PROBLEMS FINANCIAL PLANNING 33-47 60th Street 205-1030 “The Place to Eat” Breakfast Lunch Dinner Weekend Brunch Specials DR. RICHARD BELLI FOOT SPECIALIST Acceptamos Planes de Seguros 672-3421 59-26 Woodside Avenue (718) 478-5502 Hablamos Español C&J PRIME MEATS POULTRY & PROVISIONS 59-07 ROOSEVELT AVE. IL7-7343 Since 1997 Noel Hayes • John Wynne 278-6445 McGLYNN & McGLYNN ATTORNEYS The Kennedy-Roth Funeral Home is owned by a Subsidiary of Service Corporation International 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019. Phone 713-522-5141 Open 24/7 (718) 937-2220 We Accept Most Medical Plans 50-10 Skillman Avenue 3914 Queens Blvd. Sunnyside EMERALD ISLE IMMIGRATION CENTER Free Estimates/Fully Insured SE HABLA ESPAÑOL WOODSIDE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER DR. SKEIVYS STACY SHANAHAN 718-639-3600 57-18 Woodside Avenue MARIO L. BEJASA, Jr. 62-07 Woodside Avenue (2nd Floor) 718-446-1313 Estates, Wills, Closings, Divorce & General Legal Matters Attorney-at-Law GET RID OF YOUR PAIN NOW! • Legal Services for Immigrants • Working Visas • Work Permits • Visa Petitions for Relatives or Employees • Real Estate • PERM Labor Certification Week-end / Evening Appts. 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Wellwood Ave. West Babylon, New York Authorized Catholic Cemetery Dealer Ponticello Ristorante Open 7 Days Fi n e No r t h e r n It a l i a n Cu i s i n e SINCE 1982 718-278-4514 3 Party Rooms • Capacities: 60, 50, and 40 46-11 Broadway, Astoria (Bet. 46 and 47 Sts.) Specialist in Irish Coffee Independently Owned and Operated PRESENT THIS AD: $75 OFF A MONUMENT $20 OFF AN INSCRIPTION Open 7 Days A Week We Will Match Any Competitors Price (631) 694-0943 A Family Tradition Since 1931 Edward D. Lynch Funeral Home, Inc. 43-07 Queens Boulevard, Sunnyside, NY 11104 Edward Lynch • Maureen A. Lynch • Gerald F. Lynch (718) 784-1525 PHYSICAL THERAPY Rafael Dela Cruz, PT “We will take you there” • Shuttle to Woodbury Outlets from Woodside • Airline Tickets International/Domestic 646.595.6439 6521 Roosevelt Ave., Woodside, NY 646.361.9599 886600 St Sebastian Church (A) 62-07 Woodside Ave. 2 Flr 718 749-6838 Body Pain • Wellness • Balance • Home Visits Quality Service Inpatient Short Term Rehab 24 Hr Skilled Nursing Care Outpatient Physical, Reginald Tiu, PT Occupational & Speech Therapy Restore Plus Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Adult Day Health Care 3310 Queens Blvd., Suite 301, Long Island City 61-11 Queens Blvd., Woodside (800) 905-0513 718.205.0287 Most Insurances Accepted Hablamos Español WWW.QBECF.COM A Saint Sebastian Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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