August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 1 The Parish Family of Saint Brigid "I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all."...Saint Brigid August 30, 2015 - Twenty-second Sunday of the Year We gather to celebrate the Eucharist Saturday: Sunday: Monday through Friday 8am Church (weekday Mass) 5pm Church (English) 7pm Church (Spanish) 7am Church (English) 7:30am Chapel (Spanish) 8:30am Church (Italian) 9:15am Chapel (English) 10am Church (English) Family Mass 10:45am Chapel (Spanish) 11:30am English (Church) Choir 2:30pm Church (Kreyol) 6pm Church (English) Rock Mass 7am Church 9am Church 12:10 Church Celebration of Reconciliation Saturday: 4pm - 4:45pm (English) 6:15pm - 7pm (Spanish) Monday through Friday following the 12:10 Mass (except on certain holidays and holydays) Other Prayer Opportunities Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 12:40 - 4pm Charismatic Prayer Meeting Tuesday 8pm Chapel (Spanish) Tuesday 7:30pm School Library (English) Second Saturday 8:30pm Church (Kreyol) Jesus Night: First Friday of every month 7:30pm (October through June) Welcome to our Parish Family Church Address: 75 Post Avenue, Westbury NY 11590 School Chapel Address 101 Maple Avenue, Westbury Phone: 516-334-0021 Fax: 516-334-0082 E-mail: [email protected] Parish webpage: Church Hours: Monday through Friday: 6:30am through 9pm Saturday: 7:30am through 9pm Sunday: 6:30am - 5pm Parish Center Hours Monday through Friday: 9:30am to 9:pm Saturday: 9am to 4:30pm Sunday: 9am to 2:30pm The Father Schaefer Parish Center is located at 75 Post Avenue, directly across the street from the Church. Index of Features Upcoming events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.3 Mass Intentions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.5 Sunday Morning Post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.7 News from our Parish Ministries. . . . . pp. 8 - 11 Comunidad Hispana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . pp. 12 - 13 Comunita Italiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14 Komunite Ayisyen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 15 Noteworthy Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 20 Recitation of the Rosary: After each of the weekday Masses ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM life at Page 2 Brigid’ Saint Brigid Sacramental Life of our Parish Baptism for children (under the age of 7) is celebrated in English on the first three Sundays at 1 pm; in Spanish on the last Sunday of the month at 1 pm; in Kreyol on the 3rd Saturday at 1 pm. Parents attend a preparation session on the first Monday of the month from 8 to 9:30 pm in the church. Please call the Parish Center (334-0021) to make arangements to speak to one of our priests or deacons about your child’s upcoming baptism. Celebration of Marriage Please call the Parish Center (334-0021) at least six months in advance to make arrangements for an interview with one of our parish deacons or priests who will meet with the engaged couple, set the time and date of the wedding and make arrangements for our parish marriage preparation program. Rite of Christian Initiation Adults who have never been baptized are prepared for the reception of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) through the RCIA process. Other adults may have already been baptized, but are seeking to receive Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Those interested in knowing more about the process of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church are invited to call Sister Ann Horn at 516-333-9434. Parents who have school-aged children who have never been baptized are also invited to speak to Sister Ann about their process of preparation for these sacraments. Sacraments of School Age Children Our parish religious education program prepares children for the celebration of the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmaton. The norm is that children receive a two-year preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist (normally celebrated in the second grade) and a two-year preparation program for Confirmation (normally celebrated in the eighth grade). Our religious education program deepens the experience of faith and religious formation in the years betweeen the celebrations of these sacraments. Parents who have children older than first grade and are seeking to have them receive the sacraments of Eucharist (First communion), Reconciliation or Confirmation are asked to call the Religious Education office. Communion to the Sick and Homebound Anyone who is not able to attend Mass because of frailty, chronic or temporary illness, or admission to hospice can have Holy Communion brought to them at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office to make arrangements for a lay minister to bring holy communion. Care for those in need. . . Parish Outreach Program Our parish outreach program, located in the Father Schaefer Parish Center, provides a range of social services for people of the local community. Joan Echausse, director of Parish Outreach is assisted by coordinators Lupe Ramirez and Barbara Powell. Parish Outreach operates Monday to Friday between 10 am and 3 pm. 516-334-0021, ext. 361. Casa Mary Johanna, also located in the Father Schaefer Parish Center provides immigration services and counseling. Yanira Chacon is the coordinatior of Casa Mary Johanna and can be reached at 516-334-0021 ext 362 Our Parish Outreach Food Pantry located in the basement of the rectory residence (50 Post Avenue). Hours of operation are: Monday (6pm - 8pm), Tueday (10:30 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 3 pm), Wednesday (10:30 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 3 pm) Thurday (10:30 am - 12 pm & 6 pm - 8 pm) Friday (10:30 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 3 pm). Ximena Arevena 516-334-0021 (ext 327) is the coordinator of our food pantry. St. Brigid’s Attic Thrift Shop accepts/sells good used clothing, furniture, household articles and bric-a-brac at affordable prices. Millie Lopez coordinates the Thrift Shop at 178 Post Ave (876-0252). We're open Monday thru Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. Ministry to the Bereaved We reach out to those who have suffered the death of a loved one. Rosemary Fischer coordinates our Bereavement Ministry throughout the year. We also offer occasional Bereavement Workshops with Dr. Lou Sabatini. Call 3340021 ext 333 for details. Parish Regional School Saint Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School offers an excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel for children from Nursery to 8th Grade. Students are prepared for the Sacraments of Penance, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Liturgies and Prayer Services are celebrated throughout the school year. Programs are offered for a wide range of student needs and interests. Academic Intervention Services are offered as well as Academies of Inquiry and School-wide Enrichment Clusters. To arrange a visit, please call the school office at 333-0580. Mr. Paul Clagnaz is the Principal. Fathr Tony Stanganelli and Father Tom Arnao are co-pastors. Visit our Website at ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 3 Directory of the Pastoral Staff PARISH CLERGY 516-334-0021 Father Anthony Stanganelli, pastor e-mail: [email protected] PARISH OUTREACH 516-334-0021 Joan Echausse, Pastoral Associate for Parish Outreach ext.308 e-mail: [email protected] Father Jason Grisafi, associate pastor e-mail: [email protected] Yanira Chacon-Lopez ext. 362 Immigration Ministry – Casa Mary Johanna e-mail: [email protected] Father Javier Peñaranda, associate pastor Ximena Aravena, Saint Brigid’s Food Pantry - ext. 327 e-mail: [email protected] Father Nesly Jean-Jacques SMM, associate pastor Monsignor John Martin, in residence e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Darrell Buono e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Jim Morris Deacon Frank Pesce e-mail: [email protected] Deacon Manuel J. Ramos e-mail: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION 516-334-0021 ext 352 e-mail: [email protected] Sister Ann Horn OP 334-0021 ext. 353 Pastoral Associate of Faith Formation e-mail: [email protected] Socorro Moreno 334-0021 ext. 355 Director of Religious Education e-mail: [email protected] Meg Westfall 334-0021 ext. 354 Director of Religious Education e-mail: [email protected] Vince Buzzeo 334-0021 ext. 356 Coordinator of Youth Ministry e-mail: [email protected] Paul Clagnaz 333-0580 Principal of Saint Brigid/Our Lady of Hope School e-mail: [email protected] PARISH ADMINISTRATION 516-334-0021 Robert Cammarata 334-0021 ext. 336 Pastoral Associate for Administration e-mail: [email protected] Maria Pineiro 334-0021 ext. 333 Office Manager e-mail: [email protected] Barbara Powell, Saint Brigid’s Well - ext. 361 e-mail: [email protected] Lupe Ramirez, Saint Brigid’s Well - ext. 361 e-mail: [email protected] HAITIAN APOSTOLATE 516-334-0021 Sister Bruno FDM ext 358 Sister Cecilia FDM ext 357 MUSIC MINISTRY: 516-334-0021 ext 311 Susan Porteus Director of Music e-mail: [email protected] SUPPORTING STAFF Receptionists 334-0021– ext.300 Nicole Manzione Sylvia Almonte Kris Marasca Grace Puglisi Jennifer Reyes Business Office Assistants 334-0021 Christine Tomitz - ext. 301 Carol Beck - ext. 351 Religious Education Office 334-0021 ext. 352 Barbara Budion and Rosemary Moreno e-mail: [email protected] School Office: 333-0580 Terri Ruggiero e-mail: [email protected] Plant Manager 334-7806 or 333-0580 Bob Martella Weekend Sacristan Aurelia Reyes Kevin Sarmiento Alex Cipollone James Worthman Jerel Maala Christina Petkanas Juliet Rafanelli Nathaniel Worthman Church Custodian - 334-0021 Roberto Fernandez Special phone line for reporting allegations of sexual abuse by church personnel and volunteers: (516) 594-9063 1 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 4 Parish Ministries Coordinators Altar Servers 334-0021 Father Jason Bereavement 334-0021 Rosemary Fischer Choir (Adult English) 334-0021 ext.311 Susan Porteus Choir (10am - Youth) 334-0021 ext 311 Laura Naughton Choir (Italian) 334-0021 ext. 311 Susan Porteus Choir (Spanish 10:45) 334-0021 Guillermo Roman Choir (Spanish Sat 7 pm) Omar Chirinos 997-9054 Choir (Haitian) 334-0021 Yolette Solnave CYO Sports Gerard Gordon - 338-6640: [email protected] Decorating Team Lorraine Sherman - 333-6511 Eucharistic Ministers Anna Moruzzi - 997-6860 Family Mass Committee Barbara & Scott Cooper - 414-1440 Folk Group (9:15am Mass) Jeff Weber 334-0021 FOCCUS Inventory: Kathy & Ken Spencer (671-8212) Finance Council 334-0021 ext. 336 Marie Firenze Garden Club Sheila Leonard Senior Connections 334-0021 Kathy Battistini & Barbara Fleming Lectors Katie Sheehan - 794-6388 Junior Lectors Deacon Darrell Buono Legion of Mary 334-0021 Grace Bivona Ministry of Consolation - 334-0021 Walter Wilczek Ministry of Winter Grace 334-0021 Sister Julie Thompson Pastoral Council 334-0021 Father Anthony Stanganelli Pastoral Formation Institute Parish Representatives: Carleen Barten 640-5735 Pre-Cana Program: Mary & Peter Kahl - 333-4755 Thinking of Becoming a Catholic? Sr. Ann Horn, OP - 333-9434 Respect Life Michael Posillico 626-8946 Rock Band 334-0021 Elissa Hanson Rock Mass - 334-4755 Denise Pratesi & Chuck Cutolo: email: [email protected] Rosary Altar Society 334-0021 Ronnie Cornell Scouts (Boy Scouts/Cub scouts) Troop 469 Scoutmaster: Dan Gregory [email protected] Girl Scouts Harriet Gibaldi - 741-2550 Spiritual Direction 334-0021 Deacon Jim Morris Ushers 334-0021 Charles Givens ST. BRIGID OUR LADY OF HOPE SCHOOL Parent Association - (516) 621-1735 Mary Katz - [email protected] School Board 333-0580 Lisa Kumbatovic - [email protected] Organizations in Our Community 2 Alcoholics Anonymous 292-3040 Ancient Order of Hibernians Mary Hickey - 333-8594 Birthright Emergency Hotline:1-800-550- 4900 Cursillo/Ultrea Carleen Barten: 640-5735 Durazzano Society Antonio Iadevaia - President: 516-334-7174 Knights of Columbus (516) 946-6968 Steve Fleming, Grand Knight Maria SS Dell'Assunta Society Mary Ann DiGiuseppe: 516-521-7342 Marriage Encounter Maureen & Rick Tufano: 747-3282 OSIA Sons of Italy Rae Lanzilotta: 334-0830 Prison Families Anonymous Kent Evans: 732-3018 Retrouvaille (Marriage Support) John & Linda Pisano 334-0178 Saint Anthony Society Phyllis Caggiano 796-2928 Veterans of Foreign War Westbury Senior Citizens Maureen Droge 334-5886 ...faithfullyand andjoyfully joyfullyserving servingBreezy BreezyHill, Hill,Carle CarlePlace, Place,East EastMeadow, Meadow,New NewCassel, Cassel,Salisbury, Salisbury,South SouthWestbury, Westbury,Old OldWestbury Westburyand andWestbury Westburysince since1850. 1850. ...faithfully August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 5 Upcoming Events Rosary Rally With The Holy Shroud Presented by the Fatima Prayer Cell for World Peace. A One-of-a-Kind Special Scriptural Rosary. The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary with the Holy Shroud. Be Healed and Be Holy!! A very special Healing and Deliverence service will be held as part of this truly life-changing evening. Join Us - All are Invited for this Special Scriptural Rosary: The Passion of Jesus according to His Burial Shroud! To be held on: Monday - August 31, 2015 7:00 pm sharp Be Early! Doors will open at 6:00 pm! Location: St. Brigid/OLH School Chapel Maple Avenue, Westbury, NY The presenter for this evening is Mr. Donald Nohs, the Director General of the Confraternity of the Passion and will be leading us through The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary according to the Burial Shroud of Jesus! See the Image of Jesus in His Holy Shroud! A relic of the Holy Shroud will be available for veneration! For directions and more information call Garol Spear at 516-414-7610. Basic Bible Course on the Old Testament When: Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct. 5 and Oct. 19 Where: School Library By Whom: Sister Ann Horn O.P Call to Register by Sept. 10 -- Rel Ed Office- 334-0021 ext. 353 Registration Fee- $25 Parishioners and $40 if from other parishes Fatima Prayer Cell WAF Fatima Prayer Cell for World Peace meets at 7:00 pm every Monday in St. Brigid Church. Please join us as we pray for much needed peace in our world. Religious Education Registration The Religious Education Office will be closed from Monday, August 3, 2015 until the day after Labor Day, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015.. We will be open for last minute registration, Sept. 8, 9, 10 9am-3pm. You can register by mail as well, as long as you have a registration form. Call us in Sept. if you need a form. Our phone number is: 334-0021 ext. 352. Again September Office Hours are: Monday to Thursday, 9am-3pm. On Sunday, September 27 at the 10 a.m. Family Mass, we will be celebrating Catechetical Sunday. Father Tony will bless all parents and children in both Religious Education and Catholic School, as they begin another year of learning and living our Catholic Faith. All catechists and teachers will be called forth into the sanctuary for a special blessing by Father Tony and the assembly. Religious Education Classes begin the week of Oct. 5. See you then. Sister Ann Horn, Socorro Moreno, and Meg Westfall. Uno, Due, Tre Learn Italian Today Italian lessons offered to 3-18 year olds and adults at St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope School for 24 weeks starting in October . Mommy and baby classes and Saturday mornings also available. Contact Theresa Porto at [email protected] or call 1 (917) 562-9185. Like us on Facebook at Uno Due Tre Learn Italian Today 3 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 6 We pray for those who are sick. . . Thelma Jones Carol Rossi Anthony Valente Tullio Cerreta Cesar Lorenzo Janet LaVia Michele Impasato Diana Healy Anthony Marsella Anthony Rothwell Bernard Pastore Maria Diaz Mary Echausse Kruppa Kristia Piscitelli Jen Carrieri Maureen Kane Joan & Philip Puccio Dick Widmyer Donna Ortiz Rosdario Ocampo John O’Donnell Don Leo Rojas Maggie McCartin Cassidy Hogan Irene Davide Barbara Lee Fany Elena Blanco Elias Kristine Olsen Theresa Loria Mary Murphy Mary Catherine Ramsour Baby Zoey Lorraine Calia Anil Sirju Peter Thompson, Sr. Emanuel John Baptiste Joe Tigue Jean C. François Rosemary Callahan Luis Manuel Diaz Rosemary Reder Evelyn Whittington Giuseppe Sposito Margherita Posillico Kwame Toshambe Amy Jean-Pierre Margaret Jean-Pierre Virginia Gallo Steven Jacaruso Margaret Puarro Jean Strobel Nicholas Santa Diane Fuller-Lamparter Bob Bianco Lisa Capozzi Dawn Levchenko Linda Garback Jill Mazza Linda Foxx Yolanda Tirado Telma Serra Jack Duryea Vincent Cino Theodore Banker Vincent Loria Angela Balsano Debra Barton Caroline Bessler Michael Caplice Juana Cepeda Vincent D. Cody Brian Cosgrove Betty Crowley Albert Davde Corrinne Davis Catherine DeMarco Theresa DePascale Catherine Dillon Corrine Dunn Due to space limitations, names placed on the sick list will remain for four weeks. Please call the parish office to remove or add a loved one. We pray for those who have died. . . Camille Conzo, William J. Bessler, Palmira Henriques, Anelo F. Alati, Edna M. Dever, Anna Reilly and Elisabetta Barresi We pray for those who serve in the military. . . 4 Sgt. Jason Howland, National Guard Army Sgt. Victor Raynoso, USMC Lt. Col. Charles J. Tulaney, USMC Sgt. Craig Clark, US Army Adam C. Belding, SPC US Army in Korea Andrew Lyons Neil Falls Percifull, US Army Mike Tarsa, LTC US Marine James E. Geiselman, US Army in Afghanistan Major James McLean Chao Li, US Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Schultz, US Army 2nd Lt. Kurth McDermott, USMC Lawrence Marquez, US. Army Staff Sgt. Edwin Philip Julean USMC in Afghanistan Staff Sgt. Rodney Agustin, USMC 2nd Lt. Brendan T. Echausse, US Army Lt. Cody McDonald in Afghanistan Christopher Counts, U.S. Marine in Afghanistan Major Matthew Kessler, US Marine Vladimir Julin, US Navy Petty Officer Rigoberto Castro, USMC Capt. Steven Piacente, USMC Thomas Ruse, LCpl, USMC James Eugene, US Marine Alvin Jordan Jim Arbelaez, US Marine Richard Bush, US Army Steven Federlien, Navy Reservist Christopher Ponsot US Army Sargeant John Patrick Riffle Johanna Romero, US Marine Kenneth Furst, USMC Sgt. Madzsima Nerestant, USMC Master Sgt. Jill Agront Lucky Isaac Jacques, USP US Army in Iraq Corp. Jerry Kubis, US Marine Sgt. Robert Thomas Ludwig, US Army Sgt. 1st Class Sean Schenck, US Army in Afghanistan Jarrett Corbin, US Navy in Japan Master Sgt. Thomas McMahon, US Air Force ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 7 We Celebrate the Sacraments August 31 thru September 4, 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 am Mass All souls in purgatory 7:00 am Mass Rosina Pascarella 7:00 am Mass Albert Core 7:00 am Mass Lorraine Fisher 7:00 am Mass Janet & Jim D’Addario (living 9:00 am Mass Diana McDermott 9:00 am Mass Dorothy Morris 9:00 am Mass Ellen Palmer 9:00 am Mass Paul H. Echausse 9:00 am Mass Cindi DiMarzo 12:10 pm Mass Mary & Joseph Vacchio 12:10 pm Mass Peg Boyle 12:10 pm Mass Deacon John T. Hickey 12:10 pm Mass Vincent Brennan 12:10 pm Mass Mary Dicanio Reconciliation follows 12:10 Mass Reconciliation follows 12:10 Mass Reconciliation follows 12:10 Mass Reconciliation follows 12:10 Mass Reconciliation follows 12:10 Mass Saturday 8:00 am Mass Novena Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) 4-4:45 pm Saturday September 5th 5:00 pm...(English/Church)............ Intentions: Salvatore Faranda Priest: Servers: 7:00 pm...(Spanish/Church)................ Intentions: Gabriele Munera & David Nava Ortiz Priest: Fr. Javier Sunday September 6th 7:00 am...(English/Church) .............. Intentions: For People of the Parish Priest: 7:30 am.....(Spanish/Chapel)............... Intentions: Priest: 8:30 am...(Italian/Church)................. Intentions: Rev. Vincenzo Posillico, Andrea LaRosa Priest: 9:15 am...(English/Chapel).................. Intentions: Mary Beth Santilli Priest: Servers: 10:00 am...(English/Church)................Intentions: Bernadette Pfeifer Priest: Servers: 10:45 am...(Spanish/Chapel)............... Intentions: Angel & Angela Benitez Priest: 11:30 am...(English/Church).................. Intentions: Michael & Josephine Marino, Eseranza Que, Mary & Patrick Fennessy, Jackie & Steven Curran, Belline & Vincenzo Passariello, Armando Somma Priest: Servers: 2:30 pm ...(Kreyol/Church)................. Intentions: In honor of Saint Brigid’s blessing Priest: 6:00 pm...(English/Church)................. Intentions: Frank Trotti Priest: Servers: Other Memorials for the week With the gift of candles we lovingly remember... With the gift of altar flowers we lovingly remember... With the gift of bread and wine we lovingly remember... Mary Beth Santilli from Rosemarie Santilli Please call the rectory office to memorialize candles, flowers or bread and wine for the week in memory of a loved one. 5 ...faithfully Old Westbury Westbury and and Westbury Westbury since since 1850. 1850. ...faithfully and and joyfully joyfully serving serving Breezy Breezy Hill, Hill, Carle Carle Place, Place, East East Meadow, Meadow, New New Cassel, Cassel, Salisbury, Salisbury, South South Westbury, Westbury, Old August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 8 Breaking Open the Word Reflecting on next Sunday’s Gospel before you come to Mass can bring so much more meaning to your experience of liturgy. Here’s the gospel for next Sunday. How does this Gospel touch your life? September 6th - Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 7:31-37 Again Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Ephphatha!" —that is, "Be opened!"— And immediately the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more he ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it. They were exceedingly astonished and they said, "He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak." 6 Today’s Gospel is a story about just one of the miracles Jesus performed. Jesus came to remove all the obstacles that prevent us from being in communion with one another. Jesus came to save us, to take away fear that would keep us from enjoying the fullness of life. It is fear that can prevent us from hearing God’s word, just as it did for the deaf man. We should pray for those who cannot hear what God is saying to them. We too should pray that we hear God through the things that are happening in our lives, and offer prayers of thanksgiving and praise. Gospel Reflection Questions • Think of a time when fear prevented you from hearing God speak to you. • Think of someone you know who needs the healing touch of Jesus. Some Questions for Families & Children • How did Jesus treat the man who was deaf? How do you treat others who have disabilities? • Think of other kinds of deafness, not just physical. Scripture texts are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms ©1991, 1986,1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington DC and used by permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 Sunday Morning 2:59 PM Page 9 Humbly welcome the word. . . POST Back to School Even though it has been years since I have had to “return to school” in September, the first time I see a “Back-to-School-Sale” sign in a store, I am thrown into desolation! I never want the summer to end! But soon the summer will end and our precious children will be returning to school over the next few weeks. At our 10:00am Family Mass on Sunday, September 13, we will have a special blessing for all our school-aged children, asking the Lord to protect and bless them in this new academic year. We ask all our children to bring their back-packs with them. We will also be blessing the back-packs and giving them a bag of “spiritual goodies” to take with them in their back-packs throughout the year. Travel the World without Leaving Westbury! While no one really wants to say good-bye to summer, at least we have our memories and our stories as to where we have been! It is great to savor the experiences of travel and the places and moments where God has nurtured our soul. Father Jason has come up with a fantastic idea to gather us for a sharing of pictures and stories of the places we have been this summer. The date of our “Trip Around the World” will be Wednesday, September 16th at 7:00pm in Saint Anthony’s Hall. See Father Jason’s announcement printed in this bulletin for more details. Don’t forget to turn in your summer raffle tickets! E-mail Father Tony: [email protected] Sometimes when you read scripture, even a scripture that is familiar to you, a word or a phrase jumps off the page and grabs your focus and attention. Such is the case in today’s second reading, from the letter from James, when James writes, “Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.” Humility is living out the realization that I am a fallible creature, not the omniscient, all-powerful Creator. To welcome anything or anyone with humility is to take the stance that this person or situation can offer me something for my own growth, my personal benefit. In humility I realize that I am incomplete and that I do not have all the answers. Humility invites me to admit the fact that the viewpoint I am clinging to with such tenacity may be wrong, or at best incomplete. Humility reminds me that in those moments when, in my insistence on doing things my way, I have created more disasters than I care to remember. Humility shows me that I cannot do my life-project apart from the help of another. Humility reminds me that others can see into the darkness of my character defects even better than I can. Humility dares to invite me to take off the spectacles of denial and see that which can offer me the opportunity to be saved. “Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.” Jesus is the Word of the Father made flesh. Today’s gospel chronicles one of those familiar scenes in which the scribes and Pharisees, in their arrogance and superiority, have rejected the Word in order to cling to their own understanding of religion. They see the disciples of Jesus not following the prescriptions of ritual purification and have immediately come to the conclusion that these sinners must be far from the heart of God. Jesus rebukes the Pharisees with the words of the prophet Isaiah: “This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” One can only imagine if that word was welcomed with humility. How many times people have offered correction and, in surly arrogance, I have rejected the message and the messenger as well. I have come to realize the yearning of the Father to speak to my heart the very words that can keep me from disaster. I have come to realize that God does not whisper – he often shouts through others in order to get past my deafness. I have come to realize that my stubbornness of heart and arrogance of spirit no longer works for my benefit and it is high time that I apologized to those whom I have hurt as a result of clinging to my pathetically narrow viewpoint. And finally, I hope to be able to see at this point in my life that living in humility is not all that hard to do after all. 7 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 10 “Travel the World” Dear Parishioners, Travel the world without leaving Westbury! As summer vacations come to an end, I have had the pleasure of hearing about parishioners’ exciting travels. This has made me think: “Why don’t we take the time to share our experiences together?” And so, I invite you to get your pictures ready and to travel the world with me and your fellow parishioners. On September 16th we will have a dinner in St. Anthony Hall starting at 7:00 pm. All parishioners are encouraged to bring pictures from their summer experiences and to share stories of these adventures. Up to four parishioners will be selected to make a short presentation, having their pictures projected on a screen for all to see. If you would like to attend or would like to be considered for one of the four presentations, please fill out the form below and return it to the parish offices. We recommend a $5 donation ($10 for families) to help offset the cost of food. I also ask that you contact me if you would be able to bring food or dessert to share. I hope you will join me and your fellow parishioners on this “voyage” around the world! In Christ, fr. Jason Queridos parroquianos, ¡Se va a viajar cuando permanece en Westbury! Muchos parroquianos ha visitado lugares interesantes este verano. ¡Congreguemos para compartir nuestras experiencias! Yo invito a todos los parroquianos a una cena el 16 de Septiembre en St. Anthony Hall de las 7:00 pm. ¡Lleve sus fotos y compártelas unos a otros sus experiencias del verano! También, elegimos cuatro personas a presentar sus fotos con un proyector delante de la gente. Si quiere asistir o quiere registrarse para la presentación, por favor llene la forma abajo y devuélvala al edificio de las oficinas. Recomendamos una donación de $5 ($10 por una familia) para ayudarnos comparar comidas para la cena. Por favor, deje un mensaje para mi si puede llevar un plato de comidas o postres para compartir. Espero que reúne conmigo y con los otros parroquianos para nuestra “viaje.” En Cristo, P. Jason 8 Name/Nombre: ____________________________________________________________________ No. of people attending/¿Cuántas personas asisten?: _______________________________________ Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono: (______)____________________________________________ E-mail Address/Dirección Electrónica:__________________________________________________ If you would like to be considered for one of the four presentations, please list the places that you visited which would be shown in the presentation/Si quiere registrar a presentar sus fotos delante de la gente, por favor escriba los lugares que visitó: __________________________________________ ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 11 Outreach Dear Family of Saint Brigid, For more than 31+ million Americans, every day becomes a struggle to find food for their family. Millions of Americans are either “out-of-work”, receiving unemployment or in fear of losing their jobs, their homes and their stability. There are also millions of Americans who are classified by governmental statistics as “America’s poor”, who continually find themselves left behind on what statisticians call “the road to prosperity”. The statistics, cold as they are, become even more frightening when we learn that one in five children live at or below the poverty level. It is a wellknown fact that children who are denied an adequate diet are at greater risk of not realizing their potential as God intends each child to reach. We, at Parish Outreach, believe, there should always be enough food in our Food Pantry shelves to serve “those who are in need”. We are grateful to the sixty or more parishioners who continually bring food to the weekend masses, to our “anonymous” parishioners who leave food at our Food Pantry door, to the Knights of Columbus who beg for us at supermarkets and to Long Island Preparing for Marriage? Engaged Encounter is an effective PreCana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations, writings and dialog. There are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be held at the Montfort Spirituality Center in Bay Shore October 2-4. For information/registration please call 631-563-1032 or visit Cares and Island Harvest who supplement our needs with grants and donations. In light of our growing needs, St. Brigid Parish Outreach appeals to our greater “St. Brigid Family” to help us serve God’s poor--” by bringing one or two items of food” each week to help us provide for the needs of our Outreach families. We are always in need of: Peanut Butter/Jelly Tomato/”Spaghetti” Sauce Canned Vegetables Everyone asks for corn! Canned Meats and Tuna Powdered Milk (Packets) Juices (Plastic or six-packs) Beans/Rice As always....Thank you for the many, many school supplies received this year. Children all over Westbury join us in thanking our St. Brigid’s family for their overwhelming generosity and encouragement! Fall Bereavement Support Group St. Brigid will be holding a ten-week support group for the newly bereaved starting on September 30. It will meet on Wednesdays from 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM in room 140 of St. Brigid’s School. The group is designed to assist the newly bereaved in coping with their grief and in learning to live in a world without the deceased. It will be facilitated by Dr. Luciano Sabatini, a professional bereavement counselor who has been facilitating support groups at St. Brigid for over 25 years. Interested individuals should call 516-334-0021 and request a registration form from Maria or the receptionist . For questions about the group, contact Dr. Sabatini at 516-799-5873. . 9 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 12 Summer Raffle St. Brigid’s Summer Raffle Don’t miss the opportunities for some great cash prizes! By now, all parishioners would have received our Summer Raffle Tickets in the mail. Entries are coming in daily! $10 each; a book of 6 for $50 (Drawing - September 6, 2015 after the 10:00 a.m. Mass.) First Prize: $2,500 Second Prize: $1,500 Third Prize $1,000 St. Brigid’s Rosary Society has graciously offered to sell our Summer Raffle Tickets after the Masses this weekend. (Thank you, Ladies!) Join in the fun and help support St. Brigid’s Parish at the same time! 10 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 13 St. Brigid/Our Lady of Hope Regional School A cing n u o nn 11 101 Maple Avenue, Westbury NY 11590 (516)333-0580 Mr. Paul P. Clagnaz, Principal [email protected]. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 14 . Casa Mary Johanna Invitaciones Comunidad Hispana de Santa Brigida Ministerio de Canto - Misa sábados 7:00 p.m. Iglesia Post Ave. Ensayo Miércoles 4:30 p.m. Encargado Youth Group Omar Chirinos 1-516-997-9054. Recientemente El Seminario Menor Nuestra Señora - meeting - ¿Necesita una carta de la del Valle en Canete, Perú, escogió de nuestro Grupo Parroquial GOS de Santa Brígida iglesia para algún trámite de inmiSaturdays la canción Madre del Amor Hermoso para la celebración de su 50 aniversario. La can7:30 pm gración? ción fue compuesta por Omar Chirinos y es interpretada por Amy Reyes. Les invitamos Code Llene el censo parroquial para a que escuchen nuestra canción. Solo tiene que ir a la página de internet: soundcloud y obtener esta carta. Censo buscar la canción. Muchas gracias por su apoyo, Dios bendiga a sus familias. Enjoy disponible en la oficina - Misa Domingos 10:45 am. Capilla de la Escuela. Encargados Ricardo Ossandon Spanish parroquial. 1.516.333.2028 y Eliseo Hernandez 1-516-280-3316 Charismatic - ¿Necesita un identificación de la - Misa Domingos 12:15 pm. Capilla de la Escuela. Ensayo Sábados 4 pm. Encargado Group parroquia? Presentar un Guillermo Román 1-516-334-7094 Tuesdays documento de su país de origen. Grupo de Oración Carismático invita a la reunión todos los martes, iniciando con el Chapel Santo Rosario en la Capilla a las 7:30 pm. (Pasaporte, acta de nacimiento ó 7:30 pm Misa de Sanación y Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Tercer martes del mes tarjeta de elector). Se agradece 7:30 pm en la Capilla. una donación. Healing Bautizos: Mass Every third Inscripción: 1er domingo del mes Tuesday of despúes de las misas de 10:45 am Caridades Católicas ofrece Servicios de Inmigración Oficina de Asistencia Social, Iglesia en Post Ave. El cuarto miércoles de cada mes a the month y 12:15 pm 7:30 pm partir de las 10:00 am. Atención en orden de llegada. Llevar copia del Chapel 1-516-334-0021 Ext.362 Avisos Certificado de Nacimiento Catholic Charities Bautizo: último Domingo de mes offers free Iglesia 75 Post Avenue, 1:00 pm Información: Marina Calderón services on (516) 643-3070 4th Wed. of the month El Centro de Educación Religiosa Grupo Juvenil Cristo Joven Fuerza y Fe Reunión Domingos 12 pm en la Capilla. - Misa Jóvenes, 1 er. sábado del mes, Iglesia Post Avenue 7:00 pm - Misa Jóvenes, 2 do. domingo del mes, Capilla Maple Ave. 10:45 am Outreach. “The Attic” necesita: - Ropa limpia y en buen estado de bebé y niño. 178 Post Ave. Thrift Shop Millie Lopez 516-455-3556. “The Well” necesita voluntarios bilingües 1.516.334.0021 Ext.308 con Joan Hermanos Ayudémonos Unos A Otros Necesidades en la Despensa de Comida. 516-334-0021 ext. 327 Ximena Favor traiga comida no perecedera a la misa y depositela en la canasta que esta disponible. Que Dios le bendiga por su generosidad. Please de Santa Brígida está aceptando donate inscripciones para clases de food to catecismo en preparación para primera St. Brigid’s communion y confirmación para el Food Pantry! año escolar 2015-2016. Horario de oficina durante el verano es de lunes a jueves de 9:00am – 3:00pm. Para mayores informes, favor llamar al tel #333-9434 ext. #355 (español), #352 (ingles) La Doctora Amalia Buendia no estara en la oficina los Lunes 12 7/20 y 7/27 regresa el Lunes 3 de Agosto. ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 15 Comunidad Hispana de Santa Brigida Domingo XXI Ordinario – B Juan 6. 60 -69 “Señor a quién iremos?” Continuamos leyendo el famoso capítulo sexto de San Juan en el cual el autor no habla sobre la Sagrada Eucaristía. Lo interesante es que ahora no es la multitud quien comienza murmurar. No, son nada más no nada menos que los mismos discípulos del Señor. Solamente la gran intimidad que existe entre Jesús y los dos doce puede lograr que permanezcan con El no importa lo difícil que resulta el mensaje. Y al escucharlo, dicen lo que muchos estaban pensando. Y es muy cierto, el mensaje de Jesús no es nada fácil. El reto que aquellos discípulos confrontaron lo confrontamos también nosotros. ¿Estamos dispuestos a aceptar ese reto? ¿Estamos dispuestos a seguir el camino que El nos propone? Conectando las lecturas: Tanto la Primera Lectura como el Evangelio, nos retan a decidir a quién vamos a servir. Esa decisión debe estar apoyada en nuestro conocimiento y experiencia de lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros. Muy especialmente te, está basada en nuestra relación con Dios nuestro Padre. A veces seguimos a Jesús si entender completamente y sin una convicción plena. Pero como san Pedro sabemos que no hay otro a quien ir. Con Pedro decimos, “¿Señor a quién iremos?” “Tú tienes palabras de vida.” ¿Cómo es mi relación con el Señor? Casa Mary Johanna Ubicada anteriormente en el 275 Brook St., ahora en Schaefer Center, 75 Post Ave. (al frente de la Iglesia de piedra) (516) 334-0021 ext. 362. Ofrecemos los siguientes servicios: - Clases de inglés - Ayuda a los niños con sus tareas escolares (en periodo lectivo). - Tarjetas de identificación Llamenos (516) 334-0021 ext. 362, (puede dejar mensaje) Coordinadora Sra. Yanira Chacón-López. The Well Despensa de Comida Ubicada en el sotano de la rectoria de Santa Brígida Ubicada en la 75 Post Ave. Westbury NY 11590. en Post Ave. Horario al público: Horario al público: (516) 334-0021 ext. 361 Lunes 6 - 8 pm Lunes, Martes y Miércoles Martes 10:30 am - 12 pm y 1 - 3 pm 10:30 am - 12 pm y 1 - 3 pm Miércoles 10:30 am - 12 pm y 1 - 3 pm Jueves cerrado Jueves 10:30 am - 12 pm y 6 - 8 pm Viernes 10:30 am - 12 pm y 1 - 3 pm Viernes 10:30 am - 12 pm y 1 - 3 pm Barbara Powell y Lupe Ramirez (516) 334-0021 ext. 327 - Ximena Aravena Publicaciones: Milena Morales 1.516.932.3996 Cell.1.516.713.0861 Fax 1.516.932.0917 13 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 16 Comunità Italiana Classi Di Cultura Italiana Tutti coloro interessati ad imparare la lingua italiana attraverso anche progetti di cucina, arte e tradizioni italiane, potranno iscriversi alle classi sponsorizzate dal Comitato Italiano e guidate da Teresa Tallini. 1.Le classi sono aperte ai ragazzi dai 7 ai 12 anni. Le iscrizioni avverranno a fine settembre. Per maggiori informazioni potete chiamare Teresa al (631)385-3442. 13 Settembre Con l’arrivo di settembre, si ricominciano le attivita’ parrocchiali che coinvolgono diversi gruppi. Quest’anno ci sara’ una celebrazione dedicata a tutti i membri del Comitato Italiano durante la messa italiana delle 8:30 del 13 settembre. Con l’occasione si dara’ inizio anche al giro delle statuette della Sacra Famiglia. Tutti I membri del Comitato con i membri dei loro gruppi sono invitati a partecipare alla messa di apertura attivita’ per ricevere la benedizione di Fr. Tony che ci guidera’ durante tutto l’anno 20152016. 36th Annual Grande Festa Italiana, North Hempstead Beach Park, Port Washington Largest and oldest Italian feast on Long Island! Major rides (9/9 & 9/10 ride all night for $25; 9/13 ride free 12:30 - 1:30 pm) and games, delicious food, live entertainment Thursday through Sunday night, gambling casino, vendors. Open 6 to 11 pm Wednesday through Friday, 2 to 11 pm Saturday, 12:30 to 11 pm Sunday. Ample parking. Northern Parkway (Exit 29N) Take Roslyn Road north to end, bear left on West Shore Road for 2.4 miles; Park entrance on right (175 West Shore Road, Port Washington for GPS directions). Visit or call 516-767-3123 for more information. 14 Per vedere le foto degli eventi organizzati dal Comitato Italiano o futuri eventi in programma, consultate la pagina: Facebook: Italian community of St. Brigid ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 17 Kominote Ayisyén Haitian-American Apostolate • Chak dimach, nou genyen lames an kreyol apati 2:30 pm lames an franse chak denye dimanch nan mwa yo. • Mè Ayisyenn yo ap fè reyinyon pou tout Timoum yo chak Samedi depi 3 zè aprè midi pou rive 6 zè. Sè Cecilia ap okipe tout Timoun ki gen laj 6zan pou rive 12zan. Sè Bruno ap okipe tout jen yo ki gen laj 12 zan pou rive 18 + zan. Nou ankourage tout paran yo, pou yo mennen tout timoun yo ak j`¡en yo nan bon jan fomasyon sa a ke pawas la ofri yo gras a konpetans, renmen, disponibilite ak bon volonte Mè nou yo. Pa bliye j`en yo se yo ki lespwa nou, lespwa legliz la, espwa sosyete a. • N ap fè tout fanmyki nan kominote nou an konnen ke genyen baptem chak twazyem samedi nan mwa a apati lh nan aprè midi. Fok nou pa bliye sa: le n’ap chwazi marenn ak parenn yo, fok yo se katolik, e fok yo konn vi-n leglis. Pou tout enfomasyon nou bezwen nan sans sa a rele, Sé cecilia nan nimero 516997-8727 or 516-333-8795. • Chak samedi apati 7 h nan aswe nougenyen lapriyè karimatik nan chapèl lekol St. Brigid La. Epi chak dezyem samedi lapriyè a ap fèt nan legliz la, avek exposisyon Sen Sakreman apati 8 h aswè. N ap tann nou tout. Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time • Si nou bezwen enfomasyon sou perlerinaj yo ak sou laprivè karismatik yo, nou ka rele Cari Estime nan 516-770-3248. • Moun ki gen pwojè Marye, Reprann Lakominyon ki vle Konfime, se pou yo rele Se Bruno nan 516-3338795. • Pa blive ranpli Census la, Napjwenn ti liv sa a nan premye pati antre legliz la oubyen nan biwo a (Parish Center). konsa, lè nou fi-n bay tout enfomasyon nou dwe bay sou sa yo mande nou yo, se lè sa a yo rekokonet nou kom yon manb ki nan pawas la. • Chak 1er Samedi du mois, randez-vous a, se Eastport à 2 h. pm. 15 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 18 Noteworthy Happenings For Sale Beautiful Ethan Allen Bernhardt Classic Wood Dining Room Set: China Closet, Dining Table with four chairs, Buffet Server, 2 Extension Leaves and Table Pad. Measurements: China Closet 81 x 61 x 17; Server 32 x 37 x 17-1/2. Table without extensions 66 x 42 x 29. Leaves 18 in. each. Best offer accepted. Please contact Patty at 516-333-5967 or John at 516-554-3110. Fr. Jim Stachacz and St. Ignatius Loyola, Hicksville is running a pilgrimage to see the "Vatican Splendors Through Faith and Art" on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. Trip includes Admission to see the Vatican Splendors, a tour of the Basilica of SS Peter & Paul and lunch at the Positano Restaurant. For more information For Sale Kitchen set. Beautiful oak table (36x47) and please contact Joan Chwalisz (516) 938-4261 4 chairs with green trim. Best Offer. Call 516-333or Anne Murphy (516) 931-6784. 5072. For Sale Kitchen table & 4 chairs. All wood, very good condition. $75. Call Betty at 516-333-0570. Nurse/Aide Needed for a few hours a day to help change and feed a 99 year old man. Call James & Tina McLean at 516-205-0821. For Sale light oak corner china cabinet 43w x 78h x 23d. Asking $250. Call 333-3192 or 546-7038. Italy Trip Looking for female roommate going to Milan Expo 2015 World’s Fair & Biella, Piedmont Roppolo/Sordevolo & Lake Como. First class hotels. Passion play presentation outdoors. Price $3,690. Call for all other details, Eileen at 516-526-1614. Bus Trip to the Sands Casino, Bethlehem, PA Hosted by St. Ignatius Loyola Church, Hicksville, NY When: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Cost: $42 per person, which includes the driver’s tip Give back: $30 slot play and $5 food voucher Time: Bus leaves at 9am sharp. Please arrive at 8:30 am. Return approx. 8:30pm. Place: We will meet at Cantiague Park, West John Street, Hicksville. Reservations: call Barbara at (516) 935-5576 HandCrafting Justice will be coming to share its mission with the parishioners of St. Brigid Church on Saturday, November 28 and Sunday, November 29, 2015. This fair trade economic justice project of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd will be selling fair trade handcrafts made by women in 20 countries throughout the developing world. Your support of HCJ’s partners makes a tremendous difference in their lives supporting their efforts to live a dignified life and provide food, education and shelter to their families. Please join us in promoting fair trade at this sale, following all masses. HandCrafting Justice Inc. is a fair trade project partnering with women in 20 developing countries. The mission of HandCrafting Justice is to market women’s handcrafts and raise awareness about the root causes of poverty, gender inequality, and social issues. To learn more and to shop online, please visit: Super Bonanza Winners 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 Patricia A. Hickey Beth Lapczynski Mary Ann Strada Gina La Tortue $30 $30 $30 $30 8/27 8/28 8/29 Jameson Bush Bob Folan Ed Moritz $30 $30 $30 16 ...faithfully and joyfully serving Breezy Hill, Carle Place, East Meadow, New Cassel, Salisbury, South Westbury, Old Westbury and Westbury since 1850. August 30.qxd:BulletinMaster 8/26/15 2:59 PM Page 19
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