ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 2, 2014 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: November 8-9 MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Sat 11/1 8:15am 5:30pm 7:30pm Sat 5:30pm V Baltz, B DeGaetano, J Grau, D & J Smith, J Trochelman Sun 8:00am L & L Burke, S & MA Darden, M Greene, A Lunn 10:30am R Buhrman, L Burke, S Chardos, K Gabor, H Jabaley, J Palladino (K of C) 12:15pm M Bautista, J & F Martin, A Shelby, L Torrence, A Wheeler 5:30pm J Bradshaw, N Brooks, R Buhrman, M Dement, B Malo, C Moore Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a † Hoyal Boles – Mechtild Boles INT of Rev. Joe Brando – Ann Hammers Special Intention (Spanish) Sun 11/2 Wis 3:1-9; Ps 27; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40 8:00am † Michael Prendergast – Vincent & Ruth Burns 10:30am † Shirley Rehreuer – Bill & Gloria Deml 12:15pm † Howard & Pat Jabaley – Deacon Tom & Brenda McConnell 5:30pm INT of St. Jude Parishioners If you are an EM and would like to receive an EMAIL schedule, please write to [email protected]. Mon 11/3 Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131; Lk 14:12-14 8:15am † Ray Ryan – Bill & Gloria Deml CONTACT PARISH OFFICE REGARDING Tue 11/4 Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22; Lk 14:15-24 8:15am † Arline Bolen – William Bolen, Jr. ADORATION -- Monday through Friday, 6am (or 9am for Summer Schedule) to 9pm, in the Chapel. Sign up for a weekly hour or drop in anytime. Wed 11/5 Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27; Lk 14:25-33 8:15am † Joann Embury – Helena Mendzef 7:00pm † Dolores Brown – Emily Knoch ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Anyone entering the hospital or in serious ill health may be anointed. Thu 11/6 Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105; Lk 15:1-10 8:15am † Ray Ryan – Bill & Gloria Deml BAPTISM – Parents must attend a baptismal preparation class before having their first child baptized. Fri 11/7 Phil 3:17–4:1; Ps 122; Lk 16:1-8 8:15am † Deceased Members of Legion of Mary 5:30pm INT of Deacon Tom & Brenda McConnell – CATHOLIC CONNECTION – For adult Catholics who have been Baptized but not Confirmed, or who are Confirmed but inactive or not fully practicing. Bill & Phyllis Lawrence CONFIRMATION – Classes are required and begin in October. Must be 9th grade or older. Sat 11/8 Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112; Lk 16:9-15 8:15am † Joseph Jedrychowski – Richard & Judy Buhrman 5:30pm † Kate McGuire – McGuire Family 7:30pm INT of St. Jude Parishioners Sun 11/9 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED – If you would benefit from using a hearing assistance device, please see an usher before Mass or contact the Parish Office during the week. Ez 47:1-12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-17; Jn 2:13-22 † Michael Prendergast – Paul & Jean Carpenter INT of St. Jude Parishioners INT of Sophia McConnell – Wesson Family † Laurence Harwood – Harwood Family MATRIMONY – Four-month notice required. PARISH RELIGIOUS ED (PRE) – For 4-year-old preschoolers through 8th graders. RCIA/INQUIRY CLASSES – For non-Catholics who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith. LECTORS: November 8-9 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm ROSARY – Prayed daily in Chapel after the 8:15am Mass, after 7pm Mass for Vocations on the second Monday of each month, and at 3pm on the first Saturday (Patriotic). Jerry Jeansonne Donna Gabor Al Salatka, Sr. (K of C) Pat Jabaley Ben Byrne YOUTH – Contact Youth Ministry Coordinator Alicia Bradshaw at [email protected] or 870-8002 or go to ALTAR SERVERS: November 8-9 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm VOCATIONS CHALICE NEXT WEEKEND B Barasha, C Barasha, P Murphy L Juarez, S Powe A Hunt, E Smith R Brumlow, K Dubininkas M Fillauer, C Gomez Call Erin Wiles at 901-240-3844 to volunteer. Sunday, November 9, at 10:30am Mike & Mandy Mroz with Kendall & Riley 1 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) THIS WEEK AT ST. JUDE SPIRITUAL LIFE To add, remove, or restore a family member’s name, please call the Parish Office. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY If St. Jude School is closed or delayed due to unsafe weather conditions, the morning’s Mass schedule will be canceled. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Maria Alder, Christopher Allen, Jane Armor, Kathryn Arnold, Shelly Benjamin, Brooklyn Bernarding, Elizabeth Booth, Ben Byrne, Tom Cain, Gertrude Camacho, Steve Campbell, Michael Casey, Sue Chaffin, William Chepul, Ann Marie Cooper, Larry Copeland Jr., Bettye Cotter, Nancy Cunningham, Lauren Dean, Earl Diehl, Therese Dobard, Mavis Dove, Marilyn Dyer, Gary Flerchinger, Regina Fountain, Joe Fox, Renae Gajownik, Steve Gardner, Roberto & Victoria Goduco, Dennis Greenwood, Ann Hammers, Jenny Hays, Bernadette Hemeyer, Alex Hubbard, Amy C. Jacob, Joanie Lee, Linda Lichner, Campbell Long, Trudy Masic, Theresa McAndrews, Dale McCaa, Trinity Meade, Ed Moore, Robert Moore, George O’Dell, Michael Pickett, Charles Plant, Joan Porterfield, Jose Que Pua, John Purvis, Griffin & Harrison Ralls, Frank Rogers, Miryan Rojas, Gary Spaniak, Marie Tingle, Robert Weekly, Susan White, Victoria Wing, Debbie Worley, Ellen Zahorec Monday, November 3 3:30pm Legion of Mary (Youth) 6:30pm Catholic Divorce Survival Guide Library Library Tuesday, November 4 10:30am Fr. Charlie’s Bible Study 11:00am Pinochle Group 6:00pm World of Hope 7:00pm Fr. Charlie’s Bible Study Church Dupree Dupree Church Wednesday, November 5 9:00am 11:00am 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:35pm 7:00pm 7:30pm All Things Catholic Sewing Circle of Friends VISIONS PRE St. Monica Novena Sacramental Preparation RCIA 12:15 Choir Practice Dupree Library Gym School Chapel Harwood PLC Church FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Thursday, November 6 11:00am Librarians 12:00pm VIRTUS Training 5:00pm Line Dancing 7:00pm Rosary Makers Brandy Bazemore, Thomas Bazemore, Richard Bryant, John Cain III, Matthew Cain, Eric Flerchinger, Nathaniel Garza, William Garza, Joseph Gaston, Michael Knee, Luke Lewis, Stephen McGrath, Thomas McGrath, Erin Cain Poe Library PLC Siener Library Friday, November 7 9:00am 9:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Legion of Mary (Adults) First Friday Breakfast First Friday Mass Schoenstatt Group 2 Picture of Love Retreat AND FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF Library PLC Church Hrwd A Siener Helen DeBoer, mother of Helen Steigelman Joseph Monteith, brother of Michael Monteith Mary Ann Steigelman, sister-in-law of Joe Steigelman Saturday, November 8 9:00am 9:00am 11:00am 12:00pm Catholic Charities Bake Sale Picture of Love Retreat Church Cleaners Mass of Remembrance Mass of Remembrance Reception Prayer Requests entered into the book in the chapel are prayed for each weekday by the Rosary Group. For Emergency Requests Only, call Prayer Help Line volunteers Vicki Baltz (842-6094), Sharon Moss (875-2230), or Theresa Slaughter (842-7890). Siener Church Church PLC LOOKING AHEAD Sunday, November 9 9:00am 10:45am 11:00am 2:30pm 4:30pm Catholic Charities Bake Sale Coffee & Donuts Children’s Liturgy 12:15 Choir Practice Secular Franciscan Order 5:30 Choir Practice MASS FOR VOCATIONS Monday, November 10, at 7pm in church PLC Library Library Harwood Church MYSTAGOGY Wednesday, November 12, in Parish Life Center after 7pm Mass SJS BOOK FAIR OPENS Friday, November 14, in Harwood Room of Family Life Center ALL SOULS MEMORIAL SCROLL FAMILY HONOR’S LEADING & LOVING Fri, November 14, and Sat, November 15, in Parish Life Center Beginning this weekend and continuing throughout November, the Memorial Scroll – which lists the names of parishioners’ deceased loved ones – will hang on the front of the ambo (pulpit). If you have deceased loved ones whose names have not been collected in previous years, please enter them into the notebook in the vestibule and they will be added to the scroll. GROUNDS WORK DAY Saturday, November 15, 8am to 12 noon LADIES OF CHARITY’S STAR TREE Begins Saturday, November 15, in the church vestibule GOOD SAMARITAN COLLECTION After all Masses on November 15-16 in church vestibule 2 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 2, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER NEEDED SPIRITUAL LIFE Our Parish Religious Education Program is in immediate need of a catechist for the Second Grade class, which meets on Wednesday evenings. The current catechist cannot continue due to upcoming surgery. Some classroom experience is required and an aide is already in place. Please call Kyra at 870-2386 to inquire about this rewarding volunteer opportunity. FIRST CORINTHIANS STUDY EXTENDED Fr. Charlie will continue his class on the New Testament book of First Corinthians on Tuesday, November 4, at 10:30am and 7pm. Class will meet in the church and last no more than an hour and a half. Everyone is invited! PARISH LIFE PEN PALS FOR PRISONERS NEEDED SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS Have you ever wondered how you could fulfill Christ’s call in Matthew to visit those in prison without ever leaving the comfort of your own home? Well, you easily can…and then you too will hear Jesus say to you: “Inherit the Kingdom…for I was in prison and you visited me.” [Matt 25:34-36]. The Chattanooga Deanery Pen Pals for Prisoners Ministry is growing and we now need more volunteers to correspond with new inmates who have requested a pen pal. We currently have 31 pen pal volunteers (including 10 Hispanics) and 42 participating inmates (including 9 Hispanics). Training is provided to share this unique way to minister to inmates. For more information, contact Deacon Tom McConnell at [email protected] or 209-5485, or Emily Knoch at [email protected] or 785-6156, or Irene Scoggins at [email protected] or 596-0053. A “Surviving the Holidays” workshop will be offered at St. Jude on Sunday, November 16, 2-4pm, in the Dupree Room of the Family Life Center. This one-session grief recovery program is for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to separation, divorce, or death. Whether you have suffered the loss of a partner, parent, child, or some other significant relationship, and whether it has been a few months or a few years, this excellent program has something to offer. Cost is $10 for materials, and light refreshments will be served. FAMILY HONOR LEADING & LOVING St. Jude will host Family Honor’s Leading & Loving program for parents of young children, newborn through 5th grade. Learn how to be a good role model, how virtue is developed in children, and how to answer challenging questions—all while instilling the beauty and truth of Catholic teachings. Leading & Loving will be presented in 2 sessions: Friday, November 14 (7-9pm), and Saturday, November 15 (9am-2pm), in the Parish Life Center. No charge although donations are requested, and childcare will be provided on site. Register online at Deadline for registering is Monday, November 3. To find out more, contact Alicia Bradshaw at 933-4301 or [email protected]. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE On Saturday, November 8, at 11am, St. Jude Parish will celebrate a Mass of Remembrance for all parishioners who lost loved ones this past year. If you did not receive an invitation by mail to this special Mass and luncheon, you are nevertheless warmly invited to participate. Please call the Parish Office by Tuesday, November 4, to RSVP. If you would like to bring a dish to share for the luncheon, call Kyra Ross at 870-2386. STAR TREE COMING SOON BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY HELP NEEDED The Ladies of Charity would like you to start thinking about the children who may not be getting a Christmas gift this year. The St. Jude Star Tree will be up in the vestibule beginning November 15. Can you help the elves at the Ladies of Charity make sure there will be a present under the tree for each little child! Parishioner Pat Copeland has volunteered for more than 20 years in our Bereavement Ministry, and she is ready to pass on the torch to someone else. Pat is responsible for mailing condolence cards to the next of kin at the time of death and follow-up cards one year later. This is the perfect job for someone to do from home and takes no more than one hour per week. All supplies and training are provided. Call Kyra to participate in this fulfilling ministry of love and support to our parish family. 3 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) ST. JUDE SCHOOL BOOK FAIR PARISH LIFE Looking for special Christmas gifts for children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews? Give the gift of reading! The St. Jude School Scholastic Book Fair opens on Friday, November 14, and continues every weekday through Friday, November 21, 7:30am to 4pm in the Harwood Room of the Family Life Center. The Book Fair will also be open on Sunday, November 16, 8:45am to 12:15pm, and Wednesday, November 19, 5-7pm. All are invited to stop by and shop! BAKERS STILL NEEDED FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Jude Parish’s annual Bake Sale to benefit Catholic Charities is coming up November 8-9. Your help is needed! To donate baked items or assist with sales before and after Masses, contact Dick & Judy Smith at 842-1483 or [email protected]. COFFEE & DONUTS You are invited to the Parish Life Center after the 8am, 10:30am, and 12:15pm Masses on Sunday, November 9, to enjoy refreshments and conversation with your fellow parishioners. Coffee & Donuts is held in the PLC on the second Sunday of each month. OLIVE WOOD SALES On the weekend of November 29-30, our brothers and sisters representing the Christian Catholic Families of Bethlehem will sell crucifixes, religious artwork, and rosaries—all made of olive wood native to Israel and Bethlehem—in the church vestibule. With tourism numbers down, Christian families in the Holy Land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly affected. Sales of these goods will help them very much and also give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the Holy Land. Please browse and buy if you can. It is for a good cause and also a help to your personal devotion. Go to for a preview of the many products being offered. FIRST FRIDAY MASS & BREAKFAST In honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you are invited to attend the next First Friday Breakfast in the Parish Life Center on Friday, November 7, after the 8:15am Mass. Breakfast dishes are always welcome; however, if you are not able to contribute, please come and give your love and prayer support! Contacts are Mary Arnold at 843-0507 ([email protected]) or Monica Griffin at 842-7930 ([email protected]). If you are unable to make the morning Mass, you may choose to attend the regular evening Mass for First Friday, celebrated at 5:30pm in the church. COMMUNITY SAVE THE DATE FOR CHATTI GRAS 2015 Make a Valentine's Date with Chatti Gras - February 14, 2015, at the Chattanooga Convention Center. Watch for more information on the Chattanooga region's own version of Mardi Gras, benefiting Chattanooga Catholic Schools, Notre Dame, OLPH, and St. Jude along with the Chattanooga Deanery Operating Fund, which provides tuition assistance to those in need. This fabulous dinner, dance, casino, and auction brings together generations of our regional Catholic family to celebrate and enjoy. Information on tickets, sponsorship, and donations will be forthcoming. Make a weekend of it with your spouse and watch for block room rates at area hotels. Save the Date! For immediate information, call Kathie at 877-6022. NOW AVAILABLE AT STEPPING STONES Stepping Stones, our religious articles counter, is located in the inner church vestibule. Stop by before or after weekend Masses to purchase Advent wreaths, Advent candles, Christmas ornaments, and Christmas car decals. If you would like to assist with this ministry, volunteers are always welcome. Contact Lynn Burke at 304-5820. GOOD SAMARITAN COLLECTION Next weekend in the vestibule, be sure to pick up a grocery bag labeled with requested items for this month’s organization: Chattanooga Community Kitchen. These include napkins, plastic spoons and forks (only), lunch bags, sandwich bags, and egg noodles. Please donate if you are able, and return your bag to the vestibule the following weekend. Thank you for participating in the Good Samaritan Collection! NEW IN YOUR PARISH LIBRARY 231 BAD The Face of God (the Holy Face of Manoppello) by Paul Badde 248 HAR Mary and Your Everyday Life: A Book of Meditations by Bernard Häring, C.S.S.R. 4 ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE NOVEMBER 2, 2014 THANKSGIVING FOR THOSE IN NEED COMMUNITY Catholic Charities will provide Thanksgiving meals to needy families in November. More than 300 people received meals in 2013. A donation of $25 will feed a family of four. Please send checks to Catholic Charities at 859 McCallie Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403, and designate to “Thanksgiving Meals.” For more info, contact Christine at 267-1297 or [email protected]. ENGAGED ENCOUNTER NOVEMBER 7-8 The next “Picture of Love” Engaged Couples Retreat will take place on Friday evening and all day Saturday, November 7-8, at St. Jude. This marriage preparation program is a supplement to the couple’s marriage formation with their parish priest. The program is designed to help the couple gain a better understanding of the joys and challenges of living the sacrament of Matrimony in their day-to-day lives. Cost is $135 per couple, and the retreat certificate is good for a $60 discount on a marriage license. The Retreat runs 7-10pm on Friday evening and 9am to 6pm on Saturday. Meals and Mass are included on Saturday, and each couple must attend the entire program to receive their certificate. Deadline to register is November 3. Contact Marian Christiana, Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment, at 892-2310 or [email protected]. CHARISMATIC MASS AT HOLY SPIRIT A Charismatic Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, November 9, at 5:30pm at Holy Spirit Church in Soddy Daisy. Fr. Dan Whitman will be the celebrant. Singers and instrumentalists who would like to participate should plan to arrive at 4:30pm. Prayers for healing will follow Mass. For more information, call Dee Leigh at 842-2305. HOLY SPIRIT TRIP TO FLORIDA Travel to Amelia Island, St. Augustine, and Jacksonville, Florida, with members and friends of Holy Spirit parish on February 23-27. Motor coach transportation, 4 nights lodging, and 8 meals all included. Visit the Fountain of Youth and historic Kingsley Plantation. Enjoy a narrated cruise on the St. Johns River. Departs from Holy Spirit parking lot in Soddy Daisy at 8am on February 23. Cost is $395 for double occupancy. To find out more, call Kathleen Maxwell at 843-0095. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION SESSION Would you like to enhance your marriage and help give it a good foundation? The Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is partnering with Natural Family Planning (NFP) Couple to Couple League instructors to offer a FREE information session on NFP and Church teachings which support its use in marriage on November 8, at 4pm at the Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul in Varollo Hall. This method assists couples in achieving or avoiding pregnancy, aids couples that have previously experienced infertility, and can help identify underlying health issues. Couples practicing NFP experience enhanced communication and intimacy. Babysitting is available but you must make reservations by November 4. Please RSVP to 892-2310 or [email protected]. HALF-PRICE SALE FOR SENIORS The Greater Good Thrift Store will hold its next “Half-Price Sale for Seniors” on Tuesday, November 11, 10am to 4pm. Items covered by the sale include jewelry, housewares, small appliances, and clothing. Donations of funds or household goods may also be made at 2821 Rossville Blvd, just off I-24 in Chattanooga. Store hours are 10am to 4pm, Mon through Sat. Come to donate, stay to shop, return to volunteer! Financial and in-kind assistance in September went toward the following: NEW PARISHIONER / CHANGES In-Kind Services Rent Electricity Layettes Prescriptions Lifeline Food Vouchers Water Gasoline Total Assistance _____ New parishioner _____Moving out of parish _____ Information has changed Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, Zip ___________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Detach and place in collection basket. 5 $ 4,230.00 3,115.09 2,051.66 1,000.00 701.28 675.00 310.00 139.99 102.00 $12,325.02 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY) WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY FUND Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Total Budget: $2,861,000 Week 17 Weekly Needs (based on budget) Weekly Income (10-27-14) $ $ Year to Date Needs Year to Date Income The Maintenance and Emergency Fund is an outgrowth of the Journey Together Capital Campaign that ended in December 2013. All monies given to the fund are placed in reserve in a designated account for maintenance concerns (the second goal of the Journey Together campaign). 57,000.00 31,272.99 -25,727.01 Maintenance and Emergency Fund Donations (10-27-14) Current Total in Reserve $ 969,000.00 822,737.60 $ -146,262.40 $ 1,775.00 $ 259,999.79 Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34 The gift you have received, give as a gift. Matthew 10:8 6 Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith. November 2014 St. Jude Church Rev. Charles Burton, Pastor Stewardship is giving thanks St. Andrew Dung-Lac St. Andrew could also be the patron of the persecuted. In 1785, he was born in Vietnam to a poor family. He converted, and became a Catholic priest assigned to the missions. He was swept up in the terrible religious persecution of the emperor, Minh-Meng. St. Andrew and his companions were arrested and tortured to force them to renounce their faith. They refused and were martyred. Today, such religious persecution continues in many parts of the world. Catholic Guilt Popular culture often refers negatively to “Catholic guilt,” implying that Catholics are weighed down by an unfortunate awareness of having done wrong. Sincerely acknowledging true guilt is the first step toward forgiveness. God, the Partner When David faced insurmountable odds against the Philistines, he turned to God for help. He asked if he should fight, he followed instructions carefully, and he gave God credit for his victory. © Copyright 2014 Success Publishing & Media, LLC For many Catholics, we think seriously about stewardship when our parish or diocese raises money but real stewardship is about becoming more fulfilled and having a greater sense of purpose. It is giving back to God in gratitude for his gifts. And while it’s not just about money, good stewards have all the money they need. God’s family comes first. All families come together in love to care for each other, enjoy each other, and support each other. In God’s family, we come together in his love to care for each other, enjoy each other, and support each other. As good stewards, we meet the needs of God’s family first, before we spend time or money on anything else. Find your place. Ask God to help you discern and learn your place in his family. What are you to do with your gifts? Take your seat at the table. Find out where you can put your talents to work in your parish. Talk with your pastor, with the rectory staff, and with parish leaders. Think before spending. Before you commit your time or money to any purpose, make sure you have taken care of the needs of God’s family first. Everything we have and everything we are comes from God. He deserves the best we have to give in return. Why do Catholics offer Masses for the dead? Judas Maccabee ordered prayers and sacrifices for Jewish soldiers who died in sin (2 Maccabees 12:38-46). St. Paul prayed for Onesiphorus after his death (2 Timothy 1:18). Catholics believe that prayers and sacrifices benefit the dead. When we die in God’s friendship we eventually go to Heaven, but if we haven’t properly atoned for certain sins we have to be purified in Purgatory first. We pray for the souls in Purgatory to help them pass through faster than they would otherwise. November 2014 Page 2 The Catholic plan for world peace Our world is often turbulent but the Church believes a just and fair world is possible when seven key principles are embraced: Life and dignity of the human person: We were created in God’s image, therefore all life is sacred. This belief is the foundation for a just world. Call to family, community, and participation: People have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking the well-being of all. Rights and Responsibilities: Everyone has a right to life and to what is necessary for human decency. Option for the poor and vulnerable: We are to treat as urgent the needs of the poor and vulnerable. Dignity of work and workers: The worker has a right to productive work, to decent and fair wages and to the protection of basic rights. Solidarity: We are one human family. We are to love our neighbors as brothers and sisters and work for justice and peace everywhere. Care for God’s creation: We show our love for God by protecting his creation. Mark 13:33-37, Be watchful, be alert This gospel is from the first Sunday of Advent. We are preparing to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, his first coming. Christmas is a time of joy, for Jesus came to us in human form to redeem us from our sins. But Advent is a time for us to prepare for when Jesus comes again. In the Creed we say, “…he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.” We don’t know when this will happen. It could be tomorrow; it will certainly be when we die. Jesus’ message is to be watchful and alert for his coming. To be watchful involves getting our individual lives in order. Christ gave us the sacraments so we can do this, especially the Sacrament of Penance. Being in a state of grace means we are prepared to meet Jesus. However, this preparation involves each of us gathering the harvest. It means each of us being a missionary in our lives so everyone may come to know and love the Lord when they come face to face with God. The first day of Advent falls on Nov. 30 this year and begins a new year in the Church calendar (Cycle B). The Advent wreath is lit in households all over the world as we anticipate the birth of our Lord. Nov. 1 – All Saints Day. In the early Church, each saint and martyr was assigned a feast day. However, the persecution of the Christians became so great that there weren’t enough days in the calendar for individual commemorations. Eventually Pope Gregory IV designated Nov.1 as All Saints Day. Nov. 2 – All Souls Day. This is a day when we pray for the dead, especially our loved ones and souls in Purgatory. Our prayers and sacrifices can help them get to Heaven faster. Nov. 23 – Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. A solemnity that commemorates Our Father’s promise to his people of a king who will triumph over their enemies. Jesus is our King. In Baptism and Confirmation, we are brought under his kingship. Why does God make us suffer? When the disciples asked Jesus whose sin resulted in a particular man being born blind, Jesus replied, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him” (John 9:2-3). God doesn’t send it, but he uses our suffering to draw us to him. Suffering comes from living in a world made imperfect by sin. Jesus points out that God doesn’t want our needless suffering and will help us through it. “Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him" (Matthew 7:9-11)? And he leaves in his wake a trail of discarded crutches, bandages, and bonds to prove it. To provide practical ideas that promote faithful Catholic living. Success Publishing & Media, LLC Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™ (540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax (Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible) © Copyright 2014 Success Publishing & Media, LLC PARROQUIA SAN JUDAS EN CHATTANOOGA 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Números de Teléfono y contactos Oficina: (423) 870-2386 (de 9:00AM a 4:00PM) Fax: (423) 876-8960 Email: [email protected] 11/1/14 Ministerio Hispano Padre Moisés (423) 870-2386 Horario Misa Sábados 5:30pm (ingles) Sábado 7.30pm (español) Domingo 8.00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, 5:30pm (ingles) Diaria 8:15am (Lunes a Sábado)(ingles) Miércoles 7:00pm y Viernes 5:30pm (ingles) Confesiones Miércoles 6:00pm Requisitos para Sacramentos: Bautizos: Tomar las pláticas pre-bautismales para padres (registrados en la iglesia de San Judas) y padrinos (que los Padrinos sean Católicos y estén casados por la iglesia) y separar la fecha del bautismo con un mínimo de 3 meses de anticipación. * Pláticas Pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos: Son a cargo de Alberto Rios por favor llamen a 423355-0495 Matrimonios: Traer las partidas de bautismo y confirmación recientes (mínimo 6 meses) de cada uno de los contrayentes, tomar las platicas pre-matrimoniales con Carlos (12 clases), fijar las fecha de la boda con un mínimo de 5 meses de anticipación Confesiones: Todos los miércoles a las 6pm o Sábados a las 4pm, o por cita previa. Por favor noten que no todos sábados o miércoles hay confesiones en español. Hablen con las oficinas o con el Padre antes para asegurar que padre estará confesando si necesita que sea en español. Primera Comunión: La primera comunión se hace en el segundo grado y requiere dos años se preparación. Por favor apunten a sus hijos para las clases en el primer grado. Clases son todos los miércoles entre septiembre y marzo a las 6.30pm Catecismo: Se reunen todos los miercoles en a las 6:30pm. Para mas informacion contacten a Irene al (423)596-0053 ORACIONES Si usted tiene una necesidad de oración pueden escribirla en el libro de la capilla y diariamente se ofrecen rosarios para esas intenciones Hermanos en Cristo Alberto Rios (423)355-0495 Unase a el grupo de estudio de biblia. Se reúnen los: Domingos a las 7:00pm dirigido por Alberto Rios y el Padre Moises en la capilla de la iglesia . Hay Adoracion al Santismio además de meditaciones no pierdan esto oportunidad de acercase más a nuestro Señor Para registrar para los eventos contacte a nuestra Ministra Juvenil Alicia Bradshaw en [email protected] o 870-8002. Vea la página web del Ministerio Juvenil en san Judas en ministry/index.html Confirmaciones: Asistir a las clases, junto con los padres o padrinos, asistir a los retiros preparatorios, haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo y la primera comunión. Estar dispuesto a hacer servicio a la comunidad. Atender a misa todos los sábados o domingos. Familia debe estar registrada en la iglesia de San Judas. Vean a Alicia Bradshaw para más información, formas de registro y horarios de clases e Schedule. Encargada del boletin Nelly Nunez Para intenciones llamen a(423)544-9175 Información Monetaria “Porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón” Lucas 12: 34 Colecta del día Domingo Octubre 25 Dinero suelto $457.65 Sobres (7) $215.00 “De gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.” Mateo 10:8 Las lecturas que acabamos de escuchar son una enérgica llamada a que no exista en nosotros un divorcio entre la fe y la vida, el decir y el hacer. En una palabra: a la sinceridad. Jesús sufrió a lo largo de su vida pública el acoso constante de Tartufo y sus secuaces: la hipocresía, el hablar sibilino, la máscara de ejemplaridad que oculta un interior de abusos y turbios manejos. Un día se enfrentó con este moscardón pegajoso que intentaba desacreditarlo ante el pueblo y estorbaba su actuar noble y limpio con una larga diatriba que recoge en parte el Evangelio de hoy. En ese discurso acusa a sus enemigos de falsos porque “no hacen lo que dicen”. Les llama tiranos que gravan las conciencias con cargas pesadas e insoportables “pero ellos no están dispuestos a mover un dedo para empujar”. Les acusa de vanidosos e histriones porque “todo lo que hacen es para que los vea la gente”. Ese discurso, largo y terrible, se cierra con estas palabras: “Serpientes, raza de víboras, ¿cómo podréis escapar a la condena del infierno?” Parece como si para el Señor sólo hubiera un pecado imperdonable: la hipocresía y la mentira como modus vivendi. Tanto, que fariseo a venido a ser sinónimo de hipócrita. Pero hay un peligro en la sinceridad y es: entenderla mal, confundiéndola con un vivir al dictado de los instintos, del capricho, del estado de ánimo, creyendo que sujetarse a la Ley de Dios va contra la espontaneidad del amor. Este discurso que meditamos, se abre con unas palabras que disipan este error. “En la cátedra de Moisés se han sentado los escribas y fariseos: haced y cumplid lo que os digan”. Si Jesús no hubiese reconocido la legitimidad de los doctores de Israel y su enseñanza, nunca habría dicho esto. Como se ve, la sinceridad y la espontaneidad no están reñidas con la obediencia a la Ley de Dios. Hemos de ponernos en guardia contra esa seudo-sinceridad que en nombre de la liberación de complejos y tabúesconsidera represiva toda norma. “Enfrentémonos con la realidad: el que no tiene ninguna moral y liquida como tabúestodos los principios éticos, hablando con desparpajo y descoco de todas sus fechorías no es un hombre sincero, sino simplemente un primitivo. El que encontrando a un amigo que ha perdido a su padre recientemente le dice sin ambagesno lo siento lo más mínimo, porque tu padre era un pobre hombre y además un antipático, no es sincero, aunque sienta lo que profiere, sino un salvaje y un mal amigo; y el católico que declara no ir a Misa los domingos porque no lo siente, no es sincero, sino un sentimental egocéntrico que no tiene la menor idea de lo que son las relaciones del cristiano con Dios” (J. B. Torelló, Psicología abierta). Sinceridad es andar en verdad, moverse en la órbita de la verdad, que es Dios. Un Dios que nos quiere humildes, esto es: realistas, conocedores de nuestra personal debilidad y que, en consecuencia, no se extrañan de ella ni la ocultan con el disfraz de la hipocresía sino que la confiesan con sencillez. Quien se conduce así, con veracidad, “será enaltecido”, dice Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy. OPORTUNIDAD PARA MINISTERIO ¿Alguna vez te haz preguntado como podrias cumplir el llamado de Jesus en Matteo de visitar a los presos sin tener que dejar jamas la comodidad de tu casa? Bueno, es muy facil…. Y entonces tu tambien oiras las palabras de Jesus diciendote: “Hereradas el Reino… porque estube preso y me visitaste.” [Matteo 25:34-36]. El Ministerio de Amigos de Pluma en el Decanato de Chattanooga esta creciendo y ahora necesitamos mas voluntarios para que se escriban con nuevos presos que han pedido amigos de pluma. En estos momentos tenemos 31 amigos de plumas voluntarios (incluyendo 10 Hispanos) y 42 presos participando (Incluyendo 9 Hispanos). Se proporciona entrenamiento para poder compartir esta forma tan unica de dar ministerio a los presos. Para mas informacion, contacte con Diacono Tom McConnell en [email protected] o (423) 209-5485, o Emily Knoch en [email protected] o 785-6156 o Irene Scoggins en [email protected] o (423) 596-0053
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