TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18, 2015 Reflection Francis Joseph I was Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia from May 1, 1850 until August 24, 1866 and President of the German Confederation. He was strict, but mostly he reigned with kindness. Early in his reign an epidemic of cholera overran Europe. Francis was advised to leave Vienna and take refuge in Salzburg until the plague was over. Francis, instead of leaving rather manifested a compassionate behavior that marveled all the people around him. Francis asked them a compassionate question, “Will there be room enough in Salzburg for all my children?” His counselors thought he was referring to his immediate family, and they answered him, “Certainly, your majesty.” But the king drew their attention to the crowd of Viennese people outside his house and asked them, “Is there really room for all my children?” The king compassionately continued, “Look at all those people, they are my children. Should their father forsake them in danger? No, my beloved Viennese shared my joys and my sorrows. I will not abandon them in their hour of trouble.” On this Mission Sunday, we read from the Gospel that the two disciples of Jesus, James and John approached Jesus seeking for positions of authority. They were still of the impression that Jesus was the political Messiah who would overthrow the Roman Emperor and hand over power to Israel. Jesus’ mission was not to overthrow with army in order to restore power to Israel, but to save the whole world from sin and death by shedding his blood on the cross. The Prophet Isaiah foretold in his Fourth Servant Oracle five hundred years before the coming of Christ that the Suffering Servant would be the future Messiah. God had willed that the Servant should suffer and offer himself as a sin-sacrifice for mankind. Jesus told the two disciples that the position of authority they were seeking for was a mission that required suffering and laying down of one’s life (drinking the cup). He reminded them that worldly rulers lord authority over their subjects, but that is not the way it should be in his kingdom. Authority according to Christ is a mission of selfless service, suffering, and compassion, just as his own mission was to serve and to give his own life as a ransom for many. He knew there had to be an authority. His complaint was that many abused authority; they were selfish, unjust, - Fr. Felix Unichi Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am Tuesday & Thursday 12:10 pm Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am,10:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) 12 Noon Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Parish Center Office Hours Monday - Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday 8:30 am - 6:30 pm By appointment only Confessions Latin Mass Second & Fifth Sunday of the month and even cruel. The person in power whether appointed or elected must plan and work for the good of everyone in his or her group. The society is made up of units. In every unit, there is an authority or someone in charge. The smallest and the most important unit of the society is the family. In every healthy, constructive, and trustworthy family or society, there is integration of personality. People have balanced senses, emotions, mind, and will. No one assumes power or authority but everyone assumes responsibility. But modern civilization according to Gabriel Marcel, teaches us how to take possession of things, when it should rather initiate us in the art of letting go. This makes us violate the rules of life and the laws of charity and justice. The price becomes too high to be paid. Christ paid for our violations with his blood. It should then become obvious to us that there is a price to be paid in every act of recklessness or sinful behavior. 1:30pm Saturday 8:30 am & 3:30 pm or by appointment Page Two St. Anthony Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2015 Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many. - Isaiah 53:11b World Mission Sunday- October 18th 2015 October 18, 2015 WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, October 18th World Mission Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word 8:30 am Religious Education Classes 10:00 am Religious Education Family Mass and Hospitality 11:30 am Confirmation Saint Groups - Parish Center 1:30 am Latin Mass - Church Monday, October 19th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 6:30 pm Spanish Children’s Choir – Church 7:00pm RCIA - Parish Center 7:00 pm Bible Study - Parish Center This Sunday our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to act in solidarity with missionaries in India and throughout the world. Every day, faithful missionaries are reaching out in the name of Christ, offering practical, emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. For more information visit: Tuesday, October 20th Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 1:15 pm Catholic Movie - Parish Center 7:00pm Lectio Divina - Parish Center 7:15 pm Legion of Mary - Parish Center Envelopes for this donation are available at the entrances of the church. As always thank you for your generosity. Wednesday, October 21st Parish Office and Adoration Chapel Open 8:00am SAS Mass - Church RCIA/Adult Faith Formation Are you someone or do you know someone who would like to become Catholic? The RCIA is a process of conversion that provides faith formation, spiritual enrichment and preparation of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist; baptized adults in other Christian churches who wish to profess their faith through the Catholic church and requests the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist and baptized Catholics who seek to complete the sacrament of initiation. We meet every Monday at 7:00pm for 1 1/2 hours in the Parish Center. For more information please call (310) 322-4392 Ext 440. Thursday, October 22nd Parish Center and Adoration Chapel Open 12:10 pm Mid-Day Mass - Church 6:30 pm Holy Hour for Priests - Church Friday, October 23rd Adoration Chapel & Parish Center Closed Saturday, October 24th Confessions after the morning Mass and at 3:30 pm 10:30 am Lectio Divina - Parish Center Visit those who are shut-in…. St. Anthony Church 215 Lomita St., El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 322-4392 Fax: (310) 322-0797 Visit us on Facebook Safeguarding the Children: Joan Viena (213) 637-7227 Victims Assistance Ministry: Suzanne Healy (213) 637-7650 Archdiocesan Vocation Director: Rev. Stephen Davoren (213) 637-7755 Pastor: Rev. Robert Victoria Assisting Priest: Rev. Felix C. Unichi (ext. 441) (ext 211) Director of Religious Education: Mr. Timothy K. Rodrick, O.P. (ext. 444) Youth Minister: Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ricky Labayen Finance Council Chairperson: David Bohline (310) 416-1477 School: Sylvia Kawjaree, Principal (310) 322-4218 (ext. 110) Preschool: Rose Aguayo, Director (ext. 329) Business Manager : Abner Espanola (ext. 442) Secretary: Elizabeth Swenson (ext. 440) Office Assistant: (ext. 440) Mary Baum & Gemma Flores Maintenance: George Cadena School Board Chairperson: Felipe Gutierrez (ext. 440) (310) 322-4218 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Three St. Anthony Church Mission Statement: We the St. Anthony community, blessed with diversity in culture and traditions, unite ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. We commit ourselves to live out the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and actions. Eucharistic Adoration - We need adorers Could you not watch one hour with me? If you would like to spend one hour every week to keep Jesus company in the Blessed Sacrament, please call us and let us know when can you come to the Parish Center. Our office is open between 8:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday thru Thursday. Perpetual adoration would not be possible without your help and be assured that God will bless you and your loved ones. Jesus waits for our little Acts of faith, adoration, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer Him as we contemplate - His Divine Majesty - in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us help you schedule your own personal hour to be with Jesus, to rest in His peace. Funeral Services for SATURDAY October 17 8:00 am Joy Berthfield (D) & Patrick Travers (D) 5:00 pm Joe Miera (D) SUNDAY 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm October 18 John & Robert Gibilterra (PI) Daniel Thomas Hollnsteiner (D) & Holy Souls in Purgatory For all Parishioners John & Patricia Pappas (D) MONDAY 8:00 am October 19 Marcy & Edward Leiva (PI) TUESDAY 12:10 pm October 20 For the Kirsch & Stronks Families WEDNESDAY October 21 8:00 am The Pacheco Family (PI) THURSDAY October 22 12:10 pm Marty Baum (PI) & Robert & John Gibilterra (PI) FRIDAY 8:00 am October 23 Joy Berthfield (D) & Fr. Jack Lemay (D) SATURDAY October 24 8:00 am Venancio Banzon (D) 5:00 pm John Ferry (D) Mrs. Benetta Schleuniger Rosary Douglas Mortuary Sunday, October 18th - 4:00pm Funeral Mass Chapel At Holy Cross Cemetery Monday, October 19th at 12:30 pm Pray for Anthony Vasquez, father of Patrick Vasquez; Benetta Schleuniger, wife of Dr. Arnold Schleuniger and long time parishioner and Antonio Valdivia, husband of Lupita Valdivia. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Please Pray Soledad Barba, Sue Barrett, Rosalinda Banzon, Tom Blum, Ellen Brandlin, Shirley Caldwell, Teresa Calderon, Eva Canales, Lois Chavez, Jemima Carter, Teresita Clemente, Dylan and Dorothy Doukakis, Juan Antonio Duran, Howard & Cora Fausto, Rose Garcia, Rose Gibilterra, Joe & Don Guzman, Townsend Hale, Margaret Hoff, Dorothy Hoover, Gene Hunley, Michalina Kubek, Patricia Lamay, Ed Lewis, Alice Lipinski, Ken Lockwood, Rosalina & Pedro Martinez, Majella McIntyre, Cecil McAllister, Kay McGuire, Pauline McKinley, Michelle McManus, Grace Mercado, Shirley Merrill, Colleen O’Ryan, Pamela Polizzotto, Josefina Rigalva, Ryan Ramirez, Baby Rose, Juan Sanchez, John Snyder, Anne Schuman, Rev. John Svendsen, Maralyn Swenson, Mary Stanford, Keith Storm, Jack Stewart, Janina Tyborowska, Eva Lily Valdez, Elena Victoria, Rony Vitus, Elizabeth Webster, Christopher Wheeler, Pennye Wilder, Nik Woods. Page Four St. Anthony Ongoing Collection for CASE We need your assistance! CASE (Community Alliance to Support and Empower) serves thirty-four households composed of 90 people, 42 of whom are children all residents of El Segundo. There still is a great need non perishable items, can meat (chicken, tuna) cereals, juices, rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, and snacks for kids, detergent, tooth paste, soaps toiletries, etc. Bin for your donated items is placed at the entrance of the church or you can bring them to the Parish Center. Thank you to all parishioners who have donated to this noble cause. Catholic Movies on Tuesdays Parish Center at 1:15pm We serve popcorn, sweets and drinks Come and bring a friend St. Anthony School News St. Anthony School is having a Halloween Murder Mystery Dinner on Saturday, October 24th at 6:30pm in O’Grady Hall. Tickets are $23 each or $45 per couple and are available for purchase in the school office. Ticket includes dinner, dessert and nonalcoholic beverages. This is an adults only event. Costumes are encouraged but not required. If you would like to play a character in the mystery or would like more information, please e-mail Janine a t j a n i n e g e r t s c h @ g m a i l . c o m . Tickets are sold pre-sale only. Thank you for supporting St. Anthony School! St. Anthony Christmas Bazaar November 14th & 15th 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Fall is here and our Christmas Bazaar is only weeks away. Come and join us on the weekend of Saturday, November 14th and Sunday, November 15th. Young, old and every age in between ... your works are always welcome at the Christmas Bazaar. Contact the parish offices to have your items included or if you would like to reserve a table (cost: $20.00/day) at (310) 322-4392 Ext 440. Please box your treasures and bring them to the Parish Hall on the week of November 11th. We will be accepting new or gently-used, pre-owned home goods, décor, jewelry, toys, sporting equipment, music, etc. to include in this phenomenal treasure sale. Please consider making something special to donate to the Christmas Boutique sales floor. Whether you paint, work in textiles, paper, wood, metal or any other creative medium, we are looking to showcase all of the talent at St. Anthony Church. Thank you for your continued support. October 18, 2015 News from the Office of Respect Life Pregnancy Help Center “In time when I was scared and confused, you made me feel cared about. I don’t know what I would have done without you. This child is such a blessing.” Pregnancy Help Center (310) 787-4357 - 24-hour help line Pennies for Life Thank you to all parishioners who contributed in the “Pennies for Life” Campaign. Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise $2,266.00 for Project Rachel. ALL ARE INVITED ANNUAL “Pray for a Cure for Cancer Mass & Anointing of the Sick On Saturday, October 24, 2014 at 12:30pm we will be offering the sacrifice of Mass for cures for cancer; with the anointing of the sick during Mass. We are inviting you, your love ones and friends who need prayer or need to pray for someone who is suffering to be present to entrust God to cure cancer: …FOR NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD Lk 2:37 .. We are under no illusion that everyone can be present in body, but anyone can be present in spirit, simply email your name/s or the name/s of the person that need prayer to [email protected] and their names will be blessed and placed near the altar during Mass. If you have any question, please contact Deacon Mark or Vickie Race @ 310-259-6430. “Pray for a Cure for Cancer Mass & Anointing of the Sick Saturday, Oct 24, 2015 @ 12:30 pm Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels 555 W Temple St Los Angeles, CA 90012 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN DID YOU KNOW? Ask Your Kids Open-Ended Questions Communication is key for making sure you are up to date with your kids’ lives – as they grow older and you can’t be with them every step of the way. One way to keep communication healthy is to ask your kids open-ended questions. Some kids don’t open up and spill every detail, so you have to consider how to phrase questions that draw them in and allow them to share their thoughts and experiences. When you do ask open-ended questions, make sure you are patient in waiting for the answers. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article email: [email protected]. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mensaje para Reflexionar Page Five La Parroquia de San Antonio Cristo vino para servir y Dar su vida por nosotros Nuestra Misión: ¿Por todos? ¿Ha venido a dar su vida por todos? … si por todos nosotros. Jesús vino para que todos tengamos vida y vida en felicidad. Quizás la gente que no ha descubierto a Dios todavía no ha saboreado la alegría de sentirse hermano de los demás, ahí está su pena y su tristeza, muchos viven odiando o amargados que es lo mismo que vivir sin ser feliz. Ese es nuestro testimonio de creyentes en el mundo de hoy: Tenemos que ser testigos del amor de Dios que nos hace ser servidores de los demás. Cuando alguien me decía que quería vivir como "los primeros cristianos..." , la verdad es que me dio risa, porque siempre venía a mi mente este evangelio de hoy. Aquellos discípulos que convivieron con Jesús, que escucharon en directo su voz y compartieron con Él el pan; que vieron sus milagros... no eran mejores que nosotros, casi les diría que no destacaban por su gran fe ni por su afán de servicio a los demás. Una cosa es estar con Cristo y otra bien distinta es seguir a Cristo. Creo que aquellos apóstoles en este día se quedaron en lo primero. Tenían la mentalidad de cualquier ser humano. Buscaban los mejores puestos no el amar más. Creían pero en claves de recompensa. Pensaban pero en actitud de recoger el fruto. Así somos las personas cuando el Señor no ha llegado a nuestro más íntimo yo. No nos engañemos, a todos nos gustan que nos reconozcan nuestro trabajo. Puede ser que los demás no descubran nuestras luchas y trabajos, nuestros sacrificios y preocupaciones, pero ¡qué bueno es dar la vida por los demás sin ningún interés, sin buscar recompensa! Sólo Dios y tú saben el valor de cada cosa que has hecho por los otros. El amor de Dios será tu salario y tu recompensa, tu sindicato y tu reivindicación más urgente. Los apóstoles querían privilegios para el futuro. Pobres de nosotros si en el presente no descubrimos que dándonos, siguiendo el ejemplo de Jesús, es nuestra mejor recompensa, nuestro mejor reconocimiento. Cuando nos encontremos ante nuestro Señor, no nos preguntará ni los dogmas, ni la Biblia, ni los mandamientos ni siquiera los sacramentos, sino cómo los hemos vivido en actitud de servicio y disponibilidad. Me pregunto cómo todavía hay cristianos solamente preocupados por la pureza doctrinal cuando en realidad el Evangelio nos invita a la pureza de vida y de corazón… Sólo puede servir cristianamente a los demás quien tiene el amor como motivo de su vida. La autoridad, según Cristo, está en servir a nuestros hermanos. Cuando se reúna con su familia esta noche, reflexione en el evangelio de hoy, y piense en lo que pueda hacer esta semana para ayudar a un vecino anciano que no pueda ir al mercado solo, o visitar a un enfermo que necesite unas palabras de bondad. Encuentre la felicidad sirviendo a los demás. Nosotros, la comunidad de San Antonio, bendecidos con diversidad en cultura y tradiciones, nos unimos a la presencia real de Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nos comprometemos a vivir y enseñar la palabra de nuestro señor Jesucristo por medio de nuestra oración, servicio y acciones. Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Le invitamos a visitar nuestra Capilla Eucarística de Lunes a Jueves desde las 8:30 a.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. Durante estas horas tenemos expuesto al Santísimo Sacramento. Venga a acompañar a nuestro Señor, rezar, meditar y reflexionar por un momento acerca de su vida, sus anhelos, sus angustias, y también sus alegrías y logros. El Señor quiere participar en su vida y ser su mejor amigo. No pierda esta oportunidad de visitarlo y encontrar la paz que todos necesitamos y anhelamos. LES INVITAMOS! Domingo Mundial de las Misiones Domingo, 18 de Octubre 2015 Este Domingo nuestra parroquia celebra el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Este año estamos invitados a apoyar las 1,150 diócesis mas jóvenes en África, Asia, Islas del Pacifico pastres de Latinoamerica y Europa. Cada día, los misioneros fieles están sirviendo en el nombre de Cristo, ofreciendo cuidado práctico, emocional y espiritual a las comunidades, los niños y las familias en necesidad desesperada, llevar la luz de Cristo a la más oscura de las circunstancias. Para obtener más información, visite: Sobres para esta colecta estan disponibles a la entrada de la Iglesia. Gracias por ayudar a los misioneros del mundo para propagar la palabra de Dios. Salvaguardar los Niños ¿Sabe Usted? Hágale preguntas abiertas a los niños La comunicación es la clave para estar seguros de que usted está al día de lo que sucede en la vida de sus hijos – a medida que van creciendo y usted no puede estar con ellos en todo momento. Una de las claves para mantener los medios de comunicación abiertos con sus hijos es hacerles preguntas abiertas. Algunos niños no se abren fácilmente ni sueltan ningún detalle. Usted debe tener en cuenta, como hace la pregunta para que su hijo se acerque y comparta sus pensamientos y experiencias. Cuando usted hace preguntas abiertas, tenga en cuenta que debe ser paciente para esperar una respuesta. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] V{Ü|áàÅtá UtéttÜ St. Anthony Church - O’Grady Hall 220 Sierra Street, El Segundo Saturday, November 14th & Sunday, November 15th 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and find hidden treasures at our Christmas Bazaar. Help us to raise money for parish enhancement projects and at the same time find hidden treasures. Gently used clothing and shoes, household items, tools, collectibles, jewelry, silverware, Christmas decorations and much more.
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