Short Listings* 49th California International Book Fair *(Fuller Annotations, Supporting Documents, and Images Available Upon Request) Pasadena Center, 300 Green Street, Pasadena, CA. 91101, February 12-14, 2016. Please visit us at Booth 114 As usual we will be bringing a number of items not listed in the catalogue Kaaterskill Books PO Box 122 East Jewett, NY 12424 518-589-0555 [email protected] French Royalist Deputy argues "no concessions to a revolution led by Blacks" 1. AGIER, [FRANÇOIS-MARIE]. Opinion de M. Agier, Député du Départment des Deux-Sèvres, Sur le projet de Loi relatif à l'Indemnité à accorder aux Colons de Saint-Domingue. Séance du 7 Mars 1826. [Paris]: De l'Impremerie de A. Henry, 1826. 28 pp. 8vo. Stitched wrappers. First edition. See Robertson: France and Latin-American Independence: pp. 442-482. A near fine unopened (uncut) and untrimmed copy with faint foxing on front wrapper. Rare. Only copies at BN France. [43210] $1875 One of only six issues. Includes "Description of the Mississippi River," by Hutchins. 2. [AMERICAN PERIODICALS]. The Literary Museum, or Monthly Magazine, for April 1797. West-Chester, PA: Printed by Derrick & Sharples, 1797. [3], [172-224] pp. 8vo. Removed. First edition. Sabin 41494. Mott p. 790. A very good- copy, removed from a large volume, front leaf detached and creased, with a few chips; rear two leaves creased; otherwise clean. [43045] $400 Negotiations fail to quiet the American Revolution 3. [AMERICAN REVOLUTION]. [GEORGE III]. [Caption title]: An Act to Enable His Majesty to Appoint Commissioners with Sufficient Powers to Treat, Consult, and Agree upon the Means of Quieting the Disorders now subsisting in Certain of the Colonies, Plantations, and Provinces of North America. London: Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1778. [297]-302 pp. 12 x 7 5/8 inches (30.5 x 19.5 cm). Marbled paper-covered boards (document originally removed from a large volume). First edition. ESTC N57745. Small stab holes at inner margin else fine in mildly rubbed boards. [42250] $450 Loyalist Letter to England after the Coercive Acts 4. [AMERICAN REVOLUTION]. [KIMBER, EDWARD, ED.] The London Magazine: Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer. For November, 1774. London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1774. [2], 515-564 pp. Illus. with an engraved plate of Catherine, Countess of Desmond; a musical score "By the Gayly-Circling Glass", and a small mathematical drawing Sm. 4to. Stitched paper wrappers. First edition. A very good untrimmed copy, original stitching mostly loose, occasional soiled spot, a few creased corners, one leaf with pin hole in lower margin, offsetting from plate. [43120] $225 Pro-American Independence by a Briton 5. [AMERICAN REVOLUTION]. [ROBINSON-MORRIS, MATTHEW, 2D BARON OF ROKEBY]. A Further Examination of our Present American Measures and of the Reasons and the Principles on which they are Founded. Bath, England: Printed by R. Cruttwell, 1776. 256 pp. 8vo. Later wrappers. First edition. Adams, American Controversy 76-134; Howes R373; Sabin 72154. ESTCT95753. NUC R0385294. Wolf, Lib. Benjamin Franklin 2193. Sowerby, Cat. of the Lib. of Thomas Jefferson 3056. JCB 2319. Removed from a larger volume, lacking the half-title, untrimmed, early inscription identifying author on title page, later marbled wrappers, about very good. [35980] $775 Rare Photographic Record of the Argentinean Military on the eve of WW II 6. [ARGENTINA. MILITARY. PHOTOGRAPHY]. Ejercito Argentino. Regimiento no. 3 de Infanteria "General Belgrano". Recuerdo de mi vida militar. Buenos Aires. Año 1940. [Cover Title]. Buenos Aires: n.p., 1940. Unpaged [20 leaves]. Illus. with 19 mounted silver-gelatin photographs with spider-web tissue guards, 29 b/w photo-reproductions on 7 plates, and two small portraits. Obl. 4to. (12 x 8.5 inches). Patterned maroon leather album, two holes with string ties and tassels, gilt titles and illustrations on front board. First edition. A very good copy with wear to spine ends and corners of boards, edgeworn first leaf, over forty original signatures and inscriptions, some a paragraph long, on the front pastedown and verso of first leaf, plus one or two later on, all presumably members of the regiment. [41816] $750 Contains John H. Clark's important map 7. BAKER, MARCUS. CLARK, JOHN H. The Northwest Boundary of Texas. United States Geological Survey No. 194. Series F, Geography 30. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1902. 50 pp., [3] + map. Illus. with a 26.5 X 39.5 inch folding map and 5 figures. 8vo. Removed. First edition. Wheat 1022. Removed from a larger volume, a company stamp on the series title and the title page; the series title, last page, and rear blank wrapper detached. Edges browned on leaves but map fine. [31944] $250 With scarce map of the upper Yellowstone 8. BARLOW, J. W. [JOHN WHITNEY], HEAP, D.P.; UNITED STATES SENATE. Report of a reconnaissance of the basin of the upper Yellowstone in 1871. Letter from the Secretary of War, accompanying an engineer report of a reconnaissance of the Yellowstone River in 1871. April 18, 1872. 42nd Congress, 2d Session. Ex.Doc. No. 66. Senate. [Washington, D.C.]: [Government Printing Office], 1872. 43 pp. + map. Illus. with a folding lithographed map. 69 x 30.5 cm. (271⁄4 x 12 inches). 8vo. Modern brown cloth with gilt titles. First edition. Howes B145. Wheat Transmississippi 1220. Eberstadt 134-445. A very good+ copy, small bookplate, with expert repair to bottom edge of first leaf, large folding map skillfully silked on reverse at each fold, in a fine modern binding. [40288] $600 Humanistic view of the Discovery of the New World. In verse 9. BOTELLO DE MORAES Y VASCONCELOS, FRANCISCO. [ALSO BOTELHO]. El Nuevo Mundo. Poemma Heroyco de D. Francisco Botello de Moraes y Vasconcelos; con las Alegorias de Don Pedro de Castro, Cavallero Andaluz. Dedicalo su autor a la Catholica Magestad de Philippo Quinto, Augusto, Piadoso,Feliz Rey de las Españas, y Indias. Por mano del ilustrissimo señor D. Manuel de Toledo General de Batalla en los Exercitos de su Magestad, &c. Barcelona: Imprenta de Ivan Pablo Marti, por Francisco Barnola Impressor, 1701. 14 lvs, [1]-10, 9-38, 1 lv., [2] pp., 39 -268, 257476 pp. Sm. 8vo. Contemporary vellum, title lettered in manuscript. First edition. Palau 33684. Sabin 6797. Medina, BHA 2027. Leclerc 75. Ticknor p.42. Inncencio II: 642. Boards soiled, hinges and small tears neatly repaired, owner's bookplate on front pastedown, corner chip to front endpaper, later inscription on verso of half-title, occasional browning, overall a very good copy. [35982] $1500 Liberation of Brazilian Amazonia's Indigenous People 10. [BRAZIL]. COMPANHIA GERAL DO GRÃO PARÁ E MARANHÃO. JOSÉ I, KING OF PORTUGAL. Ley, porque V. Magestade ha por bem restituir aos Indios do Graõ Pará, e Maranhaõ a liberdade das suas pessoas, e bens, e commercio: na fórma que nella se declara. [text begins]... Dom Joseph por graça de Deos Rey de Portugal ... Faço saber aos que esta ley virem, que mandando examinar pelas pessoas do meu conselho, e por outros ministros doutos, e zelosos do serviço de Deos e meu, e do bem commum dos meus vassallos, que me pareceo consultar, as verdadeiras causas com que desde o descubrimento do Graõ Pará, e Maranhaõ, até agora naõ só se naõ tem multiplicado, e civilizado os Indios daquelle estado ... [Lisboa]: Na officina de Miguel Rodrigues, impressor do Eminentissimo Senhor Cardeal Patriarca, 1755. 12 pp. Folio (30 x 20.5 cm.). Removed. First edition. Gauz: Portuguese and Brazilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library 755/22. Not in Rodrigues, Borba de Moraes, or Sabin. A near fine copy, pinprick to top margin, minor browning at edges. [42961] $900 Appalling legislation regulating Indian missions 11. [BRAZIL]. FURTADO, FRANCISCO XAVIER DE MENDONÇA; POMBAL, SEBASTIÃO JOSÉ DE CARVALHO E MELO, MARQUÊS DE. Directorio, que se deve observar nas povoaçoens dos indios do Pará, e Maranhaõ Em quanto Sua Magestade naõ mandar o contrario. [Lisboa]: Na officina de Miguel Rodrigues, impressor do Eminentissimo Senhor Cardeal Patriarca, 1758. [2], 41, [1] pp. Illus. with Portuguese coat of arms on title page. Folio. Removed. First edition. Rodrigues 883. Borba de Moraes I, p 226. Gauz: Portuguese and Brazilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library 758/4. Lilly Library: Brazil from Discovery to Independence 14. Near fine, inked page numbers in upper right corner, lower corner of first leaf with a faint crease. [43044] $1250 Perhaps the first Brazilian novel 12. [BRAZIL]. MARQUES PEREIRA, NUNO. Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America em que se tratam varios discursos espirituaes, e moraes, com muitas advertencias, e documentos contra os abusos, que se achaõ introduzidos, pela malicia diabolica no Estado do Brasil. Lisboa: Francisco Borges de Sousa, 1765. [16 leaves], 474 (i.e. 476) pp. Woodcut printer's ornament on title page; head and tail pieces; initials Sm. 8vo. Contemporary mottle sheep, four raised bands, gilt decorations, red morocco lettering piece. Fifth edition. Sabin 60891. Borba de Moraes 660. Rodrigues 1545. Innocêncio VI, 315. Ford:Tentative Bibliography of Brazilian Belles-Lettres, p. 104. Silva 123. A very good copy, possibly rejointed, extremities worn with minor loss at head of spine, faint dampstain to rear pastedown and top edge of a few leaves, lacking rear free endpaper. [42911] $850 “A Landmark of Cartography” 13. [BRAZIL]. VANDERMAELEN, PHILIPPE. [Complete Map of Brazil]. Amer. Merid. Partie du Bresil... [17 Maps]. [Bruxelles]: [Ph. Vandermaelen], 1827 17 sheets. Hand-colored lithographic maps. 47 x 57 cm. First edition. Phillips, 749. Amer. Geol. Soc., Catalogue of Maps of Hispanic America: III, p. 172. Sabin 43762. A very good sharp set, housed in a clamshell box. [40380] $3000 Colonization, a prohibition of slavery, and land prices in Upper and Lower California 14. [CALIFORNIA]. LAFRAGUA, JOSÉ MARÍA. MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES INTERIORES Y EXTERIORES. Reglamento de la Direccion de Colonizacion. México: Imprenta del Aguila, 1846. 22 pp. 16mo. Contemporary calf. First edition. Streeter IV: 2510. Spain & Spanish America II: p.353. A very good copy, boards lightly scuffed, some faded ink spots on title page, small bookplate on front pastedown. [42910] $1000 California in the gold rush days 15. [CALIFORNIA]. NOMBELA [Y TABARES], JULIO. La Fiebre de Riquezas. Siete años en California descrubimento del oro y explotación de sus inmensos filones. Historia dramática en vista de datos auténticos é interesantes relaciones de los mas célebres viajeros. [Two Volumes in One]. Madrid: Urbano Manini, Calle de San Bernardo, Num. II / Calle de Serano, Num. 14, Barrio de Salamanca, 1871, 1872. [4], 547, [1]; [4], [5]-580 pp. Illus. with 21 plates. 8vo. Contemporary quarter calf. First edition. Howes N170 (aa). Streeter Sale V: 2933. Palau 192632. Adams 1616. Cowan II, p. 455. Boards scuffed and edgeworn, hinges cracked, worm holes on inner margin, scattered foxing and soiling, one leaf with a marginal chip to the corner, a few signatures started, still overall a good copy of a scarce book. [34299] $850 Hand-colored copper engraving from ‘Notitiae orbis antiqui’ 16. CELLARIUS, CHRISTOPH. Palaestina seu Terra Sancta. [Amsterdam]: [Caspar Fritsch], [1706]. 305 x 202 mm. A very good copy, left edge trimmed closely but not affecting borders or image. Nice colors, some toning on left side and at margins. [37560] $300 Massacre at Haiti 17. CHAZOTTE, PETER S. [STEPHEN]. Historical Sketches of the Revolutions, and the Foreign and Civil Wars in the Island of St. Domingo, with a Narrative of the Entire Massacre of the White Population of the Island. New York: Wm. Applegate, 1840. 71 pp. 8vo. Later dark brown cloth . First edition. Sabin 12356. Amer. Imprints 401378. Cundall 477. A very good copy, old glue stains on rear board, owner's name on free front endpaper with some bleed through, some offsetting and foxing on a few leaves else quite clean. [43149] $500 Three important reports from the founding year of Venezuela 18. CISTIAGA, JOSE HILARIO AND GUZMAN, ANTONIO L. [LEOCADIO] Memoria del señor secretario de hacienda al congreso de Venezuela de 1831. [Valencia, Venezuela]: n.p., 1831. 167 pp. 8vo. Three quarter morocco over marbled boards. First edition. A good copy, front board detached, backstrip mostly worn away, otherwise contents about fine. [41705] $400 Civil War recruiting broadside 19. [CIVIL WAR. PENNSYLVANIA]. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. HANCOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT. The Flag of America Shall Never Grow Dim, Nor One Star be Obliterated from its Bright Galaxy! Maj. Gen. Hancock's First Army Corps of Veterans. A splendid opportunity to form a grand national guard, to vindicate the national honor, in defiance of all the enemies of the institutions of America. Recruiting office, "Berry's Marquee," 106 S. Sixth Street. ... Veterans, to the front! ... Application may be made, personally or by letter, to Benjamin Franklin, Chief of Detective Police, Mayor's Office, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: n.p. [1865]. 1 sheet. 19 x 12 inches (48 x 30 cm). Broadside. First edition. A very good copy, small cellotape repair at fold, minor wear at extremities, small crease. [39093] $1500 Shouting that Pennsylvania leads in the war effort 20. [CIVIL WAR.]. (PENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH). [Broadside] Pennsylvania and the Union! Her Armed Contribution to the Armies for the National Defence! [Harrisburg, PA]: Pennsylvania Telegraph, 1861. 13 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. First edition. OCLC: 180773997. A very good copy with mailing folds, tiny tear at middle fold; stamped and addressed on verso else clean. [42905] $1200 Civil War Cartoon 21. [CIVIL WAR]. KIMMEL & FORSTER. [Print] The First of May 1865 or Genl Moving Day in Richmond Va. Lith. by Kimmel & Forster: Published by H. & W. Voight, 1865. Hand-colored lithograph. Printed area: 18.2 x 23 cm. Mounted and matted First edition. Very good but for a few small marginal damp stains just nicking the blank print area, browning at the edges with small repaired corner tear, all well away from the image and borders. [43175] $900 Colombian military broadsides seeking vindication from charges of disloyalty 22. [COLOMBIA]. [PENA, PEDRO ANTONIO DE LA]. [Two broadsides concerning the resignation of leniente coronel Pedro Pena]. Vindicacion [with] Al Publico. Cartajena: Impr. de los Herederos de J.A. Calvo, 1842. 1 leaf each. 12 x 8 in.; 10 x 7.5 in. Broadsides. First edition. Very good copies with some wear, small inked number at top margin. 'Al Publico' with folds, wax seal, and tear opposite; 'Vindicacion' removed from larger volume with one or two stitch holes, some dampstaining at fore margin just affecting a few words. [38299] $950 History and economy of the British colonies in the Americas 23. [COLONIAL AMERICAS]. [OLDMIXON, JOHN]. MOLL, HERMAN. The British Empire in America, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present State of all the British Colonies, on the Continent and Island of America in Two Volumes. Being an account of the country, soil, climate, product and trade of them, viz. ... with curious maps of the several places, done from the newest surveys. By Herman Moll, geographer. London: Printed for John Nicholson at the King’s Arms in Little Britain, Benjamin Tooke at the Middle-Temple-Gate, Fleetstreet, and Richard Parker and Ralph Smith under the piazza of the Royal Exchange, 1708. xxxviii, [2], 412 pp.; 384, [32] pp. Illus. with 8 engraved folding maps by Herman Moll. Sm. 8vo. Contemporary paneled calf, rebacked in morocco, five raised bands, red morocco lettering piece gilt. First edition. Sabin 57156. European Americana 708/95. Howes O61 (aa). LCP. Afro-Americana 7288. Lande 690. TPL 38. Kress 2597. Goldsmiths'-Kress 04492.1. JCB III:117. Cundall: West Indies 2000. Hanson 940. Handler 19. ESTC T135550. A very good set, boards rubbed with one small split; small stickers on each front cover and front paste down, browning to corners; Vol. I has damp marking to upper part of title and first few leaves of introduction; Vol. II has worming to corners of free front endpapers and first blank, faint damp marking along top edge, tear to one map through blank area, a few minor nicks to edges of two other maps. [38740] $5000 Longest Spanish Work on the English Colonies in America 24. [COLONIAL AMERICAS]. AL V AREZ, FRANCISCO. Noticia del Establecimiento y Poblacion de las Colonias Inglesas en la America Septentrional: religion, orden de gobierno, leyes y costumbres de sus naturales y habitantes; calidades de su clima, terreno, frutos, plantas y animales; y estado de su industria, artes, comercio y navegacion. Madrid: En la Oficina de Antonio Fernandez, 1778. 196 pp. 8vo. Later vellum, spine lettered in manuscript. First edition. Palau 9252. Sabin 975. Howes A192 ("aa"). Medina BHA: V, 4832. Clark I, 187. A very good copy, front board slightly bowed, small split to vellum on rear board at lower joint, minor soiling, else a bright, sharp copy. [35979] $1250 25. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. An Act Relative to Prisoners of War. Approved May 21, 1861. [Montgomery]: n.p., 1861. 1 sheet. 7 3/4 x 9 7/8 inches (25.5 x 20 cm). Broadside. First edition. Parrish & Willingham 59. Crandall 43. A very good copy, fold in center with several inch tears at crease, and Rebel Archives, War Department stamp on verso . [43025] $300 Increases award payments for the sinking of Union ships by privateers 26. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and concerning Letters of Marque, Prizes, and Prize Goods, approved May 6th, one thousand eight hundred and sixtyone." Approved May 21, 1861. [Montgomery]: [Congress of Confederate States of America], 1861. 1 sheet with integral blank leaf. 7 3/4 x 9 7/8 inches. Unbound as issued. First edition. Parrish & Willing- ham 60. Crandall 44. A near fine copy, folded in center, and Rebel Archives, War Department stamp on verso. [43026] $425 "An important source on the course of the Mexican War" 27. COOKE, P[HILIP] ST. GEORGE. The Conquest of New Mexico and California: A Historical and Personal Narrative. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. iv, 307 pp. Illus. with large folding map (21.8 x 42.8 cm.; 8.6 x 16.85 inches). 8vo. Original terra-cotta cloth, spine lettered in gilt, stamped in black. First edition. Streeter 182. Cowan p. 142. Howes C738. Graff 869. Flake 2499. Wheat: Transmississippi West III 505. Tutorow 3426. A very good copy, extremities worn, book plates to front pastedown, small closed tears to map not affecting the map itself, some splits to end papers. [40236] $500 Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge 28. [COOLIDGE, CALVIN]. [Archive of 10 Pamphlets from the 1924 Coolidge Presidential Campaign]. Republican National Committee and others, (1924). Illus. with b/w photos, drawings, and a map. Various sizes from 8 x 5.5 inches to 6 x 3.5 inches. Paper wrappers. First edition. Overall very good or better copies, some with light soiling. [43095] $275 With map showing numerous copper mines and large estates 29. [COPIAPO MINING COMPANY]. Report on the Mines and Estates situated in the Province of Copiapo, in the North Part of Chili, referred to in the Prospectus of the Copiapo Mining Company. London: Printed by George Titterton, 1835. 21 pp. Illus. with 1 color folding map. 8vo. Stitched paper wrappers. First edition. Vicuña Mackenna: Bibliografía americana...Gregorio Beéche p. 699. A very good copy, front wrapper chipped at edges; map bright. [41821] $350 Plea for relief with description of massive hurricane damage in Cuba's first Spanish city 30. [CUBA. HURRICANES]. [Small Archive of Three Manuscripts reporting on the Situation in Barocoa, Cuba after the Massive Hurricane of 1815]. [Baracoa, Cuba]: 1815. 22 pp. on 11 leaves. Folio. Disbound. Very good copies, some foxing and stitch holes. [43261] $900 Iconic Illustrations of 19th c. Cuba 31. [CUBA]. MAY, BERNARDO [MIALHE, PIERRE TOUSSAINT FREDERIC]. [Cover Title] Mapa de la Isla de Cuba y plano de la Habana. [Mapa historico pintoresco moderno de la Isla de Cuba (with) Plano pintoresco de la Habana con los numeros de las casas. [Havana]: B. May y Ca., [1853]. 2 sheets, 46 x 59 cm., folded into 17 x 11 cm cloth case. Publisher's pebbled brown cloth case elaborately stamped in blind and titled in gilt. First edition. Cueto 82. Cueto 199. Spine rubbed, maps with a few small archivally repaired splits at the folds, a few spots, else near fine. [42963] $4850 A license to hear confessions 32. [CUBA]. NEGUERUELA ET MENDI,EMMANUEL MARIA, ARZOBISPO DE SANTIAGO DE CUBA. [Signed document beginning]...Doctor D. Emmanuel Maria Negueruela et Mendi, dei et Apostolicae sedis gratia, archiepiscopus sancti jacobi in insula de Cuba, primas indiarum, ordinis americani Elisabeth catholicae eques magna cruce insignitus, theologus nunciaturae apostolicae in hispania, consiliarius regius. &.&. [Santiago de Cuba]: 1860. 2 pp. [1 sheet]. 7 3/4" x 11 3/4" A very good copy with small tape repair on verso at fold. [42951] $300 First Report of the first railroad builder in Cuba 33. [CUBAN RAILROAD]. CRUGAR, ALFRED. [Manuscript]: "A los Señores del la Comision de la Rl. Junta de Formento para el Camino de Hierro de la Habana al Rincon." Cerro [Havana]: n. p. 1835. [1 lv], 32 pp., [1 lv.] Folio. Original wrappers, disbound. First edition. A very good copy, old stab marks at inner margin, foxing, leaves toned, quite legible. [43220] $3250 Complete catalogue of an early and most important show of Mexican folk art. 34. D'HARNONCOURT, RENE. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS. Mexican Arts. Catalogue of an Exhibition Organized for and Circulated by The American Federation of Arts. 1930-1931. F.A. Whiting, preface; René D'Harnoncourt, Intro. [Portland, Me.], American Federation of Arts [The Southworth Press], 1930. xiii, 59 pp., + plates [20]. Illus. with 20 b/w plates. 8vo. Original green printed paper wrappers. First edition. Wrappers rubbed, a bit soiled, thin stain to top edges, small chip to corner of rear wrapper, some dog-eared leaves, notation on last blank, else leaves clean, overall still about very good. [43159] $125 Jefferson Davis accused of ‘cruel & barbarous practices’ 35. [DAVIS, JEFFERSON]. HOWARD, [JACOB MERRITT]. (UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. SENATE). In the Senate of the United States. Mr. Howard Submitted the following Resolution. Senate 39th Congress, 1st Session. Mis. Doc. no. 39. January 16, 1866. Read, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed... it appears that Jefferson Davis, late President of the so-called Confederate States, is now held in custody, charged with the crimes of having incited the assassination of Abraham Lincoln... Resolved by the Senate, (and the House of Representatives concurring,) That it be respectfully recommended to the President that said Jefferson Davis and Clement C. Clay be, without unnecessary delay, tried by a military commission upon said charges. [Washington, D.C.]: n.p., 1866. 1 sheet. 6 x 9 1/2 inches. Broadside. First edition. Owen: Bibliography of Mississippi p. 685. Eberstadt 165-210. ANBO 04/04-00529. A very good copy with inch marginal closed tear, light soiling, faint marginal stain. [43052] $400 Statue of Liberty unveiled 36. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY M. (MITCHELL). Oration by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew at the unveiling of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty enlightening the world, October 28, 1886. New York: n.p., 1886. 34 pp., [1] leaf of plates. Sm. 4to. Three quarter red morocco over marbled boards. First edition. Very good, splits to joints at head, hinges neatly reinforced, boards rubbed, original wrappers bound in, bookplate on front pastedown, contents crisp. [41787] $450 First published work by the author of "Memories of Underdevelopment" 37. DESNOES, EDMUNDO. LAM, WIFREDO, COVER ART. Todo esta en el fuego. La Habana: Ediciones Nosotros, 1952. 25, [1] pp. Sm. 8vo. Illustrated stapled paper wrappers. Cover Art by Wifredo Lam. First edition. 1 of 200 copies. Warmly inscribed by the author. A very good copy, wrappers soiled, spine rubbed with small tear at staple, endpapers mildly foxed, tiny indentation to upper margin of a few leaves. [42187] $1500 Profusely illustrated promotional piece to attract American development to Cuba 38. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF CUBA. Ceballos: The Garden Spot of Cuba. [New York]: [Development Company of Cuba, Press of Unz & Co.], n.d. (ca.1900). Unpaged. [23 Leaves + folding plate]. Illus. with 1 folding color panorama (61 x 15 cm), and 45 duotone photographs. 16mo. Stiff red paper wrappers, string tied, and stamped in gilt. First edition. Light soiling and fading on front wrapper. some bleeding on title and margin of first leaf, else clean, foldout plate sharp, and overall, very good or better. [43162] $250 Manuscript Archive of the Dominican Revolution 39. (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC). PUERTO RICO. [Archive of the War for the Independence of the Dominican Republic including seven manuscripts and the first printed newspaper of the new Republic]. Santo Domingo & Puerto Rico: Imprenta Nacional, 1844. 9 lvs (13 manuscript pages); [10 pp.]. Folio & 8 vo. Disbound. First edition. Rodríguez Demorizi: Guerra domínico-haitiana 30a. Martínez Paulino: Publicaciones Periódicas Dominicanas desde la Colonia (2nd ed): pp. 38-9. Very good copies with minor wear to fore edge, a few pin-size holes along inner margins, some browning, bleeding of ink on one manuscript, old stab holes on pamphlet, front wrapper soiled, contemporary owner's signature. [43118] $4000 40. DUCOUDRAY HOLSTEIN, H. L. V. (HENRI LA FAYETTE VILLAUME). Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, President Liberator of the Republic of Colombia; and of his Principal Generals; Secret History of the Revolution and the Events which Preceded it, from 1807 to the present time. With an Introduction Containing an Account of the Statistics and the Present Situation of said Republic, Education, Character, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. Boston: S.G. Goodrich, 1829. 64, 383 pp. Sm. 4to. Original quarter brown cloth with paper label over blue-gray paper covered boards. First edition. Sabin 21069. Palau 76386 Shoemaker 38425. Griffin 3693. Spine ends and boards worn, some soiling and scuffs, first blank just starting, owner's name on free front endpaper, light marginal foxing to last leaves, a few leaves uncut, overall still about very good. [43146] $500 One of 26 lettered copies. Signed 41. DUNCAN, ROBERT. The Five Songs. La Jolla, CA: Friends of the UCSD Library, (1981). [16 pp.]. 8vo. Stitched gray paper wrappers. First edition. Bertholf A55c. A fine copy. [40451] $250 Afro-American art with introduction by Ralph Ellison 42. [ELLISON, RALPH]. BEARDEN, ROMARE. ST A TE UNIV . OF NEW YORK. Romare Bearden, Paintings and Projections. Ralph Ellison, introduction. Albany, NY: State Univ. of New York at Albany Art Gallery, 1968. Unpaged [24]. Illus. with 9 b/w plates and 1 photograph. Sq. 8vo. Pictorial paper wrappers. First edition. Freitag 627. A very good copy with faint soiling on wrappers. [42837] $400 Rare catalogue by the Society for the Promotion of Draft Horses 43. [EQUESTRIAN]. SOCIEDAD DE FOMENTO DE LAS RAZAS CABALLARES DE TIRO. Sociedad de Fomento de las Razas Caballares de Tiro. Catálogo del Concurso Anual que se abre el 21 de octubre de 1897. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta y Encuadernación Barcelona, 1897. 42, [4] pp. 16mo. Paper wrappers. First edition. Anuario de la Prensa Chilena publicado por la Biblioteca nacional 1900: 978 A good copy, front wrapper detached, wrappers dampstained at edges, signatures loose, closely trimmed. [41818] $125 Deed of rights to an improved safety bridle and line 44. [EQUESTRIAN]. STEHMAN, HENRY H. AND CHRIST, AMOS B. Improved Safety Bridle and Line. Manor Township, Lancaster County, PA: 1866. 1 sheet. Illus. with 1 engraving. 17 x 12 1/2 inches. First edition. A near fine copy, a few minor spots and folds. [41774] $450 With Posada's chromolithographic covers 45. FRIAS, HERIBERTO. POSADA, JOSÉ GUADALUPE, ILLUSTRATOR. [Seven Booklets from] Biblioteca del Niño Mexicano. México: Maucci Hermanos, 1900-1901. 16 pp. each. Illus. with b/w drawings. 32mo. Stapled paper wrappers. First edition. Very good- copies, tears along spines, light soiling on wrappers, book dealer's stamp on lower margin of titles. [42942] $300 Contemporary account of life in 18th c. India and Persia. In a wonderful binding 46. FRYER, JOHN. A New Account of East-India and Persia, in Eight Letters. Being nine years travels, Begun 1672. And finished 1681. Containing Observations made of the Moral, Natural, and Artificial Estate of Those Countries: Namely, Of their Government, Religion, Laws, Customs. Of the Soil, Climates, Seasons, Health, Diseases. Of the Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Jewels. Of their Housing, Cloathing, Manufactures, Trades, Commodities. And of the Coins, Weights, and Measures, used in the Principal Places of Trade in those Parts. London: R.[obert] R.[oberts] for Ri[chard] Chiswell, 1698. x, xiii, 427, xxiv pp. Illus. with engraved frontispiece portrait of the author, 5 engraved plates (3 folding) and 3 maps, one with printed overslip; title in red and black, woodcut illustrations in text. Folio. Calf ruled and decorated in blind, five raised bands, compartments heavily decorated in gilt, red morocco lettering piece, all to period style. First edition. Wing F2257. ESTC R23401. Cox I: p 280. Kress S.2042. Goldsmiths'-Kress 03475.2. Not in Atabey or Blackmer. Small puncture on one leaf at Oo, not affecting text, leaves at Pp and Pp4 browned, a few minor shallow stains on the fore margins of some later leaves, very faint institutional stamp on margins of a few leaves, otherwise leaves clean, impressions sharp, and overall a near fine copy in an exceptionally handsome binding. [40121] $3750 Mining in Mexico. Lima Edition. With additions 47. [GALVEZ, JOSEF DE; COMPILER. NEW SPAIN. TRIBUNAL DE MINERÍA]. Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, regimen y gobierno del importante cuerpo de la mineria de Nueva- España, y de su Real tribunal general. De orden de su Magestad. Lima: Casa Real de los Niños Huerfanos, 1786. [2], lxxix, [1], vii, [1], 269, [3] pp. Sm. 4to. Later mottled calf. Second Lima edition. Palau 251938. Sabin 56260. Medina, Lima 1636. A very good copy; minor soiling to title, faint staining to fore edge of first few leaves, a few leaves with marginal worming not affecting text, bottom blank area of final leaf restored, news printings of 19th c. mining laws affixed to rear blanks. [43180] $1850 Johnny Appleseed's Church 48. GENERAL CONVENTION OF THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Journal of the Proceedings of the Ninth General Convention of Receivers of the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem in the United States...[with] Eleventh [with] Twelfth [with] Thirteenth [with] Fourteenth [with] Sixteenth...[Six Volumes]. Boston, Philadelphia: Office of the New Baltimore Magazine, Adonis Howard, Clark and Raser, Allen & Goddard, Otis Clapp, 1827 -1834. 32; 24; 20; 16; 21; 32 pp. 8vo. Stitched paper wrappers. First edition. See Sabin 53248n (for 8th convention). Shoemaker 29958, 39776. Amer. Imprints 2762. Very good copies with some scattered foxing, edgewer to a few issues, light soiling, light dampstain along bottom edge of one issue. [28325] $450 Darwin's list of "Books to Read" 49. GODRON, D.A. [DOMINIQUE-ALEXANDRE]. De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés de la période géologique actuelle. Nancy, France: Grimblot et Veuve Raybois, 1848. 107 pp. 8vo. Original yellow printed paper wrappers. First separate edition. A very good copy, wrappers spotted, inked numerals. [41588] $250 Don't Dance in Brazil 50. GRANT, ANDREW. History of Brazil, Comprising a Geographical Account of that Country, together with a Narrative of the most Remarkable Events which have Occurred there since its Discovery, a Description of the Manners, Customs, Religion, &c. of the Natives and Colonists, Interspersed with Remarks on the Nature of its Soil, Climate, Productions and Foreign and Internal Commerce, to which are Subjoined Cautions to New Settlers for the Preservation of Health. London: Printed for Henry Colburn, 1809. [8], 304 pp. 8vo. Full marbled calf, spine decorated in gilt, brown morocco spine label. First edition. Sabin 28291. Borba de Moraes I: 374. A very good or better copy, minor wear to extremities, small scuff mark to rear board, endpapers with offsetting, shadow of bookplate on front pastedown, owner's name on top margin of title; leaves clean. [43148] $1250 24 views of the K'iche' Maya 51. [GUATEMALA]. Sto. Tomás Chichicastenango, Guatemala. 24 Vistas n.p. n.p. (ca. 1905). 24 lvs according style. Illus. with 24 b/w photos (2.75 x 3.5 inches), each captioned in Spanish and English. 4 x 3 inches unfolds to 84 x 2.75 inches. Dark brown paper wrappers. A very good copy or better copy; tiny tears to wrappers, title a bit faded, photos crisp, light foxing on versos. [42937] $475 Carrera declared President for Life 52. [GUATEMALA]. CARRERA, RAFAEL. Acta de la Junta General de Autoridades. funcionarios publicos, prelados eclesiasticos, gefes militares y diputaciones de las corpaciones, en que se aclamo Presidente Perpetuo de la Republica de Guatemala al Exmo. Sr. Capitan Gral. Don Rafael Carerra. [Guatemala]: n.p. 1854. 1 sheet. 53.5 x 78 cm. (21 x 30 3/4 inches). Broadside. First edition. A very good copy, minor edgewear, fold, closed tear. [42931] $1750 Unrecorded short, but excellent travel narrative 53. [GUATEMALA]. ELTING, VICTOR. Guatemala 1940. n.p.: n.p., [1940]. 30 pp. Illus. with 10 halftone photographs on 6 plates. 8vo. Stapled paper wrappers. First edition. A very good copy with sunned and edgeworn wrappers, offsetting on first and last blanks, contents clean and crisp. [41817] $150 Inscribed by the Photographer 54. [GUATEMALA]. HOLTON, GEORGE. Indios de Guatemala. Fotografías en colores. Guatemala: Litografía Byron Zadik & Cia. S. C. Sucs, [ca. 1975]. 8 leaves of plates. Illus. with 8 color plates. 4to. Loose plates in color illustrated card portfolio. First edition. Fine bright plates in a rubbed, somewhat edge worn portfolio with cover neatly reattached within. [43182] $450 "Picaresque adventures... and scholarly expertise... A valuable work" 55. [GUATEMALA]. MORELET, ARTHUR. Voyage dans l'Amérique centrale, l'Ile de Cuba et le Yucatan. [Two Volumes]. Paris: Gide et J. Baudry, 1857. [4], 337, [2]; [4], 323, [2] pp. Illus. with 22 engravings, 2 plates of music,and 1 large folding color map (70.5 x 31.6 cm.). Sm. 4to. Contemporary half green morocco over marbled boards, four raised bands, three compartments decorated in gilt, two compartments with red morocco labels titled in gilt. First edition. Palau 181582. Sabin 50591. Bandelier: p.13. Very good copies with minor wear to boards, spine tips rubbed, small bookseller's label on free front endpaper, foxing, rear blanks clipped at corner; two small tears to map with old tape repairs on verso, otherwise map quite sharp. [42909] $2500 Ingenious descriptions and explanations of the petroglyphs 56. [GUYANA]. WINTER, A. Indian Pictured Rocks of Guiana. New Amsterdam, Guyana: Printed at the Berbice Gazette Office, 1881. 15 pp. + plates. Illus. with 11 monochrome plates. Sm. 8vo. Printed green paper wrappers. First edition. A very good copy, wrappers edgeworn and lightly soiled, plates sharp. [43151] $375 Law authorizing negotiation with the U.S. for food and material after the Revolution 57. [HAITI]. Loi Relative aux moyens de secourir la Colonie de Saint-Domingue. Donnée à Paris, le 29 Juin 1792, l'an IV. de la Liberté. Consignée dans les registres du Départment de la Meurthe, le 24 Juillet suivant. [No. 1412]. Nancy [France]: Chez Haener, Imprimeur du Départment de la Meurthe, 1792. 4 pp. Illus. with a woodcut headpiece. Sm. 4to. Self wrappers. First edition. A very good copy with pin holes along inner margin, two soiled spots, signed in ink on last page. [43209] $2200 Revolution in Haiti by a surgeon to King Christophe. Presentation copy 58. [HAITI]. HARVEY, W. W. (WILLIAM WOODIS). Sketches of Hayti: From the Expulsion of the French to the Death of Christophe. London: L.B. Seeley and Son, 1827. xvi, 416 pp. Illus. with folding frontispiece with a view of Cape Francois, St. Domingo. 8vo. Original publisher's tan linen over brown paper covered boards. First edition. Sabin 30783. LCP. Afro-Americana 4643. Cundall 465. Blockson 4003. Rebacked retaining original linen spine, paper label mostly gone, frontis foxed, title with a bit of offsetting, but still a very good untrimmed copy. [40266] $1000 Large Scale Map of Haiti 59. [HAITI]. VANDERMAELEN, PHILIPPE. Amer. Sep. Haiti ou St. Domingue. No. 68. [with] Curacao. No. 74. [Bruxelles]: [Ph. Vandermaelen], 1827. 2 sheets. Hand-colored lithographic maps. 46 x 53 cm and 50 x 56 cm. First edition. Very good bright copies, a few minor spots or marginal finger soiling. [40377] $825 Best Record of the Nordenflicht Expedition to Peru 60. HELMS, ANTHONY ZACHARIAH. Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima. With Notes by the Translator, containing Topographical Descriptions of the Spanish Possessions in South America, drawn from the last and best Authorities. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1806. xii, 287, [1] pp. Illus. with 1 folding map. 16mo. Later half calf over marbled boards, red morocco lettering piece, spine decorated in gilt. First English Language edition. Sabin 31265. Palau 112884 (1807 ed.). Kress B.5054. Goldsmiths'-Kress: 19189.6. Lowndes II: 902. See Hill (2004): 1349. Humphreys 563. Naylor A.4. A near fine copy, armorial bookplate on front pastedown, faint glue mark at hinge, minor foxing. [38738] $850 From Carey's "General Atlas" 61. [INDIA. MAPS]. CAREY, MATHEW. SCOTT, J.T. An Accurate Map of Hindostan or India, from the best authorities. J.T. Scott Sculp. Engraved for Carey's American Edition of Guthrie's Geography improved. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, 1796. 40 x 41 cm. Sheet size: 42 cm x 56 cm. First edition. Phillips 683-21. A very good copy, some marginal tears at the folds not in the image area, one tear about half an inch past the neat line into blank area, one tiny pin prick, numeral 21 inked to top margin. [41793] $500 Spectacular 18th c. Map of India 62. [INDIA. MAPS]. JEFFERYS, THOMAS. The East Indies, with the roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King. MDCCLXVIII. The second edition. To the Directors of the Honble East India Company, Thos. Jefferys humbly Dedicates this Map. London: Published 12 May 1794 by Laurie and Whittle, No. 53, Fleet-Street, [1768, but later, ca.1794]. sheet size: 139 x 61.3 cm. each. Image size 137 x 53.3 cm. Together 137 x 106.6 cm (approx. 54 x 42 inches) Second edition. See Gole, India within the Ganges:13.1. A very good copy, a few expertly repairs tears at the folds. [41795] $750 Iconography of Mahatma Gandhi 63. [INDIA]. [GANDHI]. NANDLAL, LAXMILAL. [Broadside depicting] Scenes from the Life of Mahatma Gandhi. Dehli: Hemchander Bhargava & Co. n.d. (ca. 1950). 1 sheet. 20 1/2 x 14 inches. A very good bright copy, a few unobtrusive creases, small tear to margin of top edge, pin pricks to corners of top margin most likely from being mounted on a wall, scuffs on verso most likely from removal of tape. [42186] $300 Three 18th c. Italian imprints 64. [ITALY. 18TH C.]. [BOLOGNA]. Parere sopra tre pareri del cittadino Luigi Morandi, parroco di S. Sebastiano. Bologna: Stampe della Colomba, 1799. [4], 31, [1] pp. 16mo. Later plain paper wrappers. First edition. A fine copy in later wrappers. [43006] $250 65. [ITALY. 18TH C.]. [CESAROTTI, MELCHIORRE]. Il patriotismo illuminato omaggio d'un cittandino alla patria. In Padova [Padua]: A spese di Pietro Brandolese, 1797. xliii, [1] pp. 16mo. Paper wrappers. First edition. A very good copy, title with small neat numeral in ink, stitching weak. [43004] $250 A treatise on the epidemic of divorce in Venice 66. [ITALY. 18TH C.]. [VENICE]. Discorso sopra i divorzj Veneti. Venezia: Nella stamperia Valvasense, 1797. XXXII pp. 16mo. Later paper wrappers. First edition. Pillinini 157. Stitching loose else a very good copy, light soiling on title. [43005] $400 67. [JAPAN. CINEMA. WORLD WAR II]. [Small Archive of Japanese Movie Stills from the World War II Era]. [Japan]: n.d. [ca. 1939-1941]. 47 b/w photos. Approximately 6 x 4 inches. Loose in a black clamshell box. Very good copies with slight curl; some with small edge or corner tears; 23 have the name of the film or featured actors/actresses rubber-stamped on the back, in Japanese. [43024] $750 First hydro-electric power plant constructed in Japan and the canal to go with itfgbv 68. [JAPAN]. [KYOTOSHI. KYOTO CITY COUNCIL]. The Lake Biwa Canal and its HydroElectric Power. (The Municipal Electric Works). Kyoto, Japan. 京都市. Tokyo / [Kyoto]: Printed at the "Tokyo Tsukiji Type Foundry", 1904. 12 pp.+ illus. Illus. with 8 b/w photos, 3 folding diagrams, maps, and plans. 8vo. Limp navy blue cloth letter in gilt. First edition. A very good copy with minor wear to spine, light soiling on boards, small date stamp on free front end-paper, faint dampstain to top edge of free rear end-paper and rear board. [42903] $375 The Wages of Sin 69. [JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS. ILLUSTRATED NEWS PERIODICAL]. Kanzen chōaku [Poetic Justice]. 勧善懲悪 新聞錦絵. Osaka: n.p. [circa 1875-80]. 16 loose sheets. 17.5 x 24.5 cm (7 x 9 1/2 inches). First edition. Some edges trimmed, pinprick to upper right corners, occasional rubbing and staining at edges, but overall very good with vibrant colors. [42962] $1500 Jefferson says U.S. ships for U.S. shipping 70. JEFFERSON, THOMAS. [Broadside] An Act to amend the act intituled "An Act concerning the registering and recording of ships and vessels." [Washington, D.C.]: [U.S. Congress]. 1804. 1 sheet. 7 7/8 x 9 1/2 inches. Self wrappers. First edition. A very good- copy, lacking the lower blank margin, folds, old paper tape repair on verso, numeral inked to margin, some staining below text. [43050] $375 Comstock's copy 71. JONES, WILLIAM A.; COMSTOCK, THEODORE BRYANT; OTHERS. Report upon the Reconnaissance of Northwestern Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in the Summer of 1873. Washington [D.C.]: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1875. vi, 331 pp., plates. Illus. with 51 folding maps and plans, one of which is in color, 8 plates, and in-text illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. Second edition. Howes J245. Wheat 1241. Pilling 2040. Spine tips worn with loss, extremities worn, otherwise a very good copy, small bookplate and inked stamp on front pastedown, occasional corner creases. [40508] $750 Juarez' letter discusses the transfer of munitions and troops in an unstable Mexico 72. JUÁREZ, BENITO. [Manuscript Letter, Signed, from Benito Juárez, as Gobierno de Estado de Oaxaca, to Ministro de Guerra y Marina concerning the movement of troops and weapons five weeks before the presidential transition of 1851]. [Oaxaca]: 1850. [2 pp.]. Folio. A very good, quite legible copy, tear to upper right corner just touching a two letters of the closing on the verso, a few old marginal pin pricks, two marginal thin spots. [43246] $950 Enlightenment attack on fundamentalism 73. JÜNGER, NICOLAI DEM [PSEUDONYM BAHRDT, CARL FRIEDRICH DER JÜNGERE]. Das Religions-Edikt. Ein Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen. Eine Skizze. Thenakel [i.e. Vienna]: Gedruckt durch Johann Michael Bengel [i.e. Wucherer], 1789. 88 pp. 16mo. Paper-covered boards. First edition. Weller: Falsche Druckorte; I, p. 142. Goedeke IV, p. 827: 90. A very good copy, gray paper boards with small numeral label on front board, owner's bookplate on front pastedown, a few ownership initials on title, detailed notations on verso of free front endpaper, contents clean. [42960] $250 The first scientific exploration of the Amazon 74. LA CONDAMINE, [CHARLES-MARIE] DE. Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'intérieur de l'Amerique méridionale, depuis la côte de la Mer du Sud, jusqu'aux côtes du Brésil & de la Guyane en descendant la riviere des Amazones. [Jean] Godin des Odonais, une lettre. Maestricht: Chez Jean-Edme Dufour & Philippe Roux, imprimeurs-libraires, associés, 1778. [4], xvji, 379, [1] pp., [2] folded leaves of plates. Illus. with folding plate and folding map. 8vo. Reinforced with contemporary cloth and paper wrappers. Nouvelle édition. Augmentée de la relation de l'emeute populaire de Cuença au Pérou et d'une Lettre de M. Godin des Odonais, contenant la relation du voyage de Madame, Godin, son epouse, &c. Sabin 38485. Palau 129374. Quérard 4:368. JCB III: 2456. Borba de Moraes I: 380. Rodriguez 701. Cox II: p. 272. Brunet III: 729. Moreno, Biblioteca peruana II: 3231. Unopened (uncut) and untrimmed copy, bound in leaves from 1795 edition of Norden's Voyage, covered in cloth, split to front cloth at joint, small tears to the temporary binding, plates and first and last signatures detached, soiling along fore edge as expected, [41703] $750 Discoveries at Nineveh. In Italian 75. LAYARD, AUSTENTO ENRICO. [LAYARD, AUSTEN HENRY]. Delle scoperte di Ninive. Descrizione di Austeno Enrico Layard... volgarizzamento del conte Ercole Malvasia Tortorelli. Bologna: Societa Tipografica Bolognese e Ditta Sassi. 1855. xxix, 360, [1] pp. Illus. with 68 engravings (1 folding) and 4 maps (3 folding). Sm. 8vo. Cloth. First Italian edition from the first English edition. A very good crisp copy, rebound, thin faint dampstain along fore edge of preliminaries, edges a bit darkened, last blank chipped. A nice copy [29193] $300 Variant with wonderful woodcuts 76. LEFEVRE D'ETAPLES, JACQUES. Moralis Iacobi Fabri Stapulensis in Ethicen introductio, Iudoci Clichtouei ... familiari commentario elucidata. Parisiis [Paris] : In aedibus Simonis Colinaei [Simon de Colines], 1528. 56, [2] lvs. Illustrated with woodcuts and initial letters. 4to. (30.5 cm). Half morocco over marbled boards, five raised bands, gilt title, red-stained edges (by Maltby, Oxford). Renouard, Simon de Colines: pp. 115-116. Moreau/Renouard, Inventaire chronologique des éditions parisiennes, III: 1537. Title page remounted, some very old faint staining along the fore edge, margins of a number of leaves expertly repaired, a few minor annotations, added woodcuts, a very good copy in a fine binding. [40432] $1200 Calligraphic portrait using the text of the Emancipation Proclamation 77. [LINCOLN, ABRAHAM]. PRATT, W. H. [Broadside] Proclamation of Emancipation. Names of members of Congress who voted for the resolution to submit to the Legislatures of the several states the amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting slavery forever. Denver: Halsey M. Rhoads, n.d. (ca.1900). 1 sheet. Sheet size 17 3/4 x 14 inches. Later printing. See Eberstadt: Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation 42. Lilly Library: Lincoln Prints 4/97. A very good copy, small repaired tear at top, small tear at bottom, both in blank areas, vertical and horizontal folds, some minor edge wear. [41809] $500 Lincoln & the Presidents allegorized 78. [LINCOLN]. FEUSIER, A., LITHOGRAPHER. [Print]. Presidents of the United States. [Philadelphia]: Published by F. Bouclet, 1861. Sheet size: 27 x 21 (68 x 53 cm); image size: 24 1/2 x 18 3/4 (62 x 47.5 cm). Chromolithograph on wove paper. First edition. Reilly, American Political Prints: 1861-13. A very good copy, small, faint stain on left margin, minor edge wear with a few tiny tears, colors vibrant. [39098] $3500 "Factual and documented account of a Nazi invasion of our continent" 79. LOMBARDO TOLEDANO, VICENTE. 5th Column in Mexico. [New York]: Council for Pan American Democracy, [1942]. 31, [1]. pp. 12mo. Paper wrappers. First edition. Spine worn with tears at the tips, top corners chipped, very faint damp staining along top and fore edge, browning. About very good. [43171] $50 Ephemeral broadsides with hand-colored illustrations of Civil War scenes 80. MAGNUS, CHARLES, LITHOGRAPHER. [Eleven Civil War Song Sheets]. [New York]: Charles Magnus, 1863-1864. 1 sheet each. Each with colored illustration. Approx. 8 x 5 inches. Broadsides. First edition thus. Very good or better copies. Detailed list available. [42987] $1000 81. MARKHAM, CLEMENTS. Richard Hakluyt: His Life and Work. With a Short Account of the Aims and Achievements of the Hakluyt Society. An Address Delivered by Sir Clements Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S., (President), on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society, December 15th, 1896. London: Printed at the Bedford Press, 1896. 19 pp. 8vo. Blue paper wrappers. First edition. Bibliotheca Geographica 51. A very good copy with some light scattered foxing, top edge trimmed at a slight slant. [43164] $125 An invaluable reaffirmation of Congregational Church practice 82. [MATHER, COTTON]. Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov-Anglorum. A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practiced, in the Churches of New-England. With interspersed and instructive reflections on the discipline of the primitive churches. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish in Cornhill, 1726. [1 lv], iv, 10, 207, [3] pp, blank. 12mo. Modern calf. First edition. Evans 2775. Sabin 46474. Streeter Sale II: 672. Church 903. Holmes, Cotton Mather, 318. New calf with new endpapers, original blanks. "by Cotton Mather" inscribed on title page, and manuscript number inscribed on verso of title page, foxing throughout, intermittent marginal wear, leaf Ee2 slightly defective with minute loss of text, inscriptions by early owners on free front endpaper and title page, still about very good. [34301] $3750 In support of the Mexican Independistas 83. MENDIBIL, PABLO DE. BUSTAMANTE, CARLOS MARÍA DE. Resúmen Histórico de La Revolucion de Los Estados Unidos Mejicanos; sacado del "Cuadro Historico" que en forma de cartas escribió el Lic. D. Carlos María Bustamente, i ordenado en cuatro libros. London: Lo Publica R. Ackermann, 1828. xxv, 423 pp. Illus. with 5 b/w plates. 8vo. Modern half red cloth over marbled boards, brown morocco gilt spine label, rules, marbled edges. First edition. Palau 163362. Sabin 47810. Spain & Spanish America II: 73. A very good or better copy in a bright binding, title leaf soiled with old edge repair, an expertly repaired chip on corner, scattered foxing, minor damp marking to top edge of plates, small puncture on advertising leaves. [38914] $500 Mexican War history suppressed by Santa Anna. With maps and portraits 84. [MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR]. ALCARAZ, RAMON; ET AL. Apuntes para la Historia de la Guerra entre México y los Estados-Unidos. México: Tipografia de Manuel Payno, 1848. v, [1], [1], 401, [3] pp. Illus. with 28 lithographic maps and plates: 14 folding maps; 14 portrait plates; and one folding table. Sm. 4to. Contemporary quarter morocco over marbled boards, four raised bands, gilt title on spine. First edition. Palau 14138. Sabin 48281. Howes A105 (b). Streeter I:279. Haferkorn 8. Eberstadt 114-733. Tutorow 3254. About very good, small chip to foot of spine, edges worn, armorial bookplate on free front endpaper, scattered foxing, tide line on top fore margin of first dozen or so leaves, a few leaves with old reinforcement repairs on top inner edge affecting a few words, one map with a few repairs affecting the neat line at one corner and blank areas, one leaf with two wear holes to lower margin, otherwise quite solid. [42378] $4000 Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua 85. [MEXICO. BAJA]. VANDERMAELEN, PHILIPPE. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON. Amer. Sep. Partie de la Vieille Californie. No. 58. [and] No. 65. [Bruxelles]: [Ph. Vandermaelen], 1827 2 sheets. Hand-colored lithographic maps. 46 x 51 cm and 46 x 54 cm. First edition. Phillips, 749. Sabin 43762. Very good bright copies, a few minor spots or marginal finger soiling. [40378] $725 Manuscript plan of the Pueblo of La Lima and Lima de Arriba 86. [MEXICO. SINALOA]. RICA, ROMULO. [Manuscript Map] Plano de los terrendos de La Lima. Levantado por Romulo Rico, ingeniero. Culiacán [Mexico], 1889. 16.5 x 17 inches. Waxed paper. First edition. A very good copy, a few folds, minor marginal creasing. [43177] $400 Manuscript plan of Santa Anita, Vienticuartro, and surrounding area 87. [MEXICO. SINALOA]. ROCHA, IGNACIO L. [Manuscript Map] Plano de los terrendos de Santa-Anita. Levantado por Ignacio L. Rocha, ingeniero. Casa Blanca [Mexico], 1888. 18 x 23.5 inches. Waxed paper. First edition. A very good copy, a few folds, minor marginal creasing. [43176] $450 Rare Mexican military manual 88. (MEXICO). Reglamento para el Ejercicio y Maniobras de la Infanteria. México: En la imprenta Imperial de D. Alejandro Valdes, 1821. [2], 184 pp. + [11] folded lvs. Illus. with 11 engraved folding plates. 8vo. Contemporary calf. First Mexican edition. See Palau 254646 (Cadiz ed. 1812). A very good or better copy, edges and spine head rubbed; minor foxing and early owner's signature on title, else leaves fresh. [42912] $1850 First hand descriptions of the political and military events in the Veracruz area in early 1858 89. [MEXICO]. [Archive of Ten Manuscript Documents on the Mexican War of Reform]. [Tuxpan, Mexico]: 1858. [17 pp.]; 10 lvs. All but one folio. Overall very good, quite legible and clear, a few minor faults: three leaves with corner tears or chips with loss of a word or two, one with loss of a few words on five lines, two leaves with worn edges, one with corner tear without loss. [43248] $2500 Broadside announcing the first elected constitutional Governor of Mexico in the Segunda época 90. [MEXICO]. [OLAGUÍBEL, FRANCISCO MODESTO]. VILLELA, MARIANO El C. Lic. Mariano Villela, presidente del Superior Tribunal de Justica y gobernador interino del estado libre y soberano de mexico a todos sus habitantes. Sabed:... Los Sres. secretarios del Honorable Congreso del Estado, en oficio de 13 del corriente, me han dirigido el decreto que sigue: El Congreso constitucional del Estado de México ha decretado lo siguiente: Art. 1.° Es gobernador constitucional del Estado, el Ecsmo, Sr. Lic. D. Francisco Modesto de Olaguibel... [Mexico, Toluca]: 1846. 1 sheet. 42 x 32 cm. Broadside. First edition. Light stains at the corners, vertical fold, wear to bottom edge, still very good. [43194] $300 Santa Anna decrees coercive powers can be used to collect U.S. reparations 91. [MEXICO]. CANALIZO, VALENTÍN. SANTA ANNA, ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE. El. C. Valentin Canalizo, General de division, gobernador y comandante general del departmento de Mexico Por el ministerio de hacienda, con fecha 5 del que rige, se me ha comunicado el decreto siguiente.... [México]: 1843. 1 sheet. 45 x 33 cm. Broadside. First edition. See Dublan y Lozano, Legislación mexicana, 1841 a 1844: no. 2557. A very good copy, one edge browned with small chips and tears, some bleed-through from contemporary signature on verso. [43193] $450 Dual language text on facing pages in Nahuatl and Spanish 92. [MEXICO]. CURA DEL OPISPADO DE LA PUEBLA. Explicacion clara y sucinta de los principales misterios de Nuestra Santa Fe. Oracion dominical, mandamientos y sacramentos en el idioma mexicano a beneficio de los indios, y en el castellano para los que aspiran al ministerio de estos. Puebla [Mexico]: Imprenta del hospital de S. Pedro, 1835. Frontis (in matching period facsimile), 265, [2] pp. 24mo. Modern quarter brown cloth over marbled boards, leather spine labels, stamped in gilt. First edition. Sabin 23424. Field 516. Pilling 1251. Icazbalceta 104. Catalogue of Pre -1840 Nahuatl Works Held by The Lilly Library 40. Viñaza 436. Frontis and pp.265/6 lacking but provided in facsimile on matching paper; title page toned, otherwise a very clean, sharp copy in a fine modern binding. [42110] $600 Defense of Martín Gil y Garces, Dean of Church in Michoacan 93. [MEXICO]. GIL Y GARCÉS, MARTÍN. El doctor Don Martín Gil y Garces, dean de la Santa Iglesia catedral de Michoacán: manifiesta los hechos é irrefragables constancias que evidenciaron la escandalosa arbitrariedad con que su cabildo sede-vacante lo ha despojado del beneficio que canonicamente obtiene; y combatiendo el especioso é infundo dictámen de los letrados, á quienes estudiosamente se consulto al efecto, se somete al juicio de los sabios, y al de los imparciales y sensatos, a quienes, como á todo el respetable público, protesta instruir del progreso y terminación de los recursos que ha entablado para su pronta restitución. Mexico: Impr. del ciudadano A. Valdés, 1831. Illus. with b/w photos. 8vo. Three quarter red morocco over blue cloth boards. First edition. About fine, minor rubbing on board and a few old erasures. [42113] $450 The first daily newspaper in Mexico: "Rare, even in Mexico," Sabin 94. [MEXICO]. ITURRIGARAY Y ARÓSTEGUI, JOSÉ DE; VILLA URRUTIA, JACOBO DE; BUSTAMANTE, CARLOS MARÍA DE. Diario de Mexico. Tomo X. Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo y Junio de 1809 [Volume X only]. [México]: Impr. en la oficina de Don Mariano José de Zùñiga y Ontiveros, 1809. [ii], [xiv], 744 pp. 8vo. Modern vellum to style, manuscript title on spine, new endpapers. First edition. Sabin 48424. Medina: México 9784. Palau 71882. A very good copy, some staining and marginal losses to the first few leaves, occasional darkening of fore edge. [42111] $1200 Funeral oration for González del Campillo, the Creole Bishop of Puebla 95. [MEXICO]. MENDIZÁBAL Y ZUBIALDEA, LUIS DE.; VÁZQUEZ Y SÁNCHEZ VIZCAÍNO, FRANCISCO PABLO, Solemnes Exequias del Exmô. é Illmô. Señor D. Manuel Ignacio Gonzalez del Campillo, dignísimo Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles, Prelado Gran Cruz de la real y distinguida Orden de Cárlos III, del Consejo de S.M. Celebradas en la Santa Iglesia Catedral de Dicha Cuidad en los dias 26 y 27 de Noviembre de 1813. México: Mariano Ontiveros, 1814. (6), 17, (2), 34 pp. Sm. 8vo. Later paper wrappers. First edition. Sabin 86368. Sabin 47815. Sabin 98715. Palau y Dulcet 317555. Medina: México 10919. Andrade 4361. Amaya 2095. Lafragua 704. A very good copy with neat minor marginalia, worm holes in lower margin not affecting text, contents bright. [40969] $300 Santa Anna declares non-Colonization land grants null & void 96. [MEXICO]. SALAS, JOSÉ MARIANO; SANTA ANNA, ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE. José Mariano de Salas, general de división, caballero comendador de la nacional y distinguida orden de guadalupe gobernador y comandante general del Departamento de Mexico, a todos sus habitantes, sabed: Que por la Secretaría de Estado y del Despacho de Gobernacion, se me ha dirigido el siguiente decreto ... [Mexico,Toluca]: 1854. 1 sheet. 42.3 x 31.5 cm. Broadside. First edition. A very good copy, folds, some minor edge wear, corners decoratively trimmed. [43195] $325 Various proposals for minting accurate coins 97. [MINING. PERU]. E.M. [MALINOUSKI, ERNESTO]. La moneda en el Perú. Lima: Tipografia de Aurelio Alfaro y Ca., 1859. 42, [2] pp. 12mo. Later marbled paper wrappers. First edition. Moreno, Biblioteca peruana II: 2838. Cortes Conde & Stein 3915. A very good+ bright copy, later wrappers, owner's stamp on title. [42233] $300 An early uncommon work on metallurgy 98. [MINING]. KUSTEL, GUIDO. Roasting of Gold and Silver Ores, and the Extraction of their Respective Metals without Quicksilver. San Francisco: A.J. Leary, stationer and printer, 1880. 156, 4 [adv.] pp. Illus. with 21 in-text b/w drawings. 8vo. Publisher's brown pebbled cloth with gilt titles. Second edition (New edition). A very good copy, minor wear to spine ends, scuffed spot on rear board, faint New Orleans bookseller stamp on bottom margin of title page, owner's signature. [40943] $250 Minnesota as the "Empire" state of the Northwest 99. [MINNESOTA]. STRANG, E. D. Olmsted County, Minnesota, and its Advantages of Soil, Climate and Location, with Rochester, as a most Favorable Point for Manufacturing... Rochester, Mn: Post Steam Newspaper, Book and Job Printing Office, 1884. 64 pp. Illus. with 20 b/w engravings and 2 maps, one double. 8vo. Stitched paper wrappers. First edition. Eberstadt 107:264. Rear wrapper soiled, some marginal browning of the last few leaves, else a very good+ clean crisp copy. [27660] $300 Criticism of the Order of Cincinnatus after Burke 100. MIRABEAU, HONORE GABRIELLE RIQUETTE, COMTE DE. Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus. To Which are Added Several Original Papers... A New Edition. Philadelphia: Printed by T. Seddon, 1786. iv, 68 pp. 8vo. 19th c. three quarter morocco over marbled boards. A new edition with considerable corrections. Sabin 49395. Howes M653. Evans 19803. Echeverria & Wilkie: 786/49 JCB, III: 3084. A very good untrimmed copy; chips to spine ends; scuffed tips, owners bookplates on front endpapers and first blank; tight binding. [41762] $750 A travesty of "tax schemes... confusions, nuisances, conflicts [and] corruption” 101. [MOSES, JOHN, ATTRIB.]. The New Constitution, Shall it be Adopted or Rejected? n.p.: n. p., [1862]. 8 pp. 8vo. Removed. First edition. Eberstadt 107-186. A very good copy, small tear on top edge. [36461] $350 Broadside on the baptism of Napoleon II, King of Rome 102. [NAPOLEONIC STATES, ITALY]. IMOLA. ALESSANDRETTI, [ANTONIO]. Programma. Regno d'Italia. Dipartimento del Reno. Distretto d'Imola. Il podesta della citta d'Imola. [Imola]: tipografia comunale per Gianbenedetto Filippini, 1811. 1 sheet 49 x 38 cm. Broadside. First edition. A few tiny tears at folds else a fine, untrimmed copy. [40247] $1250 Geological report on mining in Panama. 103. NEW GRANADA MINERAL LAND COMPANY. The Charter and by-laws of the New Granada Mineral Land Company, incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April 3, 1856: charter perpetual. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman & Son, 1856. [1-5] 6-51 [1 blank] pp., Illus. with 1 [of 2] plates, the chromolithograph folding map. 8vo. Original beige wrappers, stitched. First edition. Overall good; map detached but otherwise fine. [41797] $250 Stamp duties on paper and a shakeup in the Department of Papel Sellado. Signed. 104. [NEW SPAIN. REAL HACIENDA. RAMO DEL PAPEL SELLADO]. V ALCÁRZEL Y BAQUERIZO, DOMINGO; REVILLA GIGEDO, JUAN FRANCISCO GÜEMES Y HORCASITAS; [AND] GÁLVEZ, BERNARDO DE. Instruccion del papel sellado. El Licdo. Don Domingo Valcarzel, y Baquerizo ... Por quanto el infatigable vigilante zelo... [bound with] Superintendencia y Juzgado Privativo del Ramo del Papel Sellado. México 30 de Junio de 1785... [México]: [na], 1782 & 1785. 7 pp.,[1]; [4 pp.]. 28.5 cm. Stitched. First edition. Graff 4452. Graff 3914. Medina: Mexico 7364 (variant). Very good, a few faint dampstains, slight loss at fold affecting a few words on first two leaves. [43198] $1250 Early promotional piece extolling cheap labor & unrivaled climate 105. NEW YORK AND PORTO RICO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Opportunities in Porto Rico. New York: New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company, (1904). 32 pp. Illus. with 12 b/w photographs Sq. 24mo. Illustrated paper wrappers. First edition. A very good copy with lightly soiled wrappers, small crease throughout. [41812] $125 Unrecorded Mexican Crusade Bull 106. OMAÑA Y SOTOMAYOR, GREGORIO JOSÉ DE. Nos el Dr. Don Gregorio Omaña y Sotomayor, catedrático de sagrada escritura en la real universidad ... Siendo ilegado el tiempo de que publique la Santa Bula de la misma Cruzada, de Vivos, Difuntos, Composicion, y Lacticinios, correspondiente al Bienio de mil setecientos ochenta y ocho, y mil setecientos ochenta y nueve, concedida por la Santa Sede Apostólica à nuestros Católica Monarcas Reyes de las Españas para todos los Fieles. [México]: n.p., 1787. Unpaged [7 pp.]. Historiated initial letter. 4to. Disbound, stitching lacking, sealed paper. First edition. A very good copy, browning and wear to the edges. [43206] $400 The classic travel account of Bolivia 107. ORBIGNY, ALCIDE DESSALINES D'. Fragment d ́un voyage au centre de l ́Amerique Meridionale; contenant des considérations sur la navigation de l'Amazone et de la Plata, et sur les anciennes missions des provinces de Chiquitos et de Moxos (Bolivia). Paris: P. Bertrand ( Strasbourg: Levrault), 1845. [2 lvs], 584 pp. Illus. with large folding lithograph map (43 x 52 cm). 8vo. Later quarter calf over pebbled cloth boards, five raised bands, gilt title and decorations on spine, marble end-papers. First edition. Palau 202177. Sabin 57454. Borba de Moraes, p. 632. A very good copy, wear to spine head, hinges started but firm, thin split on rear cloth, small bookseller's stamp on half-title, scattered foxing, map with closed tears. [42896] $2500 Stagecoach King dethroned 108. [OVERLAND MAIL]. [HOLLADAY, BENJAMIN]. CAMERON, ANGUS. UNITED STATES CONGRESS. In the Senate of the United States. February 9, 1880. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cameron, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following Report (To accompany bill S. 231): The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Holladay, praying compensation for spoliations by Indians on his property while engaged in carrying the mail of the United States under a contract with the United States, and for damages and expenses incurred in consequence of the changing of his mail route in compliance with military orders, and for property taken and used by the military forces of the United States... [with] April 11, 1882. Mr. Cameron, of Wisconsin, from the Committee on Claims, submitted the following Report (To accompany bill S. 1683): The Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Ben Holladay, praying compensation for spoliations by Indians on his property while carrying the mails of the United States... [Washington, D.C.:] [U.S. Government Printing Office], 1880; 1882. 18; 11 pp. 8vo. Stapled paper wrappers; stitched paper wrappers. First edition. See Streeter 314 (for 1872 Memorial). Very good copies. [43114] $350 "One of the earliest projects for a transcontinental railway" 109. [PACIFIC RAILROADS]. DEGRAND, PETER PAUL FRANCIS. Proceedings of the Friends of a Rail-Road to San Francisco, at Their Public Meeting, Held at the U.S. Hotel, in Boston, April 19, 1849. Including an Address to the People of the U. States; Showing that P. P. F. Degrand's Plan is the Only One, as yet Proposed, Which Will Secure a Single Act of Legislation, the Construction of a Railroad to California, in the Shortest Time Allowed by its Physical Obstacles. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, printers, 1849. 24 pp. 8vo. Stitched pink paper wrappers. Second edition. Sabin 19303 (4th. ed.). Graff 3365. Railway Economics p.284. A very good copy, mail fold, tiny deaccession stamp at foot of last leaf. [42411] $325 Panama Canal excavation 110. [PANAMA] MADURO JR., I.L. [Collection of 20 Photographic prints of Panama during the canal excavation]. [Panama]: I.L. Manduro, Jr., n.d. [ca. 1910]. 7" x 5 1/4" each. First edition. Very good copies but for one, 2 with middle creases, 4 with minor soiling or scuffing, one lacking the top inch of the sky (main image unaffected). [42945] $400 Coast Survey under Jefferson with a detailed technical response by Madison 111. PATTERSON, ROBERT; GALLATIN, ALBERT; MADISON, JAMES; HASSLER, FERDINAND RUDOLPH; ET AL. Message from the President of the U. States, transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the Execution of the Act Providing for the Survey of the Coast of the U. States. February 4th, 1811. Washington City: Printed by R.C. Weightman, by order of the Senate United States, 1811. 58 pp. + 2 leaves of plates. Illus. with 2 b/w plates. 8vo. Removed. First edition. Shaw & Shoemaker 24220. Rink 2406. Removed from a larger volume else a very good copy with offsetting on a few leaves, shallow marginal chip to top edge of 2nd plate. [37500] $1500 Western guide renamed and much expanded over the earlier 1831 edition 112. PECK, J. M. [JOHN MASON]. A New Guide for Emigrants to the West, Containing Sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, with the Territories of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and the Adjacent Parts. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1836. vii, [1], [v-]x, [11]-376, [adv]. 6 pp. 16mo. Blind embossed green cloth, gilt titles. First edition thus. Sabin 59485. Howes P171. Eberstadt 114: 653. Decker 035: 557. Checklist Amer. RR:1435. Graff 3235. Clark III: 86(1). Very good or better, minor wear at extremities, faint browning on spine, else a fresh, bright copy. [42917] $450 An iconic WW I poster of a landscape of liberty endangered 113. PENNELL, JOSEPH. [Poster]. That Liberty Shall Not Perish from the Earth. Buy Liberty Bonds. Fourth Liberty Loan. New York: Alco-Gravure, Inc., 1918. 84 3/4 x 56 cm. (33 x 22 inches). First edition. Paret, Persuasive Images 103. Heyman, American Style 61. Rawls p. 227. Darracott 35. Theofiles 161. Borkan 109. Tiny tear to upper margin else fine (A). [43101] $750 Magical incantation to protect pregnant women and unborn infants 114. [PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN]. Eine wahre Geschichte, oder eine probirte Kunst in FeuersGefahr wie auch in Pestilenz-Zeiten zu gebrauchen. [Pennsylvania?]: n.d. [1815]. 1 leaf. Illus. with decorative border. 25 x 13 cm., on sheet 29 x 15 cm. Broadside. Yoder: Pennsylvania German Broadsides, p. 221-222. Wellenreuther: No. 500. OCLC: 55500468. OCLC: 775787359. A very good copy, some marginal spotting and tiny nicks on the edges. [41804] $1000 Detailed copper engraved map with much information on Peru 115. [PERU]. BOWEN, EMANUEL [Map] A New and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones. Drawn from the most authentick French maps &c. and regulated by astronomical observations. [London]: William Innys [et al.], 1747. 42.5 x 35.5 cm. (16.75 x 14 inches). A very good copy. [41243] $325 History of Nazarene Monastery in Lima written by a Woman 116. [PERU]. JOSEFA, DE LA PROVIDENCIA, MADRE. Relación del orígen y fundación del monasterio del señor San Joaquín de Religiosas Nazarenas Carmelitas Descalzas de esta ciudad de Lima. Contenida en algunos apuntes de la vida y virtudes de la venerable madre Antonia Lucia del Espéritu santo, fundadora del Instituto Nazareno. Lima: En la imprenta Real de los Niños Expósitos, 1793. [22], 176, [15] pp. 8vo. Contemporary vellum, string closures, spine lettered in manuscript. First edition. Palau 239266. Sabin 69214. Medina, Lima 1774. Vargas Ugarte Impresos Peruanos 3220. A very good copy; one string closure torn; toning to vellum, small sticker on front pastedown, early inked stamp on corner of title covered in white, minor foxing on end-papers. [43181] $1200 Bill for the Confiscation of Church Property in Peru. With Response 117. [PERU]. ORUETA Y CASTRILLÓN, FRANCISCO. Exposicion que el Illmo. S.D.D. Francisco Orueta, obispo de Trujillo, dirije al Illmo. S.D.D. Jose Sebastian de Goyeneche, dignisimo arzobispo de Lima, sobre el proyecto de Lei de desamortizacion de bienes eclesiasticos. Trujillo [Peru]: Impreso por F. Rázuri 1867. 101 pp. Sm. 8vo. Gray paper wrappers. First edition. Quiñones: Imprenta en el norte del Perú p. 31. Wrappers soiled, two small paper remnants on front edge most likely from a seal being removed, and one partial paper stamp on rear, inked numeral to corner, spine worn at foot, scattered foxing but overall contents clean and still very good. [34117] $500 Presentation copy 118. PHELPS, THOMAS STOWELL; GOULD, DOROTHY FAY. The Indian Attack on Seattle, January 26, 1856. Seattle: Farwest Lithograph & Printing Co., 1932. 57 pp. Illus. with one b/w plate, plan, and portrait. 8vo. Paper wrappers. Second edition. A very good copy with darkened wrappers, clean contents but for writing verso of title. [43083] $100 Proposal by Spanish Manila for an expansion of trade with Cuba 119. [PHILIPPINES]. REAL TRIBUNAL DE COMERCIO DE MANILA. [Manuscript. 19th c. Expansion of Philippine Cuban Trade]. Manila: 1842. [9] manuscript pages. Folio. Disbound. First edition. A very good copy, stitching lacking, ink burn on final leaf. [43250] $2000 First report on labor of freed Blacks 120. PIERCE, EDWARD L. The Freedmen of Port Royal, South Carolina. Official Reports of Edward L. Pierce. New York: Rebellion Record, 1863. [302-323] pp. 8vo. Self wrappers, stitched. First edition. Sabin 62710. LCP. Afro-Americana 8198. Work p. 367. A very good copy, light soiling to wrappers, a few chips to the extremities. [36449] $400 Album of mostly manuscript friendship poems 121. [POETRY]. [RIKER, JOHN C.]. KENISTON, HANNAH E. The Token Album. New York: John C. Riker, 1853-1894. 50 lvs, some colored, plus plates. Illus. 5 engraved plates, plus 1 hand color drawing and 3 color stickers. Sm. 8vo. Pebbled brown morocco, illustrated in gilt, stamped in blind, all edges gilt. First edition. A very good copy with minor edgeworn to boards, a few leaves with foxing, endpapers just browning. [41771] $275 Law for the secularization of the religious military orders in Portugal 122. [PORTUGAL]. MARIA I. Eu a rainha. Faço faber aos que este Alvará de Declaraçaõ com força de Ley virem: Que Tendo resoluto na Carta de Ley de dezenove de Junho deste anno, cuja execuçaõ Deferi pelo Decreto de vinte de Julho para o mez de Novembro, ou para o dia que Eu fosse Servida ensinuar: ... [Lisboa]: Na officina de Antonio Rodrigues Galhardo, [1789]. 4 pp. 8" x 11 1/2" Removed. First edition. Delgado da Silva: Collecção da legislação Portugueza III, pp. 564-5. A very good clean copy removed from a larger volume, with a pinhole in left margin. [42952] $500 Reward poster for José Artigas: wanted Dead or Alive 123. POSADAS, GERVASIO ANTONIO. El Supremo Director de las Provincias Unides del Rio de la Plata. El rigor de la justicia que es el ultimo de los recursos de un gobierno bien constituido, viene à hacerse necesario quando apuradas ya las consideraciones de la moderacion y la prudencia ... [Decreto del director Posadas, declarando á don José Artigas, traidor á la patria y fuera de la ley]. [Buenos Aires], La Real Imprenta de Niños Expósitos, 1814. 2 pp. on one sheet. 12 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches; 19.5 x 31.5 cm. Modern quarter morocco portfolio over marbled boards, gilt title and decoration. First edition. Furlong IV: 3039. Zinny: Bibliografía histórica, No. 3, p.110 -12. Fors: Imprenta de los Niños p.51. Registro Argentina, Vol. 1: 642. Not in Palau. A very good copy, minor foxing and soiling, 2 marginal tape repairs not affecting text, in a near fine portfolio. [38764] $1000 Photographs “Going further than the eye can see”. 1 of 60 124. RANNEY, EDWARD. Macchu Picchu Suite. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1999. 3 lvs., 11 plates. Illus. with 11 photographs. Leaves 43.5 x 36 cm. (17 x14 1/4 inches). Publisher's velvet-lined green cloth clamshell box, inlaid brown morocco label titled in gilt on front board. First edition. Box lightly rubbed else a fine copy. [41729] $2250 Learning from the opposition: a proposal for an early 19th c. voter registration drive 125. REPUBLICAN PARTY. CALDWELL, JOHN; JONATHAN W. EDWARDS, THOMAS S. WILLIAMS. (Circular). Sir, In the present crisis of our political affairs, it is of the utmost importance, that the friends of the republican institutions of this State should be active and vigilant, to counteract the efforts of their adversaries. Hartford: 1816. 1 pp. (bifolium). 8 x 12 1/2 inches folded. Self wrappers. First edition. Small tears along edges and folds for mailing, two 1-inch holes on margins not affecting text, addressed on verso of blank, still about very good. [43046] $500 18th c. Costumes of the Russian Empire with Hand-colored Plates 126. [RUSSIA. COSTUME]. [ALEXANDER, WILLIAM]. Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Russians: Illustrated in sixty-four coloured engravings, with descriptions. London: Printed for John Murray by W. Bulmer & Co., 1814. v, [132] p., 64 lvs of plates. Illus. with 64 handcolored plates. Sm. 4to. Three quarter later navy blue pebbled morocco over blue cloth boards, four raised bands with gilt links, four medallions, and titles in gilt, recent endpapers. First edition. Tooley 377. Lipperheide Kaa 32. Colas 2358. Hiler 16. Minor foxing to the title page else a fine bright copy. [40268] $1500 An uncommon chromolithograph from the war that humiliated Russia 127. [RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR]. [Print] The Scene of the Japanese 1st Army Repulsing the Russians in the Surrounds after the Occupation of Tomuching July 31st 1904. (Dangan ame kudaru Darunii shigai hotondo kona mijin). [Tokyo]: Hakugakan, 1904. 1 sheet, size 39.3 x 54.5 cm; image size 37.5 x 49.5 cm. A very good copy, edges worm, scattered foxing at margins, colors vibrant. [39013] $450 Assault on the city prosecutor in liberated Buenos Aryes 128. SAAVEDRA, CORNELIO AND MORENO, MARIANO. JUNTA GUBERNATIVA. BUENOS AIRES. Pueblo de Buenos Ayres. Desde que depositasteis el poder en nuestras manos quedaron las vuestras ligadas a la obediencia . . [First line]. Buenos Ayres: En la Real Imprenta de Niños Expósitos, 1810. 3 pp. Sm. 8vo. (20 cm). 1 folded leaf. First edition. Furlong III 1961. Zinny: Bibliografía histórica p.52: No. 22. Medina: Vireinato Río de la Plata 781. Fors: Imprenta de los Niños p. 36. A very good copy, soiling on lower margin. [37072] $600 Rare broadside by José San Martin on Chilean independence 129. SAN MARTIN, JOSÉ DE. PROVINCIAS UNIDAS DEL RÍO DE LA PLATA. EJÉRCITO. Nuevo Parte del Exmo. Sr. Capitan General de los Andes al Gobierno Supremo. Exco. Sr. Despues de mis repetidos avisos del resultado de la batalla del 5 en el llano de Maypú... [Buenos Ayres]: Imprenta de Los Expòsitos, 1818. 1 pp. 4to. Broadside. First edition. Zinny: Bibliografía histórica p. 216, No. 18. Bibliografía del General Don José de San Martín IV, p. 135. A near fine copy, light edgewear, faint toning. [37090] $1500 By the scientific discoverer British Guiana 130. SCHOMBURGK, ROBERT HERMANN. Robert Hermann Schomburgk's Reisen in Guiana und am Orinoko. Während der jahre 1835-1839. Nach seinen berichten und mittheilungen an die geographische gesellschaft in London. Mit einem Vorwort von Alexander von Humboldt. Leipzig: Herausgegeben O.A. [Otto Alfred] Schomburgk, Verlag Von Georg Wigand, 1841. xxiv, 510 pp. Illus. with 6 hand colored lithographic plates with tissue guards, 1 folding map, and one in-text drawing. Sm. 4to. Original quarter brown morocco over pebbled cloth boards, gilt decorated spine, silk bookmark sewn in. First edition. Sabin 77791. Cundall 1543a. Embacher 262. Henze V: pp. 78-84. A very good copy, spine scuffed, extremities worn especially at the tips, a few splits at the joints, contemporary owner's name on first blank, small tear at fore edge of title not affecting text, leaves foxed, plates brilliant, map offset in one section with fore edge a bit worn. A nice example of an uncommon title. [41538] $1500 An illustration of National Identity by the editor of an early African-American newspaper 131. SEARS, ROBERT. A New Statistical Chart of the United States: compiled from the best authorities, by Robert Sears, New-York, containing a particular description of each state, with the distances and population of the principal towns; and a variety of other useful information, statistical tables, &c. &c. &c. New York: Printed and sold by Robert Sears, 2 Frankfort-St., N.Y., [1837]. 1 sheet. Illustrated with ornamental borders and 2 wood engravings. 79 x 57 cm. (31 x 22 inches). Broadside. First edition. A very good copy. [42932] $1500 A very rare Gazetteer of Shaoyang Province, China 132. SHAOYANG. Shaoyang xian zhi [Six Volumes]. 邵陽雜志. n.p. Printed by Da Zhan Letterpress, printing bureau of Shaoyang, 1875. v.1: 2, 46, 20, 30, 26 pp; v.2: 34, 37, 26, 36 pp; v.3: 76, 47 pp.; v.4: 120 pp.; v.5: 108 pp.; v.6: 96, 5 pp. 8vo. Paper wrappers. First edition. Some occasional chipping to lower margins on all volumes, leaves darkened and edges fragile, all spines perished, small puncture to first few leaves on one volume, not affecting text, front wrapper of first volume replaced with blank and now detached along with a few leaves, a few tears and faint dampstain to upper margin, but overall quite good. [32445] $1200 Primary documents on the revolt that fundamentally altered U.S. history 133. [SHAY'S REBELLION]. MASSACHUSETTS. [Three Documents on Shay's Rebellion] Acts and Laws, Passed by the General Court of Massachusetts... on Wednesday the Thirty-first day of May, Anno Domini, 1786.. to Wednesday the Twenty-seventh day of September following [with] Acts and Laws... to Wednesday the Thirty-first day of January, 1787 [with] Resolves of the General Court ... Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, 1786; 1787. [487-545] pp.; [546-627] pp. [87-168] pp. Folio. Quarter tan paper spine over gray paper-covered boards, paper label on front cover. First edition. Evans 19780. Sabin 45570. NAIP w016751. Evans 20496. Sabin 45570. NAIP w016755. Evans 19793. NAIP w006811. Generally fine copies, old stitching marks at inner margin, first item with foxing on three leaves, and small faded contemporary marginal notation; first leaf of second item with two creases to lower half and one leaf with paper loss at corner just affecting marginal title, final item with a few marginal pin holes and one tiny stain, otherwise very sharp and clear impressions in a fine binding. [43260] $3000 An important contribution to overland transportation 134. SIMPSON, JAMES H.; U.S. SENATE. Report from the Secretary of War, communicating, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the report and map of the route from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, made by Lieutenant Simpson. January 14, 1850. 31st Congress, 1st Session. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 12. Washington [D.C.]: n.p., 1850. 25 pp. Illus. with 4 folding b/w maps. 8vo. Modern half salmon-colored morocco over marbled boards. First edition. Howes S500. Wagner-Camp 192. Graff 3790. Wheat, Transmississippi West 640. Eberstadt 115-1029. A very good or better copy with lightly sunned spine, marginal staining along top edge not affecting text or maps, scattered foxing along fore edge, small bookplate on front pastedown. [40512] $900 A rare historical source on a forgotten slave institution of the Americas 135. [SLAVERY]. [DANISH WEST INDIES]. [CHRISTIAN VIII (CHRISTIAN FREDERIK), KING OF DENMARK]. Disposiciones tomados el Gobierno de S.M. el Rey de Dinamarca en favor de los Negros esclavos en las Antillas danesas fecha de 18 de febrero de 1844 [Official Spanish Manuscript copy]. [Madrid]: 1844. [3 pp.], two leaves. 8 1/2 x 13 inches. First edition. A very good copy. [42152] $1500 First Edition of Solís y Ribadeneyra in English 136. SOLÍS Y RIBADENEYRA, ANTONIO DE. [SOLIS, ANTHONY DE]. TOWNSEND, THOMAS. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis, Secretary and Historiographer to His Catholick [sic] Majesty. London: Printed for T. Woodward, J. Hooke, and J. Peele, 1724. [18], 163, [1], 252, 152 pp. + plates. Illus. with copper-engraved portrait of Cortes, six further copper-engraved plates (5 folding) and two maps (1 folding). Folio. Full modern morocco, five raised bands, gilt title and rules. First English Language edition. Sabin 86487. Palau 318693. European Americana 724/165. Field 1465. JCB III: 350. Medina, BHA 1773. Cox II: p.239. Hill 1601. A very good copy, recent binding and new endpapers, occasional browning along top edges and spotting on outer margins, chip to margin of one leaf not affecting text (p.7 Book V) and marginal tear to V, 71; first blank, title page, and some further leaves reenforced or remounted, marginal browning or scant foxing to plates and maps, frontis portrait of Cortes bound in at Chapter IX. [43138] $1750 "Only a few copies known to exist" 137. SORTORE, ABRAM. Biography and Early Life Sketch of the late Abram Sortore Including His Trip to California and Back. Alexandria, Missouri. March 25, 1909. Alexandria, MO: n.p., 1909. 10 pp. 8vo. Stapled paper wrappers. First edition. Mintz 431. Cowan p.894. Kurutz 593. Mattes 970. Flake 8281. About fine, nick to edge of one leaf, minor shelfwear. [43127] $500 Political cartoon aimed at Victoriano Huerta 138. SPENCE, FRANK. The Mexican Election [Original drawing]. [Brooks Oregon?]: [1913]. 1 sheet 7 1/4" x 10 1/4" First edition. A very good copy with 2 small chips to right fore edge. [42949] $125 Give Three Cheers for Clear Cold Water! 139. [TEMPERANCE]. ADAMS, J[OHN], PUBLISHED BY. [Broadside] Temperance Song. [First line: Our forefathers - Heaven bless them!]. n.a. [Wilmington, DE.] J. Adams, n.d. (1820-65). 1 sheet (27.5 x 11.8 cm). 4to. First edition. Kenneth S. Goldstein Collection of American Song Broadsides: 003307. OCLC: 134194551. A very good copy, trimmed mostly at the top edge, faint damp mark at the right margin. [42402] $300 A glimpse of an extensive, but obscure exploration of the West which was never published 140. THORINGTON, [JAMES]. Geological Survey of Oregon and Washington. January 31, 1857. Mr. Thorington, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the follow report. [To accompany bill H.R. No. 800.]. [Washington]: n.p., 1857. 4 pp. 8vo. Removed. First edition. White: Plains & Rockies, 120 additions to Wagner-Camp: Q72. A very good copy with tear to lower corner of first leaf, small chip to top edge. [37310] $500 Conditions, methods, rules, and taxes on Tobacco 141. [TOBACCO]. SANCHO LARREA, BERNARDO. [Manuscript Concerning the Tobacco Business in Buenos Aires]. Buenos Aires: 1778. 11 pp. Folio. Stitched. First edition. A very good copy with minor edgewear, small tear along fold of wrapper, 2 small holes in lower portion of front wrapper not affecting any text; large chip to corner of rear wrapper, small tear and folding along stitching, scattered foxing mostly to last few leaves. [41532] $975 Tocqueville's classic in English 142. TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE. TRANS. HENRY REEVE. Democracy in America [Two Volumes]. London: Saunders and Otley, 1838. xxxvi, 302; viii, 325 pp. Illus. with one folding map. 8vo. Original brown cloth boards decorated in blind, rebacked to style. Third edition. LCP. Afro- Americana 10317. A very good or better set, boards rubbed, rebacked to style, renewed endpapers, some minor restoration to corners, light marginal stain to top edge of last leaves of vol. I, contents sharp, map fine. [41209] $1000 Inscribed by the author 143. TOMSON, ROBERT; CONW A Y , G.R.G. [GEORGE ROBERT GRAHAM], ED. An Englishman and the Mexican Inquisition, 1556-1560. Being an account of the voyage of Robert Tomson to New Spain, his trial for heresy in the city of Mexico and other contemporary historical documents. México: Privately printed, 1927. xxxviii, 167 pp. Illus. with 14 b/w plates, plans and facsimiles. 8vo. Cloth. First edition. No. 234 of 250 copies. A very good+ copy with a little foxing on fore edge. No dust jacket as issued. [42114] $400 Report on La Ciudad de México 144. TRIGUEROS, IGNACIO. Memoria de los ramos municipales correspondiente al semestre de julio a diciembre de 1866 presentada a S.M. el Emperador. México: Imprenta Economica, 1867. 167 pp. Illus. with 2 b/w folding charts. 8vo. Quarter green morocco over marbled boards, gilt decoration on spine, marbled endpapers. First edition. Palau 340777. A very good copy, boards worn at corners, a few letters inked to verso of free front endpaper, two tiny holes near top of free rear endpaper, otherwise contents are near fine. [42246] $500 Troop strength in Cuba, Philippines, & Puerto Rico 145. U.S. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE. Notes and Tables on Organization and Establishment of the Spanish Army in the Peninsula and Colonies. Washington [D.C.]: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1898. 218 pp. 12mo. Paper wrappers. Third edition. Griffin: American Occupation of the Philippine Island: 32. Front wrapper chipped at corners, spine ends chipped, otherwise contents very good. [43173] $225 146. VELARDE, B., PHOTOGRAPHER. [Three Photographs of Mexico: Alameda de Guadelupe [and] Frente de la Parroquia, Chihuahua [and] Town Square, Veracruz]. Chihuahua, Mexico, B. Velarde ca.1880-1900. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2 inch images on 5 x 8 inch cards. 8 x 5 inches. Card mount. Some fading and foxing, still very good. [43259] $150 A fateful meeting on Mexico's future with a list of the 83 attendees 147. VELAZQUEZ DE LEON, MANUEL; ITURRIGARAY Y ARÓSTEGUI, JOSÉ DE. Junta General Celebrada en México el nueve de Agosto de mil ochocientos ocho, Presidida por el Exmô. Señor Virrey D. Josef de Yturrigaray. [México]: n.p., 1808. Unpaged [10 pp.]. 4to. Removed. First edition. Palau 126213. Medina Mexico 10134. Hernández y Dávalos: Historia de la Guerra de Independencia 214. A very good or better copy, removed from a larger volume, pencil notation on title page, strong clean impressions. [43199] $975 One of 240 copies printed by Grabhorn 148. VIZCAINO, SEBASTIAN. The Voyage of Sebastian Vizcaino to the coast of California, together with a map & Sebastian Vizcaino's letter written at Monterey, December 28, 1602. Oscar Lewis, foreword. San Francisco: Book Club of California, 1933. [6], 49, [1] pp. Illus. with a b/w folding map and duotone in-text drawings. 8vo. Quarter linen over paper covered boards, paper spine label. First edition. BCC 45. GB 196. A near fine copy with a hint of fading to board edges as usual, owner's bookplate on front pastedown. [40238] $250 Washington’s Revolutionary War correspondence 149. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. CARY, JOHN. Official Letters to the honorable American Congress, Written, during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by his Excellency, George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental Forces, now President of the United States [Two Volumes]. London: Printed for Cadell Junior and Davies, G.G. and J. Robinson, B. and J. Whilte, W. Otridge and Son, J. Debrett, R. Faulder, and T. Egerton, 1795. viii, 364; [4], 384 pp. 8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, six compartments, four decorated in gilt with flags and crown, red morocco title and black volume number labels, marbled endpapers. First edition. Second issue without half-title and portrait. Sabin 101731. Howes W142. ESTC N491151. A very good set, boards rubbed, small circular scuff worn through to rear board of one volume, fly leaves toned opposite the endpapers, text quite sharp, armorial bookplate to front pastedowns. Provenance: Otis E. Weld (bookplate). [40261] $1200 Provides $25,000 to acquire Washington's Papers 150. [WASHINGTON, GEORGE]. ARCHER, [WILLIAM SEGAR]; SPARKS, JARED. UNITED STATES CONGRESS. Washington's Books and Papers. (To accompany amendment to bill H.R. no. 283.). April 1, 1834. Report by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to which has been referred a resolution, directing them to inquire into the expediency of purchasing the library and official and private papers of General Washington, to be deposited in the Department of State, have had the same under consideration, and report: [Washington, D.C.:] Gales & Seaton, print., 1834. 4 pp. 8vo. Removed. First edition. A very good copy with light foxing on first leaf, removed from a larger volume. [43092] $250 Portrait of George Washington by a firm second only to Currier and Ives. 151. [WASHINGTON, GEORGE] E.B. AND E.C. KELLOGG. [Print] George Washington: First President of the United States. Born Feby. 22d 1732 -Inaugurated April 30th. 1789 -Retired March 4th. 1797 -Died Dec. 11th. 1799. Hartford and New York: E.B. and E.C. Kellogg, and Buffalo: D. Needham, 1847. 1 Sheet. Sheet size 30 x 35.5 cm; print 22 x 32 cm. Checklist of Kellogg Lithographs, Conn. Hist. Soc.: 361. Tiny 2 mm hole in background and on one margin else a very good copy, evenly toned but for the edges. [40214] $350 With John Lovett's "Tribute to Washington" 152. [WASHINGTON, GEORGE]. SOUTHWICK, REMINGTON. The Rhode-Island Almanac, for the Year of our Lord, 1801: Being the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century, and the 25th year of American Independence. Calculated for the Meridian of Newport-Lat. 41 degrees 25 minutes North-Long. 71 deg. 15 min. West. But will Serve for Any of the Adjacent States. Newport, RI: Printed and sold by Oliver Farnsworth, (1800). Unpaged [24 pp.]. 16mo. Stitched. First edition. Evans 38391. Alden: Rhode Island 1654. Drake 12972. Chapin: Check List of Rhode Island Almanacs p. 31. Rhode Island Imprints p.72. Edgeworn, stitching loose, some soiling, one leaf with horizontal tear, faint dampstain along bottom margin of rear leaves, a few minor chips, but still about very good. [43116] $250 Classic image of Washington standing unperturbedly beside a wrecked cannon 153. [WASHINGTON, GEORGE]. TRUMBULL, JOHN, ILLUS. ILLMAN & SONS. [Broadside] The Ledger Carrier's Annual Greeting to their Subscribers, New Year, 1856. Present this portrait of "the father of our country" from an acknowledged and much admired painting by Col. J. Trumbull. [Philadelphia]: [Swain, Abell & Simmons], [1855] 1856. 1 sheet. Printed area measures 33.4 x 25.1 cm. 42 x 33 cm. First edition. A very good copy, some marginal chips and tears, mainly to the lower edge. Image quite sharp. [42413] $450 42 albumen and silver prints on large album leaves 154. [.WESTERN PHOTOGRAPHS]. [19th century Photographs of the American West] n.p. (ca. 1880s-1890s). 12 sheets. Size varies from 4 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches to 13 x 10 inches. Not bound. Overall quite good but some creasing, tears, fading, a few remounted. [40232] $1200 155. [WESTERN PHOTOGRAPHS]. See Appendix for a list of some individual photographs of California, Oregon, Washington State, Stanford, Berkeley, Colorado, and more. [Various $] Broadside announcing that the “Butcher of Cuba” has been replaced. 156. [WEYLER, VALERIANO]. Gaceta de La Habana. Periodico oficial del gobierno. Edicion Extraordinaria. Sábado 30 de Octubre de 1897. Habana: Imp. del Gob. y Cap. Gral por S.M., 1897. [31 cm. x 45 cm.] Broadside. First edition. Not in Trelles. A very good copy, folded, with small tear along fold and some tiny chips to the edges. [34284] $375 One of the scarcer items on Britain's failed invasion of the Rio de la Plata. 157. [WHITELOCKE, JOHN]. The Whole Proceedings of the Court Martial, Held on General Whitelocke, for Misconduct; Thereby occasioning the Defeat of the British Forces destined to Capture Buenos Ayres, and the Evacuation of that Town. Held at Chelsea College on January, 28, and following days. Sir W. Meadows, President. London: Sold by John Day, [1808]. Frontispiece portrait, 32 pp. Sm. 8vo. Three quarter morocco over marbled boards, original plain wrappers bound in. First edition. Palau 375059. Sabin 103681. Near fine copy, owner's name on free front end-paper, minor browning to edge. [42899] $800 First description of the High Sierra. From the library of Kenneth E. Hill 158. WHITNEY, J.D. (JOSIAH DWIGHT). Geological Survey of California. Geology. Volume I. Report of Progress and Synopsis of the Field-Work, From 1860 to 1864. Philadelphia: Published by Authority of the Legislature of California (Caxton Press of Sherman and Co.), 1865. xxvii, 498 pp. Illus. with 9 plates and 81 further wood engravings in text. Sm. 4to. Later full sprinkled tan calf, five raised bands, red morocco lettering pieces, gilt title and rules, marble endpapers. First edition. Sabin 10007. Farquhar 6. A very good or better copy, front board scuffed at bottom edge, faint scattered foxing, bookplate on front pastedown. [40273] $2000 159. ZÚÑIGA Y ONTIVEROS, MARIANO JOSEF DE. Calendario manual para el año del señor de 1821. Vigesimo septimo que arregla al meridiano de México. [México]: En Méjico oficina del Autor, 1821. 16 lvs. [32 pp.]. 48mo.(9.6 cm). Later yellow paper wrappers. First edition. Medina: Mexico VIII: 12103. Garritz: Impresos Novohispano II: 4250. A very good copy with wrappers trimmed just shy of leaves, 3 leaves with small soiled spot, first few leaves with very faint dampstain along fore edge. [43155] $125 Appendix. Western Photographs 1. BLANCHARD, JAMES B., PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph]. Views of Los Angeles and Vicinity. Mission San Buenaventura [caption title]. Los Angeles: ca. 1896. 4 3/8 x 7 5/8 inch image on 5 1/4 x 8 1/2 inch card. Black card mount. Very good plus, wear to one corner of mount. 142 and title captioned in negative. [43266] $50 2. BOYD & BRAAS. BOYD, WILLIAM F. AND BRAAS, GEORGE H. [Photograph]. Olympian M'T'S from Seattle [Caption title]. [Seattle]: Boyd & Braas, [1890-1893]. 7 1/4 x 4 3/8 inch image on 8 x 5 inch card. Card mount. About near fine, sharp image, edges of card mount browning. Title in the negative "Olympian M'T'S from Seattle." [43243] $125 3. BUSHNELL, FREDERICK. [Photograph. Early San Rafael. Shannon's Gardens. Fighters' Training Camp]. [San Rafael, CA]: ca. 1906-8. 5 x 8 inch image on 8 1/4 x 10 3/4 inch card. Black card mount with rounded corners. Edges worn, thumb tack indentations center top and bottom margins, tiny soil spot in blank sky, notations on verso. [43265] $125 4. [CALIFORNIA. NEW CASTLE]. [Photograph]. Newcastle [California] looking toward Hotel. July 20, 1903. [New Castle, CA]: 1903. 9 3/4 x 7 1/4 inch image on `12 1/2 x 10 1/2 inch mount. Ruled card mount. Faded especially at the top but still good. [43238] $100 5. [CALIFORNIA. SAN BERNADINO. MEDICAL]. [Photograph] Rabel Hot Springs Near Redlands California, June 1898 n.p. 1898. 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 inch image mounted on 12 3/4 x 10 1/2 inch board. Ruled card mount. A very good copy, minor soiling to mount. [43236] $200 6. COONLEY, HENRY ELLIS, PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph]. San Diego City Guard Band in front of Hotel Pacheco, Ensenada, May 5th. San Diego: H. E. Coonley, ca. 1887-1890. 7 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch image on 8 1/2 x 5 1/8 inch card. Black board mount. A very good sharp copy on a lightly rubbed card with notations on verso. Title and number "310" on original negative. [43239] $300 7. DAVIS, W. A. [WILLIAM], PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph] Ute Pass and Rainbow Falls, Manitou. Denver: W. A. Davis, ca 1880s. 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches mounted on 4 1/2 x 7 inch card. Card mount. Some soiling on top edge else a very good copy, soiled on rear. Title and number "1203" inked on original negative. [43226] $45 8. FISKE, GEORGE, PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph]. Glimpse of North Dome from the North Side of the River. Yosemite Valley, Cal: Geo. Fiske, Photo. ca. 1880s. 7 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches mounted on 10 x 7 inch board. Card mount. A very good copy, slight fading in a mounted rubbed and browned at the edges. Albumen print. Signed and numbered 276 in print. Verso with manuscript title and stamped "Geo. Fiske, Photo. Yosemite Valley, Cal." [43233] $225 9. JACKSON, WILLIAM HENRY, PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph] Pikes Peak Trail Down from Sheltered Falls. Denver: W. H. Jackson, Ca. 1880s 4 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches mounted on 4 1/2 x 7 inch card. Card mount. A very good copy with some darkening to the card, inked notation on verso. Title and number "810" inked on original negative. [43231] $75 10. [LAWRENCE, CHARLES, PHOTOGRAPHER]. [Photograph] Souvenir of World Famous Mt. Lowe: America's Greatest Scenic Trip. [Mt. Lowe, CA], ca. 1899. Image: 4 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches mounted on 7 x 10 inch multi-ruled mount. Ruled card mount. A very good sharp copy with minor soiling on the mount. [43222] $250 11. PARTRIDGE, WILLIAM H, PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph]. Oregon City. [Portland, Ore.]: ca. 1884. 4 1/2 x 7 3/4 inch image on 5 1/4 x 8 1/2 inch card. Card mount. A bit faded in the center, rubbed, edges of mount darkened, still quite good. [43244] $95 12. REED, NORMAN H., PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph. View of Santa Barbara, California]. Santa Barbara, CA: ca. 1890s. 5 1/8 x 7 inch image on 7 x 9 1/4 inch card. Ivory textured card mount. See Gidney: History of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura Counties, California (1917). A very good copy, mount foxed on edges and rear, a few minor foxing marks to upper right corner of image, slight fading at one edge, overall a very strong image. [43264] $150 13. SHEANE, R. [ROBERT], PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph of Armed Frontiersman, Chehalis, Washington Territory]. Chehalis, Washington Territory, (ca. 1890s). 3 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches mounted on 4 1/4 x 6 1/2 inch card. Card mount, beveled gilt edges, scalloped lower corners. First edition. Some minor spotting, else a very good copy on a gilt edged mount. [43221] $150 14. SOULE, JOHN P., PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph]. Logging Train From Edgcomb's Camp, Seattle, L.S.&E. Ry. Seattle: ca. 1890-1893. 7 5/5 x 4 1/2 inch image on 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 card. Card mount. About near fine, sharp, clean image with some lightening to the top edge, on card mount with minor rubbing to title. Captioned in negative "Puget Sound Timber." [43242] $150 15. [STANFORD UNIVERSITY]. [Photograph. Stanford University Pre-Earthquake]. [Palo Alto]: ca. 1900. 14 x 5 1/4 inches. Card mount. 3/8 x 3/4 chip to upper right corner affecting sky only,small chip just grazing lower right area of grass, some rubbing at edges, "165c" inked on lower margin, otherwise a very good sharp copy. [43235] $125 16. [WASHINGTON STATE. SKAGIT COUNTY. SEDRO LAND & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY]. [Two Photographs]. Sedro: Skagit River looking West [and] Sedro: Smith Bros' Store [caption titles]. [Seattle]: 1889. 4 1/8 x 7 1/2 inch images on 5 x 8 inch cards. Pink card mounts. River view with scratches in the negative to the sky and fading along the right edge, Store view very good, sharp. Manuscript titles on the upper and lower borders. [43245] $100 17. [WEBSTER & STEVENS, ATTRIB.]. [Photograph] Excursion Train. The A.A. Denny No. 1. The Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad. [Seattle]: 1890. 10 x 7 inches mounted. Card mount. A very good copy, minor fading. [43240] $135 18. WILCOX, GEORGE L., PHOTOGRAPHER. [Photograph] General View University of California, Berkeley. Buildings and Campus [Caption title]. Berkeley: Wilcox Photo. Co., ca. 1890s. 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches mounted on 7 x 9 inch board. Gray card mount. A very good image in a soiled and chipped mounting."130" numbered in print. [43232] $125
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