United Nations CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption Distr.: General 20 October 2014 English/French/Spanish Implementation Review Group Resumed fifth session, Vienna, 13-15 October 2014 FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS States Parties Afghanistan Ayoob M. ERFANI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna) Hassan SOROOSH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna) Mohammed RAFI AMINI, Director of Policy and Planning, High Office of Oversight and Anti-Corruption Algeria Mohamed BENHOCINE, Ambassadeur et Représentant Permanent d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne), Chef de la Délégation Mokhtar LAKHDARI, Directeur des Affaires Pénales et des Procédures de Grâces, Ministère de la Justice Tahar ABDELLAOUI, Directeur de la Coopération Juridique et Judicaire, Ministère de la Justice Riad MAAMAR, Chef, Division de la Documentation, des Analyses et de la Sensibilisation, Organe National de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption Mohamed Nasreddine HADJALI, Chef, Division de Traitement des Déclarations de Patrimoine, Organe National de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption Youcef ABDI, Chef d'Etudes auprès de la Division de la Coordination et de la Coopération Internationale, Organe National de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption Fouad CHALABI, Attaché des Affaires Etrangères, Mission Permanente d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Mohamed Abdelhak CHERBAL, Attaché des Affaires Etrangères, Mission Permanente d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Angola Inocência Maria Gonçalo Pinto Mendes ADAO, Deputy Attorney General, Attorney General's Office João Luís de Freitas COELHO, Provincial Attorney, Attorney General's Office Cláudia Patrícia ALMEIDA, Director, Technical and Legal Affairs Office, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Tomas JOAQUIM, National Director, Department of Inspection and Control Measures, General Inspection of the State Administration This document has not been edited and is being posted on the web for information purposes only. CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Paulo Nicolau CANDEIA, Second Secretary, Adviser to the Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Angola to the United Nations (Vienna) Argentina Mariano JORDAN, Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Argentina ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Pedro PIRÁN, Analista, Dirección de Investigaciones, Oficina de Anticorrupción Armenia Areg HOVHANNISIAN, Alternate Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations (Vienna) Lena TERZIKYAN, Second Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations (Vienna) Australia David STUART, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation David LEWIS, Alternate Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna) Gaia PULESTON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna) Kristian FUTOL, Assistant Director, Law and Justice Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Clare ANDERSON, Senior Legal Officer, G20 Anti-Corruption Taskforce and Anti-Corruption Unit, Attorney General's Department Austria Martina KOGER, Head of Unit International Relations and Prevention, Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption Tibor BENCZUR-JURIS, Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption Ines PAWERONSCHITZ, Federal Bureau of Anti-Corruption Martin KRÄMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna) Azerbaijan Amir OJAGVERDIYEV, Prosecutor, Anti-Corruption Department, Prosecutor General's Office Heydar MAMMADOV, Prosecutor, Anti-Corruption Department, Prosecutor General's Office Yalchin RAFIYEV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations (Vienna) Bahrain Ali Abdullah ALJOWDAR, Major, Director, Combating Corruption Directorate Mohamed Khalid ALABSI, Captain, Ministry of Interior Belarus Ekaterina ERMILINA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations (Vienna) Benin Guy OGOUBIYI, Président, Autorité Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption, Chef de la Délégation Georges PATINVOH, Représentant les Professionnels des Banques, Autorité Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption 2 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Ricardo MARTÍNEZ COVARRUBIAS, Encargado de Negocios a.i. y Representante Permanente Alterno del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Elizabeth FERREL ÁLVAREZ, Representante Permanente Alterno del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) María Claudia VACA CLAROS, Representante Permanente Alterno del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Botswana Botlhale MAKGEKGENENE, Deputy Director General, Policy, Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime Brazil Vivian LOSS SANMARTIN, Minister-Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Marconi COSTA MELO, Attorney, Office of the Attorney General of the Union Denise NEVES ABADE, Regional General Prosecutor, Public Prosecutor's Office Gustavo MEIRA CARNEIRO, Third Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations (Vienna) Brunei Darussalam Mohammad Yusree JUNAIDI, Assistant Solicitor General, Attorney General's Chambers, Head of Delegation Hajah Fatimah binti HAJI TUAH, Senior Special Investigator, Integrity Planning and Development Division, Anti-Corruption Bureau Umi Kalthum Zatil Amali ABD KARIM, Special Investigator, Integrity Planning and Development Division, Anti-Corruption Bureau Pengiran Nina Jasmine binti Pengiran Laila Kanun Di-Raja HAJI BAHRIN, Counsel, Criminal Justice Division, Attorney General's Chambers Hasrina Suzanty JAMIL, Special Investigator, International Unit, Anti-Corruption Bureau Burkina Faso Alexis K. YANOGO, Chef du Département de la Lutte contre la Corruption, Autorité Supérieure de Contrôle de l'Etat, Chef de la Délégation Adolphe KABORE, Contrôleur d'Etat, Autorité Supérieur de Contrôle de l'Etat Maxime BENGALY, Deuxième Conseiller, Mission Permanente du Burkina Faso auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Burundi Pascal BARANDAGIYE, Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux, Chef de la Délégation Norbert NTIHARIRIZWA, Assistant du Ministre, Présidence chargé de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Privatisation Claudette MUGIRASONI, Premier Substitut du Procureur Général près la Cours Anti-Corruption Déo RUBERINTWARI, Inspecteur Général de la Justice et Premier Substitut Général près la Cour Anti-Corruption Cambodia Yonn SINAT, Assistant to the President, Anti-Corruption Unit 3 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Canada David PIMM, Senior Policy Research Analyst, International Crime and Terrorism Division, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, Head of Delegation Steve TURNER, Legal Officer, Corruption, Transnational Organized Crime, Drugs, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, Alternate Head of Delegation Mark VCISLO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) Kimberly CHAN, Programme Coordinator, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna) Chile Armin ANDEREYA, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Chile ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Andres LAMOLIATTE, Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente de Chile ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) China WU Haiwen, Deputy Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation JIA Luan, Division Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Supervision CHEN Lei, Procurator, Supreme People's Procuratorate CHEN Xin, Officer, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs KUAN KUN Hong, Deputy Commissioner against Corruption, Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Macau Special Administrative Region Miguel CUSTODIO SERRAO, Legal Adviser, Cabinet of the Commissioner against Corruption, Macau Special Administrative Region LI Hao, Attaché, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations (Vienna) Colombia Victoria E. PAUWELS T., Ministro Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Juan Miguel GOMEZ VALENCIA, Coordinador Prevención del Delito, Dirección Asuntos Políticos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Comoros Ali FATOUHIAT, Commissaire, Commission Nationale de la Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption Cook Islands Kim SAUNDERS, Solicitor General, Crown Law Office, Head of Delegation Costa Rica Herbert ESPINOZA SOLANO, Ministro Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Costa Rica ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Manuela UREÑA UREÑA, Representante Permanente Alterna de Costa Rica ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Ronald VÍQUEZ SOLÍS, Procurador de la Ética Pública Ana ÁVILA BECERRIL, Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Costa Rica ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) 4 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Côte d'Ivoire Largaton Gilbert OUATTARA, Ambassadeur et Représentant Permanent de la Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne), Chef de la Délégation Kouadio N'Doly Alexis ABOYA, Conseiller, Mission Permanente de la Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Doféré KONE, Conseiller Technique du Directeur Général du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique Yaya OUATTARA, Sous-Directeur de la Lutte contre la Criminalité Financière, Direction du Trésor Cuba Juan Carlos MARSÁN, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Cuba ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Maria Del Carmen ROMERO PEREZ, Contralora Jefe, Dirección Jurídica, Contraloría General de la República Isaura CABAÑAS, Tercera Secretaria, Misión Permanente de Cuba ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Cyprus Marios IERONYMIDES, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Iacovos GEORGIOU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna) Ioannis ADAMOU, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna) Czech Republic Jirí SVOBODA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Dominik KORCAK, Legal Expert, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Justice Democratic Republic of the Congo Marie-Claude NKULU MBAYO, Conseillère en charge de la Lutte contre la Corruption, Ministère de la Justice et des Droits Humains, Chef de la Délégation Djibouti Abdi Ismael HERSI, Secrétaire Général, Ministère de la Justice, Chef de la Délégation Ahmed Osman HACHI, Directeur de la Législation et des Réformes Fatouma-Zahra SAID ISMAEL, Juge d'Instruction Dominican Republic Ramón QUIÑONES, Embajador y Representante Permanente de la República Dominicana ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Wendy OLIVERO, Ministra Consejera y Representante Permanente Alterna de la República Dominicana ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Ecuador Wilson PÁSTOR, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Ecuador ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Rosa VÁSQUEZ, Ministra y Representante Permanente Alterna del Ecuador ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) 5 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Egypt Khaled Abdelrahman SHAMAA, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Wael BADAWI, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna) Yasser MOHAMED ZARIF MORSY, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Farouk SHAHEN, Head, International Cooperation Department, Administrative Control Authority Abdalmunam Mohamed Magdy KHALEFA, Chief Prosecutor, Office of the Prosecutor General Ahmed HAMDY, Lieutenant Colonel, Ministry of Interior Ahmed ELGHOUL, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna) Haytham Diab AHMED, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna) El Salvador Carmen María GALLARDO HERNÁNDEZ, Embajadora y Representante Permanente de El Salvador ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Ramiro RECINOS TREJO, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente de El Salvador ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Julia VILLATORO TARIO, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente de El Salvador ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Estonia Kristel KEERMA, First Secretary and Altenate Permanent Representative of Estonia to the United Nations (Vienna) Ethiopia Wedo Atto YATTO, Deputy Commissioner, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation European Union Györgyi MARTIN ZANATHY, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna) Caroline CLIFF, Minister and Alternate Representative of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna) Petr HAVLIK, First Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna) Dominika KROIS, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna) José-Luis MARTINS, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna) Fiji Ropate Green LOMAVATU, State Solicitor, Office of the Attorney-General, Head of Delegation Seema Pravina CHAND, Legal Officer, Office of the Attorney-General Finland Matti JOUTSEN, Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation Emilia AUTIO, Alternate Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations (Vienna) 6 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 France Jacques RAHARINAIVO, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. et Représentant Permanent Adjoint de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne), Chef de la Délégation Alix RANCUREL, Rédactrice, Sous-direction des Affaires Economiques Internationales Fatih AKCAL, Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Frédéric DESAUNETTES, Conseiller Juridique, Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Léonor GUY, Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Ghana Justice Clemence J. HONYENUGA, Justice of the Court of Appeal, Judicial Service, Head of Delegation Richard Ackom QUAYSON, Deputy Commissioner, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice Jonathan R. MAGNUSEN, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations (Vienna) Charles Adombire AYAMDOO, Director (Anti-Corruption), Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Ministry of Justice Guatemala Antonio CASTELLANOS, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Guatemala ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Sandra NORIEGA URÍZAR, Ministro Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Guatemala ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Abigail GARCIA, Asesor Subdirección de Política Multilateral para Naciones Unidas, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Francisco Manuel RIVAS LARA, Primer Sub Secretario General, Ministerio Público Haiti Antoine ATOURISTE, Directeur Général, Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption Yvlore PIGEOT, Chef du Service Juridique, Chargée du Suivi des Conventions Anti-Corruption, Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption Hungary Károly DÁN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations (Vienna) András RÓTH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations (Vienna) India Alok RAJ, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations (Vienna) Indonesia Amrih JINANGKUNG, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna) Indra ROSANDRY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna) Felicia YUWONO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna) Iran (Islamic Republic of) Reza NAJAFI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations (Vienna) 7 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Behzad SABERI ANSARI, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations (Vienna) Iraq Surood R. NAJIB, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna) Mahir Hussain Rasheed AL-BAYATI, Director General Majid Jaber Abed ALBO-SALEH, Assistant Director General Sabri Jaafar Jasim AL-SAWAEDI, Assistant Director General Khadeeja Abdulrassol Abdulridha ABDULRIDHA, Legal Adviser Sura Abdulkareem Ibrahim AL-GBURI, Legal Adviser Ali Abdulhussein Mohsin AL-BALOOTTI, Legal Adviser Wisam Waleed Huessin AL-QAISI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna) Ireland Ian DEVINE, Alternate Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) Israel Nurit INBAL, Adviser Office of the Deputy Attorney General (International Law), Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation Zvi HEIFETZ, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna) Beth-Eden KITE, Alternate Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna) Stav MOR, Policy Adviser, Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna) Italy Francesco TESTA, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations (Vienna) Roberta BARBERINI, Ministry of Justice Jordan Hussam AL HUSSEINI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations (Vienna) Mutaz HYASSAT, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations (Vienna) Mohammed HINDAWI, First Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations (Vienna) Kazakhstan Aigul BAZARBAYEVA, Deputy Director, Legal Securing and International Cooperation Department, Agency on Fighting Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police), Head of Delegation Murat SMAGULOV, Alternate Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the United Nations (Vienna) Aizhanat KUSHTAROVA, Senior Inspector, Corruption Detection and Prevention Department, Agency on Fighting Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police) Kenya Michael A.O. OYUGI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna) Samuel M. GITONGA, Alternate Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna) Abdi MOHAMUD, Director, Investigations, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission David TOO, Director, Legal Services, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 8 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 John Kithome TUTA, Chief Legal Officer, Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice Jeannette E.W. MWANGI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna) Kaitikei ROTIKEN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna) Wario GUYO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations (Vienna) Emily WANGARI KAMAU, Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of Public Prosecutions Kiribati Kanroti AUKITINO, State Attorney, Office of the Attorney General, Head of Delegation Kuwait Sadiq MARAFI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Riad AL-HAJRI, Counsellor and Deputy Chairman, Anti-Corruption Athority, Alternate Head of Delegation Mohammad ALSUBAIE, Board of Trustees, Anti-Corruption Authority Luay ALSALEH, Board of Trustees, Anti-Corruption Authority Abdallah AL-OBAIDI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna) Jarrah AL-SABAH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna) Nawaf AL-RUJAIB, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna) Yaseen AL-MAJED, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna) Lojain BOLAYYAN, Diplomatic Attaché, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna) Abdulla BILAL ABDULLA, Director, Office of the Chairman, Anti-Corruption Authority Lao People's Democratic Republic Bounpone SANGSOMSAK, Vice-President of the Government Inspection and Anti-Corruption Authority Latvia Sintija HELVIGA, Senior International Relations Officer, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau Sintija OŠKALNE, Alternate Permanent Representative of Latvia to the United Nations (Vienna) Zanda BRIKMANE, Desk Officer, Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations (Vienna) Lebanon Arlette JREISSATI, Judge, Acting President, Eight Chamber of the Supreme Court, Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation Elias SAADE, Internal Security Forces Salim BADDOURA, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations (Vienna) Joseph KALLAS, General, Internal Security Forces Lesotho B. J. MATSOSO, Director-General, Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences, Head of Delegation Litelu J. RAMOKHORO, Director for Public Education and Corruption Prevention, Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences 9 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Liberia James N. VERDIER, Counsellor, Chairperson, Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation Libya Nagma ABUNUWARA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations (Vienna) Ali HADEIBA, Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations (Vienna) Liechtenstein Georg SPARBER, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Reprensentative of Liechtenstein to the United Nations (Vienna) Luxembourg Patricia POMMERELL, Représentant Permanent Adjoint du Luxembourg auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Madagascar Jean Louis ANDRIAMIFIDY, Directeur Général, Bureau Indépendant Anti-Corruption Malawi Reyneck Thokozani MATEMBA, Deputy Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau Daniel DAKA, Legal Service Manager, Malawi Revenue Athority Malaysia Dato' Selwyn DAS, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations (Vienna) Dato Haji Zakaria bin HAJI JAFFAR, Deputy Chief Commissioner, Management and Professionalism, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Nor Azmi bin KARIM, Chief Senior Assistant Commissioner, Director, Record Management and Information Technology Division, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Karunanithy Y. SUBBIAH, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Head of International Relations Branch, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Suzilah Mohd SIDEK, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations (Vienna) Anis Wajdi Mohd YUSOFF, Second Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the United Nations (Vienna) Malta Keith AZZOPARDI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Joseph DEBONO, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna), Alternate Head of Delegation Agustina DIAZ RHEIN, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna) Matthew RAE, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna) Marshall Islands Jaston ANJAIN, Chief Investigator, Investigation Division, Office of the Auditor-General, Head of Delegation 10 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Mauritius Anil Kumar UJOODHA, Director General, Independent Commission against Corruption Mexico Luis Alfonso DE ALBA, Embajador y Representante Permanente de México ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Damian MARTÍNEZ TAGUÑA, Representante Permanente Alterno de México ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Gonzalo CERVERA MARTÍNEZ, Representante Permanente Alterno de México ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Rogelio PASTOR RIANDE, Agregado Legal de la Procuraduría General de la República, Misión Permanente de México ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Micronesia (Federated States of) Carolina Andrea RUGERO VEGA, Assistant General Counsel, Head of Delegation Montenegro Sonja BOSKOVIC, Deputy Supreme State Prosecutor Ana BOSKOVIC, Deputy Basic State Prosecutor Milica ANDJELIC, Adviser for International Cooperation, Office of the Supreme State Prosecutor Morocco Kamal ARIFI, Ministre Plénipotentiaire, Mission Permanente du Maroc auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Moulay El Hassan ALAOUI SLIMANI, Instance Centrale de Prévention de la Corruption Abdellatif MOUATADID, Instance Centrale de Prévention de la Corruption El Hassane CHATRI, Ministère de la Fonction Publique et de la Modernisation de l'Administration Myanmar Thi Da OO, Director of International Law and ASEAN Legal Affairs Division, Union Attorney General's Office Namibia Paulus Kalomoh NOA, Director, Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation Hendrina SHIKUDULE, Senior Investigation Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission Ahisha Avril COETZEE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Namibia to the United Nations (Vienna) Annie K. NAANDA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Namibia to the United Nations (Vienna) Ndeshipanda NGHITEWAPO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Namibia to the United Nations (Vienna) Nauru Barina WAQA, Principal Legal Officer, Department of Justice and Border Control, Head of Delegation Nepal Raju Man Singh MALLA, Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Head of Delegation Shreedhar SAPKOTA, Joint Attorney, Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority Ramesh DHAKAL, Joint Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers 11 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Netherlands Peter VAN WULFFTEN PALTHE, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Mark RUTGERS VAN DER LOEFF, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna) Hortense JONGEN, Maastricht University Nicaragua Hernán ESTRADA ROMÁN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations (Vienna) Niger Abdou HAMANI, Directeur Général des Affaires Judiciaires et des Sceaux, Ministère de la Justice, Chef de la Délégation Nigeria A. A. AYOKO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Lilian C. EKEANYANWU, Head, Technical Unit on Governance and Anti-Corruption Reforms Chile OKOROMA, Director (Litigation), Economic and Financial Crime Commission Lazarus I. KPASABA, Senior Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna) Ladidi Bara'atu MOHAMMED, Federal Ministry of Justice Kaston A. OJOMO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna) Norway Bente ANGELL-HANSEN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna) Kristian ØDEGAARD, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna) Martina ØSTERHUS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna) Oman Said AL KALABANI, Assistant Attorney General Yousif AL AFEEFI, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdullah AL NADABI, State Audit Institution Khalid AL RUBKHI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan Ayesha RIYAZ, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Shakaib RAFIQUE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations (Vienna) Palau Francis Xavior LLECHOLCH, Ombudsman, Office of the President 12 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Panama Elizabeth KELSO DE GONZÁLEZ, Encargada de Negocios a.i. y Representante Permanente Alterna de Panamá ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Gabriel AROSEMENA MURGAS, Tercer Secretario y Funcionario, Misión Permanente de Panamá ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Papua New Guinea Trevor MEAURI, Deputy Secretary, Policy, Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council Paraguay María SOLEDAD QUIÑONES ASTIGARRAGA, Ministra, Secretaria Ejecutiva, Secretaría Nacional Anticorrupción Horacio NOGUÉS ZUBIZARRETA, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Paraguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Miguel Ángel ROMERO ÁLVAREZ, Director General, Unidad Anticorrupción, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Ariel OJEDA, Director General de Prevención y Lucha contra la Corrupción, Secretaría Nacional Anticorrupción Eduardo VON GLASENAPP CANDIA, Primer Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Paraguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Peru Edgard PÉREZ ALVÁN, Ministro Consejero, Encargado de Negocios a.i. y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Enrique NORIA FREYRE, Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Bernardo ROCA-REY ROSS, Segundo Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Alvaro SALCEDO TEULLET, Tercer Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Iván AYBAR VALDIVIA, Tercer Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Philippines Lourdes O. YPARRAGUIRRE, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna) Maria Elena P. ALGABRE, Minister, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna) Janina Lourdes S. BUSTOS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna) Carolina A. CONSTANTINO, Attaché and Adviser, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna) Cristine Cia B. CLASARA, Attaché and Adviser, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna) Poland Agnieszka STAWIARZ, Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice Ryszard WOJTAL, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Poland to the United Nations (Vienna) 13 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Portugal Tiago ARAÚJO, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations (Vienna) Qatar Abdulla Yousof AL-MAL, Major General, Legal Adviser of H.E. Minister of Interior, Head of Delegation Ali Khalfan AL-MANSOURI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations (Vienna) Mohammed Jassim AL-SULAITI, Brigadier, Director of the Security of the South Manah Khalid AL-HAJRI, Colonel, Director of Department of Preventive Security, Ministry of Interior Yousof Ibrahim AL-MAHMOUD, Captain, Office of the Ministry of Interior Khalifa Rashid AL-DOSARI, Lieutenant, Legal Department, Ministry of Interior Salem Mansour AL-MARRI, Lieutenant, Public Relations, Ministry of Interior Jassim Mohammed AL-ASMAKH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations (Vienna) Sara Khater AL-SULAITI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations (Vienna) Republic of Korea Yongil LEE, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Hyon-sang AHN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations (Vienna) So-Yeong YOON, Deputy Director, International Relations Division, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Romania Lorena FERUTA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations (Vienna) Russian Federation Vladimir TARABRIN, Ambassador at Large for Issues of International Anticorruption Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation Georgy MIKHNO, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna) Anna ANTONOVA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna) Kirill ZHALO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna) Andrey ILYIN, Adviser, Department of the President for Counteracting Corruption Yuri SEMIN, Head, Department for Supervision of Implementation of the Legislation on Counteracting Corruption, Prosecutor General's Office Irina SILKINA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna) Nina FEDOROVA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna) Daria SHIMANOVSKAYA, Second Secretary, Department on New Challenges and Threats, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rwanda Léon Fidèle NDIZIHIWE, Investigator, Unit in Charge of the Monitoring of Interdictions and Incompatibilities Sao Tome and Principe Celma Salustiana D'ALVA CASTELO DAVID, Procureur Adjoint de la République 14 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Saudi Arabia Thamer Faisal ALBOQAMI, Head of Delegation Abdullah ALSOLAMY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations (Vienna) Meerah ALKAABI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations (Vienna) Anas ALNOWAISER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations (Vienna) Senegal Papa Assane TOURE, Conseiller Technique au Cabinet, Point Focal du Ministère en Matière de Corruption, Ministère de la Justice, Chef de la Délégation Sierra Leone Joseph Fitzgerald KAMARA, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation Ady MACAULEY, Prosecutor Singapore Hong Kiat WANG, Assistant Director, Policy and International Relations, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau Jun Zhi LAM, Principal Special Investigator, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau Lynn TAN, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Financial and Technology Crime Division, Attorney General's Chambers Ilona TAN, State Counsel, International Affairs Division, Attorney General's Chambers Slovakia Jan KRALIK, Ministry of Justice, International Law Department, Division of Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and European Affairs, Head of Delegation Albin OTRUBA, Alternate Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations (Vienna) Slovenia Jaka KOSMAC, Adviser on Corruption and Public Integrity, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Head of Delegation Barbara ŽVOKELJ, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations (Vienna) Solomon Islands Derek Gwali FUTAIASI, Assistant Secretary to Prime Minister, Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Head of Delegation South Africa T. J. SEOKOLO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation L. GREYLING, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna), Alternate Head of Delegation M. N. WILLIAMS-MALUKA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna) R. L. MIHLANGA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna) Amanda SIGAQA, Foreign Service Officer, Department of International Relations and Cooperation S. A. MATSHEGO, Director, Department of Public Services and Administration 15 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Spain Maria Isabel VICANDI PLAZA, Representante Permanente Alterna de España ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Ignacio BAYLINA RUIZ, Consejero Técnico, Misión Permanente de España ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) José María DE LAS CUEVAS CARRETERO, Capitán de la Guardia Civil, Ministerio del Interior Sri Lanka Aliyar Lebbe ABDUL AZEEZ, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation Nawodh Samira HENNAYAKE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations (Vienna) State of Palestine Salahaldin ABDALSHAFI, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations (Vienna) Said SHEHADEH, General Director, Commissioner Office, Anti-Corruption Commission Mustafa FARHAN, Prosecutor, Anti-Corruption Commission Safa SHABAT, Adviser to the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations (Vienna) Sudan Mohamed Hussein Hassan ZAROUG, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations (Vienna) Kamal Bashir Ahmed Mohamed KHAIR, Alternate Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations (Vienna) Omar Shreef Hamad EISA, Alternate Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations (Vienna) Switzerland Stefan FLÜCKIGER, Ambassadeur, Département Fédéral des Affaires Etrangères, Coordination des Politiques Sectorielles, Chef de la Délégation Martin MATTER, Conseiller, Mission Permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Claudio BAZZI, Département Fédéral des Affaires Etrangères, Section des Affaires Economiques Xenia KELLER, Mission Permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Thailand Piset NAKHAPHAN, Director, Bureau of Legal Affairs, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation Nitiphan PRACHUABMOH, Director, Bureau of International Affairs, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Sopon KASEMPIBOONCHAI, Police Lieutenant, Public Prosecutor, Office of the Attorney General Bhumivisan KASEMSOOK, Investigator, Senior Professional Level, Bureau of Suppression of Corruption in Public Sector 5, Office of the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission Suphanvasa CHOTIKAJAN TANG, Minister Counsellor, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nirut SUKPHOKA, National Anti-Corruption Commission Legal Officer, Professional Level, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Nalintip SRISIT, Foreign Relations Officer, Professional Level, Foreign Affairs Division, Office of the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission 16 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Panduangjai SAISITHONG, National Anti-Corruption Commission Legal Officer, Practitioner Level, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Kulnida SAKDISUPA, International Affairs Officer, Practitioner Level, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Timor-Leste Jonas Floriano GUTERRES, Adviser, Anti-Corruption Commission Togo Assiongbor FOLIVI, Président, Commission Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption et le Sabotage Economique, Chef de la Délégation Essolissam Koffi POYODI, Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Première Instance Tunisia Khalil TAZARKI, Chargé d'Affaires a.i., Mission Permanente de la Tunisie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Wadie Ben CHEIKH, Conseiller, Mission Permanente de la Tunisie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne) Turkey Teoman UYKUR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations (Vienna) Ulas SOYLU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations (Vienna) Uganda Grace ATWONGYEIRE, Senior Legal Officer, Directorate of Ethics and Integrity, Office of the President United Arab Emirates Mohamed Rashed ALZAABI, Assistant Under Secretary, State Audit Institution, Head of Delegation Khalid Saif ALSHAALI, Judge and Counsellor Humaid Abdalla ALNAQBI, Diplomatic Attaché Hamad Alqayed ALHAMMADI, Auditor United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Sarah FOULDS, Political Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations (Vienna) Ian TENNANT, Political Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations (Vienna) United Republic of Tanzania Edward G. HOSEAH, Director General, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau, Alternate Head of Delegation Alfeo SILUNGWE, Personal Assistant to the Director General, Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau Janeth ISHENGOMA, Investigation Officer I, Investigation and Combating of Corruption Bureau United States of America John BRANDOLINO, Director, Office of Policy, Planning and Coordination, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State, Head of Delegation 17 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Christine CLINE, Deputy Director, Office of Policy, Planning and Coordination, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State, Alternate Head of Delegation Doug JOHNSON, Second Secretary, UN Affairs Section, Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna) Jane LEY, Senior Anti-Corruption Adviser, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State Michael OVERBY, Senior Multilateral Affairs Officer, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State Howard REED, Counsellor, UN Affairs Section, Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna) Uruguay Bruno J. FARAONE MACHADO, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) José Pedro MONTERO TRAIBEL, Vicepresidente, Junta de Transparencia y Ética Pública Danilo Iván TOLEDO VILLANUEVA, Secretario General, Junta de Transparencia y Ética Pública Karen MEYER FAURE, Asesora, Misión Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Nathalie PETER IRIGOIN, Asesora, Misión Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Vanuatu Pacco Lionel SIRI, Executive Officer, Ministry of Justice and Community Services, Head of Delegation Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Ali UZCATEGUI DUQUE, Embajador y Representante Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación Marco CASTILLO PARRA, Segundo Secretario y Asesor al Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Crosby PLAZA HERNÁNDEZ, Tercer Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Katarina MILOSOVICOVA, Asistente, Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena) Viet Nam Duc Luong TRAN, Vice Minister, Deputy Inspector General, Head of Delegation Tuan Anh NGUYEN, Deputy Director General, Department of Legislation, Government Inspectorate Ngoc Duong TRAN, Deputy Head of Division, Division for Administrative, Economic and Civil Legislation, Department of Legislation and Administrative-Judicial Reform, Ministry of Public Security Thi Thanh Hien PHAM, Department for International Cooperation, Government Inspectorate Yemen Ebtihaj Abdul Qader AL-KAMAL, Vice Chairwoman, Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption Raghda Abdulrazzak AL-HAKIMI, Third Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations (Vienna) Zambia Samson LUNGO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Zambia to the United Nations (Vienna) 18 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 Zimbabwe Grace T. MUTANDIRO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Zimbabwe to the United Nations (Vienna) Julia K. MARANGWANDA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe to the United Nations (Vienna) Signatory/observer States Germany Oliver MAOR, Federal Ministry of Interior Roland SEEGER, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Frank BERNHARDT, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Cora HEIDER, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Mehrnush ANSSARI, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Viktoria PLATZEN, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Fabian KLEMME, German International Cooperation Association Marc SCHIEREN, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna) Japan Naoki SUGANO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (Vienna) Sayaka UEDA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (Vienna) United Nations Secretariat United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Caroline NICHOLAS, Senior Legal Officer United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) Kevin O'HANLON, Chief, Security and Safety Service, United Nations Office at Vienna United Nations Programmes and Funds United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Patrick KEULEERS, Director, Governance and Peacebuilding, Head of Delegation Anga TIMILSINA, Programme Manager, Global Anti-Corruption Initiative Tony PRESCOTT, Acting Team Leader, Democratic Governance, Pacific Centre Aida ARUTYUNOVA, Programme Specialist, Global Anti-Corruption Initiative Francesco CHECCHI, Public Accountability and Anti-Corruption Specialist, Regional Centre for Europe and the CIS 19 CAC/COSP/IRG/2014/INF.2 United Nations Institutes and Institutes of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University (CCLS) Zhenjie ZHOU, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean Xiaozheng LEI, Associate Professor Intergovernmental organizations Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization Christine NEMOTO, Permanent Observer Commonwealth Secretariat Shadrach HARUNA, Legal Adviser, Rule of Law Division Council of Europe Laura SANZ-LEVIA, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) International Anti-Corruption Academy Martin KREUTNER, Head of Delegation Ernst SCHMID, Alternate Head of Delegation Simona MARIN, Alternate Head of Delegation Alexei CROITORU, Alternate Head of Delegation Elisabeth NECKEL, Alternate Head of Delegation International Criminal Police Organization Kemo OULARE, Criminal Intelligence Officer, Anti-Corruption and Financial Crimes Sub-Directorate Other entities maintaining permanent observer offices Sovereign Military Order of Malta Günther A. GRANSER, Ambassador, Permanent Observer Alberto DONA', Alternate, Minister Alexander SCHÜTZ, Counsellor 20
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