Page 1 November 22, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann THANKSGIVING DAY MASSES 10:00 a.m. English; 12 noon Spanish Lets gather together as a parish family and give thanks to God for all our blessings. Thanksgiving Day Prayer Oh God, when I have food, Help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, Help me to remember the jobless; When I have a home, Help me to remember those who have no home at all; When I am without pain, Help me to remember those who suffer. And in remembering, Help me to destroy my complacency; Bestir my compassion, And be concerned enough to help; By word and deed, Those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amen Pope Francis has announced an extraordinary Jubilee, a Holy Year of Mercy from December 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, until November 20, 2016 . Pope Francis invites us to think about mercy anew as the “act by which God comes to meet us”, but also mercy as the “fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life.” He invites us to live by this mercy in our parishes and lives, to forgive others as well as to seek reconciliation. He challenges us to understand mercy and justice as “two dimensions of the same reality” on the way of conversion of the sinner towards love.—From BULL OF INDICTIONS OF THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY We are asked to proclaim and live by the word of God’s mercy, to reach out to others, to help strengthen and accompany them through their struggles. Reflecting on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy can help us to find a starting point. Let us share the joy of the Gospel through our actions, our words and our prayers during this Holy Year of Mercy. NOVEMBER 22, 2015 - FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING Page 2 November 22, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon., Nov. 23 - 7:00 a.m. +Nash Farag by Loving Wife; 8:30 a.m. Rose & +Pete McCullagh Anniversary Tues., Nov 24 - 7:00 a.m. +Migdalia & Gerardo Sotolongo; 8:30 a.m. +Robert & Teresa Sasseen by Alonso & McCullagh Families Wed., Nov. 25 - 7:00 a.m. +Victor Ramon Gomez by Loving Family; 8:30 a.m. In Thanksgiving 20th Anniversary Jose & Maria Morales Thurs. Nov. 26– Thanksgiving Day 10:00 a.m. Pro Popula; 12:00 p.m. Pro Popula Fri., Nov. 27 – 7:00 a.m. +Stella Bustos by Loving Family; 8:30 a.m. +Marisol Ayala by Loving Family Sat., Nov. 28 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass; 5:00 p.m. Intentions of SJN Parish Family Sun., Nov. 29 - 7:30 a.m. +Robert & Alice Hazen by Kleponis Family; 9:00 a.m. +Richard Bracci by Pat & Judy Fuller; 11:00 a.m. +Jim Losa by His Sisters; 1:00 p.m. +Alfonso Alarcon by Loving Family Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- SUNDAY READINGS: Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings: November 22 - Feast of Christ the King: 1st Reading: Daniel 7:13-14; 2nd Reading: Revelations: 1:5-8; Gospel: John 18:33-37. Next Week’s Readings: November 29 - First Sunday of Advent: 1st Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16; 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12;4:2; Gospel: Luke 21:25-28,34-36. SAVE THE DATE Saint John Neumann Children’s Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 20th SJN School Field 6:00 PM Interactive Marketplace PRAY FOR THE SICK Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez; Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settler; Teresa Fernandez; Natalie Mesa; Amelia Phang; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns; Denyse Dawson; Claire Pare Smith; Graham Mozealous; Tracy Gutierrez; Epifanio Rodriguez; Angela Ortiz; Dylan Almedo; Evelyn Sandoval; Gerry Vilas; Andy Cuevas; Maria Teresa Mendez; Frankie Viturello; Stephen Williams; Richard Schuler; Connie Palmer; Margarita Acevedo; Norrine Sweeney; Susan Arrington; Lena Callejas; Max Mercedes; Christine Michael; Stephan Michael; Jennifer Hew; Myrna Gallagher; Susan Loretta; Marie Andrieux; Luzzie Garcia; Aida Holzer; Elaine Blazys; Jacob Alvarez; Mercy Rodriguez; Brandon Torres Iglesias; Mark Zimmer; Maria Stevens; Olivia Kessler; Fred Metelnikow; Linda Dalrymple; Elfie Nuñez; Connie Zumbrum; Maria Teresa Morgan; Ever Dominic; Sevylla Del Mazo; Sean Kelley; Jesus De Armas; Robert Schmidt; Beatriz Contino; Efren Marquez; Bill Beauregard; Pearl Rivero; Paul Picquet, Sr; Elsa Maroon; Sebastian Jennot; Brian Broadwater; Christine Wilcosky; Gloria Moodie; Ricardo Vogel; Mike O’Connor; Robert Morgan; Adria Kennedy; Carol Samuels. DEVOTION TO DIVINE MERCY The Divine Mercy Devotion, based on the apparitions and diaries of St. Faustina Kowalska, instills in us a deep understanding of the love and mercy of God. We are encouraged to pray daily for divine mercy in our own lives and trust that Jesus will give us everything we need to be instruments of God’s mercy to others. St. Faustina’s feast day is October 5. Divine Mercy Sunday is the First Sunday of Easter. Additional information can be found at DIVINE MERCY MINISTRY MEETS ON THE FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:30 P.M. IN ROOM AE-201 “Jesus I trust in You” NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30 a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!! Page 3 November 22, 2015 PASTOR’S REFLECTION Solemnity of Christ the King November 22, 2015 Dear Friends, Of course we are not citizens of an evil nation. In fact, we cannot thank God enough for all the good and the freedom in our land. But we are also mindful that even good nations like our own have turned their backs on truth for the sake of political expediency. This Feast of Christ the King ought to make us think about our loyalties. There is, of course, nothing wrong with loving our homeland. But as disciples of Jesus, the true ruler of all, our primary loyalty must be to Christ and the truth from which His power flows. *How, on a daily basis, do I seek to make Jesus my ruler and guide? Be assured of my prayers for you and your dear ones. May the good Lord bless you with wisdom and peace. Please pray for me. In Christ, Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro PARKING LOT CHARITY AND COURTESY Please be mindful that the parking lot is the school ground is open and there is always plenty of parking available. “Fire Lanes” are exactly that. They are lanes to be left open for an emergency for Fire or Emergency vehicles. Fire Lanes are not parking lanes. Cars parked in a fire lane can be towed according to code. We have not enforced this hoping for common sense and courtesy. However, we may have to do this for emergency safety sake. Most of our neighbors are not Catholic or parishioners. However, they have been more than kind and patient with us regarding damage to their lawns. Please park in our school lot when the regular parking places are all taken up. Thank you for your charity and for your courtesy in this very important matter. Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann JUBILEE OF MERCY The Year of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Miami The following Churches in the Archdiocese will have a designated Holy Door. In this way, the Jubilee will be celebrated both in Rome and throughout the Archdiocese of Miami as a visible sign of the Church’s universal communion. Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Mercy Pope Francis laid out the following conditions for obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence: Those who make a pilgrimage to and pass through the Holy Door of Mercy at: The Cathedral of Saint Mary The Basilica of Saint Mary Star of the Sea The National Shrine of Our Lady of Charity Gesu Catholic Church Saint Anthony Catholic Church Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church Those who make a pilgrimage to and pass through the Holy Door of Mercy at: St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome Any other Papal Basilicas in Rome *The sick and the elderly who are unable to attend may receive the Jubilee Indulgence by “living with faith and joyful hope this moment of trial and receiving communion. *Those who are incarcerated may obtain the indulgence in the chapels of the prisons.” *Those who perform the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. People are talking about mercy again! And it’s all because Pope Francis is awakening our world to the need for mercy. He proclaimed that “this is the season of mercy.” Pope Francis calls it a new era and he urges each of us to travel this path of mercy. He tells us that “Mercy is the Lord’s most powerful message,” and he hopes that we will “find a form of mercy for all.” We need mercy because we live in an imperfect world. We all know people who have suffered a death in the family, a serious illness, divorce, a job loss, or some other personal tragedy. We have heard stories of violence, oppression, poverty, prejudice and abuse. And while we can’t stop every bad thing from happening, Pope Francis believes that we can become more merciful in our response to people in need. Page 4 November 22, 2015 St John Neumann Church 35th Anniversary Event THE CELEBRATION CONTINUES All families are invited to enjoy an evening of food and fellowship Friday, December 11th 6:00—10:00 pm in the SJNS field Bring chairs & blankets for dinner on the lawn, food & drink are available for purchase from these Food Trucks Boba Station - Cold Stone - Conch Shack Da Burger Shack - Don Mofongo Extreme Risotto Fusion King of Racks BBQ Las Gorditas 2 Main Stop Grill Monster Burgers - Peru Sabroso Pizza Zilla Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann MARRIAGE COVENANT MINISTRY Invites all couples who have ever attended The Marriage Covenant Retreat… A Celebration of Family PICNIC Join our efforts in keeping the family Holy during this Season of Advent Join our extended family for a PICNIC Date: Location: Time: Tickets: December 5 St. John Neumann Courtyard 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $5:00 each for all over 12 Years old Food, Games, Sports and Raffle for children and parents to participate. R.S.V.P. Ingrid Trapp, [email protected] ST. JOHN NEUMANN SEPARATED AND DIVORCED MINISTRY will offer a special program called "Surviving the Holidays" on Friday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms E-F. This program is designed to share practical holiday strategies and hope to brighten the season for those going through separation or divorce. Fee is $5. Registration is at the door. You may call Liz Murphy at 305-385-9818 for further information. THE POWER OF A PRAYING PARENT Please join us for our monthly meeting, Saturday, November 28, 2015 at Minnie Lopez' house for a Thanksgiving breakfast. 15059 SW 153rd Court. Please bring a dish of your choice. Rosa Duarte – 305-588-0905 (Cell) Email: [email protected] DO YOU NEED PRAYER FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, A FRIEND? DO YOU NEED TO BE PRAYED OVER? DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO PRAY WITH? Come to the Upper Room every Wednesday of the month and we will do just that! Join us in Resurrection Hall, Rooms A&B at 7:30 p.m. Page 5 November 22, 2015 CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY The Church gives us the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy to inspire us to action. Corporal Works of Mercy focus on physical needs: Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit those in prison Bury the dead The spiritual works of mercy center on spiritual and emotional needs: Instruct the ignorant Counsel the doubtful Admonish the sinner Comfort the sorrowful Forgive injuries Bear wrongs patiently Pray for the living and the dead You probably practice many of the corporal works of Mercy through food and clothing drives, visits to the sick and homebound, and attending wakes and funerals. You practice the spiritual works of mercy when you share your faith, spend time listening to someone who is going through difficulties, forgive those who hurt you, and pray for living and deceased family members and friends. CATHOLIC CAMPAING FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT For over 46.5 million Americans, there is a thin line: between eviction and home, between hunger and health, between unemployment and work, between anxiety and stability. This line is the Poverty Line. For a family of four, that line is $23,283 a year*. * Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2012. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs that encourage independence. You are essential to its success. Your generous donations will give those in poverty the support they need to make lasting changes. Together, we can make a difference in families and communities across the United States. Please donate prayerfully and generously. Thank you. Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SJN MEN'S CLUB MINISTRY INVITES YOU TO THEIR ANNUAL DECEMBER "FATHER-SON" HOLIDAY EVENT Monday, December 7th, 2015 6:30 PM in Resurrection Hall PRIME-RIB DINNER Special Guest Speaker JIM BERRY, CBS4, SPORTS ANCHOR Jim Berry is the main Sports Anchor for CBS4 News. He anchors the weeknight sportscasts, and the station’s extensive Miami Dolphins coverage. During football season, Jim hosts the pre-game show “Dolphins Weekly Live”, and the 5th Quarter post game show You are invited to the St. John Vianney College Seminary Annual Christmas Concert event on Friday, December 4, at 8:00 p.m. at the Seminary located at 2900 SW 87th Ave. Please contact Angelica Santibañez at [email protected] or at 305-762-1112 for more information. We hope to see you there. The collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD’s grants improve education, support economic development, and create affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and build communities of solidarity. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Page 6 November 22, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- NOTICIAS DEL APOSTOLADO HISPANO REFLEXIÓN DEL PÁRROCO SOLEMNIDAD DE CRISTO REY 22 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2015 Queridos Amigos, EL PAPA FRANCISCO HA ANUNCIADO UN AÑO DE JUBILEO EXTRAORDINARIO. “AÑO DE LA MISERICORDIA” comenzando en la Solemnidad de La Inmaculada Concepción el 8 de Diciembre hasta Noviembre 20, 2016. el Papa Francisco abrirá una puerta Santa que mantiene cerrada en la Basílica de San Pedro, excepto los años de jubileo. Cuando cruce el umbral, la puerta se convertirá en una “Puerta de la Misericordia”. En las semanas siguientes, cardenales y obispos abrirán Puertas Santas en basílicas, catedrales y santuarios de todo el mundo. Este el año para ser mas misericordiosos en muestra propia vida y llevar la misericordia de Dios a los demás. Por supuesto, no somos ciudadanos de una nación mala. Es mas, no podemos dejar de dar gracias a Dios por todo lo bueno y por la libertad en nuestra patria. Pero también tenemos que tener en cuenta que aun naciones buenas, como la nuestra, a menuda viran sus espaldas a la verdad para sacar ventajas políticas. Esta Fiesta de Cristo rey nos debe hacer meditar sobre nuestra lealtad al Señor. No hay nada malo en nuestra devoción a nuestro país. Pero como discípulos de Cristo, el verdadero Rey de Todo, nuestra primera lealtad debe de ser a El y a la verdad de donde LA COLECTA PARA LA CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO fluye Su poder. (CCHD) proporciona fondos para grupos que ocasionan ¿Cómo, diariamente, pongo a Jesús como mi guía y rey? cambios duraderos y ayudan y respaldan a los pobres en los Estados Unidos. Los donativos de CCHD mejoran la Pasen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios educación, financian el desarrollo económico y crean que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a viviendas asequibles en vecindarios de bajos recursos. Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mis. Asegúrense que Ayúdenos a continuar defendiendo la dignidad humana y los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones construir comunidades de solidaridad. Por favor, contribuya diarias. a la colecta para CCHD Escuela de Evangelización presentara el En Cristo, TALLER BELEN el próximo 12 de diciembre a las 9:00 a.m. en el salón AE-200 Mons. Pablo A. Navarro SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN. MINISTERIOS DE ASILO DE ANCIANOS ESTARA RECOJIENDO FRAZADITAS PARA LLEVAR A LOS ANCIANOS POR LAS NAVIDADES. Por favor traigan sus frazadas los próximos dos fines de semana. Para mas información favor de llamar a Loly 305-562-2651. El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS El Jueves 26 de Noviembre . Misa en español a las se celebra los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. EL SACRAMENTO NO SE CELEBRA ANTES 12:00 p.m. Vamos juntos como una familia parroquial para darle gracias a Dios. DE LA MISA. LECTURAS DOMINICALES: NOVIEMBRE 22: NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO: DANIEL 7:13-14; APOCALIPSIS 1:5-8; JUAN 18:33-37. NOVIEMBRE 29 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT: JEREMIAS 33:14-16; 1 TESALONICENSES 3:12;4:2; LUCAS 21:25-28,34-36. MINISTERIO DE ENRIQUECIMIENTO MATRIMONIAL Invita a toda la comunidad a la VIII Gran Fiesta Anual de Navidad el sábado, 5 de diciembre/2015 a las 7:30pm en Resurrection Hall Iglesia Católica St. John Neumann . CENA BAILABLE Donación: $10 Por persona Para más información favor de llamar a: Héctor y Leslie Ramírez (786)205-0032 [email protected] ¡Los esperamos! 4:00 p.m. Confession 5:00 p.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz 7:30 a.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro 9:00 a.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz 11:00 a.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro 1:00 p.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz Youth Group AA 8:00 p.m. School Gr 8 7:55 a.m. Rosary 8:30 a.m. Mass EF Group 7:00 p.m. AE-203 RCIA 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. CD Middle School Youth Eucharistic Ministers: 5:00 p.m. Nicole Attong Abraham & Blanca Arellano Rosemarie Forque Maria Bello Catherine Chang Irene Bergmann Evangelina Alonso Sonnia Castro Susan & Jorge Sanchez Greg & Donna Murphy 7:30 a.m. Damis & Pete Gonzalez Paul Banaszak Clarinda Gill Carmen Andrade 9:00 a.m. Peter Glaria Carolyn Gatcliffe Jose Pedro Fernandez Maureen Samaroo Frank & Linda Sioli Ernest Triche Alex & Adriana R. Lopez Margaret Slama 11:00 a.m. Clarissa & Ruben Moreno Jorge & Norma Herrera Rita S. Lopez Jacqueline Mafiol Pedro & Tammy Garcia Beatriz J. Dominguez Alejandro Losa Gil & Maria Elena Lopez Ana & Tony Perez Jean Pierre Etcheverry Paul & Teresita Walkington 1:00 p.m. Antonio & Liliam Morales Arturo & Naty La Puente Robert & Jossie Ojeda Maria Luisa Perez Rafaela Salvador Lorena Ponce Juan & Wanda Pujol Mirna Valle Roberto Martinez-Rubio Martha Roman Amelfis & Aldo Wrves Lectors: Scouts/Cubs 7:30 RH 5:00 p.m. Jose Rojas Robert Gonzalez 7:30 a.m. Theresa Collier Robert Linfors 9:00 a.m. Mary Margaret Zimmer David Heck 11:00 a.m. Donald Jackson Hector Ramirez 1:00 p.m. Luli Blaschke Cesar Roman N/A Men's 7:30 p.m. AE200 7:30 p.m. Lay Ministry AE-103 Acolytes: AE101 AB Upper Room Prayer Grp. Christmas Pageant Rehearsal RH Divina Misericordia AE-100 8:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m .EF AE-201 K of C Project Mayflower 12:00 p.m. Mass (Sp.) Fr. Tomasz/Msgr. 7:30 p.m. AE-100 Sp. Emmaus Discipleship Study A 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass 10:00 a.m Mass (Eng.) Msgr./ Fr. Tomasz 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass THANKSGIVING DAY 7:55 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass Bible Study 9:00 a.m. AE-100 TOV 7:30 p.m. AE-102 CHJ 7:30 p.m. AE-101 Sp. Bible Study 8:00 pm AE-100 Separated & Divorced 7:30 p.m. 7:55 a.m. Rosary 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass Bible Study 7:30 p.m. AE201 TOV 10:00 a.m. AE-101 SP. Men’s Emmaus 29 Sunday 28 27 Friday 26 Thursday 25 Wednesday 24 Tuesday Monday 23 EVENTS OF THE WEEK November 22, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann LITURGICAL MINISTERS - NOVEMBER 28 & 29 Saturday NOVEMBER 23 - 29 Page 7 5:00 p.m. Daniel Herdocia Alejandro Navarro Megan Castro Gabriel Maristany 7:00 a.m. Isabella Garcia Sara Kristjansson Andrea Jinesta 9:00 a.m. Patrick Gatcliffe Brandon Yon Ashley Yon Zacahry Janvier Daniel Sotolongo 11:00 a.m. Matthieu Gomez Anthony Amengual Emily AMengual Angel AMengual Kevin Calonge 1:00 p.m. Daniel Victoria Alejandro Uribe Guillermo Uribe Arturo La Puente Alex Castro Matthew Castro Ushers Team B 5:00 pm Flip Trembley/John Kane Alex Sardinas/Vance Salter James Salter Mario Bosi/Joseph Goncalves 7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum Ronald Samaroo plus volunteers 9:00 a.m. Nick Chang/Nelson Pay John Sullivan/Julio Lopez Tyrone Brown/Sue Farwell Simon Amofah/Terry Figueroa Leo Francis/David Lannon Anthony & Sarah Amofah 11:00 a.m. Ruben Garcia H. Julian Sosa Jorge Molina/Eddy Del Rio Angie Drescher/Luis Guzman Rene Lopez/Thomas Visney Jose Bendezu/Roberto Estades Hernando Sabogal/Emilio Diaz Kevin Kessler 1:00 p.m. Jose Lopez Oscar Castro Maria Taveras/Abdiel Ponce de Leon Armando Martinez/Rosariuo Reyes Carlos Anato/Graciela Vigo Melba Gomez/Guillermina Gomez Antonio & Liliam Morales Maritza Taveras/Jose Lopez Luis & Sandra Arroyo Manuel & Gabriela Ixtlahuac Carlos Anato/Joceline Sosa Coffee & Donuts Team #2 7:30 a.m. De De Coleman Mafe Nussbaum/ Cecil Garcia Margaret O’Brien/Sarah Castro Lauren & Martiza Castano 9:00 a.m. Gillian Chen Duncan Chen/Seanne Chen Melissa & Jairo Barosela Eyda, David & Nicholas Calzadilla Diego, Carolina & Sofia Paz 11:00 a.m. Susie de Cerce Sarita & Gerry Pecknold Mary Moore/Ana de Aguiar Jose & Marta Calzadilla Carlos & Carmen Mendez Vivian Caballero Edgar & Milagros Tablante 1:00 p.m. Rocio y Sergio Castro Pilar y Julian Gomez Angela y Carlos Uribe Janeth Mejia/Leonardo Morales Carla y Maria Alas
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