OCTOBER 12, 2014 ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH 401 S. Main Street Newark, NY 14513 Parish Center ~ 331-6753 ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH STAFF Pastor: Fr. Felix Dalimpuo, ext 105 [email protected] Pastoral Minister: Pat Albrecht, ext. 104 [email protected] Rel. Ed./YM : Jeanette Housecamp, ext. 103 [email protected] Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102 [email protected] Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-3398546 Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101 [email protected] Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106 277-0302, [email protected] Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111 Pastoral Council Chair: Christine Taylor 331-9216 Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645 Fax………………... 331-2925 OFFICE HOURS Monday –Friday 9am to Noon 1pm to 5pm CLOSED THURSDAY WEB SITES/EMAIL www.stmichaelsnewark.org [email protected] CELEBRATION of the EUCHARIST Daily Mass Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel) Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 . ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Center. NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish Center to register. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Saturday’s @ 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6 months in advance for preparation. MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at any weekend Mass. FAITH FORMATION: Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings during the 10:30 am Mass. Grades K—5: Sunday 9:15—10:15 am @ St. Michael School YOUTH MINISTRY: Grades 6—8 (middle school) Kids For Christ (KFC) Every other Monday 6:30—8:00 @ SMS Grades 9—12 (high school) Super Catholics Of Our Church (SCOOCH) Sunday 6:30 -8:00 pm @ SMS Sunday Evenings 6:30—8:00 pm Catholic Charities of Wayne County Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director 315-331-4867 October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York DAY MASS INTENTION Sunday, October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 25: 6-10a Phil 4: 12-14, 19-20 Mt 22: 1-14 EVENTS 8:15 am ~ Anna Lucchesi—daughter, Judy Greene 10:30 am ~ Tommy Viola—Gene & Patty Mason Monday, October 13 Weekday Columbus Day Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1 Lk 11: 29-32 7 pm ~ Rosario ( capilla) NO FAITH FORMATION NO SCOOCH Missionary ~ Food for the Poor Open House for Rummage Sale after mass PARISH OFFICE CLOSED COLUMBUS DAY 1 pm ~ Rosary @ Monument for the Unborn 7 pm Rosario (capilla) No Mass Tuesday, October 14 Weekday Gal 5: 1-6 Lk 11: 37-41 8:00 am ~ Michael Chelenza—Sharon 7 pm Rosario (capilla) Estudio del Creso Rummage Sale Opens ~ 9 am—6 pm Wednesday, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor of the church Gal 5: 18-25 Lk 11: 42-46 8:00 am ~ Kukuvka family—Kukuvka children 6:30 pm ~ Social Ministry organizational meeting @ parish center 7 pm ~ Choir 7 pm ~ Rosario (capilla) Rummage Sale Opens ~ 9 am—6 pm Thursday, October 16 Weekday Eph 1: 1-10 Lk 11: 47-54 8:00 am Friday, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr Eph 1: 11-14 Lk 12: 1-7 8:00 am Liturgy of the Word, with communion ~ In the Chapel 7 pm ~ Rosario (capilla) Rummage Sale Opens ~ 9 am—6 pm Saturday, October 18 St. Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4: 10-17b Lk 10: 1-9 7:30 am ~ Albert Rondot—Rich & Cindy Henry & family 4:30 pm ~ Viola Brothers—Betty Viola 3:15 pm ~ Confessions 7 pm ~ Rosario (capilla) Last Day of Rummage Sale ~ 8 am –11 am 2nd Collection for Mission Sunday Sunday, October 19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45: 1, 4-6 1 Thes 1: 1-5b Mt 22: 15-21 8:15 am ~ Jim DeWitt—Dick, Anne, Greg & Gretchen 9:15 am ~ K-5 Faith Formation @ SMS Switzer 6:30 pm ~SCOOCH ( high school youth group) 10:30 am ~ Gary McIlwain—Dominic, Kerry & meets in Rm. 119 @ SMS Meghan Vitaro 7 pm ~ Rosario (capilla) 10:30 am Mass ~ Children’s Mass 2nd Collection for Mission Sunday Elsbeth Gerum—Rummage Sale Workers 7 pm ~ Rosario (capilla) Rummage Sale Opens ~ 9 am—6 pm SCHEDULES WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 18-19 MASS ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS COMMENTATORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY OCT. 18, 4:30 PM M. & M. Hutteman S. Hartman J. Addyman B. Hegeman, E. Ahrans, M. Hegeman* J. Bouwens, R. Dewa, P. Dewa SUNDAY OCT. 19, 8:15 AM P. Donnelly L. Porter C. Hasseler I. Colon, G. Donnelly, K. Blondell* D. Nicoletta, D. Rojas, G. Porter SUNDAY OCT. 19, 10:30 AM J. Camblin E. Mrzywka The Children B. Iocco L. DeRue, J. Housecamp, K. Camblin* K. Zappia, R. Pryzbyc, B. Gibbons CHILDREN’S LITURGY Older Group Younger Group CHILDREN’S Youth Help MASS bold = bread minister, * = cup washer OCT. 19, 10:30 AM MONEY COUNTERS: R. Dewa, Captain A new Bible Study will be starting the last week of October. If you aren't already in a group, then please pray about it. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn together! Stay tuned for the details about the study. The "Keeping the Spirit Alive" Planning Team Howard Family FALL RUMMAGE SALE begins Tuesday, OCTOBER 14th PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday, 10/14 Wednesday, 10/15 Thursday, 10/16 Friday, 10/17 Saturday, 10/18 9 am—6 pm 9 am—6 pm 9 am—6 pm 9 am—6 pm 8 am—11 am st. Michael's parishioners are invited to shop after all masses THIS WEEKEND OCTOBER 13TH Please come help after the sale ends, Saturday, with take down and clean up. Thank you. St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York FROM THE... My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I would like to extend an invitation to all families who are making plans for the education of their children to take part in an extraordinary opportunity on November 5 and November 6, 2014. On those two consecutive days, all of our diocesan Catholic Schools will hold Open Houses with extended hours and tours. I would be most grateful, as well, if parents and grandparents of children already in our schools would encourage other parents to consider visiting a Catholic School on those days and share with them your own experiences of these faithfilled places of learning. Why consider Catholic Schools? For our ancestors, the immigrants who were strangers on America’s shores, Catholic Schools provided an opportunity never before experienced: the chance to receive a high-quality education within the context of our treasured faith. As a result, well-educated children came forth to number themselves among the leaders in many different professions, both civil and ecclesial; many devoted their lives to the Lord as priest, deacons, religious sisters and brothers. With all of the challenges of the world in the 21st Century, I believe our young people need and desire the high academic standard for which our schools are known, an education in which Christ is the center and which is rooted in our Catholic values. By collaborating with parents in forming their children’s faith and character, by working together to allow each child to reach his or her full potential, we can give our young people a firm foundation on which to build their lives, and the internal moral compass necessary to navigate an increasingly complex world. Please consider attending one of these Open Houses. A complete list can be found at www.dorschools.org. Discover for yourselves what generations of families have come to know: a Catholic education truly is a gift that lasts a lifetime. With unceasing prayers for you and your children, and humbly asking for a remembrance in your faithful prayers, I remain Devotedly yours in Christ, The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano Bishop of Rochester Faith Sandwiched In… Are you interested in reading Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel”? We would meet either on Tuesdays or Wednesdays at the parish Center at 11:45 am and would end around 1 pm. If you are interested, please contact Pat at the parish Center, 331-6753 or [email protected] ALTAR SERVER TRAINING - We will begin training new altar servers, in grades 4-8 on Saturday, November 8th at 11 AM. Training will take place in the church Please consider this liturgical ministry as a step in sharing your Ɵme with your church family. You are needed and are an important part of the liturgy. Any quesƟons please see Father Felix or Pat. Please call the office before November 5 to let us know you will be coming to the training. October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time Comunidad del Evangelio Que Ayuda Cuando fuimos bautizados, nuestros padres aceptaron que sus hijos fuéramos miembros de la Iglesia, el Pueblo de Dios. Así somos: hijos e hijas de Dios luchando ser fieles a la misión de Jesús, pero a veces sintiéndonos sobrecargados. El Espíritu Santo empezó a habitar dentro de nosotros, ayudándonos responder a nuestro llamado de ser discípulos de Jesucristo, seguidores de Jesucristo. Nuestra Iglesia Católica intenta animar a sus miembros vivir no por sí mismos sino para los demás. El Espíritu Santo ha hecho surgir en medio del pueblo y de las parroquias comunidades más pequeñas que acogen la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo, transformando la propia vida, la sociedad y las creaturas según los valores del evangelio. Ha sido posible en comunidades más pequeñas que en parroquia grandes: intentando pasar de una Iglesia centrada en sí misma a una Iglesia más solidaria y misionera. De las parroquias surgen diversas comunidades con estilos y acentos distintos. Sí, como parroquia hacemos mucho, pero desde el compartimiento en grupos más pequeños a veces es más fácil encontrar a Jesucristo en el evangelio. Los grupos más pequeños son expresiones de la Iglesia misma: una comunidad convocada por la Palabra de Dios, centrada en Jesucristo, alimentada por la Eucaristía, unida a sus pastores, para cumplir su misión de anunciar el Evangelio, ayudándola a descubrir la verdadera y total dimensión del hombre en su compromiso mayor con la justicia. Nosotros bautizados queremos buscar el Reino de Dios, intentando hacer diariamente lo que pensamos que Dios quiere de nosotros. No podemos actuar como robots haciendo cosas de nuestra religión solamente porque es una regla o una ley. Dentro de la comunidad debemos tener un espacio de diálogo en la fe, respetando las diferentes opciones, sin exigir a todos sus miembros profesar una misma ideología en cuestiones opinables. Vivir en comunidad es signo público del misterio de comúnunión junto a otras personas compartiendo lo material y espiritual. La comunidad es un testimonio de la presencia del Reino que nos invita a vivir en fraternidad como hijos de Dios y su misión evangelizadora. Necesitamos convivir con otras personas a través de las cuales nuestra fe, compromiso, amor y esperanza adquieren sentido. Hay una expresión de lo personal con un intercambio de ideas y también una expresión de lo comunitario, intentando vivir un ideal de un compromiso.Al ser parte de una comunidad debemos ayudar a los demás; debemos convertirnos de una mentalidad individualista a una mentalidad comunitaria. La vida comunitaria promueve la apertura al otro a fin de que nazca el nosotros, que haga realidad la comunicación de bienes espirituales, humanos y materiales. Vivir en comunidad crea en sus miembros una verdadera amistad fundada en el amor a Jesucristo. Hermana Kay Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana 1.Todos los días de octubre, 7:00 p.m. en la capilla: Rezo del Rosario dur ante el mes del r osar io 2. Reflexión Bíblica y Estudio del Credo El grupo se reunirá en la capilla los martes después del rezo del rosario, empezando el 7 de oct. 3. Celebración de la Misa, viernes, 24 de octubre, 7:00 p. m. en la capilla, y después de la misa hay una hora social. Next weekend the 2nd collection, 10/18-10/19 is for World Mission Sunday. “The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty.”-Pope Francis. The prayers & sacrifices offered will support the missionary activity of the church. FOOD CLOSET ITEMS NEEDED THIS WEEK: BEANS (pork & beans, lentils, etc.) Please leave in the gathering space. Thank you. St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York Dear Church Family, Today we celebrate the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and are again gifted with a gospel reading that contains another of Jesus’ parables. In it, Jesus yet again is striving to convey his message to the chief priests and elders of the community. Jesus was (and is) persistent! He never gave up trying to get these “holy” men to understand the truth of salvation. We too are called to be persistent on our faith journey. We are called to follow Jesus, and to travel HIS path to freedom. We need to keep on that path—even when detours or roadblocks deter us. So, the question is...how do we do that? Today’s second reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians tells us that Christ will supply us with all we need. “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” This is a familiar and often quoted Scripture passage, and rightfully so, as it simply and pointedly sums up our faith in one sentence. Jesus gives us everything we need to reach salvation—he gifts us with his love, compassion and mercy—yet it’s up to us to accept it and use his gifts wisely. Today’s gospel reading is about acceptance as well...as we hear the Parable of the Wedding Banquet. There are many invited guests, but not many actually attend. The Parable plays out this way: the king represents God; the servants are angels; the son, of course, is Jesus, and the wedding itself represents our ultimate destination— heaven. All this glory! A banquet of riches is ours for the taking. We are all invited to partake in the feast—but not everyone does. Why? Because some of us refuse the conditions that need to be met to receive salvation. Some of us are “too busy” with what we think is important. Some of us have our own notions of what must be done to receive salvation, and they don’t always coincide with what God asks of us. God wants us to commit ourselves to living for Jesus...in all that we do. He certainly doesn’t expect perfection, but at the very least we need to try. Jesus tells us that it really isn’t difficult to reach heaven—but we have to do it HIS way, not our way. Jesus willingly died for us. He bore the cross with the heavy weight of our sinfulness, and in doing so opened the gates of heaven to us all! If his love for us gave him such courage, doesn’t it only seem right that we sacrifice for him as well? In his great love for us he gave us free will...the ability to make our own choices and create our own destiny. We can accept his invitation to the banquet or we can reject it. The choice is ours to make. Still, if we ask God for help in making the “right” decisions he will gladly give it. If we attend our own banquet of the Eucharist each week we will be fortified to live as we are called to, the sacraments, the holy mass—all of this nurtures our faith and our ability to live up who we are called to be—God’s chosen people. Really, this one is a no-brainer...why would we chose to live any other way than for God? Without faith there is no life. Say YES to God’s invitation. Work with determination to live as the Christians we are! Yup, it can be hard work...but the reward to too great to refuse! Let’s always pray for those (who for whatever reason) can’t find it in their heart to accept God’s invitation. And let us also pray for each other, so that we find purpose on our life journey and continue to follow Jesus—detours, roadblocks and all. Have a great week. Love, Jeanette October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time YOUTH NEWS from Jeanette There are no faith formation classes or youth group gatherings this week due to the holiday weekend, but classes for grades K—5 will resume on Oct. 19, as will SCOOCH (high school youth group). KFC (middle school youth group) will meet again on Monday, Oct. 20. Both youth groups gather in the school youth room (#119) from 6:30—8:00 PM. Looking ahead: First Penance preparation will begin on Saturday, Oct. 25th at 10:00 AM with a parent/child meeting in the Church Hall. Remember, if your child is planning on receiving First Communion in the Spring, they must first participate in First Penance. Subsequent meetings will be Nov. 15th and Dec. 6th. The sacrament will be celebrated at our Advent Penance Service on Dec. 13th @ 11:00 AM. If you have any questions please contact me. Apple Pie Bake supplies are needed…The annual Apple Pie Bake is scheduled for November 22nd. We are now collecting supplies. We need CRISCO BRAND SHORTENING, sugar, flour and cinnamon. A box is on the porch of the Parish Center and in the gathering space for donation dropoff. Thank you so much for your support. Phantom of the Opera WITH LIVE PIPE ORGAN ACCOMPAINMENT Our Music Director, Tim Schramm will be at the pipe organ console for a special concert that will include a screening of the Black & White 1925 film Phantom of the Opera starring Lon Chaney and Mary Philibin. See a silent movie the way it was meant to be seen! Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 7 pm Tickets available at the door Suggested donation : $5 per person $20 per family FOR MORE DETAILS CALL THE PARISH CENTER, 331-6753 Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: VanHall Construction Thank you for sponsoring an ad in our bulletin. October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Michael’s Church Newark, New York To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven “… a time to be born…” “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…” Please pray for the sick of our Parish. Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Ben Hartman, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Gloria Santell, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Maritza Comer, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser ET Trunick, Jr, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Bernie Armitage, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Tony Salamone, Marie Jansen, Mary Santelli, Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Ron Atikinson, Cliff Galusha & Pearl Johnson And please pray for our Parish friends. Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez & Lynn Goodman, “… a time to die…” Pascual Torres, brother of Cosme Torres “… and a time for peace.” In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sacrificial Giving September 2014 $28,123.00 Many thanks for September 2013 $26,936.00 your support of 7/1/14-9/30/14 $75,949.00 St. Michael’s 7/1/13-9/30/13 $79,599.00 Annual Contributions: $23,300.00 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are going to show this year’s Sunday collections received versus last year’s Sunday collections. Thank you for your support! ▼✠✡☛ ☞✡✌✍✎✌✡ ❋✏✑✠✑☛✏✠✒ ✓✔✕✏✎✖✡ ✺✗✘ ✙✚ ✛✑✏✖✑ ✜✢✚ ◆✌✣✠✡✤✥ ◆✦ ✧★✺✧✩ ✪✩✧✺✫ ✩✩✧✬✧✧✮✮ INDIVIDUAL • MARRIAGE • FAMILY RICHARD J. SWITZER Financial planning services available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC Goal: 53,170.00 Actual: $11,076.90 Donors: 43 20.56% We’re off to a good start our parish CMA campaign begins. Thank you to everyone who has responded with a gift or pledge already. If you have not made a pledge as of yet, please help us to make our “fair share” goal. The Catholic Ministries Appeal provides funding for important programs, services and ministries that strengthen our whole Church. We need your financial support to reach our potential. Thank you and please pray for the success of our efforts. A+ ASPHALT PAVING M.S., C.A.G.S., M.A. Fully Licensed & Insured • Call for Free Estimate New Installation • Resurfacing • Seal Coating LICENSED MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPIST Stone Hauling / Base for Asphalt 20% OFF W/COUPON ✯✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✯ ✷✸✹✴✷✸ Office 331-6306 Home 331-1379 400 S. MAIN STREET NEWARK, NY 14513 315-483-6785 • 315-271-6752 Cell 103 Moore Street, Newark, NY • APlusAsphaltPaving.com Residential Drop-Off Center ✻❊✼✽✾✿ ❘❖❀❊ ●✽✾❆❊❁ ✽❂✽✾❃❄❊❁❃❀ Drive-Thru Recycling & Trash Scrap Metal Processing NYS Bottle Redemption Construction & Lawn Debris Trailer/Roll-Off Services ❅❇❈❉❍❇■❏❈ ❑▲❈❏ ❑❇❇❏ ❇❉◗❉❙❉❉❏❚ r❇❯▲❉r❇❑❇■❏ ❢❱r ❲❇❳❏❉❱■ ❨ ❩❱▲❈❉■◗ Visit Our Full Service ✭ ✁✂✄ ☎✆✝✞✆☎✟✟ 846 Macedon Center Rd., Macedon, NY 14502 An Independent Retirement Living Community NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 1111 South Main St., Newark, NY 315-331-6569 Now Open 7 Days A Week Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM Owner: Mitch Ruffalo Appliance Sales & Service • Sewer & Drain Cleaning Water Treatment Services • Plumbing & Heating & Air Conditioning 217 South Main Street, Newark (315) 331-2782 www.ruffalo.com • Find us on facebook FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. AUGUST 27, 2014 1:33 PM ST. MICHAEL’S NEWARK, NY 06-0326 Directors Paul L. Murphy David P. Murphy John F. Murphy Faithfully Servicing Our Parish Community Phone 331 – 3255 • www.murphyandsonsfuneralhome.com 127 East Miller Street Newark, New York 14513 Our Only Location ❙ ✁✂✄☎✆✝✂❙✞✟✠✡☛ ❋✂☞✠✡✞✄ ✁✌✍✠ 103 MAPLE COURT, NEWARK, NY 331–2125 www.pusaterifunerals.com THOMAS M. PUSATERI - Funeral Director JOHN A. CAPOZZI - Funeral Director Dignified Services Within Every Budget Pre-Need & Monument Sales SALES SERVICE LEASING CONCORD www.concordflm.com Route 31 Newark • Palmyra Rd • Newark, NY (315) 331-3223 Residential • Commercial • Rolloffs Drop Off Facility • Bottle Redemption Center 1148 N. Main St. • Newark 331-7438 5076 Route 31, Newark, NY 14513 315-331-3889 Joey Nicosia, Owner ♠♥♦ ♣qrsqt♦✉✈①♥ ②③♦④ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩ ❶❷❸❸❹❺❻❼❽❾ ❿➀❺❹❹➀ ➁❹➂➃➀❹❺ ➄⑩➅⑩➆ ➇➈⑧➉➇⑨➇⑨ ⑧ ➊❽➋❽➌❹➀➀❹ ➍➎❹➏ ➐ ❶❽➑❽➑➒❽❼➓➔❽ ➄⑩➅⑩➆ →➣➇➉⑨⑨↔⑨ ↕↕↕➏❾❽➑➓➙❹❽➀❼➑➓➏❻❷❸ Market Alternatives, LLC Larry M. DePauw, President 215 South Main Street, Newark, NY 14513 Insurance & Risk Management Services (315) 331-3401 Fax (315) 331-9512 Tom Lebrecht, Manager Chris Senecal, Owner Proudly Serving Central & Western, NY ❏❑▲▼ ❖◗❘ ❚❯❱❘ ❏▲❲ ❳◗❨❩❬❭◗❲ ❪❫ ▲❴▼❵❵ ❛❜ ❝❞❡❢❡❣❤❢✐❤❥❦ ❧❜ ❝❞❡❢❡❝❦❢❣❦❝❞ FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. AUGUST 27, 2014 1:33 PM Norman L. Waterman Funeral Home, Inc. Our Family Serving Your Family ✶✎✏ ✑✒ ✓✔✕✕✖✗ ✘✙✗✖✖✙✚ ✛✖✜✢✗✣✚ ✛✤ ✶✏✥✶✦ ✸✧★✩✸✸✧✩✧✧✪★ ◆✫✬✭✮✯ ✰✱ ✲✮✳✴✬✭✮✯✵ ❈✷✹✺ ✷✻✯✴✬✮✼ ✽✾✬✴✿✳✫✬ ✇✇✇❀✇❁❂❃❄❅❁❆❇❉❆❃❄❁❊●❍❅❃❀■❍❅ ST. MICHAEL’S NEWARK, NY 06-0326
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