ICC 114-10 8 April 2015 Original: English International Coffee Council 114th Session 2 ‒ 6 March 2015 London, United Kingdom Report on credentials List of Delegations Background 1. The Secretariat has examined the credentials received from ICO Members listed in Annex I and has informed the Chairman of the Council that they were found to be in good and due form. The Chairman of the Council recommends that these credentials be approved. 2. The List of Delegations, based on the credentials which the Chairman recommends that the Council approve, is attached as Annex II and also contains a list of non-member countries, international organizations and private sector associations attending the Council as observers. It also contains a list of observers invited by the Executive Director to attend the Council Session. E ANNEX I REPORT ON CREDENTIALS LIST OF DELEGATIONS 1. Credentials received from Members Angola, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union: (European Commission, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden), Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, United States of America, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe. 2. Members under the 2001 Agreement which have not yet completed the procedures for participation in the 2007 Agreement and which have sent delegations Congo (Democratic Republic of), Haiti, Rwanda and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). 3. Non-member countries attending as observers Japan, Peru and the Russian Federation. 4. International organizations attending as observers African and Malagasy Robusta Coffee Agency (ACRAM), African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), CABI, Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), InterAfrican Coffee Organisation (IACO), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) and World Bank. 5. Private sector associations represented at this session African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA), All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA), European Coffee Federation (ECF) and Rusteacoffee Association. I-2 6. Members under the ICA 2007 not represented at the meeting Central African Republic, Liberia, Madagascar, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste, Turkey and Zambia. 7. Statistical experts Neil Rosser (Armajaro Holdings), Euan Mann (Complete Commodity Solutions) and Ana Wilks (Neumann Kaffee Gruppe). 8. Members under the 2001 Agreement which have not yet completed the procedures for participation in the 2007 Agreement and which were not represented at the meeting Benin, Congo (Republic of), Dominican Republic, Guinea, Jamaica and Nigeria. ANNEX II ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ‐ MEMBERS BRAZIL ANGOLA Representative Exmo. Sr. Frederico Arruda Representante Permanente do Brasil junto às Organizações Internacionais sediadas em Londres Representative Exmo. Sr. Miguel Fernandes Neto Embaixador Embaixada de Angola, Londres Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Cons. Joaquim Pedro Penna Representação Permanente do Brasil junto às Organizações Internacionais sediadas em Londres Sra. Vanda Lemos Gomes Ministra Conselheira Embaixada de Angola, Londres Sr. Rodolfo Osório de Oliveira Diretor do Departamento do Café Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) Sr. Diogo José Paulo Cristiano Conselheiro Embaixada de Angola, Londres Sr. Silas Brasileiro Presidente Executivo Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) Sra. Nsimba Nkula Primeira Secretária Embaixada de Angola, Londres Sr. Evair de Melo Deputado Federal Câmara dos Deputados Sr. Samora Neto Terceiro Secretário Embaixada de Angola, Londres Sr. João Cruz Reis Filho Secretário de Estado Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento de Minas Gerais (SEAPA‐MG) BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF Sr. Paulo Márcio Rodrigues Representação Permanente do Brasil junto às Organizações Internacionais sediadas em Londres Representative Excmo. Sr. Roberto Calzadilla Embajador Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Londres Sr. Carlos Henrique Jorge Brando Consultor Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) Alternate(s) Sra. Márcia Chiarello Assessora Conselho Nacional do Café (CNC) Sra. Andrea Chacama Sección Económica y Comercial Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Londres Sra. Natália Sampaio Sene Fernandes Assessora Técnica Confederação Nacional da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil (CNA) 1 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Sr. João Alberto Brando Consultor Conselho dos Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé) Dr. José Alirio Barreto Buitrago Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Sr. Eugenio Vélez Uribe Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia BURUNDI Representative Dr. Juan Esteban Orduz Presidente Colombia Coffee Federation, Inc. M. Denis Karera Directeur général Autorité de Régulation de la Filière Café du Burundi (ARFIC) Alternate(s) Dra. Marcela Urueña Asesora de la Gerencia General Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Hon. Louis Ntureka Directeur du Patrimoine Autorité de Régulation de la Filière Café du Burundi (ARFIC) Adviser(s) CAMEROON Dr. Nicolás Pérez Marulanda Asesor del Gobierno para Asuntos Cafeteros Excmo. Sr. Néstor Osorio Embajador Embajada de Colombia, Londres Representative S.E. M. Nkwelle Ekaney Haut‐Commissaire Haut‐Commissariat du Cameroun, Londres Dr. Juan Manuel Uribe Ministro Plenipotenciario Embajada de Colombia, Londres Alternate(s) CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF M. Nana Abdoulaye Directeur général adjoint Office national du Cacao et du Café (ONCC) Representative M. Corneille Tabalo Représentant permanent auprès de l'OIC Ambassade de la République démocratique du Congo, Londres M. Omer Maledy Secrétaire exécutif Conseil interprofessionnel du Cacao et du Café (CICC) COLOMBIA COSTA RICA Representative Representative Dr. José Fernando Montoya Comité Directivo Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia Sr. Ronald Peters Seevers Director Ejecutivo Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE) 2 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Sr. Miguel Garbanzo Elizondo Presidente de Junta Ejecutiva Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE) Sr. Roberto de la Peña Pino Agregado Comercial Embajada de Cuba, Londres Excmo. Sr. Enrique Castillo Barantes Embajador Embajada de Costa Rica, Londres Adviser(s) Sra. Liudis Díaz Alfonso Subdirectora Comercial Cubaexport Sr. Carlos Garbanzo Blanco Ministro Consejero Embajada de Costa Rica, Londres ECUADOR CÔTE D'IVOIRE Representative Representative Excmo. Sr. Juan Falconi Puig Representante Permanente ante la OIC Embajada del Ecuador, Londres M. Aly Touré Représentant permanent de la Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Organisations internationales de Produits de Base Alternate(s) Alternate(s) M. Kaladji Fadiga Directeur général du Commerce extérieur Sr. Francisco Mena Jefe de ProEcuador, Oficina Comercial del Ecuador en Londres M. Edmond Venance Kodjo Directeur de la Facilitation des Echanges avec le Secteur privé Ministère du Commerce Sra. María Eugenia Avilés Primera Secretaria Embajada del Ecuador, Londres Sr. Luis Gabriel Gómez Oficina Comercial del Ecuador en Londres Mme Marie‐Claude Degni‐Segui Conseiller juridique Représentation permanente de la Côte d'Ivoire EL SALVADOR Mme Nathalie Assé Conseiller en Communication et Linguistique Représentation permanente de la Côte d'Ivoire Representative Excmo. Sr. Werner Matías Romero Embajador y Representante Permanente ante la OIC Embajada de El Salvador, Londres Mme Sylvie Koffi Conseiller Représentation permanente de la Côte d'Ivoire Alternate(s) CUBA Sra. Rosella Badía Ministra Consejera Asuntos Económicos y Organizaciones Internacionales Embajada de El Salvador, Londres Representative Sra. Olena Navas Pérez Consejera Económica Embajada de Cuba, Londres 3 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adviser(s) EU ‐ EUROPEAN COMMISSION Sr. Vincent Garay Consultor Representative ETHIOPIA Mr Manfred Brandt Directorate General for Development and Cooperation ‐ EuropAid Representative H.E. Mr Berhanu Kebede Ambassador Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, London EU ‐ GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EU Representative Mr Alain Pluckers Directorate for Trade, Development, EU‐ACP Relations Alternate(s) Mr Terefe Dida Meriyane Minister Counsellor Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, London EU ‐ GERMANY Mr Gizachew Bogale Kebede First Secretary Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, London Representative Adviser(s) Adviser(s) Mr Hussein Agraw Ibrahim Mr Holger Preibisch General Manager Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V. Ms Ina Grohmann Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy International Commodity Policy Mr Abdela Bagerish Mr Elias Omar EU ‐ IRELAND EU ‐ LATVIA ‐ PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Representative Ms Mary McCarthy Agricultural Attaché Embassy of Ireland, London Representative Mr Kärlis Lûks EU Chair of the Commodities Working Party Ministry of Agriculture Senior Officer EU ‐ ITALY Representative Alternate(s) Mr Sergio Monti Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vice Coordinator for Expo Milan 2015 Mr Jänis Krainis Agricultural Attaché Permanent Representation of Latvia to the EU 4 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) EU ‐ SPAIN Mr Dante Brandi Head of the Economic Department Embassy of Italy, London Representative Sr. Ödön Pálla Sagues Consejero Comercial Embajada de España, Londres Mrs Laura Albanese Economic Attaché Italian Embassy, London EU ‐ SWEDEN Adviser(s) Mr Andrea Illy Chairman of ICO's Promotion and Market Development Committee President of Illycaffé S.p.A. Representative Mrs Anna Tofftén Deputy Director‐General Ministry of Enterprise & Innovation Ms Anna Illy Illycaffé S.p.A. GABON Mr Furio Suggi Luverani Illycaffé S.p.A. Representative Mr Mario Cerutti Green Coffee and Corporate Relations Partner Lavazza S.p.A. M. Léon‐Paul N'goulakia Directeur général Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) Mr Patrick Hoffer President Corsino Corsini S.p.A. Alternate(s) M. Jean‐Jacques Engo Directeur général adjoint Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) EU ‐ NETHERLANDS M. Aristide Roger Djoué Chargé d'Etudes du Directeur général Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) Representative Mr Henk de Jong Head of the Agricultural Section Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, London Mlle Aïcha Andjembe Chef de Service Relations internationales Caisses de stabilisation et de péréquation (CSP) EU ‐ POLAND GHANA Representative Representative Mr Piotr Krawczyk Expert (Trade Policy Department) Ministry of Economy Dr Francis Kofi Oppong Deputy Chief Executive (A & QC) Ghana Cocoa Board 5 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Mme Belinda Wava Attaché culturel/Stagiaire Ambassade de la République d'Haïti, Londres Dr George Opoku Deputy Director (Coffee) Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG) HONDURAS Mr Michael Owusu Manu Senior Research Manager (RM & E) Ghana Cocoa Board Representative Excmo. Sr. Iván Romero Martínez Embajador, Representante Permanente en la OIC Embajada de Honduras, Londres Mr Moussa A. Lenboni Manager Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company (UK) Ltd. INDIA GUATEMALA Representative Representative Mr Jawaid Akhtar Chairman Coffee Board of India Excmo. Sr. Acisclo Valladares‐Molina Embajador Embajada de Guatemala, Londres INDONESIA Alternate(s) Ing. Nils Leporowski Presidente Asociación Nacional del Café (Anacafé) Representative H.E. Mr Hamzah Thayeb Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, London Sr. Lesther Antonio Ortega Lemus Ministro Conserejo Embajada de Guatemala, Londres Alternate(s) Sra. Lizzi Maffioli Moore Cónsul Embajada de Guatemala, Londres Mr Bachrul Chairi Director General for International Trade Cooperation Ministry of Trade HAITI Mr Deny Wahyudi Kurnia Director for APEC Cooperation and Other International Organizations Ministry of Trade Representative M. Jean Pillard Chargé d'Affaires Ambassade de la République d'Haïti, Londres Mrs Nurlaila Nur Muhammad Director for Export of Agricultural and Forestry Products Ministry of Trade Mr Ahmad Firdaus Sukmono Head of Centre for International Trade Advocacy Services Ministry of Trade Alternate(s) M. Jean Joseph Léandre Conseiller Ambassade de la République d'Haïti, Londres 6 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mrs Ari Agung Prihatin Head of Subdirectorate for Commodity Cooperation Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products Ministry of Agriculture Ms Nancy Cheruiyot Commodity Fund Directorate Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries State Department of Agriculture Ms Isabella Nkonge Coffee Directorate Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries State Department of Agriculture Mr Angga Handian Putra Head of Section for Organizational Commodity 11 Directorate General for International Trade Cooperation Ministry of Trade Dr Elijah Gichuru Coffee Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries State Department of Agriculture Mrs Masriati Lita S. Pratama Minister Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, London Mrs Rita Rosiana Trade Attaché Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, London MALAWI Representative Mrs Hastin A. Bakti Dumadi First Secretary Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, London Mr Mufwa Maurice Munthali Counsellor (Trade and Investment) Malawi High Commission, London Mr Rinaldi Agung Adnyana Commercial Attaché Indonesian Embassy, The Hague MEXICO Mr Iwan Nur Hidayat First Secretary Indonesian Embassy, The Hague Representative Ing. Belisario Domínguez Méndez Director General de Productividad y Desarollo Tecnológico Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacióm (SAGARPA) Mr Moenardji Soedargo Adviser Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Alternate(s) Mr Leman Pahlevi Vice Chairman Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Ing. Cristóbal Sayago Pozos Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacióm (SAGARPA) Mr Derek Watson Consultant Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association (GAEKI) Lic. Fernando Javier Contreras Marmolejo Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacióm (SAGARPA) KENYA Adviser(s) Ing. Alfredo Moisés Ceja Presidente Asociación Mexicana de Exportadores, A.C. Representative H.E. Mr Lazarus Ombai Amayo High Commissioner High Commission of the Republic of Kenya, London 7 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ NICARAGUA PARAGUAY Representative Representative Excma. Sra. Guisell Morales‐Echaverry Embajadora Embajada de Nicaragua, Londres Sr. Hugo Chaparro González Encargado del Seguimiento de los Organismos Internacionales Embajada de la República del Paraguay, Londres NORWAY RWANDA Representative Representative Ms Torun Dramdal Senior Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr James Wizeye First Secretary High Commission of Rwanda PANAMA SWITZERLAND Representative Representative Excmo. Sr. Daniel Fábrega Embajador Embajada de Panamá, Londres Mr Conradin Rasi First Secretary, Deputy Head of the Economic, Finance, Science & Innovation Section Embassy of Switzerland, London Alternate(s) Sra. Margarita Zurita Tercera Secretaria Embajada de Panamá, Londres Alternate(s) Mr Philippe Roesle Project Manager Economic, Finance, Science & Innovation Section Embassy of Switzerland, London PAPUA NEW GUINEA TANZANIA Representative H.E. Ms Winnie Kiap High Commissioner Papua New Guinea High Commission, London Representative Eng. Adolph Kumburu Director General Tanzania Coffee Board Alternate(s) Mr Mick Wheeler Overseas Representative PNG Coffee Industry Corporation Alternate(s) Mr Yusuph Kashangwa Executive Director Tanzania Trade Centre, London Mr Vele Ila'ava Acting Secretary Department of Agriculture & Chairman Cocoa Board of Papua New Guinea 8 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adviser(s) TUNISIA Mr Kajiru Kissenge Director of Coffee Development and Operations Tanzania Coffee Board Representative M. Rached Omri Directeur Office du Commerce de la Tunisie THAILAND Representative Alternate(s) Ms Nuttaphon Sripinyo Trade Officer, Professional Level Department of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Mme Mariem Ktari Lajimi Directrice adjointe Office du Commerce de la Tunisie M. Moez Jaafri Directeur adjoint Office du Commerce de la Tunisie Alternate(s) Mrs Onrut Sittibud Trade Officer, Professional Level Department of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Mme Maha Naouech Secrétaire des Affaires étrangères Ambassade de la République tunisienne, Londres Ms Taritchaya Kamperayanon Commercial Counsellor Office of Commercial Affairs Royal Thai Embassy, London UGANDA Representative TOGO Mr Henry Ngabirano Managing Director Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) Representative M. Enselme Gouthon Secrétaire général Comité de Coordination pour les Filières Café et Cacao (CCFCC) Alternate(s) Alternate(s) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA M. Benyi Kpondanlon Johnson Secrétaire général Conseil des Exportateurs de Café et de Cacao (CECC) Representative Mr Robert W. Nsibirwa Uganda Coffee Trade Federation (UCF) Ms Amy Diggs Foreign Affairs Officer Agriculture, Biotechnology and Textiles Trade Affairs Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs US Department of State Adviser(s) M. Essolakéna Karabou Président Conseil interprofessionnel du Café et du Cacao du Togo (CICC) 9 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Curt Reintsma Food Security Partnerships Specialist Bureau of Food Security US Agency for International Development Miss Manal Zaid Muttee Dammaj Second Secretary Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, London Mr Haytham Abdulsalam Al‐Shawkani Third Secretary Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, London Adviser(s) Mr Sean Smith Economic Officer Embassy of the United States, London ZIMBABWE Mr Ric Rhinehart Executive Director Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) Representative VENEZUELA Mr Cecil Chinenere Chargé d’Affaires a.i. High Commission of the Republic of Zimbabwe Representative Alternate(s) Excma. Sra. Rocío Maneiro Embajadora Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Londres Mrs Beatrice Mutetwa Director, International Trade Department Ministry of Industry and Commerce Mr Terence Madzorere Counsellor High Commission of the Republic of Zimbabwe Alternate(s) Sr. Alfonso D'Santiago Ministro Consejero Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Londres Mr P. Chidoko Research Officer Research and Specialist Services Sra. Silvia Aular Consejera Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Londres VIETNAM Representative Mr Pham Tuan Huy Commercial Attaché Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, London YEMEN Representative Mr Abdulkader Ahmed Saeed Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, London 10 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 ‐ OBSERVER NON‐MEMBERS 3 ‐ OBSERVER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS JAPAN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (AFDB) Mr Junichiro Yamakuchi Counsellor (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) Embassy of Japan, London Mr Chiji Ojukwu Director, Agriculture and Agro Industry Department Mr Olivier Eweck Manager, Financial Technical Services, Treasury Department PERU Mr Benedict Kanu Lead Agriculture Expert Sra. Silvana Mendoza Segunda Secretaria Embajada del Perú, Londres Ms Nana Spio‐Garbrah Senior Financial Analyst RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGENCE DES CAFÉS ROBUSTA D'AFRIQUE ET DE MADAGASCAR (ACRAM) Mr Alexander Karavaytsev Head of Economic Section a.i. Trade Delegation of the Russian Federation in the United Kingdom M. Ismaël Ndjewe Chargé d'Etudes Secrétariat général ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) Ms Naomi Chakwin Resident Director General, European Office, Frankfurt CABI Mr Peter Baker Senior Scientist COMMON FUND FOR COMMODITIES (CFC) Ms Eva Teekens Investment Analyst & Project Manager INTERAFRICAN COFFEE ORGANISATION (IACO) Mr Frederick Kawuma Secretary General 11 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mr Appolinaire Aka Head of Finance and Administration 4 ‐ OBSERVER PRIVATE SECTOR Mr Kouamé Edgard Koffi Director of Economic Studies AFRICAN FINE COFFEES ASSOCIATION (AFCA) INTER‐AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) Mr Samuel Kamau Executive Director Mr Ignacio Corlazzoli Lead Specialist, Operations ALL JAPAN COFFEE ASSOCIATION (AJCA) INTERNATIONAL COCOA ORGANIZATION (ICCO) Mr Toyohide Nishino Executive Director All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Michael Segal Information and Media Officer Mr Kunitoshi Saeki Adviser All Japan Coffee Association (AJCA) Mr Moises Gomez EUROPEAN COFFEE FEDERATION (ECF) INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (IFC) Mr Roel Vaessen Senior Adviser Mr Panos Varangis Head SME Advisory Services RUSTEACOFFEE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S COFFEE ALLIANCE (IWCA) Mr Ramaz Chanturiya General Director Ms Desiree Logsdon President 5 ‐ STATISTICAL EXPERTS Ms Josiane Cotrim Chapter Relations Committee ARMAJARO HOLDINGS Ms Josiana Bernardes European Chapter Formation Mr Neil Rosser WORLD BANK COMPLETE COMMODITY SOLUTIONS Mr Roy Parizat Senior Economist Mr Euan Mann NEUMANN KAFFEE GRUPPE Ms Ana Wilks 12 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 ‐ PRESENTERS 8 ‐ OBSERVERS INVITED BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEHME COMMODITIES Mr Pablo Dubois Mr Fabio Nehme CEO BRITISH COFFEE ASSOCIATION Mr Juan Marcano Climate Risk Services Mr Martin Wattam Executive Director OXFAM INTERNATIONAL CAFÉ AFRICA Mr Barney Tallack Director of Strategy Mr John Schluter CEO Mr Tim van der Veer Director of Communications MULLEGE PRIVATE LTD. CO. 7 ‐ APPROVED OBSERVERS Mr Mahabub Awol General Manager 4C ASSOCIATION NESTLÉ S.A. Ms Melanie Rutten‐Suelz Executive Director Ms Linda Butler Sustainability Coffee Manager Ms Annette Pensel Director, Sustainability Innovations SUCAFINA COFFEE QUALITY INSTITUTE (CQI) Mrs Claudine Masozera Sucafina Country Manager (Burundi) Ms Kimberly Easson UTZ CERTIFIED Ms Brigitte Campfens Head of Market Development UTZ Certified Ms Marieke Lenders Commodity Analyst UTZ Certified 13 ICC‐114‐10 ‐ List of Delegations ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 ‐ FORUM PRESENTERS AND PANELLISTS DEG Mr Ian Lachmund Project Director Coffee Partnership for Tanzania IDH ‐ SUSTAINABLE TRADE INITIATIVE Ms Jenny Kwan Senior Coffee Program Manager RABOBANK RURAL FUND Mr Peter Veening Investment Manager 14
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