Pilar NOGUES-MARCO Associate professor of Economic History, University of Geneva & CEPR Research Affiliate, Programme Area in Economic History Email: [email protected] ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND AFFILIATIONS 2015-present Associate professor, Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History, University of Geneva 2013-2015 Associate professor, Department of Social Sciences (Area Economic History), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Sept 2013Jan 2014 Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science 2012-present Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Programme Area in Economic History 2010-present Research Fellow, Instituto Figuerola de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2010-1013 Assistant professor, Department of Economic History, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2009-2010 Adjunct professor, Department of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 2007-2009 Research assistant, Chaire Finances internationales, Sciences-Po, Paris 2005-2007 Grantee researcher, Chaire Finances internationals, Sciences-Po, Paris 1999-2004 Teaching and research assistant, Department of Economic History, Universitat de Barcelona EDUCATION 2004-2009 PhD in Economics (International Finance), Sciences-Po Paris & PhD in Economics (Economic History), Universitat de Barcelona, Summa cum laude 2002-2003 MA in University Teaching Education, ICE, Universitat de Barcelona 1999-2001 MSc in Economic History (Monetary History), Universitat de Barcelona 1994-1999 BSc in Economics (Public Economics), Universidad de Zaragoza PRIZES & NOMINATIONS 2014 Second Prize Hamilton to the best article published in international journals, awarded by the Asociación Española de Historia Económica 2012 Shortlisted for the Dissertation Prize (Pre-modern category), awarded by the International Economic History Association 2011 Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate, Universitat de Barcelona Pilar Nogues-Marco, Aug 2015 1 2010 Larruga Prize to the best dissertation in Economic History, awarded by the Asociación Española de Historia Económica 2010 Shortlisted for Gerschenkron Dissertation Prize, awarded by the Economic History Association 2009 Figuerola Prize to the best paper published in the European Review of Economic History (with Camila Vam Malle), awarded by the European Historical Economic Society 2002 Ramon Carande Prize for young researchers, awarded by the Asociación Española de Historia Económica PUBLICATIONS-JOURNALS (peer-reviewed) 2013 “Competing Bimetallic Ratios: Amsterdam, London and Bullion Arbitrage in mid18th century”, Journal of Economic History, 73(2), pp.445-476 (CEPR DP 9300) 2013 “The Banco de España: A nacional financial institution?”, Journal of European Economic History, XIII (1), pp. 11-45 (with P. Martín-Aceña and E. Martínez-Ruiz) [reprinted in Oliver Feiertag and Michel Margairaz (ed.) (2015): Les Banques centrales, la Nation et les États, Paris: Éditions Albin Michel, Mission Historique de la Banque de France (forthcoming)] 2009 “Monetary Geography Before the Industrial Revolution”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2 (2), pp. 149-171 (CEPR DP 7169) (with M. Flandreau, C. Galimard and C. Jobst) 2007 “East India bonds, 1718-1763: early exotic derivatives and London market efficiency”, European Review of Economic History, 11 (3), pp. 367-394 (with C. Vam Malle-Sabouret) (Figuerola Prize 2009, EHES) 2007 “The Accounting Mirror of the Banking Business: The Bank of Barcelona (18451856)”, De Computis. Spanish Journal of Accounting History , 7, pp. 3-37 (with Y. Blasco) 2007 “La política crediticia del Banco de Barcelona entre 1844 y 1856: ¿prudente o procíclica?”, Revista de Historia Industrial, 34, pp.11-38 (with Y. Blasco) 2005 “Análisis de la deflación española de la primera mitad del siglo XIX: una comparación internacional”, Revista de Historia Económica, 23(2), pp. 371-405 (Ramón Carande Prize 2002, AEHE) PUBLICATIONS-MONOGRAPHS (peer-reviewed) 2014 Crisis cambiarias y políticas de intervención en España, 1880-1975, Madrid: Banco de España-Estudios de Historia Económica, n. 66 (with E. Martínez-Ruiz) 2011 Tipos de cambio y tipos de interés en Cádiz en el siglo XVIII (1729-1788), Madrid: Banco de España-Estudios de Historia Económica, n. 58 PUBLICATIONS-CHAPTERS IN BOOKS (peer-reviewed) 2013 “La peseta, de la independencia a la integración: las crisis cambiarias entre 1874 y 2000”, in P. Martín-Aceña, E. Martínez-Ruiz and M.A. Pons (eds.), Las crisis financieras en la historia de España, Barcelona: Crítica, chapter 3, pp. 115-157 (with E. Martínez-Ruiz) Pilar Nogues-Marco, Aug 2015 2 2013 “Crisis bancarias en la historia. Del Antiguo Régimen a los orígenes del capitalismo moderno”, in F. Comín and M. Hernández (eds.), Las crisis económicas en España, 1300-2012. Lecciones de la Historia, Madrid: Alianza Editorial, chapter 5, pp. 141167 (DT-AEHE n. 1201) (with P. Martín-Aceña) 2012 “Commercial finance in Europe, 1700-1815”, in Gerard Caprio (ed.), Handbooks in Financial Globalization: Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions and Infrastructure, London: Elsevier, chapter 10, pp. 95-105 (with C. Jobst) 2011 “Floating against the Tide: Spanish Monetary Policy, 1870-1931”, in Anders Ögren and Lars F. Øksendal (eds.), The Gold Standard Peripheries: Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 8, pp. 145-173 (UC3M WP 11-10) (with P. Martín-Aceña and E. MartínezRuiz) 2009 “The Bell Jar: Commercial Interest Rates between Two Revolutions, 1688-1789”, in Jeremy Atack and Larry Neal (ed.), The Origins and Development of Financial Markets and Institutions. From the Seventeenth Century to the Present, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, chapter 6, pp. 161-208 (CEPR DP 5940) (with M. Flandreau, C. Galimard and C. Jobst) OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2011 “Bullionism, specie-point mechanism and bullion flows in the early 18th-century Europe”, Doctoral Dissertation Summary. Journal of Economic History, 71 (2), pp. 470-475 BOOK REVIEWS 2012 T. Straumann (2010) “Fixed Ideas of Money: Small States and Exchange Rate Regimes in Twentieth-Century Europe”, Cambridge University Press, New York, Revista de Historia Industrial, n. 50, pp. 211-213. 2007 D. M. P. McCarthy (2006): “International Economic Integration in Historical Perspective”, Routledge, London & New York, Economic History Review, 60(1), pp. 236-237 2007 E. Prieto and D. de Haro (2004): “Las reformas monetarias en la primera mitad del siglo XIX”, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Investigaciones de Historia Económica , 7, pp. 175-177 2007 J. M. Serrano Sanz (2004): “El oro en la Restauración. Discurso para la posesión de la plaza de académico de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas, 4mayo-2004”. RACMYP, Madrid. Investigaciones en Historia Económica, 8, pp. 206-208. 2004 P. Bernholz (2003): “Monetary Regimes and Inflation. History, Economic and Political Relationships”, Edward Elgar Publishing, USA, Revista de Historia Económica, 22(3), pp. 755-757. ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS IN CONFERENCES (last 5 years) 2015 -Third CEPR Economic History Symposium, Oslo - Workshop on Regional Stock Exchanges, Madrid - Seventh Iberian Economic History Conference (Iberometrics VII), Porto Pilar Nogues-Marco, Aug 2015 3 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 - MacroHist Workshop. Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva - Second CEPR Economic History Symposium, Vienna - XI Congreso Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Madrid - Lecture EABH Summer School in Financial and Monetary History, Madrid - Sixth Iberian Economic History Conference (Iberometrics VI), Zaragoza. - XVIth World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch - Conference on Trade, Poverty and Growth, Fundación Ramon Areces, Madrid - 8th conference of the Mission Historique de la Banque de France, Paris - International Conference on Financial Crises, Fundación Ramón Areces, Madrid - X Congreso Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Carmona - European Historical Economics Society 9th Conference, Dublin - FRESH meeting, Madrid - 70th Annual Meeting – Economic History Association, Evanston - 47th Cliometrics Conference – Cliometrics Society, La Crosse - ASSA – Cliometric Society, Atlanta INVITED SEMINARS (last 5 years) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 - Maison des Sciences Economiques, Université de Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne - Department of Economic History, Universidad de Zaragoza - Faculté des sciences de la société, Université de Genève - Bank of Spain. Seminar “La Economía Política en la España Liberal” - Maison des Sciences Economiques, Université de Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne - Department of Economic History, London School of Economics - Departament d’Història Econòmica, Universitat de Barcelona - Departamento de Análisis Económico, Universitat de Valencia - Depart. Historia Económica e Instituciones, Universidad Carlos III - Economic and Social History Workshop, Oxford University - Depart. Historia Económica e Instituciones, Universidad Carlos III - Economic History Workshop, Yale University - Depart. Historia Económica e Instituciones, Universidad Carlos III PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Member of the Board of Trustees of European Historical Economic Society (since Apr 2014) - Deputy editor of Investigaciones de Historia Económica – Economic History Research (Elservier) (since Feb 2012) - Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Social Sciences and Law, University Carlos III de Madrid, UC3M (2014-2015) - Peer-Review: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of Economic History; Financial History Review; Histoire & Mesure, Revista de Historia Económica; Explorations in Economic History; Investigaciones de Historia Económica; Revista de Historia Industrial Pilar Nogues-Marco, Aug 2015 4
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