2 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Calendar of Events October 25— November 1, 2015 Mon., October 26 Weekday Rom 8:12-17; Lk 13:10-17 8:30AM Marci Geppert Samira Abraham Tranquilino Garcia Grapevine, TX Sunday, October 25 11:00am 11:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm R.E.A.Ch.—Meeting Rm Youth Catechesis Classes High School Young Church-FLC SEEK-FLC Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Rm 10:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Monday Morning Prayer Group-Rm 113 Familias Catolicas-Rm214 KOC planning meeting-Annex Spanish Bible Study-Conference Rm Marian Novena Prayer Group– Res. Chapel Literature as Prophecy-PH Tues., October 27 Weekday Rom 8:18-25; Lk 13:18-21 NO MASS Wed., October 28 St Simon and Jude, Apostles Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 6:00PM Al Heim Emily Smith Monday, October 26 Thurs., October 29 Weekday Tuesday, October 27 St Francis of Assisi Pre-School –FLC Rom 8:31b-39; Lk 13:31-35 8:30AM Ruth Hellis Orlin King Steve Cirino Fri., October 30 Weekday Rom 9:1-5; Lk 14:1-6 8:30AM Gilbert Falcon John and Farida Tjahjadi John Shinnick Sat., October 31 Weekday Rom 11:1-2a,11-12,25-29; Lk 14:1,7-11 8:30AM NO MASS 5:00PM Christian Munoz 6:30pm Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 214 9:00am 9:30am 4:15 & 7pm 7:00pm Grupo de Mujeres-Rm 113 Women’s Crafters– Meeting Rm Youth Catechesis Classes Middle School Young Church-FLC Wednesday, October 28 Thursday, October 29 St Francis of Assisi Pre-School –FLC 6:30pm Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 214 9:15am 9:15am 12:00pm Literature as Prophecy-Parish Hall Padre Pio Prayer Group– Reservation Chapel Book Club-Meeting Rm Friday, October 30 Sun.,November 1 ALL SAINTS 8:00AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 4:30PM Rv 7:2-4,9-14; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Attila T. Penzes Julia Geng de Rios and Maximillano Rios For the People Wayne Lanier Saturday, October 31 Trunk or Treat 12-3pm Church Parking Lot Sunday, November 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends Altar Linen Ministry: Maite Stella Casaldeiro-October 25 Kate Velasco-November 1 9:00am 11:00am 11:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Women of Grace Conference—FLC R.E.A.Ch.-Meeting Rm Youth Catechesis Classes High School Young Church-FLC SEEK-FLC Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Rm Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 Priesthood Sunday It is a special time to express our appreciation to our clergy for all they do for us. Tell our priests how much we thank them for devoting their lives to God and His Church. Recite this prayer on your own or with your family: Blessing Prayer for our priests In your loving kindness, O good and gracious God, you sent your Son to be our shepherd and guide. Fr James Flynn and Fr John Stasiowski continue Christ's ministry of working in the vineyard by sustaining and guiding your holy people. Bless both our priests. Let your Spirit uphold them always in their service to the people of this parish. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING? There are many ways you can share your time and talents at St. Francis of Assisi! Our liturgical ministries have an immediate need for additional volunteers (Sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers, Altar Servers, Readers, and Greeters). To volunteer for liturgical ministry positions, complete the form at http://sfatx.org/serve. For a list of other ministries, please visit http://sfatx.org/ ministries and email the Ministry Leader for more information on volunteer opportunities. Please note: all volunteers must complete training and the Keeping Children Safe certification course. During November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Our parish celebrates a Service of Light to remember those who died during the past year, specifically since November, 2014. At this liturgy, the names of those who have died in the past year will be read and family members or loved ones are invited to bring forward a candle in remembrance. If you have a loved one who died during this year, please call the office at 817-481-2685. If you cannot attend, we will remember your deceased loved one & a candle will be brought forward. There will be a reception immediately following the service. Book of Remembrance: During the month of November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Located next to the baptismal font is the Book of Remembrance in which you may list the names of your deceased loved ones. St. Francis of Assisi Grief Ministry The St. Francis Grief Ministry provides prayer and comfort to those faced with the end of life of a loved one. We offer confidential support to those in grief. Please call the Church office to register at 817-481-2685. 3 Troop 7 Christmas Fundraiser ‘The Wreath is a symbol of peace and hospitality known the world over.’ Boy Scouts of Troop 7 will take orders for Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces in the Parish Hall after all the Masses on Oct 25th Enjoy the beauty and fragrance of handcrafted evergreens throughout the Christmas season. All prepurchased items will be delivered on Nov. 29th & Dec. 6th Thank you for supporting our Scouting activities. 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX S T . F R A N C I S O F A S S I S I O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R Y Come you who are blessed by my Father… For I was hungry and you gave me food. Matthew 25:34-35 St. Francis Outreach has set a goal to provide food for Thanksgiving baskets to many families in need. With your help, we will organize food donations and prepare baskets. We need the help of the whole church community to make this year’s project a success. In addition to providing dinners to Outreach families, this ministry is important for those in need so that they can experience God’s mercy through the ministry of his servants-all of us here at St. Francis. We need donations of food from the following list to help with the baskets. If you would like to donate food items, please place them in the boxes provided in the Narthex. Your participation in this project is the key to our success in serving in need during this time of Thanksgiving. Food Items Needed: Canned Goods Including: Green Beans Sweet potatoes Evaporated Milk Cranberry Sauce Creamed soups Pumpkin Pie Filling Dry Foods Including: Boxed stuffing mix Cornbread Mix Instant potatoes Instant turkey gravy mix (No glass, please) Gift cards in amount of 10 to 15 dollars for any perishables to buy to Walmart or Grocery Stores Connecting the hearts, hands and efforts of a community to meet the basic necessities of our brothers and sisters in need. St. Francis Outreach will be sending packages to any loved ones serving in the military and away from home this Holiday Season. If you have someone you would like us to send a package to please email: [email protected] or place in Mary Molini's mailbox their APO address so that we may send them a care package to be received by Christmas. Items Needed for Care packages if you would like to donate are (Deadline is Sun., Nov. 29th): Razors shaving cream baby wipes beef jerky cards of support & Christmas blessings Candy mixed nuts chewing gum snack packages (goldfish crackers, cookies, etc) playing cards word searches &crosswords phone cards Votive Candle Intention Sacred Heart of Jesus & Our Lady of Grace For the People of Our Community Votive Candle for Personal Intention to Our Lady of Grace or Sacred Heart A six day intentions votive candle which will burn from Saturday until Thursday may be requested on a “First come first serve” with a donation at the receptionist desk. For more information contact Rosie at 817-481-2685. Please pray for . . . Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Sarah Jean Allen, Crystal Ball, Cathy Carroll, Robin Chavez, Jeremy Conklin, Sophie Connor, Dianne Cragin, Joe Czyz, Sophie Diamond, Andy Dominguez, Richard Filippi, Dennis Flynn, Afton Ford, Marion Gerome, Diane Galiano, Deborah Gray, Klaus Gutbier, Diane Hardin, Betty Hale, Robert House, Frank Kolbaba, Greg Kovach, Zelta Jackson, Jim Jackson, Mark Joseph, Sandy Laverock, Gloria Lease, Brother Eric Loran, Melanie Morales, Isabel Palandro, Jaydan Thompson, Daniel Pruit, Roscoe Fallin Mabery, Bruce Rider, Estefana Salinas, John Shinnick, Jim Stricklen, Zara Stull, Desi Styer and family, , Mark Thornsburg, Jaydan Thompson, Charlie Tremayne, Diana Zapata, H. L. Wyatt, Julie Whaley, Wanda Wawrzyniak, Cathy West, Margaret Weddel, Paula Wilson, Glenn Wright, Lori VanMeter, & those serving in the armed forces. Please remember in prayer those who are deceased. May they find light & peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior: Curtis Staley ,Sister Bernice, Mozelle Duckett Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 5 Sacramental Prep- If you are in high school or middle school and need Baptism, First Communion, or Reconciliation preparation, please attend our Sacramental Prep class 5-6:30pm the first Tuesday of every month Sept - April at the Church. Confirmation classes have begun and registration is closed. Don’t forget these dates for Confirmation class. On weeks when there is Confirmation class, students are not required to attend Young Church on Sunday night. Confirmation class is 2:30-4:15pm in the Family Life Center Dates: Nov. 1 Feb. 7 Nov. 15 Feb. 21 Dec. 6 Mar. 6 Jan. 10 Apr. 3 Jan. 24 Apr. 17 Parent Confirmation sessions are on these dates, at the same time in the parish hall: Nov. 1 & 15, Dec. 6 Angelus Scripture Study for Seniors Sat., November 7th 3:30pm— Room 113 (group meets every other week) Join St. Francis for a afternoon of fun and fellowship at our Annual Trunk or Treat Party on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 123pm. There will be bounce houses, food, and trick or treating out of the trunks of cars! Decorate your car up to make it the scariest or most fun Halloween theme. Prizes awarded for the best trunks. Dress up in your costumes and come enjoy an afternoon of fun! Parish Contributions Weekend of October 17th and 18th Weekly Budget $ 31,000 Actual Regular Collection $ 31,294 Year-to-Date Over(Under) Budget $(32,691) Mass Attendance 3,263 St. Francis of Assisi Preschool is celebrating Community Helpers and getting ready for our Halloween Parade with lots of crafts and artwork. Our Fire Truck visit will be visiting soon! We are enrolling children ages 18 month – 4 years for our two day/week program, and have been doing so since 1990. Please stop by the Preschool to visit. For more information contact Karen Bedore, Director [email protected] (817) 481-2685 ext. 230 Please join the St. Francis MOMS at our regular MORNING meeting Wed. Nov. 18th at 9:30 am Childcare provided. SFA Young Church—High School and Middle School Youth Ministry, Stay in the loop about youth ministry at St. Francis of Assisi! Checkout Middle School Young Church (7th-8th grade) and High School Young Church (9th-12th grade) at sfayoungchurch.com for event schedule, pictures, videos, and teen written articles! Have an upcoming parish event or activity to announce? In an effort to make communication to our parish family more efficient, we have established a new Announcement Form. This fillable, online form can be found at http://sfatx.org/announce. Simply complete and submit this form for your ministry announcement or event to be considered for inclusion in the St. Francis of Assisi bulletin, website, calendar, social media, digital displays, and newsletter. For questions or concerns, contact Danielle Milliken at [email protected] 6 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Drive The Knights of Columbus will be hosting our fourth fundraiser for the American Wheelchair Mission. During the past drives, we have been able to purchase 57 wheelchairs for those in need through your generosity. Many of these were distributed to our parishioners, veterans and others in need in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Please see us after Mass on October 31 or November 1 to contribute or obtain more information. Volunteers will be available at the KC Burrito sales location and at the entrances. Grapevine, TX Invitamos a los padres de los niños del Catecismo a que los vistan de santos, tendremos una Feria de la Santidad el miércoles 28 de octubre a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. Celebraremos a nuestros Santos, pueden traer sus carros y decorarlos El 31 de octubre de las 12: 00 a 3:00 p.m. en el estacionamiento habrá comida, juegos y dulces. No falten. Llama a la oficina para dar tu nombre y la hora que vendrás con tu carro decorado. Gracias. J JOVENES PARA CRISTO te invita próximo Martes 3 de noviembre a las 6:30 p.m. El grupo de Oración Familias Católicas te invita este lunes 26 de octubre, 6: 30 p.m. a una noche de testimonio. Los que quieran participar los esperamos. MARTES 10 DE NOVIEMBRE A LAS 7:00 P.M. A LOS DANZANTES DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE, Y TODOS LOS QUE DESEEN PARTICIPAR SERA UNA PREVIA PREPARACIÓN A LA FIESTA DE NUESTRA MADRE DEL CIELO. NO FALTES A todos los padres de niños que no han terminado de pagar la catequesis, favor de pasar a la oficina. Los libros del catecismo ya se deben de pagar. El Sacramento de Reconciliación Se realiza los sábados de 3:30 a 4:30p.m. Former University of Dallas Literature Professor and long-time parishioner Bob Alexander will be teaching a class on how and why we might be able to see the intimations, of Christ in the writings of the ancient pagans. Classics such as the Iliad and the Odyssey and so much more will reveal Christ so long as we know where to look. He will offer the same class twice. Once on Mon., Oct. 26th at 7:00 p.m. and once on Fri., Oct. 30th at 9:15 a.m. (after morning Mass) Safe Environment HELP KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE WHILE YOUR FAMILY WORSHIPS WITH THE COMMUNITY OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI! The public areas of the St. Francis facility (like the Narthex and restrooms of the Church, the Parish Hall and Multi Purpose room) are just that – they are open to the public. Your children must not be permitted to leave the church sanctuary or chapel alone! Go with them! Thank you for helping keep your children safe! Les invitamos para que nos acompañen cada domingo a la 12:30pm en la iglesia para participar en el ROSARIO. Platicas de Bautismo—Martes, 3 de noviembre a las 7pm. Se ofrecerán pláticas para los padres y padrinos. Necesita traer una copia del acta de nacimiento del niño a la plática. Los padrinos seleccionados por los padres tienen que ser católicos practicantes, es decir, que han sido bautizados, confirmados, reciben comunión, son casados por la iglesia, y asisten a Misa cada Domingo, no hay excepciones. Para registrarse por favor llame a la oficina con Rosie al 817-481-2685. Los Bautizos en Español solo se llevarán acabo el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10am en la Iglesia. Ya no tendremos bautizos durante la Misa en Español de la 1:00pm ENTORNO SEGURO—Con todas las actividades escolares y de la Iglesia dando inicio de nuevo, ahora es un buen tiempo para recordarles a todos los padres y guardianes: ¡AYUDE A PROTEGER A SUS NIÑOS MIENTRAS SU FAMILIA ADORA CON LA COMUNIDAD DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASIS! Las áreas publicas del edificio de San Francisco (como el Nartex y los baños de la Iglesia, el Salón Parroquial, y el gimnasio-uso) son solo eso – están abiertos al publico. ¡Sus niños no deben de ser permitidos de salir del santuario de la iglesia o la capilla solos! ¡Acompáñelos! Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7099 and ASSEMBLY 3476 Grand Knight: Eric McKuzes, 817-908-2227 Faithful Navigator: Dennis M. Stark, 817-485-2851 Knight of the Month – Vince Flores Family of the Month – Bob and Kathie LaCroix Rookie of the Month – Daniel Langendorf 10/26 7:00 PM Council 7099 Planning Meeting 11/1 KC Burrito Sunday – After the 8 and 10 AM Masses 11/7 5:30-10:00 PM Bishops Respect Life Dinner 11/9 6:30 PM Council 7099 Rosary, Dinner, and Monthly General Meeting 11/12 6:00 PM KC Annual Memorial Mass – Good Shepherd October The Month Of The Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus Sponsored Family Rosary Please join us on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church: Saturday at 4:30 PM; Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 4:00 PM Wednesday 8:30 AM Planned Parenthood and 5:00PM St. Francis Chapel KC Respect life: Sidewalk prayer Every Wednesday morning 8:30 – 9:30 AM. Meet at 6464 John Ryan Drive, Fort Worth 76132— Adoration For Life Wednesdays in the St. Francis Chapel 5 – 6 PM Burrito Sunday Nov. 1- The Knights of Columbus will be selling Burritos after the 8 and 10 AM Masses Sun., Nov. 1 st. Join us for coffee, lemonade and fellowship in the Parish Hall or take a bunch home. Enjoy! Credit cards are welcomed The Knights will be selling "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnets at the Burrito Sunday. Buy one for your car, refrigerator, or filing cabinet. The magnets are only $5.00 October 25, 2015 7
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