2 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Mass Intentions & Scripture Readings Calendar of Events October 19—October 26, 2014 Mon., October 20 St Paul of the Cross, Priest 8:30AM Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 Attila T. Penzes Edelmira Rodriguez Anita Mitchell Family Tues., October 21 Weekday Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 NO MASS Wed., October 22 Bl. John Paul II, Pope Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 6:00PM Maria Bova Lou Bova Henry Reeder Arturo Vasquez Thurs., October 23 St John of Capistrano, Priest Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 8:30AM Patty Munoz Jurhee Armstrong Patty Burris & Kim Capobianco Fri., October 24 St Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 8:30AM Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 James Seay Peter Whang Roland Ray Sat., October 25 Weekday 8:30AM 5:00PM Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 No MASS Grapevine, TX Sunday, October 19 KOC Pancake Breakfast-MPR 11:30am 11:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm English Baptisms-Church R.E.A.Ch-Meeting Rm Children’s Catechesis Scout Emblem Instruction-Conference Rm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Rm 115 Young Church (High School)-MPR Adult Catechesis-PH 10:00am 4:15pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Monday Morning Prayer Group-Rm 113 Children’s Choir –Rm 112 Cub Scout Pack 777-MPR Spanish Adult Bible Study-Conference Rm Marion Novena Prayer Group– Res. Chapel 9:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC After Divorce Ministry Meeting-Rm 113 Jovenes Para Cristo-Rm 115 9:00am 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Women’s Crafters– Meeting Rm Grupo de Mujers –Rm 113 Breakout (Middle School)-MPR RCIA for Adults—PH Children’s Catechesis-FLC (Spanish) 9:00am 6:15pm St Francis of Assisi Pre-School-FLC St Francis Flowers Group-Conference Rm 9:15am 9:30am 6:30pm Padre Pio Prayer Group-Reservation Chapel St Francis Mom’s Group-PH Familias Catolicas—Annex 10:00am Spanish Group Baptisms-Church 11:00am 11:30am 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm R.E.A.Ch.-Meeting RM Children’s Catechesis—FLC Scout Emblem Instruction-Conference Rm Adult Choir Rehearsal—Rm 115 Young Church—MPR Adult Catechesis—PH Monday, October 20 Tuesday, October 21 Wednesday, October 22 Thursday, October 23 Friday, October 24 Saturday, October 25 Joseph Petko Sunday, October 26 Sun.,October26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM 10:00AM 1:00PM 4:30PM Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Bill West Julia Geng De Rios & Maximillano Rios Guadalupe Juarez Lomely & Miguel Flores For the people Altar Linen Ministry: Maite Stella Casaldeiro– October 19 Kate Velasco-October 26 October 26 is observed nationwide as Priesthood Sunday. This event offers all Catholics an opportunity to thank our priests for all they do for us. Take time to thank our priests for their dedication and to pray for them using the prayer below or any you wish. “Dear Lord, thank you for our priests. We thank them for guiding our parish. We pray that they are blessed abundantly and feel the love and appreciation we have for them. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.” Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 3 Peace and blessings to all Parishioners! Thanks to all of you who supported our 2014 Fest “Reach Out for Outreach”. Special thanks to those of you who generously gave of your time, talents and treasures with volunteer hours setting up, working events , tearing down, providing gifts for the silent and live auctions, preparing and serving of dinner, purchase of raffle and dinner tickets and your prayers for the success of this endeavor. Our parish community comes together each year to support our Outreach ministry with this extraordinary effort to raise funds to help those in need in our wider community of metropolitan Grapevine/Southlake. Through your generosity we are able to carry out the intent of Our Lord’s directives in the Gospels to care for those less fortunate by providing food, clothing, rent assistance, medical assistance, counseling, necessities for daily living and care for children. As good citizens of our community through the Fest we also provide donations to the Grapevine Shield Foundation and the City Animal Shelter. The Foundation provides financial support for Grapevine police officers or firefighters who are injured or killed in the line of duty. This Foundation provides immediate support and help with expenses that insurance or benefits will not cover and scholarships to the children of local police officers and firefighters. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for all their work in setting up, moving furniture, taking down, providing the ‘spirits’ for dinner including expert servers; thanks to Boys Scouts for their assistance in setting up and taking down; thanks to Hispanic Ministry for providing the wonderful appetizer table and the dinner offering from Mexico; thanks to Padre Pio Ministry for providing the dinner offering from Italy; thanks to the Monday Prayer Group Ministry for providing the dinner offering from France; thanks to the CHRP Ministry for providing the dinner offering from Central America; thanks to the Sisterhood Ministry for providing the dinner offering from China; thanks to Youth Ministry for providing the dinner offering from the USA; thanks to Marriage Ministry for providing the dinner offering from Germany; thanks to SFA Pre-School for the dinner offering from Sweden; and thanks to HTCS and Girls Scouts for providing all those delicious desserts. Especially deserving of our gratitude are the members of the 2014 Fest Committee: Rosalie Ferran, Jane Doclar, Rick and Beth Downey, Kandy Kobar, Larry and Vicky Matl, Guillermo and Patty Munoz; Jacque Taylor, Laurie Williams, Makenzie Shutt, Amanda Bresie, Al and Grace Heinze and Melissa Valdez. Please thank them when you see them! Have a joy-filled week! Scott Immel, 2014 Fest Coordinator Service of Light Mon., Nov. 3th at 7pm: During November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Our parish celebrates a Service of Light to remember those who died during the past year, specifically since November, 2013. At this liturgy, the names of those who have died in the past year will be read and family members or loved ones are invited to bring forward a candle in remembrance. If you have a loved one who died during this year, please call the office at 817-481-2685. If you cannot attend, we will remember your deceased loved one & a candle will be brought forward. Book of Remembrance: During the month of November, Catholics remember their deceased loved ones in a special way. Located next to the baptismal font is the Book of Remembrance in which you may list the names of your deceased loved ones. Thank you Sponsors Be sure to let our sponsors know how much you appreciate them for supporting the 2014 St Francis of Assisi Golf Tournament. These businesses and individuals help us make this tournament a success to support St. Francis charities. Please support their businesses with your patronage. GOLD SPONSORS Kevin Shumake–ShelfGenie 817-688-2358 Larry Wallace CFP–The Investment Center 972-317-0584 David Evanich MD – Orthopedic Associates 972-420-1776 Qualtrust Credit Union 972-550-3202 Mike Davis State Farm Insurance 817-481-5548 Monda Hanna- UBS Financial Services 972-450-4341 Dan Hoffman Family – Parishioner Chris and Rhonda Aubert -St. Francis of Assisi Moms Group--Parishioner Knights of Columbus Council 7099 SILVER SPONSORS Danna Colca State Farm Insurance 817-410-9600 Lou Capone & Family – Parishioner Eric & Kate Subol – Parishioner HOLE IN ONE SPONSOR THE THOMPSON GROUP CLASSIC CHEVROLET Training Session for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, there will be a training session on Sat., Nov. 15, 2014 @ 10:00 A.M in the Church and we would invite you to attend. If you are currently a serving minister and it has been four (4) years or longer since you have been trained it is recommended that you attend to learn of changes that have been incorporated by the Diocese. To join this ministry you must meet the following requirements: Sincere Christians of age from adolescence (high school age on) through adulthood acknowledged by peers to be active Catholic Christians. Faithful Catholics who have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation and participate faithfully in the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. Fostered their own devotion to the Eucharist and show an example to the rest of the faithful by their reverent and prayerful manner. If you would like further information or have any questions concerning this ministry please contact Tom Greathouse at [email protected] or 817-722-8484. 4 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Grapevine, TX St. Francis Moms O U T R E A C H M I N I S T R Y Outreach Thrift Store and Pantry is in need of the following items: Edible items: Tuna, chicken, mac and cheese, cereal, pasta noodles, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix, syrup, crackers, coffee, sugar, flour, cooking oil. Paper goods: Dish detergent, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving razors, shaving cream, shampoo/conditioner, bath soap and Toilet Paper Please join other St. Francis Moms for our monthly meeting in the Parish Hall Wed., Nov. 19 at 9:30a.m. Childcare provided. For more information about this group, please contact Melissa Collins at [email protected] St. Francis Mom’s Book Study Group: The group meets from 9:30-11am every other Friday, next meeting October 24th. Topic the ‘Momnipotent’ Spiritual Book Study. Momnipotent validates the dignity and importance of motherhood and will help you recognize your uniquely feminine strengths and see how you can use those strengths to find peace, balance, and joy in being the woman God created and called you to be. Ministry of the Week Jovenes para Cristo Grocery or Wal-Mart Gift cards for perishables. Please place all items in the Outreach Box in the Narthex or the Northwest Foyer. Please check expiration dates on food as expired food items cannot be distributed. Thank You. St. Francis of Assisi Preschool is looking for you! For more information on this Catholic choice for your preschooler contact Karen Deal at ext. 230 or at [email protected]. The Thrift Store is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM Parishioners are welcome!!! ____________________________ Votive Candle Intention The store carries new and gently used men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, toys and household items at an affordable price. Proceeds from SFO Thrift Store are used to provide emergency financial assistance to those in need. Items carried in the Thrift Store are those which are generously donated by our parish community. Our Lady of Grace Sacred Heart of Jesus Votive Candle for Personal Intention to Our Lady of Grace or Sacred Heart A six day intentions votive candle which will burn from Saturday until Thursday may be requested on a “First come first serve” with a donation at the receptionist desk. For more information contact Rosie at 817-481-2685. Report of Parish Contributions Weekend of October 11th and 12th Vocation View What do we have that belongs to God? How do we make a return for that gift? (Matthew 22:15-21) Needed Actual Regular Collection Year-to-Date Over (Under) Budget Mass Attendance $ 28,000.00 $ 38,580.65 $ (175.30) 2,791 Please pray for . . . Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Kim Capobianco, Robin Chavez, Claire Coen, Sophie Diamond, Mozelle Duckett, Roger Gilley, Diane Hardin, Betty Hale, Sandy Laverock, Mary Liz Loar, Steve Prescott, Demetrio Perez, Lexi Rhoads, Jaydan Thompson, Don Schutt, Desi Styer and family, Betty Tate, Cathy West, Margaret Weddel, & those serving in the armed forces. Please remember in prayer those who are deceased. May they find light & peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior: Joe Jarzynka, Aurelia Garcia, Elaine Duston, Eva Resendez Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 ARISE Come join us for a night of fun and fellowship for our annual Trunk or Treat party on Oct. 30th at 6 p.m. There will be bounce houses, food and trick or treating out of the trunks of your cars. Decorate your car to the fullest! Dress up in you costumes and come enjoy an evening of fun. Adults Rooted in Scripture and Eucharist Young Adults Ministry Come join Young Adults for our October events! Oct. 14th: Theology on Tap in Colleyville Oct. 17th: Late Night at the Dallas Museum of Art Oct. 21st: Young Catholic Professionals Speaker Series We also have weekly Sunday Scripture Study on Thursday nights at St. Francis! Volunteers are needed to help out every week with food for the Middle School and High school youth nights. We need folks to help set up, serve and clean-up. If you can't help in that capacity please consider donating a meal or two to our kids. Our Middle Schoolers (BREAKOUT) meet on Wednesday nights and our High Schoolers (YOUNG CHURCH) meet on Sunday nights. If you would like to help on either night (or both nights) out please contact Edmund Mitchell at [email protected] or Nic Gutierrez at [email protected] or call the Youth Office at 817.488.3169. Troop 7 Christmas Fundraiser ‘The Wreath is a symbol of peace and hospitality known the world over.’ Boy Scouts of Troop 7 will take orders for Christmas Wreaths and Centerpieces in the Parish Hall after all Masses on Oct 19th Enjoy the beauty and fragrance of handcrafted evergreens throughout the Christmas season. All pre-purchased items will be delivered on Nov. 30th and Dec. 7th Thank you for supporting our Scouting activities. Interested in becoming Catholic? Join RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For more information contact Jared at: [email protected] Pilgrimage Cost: Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe $1690.00 Per Person-Double Occupancy (add $450 for Single Supplement) and Included: Mexico City Flight from DFW to Mexico City With Fr. Flynn 4 Star Hotel Breakfast and Dinner Transfers Entrance to all the sites Tour Guide Taxes Not Included: Wed., February 25 Mon., March 2 5 Tips for Guide, Drivers, Hotel staff, etc. Lunch Mandatory Travel Health Insurance: Personal Expenses and souvenirs Expenses for Travel Days Please make checks payable to St. Francis of Assisi—Credit Cards will be charged a 3% Service Charge. Please call the parish office for more information. Marriage and Family Life Conference The Office of Marriage and Family Life of the Diocese of Fort Worth presents a family life conference on Saturday Nov. 1 at St. Francis of Assisi in Grapevine called Families: Where Saints are made. Keynote presentations will be done by Bishop Michael Olson the Bishop of Fort Worth and Dr. Ray Guarendi, from Catholic Radio. Breakout sessions will include topics such as communication in marriage, healing from divorce, defending the definition of marriage, keeping your kids safe on the internet and many more. This conference is open to all families including step-families and singleparent families, there will be something for everyone. To register for this conference please visit the website, www.fortworthfamilylife.org or for more information call (817)5603300 x 360 6 St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica San Francisco de Asís Platicas de Bautismo Martes, 4 de noviembre a las 7pm. Se ofrecerán pláticas para los padres y padrinos. Necesita traer una copia del acta de nacimiento del niño a la plática. Los padrinos seleccionados por los padres tienen que ser católicos practicantes, es decir, que han sido bautizados, confirmados, reciben comunión, son casados por la iglesia, y asisten a Misa cada Domingo, no hay excepciones. Para registrarse por favor llame a la oficina con Rosie al 817-4812685. Los Bautizos en Español solo se llevarán acabo el cuarto sábado del mes a las 10am en la Iglesia. Ya no tendremos bautizos durante la Misa en Español de la 1:00pm Grapevine, TX FAMILIAS CATOLICAS TE INVITA AL Gran Concierto: Gela El Sacramento de Reconciliación Se realiza los sábados de 3:30 a 4:30p.m. Les invitamos para que nos acompañen cada domingo a la 12:30pm en la iglesia para participar en el ROSARIO. El peregrinaje a la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y México D.F. con el Padre Flynn será del 25 de febrero hasta el 2 de marzo. Mas información esta disponible en las entrada. La Oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar de la Diócesis de Fort Worth presenta una conferencia sobre vida familiar el sábado 1 de noviembre del 2014 en la iglesia San Francisco de Asís en Grapevine titulada Familias: Donde se Hacen los Santos. Presentaciones Principales se llevarán a cabo por el obispo Michael Olson, Obispo de Fort Worth y el Dr. Ray Guarendi, de Radio Católica. Sesiones incluirán temas como la comunicación en el matrimonio, sanación del divorcio, defendiendo la definición del matrimonio, manteniendo a sus hijos seguros en Internet y muchos más. Esta conferencia está disponible para todas las familias, incluyendo familias adoptivas, mixtas y familia con padres solteros, habrá algo para todos. Para inscribirse para esta conferencia, por favor visite el sitio en el internet, www.fortworthfamilylife.org o para más información llame al (817)560-3300 x 360 Ministerio de la Semana: Jóvenes para Cristo Noviembre 7 – 2014 7:00pm En el Gimnasio de la iglesia de San Francisco de Asís 861 Wildwood Lane, Grapevine Tx 76051 Ven Alabemos todos juntos a Dios!!! Pre-venta Donación $10:00 Donación en puertas $15:00-Niños de 12 años o menores GRATIS Información y boletos : Oficina Rosie Rodriguez 817-481-2685 “o” Patty Munoz 817-501-8569 19 de octubre después de la misa Rosario Misionero. Te Invitamos a ORAR por el MUNDO y por los MISIONEROS. 20 de octubre—Preparación a Matrimonio a las 7pm. Para mas información llame a oficina con Sr. Rosy Annual Trunk or Treat party Jueves, 30 de octubre A las 6pm Ven a diviértete! Habrá comida y dulces puedes traer tu disfraz y convivir con todos. Celebración por nuestros difuntos. Te invitamos el 3 de noviembre a las 7pm a orar por nuestros familiares que murieron en este año. Llame a la oficina para dar los nombres. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7099 and ASSEMBLY 3476 Grand Knight: Eric McKuzes, 817-908-2227 Faithful Navigator: Ruben Cisneros, 214-202-8352 Knight of the Month-Vince Flores Family of the Month – Steve McKuzes and Family Rookie of the Month – Matt Crafts 10/19 9:00 AM – Noon Pancake Breakfast 10/27 7:00 PM Council 7099 Planning Meeting For more information on upcoming events visit “www.kofcknights.org/CouncilSite/?CNO=7099” or http:// kofcknights.org/Assembly.asp?A=3476 Family Rosary—“Men of our Catholic community…Our children need the example of Christian values from honorable virtuous men… Men, as fathers and husbands, you are called to love your children, spend time with them and teach them about what is truly important in life. Likewise, you are called to love your wives without reservation, to stand with them in their work and never take for granted the critical role they play in the raising of your children… So, let us raise our voices in humble supplication to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she may show us her son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let’s be men who pray the Rosary." Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores, S.T.D. Bishop of Brownsville, Texas October The Month Of The Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus Sponsored Family Rosary Please join us on the Blessed Mother’s side of the Church: Saturday at 4:30 PM; Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 4:00 PM Pancake Breakfast Sun., October 19st In The Family Life Center Come join your fellow parishioners and enjoy a Pancake Breakfast after the 8:00 & 10:00AM Masses October 19, 2014 7
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