WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY OCTOBER WEEKLY INCOME CHURCH SUPPORT 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 22,647 22,647 22,647 17,465 11,748 13,264 13,431 Wkly Church Support Budget 22,647 MASS INTENTIONS Mon Nov 2 @ 8:30AM Dale Noll (dec) Arthur Guralski (dec) Tue Nov 3 @ 8:30AM Daniel Coughlin (dec) John Lee Curry (dec) Church Support (Offertory) Monthly online Ahead/(Behind) DEBT REDUCTION Wkly Debt Reduction Budget Debt Reduction Monthly online Ahead/(Behind) 6,923 5,151 6,923 2,114 6,923 4,185 Wed Nov 4 @ 8:30AM James Clayton (dec) Thu Nov 5 @ 8:30AM Dale Noll (dec) Fri Nov 6 @ 8:30AM Wendy Absalom (int) Sat Nov 7 @ 5:00PM People of St. Thomas Sat Oct 24 @ 5:00 PM 247 Sat Nov 7 @ 7:00PM Juan Cabrera Solis (int) Sat Oct 24 @ 7:00 PM 358 Sun Nov 8 @ 9:00AM Leann & Greg Zaar (dec) Sun Oct 25 @ 9:00 AM 350 Sun Nov 8 @ 11:30AM Margaret Cabello (dec) Sun Oct 25 @ 11:30 PM Total 273 1,228 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Anna Aseltine, Shatha Ankawi, Candi Smith, Mary Ann Herlihy, John Hvizdos, Jo Doster, Roberto Ibarra, Amber McAdams, Sally Skolarus, Betty Salada, Joyce Pawlicki, Barbara Hope, Patrick Folts, Micaela Garcia, Margie Michael, Nathalie Schmidt, Jamie Fairweather, Donna Kelly, Paula O’Brien, Colleen Kepler, Lori Prybyl, Alice Sharp, Chet Kwiatkowski, Joe Klint, Kenny Bryan, Robin Gillespie, Bill Schaible CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? Catholic Inquiry sessions: Every Monday at 6pm in Room 123. All are welcome to join us! For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-2719276, or [email protected]. LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. FIRST FRIDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday, November 6th from 9:00am-3:00pm ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. 6,923 5,336 2016 CALENDARS Come to the PFLC for your 2016 calendar! One per family, please. SPECIAL COLLECTION TO SUPPORT OUR DEACONS THIS WEEKEND Today is the Second Collection for Diocese of Knoxville Deacon Program. Our Diocese is blessed with 52 Permanent Deacons serving in 28 parishes, with another 24 men currently in formation. Deacons bring the Gospel and the gift of themselves to the soup kitchens, the food banks, prisons, hospitals and wherever else a need exists as well as to the parish in which they are assigned. Thank you and God bless you for your generosity. PRAY FOR CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST With the encouragement of the National Council of Catholic Women, you will be given an Angelus Prayer card after Mass. Christians in the Middle East are being persecuted and put to death because of their belief in Jesus Christ and their desire to practice their faith. Our Holy Father Pope Francis has called for an end to the persecution. We hope that you will pray the Angelus Prayer daily for the intention of bringing an end to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, especially Iraq and Syria, by invoking the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother, Mary. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In the Gospel today, Jesus tells us: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Through your gift to the St. Thomas monthly charity collection you can show your love for our Lord and your love of your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened. The next meeting will be Friday, November 6 at 9:15 am in the Deacon Jose Rivera Room. Call Larry Finneran at 657-9119 for more information. ST. THOMAS SCRIP (GIFT CARDS) The SCRIP gift cards are used just like cash and they do NOT have an expiration date. Each gift card you buy from us pays a dividend back to St. Thomas that will be used for charitable needs. There are 720 merchants nationwide that participate in the program. Consider this, you’re going to spend at many of these stores anyway, why not help us and purchase one of our gift cards. It’s easy… With the Holidays just around the corner, try it, you’ll like it! To view an alphabetical listing or a listing by categories visit the SCRIP website: www.shopwithscrip.com. In the upper right click on “shop”. Then on the left side, scroll down and pick which list to view. You can print either list. You can purchase Scrip cards after all Masses. Visit us in the Parish Life Center after all masses to answer any questions and process your order. Please Save the Date! Tuesday, November 17, 2015 6:30 PM St. Thomas the Apostle Town Hall Meeting Home Campaign Information and Discussion of Initiatives/Needs at St. Thomas This is your chance to learn, discuss, and ask questions about the Home Campaign which will be starting at our parish in 2016. Please plan on attending. EVENING PRAYER - FIRST FRIDAYS Friday, November 6, at 6:00 PM, the Regina Caeli Schola will pray for our deceased loved ones. Please join us, or email names of those you wish to be included in our monthly prayers to: [email protected]. SILENT RETREAT AT THE ABBEY OF GETHSEMANI It’s time to reserve space to participate in a silent retreat experience at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, the home of Thomas Merton. The retreat will be from Monday afternoon, April 25, to Thursday morning, April 28, 2016. The cost for 3 nights and 2 full days is $260 per person. Transportation is not provided. A deposit of $130 per person is due with a completed registration form. Space is limited. Come into the office to register or call Jill St. Yves, 986-9885. DAILY MASS ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH WILL BE AT 9:30 AM VETERANS DAY& OBSERVANCE Join us on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 for Daily Mass at 9:30 AM and Veterans Day Observance. Immediately following Mass there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the Veterans Memorial in front of the PFLC. A reception will follow after the wreath laying ceremony with guest speaker, Col. Joseph E. Sutter, USAF Retired. Colonel Sutter has participated in over 18 Honor Air flights taking more than 2200 Veterans to Washington, DC to see the memorials honoring the veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. TABLE OF HONOR If you have a photograph of yourself in uniform and would like to share with us, there will be a Table of Honor in the PFLC. Please write your name and telephone number on the back of the frame and place the picture on the table. FRESH EVERGREEN WREATHS & GIFTS Knights of Columbus will be taking orders for your Fresh Evergreen Wreaths & Gifts after Mass thru Nov. 14/15 For information contact Stu McFadden 458-3911. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS CUMPLEAÑOS DE NOVIEMBRE Kent Adderholdt Juan Arana Atziry Arciga Brittany Artis Lynn Bachelier Ronald B. Bastien Duane Baumert Kristen Bays Dennis Beard Carroll Becker Robert Bertoli Theresa Beyer John Bivens Tyler Blair David M. Breen Ryan Brennan Richard Bresky Joseph Cacopardo Ashlyn Callahan Jack Callahan Monica Campbell Zoila Cano Bo Carey Fernando Carvajal Marcos Chang Pat Chappell Luke Chill Mary Ann Clayton Luke Cooney Janet Cooper Norm Corda Anahy Cornejo Yurisan Cornejo Maria Corona Bill Courtney Daniel Cowser Richard Cross John Cyr Antonio da Silva Harry DeNardo Linda DeNardo Diane Dipzinski Mary Dougherty Christian Dragon Trudy Durham George Dzendzel Eric Eidson Anita Elder Angelena Ellis Kayla Ellis Pat Empie John Fasse Ethan Fiedler Joe Filosi Julia Fowle Claire Frazer Thomas Fugitt Mark Galbaugh Chelsea Galvan Antonio Garcia Jorge Garcia Victor Garcia James Gecsei Adriana Gonzalez Alexandra Gonzalez Brayden Gonzalez Elizabeth Gonzalez Miranda Gonzalez Rosalie Gonzalez Yolanda Gonzalez Margaret Gould John Gripp Anna Guiliano Emily Guzman Natalie Hassil Michael Healy Andrew Hebert Elizabeth Hebert John Hebron Sharron Heenan Erika Hernandez Arnold Herzing Emily Hosty Wayne Howard Jan Joyce Ed Juarez German Juarez Santos Juarez Alec Keeler Donald Kimbrel Kris Klann Nancy Klekamp William Klekamp Gwen Knueven Jeff Kuhl Charlotte Kuzara Audrey Lex Hector Leyva Randy Logsdon Caden Lombardi Juan Lopez Sandy Ludwig Andrew Maclellan Linda MacLellan Alexandra Madsen Tom Manley John Manners Richard Mazienis Jan McFadden Cynthia McLean Elizabeth Meade Juan Medina Jakelin Mejia Miguel Mejia Ramiro Mejia Joan Meric Wayne Metheny Daniel Moore Gregory Moore Jane Nichols Mick Nichols Dielta Oakley Chris O'Brien Eric Ogren F. Bradley Orcutt Judith Pabich Thomas Peck Opal Persha Teri Peterson Joan Petill Donaldo Pineda Faye Polhamus Jan Powers Caitlin Prendergast Thomas Prendergast Diane Preston John Ptacek Rafael Pubillones Chere Rackstraw Megan Rapien Katie Marie Reed Deb Reinhart Natalie Rickerson Deacon Jose Rivera James Rogers Barbara Rueth Ashely Sarten Berta Saucedo Santos Saucedo Kenneth Schoeling Susan Scriven de Dragon Sam Sellers Gabriel Shanahan Carolyn Shields Ashley Siferd Deacon Sean Smith Cindy Solomon Thomas Spahn Ed Spray Megan Stephens Gary Stickel John Stower Chuck Stridde Pat Swinarski Jill Tarter Bunny Thelen Robert Thelen Jill Thomas Kathy Twohig Kathy Utz Pedro Valderrama Randy Vasofsky Thania Villicana Jackie Wagner Jim Walker Gregory Wells Mark Werner Peggy Whited Sally Wilson Debra Young PANCAKE BREAKFAST Come enjoy Pancakes and MORE after 9:00 am Mass this Sunday, November 1st. The knights provide much more than just pancakes. All proceeds go to support our diocesan seminarians and Knights of Columbus’ local charities. Thank you for your support. AN NPH CHRISTMAS There are not many gifts you can buy for $20, but this Christmas, for a minimum of $20, you can buy a child living at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH), a home for orphaned and abandoned children, a new pair of shoes. On November 7 and 8, you will receive an envelope at Mass for the NPH Shoe Project. Bring the envelope back with your donation on November 14 and 15 and place it in the collection basket. We hope to repeat last year’s outstanding response of buying every child at NPH a new pair of shoes for Christmas. PROTON THERAPY Due to scheduling difficulties at this time, there will not be a parish-wide presentation on Proton Therapy. If you need more information on this newest, alternative treatment for many cancers, please contact the Provisional Center for Proton Therapy at 865-862-1600 or visit their website @ www.provisionproton.com MASON JARS NEEDED The Women’s Guild will be making “Soup in a Jar” for the Friendship Kitchen. If you have quart size, wide mouth mason jars to donate for this project, please call Allis Hanley at (865)458-8872. SPAGHETTI DINNER AND KARAOKE NITE On Friday, November 13th, there will a parish-wide Spaghetti Dinner and Karaoke Nite at 6:30 p.m. in the PFLC, sponsored by our Youth. Menu: spaghetti, salad, bread, soft drinks, and a cash bar. Tickets are $10 per person with kids free, and can be purchased after all Masses. All proceeds will help send the youth of our parish to Catholic Heart Work Camp, so please join us for a fun evening and support our kids. As no dessert will be served, the Women’s Guild Fall Bake Sale will be available during and after dinner. DIOCESAN VETERANS MASS All veterans and those currently serving in the Armed Forces are invited to join Bishop Richard Stika on Sunday, November 8th at 9:00 am at the Cathedral for the annual Veterans Mass. Veterans and military members are invited to wear their uniforms as we come together to honoring those who have served and are serving our nation. Please direct questions to Paul Simoneau at [email protected] or 865-862-5753. 🍰 🍰 CALLING ALL BAKERS! 🍰 🍰 The Women's Guild FALL BAKE SALE will be held Friday, November 13th; Saturday, November 14th; and Sunday, November 15th. Our parish is blessed with some wonderful bakers. To be successful in supporting our local and Catholic Charities, we need a lot of homemade bakery i.e. cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and muffins. Parishioners also enjoy jellies, jams, homemade bread and butter pickles, relishes, and more. Please pull your favorite recipes to share your yummy bakery with the parish. If you can bake one or more items, there are Sign-Up Sheets in the back of the church or please contact either Joyce Egler @ 458-4303 or Kathy Seba @ 865-208-4716 or [email protected]. RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS CON UNA CENA DE ESPAGUETI El viernes 13 de noviembre habrá una cena de espagueti y música karaoke en el Centro Parroquial, a las 6:30 pm patrocinado por el grupo de jóvenes (Life Teen). La cena incluirá espagueti, ensalada, pan, y refresco. Los boletos cuestan $10 por persona (niños gratis) y se pueden comprar después de todas las Misas. Todo lo recaudado ayudará para enviar a los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia al Campo de Trabajo Católico, así que por favor, únase a nosotros para una noche de diversión y apoyo a nuestros jóvenes. CONFESIONES Las horas regulares para confesiones son los martes a las 6:00pm y los sábados de 3:30-4:30pm (antes de Misa) o llame a la oficina parroquial para una cita. MISAS PARA QUINCEAÑERAS Si desea información sobre Misas para quinceañeras, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial, 865-986-9885. CONFINADOS AL HOGAR Si alguien en su familia está enfermo en casa, asilo de ancianos, o en el hospital y le gustaría que el sacerdote lo visitara, por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial. Es muy importante que la persona quiera ver al sacerdote y que un familiar nos llame. LÍNEA DIRECTA PARA EL CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA PARA EMBARAZOS Si se enfrenta con un embarazo difícil o no planificado, o necesita sanación después de un aborto, por favor llame gratuitamente al Centro de Ayuda para Embarazos de Caridades Católicas, tel. 877-990-4673. LA MISA DEL DÍA EL MIÉRCOLES 11 DE NOVIEMBRE SERÁ A LAS 9:30 AM Observación del día de Veteranos Acompáñenos a Misa el miércoles 11 de noviembre a las 9:30 AM y una observación del día de Veteranos. No habrá Misa a las 8:30 AM este día. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO Viernes 6 de noviembre de 9:00am-3:00pm NAVIDAD EN NPH No hay muchos regalos que se pueden comprar por $20, pero en esta Navidad por un mínimo de $20, usted puede comprarle a un niño que vive en Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH- un hogar para niños huérfanos y abandonados) un nuevo par de zapatos. El 7 u 8 de noviembre usted va recibir un sobre en la Misa para el Proyecto de Zapatos NPH. Se le va pedir traer el sobre con su donación el 14 o 15 de noviembre y colocarlo en la canasta de la colecta. Con su generosa ayuda, esperamos poder comprarles a todos los niños de NPH un nuevo par de zapatos para Navidad. LOS INVITAMOS AL ENCUENTRO DIOCESANO DE FAMILIAS BAJO EL TEMA “APRENDIENDO A ORAR EN FAMILIA” FAMILIA El 14 de noviembre de 7:30am a 3:00p.m. Iglesia St. Mary, 327 Vermont Ave, Oak Ridge TN 37830 Presentado por las Hermanas Dominicas de Santa Cecilia de Nashville, TN. Basado en el libro “Una Invitación para ORAR EN FAMILIA”. La artista peruana Clorinda Galdos, cuyas hermosas pinturas están incluidas en el libro, estará presente para contar su experiencia. Los temas incluyen: ¿Cómo tener una conversación con Dios?, Tiempo Sagrado y Espacio Sagrado, Orando con su cónyuge, Reuniendo a su Familia a través de la oración: Dificultades y Puntos Prácticos. Todo esto con testimonios y actividades prácticas. Donación: $20 por pareja, $16 por persona. Incluye el libro. Se venderá comida. Para inscribirse llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al 865-637-4769. RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso en el cual los adultos se preparan para recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión). Para información por favor llame a Rolando Galicia 865-224-4323. 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UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. D-UBS-D1B29799 In Loving Memory of All American Veterans. May their historic deeds and service never be forgotten. 2404 In Memory of the deceased members of the families of Robert & Renda Zielke Visit Us In Historic Downtown Loudon
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