The Messenger Christ the King Catholic Community A Roman Catholic Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Vegas 4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas NV; 89118 ~ (702) 871-1904 ~ Fax: (702) 251-4935 January 10, 2016 ~ The Baptism of the Lord Today’s Readings First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 911. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104. Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:47. Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22). MASS TIMES SATURDAY: 4:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:30,11:30 am, 1:30 pm (Misa en Español) 4:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Mon - Sat ~ 8:00 am HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am and 7:00 pm MANIFESTING THE SPIRIT The Christmas season closes this Sunday with the Baptism of the Lord. This feast is a sister to last week’s feast of the Epiphany. Each of them celebrates an “epiphany,” or a manifestation of the Spirit of God in Jesus—first in his birth, and now at his baptism. The divine Spirit is manifested in all of the scriptures for this feast. Psalm 104 highlights the Spirit of God creating and renewing the earth, while the reading from Isaiah describes God restoring Israel. In Luke’s account of the baptism of the Lord the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus. And the letter to Titus reminds us that the Holy Spirit was “richly poured out” on us also, through the “bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:5, 6). MANIFESTANDO AL ESPÍRITU El tiempo de Navidad finaliza este domingo con el Bautismo del Señor. Esta fiesta es hermana de la fiesta de la semana pasada, la Epifanía. Cada una ellas celebra una “epifanía”, o manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús —primero en su nacimiento y ahora en su bautismo. El Espíritu Divino se manifiesta en todas las lecturas bíblicas de la fiesta. El Salmo 104 destaca al Espíritu de Dios que crea y renueva la tierra, mientras que la lectura de Isaías describe a Dios restaurando a Israel. En el relato de Lucas del bautismo del Señor el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre Jesús. Y la carta a Tito nos recuerda que el Espíritu Santo también “derramó con abundancia” sobre nosotros, el “baño de regeneración” (Tito 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Daily Bible Readings Monday, January 11: 1Samuel 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mark 1:14 20 Tuesday, January 12: 1Samuel 1:9-20; 1Samuel 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mark 1:21 28 Wednesday, January 13: 1Samuel; 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mark 1:29 39 Thursday, January 14: 1Samuel 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mark 1:40 45 Friday, January 15: 1Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mark 2:1 12 Saturday, January 16: 1Samuel 9:1-4, 1719; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mark 2:13 17 Sunday, January 17: Isaiah 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1 -11 FINANCES Sunday Collection Dec 26/27/2015 E-Tithing Total Necessary weekly budgeted amount Plus/Minus amount for this week $12,601.00 $ 511.97 $13,212.97 $20,000.00 $ 6,887.03 Debt Owed to Diocese $275,000.00 Debt Reduction-This Week $1,242 Total $ 58,455.00 Balance $216,545.00 Christmas Collection $26,446.00 Sunday Collection Jan 3/4/2016 E-Tithing Total Necessary weekly budgeted amount Plus/Minus amount for this week $16,092.16 $ 2,224.85 $18,317.01 $20,000.00 $ 1,682.99 Debt Owed to Diocese $275,000.00 Debt Reduction-This Week $1,732 Total $ 60,187.00 Balance $214,813.00 MASS INTENTIONS PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO "CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC COMMUNITY" If you want the name of your loved ones to be read aloud during mass or written in our weekly bulletin it must be turned in to the front desk at least two weeks in advance. If you have an envelope # please write it on your check. Saturday 8:00 am 4:00 pm January 9 †Patricia Marx †Sandra J Ilagan Sunday 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm January 10 †Richard & Tilly Kucinski †Wilmarie Cain †Gayle Krapec People of the Parish †Luvimindo Padua Monday 8:00 am January 11 †Dolores Weinberger Tuesday 8:00 am January 12 Pagulayan Family Wednesday 8:00 am January 13 Conchita T Lim Thursday 8:00 am January 14 †Joseph Reynolds Friday 8:00 am January 15 †Joseph Reynolds Saturday 8:00 am 4:00 pm January 16 †Jeff Beck †Anthony DiPrieto Sunday 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm January 17 †Teotima Vicera †Antoinette Carducci People of the Parish †Jose & Maria Lezama Conchita T Lim Thank you for your generosity! Prayer List Join us in Community Prayer for parishioners and their family members who are seriously ill. If you or your immediate family member is seriously ill and would like to be added to our prayer list please e-mail the name to [email protected] or call the office at 871-1904. Manuel S. Alba Pedro Alejandrino Coral Aponte Darlene Blanchard Carmen Bonilla Maritess R. Boribon Anthony Brasich Pat Bremer Peggy Bremer Jacqueline T. Cagampang Angelie A. Canto Jose & Cora Canto James Celestino Cathy Checkler Eleanor Constantino Barbara Corrales Leo Coughlin Rogelio Delarosa Rosita Delarosa Vernon Dickinson Carol Flynn Donahue Juan Enriquez Sam Falbo Bob Foti Mary Fulton Emma Jane Garcia Heidi Gatacha Lian Maria Gerlacforgione Fred Gavitt Maureen Hart Doreen Hasselman Adrian Herrera Pat Holbury Ellie Hunsberger Cathy Janis Tammy Janis Alyssa Jones Renato Judalena Mel Kleinschmit Maria Gladio LaGadia Bob LaPorte Mary LaSalle Carla Lawler Mary LaSalle Terri Lehner Julian Leos, Jr. Grace Leva Michael Lorenzo Tex Luminarias Isabelle Mann Brittany Marshall Steven Marshall Marie McCarty Hortensia Garcia Mesta Robert Milianta Bernadette Morley Amilita & Tom Morrison George B Noyes Logan Noyes John O’Connor Cooper Owen Mary Perrin Noel Pineda Perla A. Pinuela Romeo Pulido Rudy Regala Billy Ramirez Joseph Reynolds Mary Ricciardi Richie Rivera Ramon Rodriguez Remedios Rodriguez Sidney L. Rollins Liam Rooney Pacita Sabanal Fe Sales Cheyenne Scott Andrea Sevilla Erena Ellen Sedge Milana Staklef Debby Taber Tom Thorne Jr. Marcela Tumang Ava Urrea Marco Vidauri II Geno Wiczek Rebecca Wiczek Donald A Word from Fr. Ray Una Palabra de P. Ray Happy New Year. Here’s hoping that this year brings peace and prosperity. There are many political issues and negative posturing in several countries around the world. We must pray for “World Peace” as part of our daily prayer to ease tensions between conflicting countries and keep a perspective leading to sensible dialogue and protection of citizens. Please pray for all leaders to make decisions that speak to the needs of their citizens and their safety. We are making strides in our Five Year Plan projects, and now the campus is showing signs of progress with fresh paint on the exterior of all the buildings as well as the interior of the church and parish center. Thank you again for your donations towards this project, especially to some of our benefactors for their support and generous donations this past year. Many thanks go out to our parishioners for being patient and understanding during the painting projects. I believe the efforts put forth to improve the look of our campus is well worth the temporary inconveniences. I also want to thank all of you that have been dedicated in contributing to our debt reduction. The second collection for debt reduction has been a blessing and has helped us with the stress of paying down the debt. As a great New Year’s Resolution, I would like to suggest that you consider helping out in one of our ministries for at least one year. We are in great need for Readers, Extraordinary Eucharist Ministers, Table Coordinators, and Hospitality Ministers at all the Masses, especially the 4 pm Masses on both the Saturday and Sunday Masses. Many of our ministers have contributed their time and talent for many years, and it is high time that we be encouraged to volunteer our time and talent and give some of our long time volunteers a respite. It would be nice to have larger pool of volunteers for the various ministries to create a more realistic rotation system. So, please consider helping our Christ the King Community by contributing to these most important ministries. Feliz año nuevo. Esperamos que este año traiga paz y prosperidad. Hay muchas cuestiones políticas y posturas negativas en varios países de todo el mundo. Debemos orar por la "Paz Mundial", como parte de nuestra oración diaria para aliviar las tensiones entre los países en conflicto y mantener una perspectiva que lleva a un diálogo sensato y protección de los ciudadanos. Por favor oren por todos los líderes para que tomen decisiones que hablan a las necesidades de sus ciudadanos y su seguridad. Estamos haciendo progresos en nuestros proyectos de plan de cinco años, y ahora el campus está mostrando señales de progreso con la pintura fresca en el exterior de todos los edificios, así como el interior de la iglesia y el centro parroquial. Gracias de nuevo por sus donaciones para este proyecto, especialmente a algunos de nuestros benefactores por su apoyo y donaciones generosas de este año pasado. Muchas gracias a nuestros feligreses por su paciencia y comprensión durante los proyectos de pintura. Creo que los esfuerzos puestos adelante para mejorar el aspecto de nuestro campus valieron la pena los inconvenientes temporales. También quiero agradecer a todos ustedes que se han dedicado en la contribución a nuestra reducción de la deuda. La segunda colección para la reducción de la deuda ha sido una bendición y nos ha ayudado con el estrés de pagar la deuda. Como una gran resolución de Año Nuevo, me gustaría sugerir que considere ayudar en uno de nuestros ministerios por lo menos un año. Estamos en gran necesidad de Lectores, Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía, coordinadores de mesa, y los ministros de hospitalidad en todas las misas, especialmente las 4 PM en ambos misas del Sábados y Domingos. Muchos de nuestros ministros han contribuido con su tiempo y talento durante muchos años, y ya es hora de que nos animemos a dar nuestro tiempo y talento y dar un poco de descanso a nuestros voluntarios que ya tienen mucho tiempo. Sería bueno tener un grupo amplio de voluntarios para los diversos ministerios para crear un sistema de rotación más realista. Así que, por favor considere ayudar a nuestra comunidad CTK contribuyendo a estos ministerios más importantes. With much love and gratitude, Fr. Ray Con mucho amor y gratitud, Padre Ray LITURGY CORNER We continue our reflection as we Walk the Road with Christ … January 9/10, 2016 (The Baptism of the Lord) As we continue our faith journey, beginning today with the Baptism of Christ, we will focus on how we “Walk the Road of DISCOVERY.” Through baptism we began our faith journey of discovery – the discovery of who Christ is, who God is, who we are in relationship to one another. We discover daily our baptismal call to service and what that service asks of us. What is your relationship with Christ at this point in time? What have you discovered about God and yourself from the time of your own baptism? 10 de enero de 2016 (el bautismo del Señor) Mientras continuamos nuestra jornada de fe, a partir de hoy con el bautismo de Cristo, nos centraremos en cómo "Andamos el camino de descubrimiento". Por el bautismo empezamos nuestro camino de fe del descubrimiento-el descubrimiento de que Cristo es, quién es Dios, que estamos en relación unos con otros. Todos los días descubrimos nuestro llamado bautismal y lo que nos pide ese servicio. ¿Cuál es tu relación con Cristo en este momento? ¿Qué han descubierto acerca de Dios y a ti mismo desde el momento de tu propio bautismo? OUTREACH WHOM DID WE SERVE? December 7 to December 11, 2015 47 Households 78 Adults and 26 Children Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 am until noon Located in the Parish Office Blood Drive January 17 8:00 am until 1:00 pm Plan on coming to our upcoming blood drive on Sunday, Jan. 17th, in our community center. We will be outside TODAY scheduling appointments for the drive, if you are eligible to donate blood. Facts about blood needs ♥Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. ♥Approximately 41,000 blood donations are needed every day. ♥Nearly 21 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S. ♥The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints. ♥The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O. ♥The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs. ♥A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood. Family Promise February 7 through 14 We will be hosting guests experiencing homelessness the second week of February. In order to serve in this ministry, you must have taken the diocesan mandated “Protecting God’s Children” seminar (you register for it at and been fingerprinted by Gina in our parish office. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, call Jane (702) 871-1904, or email her at: [email protected] Nevadans for the Common Good Coalition for Public Life cordially invites you to join us for a spectacular concert, silent and live auction, and wine reception on January 31st, beginning at 2:30 pm at Congregation Ner Tamid (55 N Valle Verde DR, Henderson, NV 89074). The concert, titled "Let Justice Roll," will feature a variety of local professional artists and talent from NCG member organizations. The afternoon event will begin with a silent auction and wine receptions at 2:30 pm. The concert venue doors will open at 4:00 pm, prior to its 4:15 pm start. Tickets are available from your organizational ticket coordinator, Jane Fransioli, (702) 8711904 or [email protected] Join us for this phenomenal event that will help fund our mission in 2016! Money worries? Stressed over finances? Is there ever enough money at the end of the month? Christ the King Catholic Community has the answer Financial Peace University By the award-winning author and financial guru, Dave Ramsey This is a 9 week program that will be held at Christ the King on 9 consecutive Sundays beginning on January 24, 2016 at 5:30 pm in the Community Center. There will be a preview and program ordering in January 10th. The classes are about 90 minutes long. This course is a wonderful opportunity to get your finances in order so you can enjoy life in accordance with God’s plan. The course is FREE, but the course materials cost less than $100. Some scholarships are available with proof of need. Let’s work this 9 week program together to get our finances in order so that we can enjoy life and live life to its fullest. FREE from financial stress Call Robert Walsh at (702) 683-2889 or go to this link for further information. Jan 24, 2016 ~ Lesson 1 ~ Super Saving Common Sense for Your Dollars and Cents Dave explains the seven Baby Steps that will guide you throughout Financial Peace University. You will also learn the three key reasons why you should save money—and why you must start now! Jan 31, 2016 ~ Lesson 2 ~ Relating With Money Nerds and Free Spirits Unite! Learn why it's important for spouses to communicate and work together toward success. Also, singles will learn the importance of accountability, and parents will find out how to teach their kids about money. Feb 7, 2016 ~ Lesson 3 ~ Cash Flow Planning The Nuts and Bolts of Budgeting Learning how to take control of your money starts with a budget. Unlock the secret of developing a monthly spending plan that really works. Feb 14, 2016 ~ Lesson 4 ~ Dumping Debt Breaking the Chains of Debt It's time to debunk some common debt myths! Dave reveals the truth about credit lies and gives you a plan to walk out of debt with confidence. Feb 21, 2016 ~ Lesson 5 ~ Buyer Beware The Power of Marketing on Your Buying Decisions Dave draws on decades of experience to reveal the power and influence that marketing has on your everyday buying decisions. Feb 28, 2016 ~ Lesson 6 ~ The Role of Insurance Protecting Your Health, Family and Finances In this lesson, Dave walks you through the world of insurance, carefully explaining what you need—and what you need to avoid. Mar 6, 2016 ~ Lesson 7 ~ Retirement and College Planning Mastering the Alphabet Soup of Investing Dave walks you through the maze of retirement options and helps you figure out your best retirement plan. You will also learn how to plan for college so your kids can graduate debt free! Mar 13, 2016 ~ Lesson 8 ~ Real Estate and Mortgages Keeping the American Dream From Becoming a Nightmare Dave draws on more than 20 years of real estate experience to teach you the ins and outs of mortgages and how to win when buying or selling your home. Mar 20, 2016 ~ Lesson 9 The Great Misunderstanding Unleashing the Power of Generous Giving Learn how generous giving can completely revolutionize your attitude and improve your finances, business and relationships. Treasures from Our Tradition Merry Christmas! Share that cheerful greeting with some folks today. They may wonder if you have had any Elvis sightings lately, attended Star Trek conventions, or were Cleopatra in a previous lifetime. Despite the skeptics, today is solidly within the Christmas season. In fact, in some strands of the Christian tradition it represents the clearest manifestation of the mystery of the Incarnation. On Christmas Day, for example, the Gospel reading is the Prologue of John’s Gospel, which reveals the glory of Christ shining through our humanity precisely in his baptism. At any rate, this is an ancient feast, celebrated first in Egypt sixteen centuries ago. More than most other ancient people, the Egyptians understood the life giving properties of water. On this day, they drew water from the Nile, so central in the history of their people, and reserved it in honor. Many other places copied the custom, so that St. John Chrysostom wrote of people in Antioch gathering at midnight to collect flowing water into vessels they brought from home since “today there is a blessing on the water.” At home for dinner tonight, decorate the table with beautiful bowls of water and white candles, toast one another with goblets of sparkling water, and light a Christmas candle in the window one last time. —Rev. James Field, prophet, and king. This connects Christians, the new Israel, to ancient Israel, in which priests, prophets, and kings were anointed to show that the Spirit of God was with them. It also connects us to Jesus, as today’s scriptures show. In the second reading we hear that “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power,” after which he “went about doing good, for God was with him” (Acts 10:38). Matthew shows Jesus being symbolically anointed with the Holy Spirit as God’s chosen Son, and the first reading describes what Jesus was chosen to do: establish “justice on the earth . . . open the eyes of the blind . . . bring out . . . those who live in darkness” (Isaiah 42:1, 7). In short, Jesus was chosen as the Messiah, or “Anointed One,” of God who would inaugurate the messianic era. The baptized are chosen and anointed as well, to continue Christ’s messianic mission in the church. —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe La costumbre del bautismo infantil debe ser mucho más que un acto social o una tradición cultural, donde el ropón y los regalos son más importantes que la doctrina cristiana, y los padrinos se escogen no por su buen ejemplo sino por su cuenta bancaria. Según los Hechos de los Apóstoles, familias enteras se Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. bautizaban cuando el padre de familia decidía hacerse cristiano. The Baptism of the Lord Esta práctica de bautizar, no solo Margaret left the massage al nuevo creyente sino también a therapist feeling released from the su mujer y a sus hijos, poco a stress of the last few months, poco, quedó solo en bautizar los renewed and energized. It was as niños del original creyente. El though the memory in her muscles mundo en aquel tiempo estaba was erased and their power was basado sobre la familia así como unleashed by the therapist’s muchas culturas latinas de hoy. healing touch and aromatic oils. El bautizo infantil nació en la The Rite of Baptism includes a Iglesia primitiva y al pasar de los kind of symbolic “massage” that siglos llegó a transformarse en un has a similar purpose. The newly rito religioso muy importante en la baptized are anointed with fragrant catequesis del nuevo cristiano. El chrism and empowered by the niño viste de ropita blanca que Holy Spirit to live as members of recuerda la presencia de Cristo en Christ, who was anointed priest, su alma, se le regala una vela que lo invita a brillar con la luz de Cristo y se le da una madrina o un padrino que le enseñará a vivir en Cristo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. El Baustismo del Senor Margarita salió del consultorio del masajista aliviada del estrés de los últimos meses, renovada y vigorizada. Fue como si la memoria de sus músculos se hubiera borrado y el poder de ellos se hubiera desatado por medio de las manos del masajista y de los aceites aromáticos. El rito del Bautismo incluye una clase de “masaje” simbólico, que tiene un propósito similar. Los recién bautizados son ungidos con el crisma fragante y habilitados por el Espíritu Santo para vivir como miembros de Cristo, quien fue ungido sacerdote, profeta y rey. Esto conecta a los cristianos, el nuevo Israel, con el antiguo Israel, en el cual los sacerdotes, los profetas y los reyes eran ungidos a fin de mostrar que el Espíritu de Dios estaba con ellos. También nos conecta a Jesús, tal como lo indican las Escrituras de hoy. En la segunda lectura escuchamos que “Dios ungió [a Jesús de Nazaret] con el poder del Espíritu Santo”, después de los cual “él pasó haciendo el bien, porque Dios estaba con él” (Hechos 10:38). Mateo presenta a Jesús siendo ungido simbólicamente con el Espíritu Santo como el Hijo predilecto de Dios, y la primera lectura describe aquello para lo cual fue escogido Jesús: “para que manifieste el derecho a las naciones . . . para abrir los ojos a los ciegos . . . para sacar del calabozo . . . a los que viven en tinieblas” (Isaías 42:1, 7). En breve, Jesús fue elegido como el Mesías, o el “Ungido” de Dios, que inauguraría la era mesiánica. Los bautizados también son elegidos y ungidos a fin de que continúen la misión mesiánica de Cristo en la Iglesia. —Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. The Week Ahead Monday, January 11 1:00 pm Sack Lunches - Room 1 7:00 pm Readers Study - Office Conf Room Tuesday, January 12 8:45 am Centering Prayer - Daily Chapel 6:00 pm Middle School Religious Education 7:30 pm K of C - Community Center 7:30 pm Lectors Reading - Español - Room 5 7:30 pm Minister of Care - Room 4 Wednesday, January 13 8:30 am Our Lady of Perpetual Devotion - Church 9:00 am CTK Seniors - Room 1 7:00 pm Reader’s Session - Room 3 4:00 pm Elementary Parent Only First Holy Communion Meeting - Community Center 4:00 pm Elementary School Religious Education 6:00 pm Elem First Rec/First Holy Communion Community Center 6:00 pm Elementary School Religious Education Thursday, January 14 6:30 pm YMAC - Youth Lounge 7:30 pm Al-Anon - Room 2 Friday, January 15 8:30 am Divine Mercy Devotion Saturday, January 16 Sunday, January 17 8:00 am Blood Drive - Community Center 1:30 pm Misa en Español May your marriage experience the blessings and joy that the New Year promises. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends in 2016 are on February 19-21st, May 20-22nd and August 12-14th in the Las Vegas area. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, call Steve and Terri Sharp at (702) 589-0068 or go to For information on Spanish-language weekends, call Javier and Maria Lopez at (702) 243-5934 or (702) 206-4270. He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. -- Titus 3:5 Family Weekly Prayer The Knights of Columbus at CTK pray for the success of your family becoming “Fully Alive” through weekly prayer together. If you haven’t been following this program of prayer that is outlined each month in the weekly bulletin, you can get started now! Set aside a place in your home to meet weekly… pray for a few minutes… then, discuss one of the monthly questions with each other. Listen to each other without criticism or correcting. “Because the family that prays together stays together, we want to learn to pray as a family.” St. John Paul II in his Letter to Families said, “Prayer needs to become a regular habit in the daily life of each family. Prayer is thanksgiving, praise of God, asking for forgiveness, supplication and invocation. In all of these forms the prayer of the family has much to say to God.” Discussion Questions (after praying together): 1. During the day, what are some times when I could take a minute to “touch base” with God through prayer, perhaps asking His help or simply thanking Him for His love and His presence? 2. Just as talking can build a relationship, the different kinds of prayer mentioned are all ways to grow closer to God. What type makes me most aware that God is near and a part of this life He has given me? 3. How is our family touched and shaped by the prayers of all of its members? Variety Show January 16th 2016 C’mon people!! We need you to make this a success. If you have a talent or know someone with one, contact Les Lisicki or Patrick Dodd. WE WANT YOU. Singers, (solo’s duets trios etc.) Magicians, Jugglers, Lip Syncers, Comedians, Skits, Musicians . . . even the Kazoo players! or anything else that I missed. This is a Vaudeville show folks. Don’t be shy. I know you're out there. Call Les Lisicki 702-499-1095 or Patrick Dodd 702-716-7336 High School Happenin’s Beth Thompson Director of Christian Formation [email protected] 871-1904 x 230 Join us on: Facebook - CTK Youth LVInstagram CTKYouthLV Twitter - CTKYouthLV A REMINDER to parents and students: Sunday mass AT CHRIST THE KING is a MANDATORY part of the Confirmation Requirements. NO CLASS next week - Martin Luther King Holiday. Please be sure to attend mass. Anaheim Youth Day will be Wednesday and Thursday, February 24th and 25th 2016. The cost will be $235 per person which will include transportation, room, most meals, t-shirt, Knottsberry Farm and Youth Day Registration. Available spaces are filling fast. Come by the Religious Education office to reserve your spot now with a $50 deposit. We accept all major credit and debit cards. Our Confirmation classes will be holding a fund-raising bake sale the weekend of January 24th. Can you contribute a home-baked item? These funds go to our scholarship fund to help students whose families are experiencing financial difficulty attend events such as Anaheim Youth Day. YMAC (Youth Ministry After Confirmation) Thursdays 6:30pm - 8pm in the Youth Lounge For all juniors, seniors, college-age students. We meet every Thursday We will continue the tradition of YMAC and meet on Thursdays in the Youth Room. Looking forward to seeing you there! Middle School Youth Ministry Beth Thompson Director of Christian Formation [email protected] Beth Thompson Director of Christian Formation [email protected] Explore Calendar All classes are on Tuesday nights 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm NO CLASS JANUARY 19th Teacher Meeting Room 1 at 6:00 pm Community Center Dear Explore Family, Just Five Days is coming next summer. Mark your calendars now for June 20th through the 24th. The cost is $285 per student. This would be a great gift for your student! It is a wonderful week of community building while serving others. Fun, service prayer and reflection. Registrations are coming in. Come by the Religious Ed office this week to secure your student’s spot with at $50 deposit. We accept MasterCard, Visa, AmEx and Discover. A REMINDER to parents and students: Sunday Mass AT CHRIST THE KING is a MANDATORY part of our Explore program. Thank you If your Middle School aged student needs either/both First Communion or Baptism Please contact Robyn in the Religious Ed Office (702) 871-1904 ext. 232 Christian Formation Beth Thompson 871-1904 [email protected] Religious Education Grades 1-5 First Communion Baptism of older children Adult Confirmation How do I enroll my child? If you think you would like to become Catholic, or if you would just like to learn about Catholicism, we offer weekly opportunities to learn about the Catholic faith. These informal gatherings for coffee and conversation are held 7:00 pm each Thursday (except major holidays) in Room 5 of the Activity Center. If, due to your schedule, you can’t join us at our regular Thursday night sessions, please call the parish office at (702) 871-1904 and leave your name and phone number. We will do our best to accommodate you. Please contact Beth Thompson at (702) 871-1904 ext. 230 if you have any questions. Elementary Registration for 2015/16 year Grades 1-5 in the Religious Ed Office M-TH 8-4:00 pm - Closed from 12-1:00 pm A BAPTISM CERTIFICATE is required for each child being registered. REQUIREMENTS: • • Family must be registered at Christ the King • • Family must be worshipping at Christ the King at • our weekend liturgy • Past due balances from the previous Religious Education year must be paid prior to registering (702) 871-1904 ext. 230 or 232 No Baptisms may be scheduled until sessions and requirements are completed. Requirements: Adults who are age 18 and above and graduated Adults who have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Faith • • Please contact Beth Thompson if you have any questions (702) 871-1904 ext. 230 When are classes held? Classes are held on Wednesdays at either 4:00 or 6:00 pm SACRAMENTS (1st Communion, Baptism) REQUIREMENTS: • • Same as for Religious Education Registration plus: • Child is in second grade or above • • • Child is enrolled in and attending weekly age- level Religious Education classes on a regular basis • • Unbaptized children must attend one full year of Religious Education first Our sacrament preparation is a family preparation process that requires the participation of the child and a parent or guardian in monthly sessions. Attendance at these sessions is mandatory. Elementary Religious Education • • 01/13 - Regular Classes 01/20 - Regular Classes Schedules for the year are available in the Religious Ed Office or check our on-line calendar at Please contact our office for information. Next Adult Confirmation Sessions TBA Be sure you update your e-mail address with us to received important class notices If you have any questions please contact Robyn at 871-1904 ext. 232 or [email protected] Elementary First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Mandatory Meetings Wednesday, 1/13 - PARENT ONLY Sacrament Meeting in the Community Center at either 4:00 pm or 6:00 pm Wednesday, 1/20– First Reconciliation in the Church at 6:00 pm ONLY Meetings are for Elementary Students registered in their 2nd year only of Sacramental Preparation. If you have any questions please contact Robyn at 871-1904 ext. 232 or [email protected] Small Church CommuniƟes; a way of being Church Small Church Communities are groups of 6 to 8 people who gather in homes to reflect on the scriptures of the upcoming Sunday and their significance in their lives. All ministries and organizations connected to Christ the King are asked to use a simple formula for prayer as they gather: Read one of the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday. Take a few moments to reflect on one of the questions related to the scripture (in Fr. Ray’s column). Invite individuals to share their response with the person next to them; encourage people to share with someone they do not know well. Before we know it we have grown closer as a community! Please call Chris at (702) 378-5622 or e-mail at [email protected] The Community in Action PARISH STAFF Parish Administrator Rev. Ray Rioux Parish Deacons Administrative Assistant & Hispanic Ministry Deacon Jacob Favela Hospital Ministry Deacon Rich Green Receptionist Gina Pignatello Director of Pastoral Ministries Jane Fransioli Religious Education Department Director of Christian Formation Beth Thompson Administrative Assistant Robyn Runco Liturgy Department Director of Liturgy Mary Ryan Directors of Music Ellen & Ken Lerum Liturgy/Music Assistant Cathy Bruzzese Director of Parish Finance Roseann Tabick Maintenance Department Mark Medina Michael Roberts & Dave Clow Website Anna Sy Bulletin Suzy Jones SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY Baptism: ALPHA PROGRAM (Infants or young children) - Contact parish, (702) 871-1904, during pregnancy or at least 3 months in advance to arrange for preparation program. Parents must complete program before baptism can be scheduled. First Communion/First Reconciliation Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 Confirmation Teens & Adults Confirmation: Beth Thompson R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Inquiry sessions for non-Catholics interested in learning more about the Catholic faith every Thursday at 7:00 pm in Room 5, Activity Center. Call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 Marriage: Contact the parish office 8-12 months in advance. Call Deacon Jacob for details of the 6-month preparation program. For annulments also call Deacon Jacob Favela - (702) 871-1904 Anointing of the Sick - Call office if you or a member of your family seek the Sacrament. Please try to call before loved one is in the active process of dying. Remembering Community: A welcoming process for Catholics who have been away. More information call Beth Thompson - (702) 871-1904 Visit our new and improved website: Scan me with your Smartphone to go directly to: Victim’s Advocate - Ron Valance (702) 235-7723 Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada Business phone: (702) 385-2662 Emergency Assistance: (702) 383-2291 Catholic Charities Adoption: (702) 385-3351 MASSES Saturday Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30 11:30 am and 4:00 pm 1:30 pm ~ Spanish Language Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial José ♥ Maria Rios, (702) 232-9293 Daily Mass:(Mon-Sat) 8:00 am Family Promise (formerly IHN) Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904. HOLY DAYS: 8:00 am Funeral Ministry - Ministry to bereaved families at time of death. Please call the office (702) 871-1904, before making arrangements with the mortuary of your choice. GriefSHARE - Help and Healing for those who have lost a loved one. Find a meeting near you Hands of Christ - Ministry to the homebound, Jane Fransioli, 702) 871-1904 OFFICE HOURS Monday ~ Thursday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (Closed Noon - 1:00 pm) Friday ~ Closed CONFESSIONS By appointment only, (702) 871-1904 LITURGICAL MINISTRY COORDINATORS HELP & HEALING Al-Anon - Thursdays, 7:30 pm, Room 2 Hospitality Ministers Hospital Ministry - Rich Green, (702) 2489199, Jeanette Lombardo, (702) 882-8750 Inch for Life - Help available for unwanted pregnancies. Pro-Life Office: (702) 212-6472 Gail Lehtinen, (702) 565-3459 Flowers Eva & Les Iwafuchi, (702) 332-2865 Knights of Columbus Michael Gorts (702) 499-6476 Manna Cupboard - Food pantry for the hungry, Jane Fransioli, (702) 871-1904. Marriage Encounter - Jim & Mary, (702) 263-2004 Teresa Fawley, (702) 953-6332 Environment Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Luanne Wagner, (702) 279-2137 Lectors Mike Dunegan, (702) 362-8490 Sacristan - Annabelle Trajano 702-483-9832 Bread Baker Coordinator Project Rachel - Post Abortion Ministry, (702) 737-1672. Kay Dunegan, (702) 362-8490 Retrouvaille - A lifeline for troubled marriages, Chuck & Carol Moore, (702) 604-1006 Sound/Lighting/Technical Social Concerns Board - Deals with parish outreach & social justice issues, Dale Devitt, (702) 871-1642 Small Church Communities Chris & Sharon Sellman - (702) 257-2511 Spiritual Direction Deacon Rich Green Jane Fransioli, B.A. Please call parish office to schedule appointment with Deacon Rich Green or Jane Fransioli. (702) 871-1904 Southern Nevada Women’s Resource Center: (702) 366-1247 - Pro-Life counseling and ministry to the unwed mother. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRIES Preschool - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I & II on Wednesdays Grades 1 - 5: Wednesdays Grades 6 - 8: Tuesdays Grades 9 - 12: (see Youth Page) For all the above programs, pre-registration is required through the parish office. Call the Religious Education office, (702) 871-1904 Martha & Mary Guild Suzy Jones, (702) 340-8148 Bob LaPorte, (702) 454-1952 Christ the King Pastoral Council Lydia Alminiana Manny De la Cruz Ramon Diaz Rick Houle Roze Kliese Mary Milanowski Maria Patino Elizabeth Que Roseann Tabick Hector Vicuna Luanne Wagner James Walker Rob Walsh Fr. Ray Rioux Recording Secretary Roseann Tabick Email us at: [email protected]
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