Presentación de PowerPoint

Taller de Ecología Microbiana
Microbial Ecology Workshop
"Understanding the adaptation and role of microbial
communities to biogeochemical cycles from diverse aquatic
Jueves 5 de Noviembre de 2015
Auditorio Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas (UPLA)
Leopoldo Carvallo 280, Playa Ancha (Valparaíso, Chile)
10:00 h -Verónica Molina (Universidad de Playa Ancha)
10:15 h - Ma. Jesus Galvez (Universidad de Playa Ancha)
"Microbial community heterogeneity in Salar de Huasco during dry and wet season“
10:35 h - Martha Hengst (Universidad Católica del Norte)
“Microbial communities in high altitude hot springs: adaptations to poliextreme environments"
11:00 h - Cristina Dorador (Universidad de Antofagasta)
“10 years of research at Salar de Huasco: examples of microbial complexity”
11:25 h -Brad Bebout (NASA).
“Photosynthetic Microbial Mats: Microbial Ecology Research at the Intersection of Astrobiology,
Renewable Energy, and Extended Human Space Exploration”
11:50 h -Coffe Break12:15 h –”Marcela Cornejo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)
“Green house gases from diverse aquatic ecosystems”
12:40 h – Camila Fernández (Universidad de Concepción – LIA-MORFUN-)
"The origin of DOM as a modulating factor in microbial diversity“
13:00 h – -Wade Jeffrey (University of West Florida)
“In situ effects of solar radiation on microbial communities: A little data and future ideas”
13:30 h – General DiscussionFinanciamiento:
FONDECYT # 1140356 (2014-2017) “Greenhouse gases production (N2O and CH4): a coupled
role driven by microbial mats and their planktonic counterparts in Salar de Huasco”.
FONDECYT # 1140179 (2014-2017) "The rare biosphere in high altitude wetlands: functional
role and the limits of life”