Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Nuestro Senor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo November 22, 2015 . PARISH OFFICE STAFF Maintenance Director – Howard Lolesio Wedding Facilitator – Helen Nelson MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Sacramental Ministries – Call the Parish Office: 808-661-0552 Anointing of the Sick, Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings FAITH FORMATION Weekly Mass Intentions and Times Misa Semanal Intenciones y Veces Please call the Office to leave them a message. Monday, November 23 St. Clement I, St. Columban 6:15am 7:00am Religious Education Program Coordinator – Tonata Lolesio Youth & Young Adult Program Coordinator – Maka Secretario RCIA – Ron & Kathy Karlberg (360) 509-8072 Robert & Sherlyn Dagdagan 870-6526 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Constancio Mamuad, +Edwardo Sajor, +Mariano Baybado Tuesday, November 24 St. Andrew Dung-Lac & Companions 6:15am 7:00am Please call the Office to leave them a message. Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Lydia Espiritu Director of Liturgy – Filomena Binanua 661-6607 Altar Servers – Patricia Garcia Homebound Ministry – Rick Wayne Sacristans: Patricia Garcia (MLC) Ben & Marieta del Castillo (SHM) ORGANIZATIONS +Doris Saribay, +Maria Tu Thi Hon, +Eugenio Antonio, +Ed Kukorowski, +Mariano Baybado Special Intention: Gloria Antonio Wednesday, November 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, Please call the Office to leave them a message. Cancer Support – Carmen Garcia – Meets monthly, 3rd Monday 6:00pm Pastoral Council – L David Taylor - Meets monthly, 3rd Tuesday 5:30pm Parish Finance Committee – Beth Garrow - Meets quarterly Filipino Catholic Club –Desing Omlan - Meets monthly 1st Sunday 12pm Knights of Columbus – Robert Ray - Meets monthly last Tuesday 6:30pm Pro-Life – Cece Mishima – Meets monthly 3rd Monday 6:15pm Sacred Hearts Society – Helen Nelson- Meets monthly 3rd Sunday 12pm School Board – Cynthia Lallo - Meets monthly 2nd Tuesday 5:30pm English - 2nd Language - Michael Gyori 891-2237 Thursday at 5:30pm Tongan Community – Kalolo Faiva Spanish Community – Fr. Wilson Vietnamese Community – Vu Pham Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion will be prayed at Maria Lanakila Church every Wednesday morning. These prayers will begin (10) minutes after the 7am Mass. +Constancio Mamuad, +Mariano Baybado, +Eugenio Antonio Special Intention: Gloria Antonio Thursday, November 26 Thanksgiving Day 6:15am 8:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Lydia Espiritu, +Doris Saribay, +Mariano Baybado +Eugenio Antonio Special Intention: Gloria Antonio, M/M Roulie Andres, Sherwin Shayanne Valencia, Flaviano & Lucrecia Pacli Friday, November 27 6:15am 7:00am Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Stephen Galafaro, +Mariano Baybado, +Lilia Cabrera, +Teodoro & Arsenia Balucan Saturday, November 28 6:15am 7:00am READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:39;Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Rosary Mass (ML) +Mary Ann Baybado, +Doris Saribay, +Mariano Baybado, Santos, Felipe, & Andresa Malanog, +Francisco Maria Special Intention: Mark Rolfing, Andres Macadangdang, AntolinPuruggan Fmilies 5:30pm Anticipatory Mass (ML & SHM) Sunday, November 29 First Sunday of Advent 6:15am 7:00am 8:00am 8:30am 11:00am 3:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Rosary (ML) Mass (ML) Mass (SHM) Mass (ML) Mass (ML) Latin Mass (ML) the 1st Sunday of every month Mass (ML) Misa Espanol (ML) Alfred Basioa Jr, Clayton Womack, Vinson Comilang, Jake Williams, Christian Hett, William Smith and Shawn Zaverl who are serving in the Armed Forces. Maria Lanakila Church, Lahaina (ML) Sacred Hearts Mission, Kapalua (SHM) 1 El encargado le dijo: “Si lo quieres de verdad, vendrá”. El niño dijo: “Yo sí quiero que venga, voy a poner una silla junto a la mía para que pueda sentarse cuando venga”. Aquella misma tarde, alguien llamó a la puerta, era un hombre mayor, mal vestido, helado y hambriento. El encargado le invitó a cenar y a sentarse en la silla vacía. El hombre se sentó y el niño le pasaba la comida y compartía con él su mismo plato. El niño dijo al encargado: “Probablemente Jesús no podía venir y ha enviado este hombre en su lugar”. Hoy culminamos este itinerario, domingo a domingo, del Año Litúrgico 2015 y se hace obligatorio revisar de qué nos ha servido todas las liturgias, las lecturas y las predicaciones de todo este año y que han apuntado a que podamos nombrar a Jesucristo como Rey, no solo del Universo sino Rey de nuestras vidas, Rey de nuestras familias, Rey de nuestra comunidad. El evangelio nos ayuda a entender quién ese ese Rey y en qué consiste ese reinado. Jesús mismo lo dice, su reino no es de este mundo. Es entonces un reino de amor, de comprensión, de armonía, de paz, de compartir de manera solidaria y humilde, como nos lo enseña el niño del cuentecito, que acoge a un pobre, humilde y necesitado hombre como enviado de Dios. Haces tú lo mismo en tu vida diaria? Fr. Wilson Buitrago AVISOS: - Son invitados a la Escuela de Padres de Familia que tenemos en nuestra Parroquia todos los domingos a las 5:30 pm. - Invitamos a las familias que se quieran inscribir para encargarse de un día de la Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe o para las Posadas. - Invitación a los que quieran ayudar a cocinar en Hale Kau Kau de Santa Teresa para los homeless para el día viernes 4 de diciembre. From the Pastor This Sunday, at the end of Church’s liturgical year, the readings describe the enthronement of the victorious Christ as King in Heaven in all his glory. Instituting this Feast of Christ the King, Pope Pius XI proclaimed: “Pax Christi in regno Christi” (the peace of Christ in the reign of Christ). This means that we live in the peace of Christ when we surrender our lives to him every day, accept him as our God, Savior and King and allow him to rule our lives. Life messages: - We need to accept Christ the King as our Lord, King and Savior and surrender our lives to him. We surrender our lives to Jesus every day when we give priority to his teaching in our daily choices, especially in moral decisions. We need to accept Jesus Christ as our serving King. Jesus claimed that he came not to be served but to serve and showed us the spirit of service by washing of the feet of his disciples. We become his followers when we recognize his presence in everyone, especially the poor, the sick, the outcast and the marginalized in the society and render humble and loving service to Jesus in each of them. God bless Fr.Joseph Pathiyil Father Wilson Buitrago JESUCRISTO REY DEL UNIVERSO PLEASE NOTE: Queridos amigos, Érase una vez un niño que vivía en una residencia para niños huérfanos. A la hora de la comida el encargado siempre bendecía la mesa con estas palabras: “Ven Señor Jesús, sé nuestro huésped y bendice nuestra comida”. Después de escuchar muchas veces la misma oración el niño le dijo: “Siempre le pide a Jesús que venga, pero nunca viene. ¿Vendrá algún día? Effective, Sunday, November 29, 2015 Maria Lanakila Church will no longer have an 11:00am Mass. The new time will be 10:30am. For those who work in the Hospitality industry at the Hotels, please take a flyer located at the entrance of the Church to share with your Guest Service and Front Office Departments. 2 OUTREACH MINISTRY Religious Education Program for Elementary and High School Students: WEDNESDAYS at 5:45-7:00pm, Mother Marianne Hall. Students and Parents meet at 5:45pm for Gathering Prayer and the students will break up and go to their appropriate classroom while the parents are welcome to stay for reflection on scripture. November Class Dates: 4th, 18th & 29th(10:30am Mass) The Fall Season has arrived and we will soon celebrate the holidays. There are many families in need in West Maui due to the economy, loss of jobs, etc. For the Thanksgiving Holiday we prepare gift packages of non-perishable food and attach a gift card from the local grocery stores to purchase their turkey. Please leave your donations of non-perishable foods such as: Canned Vegetables, fruits, turkey gravy, boxes of stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, or 2lb. bags of rice at the entrance of the Church or at the Rectory. Thank you for helping the many less fortunate people of West Maui. Youth (High School) Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 3:00pm in the Youth & Young Adult Room. YOUNG ADULT FORMATION (18-39 yrs.)Meet every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the Youth & Young Adult Room. If you or anyone you know of are in need of assistance with rent, utility bills or food please call Michele Rosenthal Leon, the parish outreach coordinator, at 661-0552. All inquiries are confidential! Mahalo. Do you want to be a Catholic or know someone is interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a Baptized Adult who would like to complete their initiation sacraments of Holy Eucharist/Confirmation? Please contact either Ron & Kathy at 360-509-8072, Robert & Sherlyn Dagdagan at 808-870-6526 or the Rectory Office 661-0552. ADULT BIBLE SERIES: ‘A Biblical Walk through THE MASS’ For the month of November, our Book of Life will be at the entrance of Maria Lanakila Church for you to remember your loved one who have passed this year and to write their names in our Book. ALL SOULS DAY ENVELOPES Wednesdays, 6:00pm-7:00pm, Mother Marianne Hall, Fee $15.00 for materials. Study Facilitator: Allyn Lum: [email protected] or 446-4063. All are invited to grow in understanding all that we say and do in the MASS. Located at the entrance of the Church. Please fill it out with your donation and place it in the collection basket or bring it to the Rectory. All intentions will be remembered at our daily morning Mass for the Month of November. GOT CATHOLIC? Thanksgiving Day Mass, Thursday, November26, will be celebrated at 8:00am at Maria Lanakila , there will be NO 7:00am Mass. Ordinary Time: For a large part of the Liturgical year, we devote ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and understanding. Question: Today we celebrate Christ the King. How much do you let Jesus' truth rule your life? How difficult is it for you to follow Jesus? Hoy celebramos la fiesta de Cristo Rey. ¿En qué medida permites que la verdad de Jesús dicte tu vida? ¿Cuán difícil te es seguir a Jesús? Activity: Together as a family, read stories of the saints who were martyred because they spoke the truth. Juntos, en familia, lean relatos de los santos que fueron martirizados por decir la verdad. Join the 120+ Parishioners who receive our WEEKLY BULLETIN AND OTHER PARISH NEWS via EMAIL. Please send a request email to Mary at: [email protected] . “It is just a little request, but a very important one. Please don’t forget to pray for me, so that I can share with many people the joy of Jesus.” Sacred Hearts School Notes Sacred Hearts School has been continually serving the children of Maui for over 150 years. We invite you to visit us and see how we develop our students in mind, body and spirit. Watch them grow into the young adult this parish can be proud of. Help us to perpetuate the Spirit of ‘Ohana and let love guide us in every step we take, in all we #PopeInUS 3 do. Let future generations always remember that above all, we are here for the children. We are thankful for your prayers and support. Please visit our website:www.shsmaui.org or call the school office at (808)661-4720 for more information. KEIKI KORNER CHRIST 2015 Eddie Would Go Essay Contest WINNERS - Sacred Hearts School - Maui We are pleased to announce the following students from Sacred Hearts School that have been selected as Winners in the 2015 Eddie Would Go Essay Contest: 7th Grade: Erika Ramos-Lagunas - Honorable Mention 8th Grade: Grace Devane - Second Place Erika and Grace, along with all of the student winners will be honored at an Awards Luncheon on Sunday November 15th at the ELKS Club in Honolulu. THE KING COMMUNITY LIFE VITA COMUNITARIA This Week ‘s Meetings & Events Sacred Hearts Society Fundraiser MLC Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30pm SHS 11/16 MON Spanish Adult Bible Study & Choir 6:00pm Art Rm th Cancer Support Meeting 6pm 8 grade 11/17 TUE Pastoral Council Mtg. 5:30pm Art Rm Tongan Choir Prac. 6:00pm MMH 11/18 WED Religious Ed. Prog./Adult Bible 5:45pm MMH 11/19 THU Full Staff Mtg. 8:45am MLC/Rectory Choir Practice 6:00pm MLC Tongan Choir Prac. 7:00pm MLC 11/20 FRI BINGO 5:30-8:00pm MMH 11/21 SAT RCIA 10am-12pm Art Rm Outreach Project with SHS children at Hale Mahaolu 9am 11/15 SUN STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe TRUE STEWARDSHIP The gospel message proclaimed throughout the New Testament invites us to live in harmony with the world. When we are of the world, we rely heavily on the power of wealth, beauty, fame, and accumulation of material possessions. We want earthly possessions and carelessly turn our hearts from the responsibilities of stewardship and conservation. The readings today challenge us to walk away from the world so that we might inherit our share of God’s kingdom. How we live our lives directly reflects our love for God. 2nd Collection: Sacred Hearts School Next Week’s: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Christ Jacinto Foronda Toby Julian Domingo Stewardship November 7/8 Collection Misc. Gifts/Donations Total Income Weekly Expenses Balance Mahalo for your support and generosity. Through the generosity of our Parishioners, and our Visitors we are proud to announce to date, an estimated total collected is over $4,500.00. We will announce the true total soon. $ 8,406.00 2,819.51 11,225.51 14,967.00 ( 3,741.49) Mahalo for your generosity! 4 ad 3 x 3 freeDoM various sizes-28_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 2 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible GENERAL DENTISTRY John D. Dodson, D.D.S. Matthew C. Dodson, D.D.S. Please Pray For Peace For All Lahaina Shopping Center Office Building, Suite 201 Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 2.972 x 2.472 667-7033 One call does it all! 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