The Archdiocese of Cincinnati SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH ϮϬϵ W. Lake Ave · New Carlisle, Ohio ϰϱϯϰϰ · ϵϯϳ͘ϴϰϱ͘ϯϭϮϭ ͼϴϰϲ͘ϭϮϮϯ FAX · www.sacredheartn . Pastoral Region with Mary, Help of Chris tiansǡ Fairborn Weekend Masses Saturday: :00 PM 7: PM(Spanish) Sunday: 9:00 AM )DWKHU 7RP 1HYHOV 3DVWRU SDVWRU#VDFUHGKHDUWQFQHW )DWKHU $ULHO3LFR5LQFRQ Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking 3DULVKLRQHUV³SDGUHDULHO#VDFUHGKHDUWQFQHW Weekday Masses :HG$0&RIIHH.ODWVFKDIWHU0DVV 7hursGD\DW :0 AM )LUVW)ULGD\DW$0 Sister Maria Stacy Hispanic Ministry Director [email protected] Director of Music [email protected] 3DULVK2UJDQLVW Mass in Spanish Saturdays: 7: PM Confessions Saturday: :0 PM30, RUFDOO)DWKHUDVQHHGHG [email protected] New Members Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Abby Wilson Director of Catechesis'5( [email protected] %DSWLVPV:HGGLQJV Please call )U1HYHOVIRU SUHSDUDWLRQ 0DULRDQG/X]0DULD3HUH] $VVLVWDQWVWR'5( [email protected] English Classes Mondays at 7:00 PM 'LFN3KLOOLSV +LJK6FKRROYouth Minister [email protected] Judy Hoeferlin Bulletin Editor Americo Velez [email protected] Parish Council President Deadline: Monday Noon Gary Van Oss 3DVWRUDO$VVRFLDWH [email protected] &KULVWLQD0F*UDWK [email protected] Finance Council President [email protected] Richard Kraus Business Manager Matt Prenatt Buildings [email protected] and Grounds *ROHPELHZVNL+DOO5HQWDO [email protected] “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” – Jesus Christ Parish Office, Bereavement, St. Vincent de Paul...........845.3121 Knights of Columbus…..882.6603 Office of Catechesis…..206.3162 Prayer Group…..845.0181$OFRKROLFV$QRQ\PRXV 3OHDVHUHPHPEHU6DFUHG+HDUWLQ\RXUZLOO SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Stewardship Corner “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) If you held a mirror up to your life, would it reflect God’s love and grace? If you are struggling with this, try changing your attitude from “I want more” to “thank you God for everything you have given me, I have enough to share.” This change in perspective will bring you joy through service to others. Second Collection for World Mission Sunday Today is World Mission Sunday. In scripture, we read that St. Paul asked the Gentile Churches to take up a collection to support the Church in Jerusalem. Now we are asked to reach out and support the young churches throughout our world. Your prayers and generous gifts to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the mercy of God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses and support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders who serve those on the margins and in most need. Go out to the whole world through your gift in today’s collection. Our Sick Need your Prayers Kathy Bame, Betty Bell, Venetia Benefield, Mary Blison, Mary Ann Burless, Mary Coffman, Tim Craft, Ruth Dakin, Jim Davidson, Dale Feibert, Joyce Frazier, Bentura Garcia, Heather Gillespie, Kent Harman, Bonnie Heckman, Greg Karjala, Jr., Ron Romaine Lokai, Ron Lopez, Pedro Martinez, Edna Pierce, Tom Ray, Carol Seth, Annabelle Shemo, Joan Steinlage, Jesus Villegas, Laura West, Mary West, Scott West, Cassandra Wilson, Jonathan Wilson, Walt Wilson and Karen Young. Please pray for our Armed Forces and their families: Cameron Baylis, Matt Carter, Brian Creps, Sheryl Estep, Elizabeth Frye, Trent Gordon, Michael Hughes, Stephen Hughes, Justin M. Mosier, Sean W. Mosier, Larry James Patrick, Jarod Pytel, Meghan Sherman-Vaccaro, Jordan Trick and Justin Wirick. To add or remove someone from the prayer or military list, call 8453121 or email: [email protected]. Names are removed after three months unless removed sooner by request. “Let us focus on generosity, or returning God’s gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure.” — Archbishop Carlson NEW CARLISLE, OHIO Mass Intentions Sat., Oct. 17 6:00 PM 7:15 PM Sun., Oct. 18 9:00 AM Wed., Oct. 21 9:30 AM Thur., Oct. 22 9:00 AM Sat., Oct. 24 6:00 PM 7:15 PM Sun., Oct. 25 9:00 AM Intention of all Parishioners Intention of the Ramirez Family (Friends) Soul of John B. Hidding (Mary Sherman) Soul of Robert Addeo. (Knights of Columbus) Souls of Blair & Stella Brown (Knights of Columbus) Soul of John Scott, Jr. (Knights of Columbus) Intention of the Sanchez Family (Friends) Intention of all Parishioners Readings for Sunday, October 25, 2015 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time JER 31:7–9 · HEB 5:1–6 · MK 10:46–52 Part-time Director of Music Sacred Heart Church in New Carlisle is seeking a part-time Director of Music Ministry. The primary responsibilities involve planning and directing liturgical music ministry and ministers for Sunday liturgies (5:30 p.m. on Saturday and 9:00 a.m. on Sunday), funerals, weddings, holy days of obligation and other occasional parish celebrations. In addition to being skilled on the piano, a successful candidate will need to be proficient on the organ, or at least willing to learn, and will need to be able to lead a choir successfully. Candidate will also need to be self-directed and motivated, open to pastoral guidance, and willing to work collaboratively with parish staff. A degree in music or liturgy is preferred. Fluency in Spanish is an added plus for potential candidate. Please send letter of application, resume and two references to Fr. Tom Nevels at [email protected] or 476 North Scott Street, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Clark County Right to Life now on Facebook This page will be used to share current information on legislation, current events, organizations that support the pro-life mission and local events. Like the page at to stay up-to-date with what is happening in Clark County! For further information, you can also visit the Web site at or call 521-2401. THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMES OCTOBER 18, 2015 Sacred Heart Youth Ministry Upcoming Events Know Him, Love Him, Serve Him Oct 18 —AMP, an opportunity for high school teens to AMP up their spiritual lives. Oct 25—Halloween Party, 6:00–8:00 p.m. costume required. Youth Enjoy Hayride and Donating Time Last weekend six high school youth gave praise to God by enjoying the outdoors. The night could not have been better. The sky was clear and full of stars for the hayride. The evening started with a visit from Fr. Tom. The cool breeze made the camp fire feel good as we cooked the hot dogs and told stories around the fire. On Sunday afternoon the high school youth put smiles on the faces of thirteen kids and their families with the games, pumpkin painting, face painting and the hayride. It is truly a God moment to see the youth of our parish give up their Sunday afternoon for someone else. Thanks to Mary Hughes and Braiden Boweameister for all their help. —With the Holy Spirit, Dick Phillips. Oct 17–18 SVdP Thrift Store Truck at Sacred Heart Mission Sunday 2nd Collection at all Masses Oct 18 Blood Pressure Screening, 10:00 a.m. Oct 21 Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Adoration Chapel Oct 22 FYI Drug Prevention Mini Symposium, 6:00 p.m. parish hall Oct 25 Youth Ministry Halloween Party, 6:00 p.m. Nov 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends K of C Rosary, 8:30 a.m. before Mass Donuts & Coffee, after 9:00 a.m. Mass Nov 2 Memorial Mass for Faithful Departed, 7:00 p.m. Trail Life, 7:00 p.m., parish center Nov 3 Ladies Club Meeting, 7:00 p.m., parish hall Nov 4 Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Adoration Chapel Nov 10 Adoration & Benediction, 7:00 p.m. Election Day Call the parish office at 845-3121 for information. Drug Symposium not Just for Parents The drug symposium in the parish center from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on October 22. is for every adult, teen and person who cares about our community. Dr. Brad Lander will speak about the killer HEROIN and what it does to the brain. Lori Erion will speak on recovery and hope. And Dan Carey will speak on action. Please come to listen, learn, and help us eradicate this epidemic from our communities. Memorial Mass on November 2 Monday, November 2, is All Souls Day when we celebrate the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. There will be a Memorial Mass at 7:00 p.m. Please write the names of your beloved deceased in the Book of Remembrance in the gathering space. SECOND WEEK IN OCTOBER REVENUE Actual Budget (Shortfall) Overage Sunday & Holy Days $ 4,776 $ 4,500 $ 276 Maintenance 294 250 44 All Other 40 613 (573) $5,110 $ 5,363 Second Week in October Totals (253) YEAR TO DATE REVENUE Actual Budget (Shortfall) Overage Sundays & Holy Days 70,339 65,000 5,339 Maintenance 9,061 3,500 5,561 All Other 10,303 7,855 2.448 89,703 76,355 Mission Sunday — $30 St. Vincent de Paul — $500 13,348 Year to Date Totals Respect Life — $60 LAY MINISTERS OCTOBER 24 & 25, 2015 Lectors 6:00 PM 7:15 PM 9:00 AM Servers Nancy Hutson Acolytes Extraordinary Ministers Ushers Greeters Marc Vlasic Mary Meyers Carolyn Sands Bruce Born Steve Eldridge Mac McKenzie Ann Reittinger Peggy Kleimeier Fred Karabaich Mary Yates Dick Kraus Brian & Karen Laycock, Pat Kraus, Matt Middendorf, Jim & Cathy Reittinger Mark Klaus, Hank Oakes, Matt Prenatt, Michael Purtee, Ed Russ, Enrique Suarez Ed Francis Fran Blair Brian Smith Valerie Smith Yajaira Martinez Darryl Bauer Ellen Brunson Xavier Prenatt Michael Uyehata SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH October 24 Will Be a Night to Remember Get your duds ready and come to the Knights of Columbus Annual Celebration of Life Dinner on October 24 beginning at 6:00 .p.m. Music, live auction, a great pork dinner and surprised honorees will be there. The dinner is free—a love offering will be taken up for Family and Youth Initiatives and the programs they do. Come enjoy, meet lots of new friends and help us honor the “special person” of the evening. Call Pat Banaszak at 845-0403 for more information. NEW CARLISLE, OHIO Volunteers Needed to Renew and Rebuild Sacred Heart Be Inspired Join Rev. David Beckmann, World Food Prize laureate and one of the foremost United States advocates on behalf of the hungry and poor. It will change how you think about hunger in our community forever. Catholic Charities, Catholic Social Action and The Bruggeman Center invite you to come to Xavier University on October 22, at 7:00 p.m. The presentation will be in the Conaton Board Room in Schmidt Hall. There is no cost. Please bring a donation to benefit St. Leo Food Pantry. University of Dayton Hiring The University of Dayton is hiring full-time and part-time employees. There are food service and catering job opportunities. Flexible schedules are available for some of these nine month a year positions. To apply, please go to http:/ to view full position descriptions and apply online. Click on “Search Jobs” in the top left toolbar. Fall Dinner at Methodist Church The First United Methodist Church at 220 S. Main Street in New Carlisle is holding their annual fund raising Fall Dinner on Thursday, October 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. They will have turkey and ham dinners, soup, sandwiches, salads and pies. Carry-out is available but please call ahead to 845-8435. Ministry to Homebound Parishioners The Sacred Heart Ladies Club is planning an outreach ministry to our home bound and nursing home parishioners. We are compiling a list of these parishioners with addresses and contact information. We have some names but are certain that there are more we don’t know about. If you know a parishioner who cannot attend church, please call the parish office and let us know. 845-3121 As we settle into our fall schedules, each and every one of you is invited to consider helping in some way at Sacred Heart. Our volunteer program continues as the foundation of our parish and we need more volunteers to rotate into the many key positions open at this time. “A life of stewardship is the best way to show your love and appreciation to God and to give back time, talent and treasure to God.” Our parish commissions offer a wide variety of ways you can serve. Following is a list of active ministries within each commission. Please read them and see where you can best serve with your time and talent. Custodial Manager People to rotate into the custodial teams for the center, church and the rectory. Team to clean hall in-between rentals Snow Removal Manager Snow removal helpers to assist the manager Secretaries -- Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday Web-site Manager Music —adult choir or children’s choir People to take communion to our shut-ins Festival 2016 committee members Please fill out the form in the pew or that you were given and place in the collection basket. You may also return the form to the parish office. Many hands make less work for everyone. New CDS There are several new CDs available in the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the gathering space. “The Mass Comes Alive, Episode 1” Cat Chat is a Catholic Audio Show for kids ages 3-11 to help them learn and love their faith. It features prayer, stories and catchy songs. Whether in the car or at home, you can deepen your understanding of the Catholic Faith by listening to inspiring talks given by some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. Conectate semanalmente por un año escolar. Conocer a tu aprendiz. Asistir a la capacitación Revsión completa de antecedents. Requisitos para un mentor de la comunidad de cibectires: La comunidad de cnectores es un ano largo de iniciativa de tutoria, que esta incorporado por el colegio local de Teumseh, negocios sivos y las familias de New Carlisle; en un esfuerzo para crear un futuro mas prometedor para adolecentes y jovenes del edad 14-21 anos. Que es la Comunidad Conectores? Mary Bower, Co-Director [email protected] Directores del Programa: •Como identificar y ayudar a tu aprendiz con los problemas del comportamiento social y emocional. •Introducción a curriculos diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes a construir 40 elementos fundamentals del desarrollo. •Conceptos basicos de tutoria. Llenar la aplicación para mentores y registrarse para el entrenamiento a www.fyio •Se asocia con tutores profesionales para ayudar con last areas. • Ayuda a definer al aprendiz a trabajar hacia objetivos a largo plazo. •Enfatiza el valor de una Buena educación. •Ayude al adrendiz a indentificar y perfeccionar sus talentos y a desarrollar todo su potencial. • Practique al escuchar de forma activa y que ofresca soporte emocional sin juzgar. •Tome interes geninuo; ser un modelo a seguir. Como mentor, tu tendras el acceso gratis y entrenamiento divertido de tutoría; y constant ayuda de los directores del programa. Mentor de UN estudiante, UNA hora por semana, por UN año escolar; y Conviertete en un catalizador para cambios positivos en New Carlisle. Un gran mentor se espera que:entor ONE student, El entranamiento cubrira: Con constante entrenamiento & ayuda, tu nunca estaras solo Aconseja hoy y ofrece esperanza para el mañor Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón 18 De Octubre 2015 XXIX Domingo Ordinario Misa de 7:15 p.m. ~ La intención de la familia Ramírez Párroco Padre Tom Nevels 937-845-3121 Programa de Catecismo del Sagrado Corazón Padre Ariel Pico Rincon 914-482-0915 Siendo su padre o madre, usted es el educador primario de su hijo. Pero, queremos ayudar! Hermana Maria Stacy 937-258-1309 937-414-0185 Cristina McGrath 937-845-3121 937-823-2459 Abby Wilson Directora del catecismo Mario y LuzMaria Perez Aste. a la Directora del catecismo Oficina Parroquial 937-845-3121 Horario de Misas Sábado: 6:00 pm en inglés 7:15 pm en español Domingo: 9:00 am en inglés Miercoles: 9:30 am en inglés Jueves: 9:00 am en inglés Primer Viernes: 9:00 am en inglés Confesiones Sábados: 5.30 –6:00 pm 7:00–7:15 pm o haga una cita Sacramentos Para Boda: Llame P. Ariel 6 meses antes Para los de más sacramentos llama Cristina para saber los requisitos Nos comprometemos a darle a su hijo: 1) una hora cada semana para acercarse a Dios 2) para aprender la fe católica y 3) de crecer en los valores cristianos con sus compañeros Necesitamos de usted 1) las formas de registro (se encuentran en la iglesia) 2) un certificado de nacimiento para cada niño 3) un certificado de bautismo para cada niño (Los paquetes de inscripción estarán disponibles en la iglesia y la oficina parroquial.) Cómo y cuándo inscribirse? Por favor tenga su registro, todos los documentos requeridos y el pago listo para entregar. Llevan los documentos y papeles al Salón Parroquial (Salón de Bingo) a las 10am. Honorarios del programa: 1 niño: $ 50. 2 niños: $ 75. 3 niños: $ 100. 4 o más hijos: $ 100. Segunda Colecta para la Jornada Misionera Mundia !Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones! En las escrituras, leimos que San Pablo, les pidió a las gentiles Iglesias que realizaran una colecta para apoyar a la iglesia de Jerusalén. Hoy en dia, nos solicitan que apoyemos a las Iglesias jóvenes de todo el mundo. Tus plegarias y regalos generosos a la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe en la colecta de hoy, ayudarán a los misioneros a ofrecer a los pobres de estas áreas, ayuda práctica mientras comparten la piedad del Seńor. Asegurará el desarrollo de diócesis locales, y apoyará el trabajo de curas, religiosos y lideres laicos que sirven a los marginados y los mas necesitados. !Sal al mundo entero a través de tu regalo en la colecta de hoy! Sacred Ladies Club Meeting All the ladies are invited to the Sacred Heart Ladies Club! Their next meeting is on Tuesday, November 3 at 7pm. Come and meet some new friends! Reunión Sagrado Club Femenino Todas las mujeres están invitados a la Club Femenino Sagrado Corazón! Su próxima reunión es el martes 3 de noviembre a las 7 p.m.. Ven a conocer a nuevos amigos! Dificultad en pagar? Habla conmigo, Abby, la Directora de Educación Religiosa para hacer arreglos. Los clases comienzan! Domingo, 20 de septiembre a las 10am en el Centro parroquial! ACTIVIDADES MENSUALES Y SEMANALES Adoración Del Santísimo Segundo mártes del més 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Clases de inglés en el salón parroquial Cada Lunes 7:00 p.m. Reunión del grupo juvenil Cada Martes 7:00 p.m. en el salón parroquial Oración y estudio de la Biblia Cada jueves 7:00 p.m. (Se lleva a cabo en la Agencia de Mujeres (WIC) MERCURI BUILDERS, INC. • Custom Homes • Room Additions • Remodeling Porches • Decks • Siding Windows • Kitchens • Baths C Full Service Jeff ’s Automo ve, Inc. ’ B FRESH MEATS S F C 845-3436 B www.jeffsautomo P B 937 849-1338 316 S. Church St. New Carlisle, OH • Complete Building Services • George Mercuri 325-3451 A Parishioner of Sacred Heart A Parishioner of Sacred Heart H :T 10988 G -F R Ray D. Ruhrmund, D.V.M. 301 S. Main St., New Carlisle Philip Francis : 9-6 • S : 9-4 ,M , OH 45341 845-3534 937-681-3679 Lake Avenue Retirement Village ® Clark County Right to Life Apartments for Lease – 937-342-9071 NOW OPEN Call Now! Park Layne & New Carlisle TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY Funeral Home Quality Retirement 507 W. Jefferson St. New Carlisle Living in 845-9477 New Carlisle! Now Available! Condos For Sale 937-215-3904 Clark Farm Condominiums “Locally owned and operated by people you know and trust.” Phone: 521-2401 Ad in Memory of Joe Wehener For pregnancy informaƟon, Call Pat Banaszak at 845-0403 JEFF BONHAM ELECTRIC, INC. Residential • Commercial 24 Hour Service Generator Sales & Installation 233-7662 MILENA RODRIGUEZ NEW CARLISLE AUTO PARTS • Appliances • Heating & Air • Sales & Service 937-878-3737 2205 SMITHVILLE RD. Pet Grooming & Sitting Service [email protected] Huber Heights Kettering Springfield [email protected] Rev. Paul Vieson, S.M. Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:30 AM Wed: 9:30 AM Non-Resident Associate [email protected] Rev. Samuel González Mass in Spanish every second and fourth Saturday: 7:00 PM Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking parishioners [email protected] •••• Director of Music 24-HR TOWING (937) 845-3869 GERALD (SONNY) MORRIS Confessions Saturday: 4:00 PM, or by appointment [email protected] New Members Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Parish Organist Baptisms Please call Fr. Hummel to schedule. [email protected] (937) 293-1221 Sister Maria CONSTRUCTION INC. Please call our office at least eight months prior to the wedding day. [email protected] 233-2454 Jerry Shaw CHARLES Weddings Hispanic Ministry Director 7595 BRANDT PIKE DAYTON Hollie Danis CHARLES F. JERGENS EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Industrial/Commercial Sitework and Demolition 1280 Brandt Pike • Dayton, OH 45404 937-233-1830 • Fax 937-233-2075 Youth Minister [email protected] English Classes Richard Kraus Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center Business Manager Blood Pressure Screening [email protected] 3rd Sunday of every month, 937-878-5240 Alice Kompar the original since 1921 DAYTON DOOR SALES Sales & Service Carisa Holmes-Peters, Parishioner Weekend Masses Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Parochial Administrator Director of Youth Catechesis Creating Community S Celebrating Lifetimes Celebrating 40 years. Learn more! Rev. Kenneth Hummel Abby Wilson Calvary Cemetery Servicing: Restaurants Supermarkets COMPLETE LINE Office Buildings OF PACKAGING & Contract Cleaners MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES Meat & Bakery Shops Sister Parish to Mary, Help of Christians Parish in Fairborn Bradley Wilson SHAW’S LOCK AND KEY SERVICE Email: [email protected] 2 0 9 W. La k e A v e · Ne w Ca rl is le, Oh io 4 5 3 4 4 · P : 9 3 7 . 8 4 5 . 3 1 2 1 · w w w. sa cred h e a rtn e w c a r li s le . c o m Kristen Kosey Custom Embroidery 937-882-6534 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH (937) 845-3236 Home Furnishings Gallery CC Custom Stitches “Where Personalization Can Be Realization” Charlene Cornwell, Parishioner The Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati LATE MODEL PARTS 10 S. Second St. 252-5000 HOUSER ASPHALT & CONCRETE 223-9207 BETHEL ANIMAL CLINIC • Garage Doors • Entry Doors • Door Openers • Replacement Windows 1112 Springfield Street, Dayton, OH 45403 To advertise with us, or to have your ad printed in COLOR COLOR, please call the church office at 937-845-3121 253-9181 Roofing, Siding, & Gutters AB’S REMODELERS LLC. Alberto Balli, Parishioner 937-765-0839 or 937-732-2891 [email protected] The Clark Family Farm 10:00-11:20 AM Administrative Assistant 12:00 noon, Monday [email protected] Gary Van Oss Finance Council President Maryann Clark-Layton, Parishioner 937-308-4417 Coffee Klatch [email protected] After 9:30 AM Mass on Wed. “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” –Jesus Christ 100% grass fed beef and farm free poultry and gamebirds 8085 New Carlisle Rd, New Carlisle Bulletin Deadline [email protected] Parish Office…………………………..…..….937.845.3121 Office of Catechesis…………………..…..….937.845.1373 Knights of Columbus………………………..937.882.9428 St. Vincent de Paul Society…………...….937.845.3121 Bereavement………………………………..…937.845.3121 Prayer Group………………………….…......937.845.0181
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