The College of Staten Island/CUNY

Nuria Morgado
1. CURRENT TITLE: Associate Professor
World Languages and Literatures (College of Staten Island, CUNY)
Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures (The Graduate Center)
The University of Arizona, 1999- 2003, Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature, May 2003.
The University of Arizona, 1996-1998, M.A. in Hispanic Literature, Fall 1998.
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 1986-1991, Licenciatura in Communications,
Spring 1991.
College of Staten Island 2003-Present Assoc. Prof.
World Langs
and Literatures
The University of Arizona 1998–2003 Asst. Instructor PT Spanish and Portuguese
The University of Arizona 1997-1998 Teaching Asst. PT Spanish and Portuguese
Miembro de número de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española.
Inductee into the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, as sanctioned
by the Spanish Royal Academy, Spring 2015. The honor is given to individuals
based on outstanding research and publications in the field of Spanish language,
linguistics and/or literature.
Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua
Española (Corresponding Member of ANLE), Spring 2013.
Provost's Travel Scholarship Award, College of Staten Island, 2013, 2014.
Meritorious Performance in Teaching, The University of Arizona Foundation, 2002
Sigma Delta Pi National Hispanic Honor Society. Member since1998.
Graduate Registration Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2002, Fall 2001,
Spring 2001, Spring 2000, Spring 1999.
PSC-CUNY, 2011: Today’s Barcelonan Poets: “Minor” Voices In a Different Key,
PSC-CUNY, 2010: Hyperreality and Self-Consciousness in Contemporary Spanish
Narrative, $2,500.
PSC-CUNY, 2009: Hyperreality and Self-Consciousness in Contemporary Spanish
Narrative, $3,700.
PSC-CUNY, 2007: The Kantian Notions of Intuition and Concepts in Antonio
Machado's Lyrical Work and Philosophical Thought, $4000.
PSC-CUNY, 2006: The Kantian Notions of Intuition and Concepts in Antonio
Machado's Lyrical Work and Philosophical Thought, $2,905
PSC-CUNY, 2005: Cultural Marks of Identity in Contemporary Spanish Literature,
PSC-CUNY, 2004: Cultural Marks of Identity in Contemporary Spanish Literature,
Tinker Grant Program for Graduate Student Field Research, 2001: Latin American
Area Center, The University of Arizona.
* N. Morgado, Ed. Voces de mujer. New York/Madrid: Vervuert, 2007.
Introduction, critical apparatus and all explanatory notes to accompany the texts (a
collection of short stories by Spanish writer Lourdes Ortiz).
BOOK ANTHOLOGY (Submitted for publication). Currently under evaluation.
* N. Morgado and R. Pérez, Editors. Filosofía y Letras Hispánicas: Relaciones y
aproximaciones (Nuevas perspectivas).
Brief Abstract
The main goal as editors of this anthology is to bring together philosophy and literature,
specifically in the field of Peninsular and Latin-American literature, not limited to any
particular genre or epoch. Its purpose is to present new approaches that will give us the
possibility of looking at all kinds of texts in new, unexplored ways.
* “Anchura de velas: El escepticismo dialéctico de Kant y Machado como modo de
conocimiento.” Submitted for publication in the book anthology Filosofía y Letras
Hispánicas: Relaciones y aproximaciones (Nuevas perspectivas), edited by N. Morgado
and R. Pérez. Currently under evaluation.
* “Apuntes sobre la esencia de la palabra poética en la obra de Luis Alberto Ambroggio.”
Alba de América. Spring 2015. Forthcoming.
* “De niñas y “lobos”: Parodias de la masculinidad en Caperucita en Manhattan de
Carmen Martín Gaite.” Accepted for publication in a volumen edited by Brígida Pastor
for the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). Accepted for
* “Performance y subversion: parodia de las representaciones normativas de género en
¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? de Pedro Almodóvar.” Miríada Hispánica, 8
(Abril 2014): 153-169
* “Rewritng Classical Myths: Women´s Voices in “Los motivos de Circe” and
“Penélope” of Lourdes Ortiz.” Gendered Gazes around the Twenty-First Century. Edited
by Brígida Pastor. In Culture & History Digital Journal. Vol 2, No 1 (June 2013)
Edición electrónica de Revistas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
* “Feminicidio físico y económico de la mujer hispanoamericana.” Imaginario y realidad
en América Latina: memoria, identidad y política sexual. In Amerika 7 (December 2012).
A Journal of LIRA (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Ameriques.
* “La complicada ‘colonización’ del señor Cayo: o el cuestionamiento de la
Modernidad.” Capital Inscriptions: Essays on Hispanic Literature, Film and Urban
Space in Honor of Malcolm Alan Compitello. Edited by Ben Fraser. Newark: Juan de la
Cuesta, (2012): 289-302.
* “Schopenhauer en el Arte poética de Borges.” Galerna. Revista internacional de
literatura.10 ( 2012): 90-8.
* “Poetas en español en Estados Unidos: Ser y palabra en la poética de Luis Alberto
Ambroggio.” Poesía hispana en los Estados Unidos. Monografías de ALDEEU (2011):
* “La vida pasajera, de Víctor Manuel Ramos: Migración y los flujos de la identidad
líquida.” Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española. 14 (2011):
* “‘¿Quién teme a Schopenhauer?’ Escribir para trascender: la ‘Catedral Metaliteraria’ de
Enrique Vila-Matas.” Contornos de la narrativa española actual (2000-2009): un
diálogo entre creadores y críticos. Toni Dorca and Palmar Alvarez Blanco, Eds. Madrid:
Iberoamericana, 2011. 163-174.
* “Resonancias cervantinas en la narrativa de Antonio Muñoz Molina y Luis Landero.”
Don Quijote y la narrativa posmoderna. Mercedes Juliá, Ed. Cádiz: Publicaciones de la
Universidad de Cádiz, 2010. 131-146.
* “Pedro Salinas en Nueva York: Avisos del poeta exiliado desde la ciudad metafísica.”
Contra el olvido. El exilio español en Estados Unidos. Sebastiaan Faber and Cristina
Martínez-Carazo, Eds. Alcalá de Henares: Instituto Universitario de Estudios
Norteamericanos, 2009. 47-60.
* “Captar una intuición: Schopenhauer en la teoría estética de Luis Landero.” El español,
baluarte del humanismo. Jorge H. Valdivieso and L. Teresa Valdivieso, Eds. Turlock:
Orbis Press, 2009. 39-48.
* “Conversación con Eduardo Lago, premio Nadal 2006.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic
Cultural Studies 13 (2009): 185-196.
* “Entre lo universal y lo local: Montero Glez, Premio Azorín 2008.”
Letras Hispanas 5:2 (2008): 141-149.
* “La presencia de Schopenhauer y el Bildungsroman en Juegos de la edad tardía y El
guitarrista de Luis Landero.” Siglo XXI. Literatura y cultura españolas 4 (2006): 183200
* “Entrevista a Antonio Muñoz Molina: Una mirada al mundo a través de Ventanas de
Manhattan.” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 31.1 (2006): 287-298.
* “Una conversación con Luis Landero: ‘La cabeza es la que busca y el corazón es el que
encuentra.’" Letras Peninsulares 18.2 (2006): 327-338.
* “Una conversación con Elvira Lindo.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 9
(2005): 99-110.
* "Las nociones kantianas de intuición y concepto en Antonio Machado."
Revista Hispánica Moderna 56 (Diciembre 2003): 311-326.
Article submitted on May 2004. Journal was behind in publication schedule.
* “Conversaciones con David Foster: perspectivas sobre el arte y la literatura.”
Letras Hispanas, Spring 2005.
* “Entrevista a Román Gubern: Perspectivas sobre el teatro y el cine español.”
España Contemporánea. 15. 2 (2002): 91-100.
* “El romanticismo en la vida y obra de Lope de Vega.”
Selected Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian
Literature, Language and Culture: 2000. Tucson: Hispanic Symposium Society of the
Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The University of Arizona, 2000: 23-27.
* Hablando bien se entiende la gente (Second Volume)
A publication by ANLE, Fall 2012
Project conceived by ANLE (Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española/
American Academy of the Spanish Language). Each entry contains explanations on how
to use correctly expressions and/or words in Spanish, specifying the wrong uses and
mistakes commonly made.
* Diccionario crítico de directoras europeas de cine. Coordinated by María del Carmen
Rodríguez Fernández and Eduardo Viñuela Suárez. Madrid: Cátedra, 2011.
Eighteen entries for this project conceived by the University of Oviedo (Spain). Each
entry contains the biography and the critical review of the main films directed by
European women film directors.
* En el jardín de los vientos. Obra poética (1974-2014), by Luis Alberto Ambroggio.
Eds. Carlos E. Paldao y Rosa Tezanos-Pinto. Hispania (Forthcoming).
* Octavio Paz: el poema como caminata, by Hugo J. Verani. Boletín Octavio Paz. 2.2
(Sept-Oct. 2013).
* El exilio y la palabra. La trashumancia de un escritor argentino-estadounidense.
Edited by Rosa Tezanos-Pinto. Hispania 97. 1 (March 2014): 168-9.
* Gabriela Mistral y los Estados Unidos. Eds: Gerardo Piña-Rosales, Jorge Covarrubias
and Orlando Rodríguez Sardiñas. Hispania 95. 3 (September 2012): 556-557.
* Fictions as Cognitive Artefacts: The Case of Jorge Luis Borges’ Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis
Tertius, by Alejandro Riberi. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 14 (2010):
* Imágenes de la ciudad. Poesía y cine, de Whitman a Lorca, by Darío Villanueva.
Letras Hispanas. Volume 5, Issue 2 (2008): 133.
* La cultura catalana de expresión castellana, ed. Stewart King. Arizona Journal of
Hispanic Cultural Studies 12 (2008): 256-7.
* Aproximaciones a la novela histórica posmoderna, by Mercedes Juliá. Arizona Journal
of Hispanic Cultural Studies 11 (2007): 251-52.
* Volverás a la región: el cronotopo idílico en la novela española del siglo XIX, by Toni
Dorca. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 9 (2005): 255-257.
* The Landscape Poetry of Antonio Machado. A Dialogical Study of Campos de
Castilla, by Kevin Krogh. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
6 (2002): 313-314.
* Antonio Machado. Prosas dispersas (1893-1936), ed. Jordi Doménech. Arizona
Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 6 (2002). 314-315.
* 1898: Entre la crisi d'identitat i la modernització. Actes del Congrés
Internacional celebrat a Barcelona, 20-24 d'abril de 1998. Arizona Journal of Hispanic
Cultural Studies 5 (2001): 282-283.
* Fictions of the Feminine in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Press, by Lou CharnonDeutsch. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 4 (2000): 307-308.
* Que no haya olvido, by Ambrosio Gallego. Arizona Journal of
Hispanic Cultural Studies 3 (1999): 300-301.
(Tentative title): Kant en Machado. Las nociones kantianas de intuición y concepto en la
obra de Antonio Machado.
Brief Abstract
This book explores the Kantian notions of "intuition" and "concepts," as discussed in
Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and its tremendous influence on Antonio Machado's
work, both prose and poetry. According to Kant, knowledge emanates from two sources:
intuition, or elements of the sensibility, and concepts, or elements of the understanding.
These Kantian notions of "intuition" and "concepts" can be found throughout Antonio
Machado's work, where he exposes his philosophical thoughts and meditates about time
and space, subjective and objective reality, nature and poetic creation.
(Tentative title): Estudios en honor a Joan Gilabert.
Brief Abstract
Festschrift in honor to Professor Joan Gilabert. Contributions are related to any of the
ideas about literature, culture or philosophy that Professor Joan Gilabert has shared with
his students and colleagues throughout his long and productive career.
(Tentative title): Poetas barceloneses de hoy: voces emergentes desde la diversidad.
Brief Abstract
This project seeks to explore the works of contemporary poets, specifically working and
living in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, who write in either Catalan or Spanish. The
focus of this study, then, is the political, ethical, and ideological dimensions that run
through their work and give it a special status in the history of literature. Their work will
manifest a proliferation of different lines of growth, a multiplicity of stems and roots
which can cross at any point to form a variety of possible connections, connections that
the reader will make resulting in a map that entertains minor perspectives working
towards a deterritorialization that expresses, as Deleuze and Guattari write, “states of
desire independent of all interpretation.”
* SPN 339: Spanish Society and Literature through 1700
* SPN 341: Spanish Society and Literature from 1700 to the Present
* SPN 453: Modernism and the Generation of 98
* SPN 450: Novela española de posguerra. (Postwar Spanish Novel)
* SPN 459: Ficciones verdaderas: realidad y fantasía en el cuento español actual. (True
Fictions: Reality and Fantasy in the Contemporary Spanish short stories)
* SPN 340: Spanish Women Writers in Contemporary Spain
* SPAN 87200: Kant and The Generation of 98. New course at The Graduate Center´s
Ph.D. Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Languages and Literatures.
Two new intensive Spanish language courses:
* SPN 120 and SPN 220
These two new intensive courses are equivalent to three semesters of basic
Spanish. These intensive courses will hasten, in a timely fashion, the acquisition
of language competence needed for upper-division Spanish courses.
* Comité Científico del L Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Europea de
Profesores de Español (AEPE), Spring 2015.
* Executive Committee, Cátedra Miguel Delibes. The Graduate Center (CUNY) and
Universidad de Valladolid, Fall 2008- present.
* Activities as member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language,
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE), 2010-present.
Collaborating in the following ANLE Committees:
Vocal of the ANLE Literary Awards Committee
Education Committee
Studies of the Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Committee
Publications and Literary Studies Committee
Editorial Board of Boletín de la ANLE.
* Member of the Editorial Board for the Selected Proceedings of the I Congress of the
ANLE. Spring, 2015.
* Publications and Literary Studies Committee, Assistant Editor of the publications
(anthologies, monographic series) published by the North American Academy of the
Spanish Language, Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE), 2010present.
* Assistant Editor, Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española,
2010- present.
* Editorial Board, Boletín Octavio Paz, 2011-present.
* Editorial Committee, Siglo XXI. Literatura y Cultura Españolas. Revista annual de la
Cátedra Miguel Delibes, 2007-present.
* General Editor and Founder, Letras Hispanas: revista de cultura y literatura. (Fall
2003-Fall 2011)
Letras Hispanas is a journal of criticism, literature and culture in the Hispanic world. All
articles are blind, peer reviewed.
* Member of the Editorial Board for Letras Hispanas: revista de cultura y literatura.
(Fall 2011-present)
* Book Review Editor, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. The University of
Arizona, 2005-present.
* Assistant Editor, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. The University of
Arizona, 1999-2005.
* Assistant Editor, Selected Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium on Hispanic
and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture: 2000. Hispanic Symposium
Society of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The University of Arizona, 2000.
* Editorial Assistant, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, 1998-1999.
* “Nostalgia e identidad líquida: la experiencia inmigratoria en La vida pasajera de
Víctor Manuel Ramos”. Primer Congreso de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua
Española (ANLE). First Congress of the North American Academy of the Spanish
Language. Library of Congress, Washington, DC, June 6-8, 2014.
* “Escribir para trascender: las ficciones de una vida escrita en los ensayos de Enrique
Vila- Matas”. Lecture for the seminar “Auto/Biographical Space: Film, Literature and
Historiography” at ACLA: American Comparative Literature Association. New York
University. March 20-23, 2014.
* “Los límites de la razón y el escepticismo relativo de Kant y Machado: un modelo para
el siglo XXI”. 24th Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature,
Language and Culture. The University of Arizona, February 20-22, 2014
* "El cuestionamiento de la modernidad en El disputado voto del señor Cayo." Kentucky
Foreign Languages Conference. Kentucky University, April 19, 2013.
* “Apuntes sobre la esencia de la palabra poética en la obra de Luis Alberto Ambroggio.”
38th International Symposium of Hispanic Literature. California State University,
Domínguez Hills, March 6-8, 2013.
* “Poetas barceloneses de hoy: voces emergentes desde la diversidad.” XIV Congreso de
la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. Panama City, November, 2011.
* Presentation of book, Al pie de la casa blanca: poetas hispanos en Washington DC,
edited by Luis Alberto Ambroggio and Carlos Parada Ayala. Published by ANLE.
Instituto Cervantes/Cervantes Institute, NY, June 2, 2011.
* “A Universal Meeting with Time and Nature: Conversations with Spanish writers
Antonio Muñoz Molina and Elvira Lindo, and Peruvian artist, Mónica Sarmiento.”
New York Public Library/Mid-Manhattan Branch, May 16, 2011.
* “El humanismo político de Miguel Delibes en la novela y en la película El disputado
voto del señor Cayo.” The Graduate Center, April 28, 2011.
* “Sobre el exilio, la identidad y el desconcierto existencial en La vida pasajera de Victor
Manuel Ramos.” (Invited by ANLE). New York University, April 22, 2011.
* “Ética y estética en el ‘Retrato’ de Antonio Machado.”
NEMLA at Rutgers University, April 7, 2011.
* Interviewee on the issue “Spanglish in the United States.”
ABC Television Network. Program: Tiempo, hosted by Joe Torres.
Aired: March 27, 2011.
* “La mujer en la poesía de Miguel Hernández.”
Homenaje a Miguel Hernández en el centenario de su nacimiento.
Centro Español La Nacional. New York, October 2010. (Invited by ANLE)
* “Schopenhauer en el Arte poética. Seis conferencias de Borges.”
Borges and Us: Then and Always Conference. Hofstra University, November, 2009.
* “Arte y vida, historia y ficción en Las manos de Velázquez de Lourdes Ortiz.”
Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference. Kentucky University, April, 2008.
* “Ecos cinematográficos y la construcción de identidad en El invierno en Lisboa de
Antonio Muñoz Molina.”
XXXII Congress of Hispanic Literatures. Indiana University, PA. October, 2006.
* “Captar una intuición: Schopenhauer en la teoría estética de la creación literaria de Luis
Landero.” IV International Congress of the Hispanic Association for the Humanities.
Madrid, June 24-27, 2006.
* “Entre la realidad y la ficción: construcción de la identidad en dos novelas de Luis
Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference. Kentucky University, April 2006.
* “Encuentro con Elvira Lindo: Presentación de su novela Una palabra tuya.”
Instituto Cervantes. New York, September 2005.
* “La presencia del pensamiento schopenhauriano en la narrativa de Luis Landero.”
Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference. Kentucky University, April 2005.
* “La búsqueda de identidad personal en la narrativa de Luis Landero y Antonio Muñoz
The Graduate Center, April 2005.
* “Resonancias cervantinas en la narrativa de Antonio Muñoz Molina y Luis Landero.”
Don Quijote at 400: A Celebratory Encounter. Villanova University, March 2005.
* “Un acercamiento metafisico a la imagen de la mujer en los poemas de Antonio
24th LA Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures. Louisiana State University,
Feb. 2004.
* “La tradición cultural del esperpento español en La comunidad de Alex de la Iglesia:
una sátira moral y social vista a través de un espejo cóncavo.”
Hispanic Cultural Studies: The State of the Art. The University of Arizona, 2002.
* “La influencia de la metafísica kantiana en la obra de Antonio Machado.”
Twelfth Annual Graduate Student Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature,
Language and Culture. The University of Arizona, 2002.
* “The Current Situation of the Spanish Theater as a Cultural Phenomenon.”
Latin American Area Center, Lecture Series. The University of Arizona, 2001.
* “El romanticismo en la vida y obra de Lope de Vega.”
Tenth Annual Graduate Student Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature,
Language and Culture. The University of Arizona, 2000.
* Co-organizer: Colloquium “Cervantes, clásico universal: Cuatrocientos años de Don
Quijote II.” Instituto Cervantes, New York, April 15, 2015.
* Co-organizer of three panels “Charlas en honor a Joan Gilabert”. 24th Annual
Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. The
University of Arizona, February 20-22, 2014.
* Co-organizer of Symposium: Encuentros entre Literatura, Filosofía y las Artes
Visuales. The Graduate Center, November 3 and 4, 2011.
* Organizer and Moderator: The Delibes Chair: “De la literatura al cine: visiones de la
España rural en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.”
The Graduate Center, May 6, 2011.
* Moderator of Panel at Primer Congreso de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua
Española (ANLE). First Congress of the North American Academy of the Spanish
Language. Library of Congress, Washington, DC, June 6-8, 2014.
* Moderator and respondent at “Los Límites del Atlántico: Epistemologías Insulares.”
I Congreso del Centro de Estudios Canarias-América. Hunter College, April, 25-26,
* Moderator of “Charlas en honor a Joan Gilabert”. 24th Annual Symposium on Hispanic
and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. The University of Arizona,
February 20-22, 2014
* Moderator of Panel at the IV Coloquio Internacional Cine Iberoamericano
Contemporáneo:géneros cinematográficos (2): la comedia y el melodrama.
The Graduate Center, June 12, 2013.
* Moderator of Panel "Session in Honor of Malcolm Compitello II: Structure and
Ideology in Spanish Literature." Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference. Kentucky
University, April 18, 2013.
* Moderator of Panel “Creatividad y Filosofía.” Encuentros entre Literatura, Filosofía y
las Artes Visuales. The Graduate Center, November 3 and 4, 2011.
* Moderator of Panel at Intermediality and Spanish-Language Visual Culture, a day
conference at The Graduate Center, November 18, 2011.
ALDEEU: Spanish Professionals in America
ACLA: American Comparative Literature Association
ANLE: Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española
AATSP: American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese.
MLA: The Modern Languages Association.
Sigma Delta Pi International Hispanic Honor Society.
Hispanic Symposium Society of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese:
Founding Member.
College of Staten Island
Spanish 113
Basic Spanish I
Spanish 114
Basic Spanish II
Spanish 120
Intensive Basic Spanish
Spanish 213
Basic Spanish III
Spanish 215
Intermediate Spanish Language
Spanish 313
Advanced Communication
Spanish 340
Topics in Spanish Literature
Spanish 320
Spanish Civilization
Spanish 359
Peninsular Spanish Literature and Culture I
Spanish 425
The Golden Age of Spanish Drama
Spanish 450
The Modern Spanish Novel
Spanish 475
The Contemporary Spanish American Short Story
Spanish 453
Modernism and the Generation of 98
Spanish 430
Cervantes and Don Quijote de la Mancha
Spanish 339
Spanish Society and Literature through 1700
Spanish 341
Spanish Society and Literature from 1700 to the Present
The Graduate Center (CUNY)
Spanish 75000
Twentieth-Century Spanish Poetry to 1936 (Fall 2010)
Spanish 87200
Kant and The Generation of 98 (Spring 2013)
* Universidad de Oviedo (Spain): Reader in a Ph.D. Dissertation and member of the
Committee for its defense, Spring-Summer 2013.
* Universidad de Oviedo (Spain): Reader in a Ph.D. Dissertation and member of the
Committee for its defense, Spring-Summer 2008.
* Reader-evaluator of three articles considered for publication at the national Spanish
journal ARBOR, published by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
* Department Representative to CUNY Foreign Language Council. Spring 2004-2007.
Member of the following Committees:
* Member of the Executive Committee, Fall 2012-present
* Member of the Curriculum Committee Graduate Center, Spring 2012, present
* Faculty Membership Committee, Spring 2011- present.
* Hispanic Examinations Committee for Doctoral Exams (First and Second exams).
Spring 2010- present.
Director and Reader of the following Dissertations:
* Director of three Ph.D. Dissertations, Spring 2010- present.
* Reader in several Ph.D. Dissertations, Spring 2010- present.
Member of the following Committees
* Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Fall 2013-Spring 2015
* Faculty Senate Committee Representative, Spring 2012- Fall 2013
* Representative to the Undergraduate Research Conference Committee, 2011present.
* Search Committee Member for the AVP for Enrollment Management, Spring 2009
* Representative to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2008-2009 academic
* Faculty Senate Committee, alternate representative, Fall 2006- Spring 2008.
* Faculty Scholarship Committee for the 2006-present.
* Representative to the Committee for Affirmative Action, 2005- present.
Organization of Conferences and Performances
* Organizer of “A Conversation with Marta López-Luaces. Winner of the International
Latino Book Award for Best Fantasy Novel, Fall 2014.
* Organizer of a Conference by the National Awarded Spanish Poet Luis García
Montero, Spring 2013
* Organizer of Sabrina Lastman performance, at the Hispanic Heritage Month 2012,
Fall 2012.
* Presentation of the movie La Comunidad as part of Hispanic Heritage Month, Fall
* Organizer of a Conference by the Spanish writer Laura Freixas in CSI, Spring 2012
* Hispanic Heritage Month: organization of conferences and other events, Fall 2008Present
Other CSI Service
* Participation at CSI Recruitment of new students. Fall 2003- Spring 2004.
* World on Wednesdays Lecture. "An Introduction to the Life and Works of the Spanish
Poet Antonio Machado." March 3, 2004.
Member and Chair of the following Committees
* Member of the Italian Search Committee, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
* Member of the Spanish Search Committee, Fall 2013-Sring 2014
* Member of the French Search Committee, Fall 2013- Spring 2014
* Member of the Appointments Committee, Fall 2007-present.
* Chair of the Spanish Search Committee, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.
* Chair of the Spanish Search Committee, Fall 2008-Spring 2009.
* Chair of the Spanish Search Committee, Fall 2007-Spring 2008.
* Member of the French Search Committee, Fall 2008-Spring 2009.
* Member of the Italian Search Committee, Fall 2008, Spring 2009.
* Member of the Spanish Search Committees, Fall 2005 - Spring 2007.
Activities as Coordinator and Curriculum Development
* Coordinator of all sections of Spanish 114, Fall 2012-Spring 2013
* Coordinator of all sections of Spanish 113, Fall 2011- Spring 2012, Spring 2014
* Coordinator of the Spanish Program, Fall 2007- Spring 2010.
* Development of two new intensive Spanish courses.
* Development of new courses for the Spanish major.
* Coordinator of all sections of Spanish 114, Fall 2005.
* Conversational Spanish Tables, Fall 2004.