Raising Special Kids Families Helping Families What’s the Best School for My Child? Connecting Spring 2015 Staff Spotlight Kelly Randall - Family Support Specialist K elly Randall was surprised when her son Nathan’s first grade teacher suggested he might be experiencing seizures. Kelly was still learning about autism, and she had assumed the times Nathan wouldn’t respond to her were due to his autism. Nathan’s epilepsy diagnosis began a new and stressful phase of her family’s journey. “Some of the medications Nathan was prescribed really changed his normally sweet personality. I remember calling the doctor with my concerns and hearing him say ‘Well, that’s all I’ve got.’ I was stunned. I felt utterly alone. That’s when I reached out to other organizations like the Epilepsy Foundation and Raising Special Kids.” Kelly recently joined the Raising Special Kids staff and assists families in finding resources, mentoring, and support to help them navigate through their challenges. She commented, “I just don’t want anyone to feel as alone as I did. I really found my calling in helping families whose journey includes learning about epilepsy and trying to find appropriate interventions.” CONTENTS CONTENIDO What’s the Best School?. . . 1 ¿Cuál es la Mejor Escuela?. 5 Opportunities for Parents and Young Adults. . . . . . . . 4 Talleres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Creating Community Connections . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parent Leaders . . . . . . . . . . 9 Workshops & Training. . . . 5 This publication is partially supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Family to Family Health Information Centers, CFDA No. 93.504. The information, content, and conclusions should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government. raisingspecialkids.org Connecting is published by Raising Special Kids 5025 E. Washington St., #204 Phoenix, AZ 85034 602-242-4366 • 800-237-3007 Fax: 602-242-4306 www.raisingspecialkids.org [email protected] Flagstaff Office 928-444-8834 Sierra Vista Office 520-441-3411 Tucson Office 520-441-4007 Yuma Office 928-444-8803 STAFF Joyce Millard Hoie Executive Director Anna Burgmann, Gloria Demara, Kathy Freeman, Vickie French, Kathy Gray-Mangerson, Rachel Hanzuk, Denise Hauer, Marie Hoie, Wendi Howe, Angelica Lara, Maureen Mills, Janna Murrell, Kim Obert, Gabriela Parra, Dolores Rios Herrera, Kelly Randall, Vicky Rozich, Nannette Salasek, Paulina Serna, Peggy Storrs, Nilda Townsend, Christopher Tiffany, Alice Villarreal, Leslie Williams, Neil Wintle BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paula Banahan, President Karin Smith, Vice President Tom Batson, Treasurer Blanca Esparza Pap, Secretary Barbara Brent Leslie Cohen Tonya Gray Karen Hinds Mike Horne Regan Iker-Lopez Jennifer Kupiszewski Jacob Robertson Gabriela Sanchez-Orozco Dr. Wade Shrader Parent to Parent support is the heart of Raising Special Kids. Information about local services, educational programs, advocacy, or special health care needs is available in English, Spanish and other languages. Services are provided at no charge to families in Arizona. Raising Special Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. What’s the Best School for My Child? Six Traits of Highly Performing Schools in Arizona P arents often ask about finding the best school for their child, and the question is not easily answered. What is considered appropriate by one parent may be entirely different for another. Whatever criteria parents consider in seeking the ‘best’ school, they often need useful information to evaluate how well a school can support the academic achievement of students with disabilities. The Arizona Department of Education examined three years of statewide testing data to find the schools where students with disabilities improved academically year after year. Through onsite visits with districts and charter schools, data collection and evaluation methods were used to examine what schools were doing to consistently improve outcomes for students. The goal was to identify key strategies to share with other schools and parents to improve outcomes for more students. It turns out that every high-performing school had six traits in common. 1. High Expectations Too often, students’ educational opportunities are limited by low expectations. When there are strong connections between general education and special education teachers, and a student-first mentality, schools develop high expectations for all students. 2. Highly Effective Teaching Strategies Instruction was intentional and purposeful, with lesson plans and activities written in advance and based on data that could continually advance students to mastery students the opportunity to master essential skills and knowledge before they move on to the next level. 5. Students with Disabilities Receive Core Instruction in the General Education Classroom “...time spent in a genThe largest, longitudinal eral education classstudy of education outcomes room was positively of 11,000 students with discorrelated with higher abilities, the National Lonscores on standardized gitudinal Transition Study, tests..., fewer absences showed that more time from school, and fewer spent in a general education referrals for disruptive classroom was positivebehavior.” of concepts and skills taught. Students were not just “receiving” an education; they were actively pursuing and participating in it. 3. Data Driven DecisionMaking As Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, explains, “It [data] tells us where we are, where we need to go, and who is most at risk… [Teachers] want to know exactly what they need to do to teach and how to teach it.” 4. Students Are Provided with Reteach and Enrichment Activities Based on achievement, teachers assign students to either reteach or enrichment sessions. The goal is to give ly correlated with higher scores on standardized tests of reading and math, fewer absences from school, and fewer referrals for disruptive behavior. These results were independent of students‘ disability, severity of disability, gender, or socio-economic status. 6. Effective Leadership The schools’ leaders (superintendents, principals, special education directors, and lead teachers) set expectations for implementing effective strategies. Most principals were visiting classrooms regularly and participating in the meetings for all students, including those with disabilities. Many leaders set the standard for inclusion with the continued on page 2 raisingspecialkids.org 1 message, “these are all our students.” To find the ‘best’ school where your child continually achieves academic success, ask the principal or administration of the school about how they can demonstrate effectiveness on these six traits. While many variables influence a child’s success in any given environment, you can begin with your own data-driven decision making for selecting the ‘best’ school to meet your high expectations. Angela Denning, Deputy Associate Superintendent, Arizona Department of Education, is the state’s director of Exceptional Student Services. She described recent trends in measuring success for students with disabilities as shifting from compliance (getting evaluations completed within 60 days) to results (competitive employment and/or continuing education after high school). Ms. Denning stated, “The results-driven accountability initiative provides an opportunity to increase support for improving student outcomes. We’ll be able to use information from this study to help strengthen the efforts of schools to implement these six effective practices.” In addition to these six traits, there is another characteristic almost every good school exhibited: parental involvement. Parental involvement that makes the most impact on student achievement is not volunteer work at school, but the time spent supporting a child’s academic and educational goals 2 MORE ABOUT THE SIX TRAITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS 1. High Expectations Raising Student Achievement for Students with Disabilities: Characteristics of Successful Districts http://www.azed.gov/special-education/files/2015/01/characteristics-of-successful-districts.pdf Higher Expectations to Better Outcomes for Children with Disabilities http://www.ed.gov/blog/2014/06/higher-expectations-to-better-outcomes-for-children-with-disabilities/ 2. Highly Effective Teaching Strategies Highly Effective Teaching – HET https://resources4teachers.wordpress.com/het-susan-kovalik/ 3. Data Driven Decision Making Using Data to Influence Classroom Decisions http://www2.ed.gov/teachers/nclbguide/datadriven.pdf The Context of Data-Driven Decision Making http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/48142_chap1.pdf 4. Reteach and Enrichment Activities 5 Strategies to Ensure Student Learning http://www.edutopia.org/stw-differentiated-instruction-budget-assessment-how-to 5. Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom Rationale for and Research on Inclusive Education http://on.nyc.gov/1yPSTz1 School Inclusion Resources from CIPR http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/inclusion/ 6. Effective Leadership Raising Student Achievement for Students with Disabilities: Characteristics of Successful Districts http://www.azed.gov/special-education/files/2015/01/characteristics-of-successful-districts.pdf through reading at home, and ment to high expectations and developing critical thinking student achievement through skills. During your school-search parental involvement. conversations, you’ll have an opportunity to show your commit- raisingspecialkids.org Special for special day kids Special f o2,500 r f am iparents l ie s o f cand h i l d children re n w i t h dhad i s a bfun il i t i eats Special a n d s p ecDay i a l hfor e a lt h c a re Kids! n ee d s March 21, 2015 Photos by Jeff Lang - All in the Family Photography raisingspecialkids.org 3 Opportunities for Parents and Young Adults Share your perspective W ould you like to share your perspective on raising a child with a disability? Your wisdom and experience could help other families receive the care they need, and assist state programs in designing and developing appropriate services. • Ready to share your experience to help other families in your community disability, asthma, diabetes, autism, behavioral health, sensory disability, life-threatening aller• Complete an application gies, anxiety disorder, cancer, and a series of required physical disability, seizure disorleadership development der, or almost any other chronic condition. trainings Parents and youth who com- Questions? plete the training series receive Call Raising Special Kids at • A resident of Arizona compensation, and also receive 602.242.4366 or e-mail info@ • Parent or guardian of a compensation for participation raisingspecialkids.org for an application child with special health in project activities. care needs between the What are special health Leadership opportunities and ages of birth to 21 compensation are provided care needs? through a contract with the • Young adult between the Any condition that requires Arizona Department of Health ages of 18-26 with special more doctor visits or health care health care needs and not services than most children or Services, Office of Children with Special Health Care Needs. under guardianship youth. Examples are: learning Here is what is required: Creating Community Connections H eysi Notario was really excited to participate in last fall’s Virginia G. Piper Sports and Fitness Center (SpoFit) IronKids event sponsored by United Healthcare. He found out about the event from Raising Special Kids Family Support Specialist, Dolores Rios Herrera who reached out to his family with a personal invitation. Heysi showed up to the event fully-prepared to have fun and to do his best. chair was and asked him if that er have met him. Thank you for was the chair he used all the making the connection to Heysi time and he said, ‘yes’.” As her and his family.” conversation with Heysi continued, Judie found out that he is very interested in many types pf physical activities and a spark of an idea took hold with her. Judie reached out to some of her connections and within a short time, was able to arrange to have a lighter chair donated to Heysi. Now, it’s much easier for him to participate in the activiAlso attending the event was ties he enjoys and he’s even beJudie Walker, Ombudsman/ gun volunteering at the SpoFit. Member Advocate for United Judie and Heysi continue to Healthcare Community Plan. keep in contact and Judie exJudie recalls seeing Heysi arrive, pressed her thanks, “Without “I noticed how bulky his wheel- Dolores’s efforts, we would nev4 raisingspecialkids.org No Cost Workshops & Training Register online at raisingspecialkids.org or call 800-237-3007 PHOENIX YUMA Disability Empowerment Center 5025 E Washington St, Ste 204 Phoenix, AZ 85034 This building is fragrance-free CW McGraw Elementary School 2345 Arizona Ave Yuma, AZ 85364 IEP Training Thu, Apr 23, 6-8pm IEP Training Wed, Apr 22, 5-7pm Legal Options, Turning 18 Thu, Apr 23, 6-8pm For our most up-to-date training schedule, check http://www. raisingspecialkids.org/eventstraining/ Partnering with Your Child’s Provider Family Voices - National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships A s your child’s most consistent caregiver, you know your child/youth with special health care needs in ways that no one else does. The following tips will help you prepare for an office visit, talk with your child’s provider, and learn more after the visit. Trust your instincts Seek all the information that you can Search for providers that meet your needs Ask for special consideration if needed Look for ways that other family members can participate Communicate openly with your child’s providers Help your child build a relationship with his/her providers Ask every question that is on your mind Don’t be intimidated Ask for additional reading material Ask to tape a conversation A diagnosis may take time Ask for a written care plan Ask for help in financing your child’s care Learn from other parents Maintain a file of important information Seek second opinions if needed Change providers if needed Don’t give up Taken from Partnering with Your Child’s Provider, Family Voices 1-16-2015 http://www.fv-ncfpp.org/ files/4414/2149/5755/ParentsPartnering_01-16-2015r.pdf raisingspecialkids.org 5 ¿Cuál es la Mejor Escuela para su Hijo? Seis características de escuelas altamente destacadas en Arizona A menudo los padres preguntan acerca de las mejores escuelas para sus hijos, y la pregunta no es tan fácil de responder. Lo que es considerado apropiado por un padre podría ser completamente diferente para otro. Sea cual fuere el criterio que los padres consideren para localizar la "mejor" escuela, frecuentemente necesitan información para determinar qué tan bien puede una escuela apoyar los logros académicos de estudiantes con discapacidades. El departamento de educación de Arizona examinó los resultados de datos de pruebas de tres años a través del estado, para localizar las escuelas en las que los estudiantes con discapacidades mejoraron académicamente año tras año. Por medio de visitas a los distritos y a las escuelas charter o escuelas públicas experimentales, se recopilaron datos y métodos de evaluación utilizados para examinar qué estaban haciendo consistentemente las escuelas para mejorar los resultados obtenidos de los estudiantes. La meta era identificar las estrategias claves para compartirlas con otras escuelas y con otros padres para mejorar los resultados obtenidos por más estudiantes. Una vez completado el análisis, resultó que cada una de las escuelas altamente destacadas tenía seis características en común. 1. Altas expectativas Habían fuertes sistemas de apoyo entre los maestros de educación general y de educación especial, y una 6 mentalidad de "primero el estudiante", era evidente en las escuelas con altas expectativas para sus estudiantes. 2. Estrategias de enseñanza altamente efectivas Con enseñanza intencional y con propósito, con lecciones planificadas y actividades escritas por adelantado, basado en datos que podría continuamente hacer que los estudiantes avanzaran en su manejo de conceptos y destrezas enseñadas. Los estudiantes no estaban solo "siendo educados ", estaban activamente adquiriendo y participando en su educación. 3. Toma de decisiones basado en datos Como lo explicó Arne Duncan, la secretaria de educación de los Estados Unidos (US Secretary of Education), “los datos nos indican dónde está ubicado el estudiante, hacia dónde debemos dirigirnos, y quién tiene más riesgo… [Los maestros] quieren saber exactamente lo que necesitan hacer para enseñar y cómo enseñar.” 4. A los estudiantes se les proveen actividades de reenseñanza y de enriquecimiento. Basado en el análisis de datos, los maestros asignan estudiantes a sesiones de re-enseñanza o de enriquecimiento. La meta es raisingspecialkids.org de darles a los estudiantes la oportunidad de manejar destrezas y conocimientos esenciales antes de pasar al próximo nivel. 5. Los estudiantes con discapacidades reciben instrucción básica en el salón de clases de educación general. 6. Liderazgo efectivo Los líderes de las escuelas (superintendentes, directores, directores de educación especial y maestros líderes) gradúan el tono y las expectativas para la implementación de estrategias efectivas. Muchos de los directores visitaban los salones de clases frecuentemente y participaban en las juntas de datos de todos los estudiantes, incluyendo los estudiantes con discapacidades. Muchos de los líderes han estado en el distrito o en la escuela por años y, de acuerdo con el informe del departamento de educación de Arizona (ADE) han fijado el estándar de inclusión con el mensaje "estos son todos nuestros estudiantes." Para encontrar la mejor escuela donde su hijo pueda continuamente adquirir éxito académico, pregunte al director o a la administración de la escuela acerca de cómo pueden demostrar su efectividad en estas seis características. Aunque muchas variables pueden influir el éxito del niño en un ambiente determina- do, usted podría comenzar con su toma de decisión basado en datos para seleccionar la 'mejor' escuela que llene sus altas expectativas. Angela Denning, es la superintendente asociada oficial del departamento de educación de Arizona (Deputy Associate Superintendent, Arizona Department of Education), directora estatal de servicios para estudiantes excepcionales. Ella describió los cambios sobre las recientes tendencias de medida del éxito de los estudiantes con discapacidades, del cumplimiento (tener las evaluaciones completadas en un periodo de 60 días) a resultados (empleo competitivo y/o continuación educativa después de la escuela secundaria). La Sra. Denning dijo que "la iniciativa de responsabilidad de resultados provee una oportunidad para aumentar el apoyo para mejorar los resultados obtenidos de los estudiantes. Vamos a poder utilizar la información de este estudio para fortalecer los esfuerzos de las escuelas a im- plementar estas seis prácticas efectivas." Además de estas seis características, hay otra característica que casi todas las buenas escuelas tienen: la participación de los padres. La participación de los padres que produce más impacto en los logros de los estudiantes no es el trabajo de voluntario en la escuela, sino más bien el tiempo dedicado en apoyar las metas académicas y educacionales por medio de la lectura en el hogar, y del desarrollo de destrezas de razonamiento crítico. Durante sus conversaciones de búsqueda de escuela, tendrá la oportunidad de demostrar su compromiso con las altas expectativas y logros del estudiante por medio de su participación como padre. http://www.azed.gov/special-education/files/2015/01/characteris tics-of-successful-districts.pdf Estrategias de enseñanza altamente efectivas https://resources4teachers.wordpress. com/het-susan-kovalik/ Toma de decisiones basado en datos http://www2.ed.gov/teachers/nclbguide/datadriven.pdf http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/48142_chap1.pdf Actividades de re-enseñanza y de enriquecimiento http://www.edutopia.org/stw-differentiated-instruction-budget-assessment-how-to Inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidades en el salón de clases de educación general Justificación de e Investigación sobre Educación Inclusiva http://on.nyc.gov/1yPSTz1 RECURSOS Altas expectativas Aumento de logros estudiantiles para estudiantes con discapacidades (Raising Student Achievement for Students with Disabilities): Characteristics of Successful Districts Inclusión Escolar h t t p : / / w w w. p a r e n t c e n t e r h u b . o r g / repository/inclusion/ Encuesta sobre la participación de los padres http://www.azed.gov/special-education/files/2014/05/indicator-8-parent-involvement-ffy-2012ly.pdf Talleres y Entrenamiento ¡REGÍSTRESE HOY! www.raisingspecialkids.org o llame al 800-237-3007 SAN LUIS Biblioteca Pública de San Luis 1075 N 6th Ave San Luis, AZ 85349 Organizando los archivos de sus niños vie, 8 mayo, 5-7pm YUMA CW McGraw Elementary School 2345 Arizona Ave Yuma, AZ 85364 Entrenamiento del IEP jue, 23 abr, 5-7pm SABADO 6 de junio 7:30 AM -5:30 PM Conferencia en Español Todas las presentaciones y materiales serán exclusivamente en Español Disability Empowerment Center, Phoenix cupo limitado almuerzo incluido no habrá cuidado de niños www.raisingspecialkids.org raisingspecialkids.org 7 Thank You for Referring Families July - December 2014 To refer a family to Raising Special Kids, please visit our website and download a referral form. ABIL Penny Fore Patty Hackmann ACTS Lorena Lopez Airman Readiness Group Marjorie Thompson Alhambra School District Christina Carolan, SLP Arizona Autism United Paulina Tiffany Ehren Werntz Arizona Cooperative Therapies Rachel Gibbons Daniela Rodriguez Arizona Department of Education Joan Curtis Angela Denning Amy Dill Maria Durazo Becky Raabe Barbara Sandy Travis Sherbourne Oran TKatchov Candice Trainor Arizona Relationship Institute Vallerie Alston Lisa Gold Arizona’s Children Association Tara Korkosz Beltran Yajahira Boroquez Bonnie Bowers Isabel Garcia Christina Heinzel Taiesha Iles Amy Jordan Anna Longoria, MSW Jane Lord Nicole Martin Kendra Pulley Brianna Rabago Angela Radford Jeff Garcia Rasch Joshua Simpson Beth Sopjes Meagan Vasey Alejandra Verdin Lindsay Rayball Villa Andrea Wittekind Amanda Wolfe Avondale Family Health Center Kathy Moasser AZ Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Jennifer Hensley Banner Cardon Children’s Medical Center Ashley Gershanor Lucille McElrath Shayla Paap, MSW MaryAnn Sawyer, RN Jessica Wells, MSW Patty Zowada, LMSW Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center Dr. Sarah Coles Cynthia Nakamura 8 Danielle Page, LMSW Dr. Christopher Peterson Annamarie Ricci, LCSW Banner Thunderbird Medical Center Anne Bordal Diana Nabozny, MOTRL Mary Wagner Bayless Health Care Pamela Greenberg Stephanie Johnson Harmony Swisher Care 1st Avondale Resource Center Jennifer Griffin Chandler Unified School District Carrie Day Alison Hermsen Chicanos Por La Causa Kim Pearson Teresa Arrizon Bethany Draime Emily Jimenez Silvia Zavala Child and Family Support Services Jennifer Wild Children’s Rehabilitative Services Sarah Anderson, PhD Tava Arnold Anselma Berumen Nicole Frazier-Zaruba, DNP Jennifer Gray, PhD Bonnie Hartley Sara Navarro Samantha Nordvold Jessica Schild, LCSW Linda Thunn Judi Tyler Donna Wallace City of Phoenix Early Headstart Sophia Garcia City of Phoenix Head Start Ingrid Hogan Mayra Morales Deborah Alvy Angelica Sillas Community Intervention Associates Sky Heffran Community Provider of Enrichment Services Carolina Prieto Desert Shores Pediatrics Margaret Duran Desert Valley Pediatrics Kristal Fabian Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council Nicolina Chavez Developmental Discovery Center Drake D Duane Division of Developmental Disabilities Sylvia Acosta Brittany Adkins Julie Amodeo Mary Anderson Tiffany Arenas Jodi Barnes Lisette Barragan Lida Basir Thelma Begay Kimberly Bell Cyndy Bensma Karissa Brnak Lois Brooks Sandi Brown Theresa Buntz Kathleen Caeder Kathleen Calder Ashley Cannella Coreen Collins Susan Courinos Amanda Daines Adrienne Dickson Ashley Dzurnak Osnelly Franklin Joelle Gillett Theresa Gillmore Jeannie Groom Kathi Guildig John Hall Tammy Hamann Amber Hampson Melinda Harrington Julia Harris-Pachter Susan Hartz Rachel Hayes Peggy Hedrogo Priscilla Hernandez-Bailey Debbie Hooper Jacelyn Horner Lauren Iwen DeVell Jackson Jill Keyes-McClements James Kimball Michael Knudson Richard Koutz Cheryl Lubahn Celeste Lugo Cindy Machinski Candy Mancuso Ellyn Manzon Victoria Markowicz Lucia Marquez Melissa Mason Ellyn Mazo Diana Mendoza Katie Minturn Melissa Morado Alexis Mulvaney Kristina Murphy Sherry Nakkas Mi Nguyen Colleen O’Sullivan John Paez Georgia Pascua Flora Perez Laura Perez Kathi Petz-Guildig Treasure Phillips Catherine Puerta Julie Quesada-Conner Maria Ramero Cecilia Reyes Marit Runyon Virginia Sandoval raisingspecialkids.org Scott Shackelford Cristy Spear Susan Stewart Jennifer Stoeber Keri Tallis Lucrezia Thornton Alma Torres Jake Van Christine Weesner Francisco Wences Michel Wiley Simon Woo Easter Seals Blake Foundation Teri Koenig Empowerment Research, LLC Dr. Sue Wolf EPICS Teri Abraham Ronalda Warito-Tome Family Involvement Center Valerie Marino Family Learning Center Marista Beltran Family Resource Center Heather Rennells Alfrey, LMSW Family Service Agency LaShon Tasher Fiesta Pediatric Therapy Jena Aebi Karol Aguirre Emily Bryant Adam Butler, MS OTRL Bethany De Jarnatt Amy Erfurth Motril Vanessa Gaiser Michele Roberts, PT Sarah Savage Beth Williams First Things First Rudy Ortiz Flagstaff Medical Center Ashleigh Watkins Flagstaff Unified School District Russ Randall Lang Suby Foundation for Blind Children Mary Wilson Gentry Pediatric Behavioral Services Dr. Joe Gentry Gila River Indian Community Christopher A Smith Gilbert Unified District Becky Rowland Glendale Family Health Centeer/ MIHS Fran Pearson Great Destination Pediatrics Dr. Karen Prentice Harvest Preparatory Wendy Moravec Isaac Elementary District Kathy Dancil Ibhar Enriquez Jenny’s Speech & Learning Clinic Maura Castellanos KidzSPOT Pediatric Therapy Jessica Basha Klein La Frontera EMPACT Abigail Hanson Lady Bug Speech Therapy Monica Gallegos Maricopa Integrated Health System Ana Herrera Vimbai Madzura Kathy Moesser, LMSW Nancy Sanabria Maricopa Medical Center Christine Fruchey, LCSW Corina Garcia Dr. Rachel Lusk Kevin Luu Sara Paxton Deborah Rumans Shendell Sainos Mesa Unified School District Jan Umhay Native Health Perci La-Nae Bridgett Terrazas North Country Healthcare Lizette Melis Northern Arizona Academy Cindy Johnson Northwest Clinic for Children Dr. Kristen Kaus Pa’angni Hopi Guidance Center Tanya Monroe Paradise Valley Unified District Travis Harris Parent Aid Merry Placer Parent Partners Plus Emily Singleton Pediatras Arizona Dr. Juan Lusco Grisel Suttle Pediatrix Dr. Elaine Ellis People of Color Network Elias Burboa Janeth Bustamante Janett Zazueta Phoenix Baptist Hospital Adriano Goffi Nicole Pitre Phoenix Children’s Hospital Dr. Haley Baines Dr. Robin Blitz Miranda Chergosky Dusty Covelli Candice Danford Dr. Debra Flynn Anica Herrera Megan Hunter Dr. William Korwyn Joy Macleod, RN Eileen Mitchell Dr. John Muhm Dr. Kristen Samaddar Dr. Michele Scott Angelia Toures-Huffman Dr. Beth Trevino Nicole Valdez Candice Welsh Dr. Williams Phoenix Union HS District Kathryn Baumgardner Pinal County Juvenile Courts Stacie Blackburn Fausto Jimenez Kally McGowan Sarah Woelfel Pinal Gila Community Child Services Toni Limbrick Pinal Hispanic Council Gina Yost, BHHP, RC, FS Primavera Online High School Paul Black Pure Chiropractic Mohammed Awad Quest Alliance Annette Reyes Refugee Focus Jeanne Konkuyo Joy Ruseruka Rise Early Intervention Cameron Kizziah Joanna Resh Rise Services Rafaela Estrada Beltran Roosevelt School District Meagan Orban Saguaro Foundation Jose Vera Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community Judy Santeo Cassandra Yazzie Scottsdale Healthcare Arlene Teasyatwho Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona Teresa Adair Gina Johnson Sonora Sky Pediatrics Melissa Ochoa Southwest Behavioral Health Ruth Withe Southwest Human Development Priscilla Avila Roxanna Chavez Dr. Daniel Kessler Arroyo Lidiana Sharon Mayher Southwest Network Enedina Garcia Southwest Pediatrics Jessica Armendariz St. Joseph’s Hospital Nicole Curtis Mary Elmore, LCSW Statewide Independent Living Council Larry Wagner Stride Psychological Services Mary Oakley, PSyD, CCASSP Sunrise Therapies Rosemarie Strout Team Health Primary Care Taylor Winters Tempe Union High School District Ron Denne The Emily Center Brianna Scott Touchstone Behavioral Health Christina Kruggel Tribal Education Rebekah Regnell Tuba City Regional Health Care Erin Martinez, PT, DPT Tucson Unified School District Debbie Iseman Monica Brinkerhoff Parent Leaders Nov 2014 - Jan 2015 Thank you! Apache Junction Kandy Luty Avondale Teenah Curtin Bellemont Erin Polk Bullhead City Jessica Krueger Chandler Dawn Bailey Marti Baio Martha Burrer Kristina Hunt Lisa Myers El Mirage Natalie Trujillo Flagstaff Kelly Reed Gilbert Carol Boyd Todd Gilmore Holland Hines Tammy Leeper Louise Murphy Aimee Patton Heather Prouty Kim Updegraff Glendale Cathy Humphrey Colleen McGregor Marci Monaghan Lorie Williams Goodyear Anne Dennis UCP of Central AZ Ludie Hansen Dale King, LMSW Laura Smith United Healthcare Community Plan Rita Loustaunau Marta Urbina Judie Walker Jenna Wiersema United Methodist Outreach Ministries Karla Cazares Michelle Mada United Way Stephanie Burdick-Shepherd University of Arizona Health Plan Kimberly Browning, RN Valle de Sol Norma Carrants Martha De la Torre Sandra Lerma-Espinoza WACOG Erika Argueta West Valley Pediatrics Dr. Alan Hartsook Williams Unified School District Justan Rice YETC raisingspecialkids.org Mesa Dominique Colunga Susan Melton Danielle Pollett Erika Villanueva Molly Wright Peoria Sharon Blanton Phoenix Michelle Faudskar Elizabeth Ketzler- Naughton Maura Knoell Heather Joy Magdelano Rebecca Masterson Maria del Carmen Nuñez Manuela Rubio Paulina Tiffany Dana Wayne Prescott Valley Danielle Cummings San Tan Valley LaTasha Whitaker Scottsdale Sharon & Larry Landay Chris Linn Katie Petersen Stacy Strombeck-Goodrich Tempe Megan Davis Dey Tolleson Kristie Amator Tucson Nancy Kupers Claudia Lopez Larissa Richardson Yuma Elementary School District Barbara Castaneda Kassandra Miller Karen Yheulon Individuals Sara Bennett Kim Cohill Vanessa DiCarlo Dr. Lauren Donnley Joyce Fine Samantha Flores Sarah Jensen Hope Kirsch Steve Lee Dr. Lee Heather Joy Magdelano Jeannette McCale Elizabeth McMorran, NP Shannon Meyer Dr. Beltra Patty Anita Ratcher Frank Rios Holly Schramm Dr. Michael Tanzy Klint Webb 9 Raising Special Kids 5025 E Washington, Ste #204 Phoenix, AZ 85034 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, ARIZONA PERMIT NO. 2017 We rocked-around-the-clock in our Poodle Skirts & Penny Loafers This year’s Party With A Purpose may be over, but you can still be a part of some amazing work by supporting families of children with disabilities. Go to http://www.raisingspecialkids.org/party/ to make a donation today!
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