File - Divine Mercy Parish

Divine Mercy Parish
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
December 6, 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2015—November 20, 2016
e need constantly to contemplate the mystery of
mercy. It is a wellspring of
joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation
depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals
the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme
act by which God comes to meet us.
Mercy: the fundamental law that
dwells in the heart of every person who
looks sincerely into the eyes of his
brothers and sisters on the path of life.
Mercy: the bridge that connects God
and man, opening our hearts to the
hope of being loved forever despite our
—Pope Francis, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, April 11, 2015
ope Francis has discerned that more than anything, the world
needs mercy and so he has proclaimed and extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy throughout the world, to begin this Tuesday, December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. What a gift God is giving to his people and to the world in
this coming year!
There will be many extra opportunities in our Archdiocese and in our
parish to experience God’s mercy over the coming year including the
following in Divine Mercy Parish:
Extra Confession time each week: Tuesdays before the 6:30 pm
Catechesis on Mercy, Second Sunday of each month, JanuaryNovember, 2016
Lenten Mission on Mercy, March 22-25, 2016
In addition, because we are Divine Mercy Parish, the Archbishop has
named Divine Mercy Church a pilgrimage site for the Jubilee of Mercy.
All coming to our church to pray receive special graces and may gain
To learn more, visit our website, .
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m.
30 minutes before Sunday Masses
Tuesday before 6:30 pm Mass
By appointment
Sábado 6:15 p.m.—6:45 p.m.
• 8:00 a.m. (Latin on last Sat. of
• 4:00 p.m. Vigil
• 7:00 p.m. (Vigilia—Español)
• 8:30 a.m.
• 10:30 a.m.
• 6:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday
• 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
• 7:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the
solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses are as follows:
Monday, December 7
6:30 pm, Divine Mercy Church
Tuesday, December 8
6:30 am, Divine Mercy Church
9:00 am, SEAS Site,
Site with SEAS
School students (all parishioners welcome)
12:00 noon, Divine Mercy
6:30 pm, Divine Mercy Church
8:00 pm, Iglesia Divina Misericordia (Español)
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Divine Mercy Parish
St. Joseph Sunday Missal
Today’s Readings:
Next Sunday:
p. 1039
p. 1045
To purchase a Sunday Missal for $20,
please see an usher.
Family Prayer
oving and faithful God, through the
years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers
and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in
times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary
our Mother, and ask you to help us in the
battle of today against violence, murder
and racism.
We implore you to give us your wisdom
that we may build a community founded
on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people.
Bless parents that they may form their
children in faith. Bless and protect our
youth that they may be peacemakers of
our time. Give consolation to those who
have lost loved ones through violence.
Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human
dignity in our community.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to
help us.
Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that
we may be a holy family.
Make straight the way for God with in,
Prepare we in our hearts a home,
Where such a mighty guest may come.
By: C. Coffin, G. Miles, J. Chandler. ©Public Domain.
All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License
#11201196. Song #27790. Guitar accompaniment
and refrain by Karl Zimmerman©2004.
Like a Shepherd
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock
and gathers the lambs in his arms,
holding them carefully close to his heart,
leading them home.
1. Say to the ci es of Judah:
Prepare the way of the Lord.
Go to the mountain top,
li; your voice;
Jerusalem, here is your God.
2. I myself will shepherd them,
for others have led them astray.
The lost I will rescue and
heal their wounds and pasture them,
giving them rest.
3. Come unto me
if you are heavily burdened,
and take my yoke
upon your shoulders.
I will give you rest.
By: B. Dufford, SJ©1976. OCP Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
4:00 pm Mass
On Jordan's Bank/Prepare the Way
1. On Jordan's bank the Bap st's cry
announces that the Lord is nigh;
Awake and hearken for he brings
glad dings of the King of kings.
Oh prepare the way!
Oh prepare the way!
Oh prepare the way!
Oh prepare the way of the Lord!
How Great Thou Art
1. O Lord my God,
when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works
Thy hands have made,
I see the stars,
I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout
the universe displayed!
Then sings my soul,
my Savior God, to Thee;
2. Then cleansed be every soul from sin;
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
How great Thou art,
how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art,
How great Thou art!
2. When thru the woods
and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing
sweetly in the tress,
When I look down from
lo;y mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
and feel the gentle breeze.
3. And when I Think
that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die,
I scarce can take it in
That on the cross,
my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to
take away mi sin!
4. When Christ shall come
with shouts of acclama on
And take me home,
what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow
in humble adora on
And there proclaim,
my God, How great Thou art!
By: S. K. Hine©1953. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #14181.
Sending Forth
Creator of the Stars of Night
1. Creator of the stars of night,
Your people's everlas ng light,
O Christ, Redeemer of us all,
We pray you hear us when we call.
2. In sorrow that the ancient curse
Should doom to death a universe,
You came, O Savior, to set free
Your own in glorious liberty.
Public Domain©2003. GIA Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878
December 6, 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent
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Misa - 7:00 pm
1. Nos va a brotar un renuevo
que hará florecer la erra.
Se encuentran dolor y gracia.
Ven, Señor, ven, Señor, Jesús.
Tu Gloria
1. Tu Gloria, Tu Gloria,
gozoso este día
Oh Dulce María, publica mi voz.
2. Amanecerá tu luz
y romperá las nieblas.
Danos, Dios, tu claridad.
Ven, Señor, ven, Señor, Jesús.
2. Oh Virgen, oh Madre!
Oh cándida estrella
cuan pura, cuan bella,
la aurora te vió.
3. Cuidaremos el camino
para cuando al fin tu vengas,
ves do de nuestra carne.
Ven, Señor, ven, Señor, Jesús.
3. Tu faz ante el orbe,
en noche sumido,
del sol prome do,
la luz anunció.
Por: L. Elizalde©OCP Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia #
4. Tú salvas al mundo,
tú aplacas al cielo
tú das a este suelo,
un Rey Salvador.
Renuévanos Señor
Renuévanos, Señor,
llénanos con tu amor.
Sana el dolor
de los sueños que perdimos.
Renueva nuestras vidas
y el camino que escogimos.
Guíanos como familia en la fe.
5. Tu mano potente
después de mil penas,
sus duras cadenas,
al hombre rompió.
6. Mil veces felices,
mil veces Señora
mil veces la hora,
que el mundo te vió.
1. Jesús toma nuestra mano,
enséñanos a amar.
Danos fuerza para vivir tu palabra.
Guíanos, Jesús con
nuestros brazos abiertos
para recibir al pobre sin esperanza.
7. Rendido mi pecho,
celebra tu gloria,
victoria, victoria,
María triunfó.
Tradicional©OCP Publica ons. Todos los derechos
reservados. Usado con permiso.
Alegría de Esperar
Alegría de esperar,
que está muy cercano el día.
En la carne de una virgen
amanecerás, Señor.
En la carne de una virgen
amanecerás, Señor.
2. Padre transfórmanos.
Abrázanos con tu Espíritu.
Ayúdanos a aceptarnos el uno al otro.
Rompe las cadenas de miedo
que dividen nuestros hogares,
para así vivir tu santa voluntad.
Por: A. Grajeda©OCP Publica ons.Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia #
Canto Final
Adiós, Reina del Cielo
Adiós, Reina del Cielo,
madre del Salvador.
Adiós, oh madre mía.
Adiós, adiós, adiós.
1. De tu divino rostro
me alejo con pesar;
permíteme que vuelva
tus plantas a besar.
2. Adiós, Reina del cielo,
Madre del Salvador,
dulce prenda adorada,
de mi sincero amor.
3. De tu divino rostro
la belleza al dejar,
permíteme que vuelva
tus plantas a besar.
4. A dejarte, oh María,
no acierta el corazón:
te lo entrego, Señora,
dame tu bendición.
5. Adiós, hija del Padre;
Madre del Hijo, adiós;
del Espíritu Santo,
oh casta esposa, adiós.
6. Adiós, oh Madre Virgen,
más pura que la luz:
jamás, jamás me olvides
delante Jesús.
7. Adiós, del cielo encanto,
mi delicia y mi amor;
adiós, oh Madre mía,
adiós, adiós, adiós.
Tradicional©Todos los derechos reservados. Usado
con permiso.
8:30 am Mass
Come, Lord Jesus
Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus.
Veni, Jesus Domine.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus.
Veni, Jesus Domine.
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
1. Come, Lord Jesus. Gather with us,
li; us from sin, raise in your mercy,
lead us to your kingdom.
Be with us today. Refrain.
2. Come, Lord Jesus. Speak to us,
announce a year of favor.
Proclaim your gospel,
peach your kingdom.
We listen your voice. Refrain.
Come, O come, Emmanuel.
Come, O come, Emmanuel.
Come, O come, Emmanuel.
Final Refrain
Come, Lord Jesus. Come Lord Jesus.
Veni, Jesu Domine. (4X)
By: J. AngoT; F. Annie©2009 World Library Publicaons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091.
Ready the Way
Ready the way, ready the way,
ready the way of the Lord.
Ready the way, ready the way,
ready the way of the Lord.
1. Make straight the road,
raise the valleys, and
mountains make low.
Turning from sin,
let the broken be whole,
and ready the way of the Lord.
2. As we wait for you,
give us the strength
to walk in your truth,
so we may love more like you
and ready the way for you, Lord.
3. Let us see your face;
in our hearts we prepare a place.
Come bring this world
your mercy and grace,
as we ready the way for you, Lord.
By: C. Stephan ©2004. OCP Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. License # 608353.
Page 4
Take And Eat This Bread
Take and eat this bread;
this is my body.
Take a drink this cup;
this is my blood.
When you do this,
do this in remembrance of me.
1. Come before the table.
Come with all your heart.
Come seeking healing and forgiveness.
Come and find love!
2. Come before the table.
Come with all your heart.
Come seeking hope and new direc on.
Come and find faith!
3. Come before the table.
Come with all your heart.
Come seeking comfort and protec on.
Come and find peace!
4. Come before the table.
Come with all your heart.
Come seeking clarity of vision.
Come and find truth!
By: P. Tate©2003. World Library Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License
Sending Forth
Soon and Very Soon
1. Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
we're goin’ to see the King!
2. No more cryin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
No more cryin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
No more cryin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
we're goin’ to see the King!
3. No more dyin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
No more dyin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
No more dyin’ there
we are goin’ to see the King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
4. Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Soon and very soon
we are goin’ to see the King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
By: A. Crouch©1971. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #11249.
10:30 am Mass
Prepare Ye
Prepare ye, prepare ye, prepare ye
the way of the Lord. (2X)
1. A voice cries out in the desert,
"Prepare ye the way!"
(Prepare ye the way!)
Make straight a highway for God and
prepare ye the way!
(Prepare ye the way!)
Every valley shall be raised and
every mountain be maid low
Then the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed. Refrain
2. O Zion, go up on the mountain,
and herald the news!
(And Herald the news!)
Say to the ci es of Judah,
"Prepare ye the way!”
(Prepare ye the way!)
Here is God who comes with power and
he rules with his strong arm.
Like a shepherd he will lead the flock
December 6, 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent
Page 5
he gathers. Refrain
Prepare ye the way of the Lord!
Prepare ye the way of the Lord!
Prepare ye the way of the Lord!
By: L. Hess; J. Diliberto©2012. World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
License # ALC1102091.
And the first shall be last
and the humble shall be exalted.
And the first shall be last
and when become like a li[le child
the kingdom of God shall be ours.
Cantor: This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: This is Your Jus ce.
All: This is your jus ce, O God.
(to Refrain….)
Ready the Way
(See 8:30 am Mass – Offertory)
This is Your Jus1ce
Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Cantor: And the kid and leopard shall
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: And the lion shall lie
down with the lamb
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: And the poor shall receive
from the hand of the rich.
This is Your Jus ce.
All: This is your jus ce, O God.
By: C. Colson©2013. World Library Publica ons. All
rights reserved. Used by permission. License #
Take And Eat This Bread
(See 8:30 am Mass – Communion)
Sending Forth
Soon and Very Soon
(See 8:30 am Mass – Sending Forth)
Cantor: And the blind regain their sight.
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: And the lame shall walk and
the lepers are cleansed.
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: And the deaf shall hear and
the dead are raised.
This is Your Jus ce.
All: This is your jus ce, O God.
(to Refrain….)
Cantor: In the womb of a virgin
you were conceived.
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: Born in a manger, lowly and
This is Your Jus ce.
All: (This is your jus ce)
Cantor: Sent to die on a cross of wood,
This is Your Jus ce.
All: This is your jus ce, O God.
(to Bridge….)
6:00 pm Mass
Come, come, Emmanuel!
Son of God, appear.
Heaven and earth, rejoice!
Salva on is drawing near.
Salva on is drawing near.
1. O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom cap ve Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Un l the Son of God appear.
2. O come, O Wisdom from on high,
Who ordered all things migh ly;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
3. O come, O Rod of Jesse’s stem;
From ev’ry foe deliver them
That trust your mighty pow’r to save,
And give them vict’ry o’er the grave.
4. O come, Desire of na ons, bind
In one the hearts of humankind;
Make all our sad divisions cease,
And be for us the King of Peace.
Final Refrain
Come, come, Emmanuel!
Son of God, appear.
Heaven and earth, rejoice!
Salva on is drawing near.
Salva on is drawing near. (2X)
Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to thee, O Israel. (2X)
By: S. Angrisano©2004. OCP Publica ons. All rights
reserved. Used by permission. Licensing # 608353.
Sweet Glow Of Mercy
1. I've seen the darkness,
and it saw me.
But here in the Light,
where the dark can't see.
There is a sweet
glow of mercy that covers me.
2. I am found,
But once was lost.
And there in the gu[er,
where the wheels came off.
There was a sweet
glow of mercy that covered me.
It picked me up, it set me right.
Brought me day, and killed my night.
Mercy was there at every turn,
mercy gives what I can't earn.
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy,
Yeah that sweet glow of mercy.
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy,
cover me.
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Page 6
Divine Mercy Parish
3. I've been known to run,
but I can't hide.
Can't get away from the light inside.
It is a sweet glow of mercy
that covers me.
By: G. Chapman©1993. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song
By: C. Stephan©2008. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song
Sending Forth
Miracle of Grace
1. Miracle of grace, mystery of faith
calling us to venture to the deep.
Though our senses fail,
Your graces s ll prevail,
and we become the love
that we receive.
Days of Elijah
1. These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the days
of Your servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
And though these are days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword
S ll we are the voice
in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Bread of Life, Bread of Life.
Those who eat this bread
shall live and never die.
Bread of Life, Bread of Life.
Your true presence in
this holy sacrifice.
Bread of Life.
Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Li; your voice
It's the year of jubilee
Out of Zion's hill salva on comes.
2. Unworthy though we are,
You feed the hungry heart
with bread come down
from heaven above.
And like a grain of wheat,
we fall down at Your feet,
dying here with You,
oh, let us rise! (to refrain 2…)
2. And these are the days of Ezekiel
The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days
of Your servant, David
rebuilding the temple of praise
And these are the days of the harvest
The fields are as white in your world
And we are the laborers
in your vineyard declaring
the word of the Lord.
(to refrain…)
Refrain 2
Bread of Life, Bread of Life.
Those who eat this bread
shall live and never die.
Bread of Life, Bread of Life.
Your true presence in
this holy sacrifice.
Bread of life, bread of life,
bread of life.
3. Your faithfulness revealed
In this covenant You've sealed
with Your very body and Your blood.
Come, claim Your bride again
with love that cannot end,
remember to use flower
envelope. Funds will go toward purchase of
Christmas flowers. Thank You
for you
for what God joins no one can divide.
(to refrain 2…)
Pancake Breakfast
The knights of Columbus are serving a free pancake breakfast in
the PCC on Sunday,
December 6th after the 10:30am
There's no God like Jehovah (4X)
Refrain (2X)
By: R. Mark©1996. All rights reserved. Used by
permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song
Please put amount of donation on
back of gift cards. Please do not
wrap food items.
Thank you so much for your
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
The Sanctuary Candle
burns this week
In Memory of
Alfonso Enrique
The Chapel
Candles burn this week
Por La Familia Flores
Pray for Frank Boneno,
husband of Fran Boneno.
May his soul and the
souls of all the faithful departed, through
the mercy of God,
rest in peace!
Ore por ellos. Que
descansen en paz!
Sunday, December 6
Saint Nicholas
• Mass, 10:30 am (with Children’s Litur-
gy of the Word), Church
Mass Intentions
Day Date Time Intention
• Confirmation Prep. 2nd session, 3 pm,
Parish community center [Pcc]*
• LIFE TEEN Mass & LIFE Night, 6 pm-
8:45 pm, Church
Monday, December 7
Saint Ambrose
• Mass, 6:30 pm
• R.C.I.A. 7 pm, [Pcc]*
• Legion of Mary, 7 pm, Cry Room SEAS
Tuesday, December 8
Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
• Morning Mass, 6:30 am
• Mass, 9 am, SEAS, all welcome
• Noon Mass, 12 pm
• Mass, 6:30 pm
• Elementary Catechesis (K-5), 6:30 pm,
• Edge (6-8), 6:45 pm, SEAS Trailer
• Mature Adults, 7 pm, [Pcc]*
• Misa en español, 8 pm
Wednesday, December 9
Saint Juan Diego
• Morning Rosary, 6:30 am, Church
• 10:30 am Choir rehearsal, 7 pm,
Thursday, December 10
• Bell choir rehearsal, 7 pm, [Pcc]*
• Spanish choir rehearsal, 7 pm, Church
Friday, December 11
Saint Damasus I
• Girl scouts, 3:30 pm, SEAS PE room
Saturday, December 12
Retirement fund for religious -2nd collection
• Girl Scout Christmas Sock hop, 6 pm,
SEAS lunchroom
• Misa en honor de N.S. de Guadalupe,
patrona de México y de las Américas) y
fiesta, 7:00 pm, Iglesia
Sunday, December 13
Retirement fund for religious -2nd collection
• Confirmation session 3, 3 pm, [Pcc]*
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .”
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Deceased members of the Sacred Heart Apostolate
Dylan Thomas Pa[erson (Living)
Ella Mae Caviness
Irene Corona (Living)
Joann Mar ny (Living)
Olga Noverola
Rita Mader
C J Breaux,Jr.
JoAnne Mar ny (Living)
Gabrielle Ellis (Living)
Doris Rappold (Living)
Inten on of a parishoner
Donald A. Howard
Elodie Schminke Fred Beter
Mary Beth Howard
Thomas Mazzella Hazel Feliu
Inten on of a parishoner
Ronald Wilbur 1st Anniversary of Death
Inten on of a parishoner
Lorraine Mumphrey
Jay Perniciaro
Elizabeth Ann Frederick
Inten on of a parishioner
Prayer Blanket Recipients
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
Elwood Dufour
Inten on of a parishoner (Living)
Vivian and Chick Breaux
7:00 PM
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
Marina Lobo Viuda de Lopez
Nelson Leyva
Inten on of a parishioner
Inten on of a parishioner
8:30 AM
Bee Lajaunie Ernst (Living)
Bill and Millie Spansel (Living)
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
Prayer Blanket Recipients
Rhonda Szekely
Danny Picou
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
Marcella and Marcy Beter (Living)
Most Reverend Alfred C. Hughes (Living)
Patricia Bardy Root (Living)
Inten on of a parishioner
Inten on of a parishioner
James Voyle Smith (Living)
Marilyn Hall Imwalle
Elodie Schminke
10:30 AM
Joshua Cassaday (Living)
6:00 PM
All parishioners
6:30 PM
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
Elwood Dufour
6:30 AM
For all parishioners (Living)
12:00 PM
Elwood Dufour
Inten on of a parishioner
Kleinschmidt family
Beverly Pierpax
Olga Noverola
Inten on of a parishioner (Living)
6:30 PM
Sandi Mahne
8:00 PM
Elwood Dufour
7:30 AM
Elwood Dufour
7:30 AM
Elwood Dufour
7:30 AM
Elwood Dufour
8:00 AM
Cur s Chatelain
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Divine Mercy Parish
“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.
Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall
be made low…and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”
Isaiah 40:3-5
Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the prophet
Isaiah heralded His coming. There were no outward signs
to support this, but God was preparing His people, promising salvation. Yet, here we are today, reaping what has
been sown for several centuries – evil which enters our
world when God’s people turn away; thinking that we are
self sufficient, and adopting pagan ways. Despite all the
warnings from our Blessed Mother… at Fatima, La Salette,
Akita, Ruanda, the list goes on; our Popes have spoken out,
begging us to turn back, but have we listened? There is a
terrible darkness which has begun to cover the earth, the
darkness of evil, and Jesus referred to satan as the ruler of
the world and the prince of demons. World leaders appear
powerless before him, fighting amongst themselves. But,
we are not powerless! We have been given power by the
Holy Spirit to cast satan out of our lives, our homes, our
families and our cities through the Sacraments of the
Church which Jesus, Himself founded. The Eucharist and
the Blessed Mother are our weapons against satan, let us
use them often and well. Let us immerse ourselves in the
mercy of God, let us fill our churches and bend our knees.
He is coming. Jesus, we trust in You.
Through the enthronement of the Sacred Heart, Jesus
takes His place as Head of our homes and hearts. During
this advent season let us invite Him in. For information
please contact Anne-Marie d'Abadie at 443-2204 or email
[email protected] (English), or Lynda Peña - 338-4306
In the gospel reading, from Luke 3:1-6, John the Baptist proclaims a “baptism of repentance.” Sorrow is a
part of life. Everyone experiences the pain of sin. But,
how do we utilize God’s gifts in response to the pain?
God can provide us with true joy. Despite our circumstances, we can experience something deeper in our
souls than happiness. True joy comes from God when
we trust in Him and love Him. These actions will help
us this Advent season to prepare for the birth of Jesus.
At Divine Mercy Parish’s “Life Nights” (every Sunday
7:00-8:45pm in the parish hall for 9th-12th graders)
and “Edge” program (every Tuesday 6:45-8:00pm in
the trailer at the SEAS site for 6th-8th graders) we discuss ways we can prepare the way for The Lord with
our friends. Through games, skits, free food, and prayer, high school and middle school youth of our parish
and their friends share about the struggle against sin
that you encounter in society today. Come and join us!
Call the youth minister, Ryan Foulon, at the parish office for more information.
Peace Prayer Walk
“We ask the risen Jesus, who turns death into life, to
change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness,
war into peace. Yes, Christ is our PEACE, and through
him to implore PEACE for all the world.” - Pope Francis
Join us as we follow Pope Francis’ call to go out into
the community to encounter and dialogue with others
to promote PEACE.
During this November & December we are asking for donations of items for the homeless. The Lantern Light at
St. Joseph Church in New Orleans distributes items such
as bars of soap, small tubes of toothpaste, shampoo,
combs, socks, gloves, deodorant, small packs of tissue,
knit or fleece scarves, wash clothes, small bottles of antibacterial lotions or wipes, bandaids, Q-tips and hand lotions. There will be a box in the narthex, for your donations. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Mater Dolorosa Catholic Church
1230 S. Carrollton Ave., NOLA 70118
6pm (Gather in front the church)
Peace Prayer Walks will be held the last Tuesday of
each month. All are Welcomed!
For more information, contact Kristina Gibson at (504)
“God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4
December 6, 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent
Page 9
el camino del Señor, enderezad sus sendas. . Todo valle
será rellenado, y todo monte y colina será humillada ... y
toda carne verá la salvación de Dios "Isaías 40: 33-5
Cientos de años antes del nacimiento de Cristo, el profeta
Isaías anunciaba su venida. No hubo signos externos para
apoyar esto, pero Dios estaba preparando a su pueblo,
prometiendo la salvación. Sin embargo, aquí estamos hoy, cosechando lo que ha sembrado durante varios siglos - mal que
entra en nuestro mundo, cuando el pueblo de Dios se aleja;
pensando que somos autosuficientes, y la adopción de costumbres paganas. A pesar de todas las advertencias de nuestra
Madre Santísima ... en Fátima, La Salette, Akita, Ruanda, la
lista sigue y sigue; nuestros Papas han hablado, pidiendo que
nos volvamos hacia atrás, ¿pero no hemos escuchado? Hay
una terrible oscuridad que ha comenzado a cubrir la tierra, la
oscuridad del mal, y Jesús se refiere a Satanás como el gobernante del mundo y el príncipe de los demonios. Los líderes
mundiales parecen impotentes ante él, luchando entre ellos.
Pero, ¡no somos impotentes! Se nos ha dado el poder por el
Espíritu Santo para echar a Satanás fuera de nuestras vidas,
nuestros hogares, nuestras familias y nuestras ciudades a
través de los sacramentos de la Iglesia que Jesús mismo
fundó. La Eucaristía y la Madre Bendita son nuestras armas
contra satanás usémoslas frecuentemente y de buena
manera. Vamos a sumergirnos en la misericordia de Dios,
vamos a llenar nuestras iglesias y doblemos nuestras rodillas.
Él viene. Jesús, en Ti confío
A través de la entronización del Sagrado Corazón, Jesús toma
su lugar como cabeza de nuestros hogares y corazones. Durante esta temporada adviento háganos invitémoslo a Él. Para
obtener más información póngase en contacto con Anne-Marie
d'Abadie en 443-2.204 o correo electrónico [email protected] (Inglés), o Lynda Peña -. 338-4306 (Español ).
En la lectura del Evangelio, en Lucas 3: 1-6, Juan EL Bautista proclama un "bautismo de arrepentimiento." El dolor es parte de la vida. Todo el mundo experimenta el
dolor del pecado. Pero, ¿cómo utilizamos los dones de
Dios en respuesta al dolor? Dios nos puede dar la
verdadera alegría. A pesar de nuestras circunstancias,
podemos experimentar algo más profundo en nuestras
almas que la felicidad. La verdadera alegría viene de
Dios cuando confiamos en Él y lo amamos. Estas acciones nos ayudarán a este tiempo de Adviento para
prepararnos para el nacimiento de Jesús.
En la Parroquia de la Divina Misericordia "Life
Nights" (cada domingo 7:00-8:45pm en el salón parroquial para los alumnos de 9º a 12º grado) y el programa de "Edge" (todos los martes de 6:45-8:00pm en el
trailer en el sitio de SEAS para los alumnos de 6º a 8º
grados) discutimos maneras en las que podemos
preparar el camino para el Señor con nuestros amigos. A
través de juegos, obras de teatro, comida gratis, y
oración, los jóvenes de escuela media y de la escuela
secundaria de nuestra parroquia y sus amigos comparten acerca de las dificultades y el pecado que uno encontrar en la sociedad actual. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros!
Llame al ministro de la juventud, Ryan Foulon
Oración de la Caminata por la Paz
"Pedimos a Jesús resucitado, quien convirtió la muerte
en vida, para cambiar el odio en amor, la venganza en
perdón, la guerra en paz. Sí, Cristo es nuestra paz, ya
través de él para implorar por la paz para todos el mundo. "- Papa Francisco
Únase a nosotros para seguir el llamado Francisco 'para
salir a la comunidad para el encuentro y el diálogo con
los demás para promover la paz.
Durante noviembre & diciembre estamos pidiendo donaciones
de artículos para personas indigentes. El programa de la Luz de
la Linterna en la Iglesia San José en Nueva Orleans distribuye
artículos tales como barras de jabón, pequeños tubos de pasta
de dientes, champú, peines, calcetines, guantes, desodorantes,
pequeños paquetes de bufandas tejido, tejido o paño grueso y
suave, toallitas pequeñas, botellas pequeñas de antibacterial,
lociones o trapos, curitas, q-tips y lociones de la mano. Habrá
una caja al frente de la iglesia para sus donaciones. Cualquier
cantidad será enormemente apreciada.
Martes, 29 de diciembre 2015
Iglesia Católica Mater Dolorosa
1230 S. Carrollton Ave., NOLA 70118
6:00pm (Reunirse en frente de la iglesia)
Oración por la Caminata por la Paz se llevará a cabo el
último martes de cada mes. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con
Kristina Gibson al (504) 310-8772
“Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4
Divine Mercy Parish
Page 10
Eucharistic Adoration
24/7 in the Adoration Chapel
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Thurs. & Fri., 3 pm, Adoration Chapel
Following weekday morning Masses
Monday—Friday before Mass
Sat. before 8 am Mass
Sun. before 8:30 am Mass
Sábados, 6:30 pm (Español)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses:
Jeannette Rivera, Gerry Bordelon, Margaret Ann Swanner, The Session Family,
Marie Stewart, Joseph Lovoi, Rosemary Cotham, Irma Schmidt, and all of the
prayer blanket recipients.
Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name.
Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los
miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises:
Nathan Flitcraft, Matthew Wayne Comeaux, Gabriel Padilla, Lawrence Forestier,
Kyle Connell, Nolan Connell, Sean Connell, Robert “Matt” Locke, Mauricio Tábora,
Raymond Victor, Chad Toledo, Joshua Mickles, Randall Brown, Derick Savery ,
Stewart Clark, Troy Bodenheimer, T.J. Allo, Roderick Singleton, Justin Griffin, Katie
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are in
the Blessed Sacrament. I love You
above all
things, and I
long for You in
my soul. Since I
cannot now
receive You
come at least
spiritually into
my heart. As
though You have already come, I
embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be
separated from You.
Acto de Comunión
Mi Jesús, yo creo que Tú estás en
el Santísimo Sacramento. Yo te
amo por encima de todas
las cosas y yo
Te deseo en mi
alma. Como
ahora no puedo recibirte
sacramentalmente, al menos ven a mi corazón espiritualmente. Como ya has venido, Yo te
abrazo y me uno enteramente a Ti.
Nunca permitas que me separe de
Wednesdays, following the 7:30 am Mass
Fr. David Dufour
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Bryan Howard
Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Brian McKnight
Director of Religious Education:
Jacques Delouche
Youth Minister:
Ryan Foulon
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Principal:
Joan Kathmann
Andrew Paul Ochs
Kaitlyn Liane Palmer
Gannon Joseph Kelley
Caleb John Peralta
Liam Michael Duffy
Contact Us
Church & Parish Office:
4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy Kenner, LA 70065
Phone: 504-466-5016
Fax: 504-264-5394
Emergency: 504-444-8997
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School: